I.D.I.S. – INSTITUTO PER LA DOTTRINA E LÍNFORMAZIONE, Voci per un Dizionario del Pensiero Forte, Indice delle voci, n.d., links list, A-Z, 2pp, in PP 1671: 39. – – To get an encyclopaedia like this one, with all its mental reservations, integrated into a general libertarian encyclopaedia, may be one of the more difficult tasks, not only because of copyrights reservations but because of ideological differences. – Whichever entries can’t be legally included could, nevertheless, be linked to. Translations are already automated via some portals. – J.Z., 20.5.01.

IBBOTT, ANTHONY C. to GALLEGLY, ELTON, Congressman, 9-May-88, 1p, with 1p reply, May 17, 88: 145, in PP 1598.


ICELAND, ANCIENT LAWS, See: FRIEDMAN, DAVID, Myth-adventures in Iceland: Friedman’s Folly, 18pp, in PP 1711/12: 48. – Refutation of some flawed criticism of his writings on the history of private law in Iceland.

ICELAND, See: LONG, RODERICK T., The Decline and Fall of Private Law in Iceland, 4pp: 226, in PP 1601-04.

ID-ARCHIV IM IISG, Home Page, 1p, in PP 1722: 1. Announcing also a 1998 first CD-ROM, DM 30, which reproduces some of its listings: Verzeichnis der alternativen Medien, Verzeichnis der lieferbaren Broschueren, Auszug aller deutschsprachigen Broschueren as dem Katalog des IISG. Axel Diederich oder Eef Vermeij

ID CARDS, See: GABB, SEAN & TAME, CHRIS R., Review, 3pp, of: HMSO, Identity Cards: A Consultation Document, 1995, 45pp, in PP 1708-1710: 293.

IDC PUBLISHERS, Homepage on INTERDOC, possibly the largest microfilm publisher, 1p: 325 in PP 1577-78. – It offers 60,000 titles on microfiche! It has also published on CD-ROMs. – “Although we believe in the growing importance of the digital media for easy access and disclosure, microfiche remains valuable as a stable and reliable technology and becomes more established than ever in its role in the preservation of rare material and in affordable publishing of specialized material for a small market. As a result of technical innovation it is now possible to combine old (microfiche, microfilm, 35mm film, etc) and new (digital) media in one publication. For instance a large microfiche collection can be provided with a digital inventory to improve retrieval of the microfiche. Another example is the production of a microfilm/fiche collection for preservation purposes and a digital publication of the same material (scanned from the fiche/film) for doing research.”

IDC, Zug, Christopher Columbus Discovering Microfiche, 1 illustration: 163, in PP 1557. – What would have happened, if …..? – J.Z.

IDEA CHANNEL, Home Page, Spotlight on Stossel in the Classroom, 2pp, in PP 1671: 142. They showcase video-taped conversations between great thinkers.

IDEA, A Journal of Social Issues, Home Page, 5pp, indicating kinds of articles, authors and links, mainly dealing with genocide horrors rather than prevention steps and ideas, in PP 1671: 135.

IDEA, A Journal of Social Issues, About Ideas, 1p, in PP 1677: 142. – Elsewhere, I have pointed out that this journal is only good at describing horrors like democide but short in ideas, judging merely by its listed titles, on how to prevent them. I saw not hint towards criticism of e.g. “collective responsibility” notions, nothing against monetary despotism and territorialism or even merely against protectionism & compulsory taxation and conscription in its headlines. It merely seems to have set itself the task to academically state and restate the horrors of our and past times. That is just not good enough by MY standards and makes me believe that the title of this journal is a misnomer. PLEASE, do prove me wrong! I LOVE GOOD NEW AND OLD I D E A S! Professor Rummel, in his very extensive works, makes at least some suggestions – although, from my point of view, he does not go far enough with them. – J.Z., 22.5.01.

IDEAFARM CITY, Home Page on a virtual community, 2pp, in PP 1707: 115. – “Freedom – Profit – Strength – Sustainability – Family – Equality – Truth – Jesus” – “a cultural focus on children, craftwork, software, and mathematical science”. – “IdeaFarm ‘tm’ City exists today as a (sparsely equipped) site where an individual can form associations, earn a livelihood, raise up children, and enjoy community, free from regulation, control, intimidation, and interference by any territorial power. When visiting our settlement, you are neither protected by, nor subject to, the laws and powers of the United States. You and I are subject to the laws of our territorial countries only as they apply on foreign soil.” – Traces of panarchism here but neither a developed theory nor practice. – J.Z.

IDEAS ARCHIVE, See: CAGGIANO, ALLEN, On Alternative Fuel Engine of Liberty Dynamics, “My fuel implosion vaporization system”, 3pp, in PP 1737/38: 339. – Another confidence trick or play with words? I would expect more from the ultrasound-carburettor, which breaks up potential fuel particles so finely that even “fuel” like molasses, containing up to 20% water, can be burned efficiently. Naturally, oil companies are not very interested in this kind of motor engine option. – Numerous kinds of alternative motors were and are offered. Were and are they all objectively tested and compared? – Is there a directory to all of them or a single annual world exhibition for their models? Or a single CD-ROM which displays some details on all of them? To me it is as absurd to display and try to market each of them separately, as it is to display and market only a single libertarian book – or a few of them – instead of all of them. – The same applies, I believe, to alternative flying machines. – As an ANALOG article, many years ago demonstrated, even efficient steam cars were bypassed by at least then less efficient and more polluting motor cars. – Under today’s conditions, without a proper market for ideas and other significant innovations, the better mousetrap does not always win. -But consistent free marketeers could bring them to the fore – starting with libertarian ideas. – J.Z., 31.5.02.

IDEAS ARCHIVE, See: PINKHAM, JAMES to ANALOG, 11/99, on innovations, 1p, in PP 1699: 54.

IDEAS ARCHIVE, See: ZUBE, JOHN, TO SHARON HARRIS, 13.5.01, 4pp, on Ideas Archive, as a real free market for ideas, in PP 1671: 99.

IDEAS, See: BARKER, BEN, Ideas … (Noble and Otherwise) , THE FREEMAN, 12/80, 5pp, in PP 1755/56: 79. – Not to collect & publish or market all new and old ideas is also suicidal. See under Ideas Archive, especially in PEACE PLANS 20 & 183. – J.Z.

IDEEN ARCHIV, Eine Kurz-Information, 9 S., containing, among other items, an extract from the introductory volume for the Ideas Archive. Muenchen, n.d. Mit Vorwort von SOLNEMAN, 2pp, in PP 1698: 143.

IDEER OM FRIHET, XVI/1, Varen 1995 – XVIII/3, Hosten 1997, 340pp: 1, in PP 1552. – Norwegian contents list, at least for back issues available – If I had a few Norwegian customers then I might bother to list the contents here. As it is, anybody interested will have to be satisfied, for the time being, with my full text reproductions and the index listing provided by this libertarian journal in its columns. One should not be too wasteful with one’s time and energy. – J.Z.

IDEER OM FRIHET, XV/1, Varen 1994 – XV/3, Vinteren 1994, 100pp: 1, in PP1553.

IDENTITY CARDS, See: GABB, SEAN, Identity Cards: Assault on Civil Liberties and Waste of Taxpayers’ Money, LA Release, 5p, in PP 1739: 146.

IDENTITY CARDS, See: GABB, SEAN, Pamphlets about Identity Cards & Money Laundering, 1998, 1 p, list only, in PP 1670: 81. GABB, SEAN, Identity Cards: Some Brief Objections, 1995, updated 2,000, 7pp, in PP 1670: 82. GABB, SEAN, A Libertarian Conservative Case Against Identity Cards, 1994, updated 2000, 42pp, in PP 1670: 89.

IDENTITY CARDS, See: WATNER, CARL, Circular of Dec. 14, 2001, on his new anthology compilation on ID’s, in PP 16 & 17, 2nd edition: 416. Contributions are wanted: I believe that there are more important topics that we should worry about. – J.Z., 28.5.02.

IDEOLOGIES, See: ANONYMOUS, World Ideologies Explained, 1p, in PP 1611: 154.

IKEDA, SANFORD, The Theory of Resource Monopoly and Antitrust Analysis, 1p abstract: 295, in PP 1574-75.

ILO, International Libertarian Organization, Part of its Home Pages, 3pp, which did not properly print out. 9th try! In PP 1631-1633: 563.


IMAGINARY COUNTRIES, WEBRING, Home Page, 1p, in PP 1722: 190. – It does not indicate whether there are any libertarian or anarchist ones among them. – J.Z.


IMMIGRATION, Restrictions & Free Migration, 44 contributions. See: in PP 1682.

IMMIGRATION, See: ARMSTRONG, ARI, A “Free Market” Means Open Immigration, July 99, 2pp, in PP 1662: 123.

IMMIGRATION, See: See: ARMSTRONG, ARI, Juan Adame Sainz, American Hero, March 99, 1p, in PP 1662: 125. – Sainz was imprisoned for hiring illegal immigrants! THE COLORADO FREEDOM REPORT:

IMMIGRATION, See: ATHERTON-BLOXHAM, LYNN, Rockwell’s Immigration Views, 1p: 300, in PP 1561-63. –

IMMIGRATION, See: BOUDREAUX, DONALD J., Freedom of Association, THE FREEMAN, 8/00, 3pp, in PP 1764: 54, on immigration restrictions.

IMMIGRATION, See: FALKOF, ANDY, Rooting out the Trade in Human Misery, July 2000, 1p, in PP 1687/88: 385. – On the immigration restrictions as the cause of the evils of “people smuggling”.

IMMIGRATION, See: GUARDIAN, THE, Gypsies Turned away into Nazi Hands, 1p, TSMH, 4.12.00, in PP 1699: 49. – So were Jews, by special arrangement with the Gestapo! – J.Z.

IMMIGRATION, See: HEARST, DAVID, Poles to Police Europe’s Lace Curtain, TSMH, 2.12.00, 1p, in PP 1699: 49. – On the new “Iron Curtain”, imposed from the other side, by supposedly free countries, in form of immigration restrictions going, in the extreme, to concentration camps for illegal migrants, in which they are often brutalized, for years, women and children included, especially if they dare to resist or escape, while bureaucrats take their time deciding their cases. The whole operated as a deterrent to future potential illegal immigrants. In Australia these concentration camps are sometimes placed in desert areas. There were some protests against the treatment meted out to these victims but no demand, that I am aware of, appeared in the mass media, for free migration as a right. – I think we should rather deport or imprison the ministers for immigration and all members of their departments. – J.Z., 10.7.01.

IMMIGRATION, See: LAWSON, DAMIEN, Let them land! No One Is Illegal. 1p message of 28.8.01, in PP 16 & 17, 2nd edition: 408. – xborder website & e-mail address (some are getting weird!): xborder_x@y…

IMMIGRATION, See: LIBERTARIAN PARTY, Amnesty Plan for Immigrants Is a Great Leap Forward, 2pp, in PP 1718 – 1721: 820. – Since peaceful illegal criminals haven’t committed crimes with victims, amnesties would be quite inappropriate. – Rewards and prizes for them would be more suitable. The best of these would be tax exemption, exterritorial autonomy for their voluntary communities & full monetary and financial freedom for those among them, who would appreciate them. – “Spaceship Earth” contains private properties but not any rightful and exclusive national, racial, religious or ideological territories. – J.Z., 30.5.02.

IMMIGRATION, See: MANNE, ROBERT, Woomera Troubles Rest with Howard. “An attitude of hostility towards refugees thwarts all attempts at justice”. TSMH, 4.12.00, 2pp, in PP 1699: 50. – Ultimately, the responsibility rests upon the monetary despotism of the central banking system (Reserve Bank in Australia) and upon all those who support it. Its economic consequences makes us perceive immigrants as burdens rather than as assets (free people, helping to increase our standard of living). – J.Z., 10.7.01.

IMMIGRATION, See: MARKS, PAUL, Immigration Control: What about the Workers? 2pp, in PP 1708-1710: 100. – MARKS, PAUL, Immigration Control: What about the Workers? 2pp, in PP 1708-1710: 100.

IMMIGRATION, See: MAYER, RICHARD T., Who Is an American? THE FREEMAN, 1/88, 1p, in PP 1764: 49, on immigration & Americanism. 49.

IMMIGRATION, See: PERL, WILIAM R., The Holocaust & the Lost Caribbean Paradise, THE FREEMAN, 1/92, 5pp, in PP 1766-68: 338, on right to asylum and free migration.

IMMIGRATION, See: PHILIPSON, GRAEME, Time to end the great barrier grief, SMH, 22.8.00, 1p, in PP 1654: 106, for free migration.

IMMIGRATION, See: SIMON, JULIAN L., What About Immigration? THE FREEMAN, 1/86, 8pp, in PP 1764: 41.

IMMIGRATION, See: RUWART, MARY J., Imagining a Free Society, Part I: Wealth and Immigration, 1p: 34, in PP 1568. – 1p: 450, in PP 1601-04. – There are always people in a country who would welcome migrants and contract with them. They should be free to do so. We are all migrants or their descendants. Territorialism is wrong – even suicidal. Private property is not the same as territorial statism. – J.Z.

IMMIGRATION, See: SCHOOLLAND, KEN, Saddened by Hoppe, Rockwell Anti-Immigration Views, 1p: 301, in PP 1561–63. –

IMMIGRATION, See: SKOUSEN, MARK, Freedom for Everyone … Except the Immigrant, THE FREEMAN, 9/95, 3pp, in PP 1764: 51.

IMMIGRATION, See: SUMMERS, BRIAN, How to Deal with Strangers, THE FREEMAN, 7/82, 1p, in PP 1755/56: 124. – The Australian Government presently “thinks” that concentration camps are the “solution” for this “problem”. – J.Z., 13.5.02.

IMMIGRATION, See: TIER, MARK, Rockwell’s Argument from Authority, 1p, letter for free migration, in PP 1729: 25.

IMMIGRATION, See: ZUBE, JOHN to PHILIPSON, GRAEME, 22.8.00, on free migration, 2pp, in PP 1654: 105.

IMMIGRATION, See: ZUBE, JOHN, Talking to Myself on Immigration Restrictions, 2 sessions, 13.9.01 & 15. & 16. 9. 01, 217 entries, 17 pages, in PP 1728: 192. – If you have any other and better short arguments, please, do send them in, provided they do not just repeat popular errors, myths and prejudices. But concise refutations of them are very welcome! – J.Z.

IMMORTALISM, See: LONGEVITY, LIFE EXTENSION, CRYONICS, AGING, See: CARO-KANN, A Letter to Immortalists, 1p: 240, in PP 1565-67.

IMMORTALISM: Introduction to Immortalism, 3pp, anon, 1990: 242, in PP 1554/55.

IMMORTALIST, THE, XI/1, Jan. 1980, 9pp: 192, XXI/2, Feb. 1990, 48pp: 201, in PP 1554/55.

IMPRIMIS, Hillsdale College, V/2, Feb. 76; V/5, May 76; V/9, Sep. 76; V/10, Oct.76; V/12, Dec. 76; VI/4, April 77; VII/3, March 78; VII/4, April 78; VII/5, May 78; VII/6, June 78; 7/10, Oct. 78; VII/11, Nov. 78; VII/12, Dec.78; III/1, Jan. 79; VIII/2, Feb. 79; VIII/6, June 79; VIII/7, July 79; IX/1, Jan. 80; IX/2, Feb. 80; IX/4, April 80; IX/5, May 80; IX/9, Sep. 80; X/6, June 81; X/7, July 81; X/9, Sep. 81; X/12, Dec. 81; XI/1, Jan. 82; XI/2, Feb. 82; XI/3, March 82; XI/5, May 82; XI/6, June 82; XI/9, Sep. 82; XI/9, Sep. 82 (a different issue!); XII/1, Jan. 83; XII/3, March 83; XII/4, April 83; XII/5, May 83; XIII/9, Sep. 84; XIII/11, Nov. 84; XIII/12, Dec. 84; XVI/10, Oct. 87; XVII/1, Jan. 88; VIII/11, Nov. 89; XIX/12, Dec. 90; 283pp: 1, in PP 1581-82. – Obviously, my collection is very incomplete – but as complete as I could make it, from several sources. It seems to contain so many freedom essays that Hillsdale College should offer them complete, in print e.g. on floppies, microfiche and CD-ROM at least. – I wanted to visit this college and its library once, in 1990, but could not, since I had no car, and there was no bus or rail connection nor accommodation available at the college. – This is not yet an age in which distance has been eliminated. – J.Z. , 9.11.1999.

IMPRIMIS, Free Trade in the 1990s, with contributions by James Bovard, Richard McKenzie, Judy Shelton, Dick Armey & Richard M. Ebeling, 4pp, in PP 1761-63: 36, from IMPRIMIS, 2/93.

INCEST, See: GABB, SEAN, Reference to a GUARDIAN article by HARI, JOHANN, on incest, quoting Gabb, 1p, in PP 1739: 91. – The whole article, on ‘consensual’ incest, is on the Internet. – Can 5 or 10-year olds give sufficiently informed consent & are they safe from being terrorized by adults? – J.Z., 31.5.02.,4273,4331603,00.html

IN DEFENCE OF LIBERTY, Newsletter of Liberty Institute, Dehli, No. 3, March 1999, No.4, May 1999, 16pp, copies supplied by BEN BEST: 383, in PP 1579-80. – E-mail: website:

INDEMNIFICATION, See: ANARCHO CYBER SLUDGE, RESTITUTION, 1p, in PP 1701: 67. – Already King Friedrich II of Prussia (“the Great) did recognize clearly that only a fraction, let us say, 1/4th of all thieves, are caught and convicted. When they restitute only what they have stolen, and do so either in kind or through their forced labour or forced debt collection from them, then only 1/4 of all thefts are indemnified. Thus he proposed that they should repay to the victims of thefts the other 3/4s of theft damages as well, making the deterrence and penalty larger and also achieving indemnification for all victims. Moreover, this could be made to provide them with an incentive to denounce other thieves, not yet caught and convicted, in order to reduce the burden upon themselves. Between them they do know much more about thefts by others than do the police forces. See my article on prison reform. – Collective responsibility is rightful within a very limited sphere, e.g. for people convicted of the same kind of crime. – Naturally, that would require full employment and productive use of prison labour for those who have to be incarcerated for some time. – J.Z.

INDEPENDENCE, See: CARSON, CLARENCE B., The Fruits of Independence, THE FREEMAN, 9/84, 12pp, in PP 1749/50: 282. – Did C.B.C. realize the fruits of individual sovereignty, individual secessionism and voluntary associationism or only those of “limited” but still territorial governments? – J.Z., 1.6.02.

INDEPENDENCE, See: THORNTON, ROBERT M., Independence Forever: An Appreciation of John Adams, 2pp, in PP 1731: 20. – Did he appreciate the independence of individual from territorial collectives? Not according to this article! See: ON PANARCHY. – J.Z.

INDEPENDENT INSTITUTE, THE, Catalog of Literature offered, n.d., 20pp, in PP 1626: 102.

INDEXES, See: KYSOR, GEORGE, Integrated Index of Selected Publications, Part 4, a composite name and subject index derived from the books listed in parts 1 & 2, 6pp, Babbitt to Boyde: 271, in PP 1565-67. – He once indexed about 150 freedom books. This may be a sample of this index. Then he sold rights to it and, as far as I know, it was never published. But in a recent ek-mail he wrote to me that he only indexed part of THE LIBERTARIAN CONNECTION. – Is his memory already as faulty as is mine? – In the now private freedom library of the former Freedom School of Robert LeFevre, I believe to have seen some manuscripts of Dr. James J. Martin, that he seemed to have forgotten about, when I mentioned this to him back in 1990. – How many libertarian treasures are still hidden away – SOMEWHERE – in spite of the availability of quite affordable alternative media? J.Z. – J.Z., 15.6.02.

INDIA, See: PRASAD, RAYASAM V., Communal Politics in India, THE FREEMAN, 1/90, 2pp, in PP 1755/56: 58. – Alas, the different communities in India, as well, are not voluntaristically and exterritorially separated and forcing them into territorial combinations does inevitably lead to abuses and clashes. Attacking such abuses as “communal politics” does not enlighten enough. – At present the enforced territorial separation between Pakistan and India, along religious lines, threatens to result in nuclear war. – J.Z., 1.6.02.

INDIA, See: SHAH, PARTH J., The Persistence of Poverty in India: Culture or System? THE FREEMAN, 3/98, 5pp, in PP 1749/50: 185.

INDIFFERENCE, DISINTEREST, APATHY, LACK OF INTEREST IN THE OWN AFFAIRS, See: BARNISKIS, ANDREW E., A Strange Indifference, THE FREEMAN, 7/88, 2pp, in PP 1755/56: 270. – Libertarians, too, and quite habitually, show a strange indifference, if not even antagonism, towards many significant libertarian options. – J.Z.

INDIVIDUAL CHOICES AND LIBERTY, Seminar Program, 1999, with links, 3pp, in PP 1609: 20. – From the web pages of Pierre Lemieux.

INDIVIDUAL LIBERTY, Newsletter of SIL, XIII/5, May 82: 29; XIII/6, June 82: 82; XIII/7, July 82, 8pp: 140; XIV/3, Feb. 83, 8pp: 193, in PP 1589-94.

INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITY, See: HUFF, DAVID C., Personal Responsibility: A Brief Survey, THE FREEMAN, 7/89, 3pp, in PP 1757/58: 5.

INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITY, See: LEE, DWIGHT R., Liberty & Individual Responsibility, THE FREEMAN, 4/87, 11pp, in PP 1759/60: 148.

INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITY, See: LEESON, PETER, T., How Big Government Usurped Personal Responsibility, THE FREEMAN, 10/98, 2pp, in PP 1765: 17. – It can deny personal responsibility to others but cannot assume or usurp it itself and could not practice it, if such a transfer were possible. – Governments can only usurp power – and that does also make them powerless in many ways, not only in economic calculation. – J.Z., 20.5.02.

INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITY, See: POIROT, PAUL L., A Matter of Self-Responsibility, THE FREEMAN, 2/74, 4pp, in PP 1766-68: 539.

INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS FOUNDATION, Home Page, 2pp, in PP 1706: 193, P.O. 67498 Los Angeles CA 90067. – Apparently a group of lawyers. Some links are given.

INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS, See: FREE NATIONS FOUNDATION, Individual Rights in a Free Nation, 1p guide, 10 Dec. 99, to 7 of its online articles, by R. J. Rummel, Lysander Spooner, Roy Halliday & Roderick T. Long, in PP 1662: 130.

INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS, See: NELMS, WILLIE E., George Mason & Individual Rights, THE FREEMAN, 9/77, 4pp, in PP 1765: 117. – WILLIAMS, GARY, George Mason & the Bill of Rights, THE FREEMAN, 5/92, 5pp, in PP 1765: 126.

INDIVIDUAL, THE, London, Society for Individual Liberty, On-line articles 1995-1998, 101pp: 732, in PP 1601-04.

INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY, See: DAIELL, JEFF, Libertarianism: Quest for the Sovereign Individual, 2pp: 219, in PP 1572-73. – Alas, most libertarians still stop far short of that by embracing some form of collectivist territorialism. – J.Z.

INDIVIDUALISM, See: KNUDSON, KEN, A Critique of Communism and The Individualist Alternative, 1971, part I, 2pp: 5; part II, 3pp: 10; part III, 5pp: 13; part IV: 5pp: 18; part VI, 4pp: 24; part VII, 5pp: 29; part VIII, 2pp: 37; part IX, 5pp: 40; part X, 5pp: 46; part XI, 4pp: 55; part XII, 5pp: 59; part XIII, 1p: 64. – By the author’s paging: 56 pages, in PP 1618.

INDIVIDUALISM, See: WESTLING, DAVID, Review, 1p, of: SWART, KOENRAD W., “Individualism” in the Mid-Nineteenth Century, in THE JOURNAL OF IDEAS, V. 23, NO. 1, 1962, pp 77-90, in PP 1679: 205.


INDIVIDUALIST ANARCHISM, Introductions & FAQs, Links and abstracts, 2pp, FREE-MARKET.NET, in PP 1697: 52.

INDIVIDUALIST ANARCHISM, See: GUTMAN, HERBERT C., Individualist Anarchism: Lacunae Department, 1969, from his introduction to Tucker’s LIBERTY, in the Greenwood facsimile edition, 4pp, in PP 1607/8: 59.

INDIVIDUALIST ANARCHISM, See: INDIVIDUALIST ANARCHIST SOCIETY, University of California, Berkeley, Home Page, 3pp of links, in PP 1701: 160, with a 1p article: So what Is an Individualist Anarchist anyway?

INDIVIDUALIST ANARCHISM, See: MARTIN, JAMES J., Individualist Anarchism: By Way of Introduction, 1966, to new issue of Spooner’s NO TREASON pamphlet, 4pp, in PP 1607/8: 49.

INDIVIDUALIST ANARCHISM, See: MCELROY, WENDY, Anarchism: Two Kinds, 13 December 1999, 3pp, in PP 1701: 106, published by the LUDWIG VON MISES INSTITUTE,

INDIVIDUALIST ANARCHISM, See: MCELROY, WENDY, Articles on Individualist Anarchism on this Site, with links, 2pp, in PP 1616: 180. – e-mail – Most articles are on

INDIVIDUALIST ANARCHISM, See: MICHEL, YVES, L’individualisme contre líndividualisme, from “l’en dehors”, 3pp, incomplete , in PP 1694: 189. – See: ARMAND.

INDIVIDUALIST ANARCHISM, See: PLANETE NOIRE, Home Page, in French, 6pp, in PP 1701: 132. With URL list of links, an individualist anarchist

INDIVIDUALIST ANARCHISM, Website survey, 3pp, in PP 1607/8: 46.

INDIVIDUALIST ANARCHIST SOCIETY, So what Is an Individualist Anarchist anyway? 1p, in PP 1703: 185, old introduction to individualist anarchism, from its home page.

INDIVIDUALIST ANARCHIST SOCIETY, University of California, Berkeley, Home Page, 3pp of links, in PP 1701: 160, with a 1p article: So what Is an Individualist Anarchist anyway?

INDIVIDUALIST RING, THE, 2pp, in PP 1661: 195.

INDIVIDUALIST RING, THE, Home page, 1p, e-mail address of G. James & URL not printed out. – Too few anticipate that at first one might merely download their site and thus provide a link only verbally and useful only while one is online. In PP 1677: 192.

INDIVIDUALIST, THE, Intercollegiate Society of Individualists, 6 sample pages, only ones on hand. of II/1, Jan.-Feb. 1963, in PP 1716: 103.

INDIVIDUALIST, THE, LONDON, June 1947 – December 1974, incomplete, 1315 pp, in PP 1634 – 1636: 1 – 658. Editor & Publisher: Henry Meulen, deceased 1978. HEADLINES (Notes, Reviews & Correspondence are not mentioned unless they are headlined.): 6/47, 1: The price of a high standard of living // The great man // Prices in U.S.A. // Cheap money // Shorter hours // State planning // Export or die // Inflation & shortages // Mr Strachey on greens // Trade & politics // The Dunkirk spirit // Heart & head. 8/47, 5: The Little Man // Tendencies in Russia // Trade & politics // Stock Exchange gambling // Costly civil aviation // Lending abroad // Production for use // Nationalisation in Germany // British contribution to UNO // Too much money? // The dictator // Republicanism // And the Lords // The Laski case // Equalisation of rates // Australian banking // World day for animals. 12/47, 9: The American elections // The unusual man // Sapping our moral fibre // On re-reading Hume // Germany sets an example // Belgium & the Marshall Plan // UNO & South Africa // Medical Science // The NEW STATESMAN & the TUC // The core of the problem // Notes from Berlin by Ulrich von Beckerath. 2/49, 13: Steel // Town & Country Planning Act // The Industrial & Commercial Finance Corporation // The orthodox mind // Sweden & inflation // The Legal Aid & Advice Bill // Rationing by the purse // The ECONOMIST & Franco // Nationalisation in Czechoslovakia // The machinery of government // Austerity // Argentine State trading // Shipping freight controls // Notes from Berlin by Ulrich von Beckerath. 10/49, 17: The Recession in U.S.A. // Tito & Franco // Spain points the way // Dear or cheap money // Shrimshanking // Western Union // Jayiana // Invention // Wisdom from David Low // And from Professor Sir Arnold Plant // Monetary depression // The rake’s progress // India // The ECONOMIST on free banking // Agricultural machinery service // British youth. 12/49, 21: USA & the Price of Gold // Doctors & Labour // Free Will // Joseph Pierre Proudhon // Suggestion schemes // The leader // Russian wireless jamming // Mutual banking // Devaluation // Sir Hartley Shawcross on liberty // A prophecy // The atom bomb // Mao Tse-tung // The case of Belgium // The German war trials // Life membership // Notes from Berlin by Ulrich von Beckerath. 2/50, 25: Mobility of Labour // Competition from Czechoslovakia // The beauties of government // Sterling war debts // A bouquet for Sir Stafford // A German army // Individualist Anarchism // Sir Hartley Shawcross & UNO // Lessons from Italy // The Scottish Heritage of Free Banking // Malthusianism // Notes from Berlin by Ulrich von Beckerath. 4/50, 29: The Problem of Full Employment // The riddle of dumping // Prof. Bernal on war expenditure // Funds for Federal Gemany // Soviet semantics //Corporal punishment // The idler // The Berlin Blockade // Banks & Industry // Germany & ECA // The TIMES on controls // Secret awards // The Liberal intervention // Bertrand Russell on freedom // The technique of tyranny // The Argument is Clear. 10/50, 33: Colin Clark on Small Industry // Our free banks // The 5s meal limit & fair shares // A golden-rule banker // A queer lesson in democracy // The dollar gap in Germany // The fundamental problem // An underground movement in Eastern Germany // Infantile paralysis // Strikes // Notes from Berlin by Ulrich von Beckerath. 6/51, 37: Incentive // High prices // Land ownership in Korea // Motoring law // De-rating // “Orderly buying” // Racial differences // Inflation // “O Liberty – what crimes …” // Individualism in Switzerland // The Schuman Plan // The goose & the golden eggs // Profits // Spelling reform // Can we compete with USA? // Retailers’ prices // Making an honest woman of Profit // Communism & poverty // Fresh allies // The law-making machine // Vaccination // Liquidation // Notes from Berlin by U. v. Bth. 8/51, 43: Lord Haney on UNO // PR in Germany // Our first line of defense // Russian aircraft // Eve! // Human motive // Wage demands // Russian abortion laws // The falling value of money // Socialism // PR & the Labour Party // Competition in broadcasting // Death duties // An interlude // Competition // Fair shares // Lord Samuel on competition // Pye Radio & the Bank of England // Another Pye Radio note // Our policy towards Russia // Australia’s problem // Unemployment in Denmark // Census forms // Infantile paralysis // The swing away from democracy // Control of dividends // To our friends // Notes from Berlin by U. v. Bth. 10/51, 49: A European Army // The General Election // The price of food // The P.A.Y.E. deterrent // The Oatis trial // Wage control in Holland // Jungle law // A British Mussadek? // Profits again // Wisdom from Spencer // Birth control in India // Commercial broadcasting // Happiness // Berlin refugees // Society an organism // Social security in India // Higher pay for the police // The small builder // Fresh allies // A job for the young man // Debtors to UNO // State expenditure. 12/51, 55: The ECONOMIST on Inflation // The Election // Professor Ludwig von Mises // Wage escalator clauses // The Cuban economy // Memorial lectures // Cheese // Farmers & Smallholders’ Association // The decline of enterprise // Support from India // Newsprint // Subsidies & taxation // The Anarchists // Mr. Morrison’s triumph // Free speech // Easier divorce // Happiness again // Bagehot // Voting in UNO again // The abolition of “Jungle Law” // New Zealand “importing inflation” // The Welfare State. 2/52, 61: Control of Imports // Timidity in UNO // The “iniquity” of private profit // Demosthenes on credit // Prof. Robbins on monetary remedies // Other views on the Bank Rate rise // Dr. Dalton’s boycott // The spiral theory again // Rent restriction // Happiness again // The fundamental issue // Education // Germany’s recovery // Precociousness in USSR // National sovereignty // Gresham’s Law & Legal Tender, by U. v. Bth. 10/52, 67: Wages & Profits // For better government // The Hague decision on Persia // The great economic debate // Australia makes history // Debtors & creditors // Where are the fish? // Lotteries or loans // An international finance corporation // Free Trade & unemployment // PR again // UNO argument // State vs. private enterprise // Government & private monopoly // Estate agents // Trouble in Portugal // Canada // The trade union monopoly // “Essential industries” // Free exchange rates // Small industry. 10/53, 73: “The White Man’s Dilemma” // Blushes in Britain // Post-war policy // The Abolitionist argument // Swiss neutrality // Why does a man save? // Dismal news from USA // The penalties of wealth // American tariffs // Who are the quacks? // Sparks from Governor Adlai Stevenson // Growth of Germany’s exports // A revolving fund for industry // The penalty for opposing the State // Secret diplomacy // Free speech // The German Elections // Review of James J. Martin, Men Against the State. 12/53, 79: Convertibility Again // Incentives in Russia // Christianity & Communism // The fall in the Bank Rate // The interferers // Sponsored radio // Compensation for inflation loss // The American dock strikes // American farmers choose the feather bed // Strikes in Italy // UNO again // The father of all things // Farmers prices // Holland moves Right // The Communist Manifesto. 2/54, 85: The Outlook for Convertibility // Does the State know? // The guaranteed wage // Dividends // Production for profit // Switzerland returns the ball to USA // The Savoy Hotel // Labour economics // The Beria tragedy // Mutual frustration // Averages // The House which “did nothing in particular” // Conscription // Review of Henry Hazlitt: Economics in one lesson. 6/54, 91: The Budget // PUNCH on sponsored television // A Vice Chancellor speaks // The basic problem // Hire purchase // Rent control // The homosexual // An American recession? // Sir Ernest Benn // Grist for the Socialist mill // Japan follows orthodoxy // Useful comment // McCarthyism // Typewriter repair // Family allowances // Tariff politics // Review of Colin Clark: Welfare & Taxation. 10/54, 97: Juries // France // Richard Cobden // Truth // Taxation // East-West trade // World Equalisation Fund // Government infamy // Lord Beveridge on Social Security // The landing ban on Icelandic fish // The Bank Rate weapon // Housing // Deterrents // A sensible innovation // The object lesson of Denmark // Mr Aristoteles Socrates Onassis // Annotation by U. v. Bth.: 100-103 // The hydrogen bomb again. 12/54, 103: Francis Bacon // Industrial engineering // Saving // Full employment // Equality again // Two pictures // Abortion // The Reed-Dirksen Amendment // The threat of nationalisation // The Capital Issues Committee // The London Builders’ Conference // The dollar scarcity // Democracy // Large scale industry. 4/55, 109: The Gold Standard Symposium // The middle-class vote // Social Credit in New Zealand // Why permit evil? // The bank rate // A capital gains tax // Unearned income // What is the first charge in industry? // Indian problem // Private price control // Japanese competition // Justice // Freud. 6/55, 115: The Budget // Wicket Shareholders // The growth of NATO // Wages & production // Billionitis // More US opposition // “Chinese noughts & crosses” // Constitutions // A term for Acts of Parliament // Labour’s demands // “Freedom to shop around” // GATT into OTC // “The curse of education” // Free elections in Eastern Germany // A queer situation. 8/55, 121: Basic Economics // Labour’s aims // Talks with Russia // The farce of tenders // Film finance // Mr. Attlee’s economics // Dumping // Raiffeisen banks // Driving tests // Rent Control // Strikes // The mills of the law // Modern socialism // Taking life // Gambling in Nevada // The decimal system. 10/55, 127: The Schuman Plan // US Foreign Aid // Slums // Lord Nuffield // Credit Unions // We have been warned // The same subject continued // The materialism of money // Hire purchase a deterrent to strikes // Pye Radio, Ltd. // A new ally. 12/55, 133: The Credit Squeeze in USA // The Post Office monopoly // Company profits // Peeps through the Curtain // Finland shows the way // The penalties of power // Prohibition // “Banking goes gay” // The Pilgrim Fathers tried Communism // The worker as scapegoat // Naughty children again // And Homosexuality // Penal reform // Automation // The Budget // Companies Tax. 12/56, 139: Central Banks // The Suez Crisis // Equality in USSR // New Zealand’s experiment // “Loans for the small man” // Limited Liability // Motoring Accidents // The general and the particular // Take-over bids // Free Trade // Welcome support // A note with a moral. 4/61, 145: Parkinson’s Second Law // The gold standard again // The Welfare State // Schedule A again // Laissez-faire in USA // Take-over bids & other company topics // The creation of money // Special bank deposits // Indirect taxes // Protecting the small investor // Gold & the IMF // Keynes // Germany decides // The Commonwealth split. 8/61, 151: Original Sin // Charity // The investor // The gold question again // ITV // Fluctuations in commodity trade // Wages, prices & real wages // The German revaluation // The Common Market // Taxation & inflation // South Africa // The competitive spirit. 10/61, 157: Sir Julian Huxley on Economics // Exploitation // The sick & the workless // A Daniel among the economists // Mrs. Joy Baker’s case // Parents & children // South Africa again // October 4th (protest against hunting). 12/61, 163: Human Nature // Financing education // The Individualist // Isle of Man & Jersey (end of private note issue there) // Norway takes a leaf out of Hitler’s book // Fundamental principles // Popularising investment // Wages in the Six // The right to criticise // Floating exchange rates // Sunday observance. 2/62, 169: Redundancy // Big business vs. small // The fight for export trade // Rewarding success // The colour question in USA // Factory managers in Russia // Liberal National Socialists // The Chancellor & the economic position // It moves // The pay pause // George Brutus Schwartz // The green light & the red (stop & go policies) // Prejudices // On thinking // Housing // Count your blessings. 4/62, 175: What Makes a Nation Strong? (Meulen had no clue how strong an exterritorially autonomous volunteer community could be, what its strength would consist in and how little conventional or “modern” military strength it would need. – J.Z.) // Independence for Scotland // The problem of the roads // The Common Market // Aid to under-developed countries // Company directors // Expedients for the Pound // The international monetary problem // Ministers at work // Music & politics. 6/62, 181: The Budget // Mrs. Joy Baker again // President Kennedy & US steel // Japan’s difficulties // Economic planning // The battle of the giants // US Labour // The Bank Rate // The Communist paradise // Racial discrimination // The army pensions scandal // Floating exchange rates // Abortion Law reform // The language difficulty // Monkey society. 8/62, 187: The Lysenko Mystery // Back to Spencer // A welcome glimmer // The pack instinct // The old complaint // Leasehold reversion // The potato shortage // PUNCH’s “new look” // The menace of the IMF // The Common Market // The Wall Street break // The Liberal flood // Hot money // The hazards of speculation // The Pilkington Report // Prayers in schools. 10/62, 193: The National Income Commission // Government expenditure // A pill for Pilkington // A national theatre // A fresh gold argument // Hire purchase // The transformation of China // Mrs. Joy Baker // Another gold argument // Corporal punishment again // Profits // Hire purchase // The balance of trade. 12/62, 199: The Common Market // The miracle of Japan // Saving for old age // Public Assistance // The case of General de Gaulle // Free trade // Rates // PR & the Common Market // Malingering // Should interest rates fall? // From THE INDIVIDUALIST of August 1940 // Expansion // Speeding up “sports” through radiation (mutations) // The Health Service. 2/63, 205: Taxes // The sick economy // The National Income Commission // The car purchase tax alteration // Teenage delinquency // The thalidomide baby // And those behind cried “Forward,” & those behind cried “Back” // Oil, and yet more oil // Purchase tax // Use ownership of land // “Charity blesses him that giveth” // The case of Switzerland // Utilitarianism // Pop logic // A Chinese example // The capital gains tax // Improving Democracy. 4/63, 211: The Battle Continues // U.S. foreign investment // The agricultural policy of the Common Market // Redundancy // The politician // Betting // An Homeric Warrior // Service // The path to Communism // Where the power lies // General de Gaulle // The Labour Leadership. 6/63, 217: “Capitalism & Freedom” (M. Friedman’s) // Misleading comparisons // Floating exchange rates // The reckoning // The call for exports // Labour’s Rights // Rates again // Agricultural subsidies // Havelock Ellis on International Language // Expansion // “To each according to his need” // The Individualist // On Charlatansky’s Law. 8/63, 223: A Socialist Lament // Taxes // Lysenko again // The cult of the child // Housing // Taxation & saving // The car problem // The menace // Aid to undeveloped countries // The trouble at Ford’s // The credit game // Sin & crime // Havelock Ellis & international language. 10/63, 229: A Break in the Cloud // Russian colonialism // Take-over bids // Twelve good men & true // Herbert Spencer // The fight against crime // Old age pensions // The woes of producers of primary commodities // A new morality needed // Taxation & inflation // Wages & prices // The way out. 12/63, 235: Milton Friedman on Money // Automation // USA tries a fresh method // The market // Devising taxes // The stimulus to work // Soviet art // A matter of prestige // The closed shop // Proportional representation // Labour economics // Mr. Nigel Birch, M.P. // Gems from Scarborough // “Give us this day” // A money economy // Warnings & forebodings // Wages & profits. 2/64, 241: Benjamin R. Tucker // New meanings for old words // A fundamental discussion // Attracting industry to distressed areas // The case of France // Kelka opinioni pri linguo internacia (Ido translation) // Birth control // Public assistance // Tests for voters // Over-heating the economy // Render unto Caesar // The passenger transport monopoly // Hire purchase regulations. 4/64, 247: Senator Barry Goldwater // My money & my friend // Cutting out private profit // The misuse of statistics // The government & prices // An unexpected ally // A thorny subject // Competition from the State // Too much money? // The dollar problem // Large or small trade unions? // Review of Norman Macrae, Rent Control or Houses? 6/64, 253: Free Banking // The Budget // Redundancy // Cigarette Smoking // Resale Price Maintenance // Orpheus neglected? // Appointments vacant // Schools for toddlers // Soviet agriculture // India’s hopes // Distinguished support // Adult education // More gleams // A nice point // “From each according to his powers” // Swedish Socialism. 8/64, 259: Strikes // National Health Service // Education again // Italy’s problem // Fair reporting // P.R. again // The Citizen’s Advice Bureau // The price of gold // The IMF & politics // The price of beef // KREDITWESEN on money // A wicked animal // Part-time rulers // Apartheid again // Family allowances // Ability to pay // Reflections by Mussolini. 10/64, 265: “Drowning the Middle Class // Incomes & productivity // Who is for Goldwater? // PUNCH on Goldwater // Corruption in India // Vaccination // More eminent support // Two newcomers // The sun rises in the West // Competition, Unions & Anti-trust laws”// Laissez-faire // Togetherness. 12/64, 271: The Election & the Budget // Incentives under Socialism // Southern Rhodesia // Dr. Thomas Balogh // Progressive Income Tax rates // The Russian birth rate // Politics among the Six // The “family” of nations // “Free enterprise dustmen” // The complete planner // Trade unions & housing // Education again // The age of leisure // Do banks create money? // Inflation // The Labour Election Manifesto // From the “rejected” basket // Means & ends. 2/65, 277: Herbert Spencer // Abuse of democracy // Dangerous nonsense // Ideals & measures // Juries & damages // Speculation // The capital gains tax // Competitive devaluation // Limited liability. 4/65, 283: Land Problems // Wages & prices // The same subject continued // The case of Czechoslovakia // The pound as a “Reserve Currency” // Student beggars // From our watch tower // Incomes policy // Our exploding population // The bottomless sack // Automation // An outburst from George Schwartz // Welcome news from Germany. 6/65, 289: The Budget // “Should Britain tax overseas investment?” // Lord Cromer & the Left // “Better red than dead” // A candid confession by Churchill // Dividends & take-over bids // Racial injustice // International liquidity // The same subject continued // Vive le foreigner! // Redundancy // “The Affluent Society”. 8/65, 295: The Balance of Payments Problem // Family spending // Multiracialism // USA hits back // The persevering propagandist // The toughness of ideas // “Compulsory mis-education” // Heredity or environment? // The choice // An American view // The two shores of the North Sea // Uneasiness in France // Germany’s export surplus // Lord Cromer’s warning // Expense accounts // A nice point // A fresh laurel for Lord Northcliffe. 10/65, 301: The Muddle of Foreign Trade // Politics in the Congo // Shareholders’ rights // Trade unions in business // Government’s omniscience // Wisdom from Charlie Chaplin’s autobiography // Birth Control // The capital gains tax // How it is done // American opinion // Housing in France // Strong government // An elastic conscience // The credit squeeze in Japan // His Grace the Duke // Les Trois Danseuses // A postscript // Motorways from Railways. 12/65, 307: The Limits of Growth // M.P.’s privilege // Social inequality // The trouble of an Individualist // A question of hair // Dividends & wages // The Society of Individualists // Proportional Representation // Edouard Leclerc // Euthanasia // The error of Mr. Jacques Rueff // Parliamentary procedure // Private profit // Protection // Dr. Erhard wields the axe // Review of M. Friedman & Anna J. Schwartz, The Great Contraction, 1929-1933. 2/66, 313: Rhodesia // Competing for labour // Fraternité (compulsory) // Equality at all costs // The free market // The liquidity question again // Death duties // Pigs and carrots // The Trustee Acts // Dreams out of the ivory gate // Divorce // Nationalist blinkers in India. 4/66, 319: Price Cutting (Migros) // More & more meddling // The State in business // “Thou art not so unkind as man’s ingratitude” // Disgruntled shareholders // The government’s plan to promote mergers // State education // Restrictive practices // Creeping socialism // “A history of shopping” // Altruism // Post & telephones // A property-owning democracy // Priorities // Planning & dictatorship // The law of libel // Review of Spartacus, Growth through Competition, IEA. 6/66, 325: The Disease of Mergers // From the battle front // Why the Pound is weak // More light // Election altruism // Election slogans // The wily Americans // Crime & punishment // Compulsory purchase of freeholds // The election // The muddle TUC // Price Fixing. 8/66, 331: The Budget // Unashamed robbery // Export or die // Indiscriminate social benefits // A real gleam // Compulsory altruism // A negro character // FARMAND // Encouragement from Canada. 10/66, 337: Strikes – The Workers’ Side // Roadway contractors // The supply of money // Incomes policy // In the groves of Academia // Strikers & National Assistance // The censorship // Scarcity of good managers // The evolution of Czechoslovakia // Potato shortage? // Who’s diddling whom? // How America does it // Free trade // Money matters. 12/66, 343: Africa A Black Country? // Freedom // Strikes in Israel // Capacity to pay // Planned parenthood // Wages & production // Consolation for the rich // The shameless employer // More Schwartziana // The drop in capital investment // A notable convert // A burning question // Abortion // Steel nationalisation // Honours // A prophecy // Germany. 2/67, 349: A Stately Debate in the Lords // Small business // Trade union opinion // Erosion of savings // Milking the shareholder // Houses in the squeeze // Alas, poor Italy // Commodity price stabilisation // Aid to developing countries // A policy for housing // Our colossal conceit // Latvia // Sir Roy Harrod again // Good people // Prof. J. K. Galbraith. 4/67, 355: Central Banking // Rhodesia again // The better v. the best // The Common Market // An antidote to the Galbraith blues // Incomes policy // “The Thunderer” wobbles // Who pays? // Trade unionism in USA // A more useful form of American assistance // The folly of our tax system // Jacques Rueff // The price of gold. 6/67, 361: The Common Market // China & the French Revolution // Leasehold Reform // Russian ideology // That surplus // The planners // Direct labour by local authorities // The German Council of Economic Experts // The Baltic States // The small grocer // Abortion // The basic problem // Napoleon I // Paternalism in road haulage // “The Devil was ill … ” // The Budget // Review of Leland B. Yeager, International Monetary Relations. 8/67, 367: Does Punishment Deter? // Two more sinners // Speculation // Cranks // The economic motive // A means test // More CM dangers // Straight talk from industry // More converts // The universal problem // Mr. Maudling has a go // Israel. 10/67, 373: America Thinks Again // Small firms // The Censor // Racialism // Trade Credits // The Potato Marketing Board // One man one vote // A new broom in Holland // An important point // Advertisement // Health charges // Devaluation // Review of Samuel Brittan, Inquest on Planning in Britain. 11/67, 378: The Standard of Value // The Post Office // The hard reality // Industry speaks // The profit motive // Companies without trade unions // Cash & carry // World trade // Any stick is good enough // Money matters // Are we duller than the Americans? // An amazing decision // A cardinal speaks // Morals through pink spectacles // How to survive a play // Interest rates // Review of IEA, Rebirth of Britain – A Symposium. 2/68, 387, 385: Devaluation // Wages & prices // A false remedy // The money incentive // Raiffeisen banks // Privilege in education // Russia. 4/68, 391: State Promotion of Culture // A German conversion // Private protection agencies // Hungary restores gold // Foot & mouth disease // Greed & fear // Bankruptcies during 1967 // USA feels the pinch // Latvia // Council housing // Productivity // House building // America’s lead in engineering // USA chooses the wrong remedy // The persecuted investor // Bank mergers // Planners v. Anti-planners // The simple fact // Review of E.C. Riegel, The New Approach to Freedom.6/68, 397: The Budget // A step backwards // Pay, incomes & price freeze // The price of gold // The American view // Rhodesia // Grosvenor Square // Worker representation // A fundamental problem // Does Labour create capital? // Apartheid // “Blow, blow, thou winter wind” // A Spring blossom. (Not only mass media use misleading headlines! – J.Z.) 8/68, 403: “Alarming Prosperity” // The Scottish elections // A private enterprise postal system // The swing against Labour // Free v. full-cost tuition // The troubles with Communism // National sovereignty & the IMF // The gnomes of Zurich // Shareholding in the USA // Smallpox vaccination // Air pollution // Crime // A conflict of policies // National Assistance & the vote // Monetary jottings. 10/68, 409: The House of Lords // Politics in shipbuilding // The diehard US FREEMAN // Top managers’ salaries // Apartheid again // “Britain’s Economic Prospects”// The Czechs & the Russians // Those Special Drawing Rights // Small businesses // The USA presidency. 12/68, 415: The Beggar Gets His Loan // Gold again // Other FREEMAN points // Nationalisation in Italy // Advertising // Left theory // Surplus food in the Common Market // Over-heating the economy // The Labour Part Conference // Racialism // Housing in France // Tax Reform // Democracy. 2/69, 421: The Chancellor Speaks // Sweden’s planning crisis // “Size is not everything” // “Business first” // Apartheid again // Peers & Knights // The failure of capitalism // Charity blesses // The prove into the Bank of England // Common Market problems // Review of: Clavell Blount, Fluoridation – the case in favour & the case against, 56pp. 4/69, 427: German Opinion on Floating Rates // From the Rt. Hon. J. Enoch Powell, MBE, MP // Local government troubles // Time was // “Revolution” in USA // Work & its reward // A successful Communist community // Opinion on Germany // Racialism. 6/69, 433: The Budget // Vietnam // The deeper menace of Communism // Post Office workers // 17th century France // “I lent money to a friend”// The IRC catalyst // Current objections to a rational monetary system // Vaccination again // A change of outlook // The ECONOMIST offers Budget advice // “Comparability” // The Fabian Society sees the light // Conglomerates // Scientology // Nationalism // Direct labour // New Zealand // Drug penalties. 8/69, 439: The Quest for Knowledge // The “stability” of fixed exchange rates // The riddle of USA // A unique lawsuit // The German Mark // Participation // Company profits // Edouard Leclerc again // Ends & means // Scientology again // Speculation // Nationalism in history writing // Review of: T.E. Utley, Enoch Powell, the man & his thinking, 190pp. 10/69, 445: The Communist Dilemma // The stop on dividends // Why do people save // Floating rates // The land question //International charity // The improbable Liberals // Australian labour relations // Rent control // The Post Office monopoly // Freedom // Unearned Income // An important event // International language // Obituary on Ulrich von Beckerath. 12/69, 451: The German Revaluation // The INDIVIDUALIST offers three bouquets // The Governor of the Bank of England on floating rates // The centenary of THE INDIVIDUALIST // The old Adam // Boredom in industry // Egalitarianism // Supplementary benefits to strikers’ families // Thoughts on right-doing // Rudolf Hess. 2/70, 457: Rising Prices // Moon-walking // The price of gold // Mergers again // How much money? // S. W. Alexander // The INDIVIDUALIST centenary // The right to carry arms // Pollution // A private postal system // “What is truth?” // The German revaluation // Britain the laggard in investment // Comparative mental text scores // Japanese competition // Review of: D. R. Myddleton, The power to destroy – a study of the British tax system, 246pp. 4/70, 463: Centenary Messages // Do banks create money? // Democracy // America’s squeeze // The German revaluation again // Housing in New York City // Coloured immigration // Rising prices // Government Training Schemes // Labour opens the election battle // Review of: J. Enoch Powell, Freedom & Reality. 7/70, 469: The Budget // The ingenious tax-gatherer // The supersonic experiments // American education // Finance for small firms // Justice // Shell’s worries // The capital gains tax // Do banks create money? // Election kites // What is wealth? // The demonstrators. 8/70, 475: The Election // Workers’ participation // The Common Market // Socialism in black Africa // Training Boards // A case for “Do it yourself” // Another bullseye for George Schwartz // Canada returns to floating rates // A doubtful investment // Mergers // Abortion law reform // The stiff-necked ones // Abraham Lincoln still speaks. 10/90, 481: The Government in Business // An economic signal // The human heart // Do banks create money? // The case of Poland // And now Sweden // German again // Democracy // The conglomerates // Another object lesson // The Pergamon affair. 12/70, 487: Special Drawing Rights // Big Brother // A volunteer army // Economic shibboleths // A chink in the Iron Curtain // Professor Milton Friedman on the BBC // The universities // The example of Afghanistan // The case of Burma // The white & the yellow races // The Chancellor speaks // Prison reform // Review of Leonard E. Read: Let Freedom Reign. 2/71, 493: Workers’ Rights // The new weapon of the state // Chile // Longevity // “Floating & crawling” // Value // Taxation // “Millions of planners” // Inflation & high prices // Devaluation v. credit squeeze // Left idealism // Right idealism // The U.S.A. // Apartheid. 4/71, 499: Small Business // Canada under pressure // Gold // Evolution // Communication // By the way // Britain’s abdication // Cheaper justice // The human heart // Random musings // Chinks in the Curtain // A momentous innovation // Review of: Colin Clark, Taxmanship, 2nd. ed., 64pp. 6/71, 504: Time Was … // Free Trade // Parliamentary reform // More about the human heart // Business schools // The Common Market // Where there’s muck there’s money – & health // The land problem // “The private company today” // Our father in Whitehall // Altruism unlimited // The trade unions // Chinese probity // A word to young Socialists // China. 8/71, 510: The Human Heart // Industry’s prime lever // Strikes // Liberty is indivisible // Profits // The Budget // State insurance // The Barbican // Compulsory education // A modern phenomenon // University training // Pirate post // India moves further Left // The floating Mark // Subsidising employers. 10/71, 516: 15 August, 1971 (US $ no longer convertible to central banks into gold.) // Cuba // Vietnam // Malachi Malagrowther growls again // That government! // “Thanks to the human heart” // We have been warned // Ulster // Apartheid again // “THE INDIVIDUALIST microfilmed // In Germany today //Conditions in Italy // Chile // The Common Market // A scoop for Samuel // More about Whiteway // Lord Butler’s “Memoirs”. 12/71, 522: The Brighton Labour Conference // For discussion // The criminal // Economists v. bankers // First principles // Population limitation // Worker shareholders // The slump // The SDR standard // The dockers // The Common Market // A Monopoly Taken for Granted (by R. B. Carnaghan). 2/72, 528: Slump // A Russian puzzle // More about the slump // Profit sharing // The Chancellor speaks // The needle // The Clydeside // “The Price of Gold” // For discussion // The mountain has laboured // Comment from the ECONOMIST (1812) // Compulsory education // Review of: Richard & Ernestine Perkins, Rational Anarchy, 155pp. 4/72, 534: The Censorship // Crime // Defence // The miners // Today’s problem // The Common Market // Is the problem of production solved? // Communism on the buses // Bankruptcies // The London dockers again // Business & the bank rate // A queer situation // The population explosion in Africa // A Christmas Carol // Peccavi! 6/72, 540: Mergers // 21 March, 1972 (exchange rate policy) // Tanzania again // Germany again // Rhodesia // Gold // Canadian problems // The Chancellor speaks // The Post Office monopoly. 8/72, 546: It Floats! // Foreign investment // Our future EEC partner // Tougher exams for accountants // A warning // The menace of SDRs // Poor Chile // Pollution // Black Power // “Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown” // Question & Answer // Unemployment in the EEC // Did you know? // It floats! // Job pricing. 10/72, 552: Perpetual Imprisonment (in EEC) // Importing inflation // The Common Market // Shipbuilding // KREDITWESEN again // Let the lender beware // The US-Jap ballet // The rights of minority shareholders // SDRs & all that // The value of talk // Mergers again // Our young Nihilists // A popular Left slogan // The curious history of usury // Let us praise the YORKSHIRE POST // Individualism in war // “Love your enemy” // Juries. 12/72, 560: Lessons from Brazil // The IMF again // Mergers // The US presidential election // France’s wise man // Floating in the Common Market // Housing in Germany //Beyond the Curtain // Mexico // Protection // Japan again // What’s wrong? // Lib-Lab-ism // The Bank Rate // The dangers of thought // A wages & incomes policy. 2/73, 568: Powell vs. The State // Dearer credit // “Meditations on Freedom” // Politics & money // The Confederation of British Industries // Racial discrimination // Montedison // The honour of governments // Management & Board // Communications by satellite // Sweden // Time was // Redundancy // Tackling the industrial giants // The Kensington bank robbery // Rhodesia // More Common Market problems // The USSR disagrees // Review of J. Enoch Powell, Still to Decide, 25pp. 4/73, 576: Those Eurodollars // The problem of Japan // Continental & British banking // A Christmas sugar story // The gold myth // The acid text // Money // The British working man // Australia looks for the mote in Rhodesia’s eye // The atomic bomb // A high bank rate – does it matter? // Telepathy // The Italian character // Scotland’s bonanza // More bank robberies // Do banks create money? // I repeat // Powell on money // Mergers // A financial diary. 6/73, 584: The Common Market & Peace // “Rails into Roads” // Stop press // Australia’s dollar // Strikes // Comparable jobs // A problem for the ECONOMIST // The Budget // Youth // More conversions // “Signs of overheating” // Compulsory education // Inflation & mergers // Limited liability // Do banks create money? // A repentant sinner // A nice point. 8/73, 592: The Price of Gold // Racialism // Proportional Representation // Gleams from USA // What of Keynes today? // Do banks create money? // Arms and the man // Exploitation // The errant dollar // A gloomy prophet // Demand & supply // Those private plots // Worker participation // Anti-racialist hypocrites // A problem for democrats. 10/73, 600: Austria // Do banks create money? // Dirty floating // Disillusionment with floating rates // Communist problems // Smallpox // “Tightening money” // The siting of industry // Faith // Mexico // The lump (autonomous group work) // Inflation. 12/73, 608: The Labour Party at Blackpool // A silent revolution // The creation of money // The big bad bears // Government by direction // Charity & genetics // Student loans // Australia’s revaluation // And USA // The price of trade unionism // The FINANCIAL TIMES // Stock Exchange blues // A protest // The ethics of the free market. 2/74, 616: A Surfeit of Wonders // Hospital beds // Free banking // Service // Equality // The vacillations of truth // Youths in India // More from “Down under” // Voucher education // Big business // National myopia // The new panacea // More Tetheriana // Worker participation // Inequality // Wisdom from the ECONOMIST // 300 years ago // The German economy // The importance of definition // Floating rates // Mr. Powell & the money supply. 4/74, 624: The Election // Brazil again // “The One Pound Note in Scotland”, 3rd. ed., 1885, by William Baird // Land reform // Watergate // The strengthening dollar // The sow’s ear // Mergers // The honour of governments // A linguistic surprise // Presumption // The grasshopper & the ant // The woes of a giant // Racial problems // Floating rates // Clear & dirty floating // Competitive devaluation // A small question // Review of J. Enoch Powell, The Common Market: negotiate or come out, 123pp; F.A. Hayek, Economic Freedom & Representative Government, IEA, 22pp & FEE, Clichés of Socialism, 305pp. 6/74, 632: Inflation // Apartheid // Norway’s worry // Trade with USSR // Free banking // Omelettes & eggs // Genetics // Venezuela // The greed of governments // Et tu Brute! // Trotzkyism // Friedman on inflation // The IMF on gold // The Budget // Where the reserves are // Black labour in S.A. mines // Kidnapping // Politics. 8/74, 640: Those Damned M’s (M 1- M3) // Good industrial relations // Spiritual pride // The inflation debate continues // Gold – the debate maunders on // And now the TIMES // Postscript to the above note // Through Labour’s eyes // The same subject continued // Macaulay in 1857 // The TIMES again // “Dear Sir” // Inflation and the INDIVIDUALIST. 10/74, 646: Mr. Callaghan Lights the Way // The way we go // Argentina // Babel // “Come, riddle my riddle” // Oil again // A curious silence // Legal aid // “Guaranteed income on trial” // In praise of paper money // Merseyside // Golden eggs & geese // Wisdom from Mr. Heath // Dividends // Government & the railways // The “lump” again // “Unto him that hath shall be given” // The price of gold // Inflation – a postscript. 12/74, 652: The Root of the Matter // Oil again // Liberty // Sugar // Small business // Meriden // A world crisis? // Private armies // Concealed unemployment // The gold standard // The “basket of commodities” standard // Labour in the ports // Curiouser & curiouser // The Red White Paper. – The author is not always Henry Meulen. I have rarely mentioned the author nor have I mentioned all the reviews and correspondence included. Only rarely did I try to clarify some unclear headline. Some more references can be found in the index included in the previous PEACE PLANS issue of THE INDIVIDUALIST, in PP 651, which brings the issues of 1975-1978. – Those really interested, might try to get hold of all copies of THE INDIVIDUALIST, under Meulen & previous editors, scan them in and automatically index them and then offer them e.g. on a text only CD-ROM, with some other libertarian and anarchist material. Or, they might, like me, get all the issues they can get hold of onto microfiche at least. Somewhere stored by Cordelia Turner, at least by 1990, there were still some boxes of Meulen’s material, probably the complete set of THE INDIVIDUALIST. His library was donated to the GOLDSMITH LIBRARY, associated with the BRITISH LIBRARY and are there jealously guarded against people with photocopy & publishing interests. Meulen did not anticipate that, either. He should rather have donated them to a group of his subscribers. Alas, these did not manage to continue THE INDIVIDUALISTS – apart from the few copies that I fiched. Such publications are frequently just one-man efforts and cease with that person. – I offer some LMP microfiche in exchange for some copies of THE INDIVIDUALIST that are not yet in my collection but believe that the essence of Meulen’s freedom thinking is already contained in what I have microfilmed. I regret very much that he burned his correspondence. It would have lead to many other and some better freedom ideas than he published in his tiny magazine or newsletter. I do especially regret that he destroyed his correspondence with Ulrich von Beckerath, that before 1943, which was on Beckerath’s side destroyed by an air raid on Berlin. For many years B. had tried in vain to talk him out of his errors on population and monetary freedom. Only some of the post-1943 correspondence has been preserved & fiched by me. – J.Z., 2.10.00.

