RA Forum, Recherche sur lánarchisme – Research on Anarchism, 2000, 3pp, in PP 1700: 194.

RAAB, EARL, The Anatomy of Nazism. Here only the 10 illustrations that had to be omitted in PP 1242 & 1304: 113-115, in PP 1548.

RACE & CRIME, See: REILAND, RALPH R., Crime and Race, THE FREEMAN, 8/95, 2pp, in PP 1755/56: 122.

RACISM, See: BLOCK, WALTER, Racism: Public and Private, THE FREEMAN, 1/99, 2pp, in PP 1754: 162.

RACISM, See: BERNSTEIN, DAVID, Racial Tensions: The Market is the Solution, THE FREEMAN, 7/89, 3pp, in PP1754: 164. – Only when combined with a free market for volunteer communities, money issues and financial arrangements. The free market requires much more in free market features and practices than most “free marketeers” have so far sufficiently considered. A “limited” territorial government is still a coercive monopolist. – J.Z.

RACISM, See: FLEW, ANTONY, Review of: LEVIN, MICHAEL, Why Race Matters, Praeger, Westport, 415pp, 2pp: 815, in PP 1601-04. – Let it matter to whom it matters. Let’s have all kind of voluntarily segregated racial societies together with all kinds of voluntarily integrated and anti-racist societies. To each his own. Only wrongful compulsion must cease, in this sphere, too. – J.Z.

RADER, RANDALL R., Remonetizing Gold, Again, THE FREEMAN, 9/80, 8pp, in PP 1745-1748: 235.

RADFORD, R. S., Political Accountability & Balanced Budgets, 1p: 54, in PP 1556.

RADFORD, R.S., A Revolution Betrayed: Political Power Comes Full Circle, 7pp: 88, in PP 1557.

RADIATION HAZARD, See: LIBERTARIAN PARTY, Don’t Touch that Dial! Car Radios are 8 times as Deadly as your Cell Phone, 2pp, in PP 1718 – 1721: 767.

RADICAL CAPITALIST, THE, V/1, May 8, 1987, 8pp: 159, in PP 1557.

RADICAL LIBERTARIAN INTERNATIONAL, Home Page, with links, 3pp, in PP 1618: 167.

RADICALS FOR CAPITALISM, For Australian libertarians and classical liberals, online meeting place and chat room, 1p on first exchange, John Humphreys and members. Founded Sept. 11, 1999, 11 members and 958 page views, in PP 1611: 156. – I have not yet participated in any anarchist or libertarian chat room. How can one find the time to do so? – J.Z.

RADNITZKY, GERARD, Das Weinwunder – antik, biblisch und “updated”, 2 S., in PP 1625: 55.

RADNITZKY, GERARD, Demokratie, eine Begriffsanalyse, 6 S. , in PP 1617: 72.

RADNITZKY, GERARD, Zum Hintergrund des Balkankrieges, 3 S.: 224, in PP 1588.

RAGG, MARK, Let’s drink to a longer life for $ 5,700, 1p, SMH 7.8.00, on positive results of moderate alcohol consumption. In PP 1630: 69. – Is it harmless or beneficial for brain cells, too? – J.Z.

RAICO, RALPH, The Place of Mises’ Liberalism, 2pp, in PP 1751/52: 51.

RAICO, RALPH, The Rise, Fall, and Renaissance of Classical Liberalism, Part I, 1992, 3pp, in PP 1615: 170. – FUTURE OF FREEDOM FOUNDATION, FREEDOM DAILY ESSAYS.

RAILWAYS, See: SENESE, DONALD J., Privatizing Japan’s Railroads, THE FREEMAN, 6/87, 5pp, in PP 1766-68: 39.

RAILWAYS, See: YOUNG, ANTHONY, The Little Railroad that Could, THE FREEMAN, May 92, 4pp, in PP 1766-68: 282. – The author did not sufficiently mention that this railway got extra Federal police protection against sabotage and other violent criminal acts by fanatic unionists – because NASA needed this railway line. Other lines were terrorized, legislated or regulated into submission or bankruptcy. – J.Z., 21.5.02. – The use of explosives, murder, blackmail, arson, sabotage, violence, terrorism and corruption in union “activities” or anti-industrial warfare or “class warfare” has not yet been sufficiently recorded and publicized. Is there a trait of despotism & tyranny that they haven’t practised as yet? And all this in the pursuit of their ill conceived notions of a “right to work” and to “fair” wages – and of the “protection” of labor. They are, like crime syndicates, small scale competitors to territorial States. – J.Z., 3.6.02.