INDIVIDUALS VS. THE STATE, See: CHAMBERLIN, WILLIAM HENRY, The Supreme Issue: The Individual vs. the State, excerpts from the article in THE FREEMAN, 5/59, in THE FREEMAN, 11/69, 1p, in PP 1751/52: 399.

INDUSTRIAL POLICY? See: BUBB, FRANK W. Can “Industrial Policy” Work? , THE FREEMAN, 12/86, 12pp, in PP 1757/58: 159.

INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION, See: HART, DAVID, The Impact of the Industrial Revolution, 1999, 4pp, in PP 1607/8, guide: 325.

INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION, See: REED, LAWRENCE W., Child Labor & The British Industrial Revolution, THE FREEMAN, 8/91, 6pp, in PP 1766-68: 161.

INFINITE ENERGY ONLINE, Cold Fusion and New Energy Technology, home page – 1p, in PP 1616: 148. – With links, IE issue # 28 now available.

INFLATION SURVIVAL NEWSLETTER, Advertising, 1p, in PP 1656-1659: 17.

INFLATION, See: FRIEDMAN, DAVID, Price Theory: First Edition, Chapter 22, Inflation and Unemployment, 19pp, in PP 1711/12: 205. – From the 1st ed. of “Price Theory”, chapter 22, which was eliminated in the 2nd ed.

INFLATION, See: HAZLITT, HENRY, Inflation in One Page, THE FREEMAN, May 1978, in PP 1655: 117.

INFLATION, See: HARPER, F.A., Inflation, 21pp: 53, in PP 1549. – Contains the best chart on the effects of price controls. – J.Z.

INFLATION, See: FREEDOM TODAY, How to Beat Inflation, Freedom Today books, 1p, 30 titles, in PP 1656-1659: 226.

INFLATION, See: MONETARY FREEDOM, Four Microfiche on Monetary Freedom, in PP 1745-1748, 840pp, 169 contributions: 1.

INFLATION, See: NEW LIBERTARIAN ALLIANCE, Inflation and Depression, NLA Brochure # 2, 8pp, Norwalk, CA, n.d.: 74-75, in PP 1547. – DICKINSON, C.L., Dollars Make Poor Eating, 3pp: 41, in PP 1549. – On distributionism, inflationism, greenbackism.

INFLATION, See: SIMON, WILLIAM E., Inflation: Made and Manufactured in Washington, D.C., 6pp: 95, in PP 1581-82.

INFLATION, See: WATKINS, BILL, Wallpaper Dollars, 1p, in PP 1713-1715: 126. – From: FREEDOM MAGAZINE.

INFLATION, See: WOLFE, GREGORY, Beyond Supply & Demand – The Psychology of Inflation, THE FREEMAN, 2/79, 6pp, in PP 1757/58: 272. – I would have been more interested in an article on the laws that make inflation possible, namely those on legal tender and the issue monopoly. – J.Z.

INFORM, Center for Independent Education, Sep. 77; May 78, No. 4; Sep. 78, No. 5; Nov. 78, No. 6; Jan. 79, No. 6; March 79, No. 7; May 79, No. 9; Sep. 79, No. 10; II/1, Jan. 80; II/2, March 80; II/3, May 80; II/4, July 80; II/5, Sep. 80; II/6, Nov. 80; III/1, Jan. 81; III/2, March 81, 90 pages, incomplete: 1, in PP 1584.

INFORMATION REVOLUTION, See: GILDER, GEORGE, Freedom & the High Tech Revolution, IMPRIMIS, 11/90, 9pp, in PP 1765: 192. – Alas, the freedom opportunities provided by some of the cheap, lasting, easy and powerful alternative media remain largely ignored or under-utilized. – J.Z.

INFORMATION REVOLUTION, See: MICHEL, CHRISTIAN, Libertarianism and the Information Revolution, 1997, from LINE-READING, 6pp: 162, in PP 1568. – The libertarian information revolution began long before the Internet with e.g. cheap duplicators, photocopiers, instant printing, audio- and video cassettes, microfilm in roll film and microfiche. Moreover, it has not even been extended, properly, into floppy disks and CD-ROMs. – J.Z.

INFORMATION REVOLUTION, See: MICHEL, CHRISTIAN, Libertarianism and the Information Revolution, 1997, 8pp, in PP 1705: 42. – “Very preliminary draft”. – Libertarians have so far largely ignored the freedom of expression and information opportunities which are offered by micrographics and by CD-ROMs, and even those by the humble floppy. The latter could reproduce 1-2 libertarian books, very cheaply, upon demand. CD-ROMs could offer hundreds to thousands books on a single CD-ROM. And yet both options remain as widely ignored by libertarians as are microfiche, which also can reproduce 1-2 libertarian books very cheaply on a single and lasting microfiche. – J.Z., 29.5.02.

INFORMATION REVOLUTION, See: MICHEL, CHRISTIAN, Libertarianism is the Best Way to Understand the Information Revolution, 1997, HISTORICAL NOTES No. 37, page 4, in PP1742: 41. – A panarchist thought can be found on page 4, sheet 44. But no awareness that without e.g. the optimal use of alternative media like microfiche, floppy disks, CD-ROMs, DVDs for libertarian information the information revolution is not complete and cannot achieve its objective fast enough. – J.Z., 31.5.02.

INFORMED ELECTORATE, THE, Liberals – History Repeats Itself, 3pp, n.d., in PP 1678: 73. – A truly informed electorate would not engage in TERRITORIAL political elections at all! – PIOT, J.Z., 15.5.01.

INFORMERS, PAID BY THE STATE, See: BOVARD, JIM, A Friend May Be Spying on you, 1p, in PP 1664/65: 303, USA Today, April 9,1999.

INFOSHOP.ORG, Electronic Archives on the World Wide Web, Anarchist Archives, 13 entries, Alternative Archives, 8 entries, Mainstream Electronic Text Archives, 24 entries, 2pp, in PP 1703: 176. Updated July 28, 2000.

INFOSHOP.ORG, Internet Anarchist University, 3pp, in PP 1722: 205, with URL list. So far it seems to consist of no more than a collection of articles online & some links. – J.Z.

INFOSHOP.ORG, Your Online Anarchist Community, Home Page, 2pp, Nov. 2000, in PP 1716: 118.

INFOSHOP.ORG, Your Rights! Here Are some Rights we Should Have, 1/2p, in PP 1702: 66. – One of the shortest & worst private human rights drafts that I have seen. Nevertheless, they should all be brought together, as I tried to do in PP 589 & 590. – J.Z.

INGERSOLL NEWS, Bible Absurdities, 1968, 20pp: 59-66, in PP 1547.

INGLIS, AGNES, See: HERRADA, JULIE & HYRY, TOM, Agnes Inglis: Anarchist Librarian, 3pp, in PP 1695: 55.

INHERITANCE LAWS, See: SWAN, GEORGE STEVEN, The Quick, the Dead and the Libertarian, an essay on some libertarian inheritance theories, LEGAL NOTES No. 31, 4pp, in PP1742: 45.

INNOVATOR, See: LABADIE, LAURANCE to INNOVATOR, 29.5.68 & comments on INNOVATOR, 30.5.68, 3pp, in PP 1725: 136.

IN PURSUIT OF LIBERTY, The Newsletter of the Center for Libertarian Studies, samples: III/2, Fall 1978, IV/1, Spring 1979, 20pp”: 327, in PP 1579-80.

INSIDER TRADING, See: FOLEY, RIDGWAY K., Jr., Insider Trading: The Moral Issue, THE FREEMAN, 11/87, 9pp, in PP 1751/52: 249.

INSIDER TRADING, See: MOTTE, ULRICH, Insiderhandel legalisieren, 2 S.: 165, in PP 1588.

INSIGHT, Conspiracy of Silence – Destruction of Germans, 1986, 5pp, in PP 1607/8: 199/. – On post-war atrocities. War as conducted today, by many to most governments, is largely a government-organized atrocity. It provokes privately initiated atrocities committed by its victims, all under the belief in “collective responsibility”, which is rarely questioned in government schools, in churches & by the mass media or even in libertarian publications. Each atrocity tends to lead to more and worse atrocities. – J.Z.

INSTITUTE FOR AMERICAN LIBERTY, Home Page, 1p, 1998: 145, in PP 1568.

INSTITUTE FOR ANARCHIST STUDIES, Introduction, Why Anarchism? What We Do, 2pp, 2000, in PP 1695: 143. – Links, 5pp, 2000: 145. IAS Biannual Newsletter, Contents List, 2000, 2pp: 150. IAS-Supported Projects, 2pp: 152. – IAS Great Books for IAS Donors, 10pp: 154. – How much charitable financial support would be still needed, e.g. by anarchist institutes, archives and libraries, as well as libertarian think tanks, periodicals and book publishers – IF they resorted to publishing on microfiche, floppy disks and CD-ROMs? Do they exist to support the book trade and the computer online service providers? Is this their main message, seeing that they spend too much of their scarce resources on it? Are they, too, ridden by customs, habits, tradition and public opinion, too much so to consider alternative media for their freedom of expression and information efforts? Some involvement with some alternative media, like e.g. audio- and video-tapes and pirate broadcasting, is obviously not enough! – PIOT, J.Z., 13.6.01 & 8.7.01.

INSTITUTE FOR CIVIL SOCIETY, Home Page, 6pp, in PP 1676: 186. With links www.CivilSociety.Org “ICS is committed to the use of proven new technologies to create a far-flung network of participating scholars”. – Has it shown any interest, as yet, in using CD-ROMs to reproduce all their output in all major languages, cheaply and permanently? – J.Z., 22.5.01.

INSTITUTE FOR HISTORICAL REVIEW, 66 Questions and Answers on the Holocaust, 2pp, in PP 1607/8: 196. – The 20th century has been a century of all too many mass murders. This one is still denied by some. Some people never learn. – J.Z.

INSTITUTE FOR HUMANE STUDIES, THE, A Student’s Guide to Classical Liberal Scholarship, 42pp, with Introduction, 2pp, by Tom G. Palmer: 166, in PP 1600.

INSTITUTE FOR LIBERTY AND COMMUNITY, Free Banking and Currency Competition, Bibliography, December 1986, 2pp, in PP 1745-1748: 769.

INSTITUTE FOR LIBERTY AND POLICY ANALYSIS, Costa Rica, Leadership Workshop by Rigoberto Stewart, 1999, 1p: 369, in PP 1561-63.

INSTITUTE FOR POLICY INNOVATION, What’s New & Publications, 2pp, (c) 2000, in PP 1679: 180. – Not libertarian enough for my taste! – J.Z.

INSTITUTE FOR PRIVATE ENTERPRISE, Articles, summaries and links, 3pp, in PP1613: 171.

INSTITUTE FOR PRIVATE ENTERPRISE, Hot off the Press, Home Page, News, 4pp, in PP1613: 175. – Summaries & links.

INSTITUTE FOR PRIVATE ENTERPRISE, IPE – Objectives, 1999, 2pp, in PP1613: 164.

INSTITUTE FOR PRIVATE ENTERPRISE, Links to magazines, papers, societies, homepages etc., 7pp, in PP1613: 156.

INSTITUTE FOR PRIVATE ENTERPRISE, Media Reports, links to 4 of them, 1p, in PP1613: 178.

INSTITUTE FOR PRIVATE ENTERPRISE, Newsletters, summaries only and links, 3pp, in PP1613: 168.

INSTITUTE FOR PRIVATE ENTERPRISE, Press Releases, links only, 1p, in PP1613: 183.

INSTITUTE FOR PRIVATE ENTERPRISE, Publications, links only, 2pp, in PP1613: 173.

INSTITUTE FOR PRIVATE ENTERPRISE, Published letters to the media, links to 10 previously published Letters, texts of 3 recent ones, 3pp, in PP1613: 179.

INSTITUTE FOR PRIVATE ENTERPRISE, Speeches, summaries & links to 7 of them, 2pp, in PP1613: 182.

INSTITUTE FOR PRIVATE ENTERPRISE, Unpublished Letters, List of 6 of them only, 1p, in PP1613: 163.

INSTITUTE OF ECONOMIC AFFAIRS, THE, Ideas for a Free Society, home page, 1p, in PP 1662: 11. Alas, partly cut off. – Still largely addicted to print on paper. I wish YOU could convert it to using microfilm & CD-ROMs. – J.Z.

INSURANCE, See: CALL, ASA V., Insuring Your Insurance, 2pp: 53, in PP 1549.

INSURANCE, See: EMORY, BOBBY YATES, Contra Insurance, 2pp: 496, in PP 1601-04.

INTELLECTUAL AMMUNITION, On State and Local Issues, I/2 & I/5, The Heartland Institute, in PP 1730: 35.

INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY, See: Copyrights, Patents.

INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY, See: EMORY, BOBBY YATES, A New Form of Intellectual Property Protection, 3pp: 563, in PP 1601-04. – On “RightCopy” and its conditions. – J.Z.

INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY, See: FLANAGAN, GREGORY, Intellectual Property, 3pp, in PP 1689-1693: 986.

INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY, See: HALLIDAY, ROY, Ideas as Property, 2pp: 566, in PP 1601-04.

INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY, See: HAMMER, RICHARD O., Intellectual Property Rights Viewed as Contracts, 2pp: 568, in PP 1601-04.

INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY, See: LONG, RODERICK T., The Libertarian Case Against Intellectual Property Rights, 6pp: 570, in PP 1601-04.

INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY, See: PALMER, TOM G., Intellectual Property, 4pp, Diss. Abstract: 321, in PP 1574-75.

INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY, See: WINBORNE, GEORGE, The Intellectual Property Debate, 2pp: 576, in PP 1601-04.

INTELLIGENCE EXPANSION, See: DEAN, WARD, M.D., NORGENTHALER, JOHN & FOWKES, STEVEN WM., Smart Drugs II, The Next Generation, New Drugs and Nutrients to Improve your Memory and Increase your Intelligence, 1993, 286pp, $ 14.95, flyer only, in PP 1664/65: 373.

INTELLIGENCE EXPANSION, See: SHAW, SANDY & PEARSON, DURK, The Smart Pills Revolution, 5pp: 120, in PP 1589-94. – KOMAN, VICTOR, Review, 1p, of: DOMAN, GLENN, Intelligence Increase in the Cradle, Doubleday, 1983, & of: DOMAN, GLENN, Teach Your Baby Math, Pocket Books, 1982: 385, in PP 1589-94.

INTERCOLLEGIATE STUDIES INSTITUTE, Free Publications Sampler, 6pp, 2000, (c) , in PP 1676: 180.

INTERCOLLEGIATE STUDIES INSTITUTE, Home page, Fostering Intellectual growth and Advancing the Understanding of a Free Society, 2pp, in PP 1697: 94.

INTEREST RATES & THE FED, See: TIMBERLAKE, RICHARD H., The Fed Sets Interest Rates? It Just Ain’t So! THE FREEMAN, 12/99, 3pp, in PP 1745-1748: 409.

INTEREST, See: LABADIE, LAURANCE, Is Interest Necessary? # 2, Sep. 1950? 5pp, in PP 1723/24: 158.

INTEREST, See: LABADIE, LAURANCE, Bonds and Interest, Oct. 1, 1949, 2pp, in PP 1723/24: 164.

INTEREST, See: LABADIE, LAURANCE, The Interest Steal, Mutual Banking, in MONEY, Nov. 1949, 1p, in PP 1723/24: largely identical with the above article (Bonds & Interest, sheet 164.): 166. – I strongly disagree with him on interest! – J.Z., 30.5.02.

INTEREST, See: LABADIE, LAURANCE, Time Preference, Jan. 20, 1968, 2pp, (13), with notes by J.Z. on interest & note issues, in PP 1723/24: 261.

INTEREST, See: LABADIE, LAURANCE, One Refutation of the “Time Preference” Theory, Jan. 30, 1968, 1p, (26), in PP 1723/24: 273. – Obviously needed: A popular handbook with the best refutations of all the popular errors, myths and prejudices on interest, still all too widely-spread in otherwise enlightened mineds. – J.Z., 30.5.02.

INTERNATIONAL ANARCHISM WEB PAGES, Anarchism Is International, links, 5pp, in PP 1696: 44.

INTERNATIONAL ANARCHISM WEB PAGES, Anarchist Groups Claiming a Link to the Platform, 5 pp, in PP 1694: 108, including 1p of links to anarchist history sites online – For too many “anarchists” their commitment to communism is stronger than their commitment to the essence of anarchism, i.e. to voluntarism and individual rights and liberties. – J.Z.

INTERNATIONAL ANARCHISM WEB PAGES, Anarchist Resources on the Internet, a sort of FAQ, 3.4, 7 July 2000, 9pp, , in PP 1694: 124.

INTERNATIONAL ANARCHISM WEB PAGES, Biographies and writings of well known anarchists, links, 1 p, in PP 1694: 133.

INTERNATIONAL ANARCHISM WEB PAGES, Disbanded anarchist groups and The International Anarchist Platform mailing list, links only, 1p, in PP 1694: 153.

INTERNATIONAL ANARCHISM WEB PAGES, Historical Anarchist Texts, 2pp links, in PP 1694: 144.

INTERNATIONAL ANARCHISM WEB PAGES, The Anarchist Platform, 2pp, in PP 1694: 139. – Anarchism without economic knowledge and interest amounts mostly only to kinds of sectarian communism. – J.Z., 27.5.02.

INTERNATIONAL ANARCHISM WEB PAGES, The Spanish Revolution (1936), 15pp, in PP 1696: 29.

INTERNATIONAL ANARCHIST FILM FESTIVAL, Melbourne, May 2-4, 1986, 32pp, edited by Hilary May & Patrick Watson. It was part of the Australian Anarchist Centenary Celebrations, May 1-4, 1986, in PP 1630: 83. – I was there but did not see any films since the ideas and opinion events interested me more & I had to man my table. – Of interest to me mainly because it refers to sources for anarchist films. Is there an individualist an. film among them? – J.Z.

INTERNATIONAL FREEDOM FOUNDATION, Washington, D.C., Letter of 1990 & 1989 Annual Report, 18pp. in PP 1624: 101.

INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL HISTORY, Home Pages, 5pp, in PP 1703: 1. On-line catalog: www_iisg_nl.html (?) Announcing links & BAKUNIN, COLLECTED WORKS, on 1 CD-ROM, featuring all his known texts as images and as text files, in both the original versions and, whenever applicable, in French translation. Price: NLG 995. Information and orders: Now it is up to the anarchist international movement to provide a much cheaper edition on one CD-ROM. It could do without the images of original texts, which swallow Mbs, but could add all kinds of comments on Bakunin. Moreover, it should make, finally, an effort to provide ALL anarchist writings cheaply and permanently, at least in this format. But will it bother? J.Z.

INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL HISTORY, IISH, About the Institute, 1p, in PP 1703: 4. – General Information, 1p: 5. – Publications, 2pp: 6. – Archival Collections, General Survey, 2pp: 8. – Site Map, 3pp: 10.- Algemene beschrijving van de collecties, 17pp: 13. – Links, 1p: 30. – All Archives, A-Z, 77pp, naming them & finding aids and indicating when they are on microfilm. Labor & social history items are much more numerous than purely anarchistic ones. Often only the name is given, the period and the size of the collection, not the ideological connection. Who can point out to me the anarchists among those merely named? – J.Z.

INTERNATIONAL LIBERTARIAN GROUPS, See: INTERNATIONAL LIBERTARIAN NETWORK, Home Page, with links, 9pp, in PP 1618:155. ILN Principles: ILN Mission: — EUROPEAN LIBERTARIANS, Home Page, list by countries, links only 2pp, in PP 1618: 164. U.K. list:

INTERNATIONAL LIBERTARIAN NETWORK, Home Page, with links, 9pp, in PP 1618: 155. ILN Principles: ILN Mission: Contact: HOWARD OLSON,

INTERNATIONAL LIBERTARIAN NETWORK, ILN, Links Pages, 9pp, in PP 1663: 1. – “… purpose … is to help organize a world wide educational & activist network for libertarian ideals.” – My main contact with it was so far Howard Olson,


INTERNATIONAL TRADE, See: PETERSON, WILLIAM H., What Is a Just International Economic Order? THE FREEMAN, 1/86, 6pp, in PP 1749/50: 8.

INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF PEOPLE’S INSTITUTIONS FOR PEACE, People’s Diplomacy, Non-violence and Reconciliation, Conference, Italy, 16 Sep-7 Oct. 2001, 1p, in PP 1672: 116. – I find the ideas of most peace organizations, conferences and books rather disappointing. But they do explains why peace does not yet predominate. Warmongers have nothing to fear from such “peace-lovers” and “peace activists” & “peace researchers”. – J.Z., 20.5.01.


INTERNET INFEDILS, Video Store – Science Fiction, 2pp, 2000, in PP 1677: 60., (c) or is it ? YOU check it out! Alas, here are only 3 SF films listed. – J.Z.

INTERNET, See: BOUDREAUX, DONALD J., Salvation through the Internet? THE FREEMAN, 11/96, 2pp, in PP 1754: 100. – On prices, communication and markets as the most important “Internet”.

INTERNET, See: E-FREEDOM COALITION, Proposal to the Advisory Commission on Electronic Commerce, 11/10/99, 13pp, with its declaration and FAQ , in PP 1678: 87.

INTERNET, See: WEBPRONEWS, April 9th, 2001, 4pp, in PP 1697: 171, – “According to Interactive Week’s recently completed annual survey of 553 Webmasters, most Web site operational budgets are expected to increase this year over last. Web site budgets for 2000 averaged $404.500, and Webmasters say they expect to see that increase to $ 508,000 for this calendar year. – On the high end, 7.5 % of Webmasters we surveyed say their budgets for 2000 will be $ 1 million or greater, up from 6.2 % who say their 2000 budgets were in the same range. – However, these averages are screwed up by the higher-end websites bumping up averages. When we look at another break-down in the same article of website budgets, we see that 60.7 % of website owners spend $ 50,000 or less in 2000 ….” – Who says that online publishing is always cheap? – J.Z.

INTERVENTIONISM, See: CARSON, CLARENCE B., The Impact of Intervention, THE FREEMAN, 5/71, 8pp, in PP 1749/50: 203.

INTERVENTIONISM, See: EBELING, RICHARD M, The Free Market and the Interventionist State, IMPRIMIS, 8/97, 8pp, in PP 1751/52: 316 .

INTERVENTIONISM, See: HART, DAVID, Interventionism, Social Conflict and War, 8pp, in PP 1607/8: 303.

INTERVENTIONISM, See: MACCARO, JAMES A., Of Skunks and Salmon, THE FREEMAN, 2/92, 2pp, in PP 1757/58: 60, on bureaucratic intervention.

INTERVENTIONS, MILITARY, See: MOORE, RODERICK, Foreign Policy in the Post-Communist World: The Case for Selective Intervention, FOREIGN POLICY PERSPECTIVES No. 34, 4pp, in PP1742: 29. – Military intervention by well enough motivated, enlightened, trained and armed volunteer militias is one thing. Intervention by governments and their forces is another thing. Politicians, Bureaucrats and government officers cannot be trusted in this sphere any more than in any other, no matter how good their purely technical military training and knowledge may be. I know of no government which has a quite rightful and reasonable foreign policy or method for international interventions. They are all territorial organizations and have territorial aims only and as such they can only maintain the current problems or make them worse but cannot abolish them. – They do not know and respect all individual rights and liberties in their own countries – so how can we expect them to uphold them in others? For them even classical human rights are still in doubt or they are even widely offended against by them. And some are “armed” with modern and scientific nuclear “mass extermination camp” packages and their conventional air forces are ready to repeat all the mistakes of WW II, the Korean War, The Vietnam War, etc., all over again, with all too indiscriminate air raids and all too insufficient or confused war aims. The “colleteral damage” to innocents in the current War in Afghanistan, supposedly only a police action against a minority of terrorists, has probably already far exceeded the number of innocent victims in the September 11th, 01 attack. Under the misguidance of territorialism on all sides, this conflict is likely to escalate and continue indefinitely, with no real solution in sight. PIOT, J.Z., 31.5.02.

INTREPRENEURSHIP, See: KAZAL, RUSS, Intrapreneur Spells Freedom, clipping, UPI, n.d., 1p: 76, in PP 1547. &

INVENTORS, See: WEBSTER, DANIEL, Patents & Inventors, extract from an 1852 speech, in PP 1668/69, 1p: 8.

INVESTMENTS, PRIVATE, See: BIGGS, ANDREW G., Private Investment Is More Risky than Social Security? It Just Ain’t So! THE FREEMAN8/00, 2pp, in PP 1753: 70.

INVESTMENTS, See: IRVINE, WILLIAM B., The Investor as Hero, THE FREEMAN, 1/90, 2pp, in PP 1766-68: 323.

INVESTMENTS, UNPRODUCTIVE? See: ROSS, ERNEST G., The “Unproductive Investment” Prejudice, THE FREEMAN, 5/84, 3pp, in PP 1749/50: 372.

INVICTUS, L.A., A Journal of News and Opinion, published by the CSCLA Students of Objectivism, I/2, Oct. 1969 – No. 28, June 1973, incomplete, all on hand, 398pp: 1, in PP 1565-67.

INVICTUS, New Directions, 2pp introductory leaflet, 1972: 297, in PP 1565-67.

INVICTUS, Promotional Leaflet, 2pp, 1972: 1, in PP 1565-67.

INVISIBLE HAND, See: NICHOLS, ROSALINE, The Invisible Hand, THE FREEMAN, 2/70, 2pp, in PP 1766-68: 330. (Rosalie?)

INVISIBLE HAND, THE, See: CORDATO, ROY, Invisible Hand Obsolete? It Just Ain’t So! THE FREEMAN, 11/99, 3pp, in PP 1759/60: 355. – See also under SPONTANEOUS ORDER, PRICES, MARKET, HARMONY, LAISSEZ FAIRE.

IRELAND, See: BERKMAN, ALEXANDER, The Only Hope of Ireland, 1916, 2pp, in PP 1694: 141. – Only full exterritorial autonomy for all Irish parties & movements and voluntary communities could satisfy most Irish people. Even the left anarchists do not seem to be aware of that as yet. They, like most statists, are still all too much territorialists. – J.Z., 27.5.02.

IRELAND, See: BERKMAN, ALEXANDER, The Only Hope of Ireland, 1916, 2pp, in PP 16 & 17, 2nd edition: 401, part of International Anarchism Web.

IRISH FAMINE, See: FINNERAN, JOHN R., Free Trade & the Irish Famine, THE FREEMAN, 12/91, 4pp, in PP 1761-63: 54.

IRISH FAMINE, See: JOHNSON, TERESA R., The Irish Potato Famine, THE FREEMAN, 1/87, 6pp, in PP 1766-68: 313. – See also under FAMINES. They have become rare wherever transport and trade were somewhat developed and free. – J.Z., 3.6.02.

IRVINE, WILLIAM B., Basic Rights and Meta-Rights, THE FREEMAN, 12/89, 2pp, in PP 1757/58: 279.

IRVINE, WILLIAM B., Saying No to Federal Disaster Relief, THE FREEMAN, 3/90, 3pp, in PP 1754: 97.

IRVINE, WILLIAM B., The Investor as Hero, THE FREEMAN, 1/90, 2pp, in PP 1766-68: 323.

IRVINE, WILLIAM B., The Right not to Live, THE FREEMAN, 5/91, 2pp, in PP 1751/52: 413, on euthanasia & suicide help.

IRVING, WILLIAM B., The Other Side of Adam Smith, THE FREEMAN, 2/90, 4pp, in PP 1749/50: 190.

IRWIN, ASHLI, 20, Economical Freedom of Choice, 1p, in PP 1678: 5.

ISHILL, Reclus in Memoriam, Contents list only & links also to some other writings on Elisée Reclus, with bibliography and URL list, 5pp, in PP 1708-1710: 612. Ishill’s book has been reproduced in PP 990.

ISIL HQ, Special Message from , 20.9.01, re terrorism, with reader response, 12.10.01, 11pp, in PP 1726/27: 396.

ISIL MEMBER SURVEY, 2pp, with handwritten replies by J.Z.: 367, in PP 1561-63.

ISIL MEMBER SURVEY, 2pp, with handwritten replies by John Zube. 1999? 123, in PP1553.


ISIL WORLD FREEDOM E-BULLETIN, # 1, 15.5.01, 5pp, in PP 1726/27: 391.

ISIL WORLD FREEDOM E-BULLETIN, Nov. 20, 01; Dec. 6, 01; Jan. 16, 02, 6pp , in PP 1726/27: 407.