RAIMONDO, JUSTIN, American Fascism with a Human Face, A New Look for the New Right, 7pp: 76, in PP 1579-80.

RAIMONDO, JUSTIN, Ayn Rand Rediscovered, 4pp: 231, in PP 1579-80.

RAIMONDO, JUSTIN, The American Paradox. World Politics and the Prospects for Liberty, 5pp: 111, in PP 1579-80.

RAIMONDO, JUSTIN, The Crash of ’87 and the Crisis of the West, 4pp: 40, in PP 1579-80.

RAIMONDO, JUSTIN, The LP in the Eighties: The Politics of Sectarianism, 6pp: 1, in PP 1579-80.

RAMPART COLLEGE NEWSLETTER, 4 Samples: Dec. 15, 1967, Jan. 15, 1968, Feb. 15, 1968 & June 15, 1968, 16pp, in PP 1716: 41.

RAINBOW BRIDGE FOUNDATION, Agora Home Page, 4pp, with many links: 401 in PP 1577-78. – Website authored by Tony Hollick, 1997, – e-mail:

RALSTON, WILLIAM H., The Powers that Be, 6pp: 199, in PP 1581-82.

RAMPART COLLEGE, Circulars, Jan. 1971 – August 1971; Nov. 1972 & Dec. 1972; & Oct. 1973, 113pp: 70, in PP 1558.

RAMPART COLLEGE, Introductory pamphlet, 30pp: 88, in PP 1585.

RAMPART COLLEGE, Leaflets, 7 pages, including 2 short essays: The Forgotten Factor & How A Man Thinks, no date: 113B, in PP 1549.

RAMPART COLLEGE, THE FREEDOM SCHOOL, Newsletter, 1966 – 67, incomplete, 64pp: 58, in PP 1586. – III/2, Feb. 15, 1966; III/3, March 15, 1966; III/4, April 15, 1966; III/5, May 15, 1966; III/8, August 15, 1966; III/9, September 15, 1966; III/10, October 15, 1966; III/11, November 15, 1966; III/12, December 15, 1966; IV/1, January 15, 1967; IV/2, February 15, 1967; IV/3, March 15, 1967; IV/4, April 15, 1967; IV/5, May 15, 1967; IV/7, July 15, 1967; IV/11, November 15, 1967.

RAMPART INDIVIDUALIST, Santa Ana, Rampart Institute, Vol. 4 No. 2, combined with Vol. 5, No. 1, 1988, 50 pp, in PP 1634-1636: 659. A special double edition, containing: HUMMEL, JEFFREY ROGERS, The American Militia & The Origin of Conscription: A Reassessment, 48pp.

RAMPART INDIVIDUALIST, Fullerton, I/1&2, Winter & Spring 1981 – I/4, Fall 1983; II/2, Winter 1984; III/1, Spring 1985; III/2, Winter 1985; IV/1, Winter 1987, 300pp: 1-150, in PP 1557.

RAMPART INSTITUTE, General Educational Catalog, 16pp: 151, in PP 1557. – Received from Lawrence Samuels in 1996.

RAMPART INSTITUTE, The New Renaissance, 1982, 2pp leaflet, in PP 1698: 138.

RAMUS, PIERRE, 1882-1942, 2pp, in PP 1739: 62, bibliography, links. – ANTI-AUTHORITARIAN ENCYCLOPAEDIA.

RAND, AYN, See: ANONYMOUS, Ayn Rand Goes to Washington, 2pp: 49, in PP 1579-80.

RAND, AYN, See: CRANE, ED, Ayn Rand and the Libertarian Party, 3pp: 391, in PP 1565-67.

RAND, AYN, See: FREE RADICAL, THE, Feminist Interpretation of Ayn Rand: The Debate Continues, 2pp, in PP 1607/8: 384.

RAND, AYN, See: FRIEDMAN, DAVID, Some Problems with Ayn Rand’s Derivation of Ought from Is, 3pp, in PP 1711/12: 25.

RAND, AYN, See: FULL CONTEXT & other articles in PP 1681.

RAND, AYN, See: HAMMER, RICHARD O., Review of Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand, 2pp: 149, in PP 1601-04.

RAND, AYN, See: LICHTSCHLAG, ANDRE F., Ayn Rand: Wer ist John Galt? 1 S. , in PP 1617: 26.

RAND, AYN, See: MADDEN, RUSSELL, Ayn Rand, Philosopher for a New Millennium? 4pp, THE LAISSEZ FAIRE CITY TIMES (TLFCT), Feb. 7, 2000, in PP 1684: 70.

RAND, AYN, See: MEINERS, JENS P., Ayn Rand. Eine freiheitliche Dogmatikerin, 2 S. , in PP 1617: 93.

RAND, AYN, See: MICHEL, CHRISTIAN, Unexpected Illustrations of Ayn Rand’s Philosophy of Aesthetics, 1998, 15pp, in PP 1705: 17.

RAND, AYN, See: NELSON, WAYNE SCOTT, In Thinking Protest: An Open Letter to Ayn Rand, 2pp: 7, in PP 1565-67. – Against her government. notions. – ROLLINS, LOUIS, On “The Nature of Government”: An Open Letter to Ayn Rand, 1p, in PP 1565-67. – Against her notions on government. – Like Child’s and my article, they remained unanswered by A.R.! – J.Z.

RAND, AYN, See: RAIMONDO, JUSTIN, Ayn Rand Rediscovered, 4pp: 231, in PP 1579-80.

RAND, AYN, See: ROLLINS, LOUIS, An Open Letter to Ayn Rand, Regarding Vietnam, Foreign Policy, War and Morality, 2pp: 79, in PP 1565-67.

RAND, AYN, See: SCIABARRA, CHRIS, Ayn Rand – The Russian Radical, 6pp, in PP 1618: 90.

RAND, AYN, See: STANTON EVANS, M., The Gospel according to Ayn Rand, NATIONAL REVIEW, Oct. 3, 1967, 5pp: 98, in PP 1551.

RAND, AYN, Special issue of FRAGMENTS, in PP 1564.

RAND, AYN, What Are Man’s Rights, 3 paragraphs from her “Man’s Rights”, 1963, put online by 1996, seeking comments. 1/2p, in PP 1679: 179.

RARICK, HOHN R., You’ve a Right to Know! 3pp, in PP 1713-1715: 69. – From: FREEDOM MAGAZINE.

RASMUSSEN, DOUGLAS B., Rights, Law, and Morality, THE FREEMAN, 9/90, 4pp, in PP 1754: 124

RASPBERRY, WILLIAM, A Journalist’s View of Black Economics, IMPRIMIS, 3/90, 7pp, in PP 1755/56: 374.

RATIONAL ANARCHIST BBS, Frequently Asked Questions on Rational Anarchism, 2pp, in PP 1612: 6. – e-mail see L. Long.

RATIONAL ANARCHIST BBS, List of available files, daily updated, hint only, 1p, in PP 1612: 18. – To get a zipped list send e-mail to: with the word INDEX in the first line.

RATIONAL ANARCHIST, THE, Links to Liberty, 1998, 2pp, in PP 1612: 110.

RATIONAL ANARCHIST, THE, Essays on Liberty from Classic and Modern Libertarian Writers, 1p, in PP 1612: 109. – Guides in its 1996 version only to 9 such essays. How many essays would there be in a complete list? – J.Z.

RATIONAL ANARCHIST, THE, Essays on Liberty from Libertarian & Anarcho-Capitalist Perspectives, 2pp, in PP 1612: 7. – Only list of articles online. Contact: Lazarus Long.

RATIONAL ANARCHIST, THE, Home Page, 1p, in PP 1612: 3. –

RATIONAL ANARCHIST, THE, Political Satire and “off the wall” Commentary, 1p, 1997, in PP 1612: 112.

RATIONAL ANARCHIST, THE, Signs of Liberty: Personal Declarations of Liberty, 1p, in PP 1612: 9. – Copyrighted, although it just contains the image of 3 car bumper stickers. Compare the beginnings of my SLOGANS FOR LIBERTY encyclopaedia, of which the first 4 volumes are out, on 4 LMP microfiche, A-D. – J.Z. – seeks more such contributions.