ISIL, 1999 Costa Rica ISIL Conference Tapes, 1p, in PP 1729: 46.

ISIL, Announcement of the ISIL World Conference 2002, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, July 28 – August 1, 02, 1p, in PP 1726/27: 413.

ISIL, Appeal for financial assistance , in PP 1737/38: 416. – As far as its publications, in any language, are concerned, it does not need any financial assistance but just a bit of free enterprise initiative, to get its members to put all their freedom writings and even those of many others, onto a few CD-ROMs. That is not a financial problem but at most one of insight and coordination and willingness to utilize such an affordable technology. It managed to get its excellent leaflets onto the Internet but not yet all freedom writings in all languages. What better project for international collaboration and assistance among libertarians could there be? Can a few conferences and publications (temporarily printed on paper) be a good enough substitute? Could we achieve a libertarian library, bibliography, abstracts & review compilations, indexes, encyclopaedias, directories etc. cheaply, fast and easily enough otherwise? So why is this freedom of expression and information opportunity not discussed in their newsletters and conferences? Why do they remain largely stuck upon print on paper and on physical meetings and spend all too much of their limited resources, time and energy on them? – At least it offers audio tapes of its conferences and some of its output online. But e.g. microfiche, floppy disks and CD-ROMs, not to speak of CVDs, could offer so much more and more cheaply, without publishing risk and capital outlays! – J.Z., 1.3.02.

ISIL, Appeal for support, 1p, in PP 1610: 100.

ISIL, BASTIAT CONFERENCE, Programme, 3pp, in PP 1672: 186. – I have still to find a single person interested in my US $ 6 edition of Bastiat’s Works, in French, on 6 microfiche. – I doubt that I would have found any there. But at least a few of those who will attend did show some interest in the CD-ROM project, but not enough to induce me to book a place in time. Now it’s sold out of its 200 tickets. – J.Z., 20.5.01. – Bastiat fans have so far mostly rejected their microfilm, floppy disk and CD-ROM freedom of expression and information options for writings by and on Bastiat’s ideas. Would Bastiat have done the same? – J.Z., 24.5.02.

ISIL, Books from ISIL, 4 pages, in PP 1743/44: 247.

ISIL, Costa Rica 1999, leaflets, 7pp, 6 in Spanish, from ATLAS & MOVIMIENTO LIBERTARIO: 356, in PP 1581-82.

ISIL, Help ISIL Spread the Light of Liberty Around the World, 1p appeal, in PP 1655: 52. – It does do much good, with its conferences, leaflets, book distribution etc. But how much more could it and many of its members do, if they made sufficient use of the affordable, efficient, easy and lasting alternative media? With the usual organization and activities too much of a load is put upon too few shoulders. – J.Z. –

ISIL, Help ISIL Spread the Message of Liberty Around the World, 1p leaflet, in PP 1726/27: 414. – ISIL spreads its message through conferences, books, leaflets, newsletters and the Internet, but not through microfiche, floppy disks and CD-ROM. But it does support my microfiching efforts by sending me paper copies of its own output. – J.Z., 30.5.02.

ISIL, Intellectual Ammo, Leaflet, 2pp, in PP 1656-1659: 501.

ISIL, Intellectual Ammunition, 2 leaflets on its leaflets, videos and books, 4pp, in PP 1713-1715: 371.

ISIL, Intellectual Ammo, Educational Pamphlet Series, 2pp listing, 1999: 249, in PP 1554/55. – 1p: 64, in PP 1565-67.

ISIL, Intellectual Ammo, ISIL Educational Pamphlet Series, ISIL, Leaflets, on Donations and Intellectual Ammunition, 3pp: 121, in PP 1597.

ISIL, INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR INDIVIDUAL LIBERTY, An ISIL Progress Report from Vince Miller, December 1999, 8pp, in PP 1743/44: 231.

ISIL, Vince Miller letter, 6pp of December 2000, in PP 1743/44: 239.

ISLAM & TERRORISM? TERRORISM & ISLAM? See: DAWKINS, RICHARD, Design for Faith-Based Missiles, INQUIRY, 22/1, Winter 2001/2, 2pp, in PP 1732: 189. Not only the faith of an intolerant section of a major religion is involved but the much more wide-spread belief in collective responsibility and in territorialism. Without the latter articles of faith most wars, civil wars and violent revolutions and private terrorist acts would not happen and enlightenment would spread fast and thoroughly. – PIOT, J.Z., 28.2.02. – Sent in by John de Rivaz, – –

ISOLATIONISM, See: GABB, SEAN, Anglo-German Relations in the Twentieth Century: An Isolationisy View, 1990, 17pp, in PP 1673: 164.

ISRAEL, See: DEAN, MACABEE, Israel: The Road from Socialism, THE FREEMAN, 9/89, 8pp, in PP 1759/60: 333. – Antisemites often assert that Jews would be masters or lords of money and finance. Well, in Israel they have made almost every monetary mistake possible, to their own great disadvantage. Have they become infiltrated by “Arian” stupidities on the subject? – J.Z., 19.5.02. – LEHMAN-WILZIG, SAM, Israel’s Grassroots Libertarian Revolution, THE FREEMAN, 4/90, 6pp, in PP 1759/60: 341.

ISRAEL, See: GABB, SEAN, What to Do about Israel! Free Life Commentary No. 57 of 11.10.01, 3pp, in PP 1739: 88. – Recognize it & ALL other governments and aspiring minorities ONLY as exterritorially autonomous communities of volunteers. Full experimental freedom for all of them – at their own risk and expense. All territorial governments and movements ought to be denied all legitimacy, all privileges, all powers, all support, as inherently aggressive and oppressive towards their internal and external dissenters. Territorialism is the most wide-spread and still all too popular form of totalitarianism and it wrongs and harms everybody. – PIOT, J.Z., 10.2.02, 2.3.02.

ISSUES PRO & CON, Home page, 1p, in PP 1679: 181, with indication of contents of first 3 issues, by Jack Metzel, Entrepreneur, dealing with tax reform, budget deficit & campaign finance.

IWW, Liberty for the People, 1999, 21p, in PP 1695: 164. – Texts concerning freedom for the working class individual, links & URLs. – Are those still “thinking” in terms of “classes” truly individuals? – J.Z., 27.5.02.

JABLONKA, PAUL, A Theory of Old-Age Degeneration, I, 6pp: 676. II, 5pp: 700, in PP 1589-94.

JACKSON, PETER, Doctors Denied Data – Discovery Acknowledged, 1p: 773, in PP 1601-04.

JACKSON, PETER, Freedom Is the Right to Know, 2pp: 734, in PP 1601-04.

JACKSTADT, STEPHEN L. & LEE, DWIGHT R., Alaska’s Other Oil Spill, THE FREEMAN, 1/90, 5pp, in PP 1766-68: 548.

JACOBS, DANIEL, An Open Letter to my Speech Professor, 2pp: 59, in PP 1565-67. – On guilt by association & altruism.

JACOBS, DANIEL, Pollution and the Public Roads, 2pp: 41, in PP 1565-67.

JACOBSON, PHILIP & HAMMER, RICHARD O., Dialogue: Electronic Democracy and the Prospects for a Free Nation, 2pp: 409, in PP 1601-04.

JACOBSON, PHILIP E., Glorious Revolution for an American Free Nation, 6pp: 28, in PP 1568.

JACOBSON, PHILIP, Business in a Free Nation, 6pp: 424, in PP 1601-04.

JACOBSON, PHILIP, Food Wars and the Origin of the State, 8pp: 380, in PP 1601-04.

JACOBSON, PHILIP, Free Accord Law: Ethical Communities, 9pp: 434, in PP 1601-04.

JACOBSON, PHILIP, Free Families to Statist Societies and Back Again, 7pp: 388, in PP 1601-04.

JACOBSON, PHILIP, International Relations for Free Nations, 4pp: 430, in PP 1601-04.

JACOBSON, PHILIP, Law as Property in a Free Nation, 6pp: 418, in PP 1601-04.

JACOBSON, PHILIP, Political Curriculum: Education Essential to Keep A Free Society, 5pp: 413, in PP 1601-04.

JACOBSON, PHILIP, Three Voluntary Economies, 4pp: 405, in PP 1601-04.

JACOBY, JEFF, Slavery in our Time, THE BOSTON GLOBE, April 2, 1996, 2pp, in PP 1676: 151. American Anti-Slavery Group: P.O. Box 441612, Somerville, MA 02144. TIME, April 10, 2000: “1 million: Women and children bought and sold annually in the sex trade. Nearly 250,000 are sold in South East Asia for up to $ 10,000 each. “$ 56: Price paid by Christian Solidarity International to buy back each woman sold as a slave in northern Sudan. 11,000 have been freed since 1995.”: 152. Even at that low price: Some will be enslaved to be so redeemed! – There were probably less additional victims, annually, at the “height” of the historically recorded slave trade. In some areas a slave was expected to last only 7 years, to extract the maximum profit from his labours. Child sex slaves might be lucky or unlucky to live that long, after capture and abuse. – J.Z., 22.5.01.

JAEGER, BENEDIKT, Vom Gelde, vom Mars und von der Realitaet, 1 S., in PP 1625: 61.

JAGGARD, R. S., Justice vs. Mercy, 1p, in PP 1713-1715: 46. – From: FREEDOM MAGAZINE.

JAGGARD, R. S., Repeal the Income Tax, 1p, in PP 1713-1715: 82. – From: FREEDOM MAGAZINE.

JAGGARD, R. S., Voluntary, 1p, in PP 1713-1715: 13. – From: FREEDOM MAGAZINE.

JAMAICA HOSPITAL, Maine: Poor people are given the chance to work for health care. A journalist objects but does not offer to pay their bills. Tiny note & comment, in PP 1610: 92.

JAMAICA, See: BOVARD, JAMES, Jamaica: No Free Market, No Miracle, THE FREEMAN, 12/87, 7pp, in PP 1759/60: 324

JAMES, BOB, A Personal Journey Through Anarchism in Australia, RADICAL TRADITION, An Australiasian History Page, a Takver’s initiative , 99, 6pp, in PP 16 & 17, 2nd edition: 329.

JAMES, James’ Liberty File Collection Index, 4pp, in PP 1611: 205. –

JAMES, LOUIS, A Disease Masquerading as its own Cure, 4pp, in PP 1697: 108, reprinted from THE LIBERTARIAN ENTERPRISE,

JAMES, LOUIS, Review only, 1p, of MCELROY, WENDY, “XXX: A Woman’s Right to Pornography”, 1995, in PP 1616: 37.

JAMES’S LIBERTY FILE COLLECTION INDEX & LIBERTY WEB, 5pp, Links to essays and sites, in PP 1679: 11.

JAPAN, See: CROCKER, C. BRANDON, The Myth of Japanese Industrial Policy, THE FREEMAN, 4/88, 5pp, in PP 1766-68: 249.

JAPAN, See: SENESE, DONALD J., Privatizing Japan’s Railroads, THE FREEMAN, 6/87, 5pp, in PP 1766-68: 39.

JASAY, ANTHONY De, Against Politics: On Government, Anarchy and Politics, 1998, Library Binding, 256pp, $ 75, offer, with editorial and reader reviews, 3pp, in PP 1677: 139.

JASAY, ANTHONY DE, Empirical Evidence, 1p, n.d. , in PP 1705: 142. – An attempt to defend the State and attack anarchy via a false analogy. Bureaucratizing and monopolizing the treatment of disease is unlikely to help the patients sufficiently. At least we have still free choice among licenced doctors. J. also ignores that stateless societies existed by the dozens and that only territorial coercion, errors, myths, prejudices and ignorance uphold the territorial States. They live as parasites upon societies. Societies do not need territorial States and will recover their health once the disease of territorial government is eradicated. – PIOT, J.Z., 13.7.01.

JASAY, ANTHONY DE, See: LIBERTY FUND, INC., Note on JASAY, ANTHONY DE, The State, pb. $ 9, 1p, in PP 18, 2nd ed.: 200.

JASON’S WEBPAGE, Jason’s Web-based Writings, List only, 5pp with URL list, in PP 1675: 172.

JASON’S FREETHINKING POLYMATH PAGES, 2 web pages, with libertarian links: 124, in PP 1586. – Neither e-mail, postal address nor URL are mentioned.

JAVILK, JOHN, On Prices and Pricing, 1p, from LONGEVITY REPORT: 32, in PP 1554/55.

JAYDENEWS, 26 January 2000,, 5pp, in PP 1618: 204, on Online Bill Payment. , etc. – Note by J.Z., 9. February 2000: An easier way to handle the government’s monopolistic, coercive & fraudulent paper money and paper value standard is NOT a good substitute for issuing and accepting your own kind of non-exclusive, optional and market-rated exchange media and value standards & for accepting them & dealing largely in them. For the government’s paper money still leaves you exposed to its inflations, stagflations and deflations – even when it is interest-rate manipulated. (E.g. by a Gary Greenberg, as FED director, who seems to have forgotten everything else about money – or is well enough paid for doing so. He seems to be the Pope of the popular religion regarding money – and it leads to a lot of troubles.). Freedom in this sphere would mean something QUITE different, although computers & software programs would also be used.

JEFFERSON, THOMAS, Links to addresses and writings, online, also those of other presidents, 3pp, in PP 1701: 151.

JEFFERSON, THOMAS, See: CARSON, CLARENCE B., Thomas Jefferson: Liberty and Power, THE FREEMAN, 4/93, 10pp, in PP 1749/50: 92.

JELLINEK, DAVID, See: LIBERTARIAN ESSAYS, Collected by JELLINEK, DAVID, with some personal ones, list & links only, 1p, in PP 1615:204. –

JESTER, SIMON, Mini Cards with Thoughts for Liberty, 1 page, in PP 1655 116.

JESUITS, See: LORSON, PIERRE, Wehrpflicht und Christliches Gewissen,1952, 234 S.: 1, in PP 1586. – “Ein s e h r gutes Buch. Jesuiten haben ja manchmal erstaunlich objective Buecher geschrieben, in denen sie sogar die Autoritaet der Paepste ignorierten. Beispiel: Der Graf von Spee schrieb ein Buch, in dem er gegen die Hexenverbrennungen protestierte, nach seinen Erfahrungen als Beichtvater es fuer unwahrscheinlich erklaerte, dass auch nur e I n e (eine) Schuldige unter den Hexen war, die er zum Scheiterhaufen begleitete, es als fraglich hinstellte, ob es ueberhaupt Hexerei gaebe (letzteres eine schwere Suende nach der Meinung der Katholischen Kirche) und entging nur durch seinen fruehen Tod (1635 – – geboren war er 1591) der Inquisition. — Man soll niemanden nach seiner Zugehoerigkeit zu einem Kollektive beurteilen, dem viele Zugehoerige Unehre gemacht haben.” – Ulrich von Beckerath, in a comment to this book.

JET, Seize Your Freedom, NO SACRED COWS website, n.d., by 2pp, with 3 pages of links & URLs, but that of NO SACRED COWS not expressed! In PP 1672: 166.


JOBS, See: SENNHOLZ, HANS F., Jobs and Trade, THE FREEMAN, 7/96, 2pp, , in PP 1759/60: 330. – Although S. is a monetary freedom advocate – at least here he does not see and describe the connection between free banking and full employment. Naturally, wage, profit, rent and interest rates ought to be free as well. But everything cannot be blamed on meddling with them only. – J.Z.

JOFFE, MARC D., An Open Letter to Harry Browne and His Supporters, 3pp, in PP 1609: 9. NCF, from its FORMULATIONS, Winter 96/97.

JOFFE, MARC D., Begruendung fuer Neulandprojekte, 2 S.: 62, in PP 1588.

JOFFE, MARC D., New Country Briefs, 1p from FORMULATIONS, Winter 95/96, in PP 1609: 5.

JOFFE, MARC D., Review of: BROWNE, HARRY, Why Government Doesn’t Work, St. Martins Press, 1995, 245pp, 2pp: 667, in PP 1601-04. (A file with articles by Marc D. Joffe was overlooked by me and will be fiched later. – J.Z.)

JOFFE, MARC D., Roll Back U.S. Government? Not This Time, 3pp, NCF, from its FORMULATIONS, Winter 95/96, on electioneering, in PP 1609: 6.

JOFFE, MARC D., Somaliland: Some Useful Background. Review of: MAREN, MICHAEL, Road to Hell, Free Press, 1997, 1p, in PP 1609: 4.

JOFFE, MARC, New Country Projects Profile: New Utopia, 1p: 9, in PP 1601-04.

JOHANNSEN, OSCAR B., Boom or Bust, 1p, in PP 1731: 18.

JOHANNSEN, OSCAR B., Man vs. the State, 1p: 101, in PP 1564.

JOHANNSEN, OSCAR B., Men Against the State, 1p: 5, in PP 1564.

JOHANNSEN, OSCAR B., Objectivism in Theory, Subjectivism in Practice, 1p: 44, in PP 1564. – Review of: BRANDEN, NATHANIEL, My Years with Ayn Rand.

JOHANNSEN, OSCAR B., Privatize Education, 1p: 17, in PP 1564.

JOHANNSEN, OSCAR B., Privatize Medicine, 2pp: 54, in PP 1564.

JOHANNSEN, OSCAR B., Privatize Money, 1p: 26, in PP 1564.

JOHANNSEN, OSCAR B., Society vs. The State, 1p, in PP 1731: 6.

JOHANNSEN, OSCAR B., The Euro: Fiat Currency Extraordinaire!! 1p: 91, in PP 1564.

JOHANNSEN, OSCAR B., The Libertarian’s Predicament, 1961, 2pp, in PP 1668/69: 221. – Even this monetary freedom advocate did at least then still think that the land tenure system is the main factor making for unemployment. A case of wilful blindness! Why then is there, SOMETIMES, almost no unemployment – under the very same land tenure system? – J.Z., 19.5.01

JOHANNSEN, OSCAR B., The Money Muddle, 1p, in PP 1630: 72.

JOHANNSEN, OSCAR B., Value: A Subjective Concept, 2pp: 68, in PP 1564.

JOHN BIRCH SOCIETY, The Official John Birch Society Website, 2pp: 196, in PP 1568.

JOHN GALT SOCIETY, Queensland. Short Advertisement, giving postal address and phone no. In PP 1627: 121.

JOHN, What Is Government? 2pp, in PP 1732: 195, sent by DESTINY WORLDWIDE NET on August 3, 01. It mentions a Destiny University website:

JOHNSON, BRYAN T., U.S. Foreign Aid and United Nations Voting Records, 4pp, in PP 1680: 154, from: BACKGROUNDER, The Heritage Foundation, No. 1186 of June 12, 1998.

JOHNSON, EARNEST E., II, A Primer on Deliberate Collective Action, 4pp: 695, in PP 1601-04.

JOHNSON, ERIK A., The Census: Eyes of the Intrusive State, THE FREEMAN, 9/90, 5pp, in PP 1766-68: 400.

JOHNSON, PAUL & THE FREEMAN, Historian Paul Johnson on American Liberty, TG, 6/96, 8pp, in PP 1765: 56.

JOHNSON, PAUL, A Brotherhood of National Misery, 3pp: 118, in PP 1597. – An abridged version of his famous article on unionism that appeared in THE NEW STATESMEN a few years ago, says the introduction to this article in: PROGRESS, Sep. 1977.

JOHNSON, RICHARD B. to LABADIE, LAURANCE, n.d., 1p, in PP 1725: 77.

JOHNSON, TERESA R., The Irish Potato Famine, THE FREEMAN, 1/87, 6pp, in PP 1766-68: 313.

JOHNSON, THOMAS L., Abortion: A Metaphysical Approach, THE FREEMAN, 8/72, 6pp, in PP 1759/60: 19. – The action itself is hardly metaphysical. The motivation often is – as false. Here the rights of the unborn are defended. We should respect the wonders of micro-miniaturisation not only in computers. – J.Z.

JOHNSON, THOMAS L., Let Education Go Commercial, THE FREEMAN, 11/73, 6pp, in PP 1759/60: 176.

JOHNSON, THOMAS L., Welfare and the Constitution, 1p, in PP 1713-1715: 12. – From: FREEDOM MAGAZINE.

JOHNSTON, LACHLAN, Swedes Hold Title for Shares, 21.2.00, SMH, 1p, in PP 1699: 48. – On degrees of shareholder ownership. Shareholding in the company one works in would be even more significant, especially when at least ca. 20% of one’s income would be derived in this way. That tends to turn people from mere employees into partners. – J.Z.


JOKES, See: FREEDOM WORLD, Freedom Jokes, 21pp, in PP 1664/65: 12.

JONAS, DONALD K., Technology and the Work Force: Work Will not End, THE FREEMAN, 11/97, 5p, in PP 1755/56: 131.

JONES, EARL, Martial Law or “Martial Rule”? 2pp in PP 1637-1640: 107.

JONES, EDGAR L., One War Is Enough, ATLANTIC MONTHLY, Feb. 1946, 6pp, in PP 1607/8: 189.

JONESDOWN TRAGEDY, See: WATKINS, HAL, The Jonestown Syndrome, THE FREEMAN, 7/82, 3pp, in PP 1766-68: 319. – So far none of the coercive and spleeny States and societies has been exposed to fully free competition by enlightened and free communities and States. Mass murders and mass suicides, as well as individual murders and suicides, would be greatly reduced – if they were exposed to such competion. We do not know as yet what freedom conditions can make out of man. – J.Z., 3.6.02.

JORDAN, DAVID STARR, The Moral Aspect of the Protective Tariff, THE FREEMAN, 1/94, 3pp, in PP 1761-63: 193.

JORDAN, FRANK, In Praise of Max, 1p, in PP 1618: 71. – On Stirner.

JOSÉ PIÑERA, How We Privatized Social Security in Chile, THE FREEMAN, 7/97, 5pp, in PP 1766-68: 29.

JOSH, USA, Untitled, on Laotse & Taoism, 5pp, in PP 1695: 92.

JOURNAL OF LIBERTARIAN STUDIES, THE, The Center of Libertarian Studies, contents listing for issues I/1 – XIV/1, Winter 1977 – Summer 1998, 31pp, in PP 1674: 98. – The paper editions are expensive, too expensive for me. It is available also in rather expensive microfiche (probably from Pergamon Press), also too expensive for me, rather than on cheap ones like those of LMP, or, with very much other libertarian material, on a CD-ROM. However, with copyrights reservations, all these articles are now available online. I could, laboriously and expensively, download them – but I would rather purchase them, as references, on a cheap CD-ROM. – J.Z., 21.5.01.

JOUVENAL, BERTRAND DE, No Vacancies, 10pp: 46, in PP 1549. – On rent control etc.

JOYCE LEE MALCOMB, To Keep and Bear Arms: the Origins of an Anglo-American Right, in PP 1685/86: 34. A very short review only, by MARK TUCKER, can be found in: PP 1685/86: 34.

JUDGES, See: REICHERT, JOSEPH WILLIAM, Who Shall Judge the Judges? 2pp, in PP 1616: 42. – – Consumer sovereignty should prevail here, too. One should e.g. be free to select one’s judges in advance, one’s panarchy or protective association or comprehensive insurance service. – Tax-financed public services serve primarily the public servants involved. – J.Z., 16.3.00.

JUNGE LINKE, Was ist Nationalismus? 1 S.: 215, in PP 1588. Website:

JUNKSCIENCE.COM, All the junk that’s fit to debunk, HP & Links, (c) 2000, 2pp, in PP 1679: 183. – See also: NATIONAL ANXIETY CENTER ONLINE, Home Page, with links to commentaries and recommended sites, 2pp, in PP 1679: 185. “Debunking Junk Science, Junk Politics, Junk Education, Greens & Global Anything!” 1p: 185. (c) Alan Caruba, 2000. Visit – Debunking global free trade and global realization of individual rights, too? J.Z.

JUNTO OF NEW YORK CITY, Home Page, 1/2 page, in PP 1716: 114,

JURA BOOKS, Meeting Announcement, June 1999, 1p, on anarchism in Finland and Indonesia: 208, in PP 1598.

JURA BOOKS, Participation, Structure and objectives, 4pp on a Sydney anarchist bookshop collective, offering mainly only leftist titles, in PP 1698: 128.

JURIDICAL MONOPOLY, See: CARSON, CLARENCE B., Judicial Monopoly over the Constitution: Jefferson’s View, THE FREEMAN, 10/83, 10pp, in PP 1759/60: 287. – A legal monopoly is never judicially arrived at. Constitutions, laws and judicial services only via individual choice! – PIOT, J.Z.

JURIDICAL SYSTEMS, See: ARBITRATION, JURIES, – ROTHBARD, MURRAY N., Will Rothbard’s Free-Market Justice Suffice? 1p excerpt from REASON, 5/1973: 122, in PP 1569-70. – BARNETT, RANDY E., Pursuing Justice in a Free Society: Part I – The Power Principle, 5pp: 131. Part II – The Liberty Approach, 8pp: 139, in PP 1569-70. – WATNER, CARL, Stateless, Not Lawless: Voluntaryism and Arbitration, 8pp: 147, in PP 1569-70.

JURIES, See: ANDREWS, JIM, Trial by Jury, 5pp, in PP 1656-1659: 120.

JURIES, See: BISKUPIC, JOAN, In Jury Rooms, A Form of Civil Protest Grows, 1p, in PP 1664/65: 327. I find it absurd to copyright a mere news report. Only the lies of news reports are originals and to copyright them is even more absurd. – J.Z.

JURIES, See: CHIANG, HARRIET, Top State Court Says Jurors Must Honor Law, SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE, May 8, 01, 2pp, in PP 1707: 197. distributed by JURY RIGHTS PROJECT, 31.5.01. – At least SOME judges are more interested in upholding unjust law – because it is the law – and their legal – or illegal – privileges, than in upholding justice. M.G. suggested that upon a charge that one would SHOW “contempt of court”, one might reply: “No, your honour, I’m trying to hide it!” But it would probably be safer to just THINK such a reply. – J.Z., 2.6.01. –

JURIES, See: KETCHER, MIKE, The Perils of Jury Duty, 3pp: 50, in PP 1561-63.

JURIES, See: KOOPMAN, ROGER, Jury Nullification: Cornerstone of Freedom, THE FREEMAN, 2/94, 2pp, in PP 1759/60: 279.

JURIES, See: LAPP, NATHAN, Liberating the Jury, THE FREEMAN, 3/98, 7pp, in PP 1759/60: 139.

JURIES, See: LEHMAN, GODFREY, Gentlemen of the Jury, 1p (the article appears incomplete): 70, in PP 1551. – WILSON, JOHN vs. High Court of Australia: The High Court Wipes Trial by Peers, 1p: 71, in PP 1551.

JURIES, See: LEHMAN, GODFREY, Your Right to Trial by Peers, 1p:110, in PP 1585. From NATIONAL INTEREST NEWS, No. 18, 1998. – I still disagree with much of its program but it also offers interesting information not found elsewhere by me. – J.Z.

JURIES, See: LONG, RODERICK T., The Athenian Constitution: Government by Jury and Referendum, 21pp: 201, in PP 1601-04.

JURIES, See: MCELROY, WENDY, A Reconsideration of Trial by Jury, 3pp: 545, in PP 1601-04. – To each the juridical system of his or her choice! – J.Z.

JURIES, See: PIERONE, MICHAEL, Requiring Citizens to do Evil, THE FREEMAN, 7/93, 2pp, in PP 1754: 135, on unfree juries.

JURIES, See: PULLIAM, MARK S., Nullifying the Rule of Law, THE FREEMAN, 3/96, 3pp, in PP 1757/58: 74. – Opposed to free juries! – At least he should have distinguished between the nullification of wrongful laws and that of rightful ones. He was then an attorney for whom “the law” is a holy fetish or holy cow. I suppose he made a good living from that but he should have come to know sufficient laws to lose his respect for many of them. That he did not does not earn him my respect. That legislators are not able and willing to repeal most wrongful laws is obvious from the numerous laws that remain on the statute books, or are added almost daily, no matter how wrong, senseless and in some instances even no matter how criminal they are. – J.Z.

JURIES, See: SPARKS, BERTEL M., Trial by Jury vs. Trial by Judge, THE FREEMAN, 10/95, 5pp, in PP 1749/50: 73.

JURIES, See: TIGGRE, DON LOBO, The Feral Answer to FIJA, 2pp, in PP 1663: 38, LFCT, May 1, 00.

JURIES, See: ZUBE, JOHN to FIJA & LEHMAN, GODFREY, 27 March 01 & some time later, 3pp, in PP 1676: 117. FIJA re free juries and CD-ROM project.

JURISDICTION, See: BLANKERTZ, STEFAN, Courts, Judges, and the Law in the Free City, 1996/97, 4pp: 300, in PP 1581-82. – 5pp, in PP 1705: 126.

JURY NULLIFICATION, Links and abstracts, 5pp, FREE-MARKET.NET, in PP 1697: 38.

JURY RIGHTS PROJECT, Circular, e-mailed, 4.4.01, 2pp, in PP 1671: 173.

JUST ASK HENRY, Home Page, on economics, environment, politics, fairness, 1p, in PP 18, 2nd ed.: 202, no URL given.

JUSTICE & DIVERSITY, See: PERLMUTTER, PHILIP, Justice & Cultural Diversity, THE FREEMAN, 8/95, 2pp, in PP 1759/60: 272. -Justice systems by individual choice! Different for different volunteer communities. There are no uniform human beings and beliefs for all of them. Only some people agree with each other. “Suum cuique!” To each his own! That does also require individual secessionism, based on individual rather than territorial sovereignty, and the opposite to territorialism: exterritorial autonomy for volunteer communities. – J.Z.

JUSTICE & LAW, See: SENNHOLZ, HANS F., Law and Justice, THE FREEMAN, 1/83, 3pp, in PP 1759/60: 237.

JUSTICE SYSTEMS, See: HAMMER, RICHARD O. & LONG, RODERICK, Dialogue, Restitutive Justice and the Costs of Restraint, 1p: 60, in PP 1601-04.

JUSTICE SYSTEMS, See: HAMMER, RICHARD O., A Limited-Government Framework for Courts, 1p: 80, in PP 1601-04.

JUSTICE SYSTEMS, See: HAMMER, RICHARD O., Towards Voluntary Courts and Enforcement, 7pp: 108, in PP 1601-04.

JUSTICE VS. FAIRNESS, See: WILLIAMS, WALTER E., Fairness & Justice: Process vs. Results, THE FREEMAN, 10/88, 4pp, in PP 1753: 82.

JUSTICE VS. UTILITY, See: BIDINOTTO, ROBERT JAMES, Justice or “Utility”? , THE FREEMAN, 8/95, 3pp, in PP 1759/60: 269.

JUSTICE, JASON, Defining Anarchism, 3pp, in PP 1701: 124, n.d., source or URL or e-mail address.

JUSTICE, See: DODSON, EDWARD J., Justice Secured? Natural Rights as the Source of Just Socio-Political Arrangements…, 1994, 15pp, in PP 1668/69: 73.

JUSTICE, See: FLANAGAN, GREGORY, Librademian Justice System, 15pp, in PP 1689-1693: 557. – That is ONE proposal by ONE. I would rather have seen a clear statement in favour of free competition between different justice systems, all individually chosen. – Anyhow, thanks to Gregory Flanagan we have at least one more libertarian utopia and also one designed only for volunteers. – J.Z.

JUSTICE, See: FLANAGAN, GREGORY, Neutrality in the Justice System, 2pp, in PP 1689-1693: 438.

JUSTICE, See: HALLIDAY, ROY, Enforceable Rights. A Libertarian Theory of Justice, 2000, 248pp, in PP 1687/88: 1.

JUSTICE, See: HILLS, BEN, Pillar of Norfolk Jailed for Sex Crimes, TSMH, 23.1.01, 1p, in PP 1699: 52. On 6 counts of indecency against two girls, aged between 7 and 13 at the time, he was sentenced to 48 weeks of 48 hour weekend detention, i.e., to a total of 96 days or about 3 months of imprisonment only. Governmentally administered “justice”! – J.Z., 10.7.01.

JUSTICE, See: LABADIE, LAURANCE, Justice, n.d., 1p, in PP 1725: 13.

KADMON, CLIFF, Stop the Feds, 23.8.01, 4pp, in PP 18, 2nd ed.: 170. Website:

KAGAN, RON M., The Foundations of Metascience, 3pp: 87, in PP 1551.

KAHN, CAROL, Tickle Doses of Radiation to Expand Life Span? 3pp: 224, in PP 1554/55.

KALLEN, HORACE M., Dr., Consumer Cooperation and the Freedom of Man, The Cooperative League of the U.S., n.d., 16 pages: 104-112, in PP 1547.

KAMATH, SHYAM I., The “Fair Trade” Myth, THE FREEMAN, 7/92, 2pp, in PP 1761-63: 204.

KAMATH, SHYAM J., The Case against Managed “Fair” Trade & Strategic Trade, THE FREEMAN, 8/94, 9pp, in PP 1761-63: 231.

KAMENAR, PAUL D., Private Property Rights: An Endangered Species, THE FREEMAN, 5/90, 5pp, in PP 1766-68: 235. – On tyrannical environmentalism. No bureaucratic power over any private property! – J.Z.

KAMIYA, GARY, The Strange Rise of Libertarianism, 2pp, in PP 1707: 205. – The listed e-mail address did not work for me! – J.Z. –

KANT, IMMANUEL, See: GORDON, DAVID, The butcher of Koenigsberg? 2pp from INQUIRY, September 1982: 103, in PP 1551. – A review of PEIKOFF, LEONARD, The Ominous Parallels, Stein & Day, 383pp.

KANT, IMMANUEL, See: ROLLINS, LOUIS A., Brief Comments on Kant’s Ideas, 3pp: 201, in PP 1565-67. – Kant was a free marketeer, propertarian and advocate of individual rights and limited governments, just like Ayn Rand. On finer points of philosophical terms they did differ but I hold that on these Kant, who taught traditional philosophy for most of his life, gradually recognizing its flaws, then pointing them out in his classical philosophical works, showing the limits and extent of pure and practical reasoning, went much deeper. – J.Z., 5.11.1999.

KANT, IMMANUEL, See: ZUBE, JOHN, In Defence of Immanuel Kant’s Ideas against Distortions and Slander by Ayn Rand and some of her Followers. An attempt to induce Objectivists to think objectively for themselves on this particular subject. 5pp excerpts from 10pp original manuscript: 142, in PP 1565-67. – Compare the original compilations in PP 14 & 27/28.

KAPACO NOTES, February 1967, 2pp only, in PP 1675: 153. – If I had all the issues of these two publications, by Karlis Paucitis, a follower of Dr. Boardman, I would microfiche them. Like to so many other small freedom publications, they are lost or buried for most people. – J.Z., 21.5.01.

KAPLAN, JERRY, Preserving Our Past: The Anarchist Collections, 3pp, in PP 1713-1715: 345.

KAPPEL, HEINER, A German View of the European Union, 2pp: 781, in PP 1601-04. – A “united” Europe is morally defensible only as one of many voluntary associations of individuals. The adherents of the “Holy Roman Empire” could have their chosen monarch in common and European Libertarians and Anarchists, of various shadings, their varied European libertarian and anarchistic communities. To each his own. “Nothing but what is voluntary deserves the name nation or national” or union. Given the individual choice, I would naturally want to separate myself from the various state socialist Europeans, who still predominate. Compare Werner Ackermann’s short draft for a COSMOPOLITAN UNION. – J.Z.

KARI’S ANARCHY PAGES, Essays About Anarchism, 1p, in PP 1616: 171.

KARI’S ANARCHY PAGES, Home page, 6pp, in PP 1616: 171. –

KARI’S ANARCHY PAGES, Kari’s Anarchy Pages, Links, 1/2 p only, in PP 1616: 172.

KARI’S ANARCHY PAGES, Recommended Anarchist Reading, 2pp, in PP 1616: 175.

KARI’S ANARCHY PAGES, Sites of Interest to Anarchists, 1p, in PP 1616: 173.

KARI’S ANARCHY PAGES, The Humorous and the Bizarre, 1p, in PP 1616: 174.

KARWICKY II, WALK, Message from the Last Libertarian, 3pp, in PP 1695: 89, THE MATCH # 86.

KASTNER, MICHAEL, – deutschsprachige Homepage des Liberalismus, 1p, 8.10.00, in PP 18, 2nd ed.: 203. (?)

KASTNER, MICHAEL, Die christliche Katastrophe, 2 S. , in PP 1617: 49.

KASTNER, MICHAEL, Interview, Der libertaere Fragebogen, 1 S. , in PP 1617: 31.

KASTNER, MICHAEL, Waehlen kann die Farben der Fesseln aendern – Nicht-Waehlen sprengt die Fesseln! 2 S., in PP 1617: 79. – Das waere doch schoen! Aber ich habe das schon vergeblich seit vielen Jahren getan! – Etwas ganz anderes waehlen, und nur fuer sich – waehrend man die Wahl anderer, fuer sie selbst, anerkennt und toleriert. – Das koennte die Welt veraendern – und zwar sehr schnell. – PIOT, J.Z., 29.2.2000.

KATE SHARPLEY LIBRARY, Home Page, 1p, Last modified Oct. 8, 2000, hosted by & maintained by Chuck Morse, working with the Institute for Anarchist Studies, in PP 1675: 184. – Sorry, but here, too, I didn’t print out any e-mail addresses or URLs. – J.Z.

KATZ, FRED E., The Cunning of Governments and the Contributions of Citizens, 2pp: 210, in PP 1569-70. “Contributions” have become a soft-sell version to cover-up “tributes”. – J.Z.

KATZ, HOWARD, The Gold Standard, A New Approach, 4pp, in PP 1656-1659: 276.

KAUFMAN, GEORGE G., The U.S. Banking Debacle of the 1980’s: A Lesson in Government Mismanagement, THE FREEMAN, 4/95, 7pp, in PP 1745-1748: 155. – Government management IS mismanagement! – J.Z.

KAY, MARGUARITE, Dr., Subjected to a witch-hunt for her anti-aging research? See the report by Ben Best on ALCOR’s Third Annual Cryonics Conference, 1998, in PP 1605/6.

KAYE, MARVIN: The Gospel According to GBS, 2pp: 192, in PP 1595-96. (On his: Back to Methusaleh.)

KAZA, GREG, A Future for Gold, Oct. 02, 7pp, in PP 1745-1748: 659, Mises Institute,

KAZAL, RUSS, Intrapreneur Spells Freedom, clipping, UPI, n.d., 1p: 76, in PP 1547.

KEATING, RAYMOND J., A Walk on the Supply Side, THE FREEMAN, 5/95, 8pp, in PP 1755/56: 238.

KEATING, RAYMOND J., Fore: Watch Out for Government Golf! THE FREEMAN, 8/97, 4pp, in PP 1753: 36.

KEATING, RAYMOND J., Pro Sports on the Dole, THE FREEMAN, 2/95, 5pp, in PP 1764: 5.

KEATING-EDH, BARBARA, Consumer Protection Legislation vs. Liberty, IMPRIMIS 11/81, 9pp, in PP 1745-1748: 163. – Also on deposit insurance.

KEELER, DAVIS E., Our Forgotten Rights, THE FREEMAN, 2/77, 3pp, in PP 1757/58: 42. – Those who have forgotten them have the power to ignore them. Those who remember them have not yet thepower and organizations required to restore them. – J.Z., 18.5.02.

KEELER, DAVIS E., The Indivisibility of Liberty, THE FREEMAN, 4/79, 2pp, in PP 1766-68: 578.

KEIL, LARS-BRODER, Nachlass. Auf der Spurensuche nach John Henry Mackay, 1999, 3pp, with a 1p letter of 18.1.1999: 125, in PP 1571.

KELLEMS, VIVIEN, Fighting the Singles Tax, 1p: 83, in PP 1565-67.

KELLY, DAVID, Liberty and Property, THE FREEMAN, 10/75, 7pp, in PP 1759/60: 121.

KELLY, DAVID, See: VIRKKALA, TIMOTHY, At the Altar of Ego, a 13pp review in PP 1681: 1, of: David Kelly, Unrugged Individualism: The Selfish Basis of Benevolence, Institute for Objectivist Studies, 1996, 65pp, from LIBERTY, Sep. 98, (c) Liberty Foundation,

KELLY, DAVID, The Art of Reasoning, Norton, 1988, 412pp, # 33.95, ISBN 0-393-95613-X, DYKES, NICHOLAS, Review, 3pp, in PP 1708-1710: 307.

KELLY, JOHN M., The New Barbarians: The Continuing Relevance of Henry George, 1981, 13 pages: 76- 79, in PP 1546.

KELLY, SIMON, Knife bearers be warned. $ 450 fine for key-ring knife, 1p: 75, in PP 1551.

KEMP, JACK, A Cultural Renaissance, IMPRIMIS, 8/94, 9pp, in PP 1766-68: 501.

KENAFICK, K. J., Foreword 2pp & Life of Bakunin, 5pp, in PP 1706: 9.

KENNEDY, DAVID, D.D.S., How to Save Your Teeth. Toxic-Free Preventive Dentistry, 1993, 192pp, $ 12, flyer only, in PP 1664/65: 370.

KENNEDY, HUBERT, Anarchist of Love. The Secret Life of John Henry Mackay, Mackay Society, New York, 1981, 24pp: 47-54, in PP 1547.

KENNELL, DOUG, Radical Libertarian Alliance, a position statement, 2pp: 39, in PP 1565-67.

KENT, SAUL, The Role of therapeutic Systems in Extending Life Spans, 2pp, end cut off: 8, in PP 1595-96.

KENTUCKY AND VIRGINIA RESOLUTIONS, 1798, 5pp, (c) by CLOSE UP FOUNDATION, 1997, 1998, , in PP 1675: 120. – I, too, copied these texts. Should I, thereupon, claim copyrights for them as well? The British Library even claims copyrights for mere microfilm copies of some ancient texts. All sense seems to have fled from some heads. – J.Z., 11. & 21.5.01.

KERN, KEN, KOGAN, TED & THALLON, ROB, The Owner-Builder & the Code, 8pp, excerpt from the book, in PP 1656-1659: 300.

KETCHEN, ARTHUR, The Libertarian Party Position, 5pp + comments by Loomis & quotes from Paine, in PP 1634-1636: 789.

KETCHER, MIKE, The Perils of Jury Duty, 3pp: 50, in PP 1561-63.

KETCHER, MIKE, The Taxpayer as Slave, 2pp, in PP 1656-1659: 458.

KEYES, ALLEN, Educating the Defenders of Liberty, 17 Dec. 99, 3pp, in PP 1664/65: 125.

KEYNES, JOHN MAYNARD, Open Letter to Franklin D. Roosevelt, 31 Dec., 1933, excerpts, 4pp, in PP 1668/69: 318.

KEYNES, JOHN MAYNARD, See: FRIEDMAN, MILTON, John Maynard Keynes, 12pp, with some notes by J.Z., in PP 1661: 14. – LF CITY TIMES, March 8, 1999. The mathematical formulas did not print out for me. But one does not need mathematics to judge the proposals of either, because their unchecked premise is monetary despotism. – J.Z.

KEYNES, JOHN MAYNARD, See: SIMON, JULIAN L., On Keynes as a Practical Economist, THE FREEMAN, 8/96, 2pp, in PP 1757/58: 51.

KEYNES, JOHN MAYNARD, See: SKOUSEN, MARK, Correction, Please! Will Keynes ever Die? THE FREEMAN, 4/94, 3pp, in PP 1751/52: 174. – He need not – if we ever achieve the tolerant solution: Keynes only for the Keynesians & any other monetary reform system for its own supporters only! – J.Z.

KEYNES, JOHN MAYNARD, See: WALKER, KARL, Gesell, Keynes und die moderne Nationaloekonomie, Vortrag, 23.7.1962, erweiterte Fassung, 16 S., FSU-Schriftenreihe Nr. 17: 118, in PP 1550. – Ungluecklicherweise sind die meisten Gesellianer, ebenso wie die Keynesianer und andere moderne etatistische Oekonomisten, auch Anhaenger des Zentralbanksystems. Die Gesellianer wollen es nur in anderer Weise anwenden. Walker war nicht nur Gesellianer sondern auch Anhaenger der Geldfreiheit. – J.Z.

KEYNES, JOHN MAYNARD, The World’s Economic Outlook, 1932, 4pp, in PP 1668/69: 314.

KEYSER, CARL A., Freedom’s Bounty, THE FREEMAN, 9/74, 3pp, in PP 1765: 144.

KIBBE, MATTHEW B., Bankers, Guns, and Money: The Evolution of Banker’s Acceptances, 1907-1917, 3pp: 381, in PP 1574-75.

KIBBE, MATTHEW B., Creation and the Evolution of Institutions: A Review Essay of Geoffrey M. Hodgson’s Institutional Economics, 6pp: 41, in PP 1576.

KIBBE, MATTHEW B., Mind, Historical Time and the Value of Money: A Tale of Two Methods, 8pp: 286, in PP 1574-75.

KIBBE, MATTHEW, B., Escaping the Paretian Paradigm, Review, 2pp, of: LACHMANN, LUDWIG, The Market as an Economic Process, N.Y., Blackwell, 1986: 232, in PP 1574-75.

KIDS WRITE ABOUT LIBERTY, Winning Essays, published in LAISSEZ FAIRE CITY TIMES, of a prize competition annually organized by THE LIBERTY ROUND TABLE, 43pp, in PP 1678: 1. – Don Tiggre I will not try to completely contents-list this compilation. You can search it, as you like, online. By now the results of several such annual competitions may be in and online. Here are just some samples, selected randomly by me.

KING, DAVID C., Freedom in the Global Village, THE FREEMAN, 6/70, 4pp, in PP 1765: 169.

KING, DAVID, A Guide to the Philosophy of Objectivism, short introduction and contents list only, 6pp, from the point of view of a libertarian anarchist, in PP 1681: 55. Space provided by Vixie Enterprises, : “… see the other nifty stuff they have available”.

KING, GORDON VAN B., How to Market the Liberty Amendment, 3pp, in PP 1713-1715: 295. – From: FREEDOM MAGAZINE.