RATIONAL ANARCHIST, THE, Unnamed file: List of liberty related books from LAISSEZ FAIRE BOOKS, 1 page only, in PP 1612: 108. – How long would a complete list be? Should it be confined to print on paper titles and recent ones only? – J.Z.

RATIONING, See: READ, LEONARD E., When Rationing Comes, THE FREEMAN, 7/71, 5pp, in PP 1761-63: 344.

RATIONING, See: SAFLAIA, ITI, Review, 1p, of: SPIERS, JOHN, The Realities of Rationing; “Priority Setting” in the NHS, IEA, 1999, 156pp, in PP 1708-1710: 480.

RAUCH, JONATHAN, Eternal Life. Why government programs won’t die. REASON ONLINE, from REASON Aug/Sep. 96, 5pp, in PP 1679: 65. and a link to the author’s book: Demosclerois

RAUTH, ROBERT K., Jr., The Myth of Cultural Imperialism, THE FREEMAN, 11/88, 8pp, in PP 1766-68: 254.

RAVEN, THE, Anarchist Quarterly, Contents indication of issues 1-40, 1p, in PP 1732: 136.

RAVENAL, EARL, Foreign Policy Determines Real Cost of Defense, 1p: 133, in PP 1589-94. – Any foreign policy based upon territorialism, taxation & inflationism is a war policy and very costly. – J.Z., 10.11.99.

RAVENAL, EARL, Foreign Policy Determines Real Cost of Defense, 2pp: 142, in PP 1572-73. – Who calculated how little it would cost and risk if it were based upon panarchistic practices and aims? – J.Z.

RAVENSCROFT, IAN, Danger: A Lesson from Language, THE FREEMAN, 7/84, 4pp, in PP 1754: 3.

RAVENSCROFT, IAN, Danger: A Lesson from Language, THE FREEMAN, 7/84, 4pp, in PP 1754: 3.

RAWLES, TOM & LINDA, Can a Christian Be a Libertarian? 1999, 5pp, in PP 1705: 196.

RAY, EL & GATHERER, NAOMI, Opting Out. Your Secret Place, 2pp: 128, in PP 1565-67.

RAYMOND, ERIC S., The Libertarianism FAQ, 2,000, 6pp, in PP 16 & 17, 2nd edition: 361,

RAYMOND, ERIC S., The Libertarianism FAQ, 2000, 6pp, in PP 1676: 162.

RAYSON, ANTHONY & GAMBONE, LARRY: Letters, pro & con, on militias, 1p, in PP 1630: 19.

RAYO, A Case for Non-Coercion Based on Rational Self-Interest, 4pp: 300, in PP 1565-67. – “This article was prompted by and is in part a reply to Every Man for Himself”, by Krista Xerinye & N. Strakon, in INVICTUS 15.

READ, HERBERT, Freedom – Is It A Crime? The Strange Case of the Three Anarchists Jailed at the Old Bailey, April 1945. Two Speeches by Herbert Read, foreword by E. Silverman, published by the Freedom Press Defence Committee, June 1945, 14pp: 109, in PP 1550.

READ, LEONARD E., A Conservationist Looks at Freedom, THE FREEMAN, 11/70, 6pp, in PP 1761-63: 356.

READ, LEONARD E., A Word for Skepticism, 3pp: 388, in PP 1581-82.

READ, LEONARD E., Adrift and Without Compass, 3pp, in PP 1713-1715: 106. – From: FREEDOM MAGAZINE.

READ, LEONARD E., Am I Constantly Correcting? THE FREEMAN, 6/71, 4pp, in PP 1761-63: 349.

READ, LEONARD E., An American Mirage, 4pp: 67, in PP 1560.

READ, LEONARD E., Another Blow for Freedom, 4pp: 179, in PP 1560.

READ, LEONARD E., Attuned to Freedom, 4pp: 51, in PP 1560.

READ, LEONARD E., Anything That’s Peaceful – Penalty of Surrender, THE FREEMAN, 3/98, 5pp, in PP 1761-63: 373.

READ, LEONARD E., Anything That’s Peaceful – White Magic, THE FREEMAN, 1/98, 2pp, in PP 1761-63: 378.