KING, JOE, A Fresh Look at Lenin, 5pp, from WORKERS SOLIDARITY No. 31, in PP 1695: 105. – Why bother? – J.Z.

KING, ROBERT G., On the Economics of Private Money, 1983, review only, 2pp, by SUMMERS, LAWRENCE H., in PP 1745-1748: 719.

KINSELLA, N. STEPHAN, Legislation & Law in a Free Society, THE FREEMAN, 9/95, 4pp, in PP 1759/60: 213.

KINSELLA, STEPHAN, See: MINGARDI, ALBERTO, Libertarians & the Religious Right: an Interview with STEPHAN KINSELLA, 4pp, TLFCT, in PP 1682: 123.

KIRK, RUSSELL, I Must See the Things; I Must See the Men; One Historian’s Recollections of the 1930’s and 1940’s, 5pp: 246, in PP 1581-82.

KIRK, RUSSELL, See: ATTARIAN, JOHN, Russel Kirk’s Economics of the Permanent Things, THE FREEMAN, 4/96, 8pp, in PP 1754: 102.

KIRK, RUSSELL, We Cannot Separate Christian Morals and the Rule of Law, 6pp: 216, in PP 1581-82. – As if justice could exist only among Christians! – More honestly he should have said: I and many others cannot …. – J.Z.

KIRKPATRICK, DAVID W., Home Schooling, 2pp, LFCT, Nov. 2, 98, in PP 1663: 158.

KIRKWOOD, R. CORT, The Population Bomb … Defused, THE FREEMAN, 11/89, 6pp, in PP 1766-68: 57.

KIRSCH CARR, DAVID, DIY Hollywood. Independent Film-Making and how Cheap Digital Technology Will Transform it, CULTURAL NOTES No. 44, 4pp, in PP1742: 1.

KIRSCH CARR, DAVID, Why Is the Creative World so Socialist and what, if anything, Can we Do about it? – CULTURAL NOTES No. 45, 4pp, in PP1742: 5. – It is part of the “barbarism of the specialists”. They may be very enlightened on a narrow subject and very primitive in their ideas and opinions in other spheres. Just like the man in the street they are intellectual victims to popular errors, myths and prejudices. Even many libertarians and anarchists are – and that is what is still wrong with them. – J.Z., 31.5.02.

KIRZNER, ISRAEL M. & LACHMANN, LUDWIG M., Reviews, 6pp, side by side, of: O’DRISCOLL, GERALD P. & RIZZO, MARIO J., The Economics of Time and Ignorance, N.Y., Blackwell Press, 1985, 261pp: 105, in PP 1574-75.

KIRZNER, ISRAEL M, See: AHIAKPOR, JAMES C. W., Israel Kirzner on Supply & Demand, THE FREEMAN, 7/00, 3pp, in PP 1759/60: 347.

KIRZNER, ISRAEL M., A Puzzle & its Solution: Rejoinder to Prof. Ahiakpor, THE FREEMAN, 7/00, 3pp, in PP 1755/56: 290.

KIRZNER, ISRAEL M., Discovery and the Capitalist Process, Chicago UP, 1985, Review only, 2pp, by ELLIG, JERRY: Stalking (Discovering?) the Kirznerian Bureaucrat: 251, in PP 1574-75.

KIRZNER, ISRAEL M., Fifty Years of FEE – Fifty Years of Progress. Austrian Economics, THE FREEMAN, 5/96, 8pp, in PP 1753: 101.

KIRZNER, ISRAEL M., Liberalism and Limited Government, 2pp, in PP 1751/52: 58.

KIRZNER, ISRAEL M., See: GARRISON, ROGER W., The Undiscountable Professor Kirzner, THE FREEMAN, 8/97, 3pp, in PP 1749/50: 369.

KIRZNER, ISRAEL M., The Economics of Errant Entrepreneurs, THE FREEMAN, 8/87, 3pp, in PP 1749/50: 266.

KIRZNER, ISRAEL M., The Law of Supply & Demand, THE FREEMAN, 1/00, 3pp, in PP 1766-68: 302.

KIRZNER, ISRAEL M., The Open Endedness of Knowledge: It’s the Role in the FEE Formula, THE FREEMAN, 3/86, 6pp, in PP 1751/52: 406.

KITNEY, GEOFF, A traitor to the Nazis, a Hero to his People, 1p on Josef Ritter von Gadolla, who saved the small Bavarian town Gotha by surrendering it to the Allies:125, in PP 1583. – Loyalty to a territorial nation state is treason to mankind! – J.Z., 13.12.1999.

KLASSEN, ROBERT, Economic Government, 4pp: 644, in PP 1601-04.

KLASSEN, ROBERT, Economic Government, 1998, 4pp (c) Economic Government Group, EGG, in PP 1678: 78. – I hold that every TERRITORIAL government is anti-economic, by its very nature as an exclusive and coercive territorial organization, lording it over all too many dissenters. Ruling even one peaceful dissenter without his consent is already criminal.J.Z.

KLAUSNER, MANUEL S., Tuition Tax Credits: A Debate Revisited, 2pp: 29, in PP 1584.

KLEIN, DAN, Papers, List and Links, 2pp, Recommended Policy & Economics Periodicals, 2pp, in PP 1739: 194.

KLEIN, DANIEL, Time Inconsistency and Social Cooperation, 2 abstract: 296, in PP 1574-75.

KLEIN, ROBERT O., Wall Street, a review of the film, 2pp: 90, in PP 1551.

KLEIN, THOMAS C., Student Activity Fees, THE FREEMAN, 7/92, 2pp, in PP 1761-63: 532.

KLEIN, THOMAS C., Student Activity Fees, THE FREEMAN, 7/92, 2pp, in PP 1761-63: 532.

KLEMM, ULRICH, Antipaedagogik und Kinderrechtsbewegung, 3 S., in PP 1625: 79.

KLEMM, ULRICH, See: OPPO VERLAG, Anzeige von DEGEN, H. J., Herausgeber, Voraussetzungen des Anarchismus, und KLEMM, ULRICH, Prinzip Freiheit, 1 S. , in PP 1716: 40.

KLEMMER, ZAK & JO ANNE, Denial of Rights through Regulation, THE FREEMAN, 6/93, 4pp, in PP 1751/52: 375.


KNAPP, THOMAS L., Circular, 26.7.01 on Smith 2004 Campaign, 2pp, in PP 1739: 199. – Website to “draft” L. Neil Smith:

KNAPP, THOMAS L., News from the Ad Hoc Conspiracy to Draft L. Neil Smith, 20.8.01, 2pp, in PP 16 & 17, 2nd edition: 406. I prefer: Nobody for President for territorial U.S.A. Anybody for President or chief magician, or whatever – over anybody who wants him as such. The office of TERRITORIAL & imposed presidents etc. should be abolished – as by now even more wrongful and dangerous than absolute monarchism was. – PIOT, J.Z., 16.2.02.

KNAPP, THOMAS L., The Intriguing LeFevre, Review, 1/2 page, of: Wendy McElroy, ed., A Way to Be Free, Volume 1, The Making of a Modern American Revolutionary, 660pp, Volume 2, The Making of a Modern American Revolution, 500pp, Pulpless.Com 1999, only $ 3.95 per volume in Adobe or HTML format or $ 37.50 or $ 34.50 respectively in print. After his death in 1986, his widow had gathered the material he had been collecting for a final book – his magnum opus. Highly recommended by Knapp, in PP 1732: 163. – Imagine how many such books could be cheaply offered on a CD-ROM!

KNAUTZ, ROBERT, The Future of Money, POLICY SPOTLIGHT, Sep/Oct 97, 3pp, in PP 1745-1748: 666. Feedback@Free-Market.Net

KNEPHER, THOMAS W., Choice & Responsibility, THE FREEMAN, 3/82, 2pp, in PP 1764: 178. – Let dissenting individuals and groups opt out & experiment with their own systems & ideas. No more territorial monopolies. Free choice of governments and societies for all. Extend the free market & freedom of contract into these spheres. No territorial monopoly at all, not even for limited government libertarians or any kind of anarchists. – J.Z.

KNIGHT, FRANK H., Ethics and the Economic Interpretation, 1922, 11pp, in PP 1668/69: 377.

KNIGHT, JOSEPH, Understanding the Libertarian Philosophy, 2pp, in PP 1701, with another 1p cybersludge comments: 95.

KNIGHT, JOSEPH, Understanding the Libertarian Philosophy, 3pp, , in PP 1674: 86.

KNOWLEDGE, OPEN-ENDEDNESS, See: KIRZNER, ISRAEL, The Open Endedness of Knowledge: It’s the Role in the FEE Formula, THE FREEMAN, 3/86, 6pp, in PP 1751/52: 406. – Territorial governments represent closed-mindedness towards almost all non-statist knowledge, ideas and opportunities. At the very least they constitute a enormous delaying factor against any genuine progress in any sphere. Compare, for instance, the “development” of cars, postal and railway services under State socialism. – J.Z., 1.6.02.

KNOWLES HUNT, BETTY, Show Me Any Other Country… , 11pp: 12, in PP 1549. – On State socialism practised in America.

KNUDSON, KEN, A Critique of Communism and The Individualist Alternative, 1971, part I, 2pp: 5; part II, 3pp: 10; part III, 5pp: 13; part IV: 5pp: 18; part VI, 4pp: 24; part VII, 5pp: 29; part VIII, 2pp: 37; part IX, 5pp: 40; part X, 5pp: 46; part XI, 4pp: 55; part XII, 5pp: 59; part XIII, 1p: 64. – By the author’s paging: 56 pages, in PP 1618.

KOENIG, TODD, A New Stand on Education, Part I, 4pp: 25. Part II, with Barry Ginsberg, 5pp: 47. Part III, 6pp: 64, in PP 1559.

KOENIG, TODD, Academic Freedom. A Campus Judiciary, 2pp: 2, in PP 1559.

KOENIG, TODD, Conscription – Is there a Free Society Alternative? 2pp: 6, in PP 1559.

KOENIG, TODD, Self-Interest, 1p: 62, in PP 1559.

KOEHNLINE, JAMES, The Art of James Koehnline, born 1955, Biography, Published Work, 6pp, in PP 1732: 167. –

KOETHER, GEORGE, A Memorial (to Ludwig von Mises), an alphabetization of important thoughts from Mises’ 885 pages work: Human Action, selected and arranged by George Koether, 49 pages, in PP 1751/52: 1, with every word taken from “Human Action”. THE FREEMAN, 9/81. – I believe that the whole text of “Human Action” is now available free online, probably from the Mises Institute. Compare also the Greaves edition: Mises Made Easier, previously microfiched. – An alphabetical index to all writings by and on Mises seems to be still missing. The best approximation to a survey of his thoughts are the 3 volumes of the Mises bibliographies compiled by Bettina Bien Greaves, with her summaries. The first and the second of these was fiched by me. The second and third volume are also online. – J.Z.

KOHR, LEOPOLD, Disunion Now: A Plea for a Society Based upon Small Autonomous Units, 1941, originally published in THE COMMONWEAL, Sep. 26, 1941, under the pseudonym Hans Kohr. Republished in German in DIE ZEIT, Nr. 43, October 25, 1991, S. 19, 4pp, in PP 1689-1693: 183.

KOLAR, ELIZABETH, Toward a Cash-less Society, THE FREEMAN, 10/93, 4pp, in PP 1749/50: 78. – The tribute imposers and gatherers would love that. Why should libertarians? – Because of the minor convenience in payment processes? – Most people, aware of the virus, privacy, taxation and embezzlement hazards involved, still abstain from such payments. J.Z.

KOMAN, VICTOR, Kings of the High Frontier, Review only, 2pp, by CLAIRE WOLFE, in PP 16 & 17, 2nd edition: 297. The books is available online for only $ 3.50 from, the tiny online book dealership operated by writer and past Prometheus Award winner, J. Neil Schulman. When will come to offer many books on floppies, CD-ROMs and CVDs? It did once experiment with floppy disks but seems to have entangled itself in copyrights and self-imposed regulations. – If they wanted to offer their works on floppy disks, authors could do this themselves and could hire advertising services for such offers. Whole groups of authors could, more effectively, offer their combined works on a CD-ROM, perhaps with a program against copying or printing out more than once. – J.Z.

KOMAN, VICTOR, Kings of the High Frontier, 3pp from PULPLESS.COM, with abstract, reviews and downloading option for free sampler or the whole book, for $ 3.50, in PP 1616: 65.

KOMAN, VICTOR, Review, 1p, of: DOMAN, GLENN, Intelligence Increase in the Cradle, Doubleday, 1983, & of: DOMAN, GLENN, Teach Your Baby Math, Pocket Books, 1982: 385, in PP 1589-94.

KOMAN, VICTOR, SF Fandom Strikes Back, in response to the above review, 3pp, in PP 1677: 56. LIBERTY, May 98, (c)

KOMAROV, L.V.& BAKAEV, V.V., Means of Life-Prolongation, 1p, table: 226; 1p: 292; 2pp: 322, in PP 1589-94. – On tests with mice, rats etc.

KONKIN, SAMUEL EDWARD, III, Agorist Recombination: Part I, The Statist Problem, 1p: 399. Part II: Counter-Economic Biotechnology, 1p: 414, in PP 1589-94.

KONKIN, SAMUEL EDWARD, III, Agorist Space & Space Agorism, 3pp: 305, 2pp: 354; IV: The Great Explosion, 2pp: 368, in PP 1589-94.

KONKIN, SAMUEL EDWARD, III, Counter-Economic Newsletters, 1p: 616, in PP 1589-94. – Still riding the paper tiger. – J.Z.

KONKIN, SAMUEL EDWARD, III, Eliminating Artificial Barriers to Progress, 2pp, abridged: 234.; 2pp: 262, headed: Counter-Economizing Your Field and Yourself: 262 & 3pp: 278, in PP 1589-94.

KONKIN, SAMUEL EDWARD, III, Information Counter-Economics, I, The Power of Information, 1p: 498. II. The Control of Information Flow, 1p: 515, in PP 1589-94. – Alas, as long as far as I know of his efforts, he tried to release this power only via print on paper. – J.Z., 11.11.99.

KONKIN, SAMUEL EDWARD, III, Libertarian Conspiracy Theory, 7pp, in PP 1732: 173.

KONKIN, SAMUEL EDWARD, III, Space Statism, 2pp: 339, in PP 1589-94.

KOONTZ, ALAN & ZUBE, JOHN, Correspondence, with some clippings, 1985-2000, 175pp, in PP 1607/8: 81. – On micrographics, computers, Internet, panarchism, revisionism, atrocities, etc. I’m not game to try to index as many letter pages here. – J.Z. – It contains a long written interview of me by Alan Koontz, which was never published, unless I included it before in one of my fiche on fiching, 24pp: 120. – J.Z.

KOONTZ, ALAN P., The Nonaggression Juggernaut, 18pp: 114, in PP 1557.


KOOPMAN, ROGER, Government isn’t Living Up to its Contract, THE FREEMAN, 10/90, 2pp, in PP 1765: 92. – Did it ever? Could it ever? One territorial government’s presumed “contracts” with millions of its diverse subjects could not live up to the expectations and aspirations of these millions, no more so than any single goods or service provider could. Choice among competing & only exterritorially autonomous governments & societies is quite essential to achieve consumer satisfaction among their subjects. If each government and each society had to have a contract with each of its voluntary members – then, & only then, would they have to live up to their contracts – or perish, for lack of members. – J.Z., 20.5.02. – What governments can least of all supply is genuine security, peace, defence, justice, freedom, prosperity and progress. – J.Z., 3.6.02.

KOOPMAN, ROGER, Jury Nullification: Cornerstone of Freedom, THE FREEMAN, 2/94, 2pp, in PP 1759/60: 279.

KOOPMAN, ROGER, The Cause of Freedom Begins With Me, THE FREEMAN, 10/93, 2pp, in PP 1766-68: 589.

KOPEL, DAVE, President’s Politicking Won’t Achieve Goal, 2pp, in PP 1679: 198. – Independence Institute, (c) 2000, I.I., – The job to achieve and maintain liberty cannot be rightfully delegated to ANY president, least of all to the president of any territorial State! People find it difficult enough to manage their own life. To manage the lives of millions of others is impossible for any human being. An elective monarchy retains most of its flaws and adding xyz law and regulation-making machines and committees does multiply their flaws and expenses. – PIOT, J.Z., 12. & 24.5.01.

KOPEL, DAVID, Arms and the Greeks, 3pp, from LIBERTY: 131, in PP 1568.

KOPP, STEFAN, Costa Rica Libre! 1 S. , in PP 1617: 29.

KORWIN, ALAN, Littleton, Colorado Shootings & Gun Laws, 2pp, in PP 1685/86: 173. A list of the CURRENT federal, state and local laws violated at Columbine High School, E-mail: The Sandman: At most some prominent figures do get some limited police protection. Others have to protect themselves or hire bodyguards. Laws, however severe and well-intentioned, CANNOT protect you – but they can threaten you, deprive you of your liberties, expose you to the whims of bureaucrats, judges, policemen etc., and infringe your rights, property, health and even threaten your life. How much more evidence for this do you need than the public records? Thus, if any laws at all, then to each, for all his own affairs and those of like-minded and associated people – and for all their peaceful actions, ONLY THE OWN KIND OF LAWS, PERSONAL LAWS! – PIOT, J.Z., 6. & 26.5.01. – Are still more territorial laws & regulations the solution in any sphere? – J.Z., 26.5.02.


KOSKI, LINDA, It Could Happen Here, 2pp, on martial law in Poland: 60, in PP 1572-73.

KOSOVO WAR, See: DEMPSEY, GARY, The Kosovo Tangle, THE FREEMAN, 7/99, 6pp, in PP 1749/50: 197. – All fighting sides still continue to ignore the just, liberating and tolerant alternative of full exterritorial autonomy for all volunteer communities. Under this condition the Kosovo tangle, as well, would untangle itself! – To each the governmental or non-governmental society of his or her dreams! – J.Z.

KRAUS, HERMANN, Pantheismus, 3 S.: 233, in PP 1588.

KRAUSE, SUSANNE, New ideas why life must end in death, 1990, 1p: 753, in PP 1589-94. – New? List, number and confront all such – by contrary ideas! – J.Z.

KRAUT, ULRIKE & SWOBODA, WALTER & WEITKUNAT, ROLF, Biedermann u. die Datenschuetzer, 5 S., in PP 1625: 98.

KRONSTADT REBELLION, See: BERKMAN, ALEXANDER, Die Kronstadt Rebellion, 34pp: 93, in PP 1576. – Unfortunately, the instance of the K.R. and of other larger resistance actions did not lead most anarchists and libertarians to ponder better programs – that could have led the K.R. to victory and could have prevented the troubles remaining after the collapse of the totalitarian socialist system in most countries. The territorial and bureaucratic system remained and it, too, has totalitarian features, only somewhat mitigated by democratic or republican features. – We should not only try to report historical events but also to learn sufficiently from them, especially to avoid their mistakes. That requires many studies headed like: What would have happened if factors xyz had been changed thus…? These studies, too, should be based historical experience with these factors. – Thought experiments should be conducted, a kind of reverse SF, from which a better informed futurism might result. In my peace program, in PP 60-63, I provided a rough draft for a libertarian revolutionary liberation and defence system. But it needs much work still – by me and others, to come closer to what is required. – J.Z.

KROPOTKIN PETER, Anarchism, 1905, an article for the 11th edition of the ENCYCLOPAEDIA BRITANNICA, 10pp, in PP 1689-1693: 206.

KROPOTKIN PETER, Anarchism: Its Philosophy and Ideal, n.d., “Piotr”, revision of a speech given by Kropotkin in England, 19pp, in PP 1689-1693: 187.

KROPOTKIN, PETER, Fields, Factories and Workshops, 1912, 477 pages, in Part II, starting with new numbering: 1-75, in PP 1546. – The weakest points of most anarchists are their “economics” & their territorial intolerance, i.e., their remaining dogmatism & authoritarianism. Among them Kropotkin was exceptional as a scientist and opponent to Malthusianism. – J.Z.

KROPOTKIN, PETER, See: DAVIS, BROOKS E., Mutual Aid Revisited: Kropotkin’s Work from a Modern View, 3pp, in PP 1708-1710: 617.

KUEHNELT-LEDDIHN, ERIC VON, Democracy’s Road to Tyranny, THE FREEMAN, 5/88, 4pp, in PP 1753: 177.

KUKLINSKY, TIMOTHY P., Abortion, 1p: 90, in PP 1556.

KUKLINSKY, TIMOTHY P., Patents, 1/2 p: 83, in PP 1556. – Opposed.

KUKLINSKY, TIMOTHY P., The Labor Theory of Value, 1/2 p: 81, in PP 1556.

KUN, T., Project Mind. The Conquest of Man & Matter through Accelerated Thought, Leaflet, 2pp, on the book, 304pp, from Unimedia Publishing. – Insert to LONGEVITY REPORT: 172, in PP 1554/55.

KUROWSKI, JOHN WILLIAM, Are Paper Money Schemes Just Conspiracy Scams? 1p in PP 1637-1640: 21.

KYFHO! Keep Your Freaking Hands Off!!! Introductory web page, without stating URL, 4pp, with links, in PP 1614: 188. – Send comments to e-mail: – It claimed, when I downloaded, over 2 million visitors since May 16, 1997!

KYSOR, GEORGE, Integrated Index of Selected Publications, Part 4, a composite name and subject index derived from the books listed in parts 1 & 2, 6pp, Babbitt to Boyde: 271, in PP 1565-67. – He once indexed about 150 freedom books. This may be a sample of this index. Then he sold rights to it and, as far as I know, it was never published. – J.Z.

KYSOR, GEORGE, Making a Getaway after the Loss of the Dollar, 3pp on survivalism: 205, in PP 1565-67.

KYSOR, GEORGE, Review, 3pp, of: MORGAN, GEORGE W., The Human Predicament: 151, in PP 1565-67. – “A more appropriate title might be: ‘The Case of Irrationalism'”.

KYSOR, GEORGE, Review, 3pp, of: REICH, CHARLES A., The Greening of America: 116, in PP 1565-67.

L5 NEWS, April 82, 20pp: 42; May 82, 20pp: 94; June 82, 21pp: 152; Jan. 83, 20pp: 205, in PP 1589-94. – Later: extracts in columns.


LABADIE COLLECTION, THE, Introduction, with links, 2pp. Manuscripts in the Labadie Collection, in PP 1695: 58. – Will they ever be published or just hoarded there? – J.Z.

LABADIE, JOSEPH A., Anarchism: What It Is and What It Is Not, 2pp, in PP 1694: 106. – Provided by ANARCHIST LIBRARY,

LABADIE, JOSEPH, See: ANDERSON, CARLOTTA, All-American Anarchist. Joseph Labadie and the Labor Movement, 1p leaflet only, for her 1988 book of 328pp: 122, in PP 1549.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, 1898 – 1975, Miscellaneous Writings, Volumes 1 & 2, 2001, 420 pages, in PP 1723/24. – Incomplete, ill asssorted, unindexed. With spelling, typos, grammar, punctuation and a style all his own. – You take your pick from this individualist anarchist! Others get cranky for much lesser causes. (He not only knew how to find enemies but also how to make them, even among those who, ideologically, were largely his allies. – J.Z., 30.8.01.) – – With some annotations by John Zube. Since the originals and photocopies are often flawed, and my scanning programs are not working for me, so far, with such photocopies, the texts were keyboarded-in by me. Further such volumes are to follow – when I finally get around to them. – J.Z. – My scanning system was functional for a while, for most of PP 1-20 & PP 399-401 – but is now disfunctional again. – J.Z., 30.5.02.

LABADIE, LAURANCE 1898 – 1975, Miscellaneous Writings, Volume 3, 2001, 210 pages. Unedited and compiled by John Zube, in PP 1725: 1. – Left still incomplete, unedited, ill assorted & unindexed by me. With spelling, typos, grammar, punctuation and a style all his own. – You take your pick from this individualist anarchist! Others get cranky for much lesser causes. – With some annotations by John Zube, usually in brackets and another typeface. Since the originals and photocopies are often flawed, and my scanning programs are not working for me, so far, with such photocopies, the texts were keyboarded-in by me. Further such volumes are to follow – when I finally get around to them. I do hope that I did not add too many typos and spelling mistakes of my own. WORD helped me to avoid some of them. – J.Z., 10.9.01.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, A few Reasons why Governments Will Blow us all up, 7.-12. 10.68, 7pp, in PP 1725: 88.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, A Fleeting Thought – Recaptured, 16.9.60, 1p, on psychologists, especially. T. Schroeder, in PP 1725: 102.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, About me and MJL, Feb. 17, 1968, 1p, (68) , in PP 1723/24: 307.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Abstract Value Unit, n.d. 1p, in PP 1723/24: 141.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, An Explanation, Dec. 30, 1958, 2pp, stamped: 81, on his article: Man’s concern for Truth, in PP 1723/24: 226.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Anarchism and the Money Problem, 9 pages, n.d., with some notes by J.Z. , in PP 1723/24: 40.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Anarchy and Competition, version 1, 13pp, in PP 1723/24: 77.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Anarchy and Competition, version 2, 25pp, in PP 1723/24: 52.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, A Way Out, a reply to a questionnaire by the Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions, n.d., 1p. This reply may not have been sent! – J.Z. , in PP 1725: 173.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, A Word to — Nobody! 7.1.65, 1p, in PP 1725: 106.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Another Rumination about the Pastime of Casting Pearls to the (other) Swine, Feb. 23, 1968, (89), in PP 1723/24: 1p: 322. – He didn’t throw pearls often enough! He tried to spread his prejudices, too! -J.Z.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Anti Intellectualism, 8.12.66, 1p, in PP 1725: 170.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, As for the Criticism of Comment on my Articles in A WAY OUT, 2/24/68, 1p (85) , in PP 1723/24: 318.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, As Regards Cosmology, 12.10.65, 1p, on his anger on the war in Vietnam, in PP 1725: 103.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Benjamin Franklin, 1p, in PP 1723/24: 396.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Bertrand Russell vs Edward Teller, 10.3.60, 2pp, numbered: 92, in PP 1725: 66.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Bluff in order to Feel Worth to Endure, Dec. 3, 1958, 3pp, stamped: 59, in PP 1723/24: 199.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Bonds and Interest, Oct. 1, 1949, 2pp, in PP 1723/24: 164.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Book (biography) about Stephen Pearl Andrews (by Madelaine B. Stern) , 2pp, in PP 1725: 107.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Borsodi, Note of Feb. 3, 1968, 1p, (37) , in PP 1723/24: 285.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Bullshit from the Orthodox, 24.10.65, 1p, with a comment, 10.12.65, 1p, in PP 1725: 176.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Cannibalism, Modern Style, 1950? 1p, in PP 1723/24: 157. – No. 29, probably, of L.L.’s compilation: “Odds and Ends from a Libertarian Stand”.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Can We Change People’s Minds? Feb. 6, 1968, 1p, (52) , in PP 1723/24: 299.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Catastrophy!! 28.1.65, 1/2 p, in PP 1725: 203.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Clear and Present Danger, Nov. 14, 1958, 4pp, stamped: 63, in PP 1723/24: 205.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Cogitations about Money, n.d., 5pp, making 28 points, in PP 1723/24: 107.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Cogitations of a Crank, Oct. 1957, 2pp, stamped: 51, in PP 1723/24: 182.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Cold War, 12.9.1960, 2pp, in PP 1725: 51.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Collision Course, 3. 11. 66, 2pp, in PP 1725: 126.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Comment on an Article Titled “Neither War nor Peace” by Hugh Seton-Watson, in the August 29 1960 issue of US NEWS AND WORLD REPORT, 23.8.1960, 1p, in PP 1725: 50.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Comment on an Article Titled “Peace and Freedom” by Sidney Hook, from THE NEW LEADER, and reprinted in THE INDIAN LIBERTARIAN of June 1 1960, 4.8.60, 2pp, in PP 1725: 75 .

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Comment on the Proposals of some Modern Saviors, 1.4.60, 1p, in PP 1725: 68.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Comment on the Proposals of some Modern Saviors about Avoiding the Menace of Atomic War, 18.4.60, 4pp, in PP 1725: 70.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Comment on The Wanted Formula , by David Diamond, Dec. 28, 1952, 6pp, in PP 1723/24: 149.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Concerning Man’s Concern with Truth or the Utility of Untruth (of Lies), Nov. 1, 1958, 2pp, stamped: 55, in PP 1723/24: 185.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Confusion in Economic Thought, 29 points, n.d., with some notes by J.Z., 1p, in PP 1723/24: 1.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Contradiction through Frames of Reference, Nov. 24, 1958, 1/2 page, stamped: 65, in PP 1723/24: 209.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Copyrights owner, his niece, Carlotta Anderson, 38 Wellesley Circle, Glen Echo, MD 200 912, tel: (301) 229-3748 fax: (301) 229-2387. – Author of: All-American Anarchist, Joseph Labadie and the Labor Movement, 1998, 328pp, Wayne State University Press, ISBN 0-8143-2707-9, $ 34.95 cloth

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Critical Comment on Social Credit, 1p, in PP 1723/24: 8, appeared in MOTHER EARTH, April 1934.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Dear comrade and friend, n.d., 2 pages, follow-up on on his article on Marxian Socialism, in PP 1723/24: 28.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Dinner, anybody? 22.4. 68, 3pp, on nuclear war threat, in PP 1725: 143.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Dog in the Manger, 24/25.12.66, 1p, in PP 1725: 171.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Do We Ever Learn? March 1, 1968, 2pp, (106) , in PP 1723/24: 340.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Economic rent + distribution, Economic rent vs occupancy + Use (question of equality) 1/2p, in PP 1723/24: 19.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Education as a Cure, 1/2 p, n.d. , in PP 1723/24: 48.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Education – what for? Nov. 9, 1958, 2pp, in PP 1723/24: 191.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Erroneous conceptions in regard to money, 1p, in PP 1723/24: 112.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Extracts from Labadie, 1p, in PP 1723/24: 8, appeared in MOTHER EARTH, Sep. 1934.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Facing Futility, 7.10.65, 1p, in PP 1725: 112.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Fighting and Folly, 4pp, manuscript, appeared in MAN! June 1936, in PP 1725: 43.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Footnote to the first paragagraph of “The World as we Know it”. 9.6.68, 1p, in PP 1725: 158.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Freedom and Guerilla Warfare, 22.4.68, 1p, in PP 1725: 141.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Freedom in Education, Nov. 5, 1958, 2pp, stamped: 57, Printed in BALANCED LIVING, partly in Dec. 1958 & rest in March 1959, in PP 1723/24: 188.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Freedom in Education # 2, n.d., 1p, in PP 1723/24: 190.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Generalities of Laurance Labadie’s Credo, 1.5.1968, 1p, 10 points, (01), in PP 1723/24: 250.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, God’s in his Heaven . . . , April 1, 1960, 1p, stamped: 95, in PP 1723/24: 248.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Harms, John, Comment on 2 of his books, Sep. 23, 1968, 1p, in PP 1723/24: 400.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Hello, n.d., 1/2 page note on his scribbling, ideas & publishing or non-publishing, in PP 1723/24: 249.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Heredity – Environment, n.d., 1p, stamped: 40, in PP 1723/24: 178.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, High Finance, 25.12.66, 1p, in PP 1725: 130. – Full financial freedom would bring “high finance” down, in most cases. – Even without it, it manages to waste or lose millions to billions every year, via its supposed “experts”. – J.Z., 30.5.02.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, History in Review. Another Artistic Attempt to Paint a Picture for the Delectation and Study of and by Imbeciles, Feb. 12, 1968, 1p, (60), with notes by J.Z. , in PP 1723/24: 303.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Human Behavior, incomplete? n.d., 1p, stamped 70, in PP 1723/24: 214.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, I Was a Hatchet Man towards Borsodiism, Dec. 19 & 27, 1958, 3pp, stamped: 75, in PP 1723/24: 222.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Ignorance and Mental Sickness, Dec. 1, 1958, 2pp, stamped: 71, in PP 1723/24: 216.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, In a Pickle! 29.1.65, 1p, in PP 1725: 203.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Incidents which tempted me to rummage through my notes for “What Is Man” stuff, 1/2p, (96), with 1p on Stirner, in PP 1723/24: 330.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Infantile Radicalism, # 2, number-stamped: 5. Published in RESISTANCE, Dec. 1949, Vol, 8, No. 3, 6pp, on the infantilism of communism, in PP 1723/24: 167.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Internal Conditions. Itemized Population of a Civilized Community in 1937, 1 p list of professions and activities, with his definitions of them, in PP 1725: 20.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Is Communism Sound? Some reasons why an anarchist does not believe in communism, 8pp, appeared in MOTHER EARTH, June 1934 & as pamphlet, in Spanish, in Barcelona, 1936, in PP 1723/24: 30.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Is Economic Rent a Delusion? n.d., number-stamped: 11, 2pp, in PP 1723/24: 162.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Is There an Absolute Truth?, 8.8.66, 4pp, in PP 1725: 14.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Is World-wide Conflict Inevitable? 8.12.1960, 1p, first draft, in PP 1725: 61.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Is World-wide Conflict Inevitable? 8.12.1960, 2pp, second draft, in PP 1725: 62.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, It’s Important how you Look at Things, March 7, 1968, 1p, (115), on Marx & Proudhon, in PP 1723/24: 352.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Is Interest Necessary? # 2, Sep. 1950? 5pp, in PP 1723/24: 158.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Is Love the Answer? Nov. 7, 1958, 1p, stamped: 60, in PP 1723/24: 202. – To say that “love” is the answer to every problem is as absurd as to say that “greed” or “hate” would cause all the problems. – J.Z., 30.5.02.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Josiah Warren, Sep. 23, 1968, 1p, in PP 1723/24: 401.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Justice, n.d., 1p, in PP 1725: 13.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, LeFevre, Feb. 29, 1968, 2pp, (110) , in PP 1723/24: 342.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, LeFevre, n.d., 1/2p, (81), with some notes by J.Z. , in PP 1723/24: 316.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Letters commenting on the Oct. 1967 issue of A WAY OUT, 1p summary, Jan 12, 1968, (06) , in PP 1723/24: 253.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Liberty and the State, 1p, in PP 1723/24: 6, appeared in MOTHER EARTH, Jan. 1934.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Life, Pain, and Death, Nov. 28, 1958, 1p, stamped: 68, in PP 1723/24: 212.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Looking into the Historical Mirror, 30.11.66, 2pp, in PP 1725: 166.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Man of Beast? n.d., 1/2 page, on dogs, stamped: 52, in PP 1723/24: 184.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, 31.12.66, 3pp, apart from 2 unintended gaps, in PP 1725: 131.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, MJL, Jan. 18, 1968, 1p, (12), in PP 1723/24: 260.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, MJL, Jan. 22, 1968, 1p, (23), attacking paid libertarians as scoundrels. Envy again? – J.Z. , in PP 1723/24: 270.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Marxian Socialism, n.d., 1p, critical, in PP 1723/24: 26.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Mental Attitudes, 3pp, appeared in MAN!, March 1936, with 13 notes by J.Z. , in PP 1723/24: 16.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Money and Liberty, # 1, Oct. 23, 1949, 1p, in PP 1723/24: 114.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Money and Liberty, # 2, June 25, 1950, 2pp, in PP 1723/24: 115.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Money and Politics, 1p, in PP 1723/24: 5, appeared in MOTHER EARTH, Dec. 1933.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Money and the Law of Contractions, 5pp, n.d., with comments by J.Z. , in PP 1723/24: 125.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Much Ado about what? 6.11.66, 3pp, in PP 1725: 123.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, My World Outlook, as of this date, 25.11.64, 3pp, in PP 1725: 186.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, New York Mosquitoes, n.d., 1/2 page, stamped: 53, in PP 1723/24: 184 .

LABADIE, LAURANCE, No More Hunger, by William Dudley Pelley, review by L.L., Feb. 22, 1968, 2pp, (91), with some notes by J.Z. , in PP 1723/24: 324.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Notes about my Credo, Dec. 5, 1960, 2pp, on Proudhon, in PP 1723/24: 386.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Notes on Money, n.d., 1/2 p, in PP 1723/24: 179.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Notes on the Value of Paper Money, June 21, 1950, 4pp – on tax foundation, in PP 1723/24: 135.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Objections to Communism, n.d., 2pp, 29 points, in PP 1723/24: 38.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Objections to Communism, n.d., 2pp, 29 points, in PP 1723/24: 38.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Objectivity, Nov. 27, 1958, 1p, stamped: 67, in PP 1723/24: 211.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, On a Redemption Provision for Credit (Paper) Money, Nov. 6, 1948, 1p, in PP 1723/24: 142.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, On Atomic War, n.d., 1p, in PP 1725: 64.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, On Avoiding the Atomic War Menace, 18.4.60, 1p, in PP 1725: 73.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, On Equitism, 9 pages, on the philosophy of W.E. Brokaw, 1935, in PP 1725: 4. – Includes: BROKAW, W.E. to LABADIE, LAURANCE, 11.3.35, 2pp: 6. – LABADIE, LAURANCE to BROKAW, W.E. , 23.3.35, 3pp: 9.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, On Fraud and Degeneracy, 4.1.66, 1p, in PP 1725: 172.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, On Natural Law and Punishment, 29.12.60, 1p, in PP 1725: 105.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, On the Casting of Stones, Nov. 3, 1958, 1/2 page, stamped: 56, in PP 1723/24: 187.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, On the Condition of One’s Psychic Urge, n.d., 1p, stamped: 39, in PP 1723/24: 177.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, On the Impossibility of Achieving World Peace, 21.11.1960, 3pp, in PP 1725: 58.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, On the Luxury of Integrity, and Danger, and Associations, Feb. 21, 1968, 1p, (83) , in PP 1723/24: 317.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, On the Rejuvenation and Perpetuation of the Human Race, 5.3.64, 3pp, in PP 1725: 85.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, On the Volume and Value of Money, Nov. 7, 1949, 2pp, with comments by J.Z. , in PP 1723/24: 239.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, On Writing. Differences between … and myself, n.d., 2pp, in PP 1723/24: 2.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, On your Objection to my Use of “Feelingful” Words, # 1, n.d., 1p, stamped: 88, in PP 1723/24: 243.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, One Refutation of the “Time Preference” Theory, Jan. 30, 1968, 1p, (26), in PP 1723/24: 273.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, One Way of Getting Something Done, 21.1.65, 3pp, on FB, Taxes & Land Monopoly, in PP 1725: 191.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Page Stirner! Dec. 8, 1966, 2pp, in PP 1723/24: 381.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Panic in America at the Thought of Utopia, 25.1.65, 1p, in PP 1725: 202.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Parker & Stirner, n.d., 1p, (97) , in PP 1723/24: 332.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Pierre Joseph Proudhon and the Historical Development of Society, Oct. 20, 1966, 3pp, in PP 1723/24: 393.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Political Considerations, March 28, 1968, 1p, (121) , in PP 1723/24: 361.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Poverty, n.d., 1p, in PP 1723/24: 180.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Problem and Purpose of Article “Why Do Men Fight?”, June 1950, 16 points, 1p, in PP 1725: 34.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Proposed Letter to the Editor of LIFE SCIENCE, Feb. 27, 1968, 1p, (99) , in PP 1723/24: 333.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Prostitution as a Way of Life, Feb. 12, 1968, 1p, (62), attacking famous libertarians, because they are paid! With some notes by J.Z. , in PP 1723/24: 304.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Proudhon and the Course of History, Sep. 3, 1966, 3pp, in PP 1723/24: 389.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Proudhon and the Free Society, n.d., 2pp, in PP 1725: 113.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Proudhon, P. J., System of Economical Contradictions, extracts by L. Labadie, 7pp, in PP 1725: 115.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Quotes from Mr. Child’s Letter to Mildred Loomis, Dated Jan. 1968, Feb. 5, 68, 1p, (104) , in PP 1723/24: 335.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Ramparts College, March 26, 1968, 1/2 p, (125) , in PP 1723/24: 365.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Rampart Journal, 1968 protest letter against over-charging, 1/2 page, in PP 1723/24: 410.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Re Sid Parker’s Article Defending his Position, n.d., 1p, (46) , in PP 1723/24: 289.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Re Sid Parker’s Reply to Roseman and Labadie, n.d., 1p, (48) & (49) , in PP 1723/24: 292.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Re the Simonson and Childs Letters, 2/3/68, 1p, (36) , in PP 1723/24: 284.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Referring to the Crystal Ball, July 18, 1965, 2pp, in PP 1723/24: 133.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Reflections on a Misspent Life, Jan. 5, 1959, 1p, stamped: 82, in PP 1723/24: 228.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Reflections on Liberty, manuscript, making 14 points, 10 pp, published in MAN! 8/1938, in PP 1725: 21.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Reflections on Socio-economic Evolution, 1p, leaflet, (94), printed, probably, by L.L., in PP 1723/24: 329.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Reflections on the Eugenics Cult, n.d., 1p, stamped: 34, in PP 1723/24: 174.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Refractory Thoughts on Re-Reading Don Werkheiser’s “Is it Possible to Survive?”, 14.1.65, 7pp, in PP 1725: 195.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Regarding the “Libertarian Socialist League”, 20.6.39, Comments on Melchior Seele’s criticism of the Manifesto issued by the “Libertarian Socialist League”. (See MAN!, Dec. 38, Feb. 39, April 39), 5pp, in PP 1725: 95. – This article contains a large panarchistic segment! – J.Z.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Research! 29.11.66, 1p, in PP 1725: 165.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Robinson Crusoe, August 9, 1968, 2pp, with some notes by J.Z. , in PP 1723/24: 398.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Salient Points in the Foregoing Article (The Relation between the Money & Land Problems.), n.d., 1p, in PP 1723/24: 120.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Scarcity, 1p, manuscript, of article printed in MAN! May 1936, in PP 1725: 18.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Semantics, Frames of Reference, and Borsodi-ism, Dec. 1958, 2pp, stamped 72, in PP 1723/24: 217. – Also on Schroederism! – J.Z.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Should I Try to Communicate? 13.3.65, 3pp, in PP 1725: 109.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Should Paper Money be Redeemable? Oct. 8, 1949, 1p, with comments by J.Z. , in PP 1723/24: 143.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Simonson, n.d., 1p, response to a letter containing communist beliefs, (05), in PP 1723/24: 252.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Sit Down Strikes, undated note, 1/2 p, in PP 1725: 12.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Skulls of Granite, 19.11.65, 2pp, in PP 1725: 189.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Socio-Mental Antipodes, 23.12.65, 1p, in PP 1725: 175.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Some Essential Considerations in Sociology, 1940, 2pp, in PP 1723/24: 404/

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Some Reflections on the Prospect for Inflation, June 1, 1948, 3pp, in PP 1723/24: 147.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Stirner – (Re Sid Parker) After receiving MINUS ONE, No. 21, March 20/21, 1968, 4pp, (128) , in PP 1723/24: 369.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Stirner, Feb. 18, 1968, 1p, Stirner not an “amoralist”, in PP 1723/24: 311.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Talking Greek to the Hottentots, # 2, n.d., 1p, in PP 1725: 31.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Technique to Influence and Convince, Dec. 1958, 1p, stamped: 74, in PP 1723/24: 221.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, The Author’s in the Book, 1958, 1/2p, stamped: 79, more on Borsodi-ism, in PP 1723/24: 225.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, The Behaviour of Crowds by Everett Dean Martin, notes, 1p, in PP 1723/24: 49.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, The Birch Society, 24.10.65, 1p, in PP 1725: 178.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, The Crystal Ball Era, Jan. 4, 1953, 3pp, on L.L.’s crisis theory, with comments by J.Z. , in PP 1723/24: 130.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, The Father of Fascism, 4pp, appeared in MAN! April 1935 & FREEDOM 6/35, on Marx, in PP 1723/24: 19.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, The Heart of the Matter, Nov. 25, 1958, 2pp, stamped: 66, on capital, money, interest, in PP 1723/24: 209.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, The Hen or the Egg, which Came First? 29.1.65, 1p, in PP 1725: 204.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, The Human Cauldron, 25.12.66, 1p, in PP 1725: 159.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, The Indian Libertarian, To the Editor, Feb. 19, 1959, 11pp, including some letters by Henry Meulen, on “money creation” and central banking, stamped: 86, in PP 1723/24: 233. – Published in THE INDIAN LIBERTARIAN, May 1, 1959.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, The Interest Steal, Mutual Banking, in MONEY, Nov. 1949, 1p, in PP 1723/24: largely identical with the above article (Bonds & Interest, sheet 164.): 166.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, The More Things Change the More they Remain the Same, 22.1.65, 1p, in PP 1725: 194.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, The Moving Kaleidoscopic Panorama, 5.7.65, 2pp, in PP 1725: 179.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, The Mumbo Jumbo Theory of Social Relationships, 1.12.66, 2pp, in PP 1725: 168.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, The New Religion, 27.1.65, one paragraph, on “god” as a worm, in PP 1725: 205.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, The Onward Tide of Reaction, written before the presidential election, n.d., 3pp, in PP 1725: 183.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, The Relation between the Money and Land Problems. Showing the connection between interest rates on money, the value of land, and the portions of economic rent absorbed by taxation, Jan. 20, 1954, 4pp, in PP 1723/24: 116.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, The Relation of Money to the Social Problem. The Original Copy, Dec. 1948, 5pp, in PP 1723/24: 91. – Version 2, Dec. 1948, 5pp: 95. – Version 3? Dec. 1948, 6pp: 100.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, The Significance of Communism as a Societary Doctrine, n.d., complete? 3p, stamped: 91, in PP 1723/24: 245.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, The Steady Growth of Monopoly, Sep. 1950, 1p, stamped: 42, in PP 1723/24: 181. -Monopoly isn’t “growing” but legislated into existence! – J.Z., 29.8.01.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, The Supreme Idiocy of Mutual Extermination, for what? 8.11.66, 2pp, in PP 1725: 134

LABADIE, LAURANCE, The Universe of Values never Changes! Nov. 7, 1949, 1p, in PP 1723/24: 156.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, The World as we Know it, or rather Shall not Know it, # 2 , 4.2.65, 8pp, in PP 1725: 146.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, The World, it’s Wonderful, 12.1.66, 1p, in PP 1725: 154.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, They Have Got you, Buddy! 24.11.65, 1/2 page, in PP 1725: 182.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Things Ain’t always what they Look, Nov. 11, 1958, 1p, stamped 62, on open air speaking in Detroit of 30’s & emergency money issues, in PP 1723/24: 204.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Thoughts Evoked by Reading: Nineteen Seventeen. The Russian Revolution Betrayed, by Voline, n.d., 2pp, stamped: 83, in PP 1723/24: 229.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Time Preference, Jan. 20, 1968, 2pp, (13), with notes by J.Z. on interest & note issues, in PP 1723/24: 261.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Tit for Tat, Jan. 14, 1965, 1p, in PP 1723/24: 405.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, To a Critic Who Considers Me Cold and Unloving, 1 April 1961 or 1962, 1p,in PP 1723/24: 407.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, To Butt, or not to Butt, # 2, Dec. 18, 1958, 1/2 page, stamped: 80, in PP 1723/24: 225.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, to CHILDS, ROY, March 17, 1968, 2pp, (112), in PP 1723/24: 348.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, to CHILDS, ROY, March 27, 1968, 3pp, (120) , in PP 1723/24: 358.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, to INNOVATOR, 29.5.68 & comments on INNOVATOR, 30.5.68, 3pp, in PP 1725: 136.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, to JOHNSTON, RICHARD B., 8.4.61, 3pp, in PP 1725: 78.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, to KNIGHTON, n.d., on racism, 1/2p, (5&), with notes by J.Z. , in PP 1723/24: 301.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, to KRIMERMAN, LEN, Jan. 30, 1968, 2pp, (27) , in PP 1723/24: 274.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, to KRIMERMAN, LEN, March 8, 1968, 3pp, (111) , in PP 1723/24: 345.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, to KRIMERMAN, LEN, Jan. 28, 1968, 1p, (21) , in PP 1723/24: 267.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, to LOOMIS, MILDRED, Feb. 3, 1968, 2pp, (105), on Childs, LeFevre et al, with some critical notes by J.Z. , in PP 1723/24: 336.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, to LOOMIS, MILDRED, 8.4.61, 1/2 p, in PP 1725: 76.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, to LOOMIS, MILDRED, n.d., 1p, (63) , in PP 1723/24: 305.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, to LOOMIS, MILDRED, n.d., 1p, (90), on tapes & LeFevre, in PP 1723/24: 323.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, to LOOMIS, MILDRED, 2.& 3.Feb.,1968, 3pp, (32) , in PP 1723/24: 280.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, to LOOMIS, MILDRED, 2/3/68, 1/2 page, (34) , in PP 1723/24: 283.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, to LOOMIS, MILDRED, 2/3/68, 1/2 page, (35) , in PP 1723/24: 283.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, to LOOMIS, MILDRED, 2/6/68, 3pp, (51), on Simonson, in PP 1723/24: 294.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, to LOOMIS, MILDRED, Feb. 14, 1968, 2pp, (66) , in PP 1723/24: 306.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, to LOOMIS, MILDRED, Feb. 19, 1968, 1p, (78), on editing, in PP 1723/24: 315.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, to LOOMIS, MILDRED, Feb. 3, 1968, 1p, (38) , in PP 1723/24: 286.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, to LOOMIS, MILDRED, Jan. 17, 1968, 1p (10) , in PP 1723/24: 257.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, to LOOMIS, MILDRED, n.d., 1/2p, (53) , in PP 1723/24: 301.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, to LYND, STAUGHTON, Feb. 17, 1968, 2pp, (43), with notes by J.Z., in PP 1723/24: 287.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, to MEULEN, HENRY, 19 Feb. 59, 1/3rd page, in PP 1723/24: 374.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, to MEULEN, HENRY, March 19, 1959, 1p, in PP 1723/24: 239.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, to MEULEN, HENRY, July 5, 1959, not sent, 1p, in PP 1723/24: 90.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, to MOTHER EARTH, 1p, in PP 1723/24: 4, reproduced in M.E. Nov. 1933, On labour time as a value standard, critical.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, to PARKER, S.E., June 7, 1962, 1/2p, in PP 1723/24: 375 .