READ, LEONARD E., Articles, list, 1p, of his articles put online by LIBERTYHAVEN.COM, in PP 1761-63: 292. – You can find even more of his writings and most of his books on my microfiche. I look forward to seeing, finally, all of his writings and all those published by FEE and pushed by FEE, on a single CD-ROM, or, maybe, two of them. I believe he only experimented with long-playing records and audio cassettes and managed to get THE FREEMAN microfilmed through University Microfilm, which, naturally, did not push this publication much. Neither did FEE push this option or ever discussed it, to my knowledge. Mentioning the availability of THE FREEDOM on microfilm was not good enough to induce many people to buy these editions. – He argued so extensively, persistently and skilfully for many other freedom options. Why not for microfilms? And why did not his successors argue for and utilize CD-ROMs? One of the great riddles of our times! Imagine how much in freedom literature FEE could have produced with microfilm and CD-ROM! – And how widely it could have spread such freedom libraries over the world. Now it owns and runs LAISSEZ FAIRE BOOKS as well. Will it continue to ride the “paper tiger”? – J.Z.

READ, LEONARD E., Book titles, as shortly announced by FEE, when they appeared, in 2pp each, usually including the contents list, 32pp, in PP 1631-1633: 531. – All of them, have been microfiched by LMP, together with some other titles by L.E. Read. See the LMP list on the Web. FEE has begun to “mine” the back issues of THE FREEDOM, by anthologies on special subjects. What it still has to produce is e.g. the collected works of several of its major writers, at least on cheap alternative media, and its total output, on microfiche, floppies and CD-ROMs, which it could do, at prices much below its already low paper publishing prices. Furthermore, it should not leave the publication of THE FREEMAN on microfilm to a disinterested commercial microfilm publisher but, rather, take this into its own hands, using some reliable micrographic service bureau as its “printer”. At prices made possible by alternative media even some small freedom groups in underdeveloped countries could afford all the output of FEE and other freedom organizations and individuals.

READ, LEONARD E., Castles in the Air, THE FREEMAN, 11/74, 3pp, in PP 1761-63: 362. (Author not mentioned!)

READ, LEONARD E., Comes the Dawn, 3pp: 37, in PP 1560.

READ, LEONARD E., Dependence and Independence, 2pp: 135, in PP 1560.

READ, LEONARD E., Doing What Is Right, 4pp: 175, in PP 1560.

READ, LEONARD E., Don’t Throw Out the Baby! , THE FREEMAN, 5/70, 5pp, in PP 1761-63: 390.

READ, LEONARD E., Economics for Boys and Girls, 3pp: 400, in PP 1581-82.

READ, LEONARD E., Emphasize the Positive, 4pp: 71, in PP 1560.

READ, LEONARD E., Eruptions of Truth, 4pp: 59, in PP 1560.

READ, LEONARD E., Every Person Should Be Free, 1954, THE FREEMAN, 11/83, 1p, in PP 1761-63: 389. – A Human Rights Draft. He should also be free to become as unfree as he wants to be. And is every criminal with victims a “person” in his sense and should he be free or freed? – J.Z., 1. & 10.5.02.

READ, LEONARD E., Evil Begun, Rarely Undone, 4pp: 470, in PP 1565-67.

READ, LEONARD E., FAITH: The Leaven of Liberty, 3pp: 91, in PP 1560.

READ, LEONARD E., Fear Smallness, Not Bigness, THE FREEMAN, 7/69, 2pp, in PP 1761-63: 387. – Neither are absolute values. Both are suitable in some cases and unsuitable in others. The world market constitutes the biggest business system – and yet it serves individuals well, the more so the more free it is, also for all kinds of decentralist demands and offers. – J.Z., 1.5.02.

READ, LEONARD E., Finding Words for Common Sense, 3pp: 21, in PP 1560.

READ, LEONARD E., For the Good of Others, 4pp: 155, in PP 1560.

READ, LEONARD E., Free Market Economics, 2pp: 25, in PP 1560.

READ, LEONARD E., Freedom’s Theory of Value, 1p, in PP 1713-1715: 180, adapted from the October 1967 essay in THE FREEMAN. – From: FREEDOM MAGAZINE.

READ, LEONARD E., Getting Rid of Communism, 3pp: 392, in PP 1581-82. – Start with its central banks – everywhere! – J.Z.

READ, LEONARD E., Glory Be! , THE FREEMAN, 12/90, 3pp, in PP 1761-63: 384.