LABADIE, LAURANCE, to ROSEMAN, HERBERT, n.d., 1/2 p, in PP 1723/24: 406.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, to ROSEMAN, HERBERT, n.d., 1p, (75), on MJL & SoL, in PP 1723/24: 312.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, to ROSEMAN, HERBERT, Feb. 18, 1968, 1/2p, (72) , in PP 1723/24: 310.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, to ROSEMAN, HERBERT, Jan. 12, 1968, 1p, (07) , in PP 1723/24: 254.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, to ROSEMAN, HERBERT, Jan. 19, 1968, 1p, on the book: Report from Iron Mountain on the Possibility and Desirability of Peace, in PP 1723/24: 312.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, to ROSEMAN, HERBERT, n.d., 1/2p, (98) , in PP 1723/24: 332.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, to SCHUBERT, BRUNO H., Jan. 29, 1968, 1p, (24), on Gesell & THE ANSWER, in PP 1723/24: 270.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, to SCHUBERT, BRUNO H., n.d., 1p, (25) on wrong food, in PP 1723/24: 272.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, to THE INDIAN LIBERTARIAN, To the Editor, March 19, 1959, 3pp, with some notes by J.Z. , in PP 1723/24: 240.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, To the Victims of the So-called Educational System, n.d., 1p, in PP 1725: 174.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, To those who May Disagree with my Prediction of the Inevitability of Atomic War, 17.6. 61, 3pp, in PP 1725: 81.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Tucker’s Attitude during WW 1, 2pp, in PP 1725: 48.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Untitled Note, , n.d., 1p, (16) , in PP 1723/24: 265. On Vietnam War

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Untitled Note, 1/2p, (123) , in PP 1723/24: 365.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Untitled Note, n.d., 1p, (31), “Notwithstanding all …”, in PP 1723/24: 279.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Untitled Note, n.d., 1p, (70), on MJL & The Nature of Man, in PP 1723/24: 309.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Untitled Note, n.d., 1p, (77), on MJL’s intention to write about the nature of man, in PP 1723/24: 313.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Untitled Note, n.d., 1p, (116), on American scene and “degeneration”, in PP 1723/24: 353.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Untitled Note, n.d., 1p, (88), in PP 1723/24: 321.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Untitled Note, n.d., 1p, (92), on LeFevre and anarchism, in PP 1723/24: 327.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Untitled, Note, n.d., 1p, (113), on “studies” & “reports”, in PP 1723/24: 350.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Untitled, Note, n.d., on how to appeal to listeners and readers, a comment to a book, 1p, in PP 1723/24: 51 .

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Untitled, Note, on money, n.d., 2pp with comments by J.Z. , in PP 1723/24: 123.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Untitled Note, on Ben Benton, The Confusion about Money, in April 55 INTERPRETER, 1p, in PP 1723/24: 121.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Untitled Note, on money, incomplete, 1p, points 19-24, in PP 1723/24: 112.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Untitled Note, n.d., unnumbered, fragment? 1p, on Freud, Reich, Suzanne Frank, in PP 1723/24: 266.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Untitled Note, n.d., 1p, (86), on government, editing, Borsodi, grouping, , in PP 1723/24: 319.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Untitled Note, n.d., comment on Walter Cronkite show of October 12, 1965, 1p, in PP 1725: 3.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, UntitledNote, n.d., on an article by George Woodcock, in FREEDOM, 19.10.46, 1p, in PP 1725: 100.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Untitled Note, undated, 2 self-revelatory remarks by L.L., 1p, in PP 1725: 121.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Untitled Note, 1950, 1p, in PP 1723/24: 154, on Riegel.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Untitled Note, 21.5.1950, on man fighting, 1p, in PP 1725: 42.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Untitled Note, Sep. 1950? 2pp, on various gold standards, in PP 1723/24: 145.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Untitled Note, Feb. 12, 1966, 1p, on Stirner, in PP 1723/24: 380.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Untitled Note, June 25, 1965, on Stirner and MINUS ONE, 4 sheets, complete? In PP 1723/24: 376.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Untitled Note, 24.10.66, 1p, on Krimerman, Perry & Roseman, et al, put-downs, in PP 1725: 156.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Untitled Note, August 11, 1966, 2pp, on human relations, in PP 1723/24: 402.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Untitled Note, Feb. 1, 1968, 1p, (33) , in PP 1723/24: 282.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Untitled Note, Feb. 20, 1969, re article in MINUS ONE, of Dec. 1968, No. 23, 2pp, in PP 1723/24: 384.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Untitled Note, Jan. 22, 1968, 1p, probably to MJL, (22), attacking paid libertarians, in PP 1723/24: 268.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Untitled Note, Jan. 30, 1968, 1p, (28) , in PP 1723/24: 275.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Untitled Note, Jan. 31, 1968, 2pp, (29) , in PP 1723/24: 276.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Untitled Note, Jan. 8, 1968, 1p, (02), on money monopoly, in PP 1723/24: 251.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Untitled Note, March 31, 1968, 1p, in PP 1723/24: 373.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Untitled Note, Dec. 26, 1967, 1p, (100) on Hippies, in PP 1723/24: 334.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Untitled Note, Feb. 25, 1968, 1p, (87), on Vietnam War & corporations, in PP 1723/24: 320.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Untitled Note, Feb. 26, 1968, 3pp, in PP 1723/24: 338.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Untitled Note, March 14, 1968, 1p, (126) , in PP 1723/24: 366.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Untitled Note, March 16, 1968, 1p, (118), on consequences or utilitarianism, in PP 1723/24: 355.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Untitled Note, March 18, 1968, 2pp, (127?) , in PP 1723/24: 367.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Untitled Note, March 25, 1968, 2pp, (122) , in PP 1723/24: 362.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Untitled Note, March 6 & 7, 1968, 1p, (114), on worship, plunder, Vietnam, politicians, in PP 1723/24: 351.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Untitled Note of Jan. 13, 1968, 1p, (08), on land tenure, resources, imperialism, in PP 1723/24: 255.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Untitled Note of Jan. 17, 1968, 2pp, (09), on J. J. Martin, Communism, Warren, in PP 1723/24: 256.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Untitled Note, around 20-24 April 68, 1p, in PP 1725: 1.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Untitled Note, Jan. 6, 1968 etc., 1p, (11) on reasons for lack of understanding, in PP 1723/24: 258.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Untitled Note, 29. 4. 68, on arts, 1p, in PP 1725: 128.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Untitled Note, 9 -25-68, 1/4 page, in PP 1723/24: 409.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Untitled Note, 9.8.66, 1p, on communicating with people who have vested interests or are conditioned, in PP 1725: 155.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Untitled Note, August 18, 1968, 1p, number-stamped 20 & 21, in PP 1723/24: 408.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Untitled Note, Jan. 31, 1968, 1p, (30), “The Exhibitionists…” on Optiz, Loomis, Borsodi, in PP 1723/24: 278.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Untitled note, n.d., 1/2 p, possibly fragment from DISCUSSION, in PP 1725: 21.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Untitled note, n.d., note on causes of WW 1 & 2, 1p, in PP 1725: 45.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Untitled Note, Septermber 24, 1968, 1p, on the controllers and their sheep,in PP 1723/24: 409.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Untitled note, undated, 1/2 p, in PP 1723/24: 9, on L.L.’s premises, with 9 annotations, in 2 pp, by J.Z..

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Untitled Note, 26.2.68; 28.2. 68, 1p, in PP 1725: 101.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Untitled Note, 14.11.66, 1p, in PP 1725: 160.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Untitled Note, 17.8.68, 2pp, in PP 1725: 32.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Untitled Note, 19.7.68, 1p, in PP 1725: 2.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Untitled Note, Dec. 19, 1965, 1p, on why he writes letters rather than essays, in PP 1723/24: 407.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Untitled Note, Feb. 6, 1968, 2pp, with notes by J.Z., on Proudhon, French Revolution, communism, in PP 1723/24: 297.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Untitled, Note, 11.9.65, 1/2 p, in PP 1725: 99, on his own “scribbling”,.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Untitled Note, 10.11.68, 1p, on the human animal, in PP 1725: 1.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Us + Them, 5.12.66, 1p, in PP 1725: 169.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Utopia, 1p, appeared in “l’en dehors”, May 1936, in PP 1723/24: 12.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, War, War, War, # 2, 10.5.61, 1p, in PP 1725: 63.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, What Am I to You? May 20, 1950, 1/2 page, number-stamped: 26, in PP 1723/24: 174.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, What Are the Odds? 31.12.62, 1p, on war threat and war powers, in PP 1725: 83.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, What Does “Communism” Mean in Today’s Geo-Political Age of Revolutionary Change? March 12, 1968, 1p, (117) , in PP 1723/24: 354. – I disagreed on so many points that I didn’t bother to write them down. – J.Z.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, What Did you Say? 19.11.66, 1p, in PP 1725: 161.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, What Is a Scoundrel? n.d., 1/2p, (15): Sometimes, he sounds, in reply: All but L.L.! – J.Z. , in PP 1723/24: 265.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, What Is an Organic Entity? March 28/29, 1968, 2pp, (119) , in PP 1723/24: 357.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, What is Capitalism? 3 pp, appeared in MAN!, April 1936, in PP 1723/24: 13.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, What Is Communism and what Does it Mean? n.d., 13 points, 1p, (71) , in PP 1723/24: 309.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, What Is Heroism? Nov. 30, 1958,1p, stamped: 69, in PP 1723/24: 213.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, What Is it Really all about? 23. 11.66, 1p, in PP 1725: 164.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, What Is Man? Sep. 50, 1p, stamped: 37, in PP 1723/24: 175.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, What Is the Cause of War? 14.11.60, probably first draft, 2pp, in PP 1725: 53.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, What Is the Cause of War? 14.11.60, probably second draft, 2pp, in PP 1725: 55.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, What Is the Educational Problem? # 3, Nov. 5, 1958, 7pp, stamped: 58, in PP 1723/24: 193.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, What Kind of Economic Institutions Would “Satisfy” True Human Nature? Reflections on Socio-Economic Evolution, n.d., manuscript, 2pp, (93) , in PP 1723/24: 328.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, What Makes Us Tick? n.d., 1p, stamped: 38, in PP 1723/24: 176.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, What Should a Man Do? 20.11.66, 2pp, on Tucker & WWI, in PP 1725: 162.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Where Do the Neurotics Come from? Feb. 23, 1959, 2pp, stamped: 85, on Schroeder, in PP 1723/24: 231.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Where Do we Go from here? 29.5.68, 2pp, in PP 1725: 139.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Where to, now? Dec. 1958, 1p, stamped: 73, in PP 1723/24: 220.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Who Is the Real Promoter of Communism? 8.11.66, 1p, in PP 1725: 129.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Why Do Men Fight and Destroy each other? June 1950, 7pp, article No. 27, in PP 1725: 35.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Why Fascism, # 1, appeared in MAN!, April 1935, with some addenda, 3pp, in PP 1723/24: 22.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Why Who Says What? Jan. 20, 1969, 1p, (14?) , in PP 1723/24: 264.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Wiek – on Cuba, 25 Dec. 1965, 2pp, with some notes by J.Z. , in PP 1723/24: 396.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Words Do not Convey Understanding, or, I write for sonsabitches, 19.11.65, 2pp, in PP 1725: 180.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, Works of PIERRE JOSEPH PROUDHON, 1809-1865, 1p, in PP 1723/24: 388.

LABADIE, LAURANCE, World Peace Meeting, a play in one act, 1p, 1935, in PP 1723/24: 26.

LABOR LEGISLATION, See: WALKER, DEBORAH, The Inequality of Labor Legislation, THE FREEMAN, 11/88, 3pp, in PP 1764: 121.

LADOW, CHARLES R., Do You Want to Live Forever? THE FREEMAN, 3/74, 6pp, in PP 1754: 18.

LACHMANN, LUDWIG M., Review, 2pp, of: HAUSMAN, DANIEL M., Capital, Profits and Price: An Essay in the Philosophy of Economics, N.Y., CUP, 1981, 253pp: 88, in PP 1574-75.

LACY, MARY G., Food Control During 46 Centuries, A contribution to the history of price fixing, 1p: 67, in PP 1549.

LADOW, CHARLES R., The Right to Be Wrong & the Obligation to be Right, THE FREEMAN, 11/73, 4pp, in PP 1749/50: 393.

LADOWE, CHARLES R., Blunders of the Founding Fathers, THE FREEMAN, 2/75, 7pp, in PP 1745-1748: 172. – Free Banking, Post Office & the Constitution.

LAETRILE, See: EDWALL, DENNIS, Cancer, Laetrile and the State, 5pp, in PP 1656-1659: 212.

LAFAVE, KENNETH, Randian Esthetics: A Critique, 3pp: 338, in PP 1565-67.

LAI, STEPHEN, Protectionism: A Threat to Individual Liberty, THE FREEMAN, 10/86, 3pp, in PP 1761-63: 117.

LAISSEZ FAIRE BOOKS & LIBERTY ACTIVISTS, Books especially recommended by Liberty Activists, 4pp, of short descriptions, in PP 1675: 128, alos in PP 1677: 186. – I guess that in this way you could earn a commission for recommending your favourite books – if they are in print and available from a particular source. – J.Z.

LAISSEZ FAIRE BOOKS, Leaflet, 1p, in PP 1656-1659: 500. – Ask for catalog: e-mail:

LAISSEZ FAIRE BOOKS, Leaflet, 1p, in PP 1698: 135.

LAISSEZ FAIRE BOOKS, Sciabarra Titles for Sales, 7 pp, in PP 1682: 1.

LAISSEZ FAIRE BOOKS: Laissez Faire Economic Theory, titles, 1p, in PP 1656-1659: 13.

LAISSEZ FAIRE BOOKS, 1987 offers, especially by and on Ayn Rand, 8pp: 407, in PP 1579-80.

LAISSEZ FAIRE BOOKS, Ayn Rand, Nathaniel Branden and Objectivist Writings offered, 4pp: 403, in PP 1574-75.

LAISSEZ FAIRE BOOKS, Want Books on Libertarianism? 1p: 81, in PP 1559. – Do you really want many more such books? Then read and produce them on microfiche! – J.Z.

LAISSEZ FAIRE CITY TIMES, Doug Porter, links to his 2 articles, in PP 1663: 154.

LAISSEZ FAIRE CITY TIMES, Hints only to its Mission Statement, Conditions for writers & Comic Strip “DeMOCKracy”. Look them up, online! In PP 1661: 73A.

LAISSEZ FAIRE CITY, Home Page, LAISSEZ FAIRE TIMES, back issues, interviews & articles offered, 1p 149, in PP 1568. – Contact:


LAISSEZ FAIRE CITY TIMES, Welcome, bringing the start of 3 articles, continued in the rest of the website, 3pp, Dec. 11, 97, vol. 1, issue 6, in PP 1661: 70. – If you are lucky, I have downloaded these articles & will fiche them somewhere. Otherwise, look up its very extensive website! – J.Z.

LAISSEZ FAIRE CITY WRITERS INDEX, 2pp of associated names. “Click on Writers Name for all of their own articles”. Laissez Faire City Bookshop is associated with it. In PP 1628: 205.

LAISSEZ FAIRE CITY, Advertisement, a few lines on its contents. Typically, it gives neither the URL nor an e-mail address. In PP 1629: 82.

LAISSEZ FAIRE CITY, Main Gate, Philosophy & Mission Statement, 3pp, , in PP 1675: 182.

LAISSEZ FAIRE CITY, Writers’Index, alphabetical, 1p, in PP 1661: 43.

LAISSEZ-FAIRE ECONOMICS VS. COLLECTIVIST ANARCHISM, See: SLOAN, J. NATHANIEL, On the Defence of Laissez-Faire Economics against the Case Presented by Collectivist Anarchism, 1997, 5pp, with URLs, in PP 1695: 186. – Dana Ward – “Greed and the motive for profit would do away with any semblance of the anarchist order.” – Rather, greed and the profit motive can form the soundest foundation for anarchism – after basic freedom principles, including the panarchistic ones. – J.Z., 11.6.01, 8.7.01.

LAISSEZ-FAIRE REPUBLIC, Separation of Force and Whim, 2pp, with links, no URL, in PP 1682: 179.

LAISSEZ FAIRE, See: LONG, LAZARUS, What is Laissez-faire? 1996/98, 2pp, in PP 1612: 39.

LAISSEZ-FAIRE, Organ for Fremskrittpartiets Utrednings-Institutt, Oslo, I/1, 1989, 8pp: 103, in PP1553.

LALY, JEAN-PIERRE, To Express Oneself, 1p, in PP 1610: 48.

LAMBERT, IAN T.G., Spencer Reconsidered, 1p: 56, in PP 1564. – On H. Spencer’s Social Statics.

LAMBERTON, LANCE, Property Rights & the First Amendment, THE FREEMAN, 5pp, in PP 1766-68: 208.

LAMBORN, ELLIS W., A Market Choice of Money, THE FREEMAN, 6/80, 6pp, in PP 1745-1748: 180.

LAMBRO, DONALD, Left-wing Demonstrators Missed the Mark, 2000, 2pp, in PP 1671: 171.

L’ANARCHO, Home Page, 1/2p , in PP 1675: 190.

LANCASTER, JOSEPH, See: CHODES, JOHN, Public Education – – Dump It. Let private enterprise do the job, 1988, 1p, in PP 1609: 53. – From NY Times, 12-19-88, on Joseph Lancaster’s system.

LAND & MONEY, See: LABADIE, LAURANCE, The Relation between the Money and Land Problems. Showing the connection between interest rates on money, the value of land, and the portions of economic rent absorbed by taxation, Jan. 20, 1954, 4pp, in PP 1723/24: 116. – LABADIE, LAURANCE, Salient Points in the Foregoing Article (The Relation between the Money & Land Problems.), n.d., 1p, in PP 1723/24: 120.


LAND REFORM, See: LONG, LAZARUS, Whose Land Is it, anyway? 1995/96, 2pp, in PP 1612: 97.

LAND REFORM, See: MAKIN, JOHN H., Social Security: Nothing But A Ponzi Scheme, 2pp, in PP 1609: 55. – NY TIMES, Oct. 8, 1988 & FORT FREEDOM files.

LAND RIGHTS, See: PITT, A..R.(TONY), Aboriginal Treaty – Drafted 1988, 2pp: 83, in PP 1551. – All exclusive land-“rights”, except those small ones required to live and work somewhere, are claimed and practised at the expense or the rights and liberties of other people. Do apply the concept of “spaceship” Earth to this planet and keep in mind that none of us or of our ancestors has produced or planet-formed it. A few years to centuries of exclusive occupation or that one’s ancestors had been the first (as far as we know, our historical records are still very incomplete in this), are morally meaningless for present exclusive territorial claims that do go beyond the right to survive, by one’s own efforts, anywhere on Earth, if one can do so without infringing the clear property rights of others. Exclusive territorial claims by others, even when associated with religious, national, racial or ideological myths and feelings, habits of thought, customs or predominant theories, do not establish exclusive property rights in such territories and abolish the rights and liberties of others. – On the contrary, they are much more like a declaration of war or a claim to local domination over non-consenting others. How wrong these claims are is indicated by the fact that their supporters are lastly prepared to commit mass murder, with machetes to ABC anti-people devices, wrongly called “weapons”, to uphold their wrongful claims. Territorialism ought to be questioned and criticized wherever, whenever and whosoever it raises its ugly head. – Territorialists have by now “defined” Australians as “foreigners” in England and Englanders, including the Queen, as “foreigners” in Australia. Territorialism is wrong and irrational and leads to wrongful and irrational actions, even mad ones. – J.Z.


LAND TRUSTS, See: RYAN, TIM, Land Trusts: A Dynamic Enclave Movement, 6pp, in PP 1634-1636: 782.


LANDAUER, GUSTAV, 1870-1919, 6pp, in PP 1739: 46, bibliography, links. – ANTI-AUTHORITARIAN ENCYCLOPAEDIA.

LANDESS, TOM, Punk Rock, Prufrock, and the Words we Live by, 6pp: 240, in PP 1581-82.

LANDMESSER, RALF et al, Rettet den Regenwald, Preserve Tropical Forests, etc., 8 pp of news, with links, in PP 1675: 140. – What else can one expect when forests are entrusted to governments and their favourites? – Most of the critics do not want to change THAT precondition. J.Z.

LANDRUM, JOHN, Fighting Back, THE FREEMAN, 5/99, 3pp, in PP 1753: 75.

LANDRY, PETER, Essays of Blupete, Criminal Law and the War on Drugs, 3pp, in PP 1680: 111.

LANDRY, PETER, Essays of Blupete, Democracy, 11pp, in PP 1680: 95.

LANDRY, PETER, Essays of Blupete, incomplete, 135pp, in PP 1680: 1. – Here could be another valuable A-Z contribution towards a libertarian encyclopaedia! – J.Z. Peter Landry: P.O. Box 1200, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada B2y 4B8 Subject Index, with URL list, 11pp: 1. – Second Series of The Essays of Blupete, List only, 2pp, in PP 1680: 12.

LANDRY, PETER, Essays of Blupete, Nature of Man, 8pp, in PP 1680: 66.

LANDRY, PETER, Essays of Blupete, On Legislation, 14pp, in PP 1680: 74.

LANDRY, PETER, Essays of Blupete, On Liberty, 8pp, in PP 1680: 114.

LANDRY, PETER, Essays of Blupete, On Property Rights, 7pp, in PP 1680: 122.

LANDRY, PETER, Essays of Blupete, On War & Quotes On War, 1999, brushed up: March 2000, 5pp, in PP 1680: 106.

LANDRY, PETER, Essays of Blupete, Shooting the Central Banker: Destruction of the Canadian Economy & other Realities, 4pp, in PP 1680: 129. – Just deprive them of their monopoly and coercive powers! – J.Z., 25.6.02.

LANDRY, PETER, Essays of Blupete, The Law, 7pp, in PP 1680: 88. – He starts out with a quote from John Marshall Gest: “The history of law is the history of civilization, …” – I would rather say: TERRITORIAL law, rather, is the continuance of barbarism by other means. Only PERSONAL law gives a civilized (and civilizing! – J.Z., 25.5.02.) choice. – PIOT, J.Z., 12.5.01.

LANDRY, PETER, Essays of Blupete, The Right to Bear Arms, 4pp, in PP 1680: 62.

LANDRY, PETER, Essays of Blupete, The Siren’s Song, 12pp, in PP 1680: 50.

LANDRY, PETER, Essays of Blupete, The Theory of Government, 14pp, in PP 1680: 36.

LANDRY, PETER, Essays of Blupete, The Voucher System, 7pp, in PP 1680: 29.

LANDRY, PETER, Essays of Blupete, Thoughts on Thoreau and Walden, 15pp, in PP 1680: 14.

LANDRY, PETER, The Springs of Human Motivation: Thoughts on the Nature of Man, A Blupete Essay, 10pp, in PP 16 & 17, 2nd edition: 376, with URL list for his essays,

LANE, CHARLES, See: WATNER, CARL, Rediscovering Charles Lane, 2pp: 35, in PP 1569-70.

LANE, ROSE WILDER, Give Me Liberty, extract from GIVE ME LIBERTY, 1936, 7pp, in PP 1607/8: 34.

LANGE, OLIVER, Vandenberg, Bantam Books, 1972 paperback, Review, 2pp, by HARPER, JAKE: 304, in PP 1565-67.

LANGLOIS, RICHARD N., The Market Process: An Evolutionary View, 4pp: 43, in PP 1574-75.

LANGUAGE, See: GREAVES, BETTINA BIEN, Language Traps, THE FREEMAN, 6/85, 8pp, in PP 1759/60: 49.

LANGUAGE, See: RAVENSCROFT, IAN, Danger: A Lesson from Language, THE FREEMAN, 7/84, 4pp, in PP 1754: 3.

LANGUAGE, See: SNYDER, LESLIE, The Corruption of Language, THE FREEMAN, 9/80, 4pp, in PP 1766-68: 396.

LAOSE & TAOSISM, See: JOSH, USA, Untitled, on Laotse & Taoism, 5pp, in PP 1695: 92.

LAPP FAMILY, THE, The Lapps and the IRS: A Farm Family Comes Head-on with the Internal Revenue Service and Labor Laws, 4pp: 227, in PP 1569-70.

LAPP, HANNAH, The Home-Birth Controversy, THE FREEMAN, 6/92, 5pp, in PP 1766-68: 333.

LAPP, NATHAN, Liberating the Jury, THE FREEMAN, 3/98, 7pp, in PP 1759/60: 139.

LARSON, ELIZABETH, No Thanks, Uncle Sam, THE FREEMAN, 12/95, 5pp, in PP 1761-63: 592, on “Affirmative Action”.

LARSON, REED E., Government-Granted Coercive Power: How Big Labor Blocks the Freedom Agenda, THE FREEMAN, 4/00, 9pp, in PP 1764: 57.

LARSSON, TOMAS, Stick to the Facts, Please, THE FREEMAN, 7/00, 2pp, in PP 1766-68: 597.

LASKA, BERNDA., to ZUBE, JOHN, Letter exchange, 2pp, in German, in PP 1629: 15. On his search for a dissertation: Salvatore Santagati, The social and political thought of Max Stirner, 1989, London School of Economics, 255pp. I replied, as usual, that we do not have full libertarian information as yet because most writers, readers, publishers and editors are, even after 500 years of failures, stuck to paper and ink. Thousands of Stirner writings are o.o.p. The electronic fans have so far failed to offer all titles on the Internet or on floppies and text-only CD-ROMs. They remain biased against using the latter media for book publishing and reading, and, obviously, and are also and obviously against microfiche publishing and reading. – Why expect me to make up for all their omissions? Even with the cost and labour savings of micrographics, one individual could not do that. At least about 100 – 300 would be required. Will these few, whoever and wherever they are, ever activate themselves in this way? – LMP is just a shoe string pilot scheme of one person! Do your own thing with affordable alternative media, but DO IT! No excuse is accepted by me, if you live in a somewhat developed country and aren’t actually starving. – We could set off a creative chain reaction of ideas & actions. That possibility becomes a duty in our times. – J. Z., 17. 8. 2,000.

LASKA, BERND A. to ZUBE, JOHN, 13.2.2000, 1p, in PP1613: 77.

LASKA, BERND A. to ZUBE, JOHN, 17.2. 2000, 2pp, in PP1613: 79.

LASKA, BERND A. to ZUBE, JOHN, 2 x 6.2.2000 & 1 x 8.2.2000, 3pp, in PP 1619/20: 240.

LASKA, BERND A. to ZUBE, JOHN, 20. 2. 2000, 1p, in PP1613: 81.

LASKA, BERND A. to ZUBE, JOHN, 20. 2. 2000, 1p, in PP1613: 82.

LASKA, BERND A. to ZUBE, JOHN, 23. 2. 2000, 1 S. , in PP1613: 91.

LASKA, BERND A. to ZUBE, JOHN, 31.1.00, 1p, in PP 1619/20: 234. –

LASKA, BERND A. to ZUBE, JOHN, 4.2.2000, 2pp, in PP 1619/20: 236.

LASKA, BERND A., 7.2.2000, 2pp, in PP 1619/20: 246.

LASKA, BERND A., Die Negation des irrationalen Ueber-Ichs bei La Mettrie, 50 KB, 13 S., in PP1613: 25. – Wenn ich Laska recht verstehe, so meint er mit dem “irrationalen Ueber-Ich” den von irrationalen Ideen, Systemen und Institutionen beieinflussten Einzelnen. – J.Z.

LASKA, BERND A., Die Negation des irrationalen Ueber-Ichs bei Max Stirner, (Max Stirner als “paedagogischer” “Anarchist”), 43 KB, 12 S. , in PP1613: 43.

LASKA, BERND A., Die Negation des irrationalen Ueber-Ichs bei Wilhelm Reich (Wilhelm Reich als “paedagogischer” “Anarchist”), 56 KB, 15 S. , in PP1613: 62.

LASKA, BERND A., Julien Offray de La Mettrie, 63 KB, 15pp, in PP1613: 7

LASKA, BERND A., Max Stirner, 18 KB, 5 S. , in PP1613: 38.

LASKA, BERND A., MINUS ONE + EGOIST + EGO, ed. By Sidney E. Parker, London, 1963 – 1993. Table of Contents, 13pp, in PP 1607/8: 355. – Not yet the latest version, which includes some M.O. copies that I exchanged with him.

LASKA, BERND A., Orgone foregone, 1 S. , in PP1613: 90, ueber Wilhelm Reich im LSR-Projekt.

LASKA, BERND A., Vorbemerkungen des Herausgebers und Uebersetzers zu La METTRIES “Der Mensch als Maschine”, 3 S. , in PP1613: 22.

LASKA, BERND A., Website on his LSR Publishing effort on works of La Mettrie, Max Stirner and Wilhelm Reich, in German. Some abstracts in English, Esperanto and Interlingua are also offered there, not here. Literature List. Bibliography. Second-hand book service and comments, 22pp, in PP 1607/8: 333. E-mail: – 6 introductory essays by Bernd A. Laska on Mettrie, Stirner and Reich, characteristic for Laska’s approach to these thinkers, will follow in another PEACE PLANS edition.

LASKA, BERND A., Wilhelm Reich ohne Freud/Marx/Orgon, 26 KB, 7 S. , in PP1613: 55.

LASKA, BERND, A., Wilhelm Reich: Ein Libertaerer? Ein Maertyrer? Fast? Betr. Blankertz Artikel, 1 S., in PP 1625: 102.

LAST DITCH, THE, General Archive, Excerpts & full-text articles, links only, 4pp, in PP 1676: 138.

LAST DITCH, THE, Guide to Back Issues, 5pp, supposedly all online, in PP 1676: 134.

LAST DITCH, THE, Views on Liberty and Civility you won’t find elsewhere no matter how much you dig, updated 2000, introductory home page, 2pp, links to articles & some samples of articles. All are (c), in spite of this free access on the Internet, 18pp, in PP 1676: 126.

LATIN AMERICA, See: AYAU, MANUEL F., Give Freedom its Turn in Latin America, IMPRIMIS, 11/84, 6pp: 234, in PP 1581-82 & in 10pp, in PP 1765: 107. – Should it only get “its turn” and then despotism should get “its turn” again? Languages are full of traps. – J.Z. – Freedom, there, too, only for those who do want it and to the extent that they do want it. That requires the abolition of the totalitarianism of territorialism. – J.Z., 3.6.02.

LATIN, See: GABB, SEAN, Review of: BALME, MAURICE & MORWOOD, JAMES, Oxford Latin Course, 1996, 175pp, in defence of the study of Latin, 10pp review only, in PP 1739: 68. – Since I was plagued with classes in Latin, too, for 4 years, this was of interest to me as well. – J.Z.

LAW & JUSTICE, See: SENNHOLZ, HANS F., Law and Justice, THE FREEMAN, 1/83, 3pp, in PP 1759/60: 237.

LAVOIE, DON, A Political Philosophy for the Market Process, Review, 6pp, of: MADISON, G.B., The Logic of Liberty, N.Y., Greenwood Press, 1986: 316, in PP 1574-75. – I doubt that it contains anything on the panarchistic market for politics. – J.Z.

LAVOIE, DON, BAETJER, HOWARD & TULLOH, WILLIAM, High-Tech Hayekians: Some Possible Research Topics in the Economics of Computation, 29pp: 59, in PP 1576. – If you are not yet a subscriber to MARKET PROCESS: Think of the numerous articles you missed out on since this issue of the batch I obtained 10 years ago. The back issues of most scholarly journals are usually only available on microfilm. Obviously, I can’t take over the microfiching of all libertarian and anarchist periodicals and books. – J.Z., 8.11.1999.

LAVOIE, DON, Conference on “Economic Regulation”: Theory and History, 4pp review on 5 papers at the conference: 374, in PP 1574-75. – I suspect that the papers remained unpublished. – J.Z.

LAVOIE, DON, Lessons from History on Central Planning and Central Banking, 1p abstract from workshop: 378, in PP 1574-75.

LAVOIE, DON, Prefatory Note: The Origins of “The Agorics Project”, 4pp: 57, in PP 1576. – Exploring how economics might benefit from computer developments, especially simulations.

LAVOIE, DON, Reflections on the 1984 Mont Pelerin Society Meetings, 4pp: 87, in PP 1574-75. – I am still wondering why their lectures and discussions are not sufficiently publicized, at least in alternative media. – J.Z., 8.11.1999.

LAVOIE, DON, Review, 3pp, of: HUTCHINSON, T.W., The Politics and Philosophy of Economics: Marxians, Keynesians and Austrians, N.Y.U.P., 1981, 310pp: 64, in PP 1574-75.

LAVOIE, DON, Rivalry and Central Planning: The Socialist Calculation Debate Reconsidered, N.Y., CUP, 1985, 218pp, Review only, by PERLMAN, MARK, 3pp: 132, in PP 1574-75.

LAW DICTIONARY, See: DUHAIME’S LAW DICTIONARY, Researched, written in plain language and provided free of charge by lawyer Lloy Duhaime. Size? URL? e-mail address? 1/2 page home page, Nov. 11, 2000, in PP

LAW, PRIVATE, See numerous articles by DAVID FRIEDMAN in PP 1711/12.

LAW, See: AUERBACH, JEROLD S., Justice Without Law, Oxford U.P., 1983, 147pp: 3pp: 685, in PP 1601-04.

LAW, See: BENSON, BRUCE, Customary Law, a passage extracted by Mark Sulkowski from Benson’s The Enterprise of Law, Justice without the State, pp. 12-15, available from Laissez Faire Books. 3pp, in PP 1679: 201.

LAW, See: BIDINOTTO, ROBERT JAMES, A Matter of Principle: To Educate – or Legislate, THE FREEMAN, /95, 3pp, in PP 1766-68: 536.

LAW, See: CARSON, CLARENCE B., There Ought Not To Be a Law, THE FREEMAN, 6/76, 12pp, in PP 1749/50: 346.

LAW, See: DUFFY, JEFFRY W., Liberty, Government, and the Rule of Law (excerpt), THE FREEMAN, 1/96, 2pp, in PP 1751/52: 221.

LAW, See: EDWARDS, JAMES ROLPH, Freedom, Legislation & Disabilities, THE FREEMAN, 4/95, 2pp, in PP 1765: 149.

LAW, See: EMORY, BOBBY YATES, Notes on the History of Legal Systems, 4pp: 505, in PP 1601-04. – DIEM, GORDON NEAL, The Philosophy of Law and Justice Necessary to Sustain a Free Nation, 2pp: 536, in PP 1601-04.

LAW, See: EWBANK, JOHN, Libertarian Legal Code, 1p: 642, in PP 1601-04. – HINTON, ADRIAN C., The Importance of Objective Law: Why I Support Limited Government, 3pp: 640, in PP 1601-04. – A comprehensive anthology of the anarchy vs. limited government controversy is overdue – and should be supplemented by the panarchistic conclusion: To each his own! – J.Z.

LAW, See: FLANAGAN, GREGORY, Political “Law”, 2pp, in PP 1689-1693: 818.

LAW, See: FRIEDMAN, DAVID, Law as a Private Good, 1989, 6pp, in PP 1615: 149. – FRIEDMAN, DAVID, Police, Courts, and Laws – On The Market, 6pp, in PP 1615: 143.

LAW, See: HALLIDAY, ROY, Law and Violence, 10pp: 485, in PP 1601-04. – Sometimes one can ask: What’s the difference? Many territorial laws lead to violence and poverty rather than to peace, justice, freedom & wealth. – J.Z.

LAW, See: HAMMER, RICHARD O., Gateway to an Altered Landscape: Law in a Free Nation, 9pp: 100, in PP 1601-04.

LAW, See: HAMMER, RICHARD O., Basic Questions about Law, 3pp: 115, in PP 1601-04.

LAW, See: HOWARD, PHILIP K., Common Sense & the Law, IMPRIMIS, 9/96, 5pp, in PP 1764: 157.

LAW, See: JACOBSON, PHILIP, Law as Property in a Free Nation, 6pp: 418, in PP 1601-04. – JACOBSON, PHILIP, Free Accord Law: Ethical Communities, 9pp: 434, in PP 1601-04.

LAW, See: KINSELLA, N. STEPHAN, Legislation & Law in a Free Society, THE FREEMAN, 9/95, 4pp, in PP 1759/60: 213.

LAW, See: LANDRY, PETER, Essays of Blupete, The Law, 7pp, in PP 1680: 88. – He starts out with a quote from John Marshall Gest: “The history of law is the history of civilization, …” – I would rather say: TERRITORIAL law, rather, is the continuance of barbarism by other means. Only PERSONAL law gives a civilized (and civilizing! – J.Z., 25.5.02.) choice. – PIOT, J.Z., 12.5.01. – LANDRY, PETER, Essays of Blupete, On Legislation, 14pp, in PP 1680: 74.

LAW, See: LONG, RODERICK T., The Nature of Law, 2pp: 271. Part II: The Three Functions of Law, 4pp: 273; Part III: Law vs. Legislation, 7pp: 277; Part IV: The Basis of Natural Law, 24pp: 284, in PP 1601-04.

LAW, See: LONG, RODERICK T., Why Objective Law Requires Anarchy, 5pp: 327, in PP 1601-04.

LAW, See: POIROT, PAUL, L., The Laws and Their Uses, THE FREEMAN, 8/70, 3pp, in PP 1766-68: 286.

LAW, See: HAZLITT, HENRY, The Torrent of Laws, THE FREEMAN, 1/79, 7 pp, in PP 1751/52: 109.

LAW, See: MANLEY, MARISA, Why Laws Backfire, THE FREEMAN, 8/96, 4pp, in PP 1749/50: 1.

LAW, See: MICHEL, CHRISTIAN, Should we Obey the Laws of our Country? 2000, 14pp, in PP 1705: 69.

LAW, See: PAYNE, JAMES L., How Many Laws Are Enough? THE FREEMAN, 4/92, 2pp, in PP 1764: 205.

LAW, See: SEMMENS, JOHN, Law of the Jungle vs. the Jungle of Law, THE FREEMAN, 9/78, 3pp, in PP 1759/60: 210. – To each his own laws: Personal laws, individually chosen – via voluntary membership in exterritorially autonomous communities. All territorial ones remain, essentially, totalitarian impositions, at least upon all dissenters. – PIOT, J.Z., 2.5.02.

LAW, SUNSET LAWS: FLANAGAN, GREGORY, Generational Tyranny, 2pp, in PP 1689-1693: 993. – On constitutions and laws of unlimited duration.

LAWSON, DAMIEN, Let them land! No One Is Illegal. 1p message of 28.8.01, in PP 16 & 17, 2nd edition: 408. – xborder website & e-mail address (some are getting weird!): xborder_x@y…

LAWYERS, See: FULDA, JOSEPH S. & VINCENT, PATRICK J., Are there too many Lawyers? THE FREEMAN,1/93, 2pp, in PP 1757/58: 374. – Lawyers breed laws and laws breed lawyers. There are too many laws. Let them become optional or personal laws for volunteer communities only. Then the few good laws ever passed will begin to drive out the avalanches of bad laws. (The legislation version of Gresham’s Law, properly understood.) For then, laws, too, will not be “Legal Tender” but subject to consumer-sovereignty & individual sovereignty. Then consumers can either ignore them or opt out from under them – and choose their own for themselves. – J.Z.

LEADERSHIP, See: SCHWARTZMAN, JACK, The Leaders and the Mob, 2pp, in PP 1731: 22. – Both would be transformed by voluntary State membership and the resulting free competition in this sphere as well. Arbitrarily and coercively thrown together masses will, inevitably, be misled, because they can be held together only by the lowest common denominators: popular errors, myths and prejudices. – See: ON PANARCHY. – J.Z., 31.5.02.

LEARN IN FREEDOM, (c) 1997, 2000, Karl M. Bunday, 3pp, in PP 1679: 120.


LEE, DWIGHT R. & SEXTON, ROBERT L., Patience and Property: Corporate vs. Union Management, August 90, FREEMAN, THE, FEE, 4pp, in PP 1672: 157.

LEE, DWIGHT R., Censoring Pleas for Help, THE FREEMAN, 1/99, 3pp, in PP 1765: 11.

LEE, DWIGHT R., Comparative Advantage, THE FREEMAN, 10/99, 3pp, in PP 1761-63: 41, on Free Trade. Comparative Advantage Continued, THE FREEMAN, 11/99, 3pp, ibid: 44.

LEE, DWIGHT R., Costs Should Be Revealed, not Concealed, THE FREEMAN, 5/99, 3pp, in PP 1757/58: 396.

LEE, DWIGHT R., Liberty & Individual Responsibility, THE FREEMAN, 4/87, 11pp, in PP 1759/60: 148.

LEE, DWIGHT R., Politics & Foreign Trade, THE FREEMAN, 12/99, 3pp, in PP 1761-63: 114.

LEE, DWIGHT R., Price Ceilings Cause Shortages and Higher Costs, THE FREEMAN, 11/98, 2pp, in PP 1754: 195.

LEE, DWIGHT R., Private Property & Opportunity Cost, THE FREEMAN, 6/99, 3pp, in PP 1766-68: 244. – Deals somewhat with POW’s, desertion, warfare & war aims. – J.Z.

LEE, DWIGHT R., Public Choice: The Rest of the Story, THE FREEMAN, 1/88, 3pp, in PP 1766-68: 87.

LEE, DWIGHT R., Speculation & Risk, THE FREEMAN, 9/99, 2pp, in PP 1766-68: 111.

LEE, DWIGHT R., The Market for Honesty, THE FREEMAN, 2/99, 3pp, in PP 1749/50: 194. – Note, that under monetary despotism, i.e., under a corresponding lack of a free market, dishonesty becomes sometimes and to some extent a survival trait in the struggle for monopoly money to ensure survival or profits. Monetary freedom, on the other hand, requires as well as produces honesty. – J.Z., 1.6.02.

LEE, DWIGHT R., The Perversity of Doing Good at Others’ Expense, THE FREEMAN, 9/97, 4pp, in PP 1764: 31.

LEE, DWIGHT R., The Search for a Souvenir Spoon, THE FREEMAN, 4/92, 2pp, in PP 1749/50: 156.

LEE, JEFFERY G., Hail to Prices! THE FREEMAN, 7/95, 2pp, in PP 1765: 85.

LEE, ROBERT A., The Myths of Child Abuse, 14pp: 128, in PP 1557. – He upholds some myths himself. – J.Z.

LEEF, GEORGE C., A Lesson in Political Management, THE FREEMAN, 12/99, 3pp, in PP 1755/56: 383.

LEEF, GEORGE C., American Labor Law – Bad and Still Getting Worse, May 97, FREEMAN, THE, FEE, 4pp, in PP 1672: 162.

LEEF, GEORGE C., Banned in Austin, THE FREEMAN, 8/99, 3pp, in PP 1757/58: 281.

LEEF, GEORGE C., How Fair is “Fair Housing”? THE FREEMAN, 11/97, 3pp, in PP 1765: 13.

LEEF, GEORGE C., Let ‘Em Skate! Defeating Local Socialism, THE FREEMAN, 5/98, 4pp, in PP 1759/60: 160. They could probably have financed an ice arena via an advance sale of tickets. With that method at least one theatre was built and some sports stadiums. The numerous alternatives for voluntary financing are not yet sufficiently publicised. I know of over 50 local basketball teams that built their own hall and of 45 cultural associations in Canberra that built their own meeting centre when they noticed a shortage of meeting places for their activities. However, as long a feeding trough for pigs is provided, at the expense of the general taxpayer, pigs will assemble at them and politicians will take credit for “their” spending. – J.Z., 19.5.02.

LEEF, GEORGE C., Mandatory Student Fees & Freedom of Speech, THE FREEMAN, 8/00, 4pp, in PP 1761-63: 527.

LEEF, GEORGE C., Mandatory Student Fees & Freedom of Speech, THE FREEMAN, 8/00, 4pp, in PP 1761-63: 527.

LEEF, GEORGE C., Progress Is Difference, THE FREEMAN, 12/81, 3pp, in PP 1754: 185. – Regress or reaction & stagnation do provide differences as well. – J.Z.

LEEF, GEORGE C., Some Thoughts on Discrimination, THE FREEMAN, 4/88, 6pp, in PP 1761-63: 567.

LEEF, GEORGE C., Why Is there a Drug Problem? THE FREEMAN, 2/89, 4pp, in PP 1759/60: 389.

LEEF, GEORGE C., Workers & Unions – How about Freedom of Contract? 12/92, FREEMAN, THE, FEE, 4pp, in PP 1672: 148.

LEEF, GEORGE C., Workers & Unions – How about Freedom of Contract? THE FREEMAN, 12/92, 4pp, in PP 1764: 113.

LEEF, GEORGE C., Zoning Laws, the Housing Market and the Ripple Effect, THE FREEMAN, 1/78, 7pp, in PP 1749/50: 38.

LEESON, PETER, T., How Big Government Usurped Personal Responsibility, THE FREEMAN, 10/98, 2pp, in PP 1765: 17. – It can deny personal responsibility to others but cannot assume or usurp it itself and could not practice it, if such a transfer were possible. – Governments can only usurp power – and that does also make them powerless in many ways, not only in economic calculation. – J.Z., 20.5.02.

LEFEVRE, ROBERT, A “Star Wars” Defense Invites Nuclear War, 1p: 95, in PP 1556.

LEFEVRE, ROBERT, A Needless War Occurs as Free Market’s Ignored, 1p: 2, in PP 1556. – On Falkland Island War.

LEFEVRE, ROBERT, A Sad Protest Story the Media Never Told You, 1p: 31, in PP 1556.

LEFEVRE, ROBERT, A Strong Dose of Government Can Wreck Your Whole Day, 1p: 22, in PP 1556.

LEFEVRE, ROBERT, Birth of A Man, 3pp, from THIS BREAD IS MINE: 198, in PP 1569-70.

LEFEVRE, ROBERT, Birth of a Man, 4pp from his book (fiched by LMP): “This Bread Is Mine, 1960, pages 367-384, here copied from THE VOLUNTARYIST, No. 90, Feb. 98, in PP 1689-1693: 335. In: ON PANARCHY, 20-24.

LEFEVRE, ROBERT, Deducing to Morality, 2pp: 105, in PP 1558.

LEFEVRE, ROBERT, Did You Notice the Warts on Beautiful Democracy? 2pp: 26, in PP 1557.

LEFEVRE, ROBERT, Egoism Re-Examined, 7pp: 369, in PP 1565-67.

LEFEVRE, ROBERT, Fighting Reds & Washington’s Red Tape, 1p: 17, in PP 1556.

LEFEVRE, ROBERT, Frank Chodorov: Teacher, 1p: 6, in PP 1564.

LEFEVRE, ROBERT, Free Enterprise Needs Freedom, 3pp: 123, in PP 1557. – Without freedom, obviously, it is not free enterprise. The UNFREE enterprise of today, except that of monopolists, needs freedom and consumers need it too. – J.Z., 10.11.1999.

LEFEVRE, ROBERT, Freedom – a Way, Not a Goal, 1p: 3, in PP 1569-70.

LEFEVRE, ROBERT, Freedom has been defined as the absence of coercion, 2pp: 90, in PP 1558.

LEFEVRE, ROBERT, Government Protection: No One Prospers, 1p: 63, in PP 1556.

LEFEVRE, ROBERT, Militarism as Socialism, 1p: 47, in PP 1556.

LEFEVRE, ROBERT, Moral Law, 9pp: 74, in PP 1557.

LEFEVRE, ROBERT, Morality vs. Egoism, and exchange between Robert LeFevre and S.E. Parker in MINUS ONE, issues 20 & 21, dated Oct-Dec. 1967, 4pp, in PP 1680: 150, from the archives of THE MEMORY HOLE. – MINUS ONE has been fiched by LMP, either completely or nearly so, in several batches, as they became available. – J.Z.

LEFEVRE, ROBERT, New Declaration of Independence, 7pp: 10, in PP 1557.

LEFEVRE, ROBERT, Once there Was a King, 2pp: 98, in PP 1558.

LEFEVRE, ROBERT, Peru’s “Informals” Get Along Better Without the State, 2pp: 79, in PP 1556.

LEFEVRE, ROBERT, Property Loss Should Not Be Treated Lightly, 1p: 105, in PP 1556.

LEFEVRE, ROBERT, Put the Right Words in Mikhail’s Ear, 1p: 119 & 120, in PP 1556. – On Mikhail Gorbachov.

LEFEVRE, ROBERT, See: KNAPP, THOMAS L., The Intriguing LeFevre, Review, 1/2 page, of: Wendy McElroy, ed., A Way to Be Free, Volume 1, The Making of a Modern American Revolutionary, 660pp, Volume 2, The Making of a Modern American Revolution, 500pp, Pulpless.Com 1999, only $ 3.95 per volume in Adobe or HTML format or $ 37.50 or $ 34.50 respectively in print. After his death in 1986, his widow had gathered the material he had been collecting for a final book – his magnum opus. Highly recommended by Knapp, in PP 1732: 163. – Imagine how many such books could be cheaply offered on a CD-ROM!

LEFEVRE, ROBERT, See: LICHER, LLOYD, Robert LeFevre: A Tribute, 2pp: 178, in PP 1569-70.

LEFEVRE, ROBERT, Soviet Military Power: Not a Big Peril to U.S., 3pp: 109, in PP 1557. – This reminds me of a joke I once saw: One bum, to another, on a park bench: “You know, nuclear bombs do not really exist!” – Even if his notion had been true, would it have been true for dozens of other nationalities and hundreds of millions of people, namely the “captive people”, including the Russian ones? Some isolationists bury their heads in sand. One may opposed any intervention by governments while welcoming or practising private and voluntary interventions and liberation attempts. Intervention with the best ideas is often more helpful than armed intervention. It should occur before genocidal actions happen. – J.Z., 10.11.99.

LEFEVRE, ROBERT, The Bare Facts on Some Peaceful Protestors, 1p: 71, in PP 1556.

LEFEVRE, ROBERT, The Mystery of Money Lies only in our Expectations of it, 1p: 55, in PP 1556.

LEFEVRE, ROBERT, Unanswered Questions. All sides have some explaining to do about the shooting down of 007, 1p: 39, in PP 1556.

LEFEVRE, ROBERT, Untitled, 2pp, on liberty and how to create a free society: 102, in PP 1558.

LEFEVRE, ROBERT, Untitled, appeal for donations, 3pp: 82, in PP 1558.

LEFEVRE, ROBERT, Untitled, dealing with the Lt. Calley trial, 1p: 86, in PP 1558.

LEFEVRE, ROBERT, Untitled, on a recent ad in TIME magazine on the generation gap, 3pp: 78, in PP 1558.

LEFEVRE, ROBERT, Washington? Moscow? Is there any Difference? 1p: 11, in PP 1556.

LEFEVRE, ROBERT, What Is Law and Order? 2pp: 70, in PP 1558.

LEFEVRE, ROBERT, What Is Libertarianism? 1p: 98, in PP 1549.

LEFEVRE, ROBERT, When Politicians Talk “Family”, Lock the Doors, Hide the Kids, 1p: 87, in PP 1556.

LEFT AND RIGHT, See: CENTER FOR LIBERTARIAN STUDIES, THE, LEFT AND RIGHT: A Journal of Libertarian Thought, Global Table of Contents, 1965-68, 3pp in PP 1661: 92. All issues are online now, not only on microfiche in PEACE PLANS 984.

LEFT BANK BOOKS COLLECTIVE, Radical & Anarchist Links, 2000, 7pp, in PP 1695: 136: What kind of “anarchist reasoning” keeps most anarchists stuck to paper and website texts only, ignoring their other media options for freedom of expression and information? Do they have to walk with the masses in this, although their choice left most anarchist texts unpublished, untranslated, out of print, out or reach or priced too high for all too many? – J.Z., 13.6.01.

LEFT BANK DISTRIBUTION, 1999 Online Catalog, 1p home page with links, in PP 1663: 176. It offers mainly left-anarchist titles.

LEGAL TENDER, See: GROSECLOSE, ELGIN, Fiat & the Founding Fathers, THE FREEMAN, 10/76, 5pp, in PP 1745-1748: 91.

LEGAL TENDER, See: MOSELEY, D. ALEXANDER, Abolish Legal Tender, THE FREEMAN, 2/99, 2pp, in PP 1745-1748: 200.

LEGAL TENDER, See: NEWCOMER, PHILIP W., The Illegality of Legal Tender, THE FREEMAN, 12/86, 7pp, in PP 1745-1748: 202.

LEGAL TENDER, See: POIROT, PAUL L., Legal Tender: Sellers Beware, THE FREEMAN, 1/72, 2pp, in PP 1745-1748: 232.

LEGGE, BRIAN, A Bill of Rights or Big Brother, 1p: 749, in PP 1601-04.

LEHMAN, GODFREY, Gentlemen of the Jury, 1p (the article appears incomplete): 70, in PP 1551.

LEHMAN, GODFREY, Your Right to Trial by Peers, 1p:110, in PP 1585. From NATIONAL INTEREST NEWS, No. 18, 1998. – I still disagree with much of its program but it also offers interesting information not found elsewhere by me. – J.Z.

LEHMANN, RAY, Anarcho-Capitalism: A Primer, 3pp, in PP 1701, with links & URL List, 5pp: 176.

LEHMAN-WILZIG, SAM, Israel’s Grassroots Libertarian Revolution, THE FREEMAN, 4/90, 6pp, in PP 1759/60: 341.

LEMIEUX, PIERRE, Articles in English, 5pp, but only the first one printed out for me! In PP 1697: 104.

LEMIEUX, PIERRE, Biographical notes and academic activities, 1p, 2000, with links, in PP 1615: 208. –

LEMIEUX, PIERRE, Friendly sites, website links, incomplete, 1 page only, in PP 1626: 125. For one reason or the other my MS IE downloaded only that 1page. – J.Z.Friendly Sites, 4pp, in PP 1697: 99. – With Internet Explorer 5.5 I got incomplete and split-up pages, overlaps of frames etc., so often and troubling, that it prevented me from downloading many of his articles. – J.Z., 2.6.01. – Friendly sites, 4 pp of links, in PP 1609:4.. As you can see, I tried repeatedly and almost always had trouble with downloading and printing out pages from his site. – J.Z.

LEMIEUX, PIERRE, Inescapable Facts, Unavoidable Constraints, 1p, in PP 1674: 20.

LEMIEUX, PIERRE, Socialized Medicine: The Canadian Experience, THE FREEMAN, 3/99, 7pp, in PP 1754: 77.

LEMIEUX, PIERRE, Subversive Liberty, home page of P.L., with links, 1p, in PP 1609: 23.

LEMIEUX, PIERRE, The Sniffing-Dog State, 2pp, LFCT, May 29, 00, in PP 1661: 46. E-mail:

LEMIEUX, PIERRE, Writings, URLs to his writings in French, English & Spanish, also to articles by topics, 1p, in PP 1697: 103.

LENDER, MARK EDWARD, Born Again: The Resurgence of American Prohibition, THE FREEMAN, 4/96, 2pp, in PP 1757/58: 215.

LENEMAN, JEANETTE, Her Open House, Salon, and Collection of Objectivist Materials: While I was visiting L.A. in 1990/91, JEANETTE LENEMAN ran regularly an open house for informal discussions among Objectivists and Libertarians, in which she displayed boxes of Objectivist Newsletters and Papers, making them available on loan and for photocopying. Some of the material reproduced in PP 1598 was photocopied from her collection. I visited her private “coffee house” twice but on the next try she had disappeared. Perhaps she is still active in this way somewhere else. I wish some more such open-minded and tolerant meeting and resource places would exist, continuing the “salon” and coffee house tradition. Perhaps they do but I certainly don’t have a list of them. Her collection of such material was more complete than any that I have seen so far. On microfiche, floppies and CD-ROMs and online all such material could and should be made permanently accessible, to anyone, anywhere, not only to the relatively few who have, sometimes, the opportunity to visit such rare places. – J.Z., 12.11.1999.

LENNOX, JAMES G., Reaching for Roots, Review of: SCIABARRA, CHRIS MATHEW, Ayn Rand: The Russian Radical, in REASON, Feb. 96, here only an abstract, 1/2 p, in PP 1682: 66.

LENNOX, JAMES G., The Roots of Ayn Rand? Review, 5pp, of: SCIABARRA, CHRIS MATHEW, Ayn Rand: The Russian Radical, in IOS JOURNAL V, no. 4, Spring 95, in PP 1682: 59. (c) The Objectivist Center, formerly The Institute for Objectivist Studies,

LEON, RIQUI, The Value of Humanistic Psychology, 1p: 110, in PP 1558.

LEONARD, JOAN MARIE, Behavioral Law, THE FREEMAN, 9/76, 6pp, in PP 1757/58: 267.

LESHER, RICHARD L. Another World, THE FREEMAN, 9/90, 1p, in PP 1757/58: 383.

LESS GOVERNMENT, Home Page, Links & Quotes, 12pp, in PP 1687/88: 386.

LETS, See: WILLIAMS, NATHAN, Currency, an anarchist approach, 1p, in PP 1645-1653, on LETS in the Blue Mountains: 325.

LETTERS ON LIBERTARIAN STRATEGIES, 3pp, in PP 18, 2nd ed.: 197, a letter by George Phillies,

LEVATTER, ROSS & GESHELIN, REBECCA, Who Pays the Price for Motherhood? THE FREEMAN, 1/98, 4pp, in PP 1759/60: 406. – Some want even to “socialize” the procreation and upbringing of children & of all the costs and labors involved, resorting to selective and coercive artificial insemination. Coercive sterilizations and abortions, like in India and China, are just first steps towards such a “population policy”. – J.Z. Compare: MAMA: Mutual Aid for Mothers Association.


LEVELERS, See: ELLIOTT, NICK, The Levelers: Libertarian Revolutionaries, THE FREEMAN, 5/89, 7pp, in PP 1766-68: 306.

LEVELERS, “From the Agitators, of his Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax Armie”, Letter, June 21, 1647, 5pp, , in PP 1675: 31. – See also under ELLIOTT, NICK, The Levellers, WALWYN, WILLIAM, England’s Lamentable Slaverie etc., OVERTON, RICHARD, LILBURN, JOHN, in PP 1675.

LEVELERS, A Remonstrance of Many Thousand Citizens, and other Free-born People of England, to their owne House of Commons. Occasioned through the Illegal and Barbarous Imprisonment of that Famous and Worthy Sufferer for his Countries Freedoms, Lievtenant Col. John Liliburne …, n.d., part I only, rest not yet downloaded, 8pp, in PP 1675: 67.

LEVELERS, An Agreement of the People for a Firm and Present Peace, upon grounds of common-right and freedome; … 1647, LibertyFoundation website, 8pp, in PP 1675: 43.

LEVELERS, No Papist nor Presbyterian: But the modest Desires and Proposalls of Some well-affected and Freeborn People: Offered to The Generall Councell of the Armie, for Redresse of Grievances, In order to the late Representative, and Agreement of the People … 1649, 2pp, in PP 1675: 75.

LEVINSON, TED, Sour Days at the Lemonade Stand, THE FREEMAN, 19/94, 2pp, in PP 1754: 70.

LEVY, DAVID M., 150 Years & Still Dismal! , THE FREEMAN, 3/00, 3pp, in PP 1766-68: 479, on economics.

LEVITAS, IRVING, The Unterrified Jeffersonian: Benjamin R. Tucker. A Study of Native American Anarchism as Exemplified in His Life and Times, February 1974, 434pp, with bibliography & appendixes: 1, in PP 1600. Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy to the Graduate Facilities of New York University. NOTE: According to the author’s letter, on sheet 160, copies of his thesis are available from the Xerox Co., Ann Arbor.

LEVITAS, IRVING, Towards an American Anarchism, 5pp, from a talk on 26 April 1977 , in PP 1600: 160.

LEVY, DAVID, On a Historiographic Device of Karl Marx Recently Improved by Murray Rothbard, Combined with Proof of Existence of Time Travel, 2pp: 275, in PP 1574-75. – Humor in economics articles is all too rare! – J.Z.

LEVY, STEVEN, It’s Time to Turn the Last Page. Books: Forget paper. Here come e-books – Newsweek, Jan 1, 2000. – How often have I seen such articles by now? I don’t see many e-books in private or public libraries yet, or in bookshops. – J.Z. 3pp, in PP 1610: 28.

LEWENBERG, RON, Guns and our Heritage of Liberty, May 1999, 1p, THE COLORADO FREEDOM REPORT, in PP 1685/86: 157.

LEWIN, ROGER, Dr., Is aging part of the plan? NEW SCIENTIST, 29.Nov. 1973, 3pp, in PP 1589-94.

LEWIS, JAMES A., The Burden of Big Brother Government, 1p: 101; 1p: 142, in PP 1572-73.

LEWROCKWELL.COM, Contents list of Weekend Edition, Nov. 11, 2000 & List of Publications & Resources & Commentators & of contents of Murray Rothbard Archive, 3pp, in PP 1661: 109.

LEX, Freedom, published by Capitalist Web Ring 1/2 p, in PP 1674: 196.

LEXMEDIA, Introduction, 1/2 p, no URL given, deals e.g. with impeachment rules, Senate & censure, Liberty Index, Liberty Links, in PP 1663: 79.

LEXMEDIA, Religion in Politics, 2000, 3pp, in PP 1678: 70. (c)

LEXREX, Literature List, 2001, 11pp, in PP 1674: 169. LEXREX, PO Box 553 Hamstead, MD 21074, USA, tel.: 410-374-4255. Payment by cash or totally blank US Postal Money Order. If you must write in a payee, make it payable to William H. Huff. Payments payable to LEXREX cannot currently be processed. Of its titles I find most important its $ 84.95 CD-ROM reproducing the, at first $ 15,000, then reduced to $ 11,000, AMERICAN FREEDOM LIBRARY, from The Western Standard Publishing Company, containing over 160,000 pages, mainly old and new constitutionalist writings. Some but not enough details are given in these pages. I spent my last U.S. dollars on ordering the disk and have not yet received it. (I received it in the meantime but named: The American Reference Library, by World Book, Encyclopaedia, with website given as: “… the Largest Library of Historical and Official Documents Ever Assembled on One CD-ROM. … Over 55,000 Source Documents. … Over 240 Volumes of U.S. History and Political Science …” – J.Z., 24.5.02.) Will libertarians and anarchists be able and willing to learn enough from this publishing precedent??? My e-mailing on this, since Nov. 00, has not even led to a full half dozen positive responses as yet! Libertarians are, usually, as slow in making use of some of their legal freedom opportunities as is the “man in the street”! Instead, I have recently received my first 3 virus attacks, per day, anonymously sent and, luckily, caught by my service provider. One to two such attacks are quite “normal”, now, for me. The maliciousness of some people knows no bounds! Some anarchists reserve their special hatreds for those who dare to deviate from their party-line. The Freedom Bookshop in London, years back, discontinued its anarchist section after it was fire-bombed by some anarchists. But some anarchist bookshops have suffered fire-bomb attacks as well. Each movement contains not only some crackpots but also some insanely violent people. – As recent demonstrations showed, those prepared for e.g. anti-industrial warfare (class warfare actions) are also prepare for anti-intelligence warfare, not even respecting freedom of expression, information and association, among those who disagree with them – going in the extreme to the case of Cambodia, where everyone who could read, often presumed to be able to do so merely by wearing spectacles, was liable to be murdered. And such actions run under the terms “idealism”, “reform” and “revolution” and do find their overseas sympathizers. – We seem to need at least one very destructive virus, one that would search out and destroy any programme and system that originated a virus. – So far persistent and ever new aggression seems to be stronger than defence in this sphere and criminal electronic attacks upon property rights are multiplying, probably precisely because they can be conducted anonymously and relatively safely, like many terrorist attacks, not only behind primitive masks. – J.Z., 21.5.01.

LEZHAVA, T.A., Changes in the Human Somatic Cells Genome in the Old Age, 1p: 181, in PP 1589-94.

LIABILITY CRISIS, See: FOLEY, RIDGWAY K., Jr., The Liability Crisis, THE FREEMAN, 1/87, 21pp, in PP 1751/52: 272.

LIABILITY, INSURANCE & “JURISPRUDENCE”, See: ORIENT, JANE M., Criminal Liberty and Civil Liability: Can Free Enterprise Survive? THE FREEMAN, 5/83, 6pp, in PP 1754: 61.

LIAMWORKS PUBLISHING, Home Page, 2000, 2pp, in PP 1716: 113, offering 3 books by Harry Brown.

LIBBIS, MATTHEW, African Anarchy, 2pp, on nomadic tribes of the Kalahari, in PP 1645-1653: 407.

LIBEL LAWS, See: MOORE, RODERICK, The Case for Reforming the Libel Laws, LEGAL NOTES No. 32, 2pp, in PP1742: 49.

LIBERAL-CONSERVATIVE INSTITUTE, Lublin, 1p: 290, in PP 1561-63. E-mail: –

LIBERALIA.COM, Links Page, 1p guide to some of its articles, by e.g. Christian Michel & Stefan Blankertz et al. – , in PP 1699: 123.

LIBERALIA.COM, Some Essays, 200pp, in PP 1705: 1.

LIBERALIS.COM, Introduction, 2pp, , in PP 1662: 199 .

LIBERALISM, CLASSICAL, See: BOAZ, DAVID, Liberalism and Change, 2pp, in PP 1751/52: 60.

LIBERALISM, CLASSICAL, See: CARTER, IAN, The Concept of Freedom, Part I: Background, Methodology, and the “Negative-Positive” Debate, in HUMANE STUDIES REVIEW, Fall 1996, Volume 10, Number 3, Institute for Humane Studies 6pp, in PP 1697: 147. – Part II: Classical Liberalism and Contemporary Debates, ibid, Winter 96/97, X/4, 9pp: 153.

LIBERALISM, CLASSICAL, See: CLASLIBNET, Home Page. “A network devoted to the philosophy of Classical Liberalism”, 2pp, in PP 1615: 173. –

LIBERALISM, CLASSICAL, See: DODSON, EDWARD J., Liberalism: On a Collision Course With Liberty, 1992, 2pp, in PP 1668/69: 51.

LIBERALISM, CLASSICAL, See: EIGENTUEMLICH FREI, Marktplatz fuer Liberalismus, Anarchismus und Kapitalismus, Nr. 1 – 3, 1998, 104 S., in PP 1617: 1. — Internet: — Hrsg.: J. Grunert & A. Lichtschlag:

LIBERALISM, CLASSICAL, See: FREIE ZEITEN, Die Werbung fuer den Kapitalismus, 1998, Contents list, first 10 editions, 2pp, in PP 1679: 58. Magazin von:

LIBERALISM, CLASSICAL, See: GABB, SEAN, Liberty v. Liberalism: How Liberalism neither Created nor Defended English Liberty, 1992, updated 2000, 11pp, in PP 1673: 22.

LIBERALISM, CLASSICAL, See: GABB, SEAN, How English Liberalism Was Created by Accident and Custom and then Destroyed by Liberals, 1998, updated 2000, 41pp, in PP 1673: 33.

LIBERALISM, CLASSICAL, See: GREAVES, BETTINA BIEN, The Meaning of Liberalism from the new preface, 1p, in PP 1751/52: 50.

LIBERALISM, CLASSICAL, See: HART, DAVID, Various websites, in PP 1607/8.

LIBERALISM, CLASSICAL, See: KASTNER, MICHAEL, – deutschsprachige Homepage des Liberalismus, 1p, 8.10.00, in PP 18, 2nd ed.: 203. (?)

LIBERALISM, CLASSICAL, See: KIRZNER, ISRAEL M., Liberalism and Limited Government, 2pp, in PP 1751/52: 58.

LIBERALISM, CLASSICAL, See: LICHTSCHLAG, ANDRE F., Liberalismus oder Naturrecht? 3 S.: 171, in PP 1588.

LIBERALISM, CLASSICAL, See: MISES, LUDWIG VON, Liberalism: Classical Liberalism Reconsidered: A Symposium to Mark the Publication of a New Edition of Liberalism by Ludwig von Mises, THE FREEMAN, 11/85, 13 pages, in PP 1751/52: 50.

LIBERALISM, CLASSICAL, See: NORTON, ANDREW, The Liberal’s Liberalism, 1996, 13pp, (H) , in PP 1615: 155. – (B); Website:

LIBERALISM, CLASSICAL, See: OPITZ, EDMUND A., Liberalism and Religion, 2pp, in PP 1751/52: 56.

LIBERALISM, CLASSICAL, See: PHELAN, TOWNER, Liberalism Stands for Freedom – A Page on Freedom, No. 15, Oct. 48, THE FREEMAN, 1/85, 1p, in PP 1751/52: 223.

LIBERALISM, CLASSICAL, See: PHELAN, TOWNER, Liberalism Stands for Freedom, 13pp: 22, in PP 1549.

LIBERALISM, CLASSICAL, See: RAICO, RALPH, The Place of Mises’ Liberalism, 2pp, in PP 1751/52: 51.

LIBERALISM, CLASSICAL, RAICO, RALPH, The Rise, Fall, and Renaissance of Classical Liberalism, Part I, 1992, 3pp, in PP 1615: 170. – FUTURE OF FREEDOM FOUNDATION, FREEDOM DAILY ESSAYS.

LIBERALISM, CLASSICAL, See: SENNHOLZ, HANS F., Liberalism and Capitalism, 2pp, in PP 1751/52: 53.

LIBERALISM, CLASSICAL, See: WILSON, TADD, The Culture of Classical Liberalism, THE FREEMAN, 12/98, 6pp, in PP 1749/50: 272.

LIBERALISM, CLASSICAL, See: WORTHAM, ANN, Liberalism and Individualism, 2pp, in PP 1751/52: 55.

LIBERALISMUS.COM, Home Page, in German, 2pp, 1998, in PP 1676: 144.

LIBERALNI INSTITUT, Prague, 1p: 264, in PP 1561-63. E-mail:

LIBERALS, LIBERAL PARTY, See: MANNERS, RON, Talking to the Liberals, 1992, 8pp, in PP 1614: 93.

LIBERATION AT THE WORK PLACE, See: CUNNINGHAM, SHEILA, Humanizing the Workplace, 4pp, in PP 1656-1659: 240.

LIBERATION JOURNAL, Links to other Organizations & Web Sites, 13pp, in PP 1689-1693: 602.

LIBERATION JOURNAL, published by the Human Libertarian Alliance, 7pp list of article links, list of topics, in PP 1689-1693: 595. See: LIBERTOCRACY & FLANAGAN, GREGORY.

LIBERTARIA, General Message, 1p: 65, in PP 1568.

LIBERTARIA, Nos. 1 -153, 62pp: 66, in PP 1568. – A discussion series imagining a future without money, government, rules, laws, bureaucracy, courts, police, Prisons, armies and other institutions that feed government control. – The usual flawed anarchism. I wish website print-outs would automatically include the URL of the website and an e-mail contact. – J.Z.

LIBERTARIA, Nos. 1-153, 64pp, in PP 1568.

LIBERTARIAN AGENDA, later: LIBERTARIAN REPUBLICAN, THE, Voice of the Libertarian Republican Organizing Committee, No. 1, Dec. 1986; No. 2, July 1987; No. 3, September 1987; I/4, Nov. 1987; I/5, December 19878; I/6, January 1987; I/7, February 1988; I/8, April 1988; I/9, May 1988; I/10, June 1988; II/1, August 1988; II/2, October 1988; II/3, November 1988; II/4, January 1990; II/5, February 1989; II/6, April 1989; II/7, July 1989; II/9, October 1989; No. 20, November 1989; No. 21, January 1990; No. 24, July 1990; No. 25, August 1990; No. 28, December 1990; 326pp, incomplete, with some inserts : 1, in PP 1579-80.

LIBERTARIAN AVENGER, Review, 1p, of: GREEN, TIMOTHY, The Smugglers: 148, in PP 1565-67.

LIBERTARIAN BOOKS, See: GREGG, KENNETH R., Books in the personal library of KENNETH R. GREGG, Las Vegas, 1996, 34pp: 91, in PP 1584. – Reproduced as a bibliographical aid, an example to followed by other libertarians and a guide to the location of rare titles. I feel sure that Kenneth would welcome SOME, not all, libertarian contacts, loan, copy and exchange arrangements, helping his own freedom library to expand – and that of others. – If I should ever make it to the U.S. again, I would love to visit him and his library. – J.Z., 9.11.1999.

LIBERTARIAN BOOKSTORES, See: MANNKAL, Libertarian Bookstore, Book list, so far only 8 titles, abstracted, in PP 1614: 110.


LIBERTARIAN ENTERPRISE, THE, Welcome & Reflections of our first 30 issues, 39pp, in PP 1616: 22. – Editor L. NEIL SMITH Honorary Editor VIN SUPRYNOWICZ – Editor JOHN TAYLOR Webmaster KEN L. HOLDER, – Apparently, the 1995-99 issues, Nos. 1-55 are available online.

LIBERTARIAN ESSAYS, Collected by JELLINEK, DAVID, with some personal ones, list & links only, 1p, in PP 1615: 204. –

LIBERTARIAN FICTION, See: HUMPHREYS, JOHN, Libertarian Fiction, 1p, on Ayn Rand, L. Neil Smith, Jane Austen & E.M. Forster, in PP 1611: 151. – Help to extend this listing! – J.Z.

LIBERTARIAN FUTURIST SOCIETY, Home Page, 2pp, in PP 1616: 1. – e-mail –

LIBERTARIAN INFORMATION SERVICES, Home page, 1998, 3pp, provided by Robert Carruthers: 410 in PP 1577-78. – For information or comments: Sydney address. Texts are copyrighted.

LIBERTARIAN INTERNATIONAL GROUPS, See: INTERNATIONAL LIBERTARIAN NETWORK, Home Page, with links, 9pp, in PP 1618: 155. ILN Principles: ILN Mission: — EUROPEAN LIBERTARIANS, Home Page, list by countries, links only 2pp, in PP 1618: 164. U.K. list:

LIBERTARIAN MOVIES, See: HUMPHREYS, JOHN, Movies with Libertarian/Individualist Themes which I have seen, 1p, in PP 1611: 152. – He lists: Mrs Dalloway; The People vs Larry Flynt; Schindler’s List; Gattaca; Braveheart; Dead Poets Society & Contact. – Please supply me with YOUR lists of this kind! – J.Z.

LIBERTARIAN.ORG, Home Page, What Is Libertarianism? 2pp, in PP 1612: 207. – Originally created by Scott Banister, it is now part of Free-Market.Net: The Freedom Network and The Henry Hazlitt Foundation. Contact: With one page of Links, on 207/8.

LIBERTARIAN PARTY, ONTARIO, See: BULLETIN, Toronto, Newsletter of the Ontario Libertarian Party.

LIBERTARIAN PARTY, See: BRITISH COLUMBIA LIBERTARIAN PARTY, News, 4pp, in PP 1618: 188. – Website inquiries: – I was hesitant about including these pages of quibbling over relatively trivial matters. But they do illustrate that no party can help being a party. – J.Z.

LIBERTARIAN PARTY, See: CORRIGAN, DENNIS, Leaflet of the LP of Canada, 6pp: 118-119, in PP 1548.

LIBERTARIAN PARTY, See: CRANE, ED, Ayn Rand and the Libertarian Party, 3pp: 391, in PP 1565-67.

LIBERTARIAN PARTY, See: LONG, LAZARUS & WIEBE, JIM, Does the LPC harbour Tyrants in Waiting? 3pp, in PP 1612: 54.

LIBERTARIAN PARTY, See: RAIMONDO, JUSTIN, The LP in the Eighties: The Politics of Sectarianism, 6pp: 1, in PP 1579-80.

LIBERTARIAN REPUBLICAN ORGANIZER, No. 1, February 1988, 8pp: 197; No. 2, July/August 1988, 14pp: 209; No. 3, September 1988, 6pp: 223, in PP 1579-80.

LIBERTARIAN REPUBLICAN ORGANIZING COMMITTEE, Circular, April 11, 1988, 3pp: 205, in PP 1579-80. – Judging just by headings and photos, this magazine, like e.g. NEWSWEEK and TIMES, is more concerned with persons than with principles, ideas and issues. – However, I found some articles of interest and listed them. – J.Z.

LIBERTARIAN SCIENCE FICTION, See: COSTIKYAN, GREG, Escape from Earth, Review, 2pp, from REASON, Jan. 94, of: ANDERSON, POUL, Harvest of Stars, N.Y., Tor Books, 448pp, $ 22.95, in PP 1677: 79.

LIBERTARIAN SCIENCE FICTION, See: SCHULMAN, J. NEIL, J. Neil Schulman’s Nasty, Brutish, and Short Stories, (c) 1997, available from PULPLESS.COM 2pp, in PP 1677: 81.

LIBERTARIAN SCIENCE FICTION, See: ZELMAN, AARON & SMITH, L. NEIL, The Mitzvah, published by Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership & Mazel Freedom Press, $ 10.95 postage paid, 4pp announcement, in PP 1677: 82. JPFO: With some reviews. Even that advertisement is copyrighted! – J.Z. See: HEINLEIN, ROBERT, See: SCIENCE FICTION.

LIBERTARIAN STUDENT CLUB, E-mail & WWW Network, 1/2 page announcement only, in PP 1611: 208. – To join the Libertarian Student Club Email Network, send a request to: – John McPherson


LIBERATION THEOLOGY, See: SIRICO, ROBERT A., C.S.P., The Last Bastion of Marxism, 1p: 831. – On “liberation theology”, a Marxian version of Christianity.

LIBERATOR ONLINE, VI/6, March 21, 2000, 16pp, in PP 1718 – 1721: 822. – It spreads its texts, all too many of them too repetitive, over all too many pages. Eliminating blank spaces the texts could probably be printed out in a mere 8 pages. – J.Z.

LIBERATOR ONLINE, Vol. 5, No. 21, 16 Nov. 2000, 9pp, in PP 1662: 169.

LIBERATOR ONLINE, Vol. 6, No. 1, 10 January 2001, 17pp, in PP 1662: 178.

LIBERATOR ONLINE, Vol. 6, No. 5, 7 March 2001, 16pp, in PP 1700: 178. It has a regular column: Ask Dr. Ruwart, here 2pp on tariffs, subsidies & immigration: 185. Editors: Paul Schmidt, & James W. Harris mailto:james@self- President: Sharon Harris Claims to be the largest libertarian newsletter. Much concerned with sales and salesmanship.

LIBERATOR, THE, ONLINE, issues VI/16 of 18 Oct. 01 (Special issue on terrorism) – VI/17 of 31 Oct. 01, VI/19 of 28 Nov. 01 (VI/18 is missing!), VII/1 of 9 Jan. 02 (pages 1-7 only, 8-17 are missing in my print-out. You can probably get them online), VII/2 of 26 Jan. 02 – VII/4 of 20 Feb. 02, Altogether 258 pages, in PP 1726/27: 140.

LIBERATOR, THE, ONLINE, issues: VI/7 of 5 April 2001 – VI/15 of 12 Sep 01, 138pp, in PP 1726/27: 1. ed. Paul Schmidt It has a regular column: Ask Dr. Ruwart. Dr. Mary Ruwart, archived, in searchable form at Back issues of THE LIBERATOR are also online.


LIBERCRATIC REVENUE SYSTEM, Funding for the Operation of Independent Private or Civil Governments, 13pp, in PP 1689-1693: 398.

LIBERTAD Y DESARROLLO, Home Page, 2pp, in PP 1629: 196, with some links

LIBERTARIAN AGENDA, LROC, Libertarian Republican Organizing Committee, 1/2 p., subscription slip only, maybe a few years old, in PP 1681: 206.

LIBERTARIAN ALLIANCE PUBLICATIONS ONLINE, List, linked, 5pp, in PP 1677: 145. now part of Free-Market.Net

LIBERTARIAN ALLIANCE PUBLICATIONS, A FURTHER COMPILATION, 124 PAGES, in PP1742: 1-124. Note that by now probably all of them, except the first 15 issues of FREE LIFE, are available online. – Thus I am reconsidering the reproduction of this series in my PEACE PLANS series and merely inviting the placement of this libertarian material, together with all other such information, on CD-ROMs, DVDs etc. as well as online, this being cheaper and more convenient for all potential readers than searching and slow downloading or reading while online, or getting those issues, that I have microfiched, from me, in this format But I am glad to have many of these titles in my collection, relatively accessible, at least to me, and to others upon demand. – J.Z., 31.5.02.

LIBERTARIAN ALLIANCE PUBLICATIONS, See: GABB, SEAN, Latest LA Publications in Adobe Format, now on LA web pages, 3pp list, in PP 1739: 104.

LIBERTARIAN ALLIANCE, Circular of 20 August 2000, by Dr. Chris R. Tame, Director, 1p, in PP1742: 102.

LIBERTARIAN ALLIANCE, Introduction, 3pp, in PP 1661: 199.

LIBERTARIAN ALLIANCE, Publications Directory, 2pp, in PP 1661: 197.

LIBERTARIAN ALLIANCE, See: GABB, ANDREA, Free Life Commentary on uploading of 200 LA files to 1/2p note, in PP 1717: 163. – My microfiche collection of their papers is still rather incomplete but, seeing they are putting all on line, there is no urgency for getting my collection complete. – J.Z.

LIBERTARIAN ALLIANCE, See: GABB, SEAN, On LIBERTARIAN ALLIANCE output. Nearly all, about 700 items, are now online, 1p, in PP 1739: 66. – With note on a BBC Radio appearance, 1.8.01.

LIBERTARIAN ALLIANCE, Welcome, 13 Nov. 99, 1/2p, in PP 1663: 117.


LIBERTARIAN COMMUNIST REVIEW, Nor. 2, 1976, Putting the Record Straight on MICHAEL Bakunin, 6pp, in PP 1706: 2. From: SOLIDARITE OUVRIERE, monthly of the Alliance Syndicaliste Revolutionnaire et Anarcho-syndicaliste, translated by Nick Heath.

LIBERTARIAN CONFERENCES, See: DAGNY, Dagny@Sunbeach.Net Releases on ISIL meeting place in Caribbean, 2,003, suggesting topics and more than one annual ISIL conference only, 27.7.01, 1p, in PP 1732: 1. – Perhaps libertarian conferences could be conducted much more cheaply, comprehensively and lastingly on websites, via e-mail and CD-ROMs, although not as pleasantly, without the personal contacts and attractive surroundings. – J.Z., 31.5.02.

LIBERTARIAN DEMOCRATS, USA, See: WASHINGTON POST, THE, Libertarian Democrats, excerpts only, 3pp, of Oct. 4, 98 issue, in PP 1676: 158. The article was headed: Core Beliefs Recast Party Lines. Libertarian Democrats were identified in this article as one of 5 groups in the Democratic Party.

LIBERTARIAN ECOLOGIST, Brisbane, May 1998, 4pp, in PP 1654: 110.

LIBERTARIAN ENCYCLOPAEDIA, See: ANTI-AUTHORITARIAN ENCYCLOPAEDIA – A GALLERY OF ANARCHISTS & POETS, SAINTS & SINNERS, MOVEMENTS & EVENTS, A – Z, also called: THE DAILY BLEED’S ANARCHIST ENCYCLOPAEDIA, Home Page & same samples of entries, 62pp, in PP 1739: 1. – It’s A – Z list offers just links and some abstracts to more detailed pages of its own or other web pages. – Entries by personalities rather than ideas. But an excellent beginning of an anarchist online encyclopaedia. I had printed out the URL list – but, unfortunately, the required details were all cut off on the right-hand margin. – Anti-CopyRite, questions, suggestions, additions, corrections to David Brown at – Choose your own samples for downloads – and help to make this encyclopaedia complete and to get it published, cheaply and soon, on a CD-ROM, annually updated. – J.Z., 2.3.02.

LIBERTARIAN ENCYCLOPAEDIA, See: MILANO, MAURIZIO, Il “Welfare State”, n.d., 2pp, from “Voci per un Dizionario del Pensiero Forte” by I.D.I.S., Instituto per la Dottrina e l’Informazione Sociale, 2pp, in PP 1677: 1. – This dictionary appears to be a Catholic and Italian beginnings towards a libertarian encyclopaedia. – Naturally, its libertarianism will be rather limited. – J.Z.

LIBERTARIAN ENCYCLOPAEDIA, Some Contributions Towards a Libertarian Encyclopaedia, 96pp, in PP 1671. -Many more are needed – & agreements to combine all of them – & to add many more, on microfilm, online & on CD-ROM. See also:’s FREEDOM TECHNOLOGY RESOURCE DIRECTORY. It claims to be the most comprehensive collection of freedom-related links on the net but is exceeded, I believe, by the close to 10,000 links of Free-Market.Net. – The Internet’s links and URL lists for libertarians do not yet constitute a libertarian encyclopaedia. Libertarian websites towards it could be much more conveniently and cheaply combined on CD-ROMs. Quite a number of large encyclopaedias have demonstrated this already. Naturally, for updates and discussions etc., they should also have URLs. See also: SLOGANS FOR LIBERTY and essay collections like FEE’s Essays for Liberty and those in THE FREEMAN & in IMPRIMIS, many of which are now offered online by and the collected essays of LAURANCE LABADIE, the leaflet and pamphlet collections of ISIL & of the LIBERTARIAN ALLIANCE. – J.Z., 20.5.01.

LIBERTARIAN FEMINISM, See: MCELROY, WENDY, Announcement: FOX News, 2.8.01 on her regular column “The ifeminist”, 1/2p, in PP 1732: 201.

LIBERTARIAN FICTION, See: BOARDMAN, ROBERT, Libertarian Fiction Works, 12pp, with a 2pp letter by me to an address no longer valid. – J.Z., , in PP 1677: 39. –

LIBERTARIAN FILM & TV SHOWS, See: MISS LIBERTY’S FILM & TV WORLD, A libertarian film and TV newsletter, 2pp, in PP 1679: 127. No videos?


LIBERTARIAN INFORMATION SERVICES, Sydney, Introduction, 2pp, 1998, offers information but only under copyrights. Robert Carruthers, in PP 1628: 204.

LIBERTARIAN INTERNATIONAL, Circular from Hubert Jongen, chairman, 30 March 01, 2pp, recommending THE SOVEREIGN SOCIETY re offshore investments, in PP 1679: 49. – I rather invest my very limited resosurces in freedom literature or microfiche and CD-ROMs! – J.Z., 24.5.01.

LIBERTARIAN INTERNATIONAL, EUROLETTER 65, July 2001, 5pp, in PP 1722: 198. – Coming up events, projects & new organizations. Jim Turney’s video and audio tapes are mentioned. Has he finally got his lists complete? Hubert Jongen Jim Turney: For full information and prices:


LIBERTARIAN LIBRARY, See: HUMPHREYS, JOHN, Libertarian Library, 1p, in PP 1677: 161, with a note by J.Z. I am waiting for him to extend that website. So far it merely linked to some of my older and longer drafts on the CD-ROM project. – J.Z., 21.5.01. Presently, this project seems to be asleep, while John Humphreys takes the libertarian party approach with a new classical liberal & democratic party for Australia. – J.Z., 25.5.02.

LIBERTARIAN LIBRARY, THE, Home Page, 1p , in PP 1717: 205.

LIBERTARIAN PARTY OF CANADA, Hundreds of Young People Are Fighting for Free Enterprise and Civil Liberties. Help them Fight the Good Fight, 2pp leaflet, n.d. , in PP 1698: 136.

LIBERTARIAN PARTY OF CANADA, PARTI LIBERTARIEN DU CANADA, Home page, 2pp, 1998, in PP 1629: 198. They copyright their material rather than welcoming copying. Is that their best way to spread libertarian ideas? – J.Z.