READ, LEONARD E., Good Friends: Good Books, 1p, introducing writings by Hayek and Mises on Socialism, altogether 3pp: 167, in PP 1560.

READ, LEONARD E., Good News! 3pp: 131, in PP 1560.

READ, LEONARD E., How to Be Like Socrates, 4pp: 466, in PP 1565-67.

READ, LEONARD E., How to Gain Liberty, THE FREEMAN, 1/86, 3pp, in PP 1761-63: 380.

READ, LEONARD E., I, Pencil, THE FREEMAN, 12/58, with remarks by Milton Friedman & Reed Larson, THE FREEMAN, 5/96, 6pp, in PP 1761-63: 438.

READ, LEONARD E., I, Pencil. My Family Tree as Told to (? whom? – J.Z.), IMPRIMIS, 12/83, 5pp, in PP 1761-63: 433.

READ, LEONARD E., Idolizing Error, 4pp: 43, in PP 1560.

READ, LEONARD E., If Men Were Free to Try, 2pp, in PP 1655, 1950’s, in the version of READER’S DIGEST, June 1954: 21. – Alas, Read never favoured freedom for all to try alternative experiments, at their own risk and expense, on the basis of personal laws, practised within volunteer communities, that are only exterritorially autonomous (panarchies) – in free competition even with the supposedly ideal limited government that he favoured. Experimental freedom only within the framework of limited governments does not go far enough. The statists want and need other experiments for themselves! – Let them have their utopias. Nothing else will teach them faster! – PIOT, J.Z., 5.10.00.

READ, LEONARD E., Intelligent Curiosity, 3pp: 450, in PP 1565-67.

READ, LEONARD E., Introduction to: CARSON, Dr., World in the Grip of an Idea, , with extracts, 4pp: 127, in PP 1560.

READ, LEONARD E., Is There Time Enough? 3pp: 79, in PP 1560.

READ, LEONARD E., Let there Be Light 3pp: 412, in PP 1581-82.

READ, LEONARD E., Little Things: The Seeds of Progress, 3pp: 119, in PP 1560.

READ, LEONARD E., Looking Out for Yourself, 4pp: 171, in PP 1560.

READ, LEONARD E., Loot, 4pp: 83, in PP 1560.

READ, LEONARD E., Man’s Mobility, June 1991, 1/2 page, taken from his book “Accent on the Right, 1968, in PP 1679: 64. – Note that here Read did not claim freedom to migrate, i.e., the right to settle, by private contracts, in another country, but merely the right to “uninhibited travel and the free movement of his goods and services”. – How can FFF claim copyrights to some paragraphs from Read? – J.Z., 12.5.01. – Copyrights means that information may not travel and settle freely and may not be freely multiplied and traded with, without legalized permission by its original owner, no matter how important it is and how necessary for general enlightenment! – No more passport and visa requirements for information and ideas! The originator does not only want to sell it once but x times, over decades! Goods and services cannot be endlessly multiplied with minimal costs. Information and ideas can be, and should be! – J.Z. 24.5.01.

READ, LEONARD E., Memo on Aims, Activities, Methods, FEE, 4pp, 1972, in PP 1630: 195.

READ, LEONARD E., Off the Beaten Track, THE FREEMAN, 7/72, 3pp, in PP 1761-63: 405.

READ, LEONARD E., On Being My Own Man, 3pp: 17, in PP 1560.

READ, LEONARD E., On That Day Began Lies, 21pp: 67, in PP 1549.

READ, LEONARD E., Onward, 3pp: 87, in PP 1560.

READ, LEONARD E., Opportunities Unlimited, 3pp: 55, in PP 1560.

READ, LEONARD E., Our Times Demand Statesmen! 4pp: 107, in PPREAD, LEONARD E., Progress, The Flower of Freedom, 2pp from THE INDIAN LIBERTARIAN, September 1, 1966, in PP 1716: 93. – 1560. – Rather Anti-Statesmen! – J.Z.

READ, LEONARD E., Read’s Law, THE FREEMAN, 10/69, 3pp, in PP 1761-63: 402.

READ, LEONARD E., Reading and Writing, 3pp: 99, in PP 1560.

READ, LEONARD E., Regardless of Choice, Vote! , THE FREEMAN, 11/98, 5pp, in PP 1761-63: 397.