LIBERTARIAN PARTY, Amnesty Plan for Immigrants Is a Great Leap Forward, 2pp, in PP 1718 – 1721: 820. – Since peaceful illegal criminals haven’t committed crimes with victims, amnesties would be quite inappropriate. – Rewards and prizes for them would be more suitable. The best of these would be tax exemption, exterritorial autonomy for their voluntary communities & full monetary and financial freedom for those among them, who would appreciate them. – “Spaceship Earth” contains private properties but not any rightful and exclusive national, racial, religious or ideological territories. – J.Z., 30.5.02.

LIBERTARIAN PARTY, Are public schools a contributing factor to Colorado-style school massacres? 2pp, in PP 1664/65: 309. – George Getz, Press Sec.: .

LIBERTARIAN PARTY, Can George W. Bush dispute these 10 public school “Signposts of Failure”? 2pp, , in PP 1664/65: 307.

LIBERTARIAN PARTY, Criminal Outrage: Millions Harassed at Seatbelt Roadblocks over Holiday Weekend, 2pp: 772. – It is easier, less risky and more profitable to do this than to harass terrorists. – J.Z., 30.5.02.

LIBERTARIAN PARTY, Don’t Touch that Dial! Car Radios are 8 times as Deadly as your Cell Phone, 2pp, in PP 1718 – 1721: 767.

LIBERTARIAN PARTY, Help End Draft Registration, 2001, 3pp, in PP 1718 – 1721: 779. Website either: ? or: ?

LIBERTARIAN PARTY, Message of Nov. 6, 01, indicating how expensive it is to run even a party: 4pp, in PP 1737/38: 233. – What would have happened or could happen from now on, is all the manpower and financial resources, now wasted on gaining some votes and elected posts, had, instead, been used to gather and spread all libertarian information on CD-ROMs, thus providing all the necessary blueprints for liberty? As an educational machine the LP was certainly less effective than some other libertarian organizations. And it still misleads its followers and leaders on the territorial road of a single coercive State machine, extended through 3 levels, instead of introducing or working towards freedom of action and experimental freedom for all volunteer communities, on the basis of full exterritorial autonomy,and thus turning even its present opponents into allies by offering them, as well, full experimental freedom or freedom of action regarding their own affairs, naturally, at their own expense and risk. That is, for instance: capitalism for capitalists, anarchism for anarchists, socialism for socialists, communism for communists, monarchism for monarchists, etc. This approach would, by the way, lead to the ending of most private terrorist activities as well. – J.Z., 31.5.02.

LIBERTARIAN PARTY, National Platform, July 2,000, I. Individual Rights and Civil Order, Immigration, 1/2 p, in PP 1682, under point 6.

LIBERTARIAN PARTY, Platform of July 00, Contents list and some extracts, 5pp, in PP 1739: 189. – Extracts on Monopolies, Unions & Collective Bargaining, Inflation & Depression, Trade Barriers, Subsidies, Individual Rights, Space Exploration, Population.

LIBERTARIAN PARTY, See: BEISER, SCOTT, My Declaration of Independence from the LP, 2pp, in PP 16 & 17, 2nd edition: 339.

LIBERTARIAN PARTY, See: KETCHEN, ARTHUR, The Libertarian Party Position, 5pp + comments by Loomis & quotes from Paine, in PP 1634-1636: 789.

LIBERTARIAN PARTY, See: MORRIS, HOWARD, An Open Letter to Advocates of Liberty, “… to persuade libertarians to refrain from political action, n.d., 9pp, in PP 1676: 62.

LIBERTARIAN PARTY, See: NOLAN, DAVID, The Libertarian Party: Still Going Strong at 30, 2pp, in PP 1737/38: 330. – Still largely on the wrong and territorial or statist track, although it hasn’t reached its target even after 30 years. Its support of secessionism has only been half-hearted and inconsistent, like that of all advocates of “limited” territorial governments. – J.Z., 31.5.02.

LIBERTARIAN PARTY, THE LIBERTARIAN CORNER, News from 1997, 2pp, in PP 1628: 195.

LIBERTARIAN PARTY, The Libertarian Party Represents You! 2pp leaflet, no date, in PP 1634-1636: XI & XI.

LIBERTARIAN PARTY, The Top Fifteen Stupidest Ways Politicians Are Wasting Our Money, 2pp, in PP 1718 – 1721: 736. – Aren’t all their ways wrong and stupid, if not criminal? – J.Z., 30.4.02.

LIBERTARIAN PARTY, What Now? Five Suggestions to Prevent the Next Timothy McVeigh, 2pp, in PP 1718 – 1721: 787. – Typically, collective responsibility notions are not attacked and exterritorial autonomy for volunteer communities is not offered as an alternative to territorialism. One can hardly prevent the birth of new criminals. “Each generation is a new invasion by barbarians.” – J.Z.

LIBERTARIAN PARTY, Will the U.N. Try to Force Americans to Fund Slavery Reparations to Africa? 2pp, in PP 1718 – 1721: 776. “If there are reparations to be paid, perhaps it (they? J.Z.) should come from the dictators, tyrants, and presidents-for-life who rule those 35 unfree and repressed African nations”. – Is any former slaveholder in the U.S. still alive? – Are any of the African chiefs still alive who captured and sold slaves to U.S. slave traders and buyers? Are only the buyers and their heirs to be held responsible? – I would rather like to see serious attempts to end the remaining slavery of over 20 million women and children, i.e., probably many more innocents than were ever, at any time, enslaved in the U.S. – Also an end to the remaining piracy and genocide attempts and preparations for it with ABC mass murder devices. Too many “libertarians” believe in “isolationism”, “non-intervention” and “neutrality” regarding these crimes, like too many people did towards the actions of Nazis against minority groups. – Also an end to tax slavery, military slavery and “educational” slavery and to the statist territorial feudalism or serfdom. – J.Z., 30.5.02.

LIBERTARIAN PERIODICALS & BOOK PUBLISHING, See: WHITTEN, CHRIS, Dear Free-Marketeer, 20.12.00, 4pp, an appeal for funds, in PP 1718 – 1721: 1. – In this and other libertarian newsletters I still miss an appeal to libertarians to make use of their alternative media options for extremely cheap libertarian publishing and reading. Website, e-newsletter providers and paper publishers always have to appeal for funds. The users of cheap alternative media do not have to, because their basic costs are so low and they do not expect to make a living from their hobby publishing, no matter how extensive it may be. – Moreover, I for one am disappointed by the often only rather trivial news one finds in such newsletters, with few really inspiring libertarian projects, like the CD-ROM project, hardly ever being mentioned, since they do not count as “news”. To that extent libertarian journalism is often as little informative as is conventional journalism. – I for one would find a newsletter much more appealing that would concentrate on new ideas and projects and appeal for collaboration to realize them. Would I have to tackle that job, too, largely by myself? Alas, I do already have too many projects on hand – and others are in the same position. Since libertarian projects are not sufficiently announced, sufficient international division of labour is not achieved to realize all of them fast. See PP 20 & 183 on this. – Libertarian newsletters might become more attractive if they became individualized, i.e., each individual would be sent only those news, automatically selected, which are of highest interest to him or her, according to a previously filled out questionnaire. As it is they do all too often express largely the interests and remaining bias of their editors only. – How many of these “news” induce many libertarians to take some positive actions? With reproducing such newsletters I get more and more away from the very concept of PEACE PLANS. – Thus I do not intend to print out and microfiche such newsletters much longer, or only the exceptional ones. – Perhaps, rather than mailing them to large numbers they should only be offered on websites, for those who want to look them up, there? – On sheet 41, bottom, there is a hint that Mike Harris, The Premier of Ontario, is looking at whether the private sector could finance, design, or even run water systems. He, the reporter & the readers of this newsletter ought to read the book of a fair socialist, like John Gunther, who, in his Inside U.S.A., reported on such and many other competitive private public service companies. Such “news” should be accompanied with a bibliography of successful private schemes, a reference to a libertarian encyclopaedia article and ideas and projects archive. The blind leading the blind, once again! – J.Z., 30.7.01.


LIBERTARIAN PRESS, Anarchism and Feminism, 3pp, in PP 1699: 10.

LIBERTARIAN REPUBLICANS SPEAK OUT, Articles & Links List, 2pp, in PP 1679: 112.

LIBERTARIAN REVIEW, Advertisement, 1p, in PP 1656-1659: 93.

LIBERTARIAN REVOLUTION? See: BIDINOTTO, ROBERT JAMES, A Matter of Principle: The Second American Revolution? THE FREEMAN, 1/95, 3pp, in PP 1755/56: 333.

LIBERTARIAN SOCIALIST LEAGUE, See: LABADIE, LAURANCE, Regarding the “Libertarian Socialist League”, 20.6.39, Comments on Melchior Seele’s criticism of the Manifesto issued by the “Libertarian Socialist League”. (See MAN!, Dec. 38, Feb. 39, April 39), 5pp, in PP 1725: 95. – This article contains a large panarchistic segment! – J.Z.

LIBERTARIAN SOCIALIST MOVEMENT USA, Home Page, 6pp, with URL list, in PP 1694: 201. –

LIBERTARIAN SOCIALIST MOVEMENT USA, Links to articles, 4pp, in PP 16 & 17, 2nd edition: 357:

LIBERTARIAN VICTORY FUND, Letter by director Chris Azzaro, 1p, in PP 1697: 87. Funding could come out of the nationalized property to be liberated, anticipating this liberation via corresponding securities. See my PEACE PLANS 19C on this, entitled: Let Freedom Pay Its Way. – Libertarian response to this consistent libertarian finance plans was so far all too close to zero! – J.Z.

LIBERTARIAN YAHOO CLUBS, 2000, 1p of links, in PP 1703: 205.

LIBERTARIAN, THE, Syndicated Essays by SUPRINOWICZ, VIN, Oct. 2000, 3pp, in PP 1672: 183. Letters to Vin:

LIBERTARIAN, THE, Syndicated Essays by Vin Suprynowicz, 2pp, in PP 16 & 17, 2nd edition: 399. When clicking on “Archive”, I get: “Shortcut to vincarc.html at” instead of a complete URL! – Maybe it is enough? – J.Z. –

LIBERTARIANISM – TRANSFORMATION of Libertarianism?, 22pp and LIBERTARIANISM – TRANSFORMED, Dispute, 13pp, (c) LIBERTY 1999, in PP 1674: 7 & 28.

LIBERTARIANISM & CONSERVATISM, See: RIGHT ON THE WEB, A Conservative Libertarian Forum, (c), Home Page, incomplete, with URL list, and links to some articles, 5pp, (c), David C. Sphar , in PP 1676: 53.

LIBERTARIANISM, Critiques of Libertarianism, 1/2 page listing some such websites, in PP 1607/8: 40. – See especially the later editions of the ANARCHIST FAQ, which I have partly microfiched.

LIBERTARIANISM, Etc., Website listing, 2pp, in PP 1607/8: 43.

LIBERTARIANISM, See: BLOCK, WALTER, Libertarianism and Libertinism, 6pp: 93, in PP 1569-70.

LIBERTARIANISM, See: Cwt1-2 & Cwt1-3, Libertarian Discussions, hosted by Geocities, 11pp: 184, in PP 1568.

LIBERTARIANISM, See: DAIELL, JEFF, Libertarianism: Quest for the Sovereign Individual, 2pp: 219, in PP 1572-73. – Alas, most libertarians still stop far short of that by embracing some form of collectivist territorialism. – J.Z.

LIBERTARIANISM, See: DILGER, ALEXANDER, Was zeichnet die libertaere Position von anderen aus? 3 S.: 191, in PP 1588.

LIBERTARIANISM, See: CONTEMPORARY LIBERTARIANISM, 1p, in PP 1704: 135-140, guide to 470 references. – FREE-MARKET.NET.

LIBERTARIANISM, See: FREE-MARKET.NET, CONTEMPORARY LIBERTARIANISM, 12pp, in PP 1704: 60. – Alas, URL & e-mail address are not always printed out. I would have preferred that, operating from a previously downloaded and printed-out list, not wanting to spend to much time and money on being online, and thus also under fire from ever new virus attacks. I already get 1-3 a day via e-mail. – J.Z.

LIBERTARIANISM, See: HAMMER, RICHARD O., Libertarianism in a Context, 5pp: 19, & A Theory for Libertarianism, 4pp: 24in PP 1601-04.

LIBERTARIANISM, See: HUBEN, MIKE, Critiques of Libertarianism, established 10/25/94, updated 06/11/01, 4pp, in PP 1717: 159. – With URL list.

LIBERTARIANISM, See: HUMPHREYS, JOHN, About Libertarianism, 5pp, with links, in PP 1611: 129.


LIBERTARIANISM, See: JOHANNSEN, OSCAR B., Georgism: True Libertarianism, 1p: 76, in PP 1564. – There are many more limited views of libertarianism than all-embracing ones. – J.Z.

LIBERTARIANISM, See: KAMIYA, GARY, The Strange Rise of Libertarianism, 2pp, in PP 1707: 205. – The listed e-mail address did not work for me! – J.Z. –

LIBERTARIANISM, See: KNIGHT, JOSEPH, Understanding the Libertarian Philosophy, 3pp, , in PP 1674: 86.

LIBERTARIANISM, See: LEFEVRE, ROBERT, What Is Libertarianism? 1p: 98, in PP 1549. – MANIS, ROD, Poverty: A Libertarian View, 2pp leaflet of Rampart College: 120, in PP 1549.

LIBERTARIANISM, See: LOADS, PHILP A., Review of: SHWARTZ, PETER, Libertarianism: The Perversion of Liberty, 2pp: 752, in PP 1601-04.

LIBERTARIANISM, See: LYCOS DIRECTORY, Society, Politics, Libertarian, Free-Market Libertarianism, Collectivist Libertarianism, Libertarian Party etc., with URL list, 2000, 6pp, in PP 1674: 131. – “Help build the largest human-edited directory on the web. Submit a Site – Open Directory Project – Become an Editor” – Open Directory Project: – Its sites are hand-picked and shortly commented upon by volunteer editors! Rather an open-input and “do-it-yourself”-guide, as I have often proposed. A guide worth visiting, using and supplementing. I still have to look up many of these references. – J.Z., 21.5.01.

LIBERTARIANISM, See: MANNKAL, What is a “Libertarian”? 1p, in PP 1614: 61.

LIBERTARIANISM, See: MICHEL, CHRISTIAN, Libertarianism and the Information Revolution, 1997, from LINE-READING, 6pp: 162, in PP 1568. – The libertarian information revolution began long before the Internet with e.g. cheap duplicators, photocopiers, instant printing, audio- and video cassettes, microfilm in roll film and microfiche. Moreover, it has not even been extended, properly, into floppy disks and CD-ROMs. – J.Z.

LIBERTARIANISM, See: MORRIS, HOWARD, An Open Letter to Advocates of Liberty, “… to persuade libertarians to refrain from political action, n.d., 9pp, in PP 1676: 62.

LIBERTARIANISM, See: READ, LEONARD E., The Happy Libertarian, 3pp: 408, in PP 1581-82.

LIBERTARIANISM, See: ROTHBARD, MURRAY N., Myth and Truth About Libertarianism, 4pp: 235, in PP 1569-70.

LIBERTARIANISM, See: SULLIVAN, DAN, Are You a Real Libertarian or a ROYAL Libertarian? 1998, 5pp – in PP 1668/69: 362.


LIBERTARIANISM, See: WELLS, SAM, Jr., What Libertarianism Is Not! 1p: 21, in PP 1572-73. – 4pp, in PP 1684: 29.

LIBERTARIANISM, See: WIN, March 1, 1971, with a large section on libertarianism, incomplete, 34pp: 59, in PP 1583.

LIBERTARIANISM, SOCIALISM, ANARCHISM, Discussion, hosted by Geocities, 4pp: 150, in PP 1568.

LIBERTARIANS AT THE UNIVERSITIES, LIBERTARIAN STUDENT CLUB EMAIL NETWORK, 1/2p, in PP 1615:141. – John McPherson Libertarian Student Club, 1p, in PP 1615: 142. WWW.CIEC.ORG

LIBERTARIANS FOR LIFE, Home Page, Links and abstracts of many articles against abortion, 8pp, in PP 1733: 117. I had suggested that they put all their info cheaply on a CD-ROM.

LIBERTARIANS FOR PEACE, See: MOORE, CAROL, Join Libertarians for Peace, 1p appeal, 17 Nov. 01, in PP 1732: 188, – The achievement of peace requires a scientific approach (combined with a moral one), which is at least as thorough as is military science in the preparation for and conduct of wars. One can’t ride towards peace on a few popular myths, errors & prejudices & with the help of most conventional (territorial) institutions & methods. However, Carol Moore is at least a territorial decentralist and secessionist. And most other peace advocates haven’t explored the exterritorial autonomy and voluntaristic approach to peace, either, one combined with a libertarian revolution, liberation and defensive warfare program that could reduce rightful defensive wars to genuine and very limited police actions against war criminals only. Such rightful resistance against war mongers would not require ABC mass murder devices, air raids, rockets, heavy artillery, tanks and a navy. See e.g. my 2 peace books in PP 16-18 (now available via e-mail) and PP 61- 63. (The German original of the latter work fiched in PP 399-401, is now also available digitized by e-mail, zipped: 579 Kbs., J.Z., 31.5.02.) – PIOT, J.Z., 28.2.02.

LIBERTARIANS IN RUSSIA, See: MOSCOW LIBERTARIUM, Freedom Technologies for the Digital Future, Home Page, with links, 4pp, in PP 1616: 177. – e-mail – English pages maintained by Victor Agroskin, Moscow Libertarium

LIBERTARIANS, Index of activities, libertarians, articles, 1998, 2pp of links, 1993-95, in PP 1671: 129. – Libertarians at

LIBERTARIANZ, Links, 5pp, in PP 1661: 202.

LIBERTARIANZ, More Freedom, Less Government, Home Page, with Links, FAQ & URL lists, 15pp, in PP 1687/88: 401.

LIBERTAS, A Danish Site, Home Page, 1p, in PP 1663: 47.

LIBERTINISM, See: BLOCK, WALTER, Libertarianism and Libertinism, 6pp: 93, in PP 1569-70.

LIBERTOCRACY, Introduction to Libertocracy, 4pp, in PP 1689-1693: 387.

LIBERTOCRACY, Free Enterprise Regulations. Private Regulations Provided as a Service to the Public, 6pp, in PP 1689-1693: 425. – All these LIBERTOCRACY articles by GREGORY FLANAGAN.

LIBERTOCRACY, Free Market Roads, 7pp, in PP 1689-1693: 412.

LIBERTOCRACY, Home Page, 2pp, in PP 1689-1693: 360.

LIBERTOCRACY, Home Page, Introduction, Principles, sub-sites, URL lists, 9pp, in PP 1689-1693: 362. – Another print-out, 10pp, partly cut-off on right: 370. Still another version, 7pp: 380. – Printed books do have their advantages, e.g. integrated and consecutive pages, in the order wanted by the author. But hypertext links have their advantages, too. However, when one tries to download a very extensive site, containing numerous files, the result can be confusing. I hope that on a CD-ROM his arrangement will be an improvement upon my compilation and there it will be complete, too. So far I downloaded only most files of the first 2 levels. – J.Z., 4.7.01.

LIBERTOCRACY, Index, 6pp, in PP 1689-1693: 739. – “This is an index of the site’s major pages. It does not include all pages on the site. To find other pages, look in the Table of Issues, Liberation Journal or try the site search engine.” -In spite of 2 different downloading attempts, I haven’t even included all his major sites, nor have I followed is arrangement or did I succeed, so far, in downloading his glossary and list of his unique spelling and some other files I wanted from his website. Printed book editions and CD-ROM editions could avoid such troubles, costs and labour for you. But all too few are so far interested in the latter option, in spite of its potential enormous cheapness per book title or even for a whole reference library. – J.Z. 7.7.01.

LIBERTOCRACY, Join the Libertocracy Association, 1p, in PP 1689-1693: 411.

LIBERTOCRACY, Libercratic Insurance, 7pp, in PP 1689-1693: 419.

LIBERTOCRACY, , website of GREG FLANAGAN, introduction with links to his other pages, 1p, in PP 1689-1693: 359. – AN INDEX TO LIBERTOCRACY can be found on sheets 739-744 – but this compilation is neither as complete nor follows the order of the website. – J.Z. In: ON PANARCHY, 20-24.

LIBERTY ACTIVISTS, 3pp, in PP 18, 2nd ed.: 204, URL & e-mail address not stated. They actively wasted my toner!

LIBERTY ACTIVISTS, Liberty Links, 2pp, in PP 1706: 202, with URLs, mailto:liberty-mls@usanet

LIBERTY ACTIVISTS, Reports, Stories and Ideas from Liberty Activists around the World, 8pp of links with abstracts, in PP 1701: 42. – The recognition and spread of significant ideas is often the most important “action” and also one neglected by all too many “activists”. – PIOT, J.Z., 30.1.01.

LIBERTY ACTIVISTS, THE, Educate, Agitate, Organize for Freedom in our Lifetime… homepage and links, 4pp, with a “liberal” copyrights notice, requiring merely credit and notice, in PP 1674: 158. – If I were to notify all whom I copy in my microfiched pages, I would have all too little time left for anything else! – But credit is usually given, at least when website or e-mail address are mentioned. Alas, often they are not, explicitly, and have to be clicked up and noted down first, which I have not always done. – J.Z., 21.5.01.

LIBERTY AMENDMENT COMMITTEE, Sales Tools, Brochures, Books & Booklets, Albums, Cassettes, Film Strips, Packets of Materials, 4pp, in PP 1713-1715: 175. – From: FREEDOM MAGAZINE.

LIBERTY AMENDMENT COMMITTEE: It’s Far More Expensive than it Should Be, 1p on Congress, in PP 1713-1715: 93. – From: FREEDOM MAGAZINE.

LIBERTY AMENDMENT, See: FREEDOM MAGAZINE, Bensenville, later Los Angeles, & REPORT ON FREEDOM, published by Willis E. Stone, in PP 1713-1715, 332pp: 1.

LIBERTY AMENDMENT, See: SNYDER, KENT, Ron Paul has Put forward the Liberty Amendment, 2pp, in PP 1718 – 1721: 754. Website:

LIBERTY AUDIO & FILM SERVICE, Richmond, Va., Audio Cassette offer leaflet, 1982, 1p: 123, in PP 1549. I ordered from them, back in 1982, 5 cassettes, paid for them by cheque, and later reminded them – & never got a response! – Dishonesty or negligence among libertarians or P.O. workers is a real turn-off. – J.Z., 30.10.1999.

LIBERTY AUSTRALIA, Home Page, 5pp, in PP 1618: 173. – It brings many links but not its URL.

LIBERTY BOOK CLUB, A Branch of LIBERTY, 1p: 129, in PP 1568.

LIBERTY BOOK CLUB, a feature of LIBERTY, 3pp of titles, in PP 1674: 145.

LIBERTY BOOKS, St. Louis, Books & tapes on Legal Tender & The Fed, 1p leaflet sent by Dave Wilber, in PP 1629: 45. – Merril Jenkins is Dave Wilber’s guru on money.

LIBERTY CENTER, Home Page, Liberty Resources List & Links, 6pp, in PP 1677: 170. (c) 2000 Offers a free brochure:

LIBERTY FOR ALL NET, Circular of 20 Feb. 02, ed. R. Lee Wrights, 2pp, in PP 1726/27: 284. It wants libertarian success stories and offers here some links to its previous articles.

LIBERTY FOUNDATION, Ancient Primary Sources, 1p list, in PP 1675: 3. – Note that Gilbert Louis Midonnet dared to copyright, in 1996-1997, these ancient documents! However, all are, apparently, online, which rather annuls this absurd claim in practice. – J.Z. 1.5.01.

LIBERTY FREE PRESS ONLINE, 3 Website Pages with links, in PP 1610: 87.

LIBERTY FREE PRESS ONLINE, Canada’s Common Sense Revolution, Home page, incomplete, with links, in htm, then in a flawed and unedited Notepad printout, which is better than an incomplete but otherwise perfect text. 5pp, in PP 1616: 182.

LIBERTY FUND, Catalogue, 1996, 35pp: 347, in PP 1579-80.

LIBERTY FUND, Catalog of books, audio-tape and videos, 2000, 7pp, in PP 1671: 150. – It copyrighted this advertising list, too! It was bothersome to download their separate files. Why not offer the lot, these few pages, in a single list? Their paper book prices are kept low. This list, like that of many other libertarian organizations, ought to be integrated into a common libertarian literature for sale list list. – J.Z.

LIBERTY FUND, Home Page, 1p, , 1999, 2000 (c) , in PP 1679: 115.

LIBERTY FUND, Introduction to its library, 1p: 134, in PP 1568.

LIBERTY FUND, Note on JASAY, ANTHONY DE, The State, pb. $ 9, 1p, in PP 18, 2nd ed.: 200.

LIBERTY HQ & LIBERTY ROUND TABLE, Virtual Con 1, November 1998 convention of 19 libertarian scholars and SF authors, held entirely in cyberspace. Thanks to audio compression technology, over 21 hours of one-on-one interviews and joint conferences from VC 1 are compiled on a single CD-ROM, $ 19.95, shipping and handling in U.S. $ 3.50, outside $ 4.50. CD-ROM No. CU 8014. In PP 1682, secton 1. Featured are: Chris Matthew Sciabarra in an interview with Sunni Maravillosa discussing Ayn Rand and what libertarians can learn from the political left. Sciabarra is also featured in a Joint Conference on the topic, “Freedom in the 21st Century – Obstacles and Opportunities”, with Fred Foldvary, Wendy McElroy, Peter McWilliams, Sheldon Richman, and Eric Schansberg. Other guests interviewed on the CD include: Peter McWilliams (on the drug war); Sheldon Richman (on public school indoctrination); L. Neil Smith (on strategies for libertarian activism); Wendy McElroy (on individualist and feminist history); Eric Schansberg (on taxation and redistribution); J. Neil Schulman (on the second amendment and libertarian literature online); and a Sci-Fi conference with Victor Koman, James Hogan, F. Paul Wilson, Smith, Schulman, and others. – Obviously, a pioneering use of CD-ROMs. I would have liked it even more if it had been filled with 100,000 – 200,000 pages of libertarian texts! But it is a good instance for the freedom of expression and information options offered to libertarians by this medium, not merely used for e.g. music, software, games and some general encyclopaedias(alas, not a libertarian yet!!!). – J.Z., 25 May 2001

LIBERTY JOURNAL NEWS, Weekly edition of Oct. 21, 2000, as a sample, 4pp, with 5pp of links, & extracts from articles online, in PP 1677: 11.

LIBERTY INSTITUTE, New Dehli, Philosophy of Freedom Workshop, 1p: 187, in PP 1561-63.

LIBERTY ISSUES, See: GRASSROOTS LIBERTY PROJECT, Home Page, 1p only. Formerly LIBERTY ISSUES, in PP 1615: 172. – Resources for local campaigns and activism. Mission: Elect more libertarians to public office. – Does that mean that they do intend to corrupt more libertarians? – J.Z.

LIBERTY JOURNAL, Documents & Essays & Links: 135, in PP 1568.

LIBERTY JOURNAL, Libertarian Celebrities & VIPs, (c) 2000 by Arbutus Woods, 7pp, in PP 1677: 22.

LIBERTY LEXICON, THE, Index only or alphabetical links list, 10pp, in PP 1671: 29. See: LIBERTARIAN ENCYCLOPAEDIA.

LIBERTY LIBRARY, Home Page, 1999, copyrighted by Arbutus Woods, Inc., lists on 2pp the texts it makes available: 404 in PP 1577-78. – Economics Texts, Historical Documents, Laws & Proposed Legislation, Literature and Essays, Political Philosophy. – Covers anarchism, libertarianism, patriotism, constitutionalism.

LIBERTY LIBRARY, A, Home page, compiled by Robert Bickford 4pp, in PP 1677: 110. Compilation copyright 1995-2,000. “I’ll continue to maintain this site as an introductory and random-stuff resource, but if you want more content than you can shake a really big stick at, you should go visit the Free-Market.Net home page!”

LIBERTY, Links, 1p: 130, in PP 1568.

LIBERTY LINKS, Conservative Historical Documents and Essays, Individualist, Anarchist and Survivalist, Legal, Libertarian, Libertarian Party Affiliates, News, Objectivist, Political Parties, Theories of Conspiracy, Think Tanks, 8pp with URL list, in PP 1677: 3. Arbutus Woods, Inc.

LIBERTY MATTERS, Home & Products Pages, 2pp, in PP 1662: 205. Seems mainly concerned with news & alerts. Tries to link grassroots to libertarian think tanks.

LIBERTY NETWORK, Welcome to Liberty Network, 1p, in PP 1672: 118. – It produces LINE ON-LINE.

LIBERTY PROJECT, THE, Real Stories, 5pp, in PP 1678: 194. It makes the case for liberty by reporting concisely some typical cases of infringements of liberty by authorities. – J.Z.

LIBERTY ROUND TABLE 101 CLUB, Home Page, Announcements, Awards received, FAQ’s, 3pp, in PP 1611: 202.

LIBERTY STORE, THE, Introduction, 2pp, in PP 1726/27: 415. – Printed & framed freedom statements.

LIBERTY TREE, Home Page, 1p, in PP 1677: 163.

LIBERTY TREE, Home Page, Welcome, 2pp, in PP 1680: 157.

LIBERTY UNBOUND, Recent Issues of LIBERTY, lists Sep. 95 – June 99 issues that are online, 1p: 134, in PP 1568.

LIBERTY, Port Townsend, Liberty Foundation Website, 1p, listing contents of August 1999 issue: 128, in PP 1568. Website:

LIBERTY, Port Townsend, Links to recent (Sep 95 – May 2000) articles, 1p, links to editors, writers and Staff and some of their articles, 4pp, in PP 1679: 34.

LIBERTY, Port Townsend, 2 Sample Articles, 11 pp, in PP 1700: 82.

LIBERTY, Port Townsend, Contacting LIBERTY, Box 1181 Port Townsend, WA 98 368, with links, 1p, in PP 1700: 1. – – I have only one objection to “LIBERTY”, judging by the contents lists that I have seen: While it contains many opinions, arguments, historical views, reviews etc., and does valuable work in such spheres, its contents of freedom ideas is rather poor, as it is with almost all periodicals (INNOVATOR was one exception and the early issues of my PEACE PLANS series, which are now digitized and available by e-mail – until they become available on a website and on a CD-ROM), which are forever struggling to fill the pages of the next issues. The kind of libertarian journal that would be of the greatest interest to me would be one that would appear only whenever needed and would be filled from a growing archive of libertarian ideas. It might never be a commercial success – but that would not be required if duplicates, in any desired format, at their prices, would only be supplied upon demand, e.g. on floppies, microfiche, by e-mail or, for all back issues, on CD-ROM. Even the detailed discussion of these ideas might be delegated to other journals or websites. In the journal of libertarian ideas merely references to these discussions would be supplied, or guides to reference lists.- J.Z., 28.5.02.

LIBERTY, Port Townsend, Index for August 1987 – May 1999, 48pp, in PP 1700: 34.

LIBERTY, Port Townsend,Contents Lists, 9/95, 11/95, 1/96, 3/96, 5/96, 7/96, 9/96, 11/96, 7/97, 11/97,1/98/ 3/98, 5/98, 7/98, 9/98, 11/98, 1/99, 2/99, 3/99, 4/99, 5/99, 6/99, 7/99, 8/99, 4/00, 5/00. Many but not all of these articles can be found online, according to these lists. 33pp, in PP 1700: 2.

LIBERTY, See: HAMMER, RICHARD O., Liberty Is a Bad Name, 1p: 57, in PP 1601-04.

LIBERTY, See: LONG, LAZARUS, When Liberty Is Defined by Ideologues, 1997, 2pp, in PP 1612: 10

LIBERTY, Tucker’s, Index to LIBERTY online: MCELROY, WENDY, Comprehensive Index to LIBERTY, online! 2pp, in PP 1671: 168.

LIBERTY, Tucker’s, Liberty Library, List of books offered by Tucker, compiled by Wendy MacElroy, 6pp: 155, in PP 1568.

LIBERTYHAVEN. COM, 151 LIBERTARIAN ARTICLES DOWNLOADED FROM in 2,000, 630pp, in PP 1766-68: 1. – Originally published mostly by THE FREEMAN or IMPRIMIS.

LIBERTYHAVEN.COM, 131 LIBERTARIAN ARTICLES DOWNLOADED FROM in 2,000,Originally published mostly by THE FREEMAN or IMPRIMIS, in PP 1761-63, 630pp: 1-630.

LIBERTYHAVEN.COM, 41 LIBERTARIAN ARTICLES DOWNLOADED FROM in 2,000, in PP 1765, 210pp: 1. – Originally published mostly by THE FREEMAN or IMPRIMIS

LIBERTYHAVEN.COM, 47 LIBERTARIAN ARTICLES DOWNLOADED FROM in 2,000, 210 pp, in PP 1764: 1. – Originally published mostly by THE FREEMAN or IMPRIMIS.


LIBERTYHAVEN.COM, 86 LIBERTARIAN ARTICLES DOWNLOADED FROM in 2,000, originally published mostly by THE FREEMAN or IMPRIMIS, 420pp, in PP 1755/56: 1.

LIBERTYHAVEN.COM, 88 LIBERTARIAN ARTICLES DOWNLOADED FROM in 2,000, 420pp, in PP 1757/58: 1. – Originally published mostly by THE FREEMAN or IMPRIMIS

LIBERTYHAVEN.COM, Articles on line, Milton Friedman, in PP 1745-1748: 8.

LIBERTYHAVEN.COM, Articles on Science, Technology or Internet, on Religion & Christians, 3pp, in P1757/58: 410.

LIBERTYHAVEN.COM, Articles online, lists on Banking, Money, Finance & Gold Standard, 3pp, in PP 1745-1748: 1.

LIBERTYHAVEN.COM, Constitutions, Courts and Law, article list, 3pp, in PP 1755/56: 11.

LIBERTYHAVEN.COM, Crime, Terrorism & Violence, article list, 1p, in PP 1754: 60.

LIBERTYHAVEN.COM, Education, Homeschooling or Children, article list, 4pp, in PP 1753: 137.

LIBERTYHAVEN.COM, Free Speech or Civil Liberties, article list, 5pp, in PP 1753: 7.

LIBERTYHAVEN.COM, Humor or Satire, Article list: 1p; Fiction, Music or Entertainment: 1p, in PP 1766-68: 466.

LIBERTYHAVEN.COM, Personal Development or Psychology, article list, 2pp, in PP 1761-63: 620.

LIBERTYHAVEN.COM, See PEACE PLANS 1745-1768, for many of its articles, which were, mostly, originally published in THE FREEMAN or IMPRIMIS. They & many more are offered free online, but with a copyrights notice, nevertheless. Should I insert one, because I copied them as well? – On these microfiche ca. 1,000 freedom essays are offered on ca. 5,000 pages. I downloaded most of these articles October – November 2000 and have only now got around to perusing them and selecting, most of them, for a print out and compilation on microfiche. By now you will probably find many more such articles on but here a few of them are conveniently compiled and preserved on microfiche. – By now there are over 60,000 viruses. I get virus attacks almost daily. What will happen if there are 600,000 viruses or even 6 million? Will anyone’s website and e-mail be safe enough then? – Anyhow, this is part of my private survey of libertarian offers on the Internet and I do preservation & duplication filming of some of these sites, until finally better libertarian guides to all of them are offered and all these texts are also supplied on CD-ROM as well. – I found it costly and laborious to download 157 Mbs of such texts, from LIBERTYHAVEN.COM and many others. (100 hours of hard and boring labor, as well as ca. $ 300 in connection costs.) That made me a fan of the CD-ROM libertarian publishing option. – John Zube, 16.5.02.

LIBERTYHAVEN.COM, Thinkers, article list, 2pp, in PP 1761-63: 622.

LIBERTYHAVEN.COM, Trade & International Economics, list of articles online, 2pp, in PP 1761-63: 1

LIBERTYHAVEN.COM, War, Peace, Diplomacy or Foreign Aid, Article List, 2pp, in PP 1761-63: 444.

LIBERTYSEARCH.COM, August 2,000, 1 page, short listing of its links & introduction, in PP 1628: 200.

LIBRADEMIA, Constitution of Librademia, Table of Contents & URL list only, 8pp, 494. – Chapter 3: Persons (& their rights), 12pp, in PP 1689-1693: 502. – See: GREGORY FLANAGAN & LIBERTOCRACY.

LIBRADEMIA, The Free People, Home Page, 3pp, in PP 1689-1693: 491. “Librademia is an independent supreme government that exists and operates in the lives and on the property of the sovereign individuals who are its civilzens…..”


LIBRARIES, See: PHILLIPS, J. BRIAN, Alternatives to Public Libraries, THE FREEMAN, 4/87, 5pp, in PP 1755/56: 168.

LIBRARIES, See: SECULAR WEB LIBRARY, Home Page with links and URL list, 3pp, in PP 1677: 91.

LIBRARY OF CONGRESS, A clipping on the Library of Congress & its history, in PP 1703: 4. – After a fire destroyed it in 1814, Jefferson replaced it by his own library of 6487 volumes, of which 2400 survived for a 2,000 exhibition. By now it is the largest in the world.

LIBRARY, ELECTRONIC, See: OCKERBLOOM, JOHN MARK, The On-Line Books Page, presents: BANNED BOOKS ON-LINE, 6pp, in PP 1677: 109. (c) 1993-2000 by J.M. Ockerbloom He has his own legalized ban on copying his list of banned books! – J.Z., 22.5.01.

LICENSING, COMPULSORY, See: BECHARA, DENNIS, The Costs of Occupational Licensing, THE FREEMAN, 4/79, 4pp, in PP 1749/50: 278.

LICENSING, See: BARGER, MELVIN D., Occupational Licensure under Attack, THE FREEMAN, 4/75, 5pp, in PP 1757/58: 61. – YANDELL, DIRK, Occupational Licensing, THE FREEMAN, 1/85, 3pp, in PP 1757/58: 66.

LICENSING, See: RAVENSCROFT, IAN, Danger: A Lesson from Language, THE FREEMAN, 7/84, 4pp, in PP 1754: 3.

LICHER, LLOYD, Robert LeFevre: A Tribute, 2pp: 178, in PP 1569-70.

LICHTSCHLAG, ANDRE et al, Der Streit zwischen kapitalistischen und sozialistischen Anarchisten. Dokumentation der Gaestebuchbeitraege zur innerlibertaeren Diskussion, zuletzt aktualisiert: 16.2.98, 24 S. , in PP 1611: 172 – Die anderen Teilnehmer: Tillmann; Robert Kalbach; Robert; olli and nils; Nick Kretschmann; Yohnny; Sven Weiberg; Jens Meiners; Henning Maruhn; Bjoern Wilsmann & Thomas Bruckbauer.

LICHTSCHLAG, ANDRE F., 10 Jahre Fall der Mauer – aus libertaerer Sicht, 1 S., in PP 1625: 24.

LICHTSCHLAG, ANDRE F., Alle Macht den Konsumenten – fordert FRIEDRICH KUEPPERSBUSCH, 1S. , in PP 1617: 28.

LICHTSCHLAG, ANDRE F., Ayn Rand: Wer ist John Galt? 1 S. , in PP 1617: 26.

LICHTSCHLAG, ANDRE F., Das Verhaengnis der Drogenpolitik aus der Sicht der Freiheit, 2 S.: 82, in PP 1588.

LICHTSCHLAG, ANDRE F., Der libertaere Fragebogen, Interview, 1 S. , in PP 1617: 66.

LICHTSCHLAG, ANDRE F., Die Ethik und das Manifest der Freiheit. Murray N. Rothbard jetzt gleich zweimal in deutscher Sprache, 2 S.: 122, in PP 1588.

LICHTSCHLAG, ANDRE F., Die “freieste Gesellschaft der Geschichte”, 1p, in PP 1611: 197.

LICHTSCHLAG, ANDRE F., Die Libertaeren und der “Libertarianism”, 2 S. , in PP 1617: 16.

LICHTSCHLAG, ANDRE F., Ein gelungener Video-Clip fragmentierter Gedanken, 1 S., in PP 1617: 97, ueber: STEFAN BLANKERTZ, Die Therapie der Gesellschaft, Peter Hammer Verlag, 266 S.

LICHTSCHLAG, ANDRE F., Grenzkosten und Nutzengewinn der Entstaatlichung, 2 S., in PP 1625: 91.

LICHTSCHLAG, ANDRE F., Hilfe – die Libertaeren kommen! 1 S., in very small print, which cannot be enlarged in the width of A 4 sheets. For a more legible copy see the ESPERO edition, No. 10, of Feb. 2,000. In PP 1631-1633: 604.

LICHTSCHLAG, ANDRE F., Liberale Informationen fuer Grevenbroich (Kreis Neuss), zuletzt geaendert am 11.07.1999, 1 S., nur Liste von Beitraegen, 1996-99, in PP 1611: 196.

LICHTSCHLAG, ANDRE F., Liberalismus oder Naturrecht? 3 S.: 171, in PP 1588.

LICHTSCHLAG, ANDRE F., Radikale Erkenntnisse aus der Parteienforschung, 2 S., in PP 1625: 36

LICHTSCHLAG, ANDRE F., Satire – oder ernst gemeint? 2 S., in PP 1617: 99. – Besprechung von: FARIN, KLAUS, Die Partei hat immer recht! – Verlag Thomas Tilsner, 142 S.

LICHTSCHLAG, ANDRE F., Schoenen Dank, Peter Punk! Warum auch Aussenseiter im Kapitalismus besser leben. “Recht auf Faulheit”? 2 S. , in PP 1617: 41.

LICHTSCHLAG, ANDRE F., to ZUBE, JOHN, 16.1.2000, 1 S., mit seiner Redigierung meines Panarchismus Entwurfs, 5 S., in PP 1617: 119.

LICHTSCHLAG, ANDRE F., to ZUBE, JOHN, 26.12.99, 1 S., in PP 1617: 110.

LICHTSCHLAG, ANDRE F., Versuch einer libertaeren Antwort auf den Kosovo-Krieg, 3 S.: 227, in PP 1588.

LICHTSCHLAG, ANDRE F., Warum eine Streitschrift fuer die Freiheit? 2 S. , in PP 1617: 4.

LIE DETECTORS FOR POLITICIANS, See: AFP: Pick the mobile phoneys, A., 20.7.99. Short notice. Towards voice print analysis of politician’s speeches, in PP 1627: 110.

LIFE EXTENSION, See: ART OF LIVING, THE, LONGEVITY ADVERTISEMENT for HGH drops (Human Growth Hormone) Temporarily, they offered free trial drops, 21.1.02. In PP 1731: 124. – A single approach may solve some but certainly not all the problems of aging. Such panacea offers are now part of the electronic junk mail. – Is serious life extention research sufficiently promoted through the Internet? Has it got space for all the relevant research reports, books and periodicals? I believe that CD-ROMs would be much more powerful and economical for this, under present online speeds. – J.Z., 31.5.02.

LIFE EXTENSION, See: NOBEL, DIANE, The Race Against Time, 5pp, in PP 1656-1659: 55, on life extension.

LIFE EXTENTION, See: ANTI-AGING BREAKTHROUGH with Oral HGH 15189, of 16.10.01, , in PP 18, 2nd ed.: 190.

LIFE EXTENTION, See: LADOW, CHARLES R., Do You Want to Live Forever? THE FREEMAN, 3/74, 6pp, in PP 1754: 18.

LIFE EXTENTION, See: MORE, MAX, Live Freely, Live Longer, THE FREEMAN, May 95, 3pp, in PP 1759/60: 94. – ROSS, ERNEST G., Live Long and Prosper, THE FREEMAN, 2/84, 6pp, in PP 1759/60: 97.

LIFE EXTENTION, See: RONIN PUBLISHING, Fountains of Youth. How to Live Longer & Healthier, 1996, 2224pp, $ 4.95, flyer only, in PP 1664/65: 371.

LIFE EXTENTION, See: VERRENGIA, JOSEPH B. Immortality Enzyme Is Studied, 2pp, in PP 1706: 205. on telomerase.

LIFE EXTENTION, AGING: This is no reference to any of the LMP microfiche but just a personal note towards desirable anti-aging research, with an approach that may not yet have been taken. I’m close to 69, most of my head hair is grey by now, with one exception, my eyebrows. There grey or white hairs are few and far-between. My case may not be the only one. What makes these hairs age more slowly? Any genetic, chemical, biological, environmental difference? Research should reveal this difference and thereby supply just one other minor factor on what causes aging and how it might be stopped or reversed. Samples of hair, hair roots and skin would be relatively easy and painlessly to obtain. Research can work now with the smallest particles. Nature left us with this trail. Let us follow it up, if this hasn’t been done already. May be this could be subject for a worthy dissertation? Anyone is invited to pick up this topic. No charge! – J.Z., 28.5.02.

LIFE EXTENSION FOUNDATION, Circular, July 15, 1998, 5pp: 189, in PP 1587. – Dealing with the problems posed by the European Union’s proposed restrictions against high potency vitamin supplements, through a bureaucracy called the MEDICINES CONTROL AGENCY (MCA).

LIFE EXTENSION MAGAZINE, later: LONG LIFE MAGAZINE, Samples on hand: Sep/Oct/ 77; Sep/Oct 78; Nov/Dec 78; Jan/Feb 79; March/April 79; May/June 79; July/Aug 79; Sep/Oct 79; March/April 80, 209pp: 5, in PP 1595-96.

LIFE EXTENSION MAGAZINE, Leaflet, 2pp, introduction: 3, in PP 1595-96.

LIFE – EXTENSION NEWS, II/5, May 82: 13; II/6, June 82: 66; II/7, July 82: 120; III/2, Feb. 83, 8pp: 177, in PP 1589-94.


LIGGIO, LEONARD, Your Right to Be against War, 5pp: 70, in PP 1583.

LIFEBOAT FOUNDATION, THE, Oceania Update, 23.2.02: Letter from KLEIN, ERIC, on The Atlantis Project, 1p, in PP 1739: 122. – Via an Ideas Archive sufficient support for this & other projects could be gradually gathered!

LIGHTBULB LASTING 50 YEARS? See: MACEY, RICHARD, Switched-on scientists devise a 50-year bulb, SMH, 7.8.00. In PP 1630: 69. Mass produced they might come to $ 20 – $ 30 each. They bundle up newly invented light-emitting diodes that produce white light. “When a diode producing ultraviolet light is coated with phosphor, the phosphor glows white.” Is the ultraviolet light thereby destroyed or transformed into harmless light? – “… reducing power consumption of lighting by a factor of 10.” – “About 30% of all the electricity used in the world is used for lighting.”

LILBURN, JOHN, A Postscript Written by Lieutenant Colonell John Lilburn, Prisoner in the Tower of London, October, 1646, 2pp, LibertyFoundation website, in PP 1675: 57.

LILBURN, JOHN, et al, England’s New Chains Discovered, 26 Feb. 1648, 6pp, from the Liberty Foundation website, in PP 1675: 51.

LILBURN, JOHN; WALWYN, WILLIAM; THOMAS PRINCE; RICHARD OVERTON, Prisoners in the Tower of London, May 1st, 1649, An Agreement of the Free People of England. Tendered as a Peace-Offering to this distressed Nation, 7pp, in PP 1675: 60.

LIMITED GOVERNMENT, See: HINTON, ADRIAN C., The Importance of Objective Law: Why I Support Limited Government, 3pp: 640, in PP 1601-04. – A comprehensive anthology of the anarchy vs. limited government controversy is overdue – and should be supplemented by the panarchistic conclusion: To each his own! – J.Z.

LIMITED GOVERNMENT, See: MACCALLUM, SPENCER H., In Search of a Word. Limited Government versus Anarchy, 2pp: 138, in PP 1569-70.


LIMON PROJECT, See: STEART, RIGOBERTO, The Real Limon Project, 6pp: 699, in PP 1601-04. – Includes a Human Rights Declaration! – J.Z.

LINAWEAVER, BRAD & KRAMER, EDWARD E., editors, Free Space, TOR, July 1997, $ 24.95 (hardbound): “… the first explicitly libertarian SF anthology…”!, Review only, 3pp, by CLAIRE WOLFE, in PP 16 & 17, 2nd edition: 300.

LINCOLN, ABRAHAM, The Constitution Is the Law! Excerpt, 1p, from a speech of Jan. 27, 1838, in PP 1713-1715: 254. – From: FREEDOM MAGAZINE. – Did he abide by it during his war? – J.Z.


LINDSAY, GREG, Digital Dangers, 1p from GEGENSCHEIN # 83, August 1998 on radiation hazards: 416 in PP 1577-78.

LINE LIST INFO: LINE exists no more on paper but only electronically online, 2pp: 121, in PP1553 – Home Page: Note that the home page name may have changed since then. – J.Z.

LINE ON-LINE, About Line, 2pp, updated July 12, 2000 in PP 1662: 1. The idea, history, activities & lists. Palle Steen Jensen

LINE ON-LINE, E-Mail directory, mainly Europe, 4pp in PP 1662: 3.

LINE ON-LINE, INDEX ON LIBERTY, updated March 8, 1999, 5pp, in PP 1672: 119.

LINE READING, Home Page, January 8, 1998, 1p, with 1p introduction by BLANKERTZ, STEFAN: 284, in PP 1581-82.

LINE, INDEX ON LIBERTY, LINE ON-LINE, 2pp of this libertarian directory, just links: 136, in PP 1568.

LINGLE, CHRISTOPHER, China’s Flirtation with Keynesian Economics, THE FREEMAN, 12/99, 2pp, in PP 1764: 163.

LINKS, 3pp, in PP 1677: 150. URL? or: (Sometimes I can’t read my own handwriting! A flawed pen doesn’t help, either. – J.Z.) – See: DIRECTORIES.

LINKS, Libertarian Parties World Wide & Other Interesting Links, 1/2 p, in PP 1618: 166. – URL?

LINKS, See: AIDS, The HIV = AIDS Controversy, Links, 5pp, in PP 1607/8: 75.

LINKS, See: ANTI-STATISM, MORE, Links, 2pp, in PP 1607/8: 73.

LINKS, See: ANTI-WAR PROPAGANDA, Links, 3pp, in PP 1607/8: 68.

LINKS, See: AUSTRALIAN CONSERVATIVE POLITICS, Home Page, 3pp, in PP 1618: 170, with links, URL missing.

LINKS, See: AUSTRIAN SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS, THE, Links to websites, 1p, in PP 1607/8: 67.

LINKS, See: CIVILIAN-BASED DEFENSE, Links, 2pp, in PP 1607/8: 71. – I would have expected to find something by BRIAN MARTIN there.

LINKS, See: DEAD ECONOMISTS SOCIETY, Website, no URL, or e-mail address, 8pp, with some links, in PP 1614: 192. – It brings mini-portraits of famous economists, with a short comment for each.


LINKS, See: ENTER STAGE RIGHT, A Journal of Modern Conservatism, Home Page, 5pp, in PP 1618: 183. List of links to its articles, all rights reserved


LINKS, See: FAME, Links, 1p, in PP1613: 119.

LINKS, See: FREE LIFE, The Journal of the Libertarian Alliance, articles online, listed, for issues 15 – 38, 4pp, in PP1613: 191. – With links. – GABB, SEAN, Home Page, with links, 1p, in PP1613: 195. – GABB, SEAN, Libertarian Individuals and Groups, 2pp, in PP1613: 207.

LINKS, See: FREEMAN, DAVID T., Internet-List Articles and Discussions, 2pp, 1997, in PP 1615: 11.

LINKS, See: FRENCH, STEPHEN, The Moody Loner’s Guide to Economics, 5pp, in PP 1618: 199. – Links. E-mail Steve at

LINKS, See: GABB, SEAN, Books by Sean Gabb, links only, and Links to Other Pages of Libertarian and Conservative Interest, 1p, in PP1613: 185.

LINKS, See: HOWLAND, CURT, Home Page, 3pp, in PP 1618: 196. – Humour and links, no URL or e-mail address.

LINKS, See: HUMPHREYS, JOHN, Australian Sites & International Sites (mostly American), Libertarian Links, 1p, in PP 1611: 135.

LINKS, See: HUMPHREYS, JOHN, International Links & John’s Pick of the Week, 1p, in PP 1611: 136.

LINKS, See: HUMPHREYS, JOHN, News, Issues and Current Affairs, & Some New Sites, Links only, 1p, in PP 1611: 143.

LINKS, See: HUMPHREYS, JOHN, Political Philosophy, Links, 2pp, in PP 1611: 145.

LINKS, See: INSTITUTE FOR PRIVATE ENTERPRISE, Links to magazines, papers, societies, homepages etc., 7pp, in PP1613: 156.


LINKS, See: KYFHO! Keep Your Freaking Hands Off!!! Introductory web page, without stating URL, 4pp, with links, in PP 1614: 188. – Send comments to e-mail: – It claimed, when I downloaded, over 2 million visitors since May 16, 1997!



LINKS, See: LIBERTY AUSTRALIA, Home Page, 5pp, in PP 1618: 173. – It brings many links but not its URL.

LINKS, See: LEMIEUX, PIERRE, Biographical notes and academic activities, 1p, 2000, with links, in PP 1615: 208. –

LINKS, See: LIBERTARIAN ESSAYS, Collected by JELLINEK, DAVID, with some personal ones, list & links only, 1p, in PP 1615: 204. –

LINKS, See: MCELROY, WENDY, Articles on Individualist Anarchism on this Site, with links, 2pp, in PP 1616: 180. – e-mail – Most articles are on

LINKS, See: LIBERTY FREE PRESS ONLINE, Canada’s Common Sense Revolution, Home page, incomplete, with links, in html, then in a flawed and unedited Notepad printout, which is better than an incomplete but otherwise perfect text. 5pp, in PP 1616: 182.

LINKS, See: LIBERTY FREE PRESS ONLINE, 3 Website Pages with links, in PP 1610: 87.

LINKS, See: MANNERS, RON, Speeches & Submissions, list and links, 3pp, so far 26 entries, in PP 1614: 31. – 2pp of what is probably an earlier version: 35.

LINKS, See: MANNKAL, Articles from Elsewhere, 3pp, in PP 1614: 107. – List only & abstract, with links. – MANNKAL, Web Links, 8pp, in PP 1614: 112.

LINKS, See: MAX STIRNER IM INTERNET, 6 Links only, in PP 1619/20: 1.

LINKS, See: MCGINNIS, JOHN D., Ph.D., Refutations, 1998, 1/2p, 7 links only, URL & e-mail not listed there, in PP 1615: 207. Compare my project on an ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF REFUTATIONS! – J.Z. LINKS, See:


LINKS, See: PHILOSOPHICAL EGOISM, Guide to Sites, 3pp, in PP 1607/8: 63.


LINKS, See: RATIONAL ANARCHIST, THE, Links to Liberty, 1998, 2pp, in PP 1612: 110.

LINKS, See: SELICK, KAREN, Home Page, with links, 3pp, in PP 1616: 187. — CRYPTO ANARCHY, Home Page, 3pp, with links, in PP 1616: 190.

LINKS, See: SMITH, L. NEIL, L. Neil Smith’s Speeches Page, 1p, in PP 1616:14. – List of speeches and links to them –

LINKS, See: SMITH, L. NEIL, L. Neil Smith’s Links Page, 4pp, in PP 1616: 18.

LINKS, See: SMITH, L. NEIL, L. Neil Smith’s Lever Action Essays, 5pp list of links to them, in PP 1616: 51.

LINKS, See: SOON, JASON, Jason’s Freethinking Polymath Pages, Home Page, with links, 3pp, in PP 1615: 192.

LINKS, See: SOON, JASON, Writings, web-based writings, list only and links, 5pp, in PP 1615: 195. – See: OLSON, HOWARD, in PP 1615. –


LINKS, See: YOUNG LIBERTARIAN PAGES, THE, Home Page, with links, 3pp, in PP 1615: 203.

LINKSMAN, RICKI, How to Learn Anything Quickly, 1996, 240pp, $ 12.95, flyer only, in PP 1664/65: 377.

LIPSCOMB, ED, How to Win a War, from THE FREEMAN, 8/1960, 10pp: 120, in PP 1585. – Deals largely only with the internal freedom struggle. We ought to ponder more how to avoid the need for internal and external freedom struggle. Which tactics, strategies and aims could make us invincible, soon? – J.Z., 9.11.99.

LISSER, KARL, Der Begriff des Rechts bei Kant, Berlin, 1922, Kant Studien Nr. 58, 79 S., ind., with bibliography, in PP 1634-1636: 684. – Right, from my point of view, is a practice which reason commands us to realize – if we want to go on calling ourselves reasonable and civilized beings rather than primitives or barbarians. – J.Z., 21.9.00. The only libertarian points of view found in this booklet are probably those by Kant himself. The author is a “legal mind”, if I may be permitted to use this contradiction in terms. He tends to confuse rather than clarify issues. But to the extent that he does quote Kant correctly, he cannot go far wrong. – Hundreds to thousands of wrong notions on rights do exist. I doubt that anyone has ever brought all of them together and confronted them with their best refutations. To my knowledge, Kant’s definition of rights has never as yet been refuted & I doubt that it can be but it remains largely ignored or smeared. When lawyers or judges write or talk about “rights” then, mostly, I am under the impression that they do not know what they are writing or talking about. Mostly they are opposed to the concept of natural rights, human rights and, especially, individual rights. They tend to “think” only in terms of territorial constitutions, laws, juridical decisions and “communities”. Their notions of principles is also tied to “positive” laws. But the author did at least try to come to some conclusions on Kant’s writings on rights. That is better than continuing to ignore them. – J.Z., 2.10.00.

LISSNER, WILL, Albert J. Nock, 1934, 1p, in PP 1668/69: 330.



LITERATURE LISTS, See: ANARRES BOOKS CATALOG, Aut. 2,000 Update, 4p, in PP 1734/36: 373.

LITERATURE LISTS, See: ANARRES BOOKS CATALOG, 1999/2000, 20pp: 7, in PP 1571.

LITERATURE LISTS, See: ANARRES BOOKS, Introductory leaflet, 1p: 187, in PP 1600. website: http:/// – e-mail: – Contains a short Australian contacts listing.

LITERATURE LISTS, See: BLACK PLANET BOOKS, Catalog, n.d., 65pp, 718 S. Broadway, Baltimore MD 21231, in PP 1699: 67.


LITERATURE LISTS, See: BLACK ROSE BOOKS, Catalog by Author & Title, 5pp, in PP 1700: 197.

LITERATURE LISTS, See: BLACKOUT BOOKS, Reviews, 4 pp, in PP 1701: 163.

LITERATURE LISTS, See: BOOK, LINE AND THINKER, A Book Catalog with an Attitude, 2pp, links, in PP 1697: 174.

LITERATURE LISTS, See: CANDLESTICK PUBLISHING: Books on Faith and Freedom, 1p, in PP 1737/38: 417. Books & materials on freedom.

LITERATURE LISTS, See: CEBA BOOKS, List of 4 of its books, 1p, in PP 1717: 208. – It mentions a title by Robert N. Mateer of “LIBERTY UNIVERSITY” – I have not yet heard or read about the latter. Probably, like the books, a conservative one. – J.Z., 29.7.01.


LITERATURE LISTS, See: FEE, THE FOUNDATION FOR ECONOMIC EDUCATION, Constitutional Government – Additional Readings, a 3 pp list of its relevant titles with short summaries, in PP 1755/56: 14.

LITERATURE LISTS, See: INTERCOLLEGIATE STUDIES INSTITUTE, Free Publications Sampler, 6pp, 2000, (c) , in PP 1676: 180.

LITERATURE LISTS, See: ISIL, Books from ISIL, 4 pages, in PP 1743/44: 247.

LITERATURE LISTS, See: KLEIN, DAN, Papers, List and Links, 2pp, Recommended Policy & Economics Periodicals, 2pp, in PP 1739: 194.

LITERATURE LISTS, See: LAISSEZ FAIRE BOOKS & LIBERTY ACTIVISTS, Books especially recommended by Liberty Activists, 4pp of short descriptions, in PP 1675: 128.

LITERATURE LISTS, See: LAISSEZ FAIRE BOOKS, Ayn Rand, Nathaniel Branden and Objectivist Writings offered, 4pp: 403, in PP 1574-75.

LITERATURE LISTS, See: LAISSEZ FAIRE BOOKS & LIBERTY ACTIVISTS, Books especially recommended by Liberty Activists, 4pp, in PP 1677: 186. – I guess that in this way you could earn a commission for recommending your favourite books – if they are in print and available from a particular source. – J.Z.

LITERATURE LISTS, See: LIBERALIA.COM, Links Page, 1p guide to some of its articles, by e.g. Christian Michel & Stefan Blankertz et al. – , in PP 1699: 123.

LITERATURE LISTS, See: LIBERTY BOOK CLUB, a feature of LIBERTY, 3pp of titles, in PP 1674: 145.

LITERATURE LISTS, See: LIBERTY FUND, Catalog of books, audio-tape and videos, 2000, 7pp, in PP 1671: 150. – It copyrighted this advertising list, too! It was bothersome to download their separate files. Why not offer the lot, these few pages, in a single list? Their paper book prices are kept low. This list, like that of many other libertarian organizations, ought to be integrated into a common libertarian literature for sale list list. – J.Z.

LITERATURE LISTS, See: LIBERTY LIBRARY, A, Home page, compiled by Robert Bickford 4pp, in PP 1677: 110. – Compilation copyright 1995-2,000. “I’ll continue to maintain this site as an introductory and random-stuff resource, but if you want more content than you can shake a really big stick at, you should go visit the Free-Market.Net home page!”

LITERATURE LISTS, See: LIBERTY LIBRARY, Home Page, 1999, copyrighted by Arbutus Woods, Inc., lists on 2pp the texts it makes available: 404 in PP 1577-78. – Economics Texts, Historical Documents, Laws & Proposed Legislation, Literature and Essays, Political Philosophy. – Covers anarchism, libertarianism, patriotism, constitutionalism.

LITERATURE LISTS, See: LIBERTYHAVEN.COM, Articles on Science, Technology or Internet, on Religion & Christians, 3pp, in PP1757/58: 410.

LITERATURE LISTS, See: LIBERTYHAVEN.COM, Constitutions, Courts and Law, article list, 3pp, in PP 1755/56: 11.

LITERATURE LISTS, See: LIBERTYHAVEN.COM, Education, Homeschooling or Children, article list, 4pp, in PP 1753: 137.

LITERATURE LISTS, See: LIBERTYHAVEN.COM, Trade & International Economics, list of articles online, 2pp, in PP 1761-63: 1

LITERATURE LISTS, See: LIBERTYHAVEN.COM, War, Peace, Diplomacy or Foreign Aid, Article List, 2pp, in PP 1761-63: 444.

LITERATURE LISTS, See: LOOMPANICS UNLIMITED, Don’t Miss the Special Articles and Features in our Online Catalog!!! A 2pp list of them, linked, in PP 1677: 200.

LITERATURE LISTS, See: OCKERBLOOM, JOHN MARK, The On-Line Books Page, presents: BANNED BOOKS ON-LINE, 6pp, in PP 1677: 109. (c) 1993-2000 by J.M. Ockerbloom He has his own legalized ban on copying his list of banned books! – J.Z., 22.5.01.

LITERATURE LISTS, See: PROSPERITY & ANTI-POVERTY, Links to articles, 1p, in PP 18, 2nd ed.: 84.

LITERATURE LISTS, See: RAGING PAGE, Reviews of 7 libertarian books, 5pp, in PP 1701: 79. – Article by: ANARCHO CYBER SLUDGE.

LITERATURE LISTS, See: RED LION PRESS, Publications List – Fall 1996, 3pp: 191, in PP 1600.

LITERATURE LISTS, See: ROBERT SCHALKENBACH FOUNDATION, Circular on Publishing and Book Sales, December 68, 6pp: 37, in PP 1571. –


LITERATURE LISTS, See: SCHUMACHER SOCIETY, Publications Index, Links with URLs, 13pp, in PP 1697: 113.

LITERATURE LISTS, See: Several entries in PP 1722.

LITERATURE LISTS, See: STARCHILD, ADAM, Books by Adam Starchild, 2pp list, with links to their websites, in PP 1677: 143.

LITERATURE LISTS, See: WELLS, SAM, Books, etc, 23pp, in PP 1684: 40. In collaboration with, with short reviews.

LITTLER, GRAEME BROOKE, The Economics and political Economy of Lysander Spooner, A Dissertation submitted to the Faculty of the Graduate School of George Mason University, 1986, 188pp: 1, in PP 1587. With bibliography. I tried in vain to find his current address. – J.Z.

LIVE AND LET LIVE, Pro-life, animal rights, libertarian, published by James N. Dawson, P.O. Box 613 Redwood Valley, CA 95 470, issue No. 14, October 2000, 20pp (Contents list: 77.), in PP 1660: 76.

LIVE AND LET LIVE, Redwood Valley, “pro-life, animal rights, libertarian”, No. 13, October 1998, 27pp, in PP 1610: 1.

LIVING STANDARDS, See: SKOUSEN, MARK, Everything is Cheap and Getting Cheaper, THE FREEMAN, 12/98, 3pp, in PP 1751/52: 204. – Public services? Defence efforts? Politicians? Bureaucracies? – J. Z.

LIVING UNIVERSE FOUNDATION, 24 October 2,000, 4 web pages with URLs , in PP 16 & 17, 2nd edition: 290. – Concerned mainly with private space exploration & utilization.

LIVING UNIVERSE FOUNDATION, Advanced Questions FAQ (on the Millennial Project), 6pp, in PP 1707: 189.

LIVING UNIVERSE FOUNDATION, Home Page, Links, URLs, Articles, 31pp, in PP 1707: 166.

LIVING UNIVERSE FOUNDATION, The Millennial Project II, 2pp, in PP 1707: 175, with links.

LIVING UNIVERSE FOUNDATION, What Is the Millennial Project? 6pp, in PP 1707: 178.

LIVINGSTON, FELIX, The Population bomb: Exploding the Myth, THE FREEMAN, 2/95, 2pp, in PP 1766-68: 63.

LOADS, PHILIP A., Review of: SHWARTZ, PETER, Libertarianism: The Perversion of Liberty, 2pp: 752, in PP 1601-04.

LOAN, ALBERT, Institutional Bases of the Spontaneous Order: Surety and Assurance, 9pp, in PP 1689-1693: 310, from HUMANE STUDIES REVIEW, 7/1, Winter 1991/92. – Tradition of voluntary mutual guaranty and self-help & mutual aid associations. – J.Z. In: ON PANARCHY, 20-24.

LOAN, ALBERT, Revolution and Evolution in Peru: The Basis for Peace and Economic Development in the Informal Sector, 10pp, review of SOTO, HERNANDO DE, The Other Path: 19, in PP 1576.

LOBERFELD, BARRY, Morality, State & Anarchy, 2pp, in PP 1674: 35.

LOCKE, JOHN, An Essay Concerning Human Understanding, 6th Edition. Now online, but with Markup copyright 1995 by ILT Digital Classics. This copyrights claims is made at a time when even some older word processors, like WORD 97, my own present one, do already automatically convert Word text to html format! Lawyering among and for libertarians does hold them back! Contents list, 2pp, in PP 1677: 87.

LOCUS INDEX TO SCIENCE FICTION (1984-1998), by BROWN, CHARLES N. & CONTENTO, WILLIAM G., list of links only to subject files, 2pp, in PP 1616: 144. – Has anyone compiled as yet: 1. A close to complete bibliography of libertarian-flavoured SF? – 2. An extract of libertarian ideas in SF – abstracts, with references? I’d gladly microfiche such compilations and use them in my own book searches. For comments on books e-mail Charles N. Brown – For comments on stories & questions on the index e-mail William G. Contento

LOE STRACHEY, J. ST., Introduction, 19pp, to ROBERTSON HONEY, SAMUEL, The Referendum Among the English, 1922, in PP 1660: 4.

LOEFFLER, TED, Government, What Should It’s Role Be? 1p: 226, in PP 1572-73. – One of many competitive service providers, all of them hired by volunteers only, who remain free to fire them. – Whatever role its voluntary members want to assign to it – for their own affairs! – J.Z, 8.11.1999.

LOGAN, CHARLES H. & BAST, JOSEPH L., Let private companies run state prisons, 1p, in PP 1730: 13.

LOGAN, CHARLES H., Competition in the Prison Business, THE FREEMAN, 8/85, 8pp, in PP 1755/56: 27. – State franchises to corporations are not the ultimate solution to the prison problem, as is proven by the present and privately run concentration camps in Australia for “illegal immigrants”, which restrict access and publicity and cover up many abuses inside, apart from the inherent abuse of imprisoning innocents. Open coops would be a better approach – for people convicted of crimes with victims. See my essay on private prisons. – J.Z.

LOGSDON, GENE, Amish Economics: A Lesson for the Modern World, 1p: 18, in PP 1569-70.

LONDON, HERBERT, Government Funding for Not Training Doctors: Another Odd Program, THE FREEMAN, 8/97, 2pp, in PP 1764: 13.

LONG, BOB to ZUBE, JOHN, 14 Nov. 1999, 1p, in PP 1609: 57. –

LONG, MIKE, The Mondragon Co-operative Federation: A model for our times, 3pp, in PP 1645-1653: 180. Also in PP 1668/69: 231. From FREEDOM, 13.1.96, Winter 1996. Freedom Press (International), FPI, mailing list:

LONG, LAZARUS & WIEBE, JIM, Does the LPC harbour Tyrants in Waiting? 3pp, in PP 1612: 54.

LONG, LAZARUS & WIEBE, KEN, The Problem of Coerced Liberty, 1996, 4pp, in PP 1612: 15.

LONG, LAZARUS, A Case for Free Markets from an Environmental Perspective, 1996/98, 6pp, in PP 1612: 79.

LONG, LAZARUS, A Critique of Huben’s Non-Libertarian FAQ or Setting Fire to the Largest Collection of Strawmen outside of a Cornfield, 1996/98, 9pp, in PP 1612: 99. – I have never seen a cornfield with several strawmen. Maybe, if it covered square kilometres! – J.Z.

LONG, LAZARUS, An Interim Plan for the Reform of Health Care in Canada, Based on Libertarian Principles,1996, 6pp, in PP 1612: 89.

LONG, LAZARUS, Can a Freeman be Patriotic? 1996/98, 1p, in PP 1612: 58.

LONG, LAZARUS, Communities, Contracts and Libertarianism, 1996/98, 3pp, in PP 1612: 14. –

LONG, LAZARUS, Das “Naturrecht”. Ein philosophisches Argument, begruended durch den Zweck. Nein zur Naturrechtskonzeption, 2 S. , in PP 1617: 47.

LONG, LAZARUS, End the State Subsidization of Canadian Culture, 1996/98, 4pp, in PP 1612: 85.

LONG, LAZARUS, Is Individual Liberty Possible in a Parliamentary Democracy? 1996/98, 4pp, in PP 1612: 50.

LONG, LAZARUS, Let the Chips fall. Why Canada’s Financial Industry must be de-regulated, 6pp, in PP 1612: 27.

LONG, LAZARUS, Libertarianism & the Family: Are they incompatible? 1995/98, 2pp, in PP 1612: 59.

LONG, LAZARUS, Natural Rights: A Philosophical Argument based on “Because”, 1997, 2pp, in PP 1612: 48.

LONG, LAZARUS, Privatise Our Social Welfare System, 1995/98, 6pp, in PP 1612: 72.

LONG, LAZARUS, Public Works? Or Taxpayer Investment by Force? 1995/98. 2pp, in PP 1612: 95.

LONG, LAZARUS, Rebutting the Absurdities, 1996/98, 11 points, 3pp, in PP 1612: 33. – Nothing but an encyclopaedic approach could stock our “intellectual ammunition” department sufficiently. – J.Z.

LONG, LAZARUS, Special Interest Groups and their plundering of the Public Purse, 1994/98, 2pp, in PP 1612: 61. – No public purse, no such plundering! As long as it exists, it is an open invitation to share the loot or to get at least some of one’s own property back. – J.Z.

LONG, LAZARUS, State-Run Welfare Is Ineffective and Unnecessary, 1996/98, 6pp, in PP 1612: 66.

LONG, LAZARUS, The Adventures of Joe Prole or Onward with the Revolution, 5pp, 1997/98, in PP 1612: 43.

LONG, LAZARUS, The Rational Anarchist in Today’s Economy, 1996/98, 2pp, in PP 1612: 37.

LONG, LAZARUS, The Responsible Society, 1994/96, 9pp, in PP 1612: 19.

LONG, LAZARUS, What is Laissez-faire? 1996/98, 2pp, in PP 1612: 39.

LONG, LAZARUS, What Is Social Responsibility? 1996/98, 3pp, in PP 1612: 63.

LONG, LAZARUS, When Liberty Is Defined by Ideologues, 1997, 2pp, in PP 1612: 10

LONG, LAZARUS, Who Is the Rational Anarchist? 1996, Feb. 98 version, 2pp, in PP 1612: 1. – e-mail:

LONG, LAZARUS, Whose Land Is it, anyway? 1995/96, 2pp, in PP 1612: 97.

LONG, LAZARUS, Why Socialism is an Anti-liberty ideology, 2pp, 1996, in PP 1612: 41. – A few of the hundreds of different forms of “socialism” aren’t, e.g. some forms of voluntary and cooperative socialism, which are propertarian and capitalistic and business-like, based upon individual rights, with the potential to turn the majority of productive people into freely cooperating and exchanging capitalists, ending as far as possible the hierarchical system of enterprises and the employer-employee relationships and replacing them with self-management and partnership ones, without any ideological bias, especially not a coercive and egalitarian one. – If we do not automatically treat all socialists as our enemies then we can turn many of them into friends, allies or at least into neutrals – people doing their own things – but only to themselves. – Instead of provoking them unnecessarily, let us rather offer them a more rightful and sensible form of socialism! – Many of them have already become enemies themselves of totalitarian or welfare state socialism. – PIOT, J.Z., 26.2.2000.


LONG, RODERICK T. & JACOBSON, PHILIP, Was the State Inevitable? 10pp: 395, in PP 1601-04.

LONG, RODERICK T. & MONTGOMERY, MARIBEL, Inalienable Rights and Moral Foundations, 8pp: 314, in PP 1601-04.

LONG, RODERICK T., A Plea for Public Property, 7pp: 578, in PP 1601-04.

LONG, RODERICK T., A University Built by the Invisible Hand, 2pp: 331, in PP 1601-04.

LONG, RODERICK T., Anarchy in the U.K. – The English Experience with Private Protection, 2pp: 35, in PP 1568. 2pp: 325, in PP 1601-04.

LONG, RODERICK T., Beyond Patriarchy: A Libertarian Model of the Family, 9pp: 618, in PP 1601-04. – Both, matriarchy and patriarchy – and other forms – can be right, for the participants, as long as they are voluntary. – Robert Heinlein introduced a variety of forms in his S.F. novels, all ultimately for the benefit of the children. – J.Z.

LONG, RODERICK T., Beyond the Boss: Protection from Business in a Free Nation, 4pp: 353, in PP 1601-04.

LONG, RODERICK T., Can We Escape the Ruling Class? 5pp: 375, in PP 1601-04.

LONG, RODERICK T., Defending a Free Nation, 10pp: 37, in PP 1568. – 10pp: 357, in PP 1601-04.

LONG, RODERICK T., Dismantling Leviathan from Within, Part I: Can We? Should We? 7pp: 242; Part II: The Process of Reform, 8pp: 249; Part III: Is Libertarian Political Action Self-Defeating? 7pp: 257; Part IV: The Sons of Brutus, 8pp: 264, in PP 1601-04.

LONG, RODERICK T., Entangling Alliances: For and Against, 6pp: 369, in PP 1601-04.

LONG, RODERICK T., Funding Public Goods: Six Solutions, 4pp: 335, in PP 1601-04.

LONG, RODERICK T., Funding Public Goods: Six Solutions, 4pp: 48, in P 1568.

LONG, RODERICK T., Good and Bad Collective Action. Can We Nourish One and Squelch the Other? 6pp: 338, in PP 1601-04.

LONG, RODERICK T., How Government Solved the Health Care Crisis. Medical Insurance that Worked – Until the Government “Fixed” it, 2pp: 333, in PP 1601-04.

LONG, RODERICK T., Imagineering Freedom: A Constitution of Liberty, Part I: Between Anarchy and Limited Government, 8pp: 57, in PP 1568.

LONG, RODERICK T., Imagineering Freedom: A Constitution of Liberty, Part IV, The Rights of the People, FORMULATIONS, Summer 1995, FNF, 11pp, in PP 1682: 13.

LONG, RODERICK T., In Defense of Public Space, 3pp: 350, in PP 1601-04.

LONG, RODERICK T., Miscellaneous Reflections, 2pp: 348, in PP 1601-04. – Dangerous Rights, Bureau of Sabotage, Theocracy.

LONG, RODERICK T., One Nation, Two Systems: The Doughnut Model, 4pp: 222, in PP 1601-04.

LONG, RODERICK T., Punishment versus Restitution: A Formulation, 4pp: 344, in PP 1601-04.

LONG, RODERICK T., Slavery Contracts and Inalienable Rights: A Formulation, 3pp: 308, in PP 1601-04.

LONG, RODERICK T., The Athenian Constitution: Government by Jury and Referendum, 21pp: 201, in PP 1601-04.

LONG, RODERICK T., The Decline and Fall of Private Law in Iceland, 4pp: 15, in PP 1568. – 4pp: 226, in PP 1601-04.

LONG, RODERICK T., The Libertarian Case Against Intellectual Property Rights, 6pp: 570, in PP 1601-04.

LONG, RODERICK T., The Nature of Law, 2pp: 271. Part II: The Three Functions of Law, 4pp: 273; Part III: Law vs. Legislation, 7pp: 277; Part IV: The Basis of Natural Law, 24pp: 284, in PP 1601-04.

LONG, RODERICK T., The Return of Leviathan: Can We Prevent It? 9pp: 233, in PP 1601-04.

LONG, RODERICK T., Virtual Cantons: A New Path to Freedom? 4pp: 11, in PP 1568. , 4pp, from FORMULATIONS, FNF, Autumn 93, in PP 1689-1693: 332. – Another independent discoverer of the panarchistic freedom option! – J.Z.

LONG, RODERICK T., Who’s The Scrooge? Libertarians and Compassion, 4pp: 230, in PP 1601-04.

LONG, RODERICK T., Why Objective Law Requires Anarchy, 5pp: 327, in PP 1601-04.

LONGEVITY REPORT, See: RIVAZ, JOHN DE to ZUBE, JOHN, 19.3.01, on LONGEVITY REPORT 82, 1p, in PP 1671: 158.

LONGEVITY REPORT, Nos. 53, Dec. 1995 – No. 57, Dec. 1996, 191pp with inserts: 1, in PP 1554/55.

LONGEVITY, AGING: This is no reference to any of the LMP microfiche but just a personal note towards desirable anti-aging research, with an approach that may not yet have been taken. I’m close to 69, most of my head hair is grey by now, with one exception, my eyebrows. There grey or white hairs are few and far-between. My case may not be the only one. What makes these hairs age more slowly? Any genetic, chemical, biological, environmental difference? Research should reveal this difference and thereby supply just one other minor factor on what causes aging and how it might be stopped or reversed. Samples of hair, hair roots and skin would be relatively easy and painlessly to obtain. Research can work now with the smallest particles. Nature left us with this trail. Let us follow it up, if this hasn’t been done already. May be this could be subject for a worthy dissertation? Anyone is invited to pick up this topic. No charge! – J.Z., 28.5.02.

LONGEVITY, See: ANTI-AGING BREAKTHROUGH with Oral HGH 15189, of 16.10.01, , in PP 18, 2nd ed.: 190.

LONGEVITY, See: ART OF LIVING, THE, LONGEVITY ADVERTISEMENT for HGH drops (Human Growth Hormone) Temporarily, they offered free trial drops, 21.1.02. In PP 1731: 124. – A single approach may solve some but certainly not all the problems of aging. Such panacea offers are now part of the electronic junk mail. – Is serious life extention research sufficiently promoted through the Internet? Has it got space for all the relevant research reports, books and periodicals? I believe that CD-ROMs would be much more powerful and economical for this, under present online speeds. – J.Z., 31.5.02.


LOOMIS, MILDRED, Exploitation Via Inflation: An Alternative Constant Currency, 8pp, in PP 1634-1636: 785.

LOOMIS, MILDRED, Moving Into the Front Ranks of Social Change, Complete proceedings of the Labor Day ’73 Conference, Henry George Schools & The School of Living, 1974, rights reserved. by R. Bruce Allison, SOL Press, MILDRED LOOMIS was Chairman. 88pp, in PP 1634-1636: 755.

LOOMIS, MILDRED, One Way to Better Cities, Film Summary, 2pp, in PP 1634-1636: 794.

LOOMIS, MILDRED, Ralph Borsodi & School of Living, 14pp, in PP 1634-1636: 775.

LOOMIS, MILDRED J., Replacing Government with Voluntary Action, 1p, from: Alternative Americas: 221, in PP 1569-70.

LOOMPANICS UNLIMITED, Don’t Miss the Special Articles and Features in our Online Catalog!!! A 2pp list of them, linked, in PP 1677: 200.

LOOMPANICS, Samples of Books from its 2000 Loompanics Online Cat., 55pp, in PP 1664/65: 343. Contents list, by category, 1p: 344. All entries bring summaries or reviews. Recent Events, 2pp: 345.

LOOMPANICS, Self-Publishing, List of 10 titles, flyer only, in PP 1664/65: 359.

LOOMPANICS, Underground Economy Books, 6 titles listed, in PP 1664/65: 352.

LOOMPANICS: Self-Defence, 1p, links to 11 titles, in PP 1664/65: 397.

LOOMPANICS: Self-Sufficiency, 1p, links to 11 titles, in PP 1664/65: 396.

LOPEZ, EDWARD J., A Mad Scramble at 30,000 Feet, THE FREEMAN, 2/00, 3pp, in PP 1766-68: 530, on hand-luggage pricing or “free” services of airlines.

LORSON, PIERRE, Wehrpflicht und Christliches Gewissen,1952, 234 S.: 1, in PP 1586. – The French original appeared in 1950 under the title: Un Chretien peut-il etre Objecteur de Conscience? – Almost half a century has passed and this book is still kept out of print on paper? Why? Any excuse? I finally risk a pirated issue on microfiche. The topic is very important and could, potentially, appeal to hundreds of millions. This is one of the best peace books that I came across early on. My copy is full of underlinings and marginal marks and page references on the blank sheets at the end. I have never seen another copy anywhere else. I do possess the first page of a review of this book by Ulrich von Beckerath. It is are transcribed here and I do hope to find the rest one day in the still unsorted photocopies of Beckerath papers in my collection, when I finally get around to editing them. For now this page in German. Some words are put in italics which U.v.Bth had typed with spacing between the letters, to stress them. My Word 97 goes on strike and “corrects” me when I try that! In this, too, I find it to be incorrigible, so far. – J.Z. – “Herrn Zube, betr.: Pierre Lorson, Mitglied des Jesuitenordens, “Wehrpflicht und christliches Gewissen”. Verlag Josef Knecht, Frankfurt/Main, 1952. (Franzoesisches Original: 1950) – Ein sehr gutes Buch. Jesuiten haben ja manchmal erstaunlich objective Buecher geschrieben, in denen sie sogar die Autoritaet der Paepste ignorierten. Beispiel: Der Graf von Spee schrieb ein Buch, in dem er gegen die Hexenverbrennungen protestierte, nach seinen Erfahrungen als Beichtvater es fuer unwahrscheinlich erklaerte, dass auch nur eine) Schuldige unter den Hexen war, die er zum Scheiterhaufen begleitete, es als fraglich hinstellte, ob es n ueberhaupt Hexerei gaebe (letzteres eine schwere Suende nach der Meinung der Katholischen Kirche) und entging nur durch seinen fruehen Tod (1635 – – geboren war er 1591) der Inquisition. — Man soll niemanden nach seiner Zugehoerigkeit zu einem Kollektive beurteilen, dem viele Zugehoerige Unehre gemacht haben. – – – – – – ——————————————————————————————- – – Eine richtige Auffassung des Problems ergibt sich, wenn man es ohne jede Voreingenommenheit betrachtet, also auch nicht von irgend einer Religion ausgeht. Nimmt man einen religioesen Standpunkt ein, so geraet man leicht in Widersprueche. Beispiel: In den 10 Geboten heisst es nach den meisten Uebersetzungen: “Du sollst nicht toeten”. Der Sinn ist aber: du sollst nicht morden. Mir wurde gesagt, dass die hebraeische Sprache wortarm sei, und fuer verschiedene Begriffe oefters nur ein Wort habe. Der richtige Sinn ergibt sich aus dem Zusammenhang. (Ist auch in hohem Masse im Chinesischen der Fall, vor allem in der gesprochenen Sprache. Die Schriftspache ist wortreicher.) Dass die 10 Gebote aus der einfachen Tatsache, dass der gleiche Jehovah, dem die 10 Gebote zugeschrieben werden, mehrfach selbst Kriege angeordnet hat (wenn man der Bibel glauben will), auch zu einzelnen Schlachten selbst Anordnungen gegeben hat, sogar das Ausmorden ganzer Staedte befohlen hat, wobei nicht einmal die Kinder verschont blieben, ja (wenn man der Bibel glauben will) Luege, Betrug und Unterschlagung angeordnet hat (2. Mos. 3,22). Der Wissenschaftler hat es leichter als der Geistliche, solche Verstoesse gegen die Moral zu erklaeren. Die Wissenschaft nimmt die Juden als das, was sie waren, naemlich als Kinder ihrer Zeit, und dieser Zeit war eine Moral, im christlichen Sinne des Wortes, gegenueber Personen, die nicht zum Stamme gehoerten, fremd. Man lese z.B. in der Odyssee den Bericht des Odysseus, wie er, nachdem er bei der Beuteverteilung nach der Einnahme Trojas seiner Meinung nach nicht genug bekommen hat, einfach eine neutrale Stadt ueberfaellt, naemlich die Hauptstadt der Kikonen, nur um sie auszupluendern. Noch Jahre nachher vergisst Odysseus Traenen darueber, dass er bei den Kikonen an eine ganz falsche Adresse gekommen war; sie verteidigten sich tapfer, und viele Gefaehrten des O. kamen bei dem Raubzug ums Leben. Die Goetter des Homer aber waren, wie oft bemerkt, nicht besser als seine Helden. Der Stammesgott der Juden, so wie … (The Rest is missing still!)

LOSTHORIZONS.COM, Quotes on the Second Amendment, 1p, in PP 1685/86: 180.

LOSTHORIZONS.COM, Welcome to Editorial Commentary, 6pp, in PP 1679: 134, with Bill of Rights & links to articles

LOSTHORIZONS.COM, Welcome, Thunder and Lightning (Quotations) & The Liberty Store, 6pp, in PP 1674: 91. , 2000, (c)

LOUW, LEON, Review Essay of Walter William’s South Africa’s War against Capitalism, 5pp: 25, in PP 1576.

LOVE? LABADIE, LAURANCE, Is Love the Answer? Nov. 7, 1958, 1p, stamped: 60, in PP 1723/24: 202.

LOVINS, AMORY, Natural Capitalism, a lecture, produced by Kirsten Garrett, 28/1/01, 11pp, in PP 1668/69: 239. Supplied by T. Z., inserted here by J.Z. Transcript. Rocky Mountain Institute Excerpts from the Lovins et al book: See the review of his book on Natural Capitalism under: HUTCHINSON, VIVIAN.

LOW LIFE, See: GARNER, AL, Low Life, THE FREEMAN, 7/90, 2pp, in PP 1759/60: 86.

LOW, CAROL B., How Different Are Men and Women? A Response, 2pp: 98, in PP 1601-04.

LOWDERMILK, DALE, How Deep the Pockets? How High the Sky? Tax Time! 1p: 120, in PP 1556. 2pp: 167, in PP 1572-73.- Satire on taxation. – Make the income of all bureaucrats dependent upon earnings from sales of their services, without monopoly powers or claims upon compulsory tax funds. – Panarchism would lead to this. – J.Z., 13.12.99.

LOWELL HARRIS, C., Taxation, Capital Formation, and Progress, 6pp: 7, in PP 1581-82.

LP RELEASE, 31.1.02, Freedom Corps, President Bush’s USA Freedom Corps is a wasteful affront to American ideals, 3pp, in PP 1737/38: 399.


LSR VERLAG, Home Page, 4 S. , in PP 1619/20 248. – LSR steht fuer: La Mettrie, Stirner & Reich. Laska nennt seinen LSR Verlag: “ein paraphilosophisches Projekt nicht in der Zeit, aber – an der Zeit. –

LSR VERLAG, Home Page, in German, 4 S. (LSR stands for LA METRIE, STIRNER & REICH), in PP1613: 1. List of essays online, all German: 3. Links to short introductions in esperanto, interlingua & english: links on 3.

LSR VERLAG, La Mettrie – Stirner – Reich; Diverses, 2 S. , in PP1613: 5.

LUCAS, JAMES L., Invincible Ignorance. How to Reach the Average American, 3pp, in PP 1572-73. – Under panarchism the average American does not have to be reached. And all worthwhile freedom ideas and writings have neither been completely archived nor published and kept in print in all affordable media. In these and many other ways freedom ideas and knowledge and talents have not yet been given their best chances! – J.Z., 8.11.1999.

LUCY PARSONS CENTER, THE, Agitating for Real Democracy for More than 25 Years, 1p, in PP 1696: Upon the address I got the reply: “user unknown”. – J.Z., 15.4.01. Phone: (617) 497-9934. 3 Central Square, Cambridge, MA. (Right across subway stop.)

LUDWIG VON MISES INSTITUTE, Daily Articles, List, Feb. – May 00, 2pp, in PP 1661: 73B.

LUNAR UNDERGROUND WEB RING, Home Page, 4pp, operated by ARTEMIS SOCIETY INTERNATIONAL, 4pp, mainly concerned with the technique for joining their web ring, in PP 1616: 151. – Apparently, they are unable to leave copyrights behind, even if only within their own mind-trips. – There are dozens of futuristic alternative proposals to this legalized monopoly restraint upon the spread of ideas and wordings. Perhaps in one SF story, not copyrighted, all of them should be freely and thoroughly discussed? – J.Z.

LUND, NELSON, The Past and the Future of the Individual’s Right to Arms, 48pp, in PP 1685/86: 284. (c) 1996 GEORGIA LAW REVIEW. Originally: 31 GA. L. Rev. 1-76(1996) I find it absurd to copyright an article in defence of a basic right that is as much infringed as this one is. The widest possible copying and distribution by anyone of such information should be invited and encouraged. Laws and lawyers habitually rather disable than enable – or make a difficult case out of a clearly enough expressed human right. – J.Z., 27.5.01.

LURIO, MITCHELL, Rome Is Burning, 3pp, in PP 1634-1636: 757.

LYCOS DIRECTORY, Society, Politics, Libertarian, Free-Market Libertarianism, Collectivist Libertarianism, Libertarian Party etc., with URL list, 2000, 6pp, in PP 1674: 131. – “Help build the largest human-edited directory on the web. Submit a Site – Open Directory Project – Become an Editor” – Open Directory Project: – Its sites are hand-picked and shortly commented upon by volunteer editors! Rather an open-input and “do-it-yourself”-guide, as I have often proposed. A guide worth visiting, using and supplementing. I still have to look up many of these references. – J.Z., 21.5.01.

LYNCH, ALBERTO BENEGAS, Jr., Toward a Market Monetary System, THE FREEMAN, 1/86, 2pp, in PP 1745-1748: 186.

LYON, ROBERT W., Liberty Seminar, 2pp, in PP 1713-1715: 6. – From: FREEDOM MAGAZINE.