READ, LEONARD E., Righteousness Leads to Happiness, 2pp: 153, in PP 1560.

READ, LEONARD E., See: GREAVES, BETTINA BIEN, Leonard E. Read, Crusader, THE FREEMAN, 9/98, 6pp, in PP 1761-63: 293. – SENNHOLZ, MARY, Leonard Read, the Founder & Builder, THE FREEMAN, 5/96, 8pp, in PP 1761-63: 300. – OPITZ, EDMUND A., Leonard E. Read: A Portrait, THE FREEMAN, 9/98, 5pp, in PP 1761-63: 307. – HELLER, ESLER G., Government: An Ideal Concept – Leonard Read’s Formula for Freedom, THE FREEMAN, 8/97, 8pp, in PP 1761-63: 312. – BARGER, MELVIN D., From Leonard Read: A Legacy of Principles, THE FREEMAN, 5/96, 6pp, in PP 1761-63: 320. – HORNBERGER, JACOB G., Leonard Read Changed My Life, THE FREEMAN, 9/88, 2pp, in PP 1761-63: 326. – FEE, BOARD OF TRUSTEES, Memorial Resolution, THE FREEMAN, 11/83, 2pp, in PP 1761-63: 329, upon Read’s death.

READ, LEONARD E., Sisyphus, THE FREEMAN, 6/73, 2pp, in PP 1761-63: 395.

READ, LEONARD E., So Highly Endowed, 4pp: 115, in PP 1560.

READ, LEONARD E., Speak for Yourself, John, THE FREEMAN, 5/71, 4pp, in PP 1761-63: 365.

READ, LEONARD E., Statism and Goodness, 4pp: 149, in PP 1560.

READ, LEONARD E., Strive for the Simple Life, THE FREEMAN, 3/74, 3pp, in PP 1761-63: 353.

READ, LEONARD E., Students of Liberty, 2pp: 187, in PP 1560.

READ, LEONARD E., Thank God for the Mess We’re In, THE FREEMAN, 3/74, 3pp, in PP 1761-63: 333.

READ, LEONARD E., The Best Audience Is One! THE FREEMAN, 7/69, 4pp, in PP 1761-63: 429. – Yes, if it is an audience, i.e., if he really listens and is rationally critical as well. – J.Z.

READ, LEONARD E., The Blessings of Adversity, 3pp: 478, in PP 1565-67.

READ, LEONARD E., The First Order of Business, 3pp: 163, in PP 1560.

READ, LEONARD E., The Freedom Freeway, 3pp: 103, in PP 1560.

READ, LEONARD E., The Glory of Work, 4pp: 474, in PP 1565-67.

READ, LEONARD E., The Greatest Game in Life, 4pp: 9, in PP 1560.

READ, LEONARD E., The Happy Libertarian, 3pp: 408, in PP 1581-82.

READ, LEONARD E., The Heritage We Owe Our Children, 4pp: 47, in PP 1560.

READ, LEONARD E., The Influence of Robin Hood, 3pp: 406, in PP 1581-82.

READ, LEONARD E., The Material: A Source of Life, 4pp: 29, in PP 1560.

READ, LEONARD E., The Meek Shall Inherit the Earth, 2pp: 482, in PP 1565-67.

READ, LEONARD E., The Penalty of Surrender, 11pp: 73, in PP 1549.

READ, LEONARD E., The Plight of Righteousness, 4pp: 454, in PP 1565-67.

READ, LEONARD E., The Point of Cure, 4pp: 33, in PP 1560.

READ, LEONARD E., The Police: Friend or Foe? THE FREEMAN, 2/75, 4pp, in PP 1761-63: 425. – It quite depends – upon whether it defends your rights or attacks them! R. came to the same conclusion – at the bottom of sheet 525. – J.Z.

READ, LEONARD E., The Rare Moment, THE FREEMAN, 7/74, 4pp, in PP 1761-63: 337.

READ, LEONARD E., The Sanctifying of Plunder, THE FREEMAN, 4/74, 3pp, in PP 1761-63: 330.

READ, LEONARD E., The School of Mankind, THE FREEMAN, 9/75, 3pp, in PP 1761-63: 422.

READ, LEONARD E., The Security of Freedom, 3pp: 123, in PP 1560.

READ, LEONARD E., The Something-For-Nothing Syndrome, 6pp: 25, in PP 1581-82. . – But consider the enormous cheapness of some alternative media, which almost offer something for nothing and are, nevertheless, not correspondingly popular! – J.Z. The same, from: IMPRIMIS, 12/76, 7pp, in PP 1761-63: 415.

READ, LEONARD E., Thoughts for Today, Extracts from his quotation compilation called: “The Free Man’s Almanac”, 4pp: 5, in PP 1560.

READ, LEONARD E., Thoughts Rule the World, 2pp: 141, in PP 1560.

READ, LEONARD E., Thoughts: Fountain of Our Destiny, 4pp: 63, in PP 1560.

READ, LEONARD E., Time-Lapse Thinking, THE FREEMAN, 12/73, 2pp, in PP 1761-63: 341.

READ, LEONARD E., To Abdicate or Not …, THE FREEMAN, 9/71, 3pp, in PP 1761-63: 412.

READ, LEONARD E., To Tolerate or Not? 4pp: 95, in PP 1560.

READ, LEONARD E., to ZUBE, JOHN, June 13, 1978, 1p, in PP 1655: Behind its contents listing!

READ, LEONARD E., Unearned Riches, 4pp: 159, in PP 1560.

READ, LEONARD E., Unscrambling Socialism, November 1964, 3pp: 384, in PP 1581-82. – It has still not been unscrambled because individuals have not been freed to unscramble it for themselves. Worst instances: Central Banking, Protectionism and Territorialism.- However, not every liberty is outlawed. For instance, businesslike coops could be established, existing enterprises could be bought, on suitable terms, by their employees, governments could be expropriated by the citizens (see PP 19) and freedom lovers could publish all their freedom writings permanently and cheaply on microfiche, floppy disks and online. Nevertheless, it remains very hard to talk them into any such actions. – An Ideas Archive for freedom ideas, i.e., a proper market for them is missing. – PIOT, J.Z., 9.11.1999.

READ, LEONARD E., Voices in the Wilderness, 3pp: 458, in PP 1565-67.

READ, LEONARD E., What We Can Learn from a Communist, 3pp: 396, in PP 1581-82.

READ, LEONARD E., When Rationing Comes, THE FREEMAN, 7/71, 5pp, in PP 1761-63: 344.

READ, LEONARD E., When Wishes Become Rights, 3pp: 195, in PP 1560.

READ, LEONARD E., Who Is a Teacher? 4pp: 1, in PP 1560.

READ, LEONARD E., Why Freedom Is Not Trusted, 4pp, NOTES FROM FEE, March 1970, in PP 1630: 191.

READ, LEONARD E., Why the President Said No, 3pp: 145, in PP 1560. – On the vetoes of Grover Cleveland.

READ, LEONARD E., Wizardry, 4pp: 13, in PP 1560.

READ, LEONARD E., Won by One, 3pp: 75, in PP 1560.

READ, LEONARD E., Ye of Little Faith, 4pp: 462, in PP 1565-67.

READ, LEONARD E., You Rascal, You! , THE FREEMAN, 11/72, 4pp, in PP 1761-63: 408.

REAGAN, RONALD & KIRKPATRICK, JEANE & ROCHE, GEORGE C., Reagan, Kirkpatrick, and Roche on the Authentic Revolution, IMPRIMIS, 5/84, 11pp, in PP 1754: 142.

REAGAN, RONALD, A Time for Choosing, aka The Speech, 1p, in PP 1678: 110.

REAGAN, RONALD, First Inaugural Address, Jan. 20th, 1981, 3pp, in PP 1678: 111.

REAGAN, RONALD, Quotes, 4pp, in PP 1678: 124.

REAGAN, RONALD, Speech at the Westminster College Cold War Memorial, 1990, 3pp, in PP 1678: 120.

REAGAN, RONALD, Speech to America, March 31, 1976, 5pp, in PP 1678: 115.

REAGAN, RONALD, The Ronald Reagan Home Page, Speeches, introductory page, 1p, in PP 1678: 109.

REALITY ZONE, Home Page, 2pp, , in PP 1676: 123. (c), n.d.,

REAM, NORMAN S., The Law that Makes Us Free, 3pp: 199, in PP 1560.

REAM, ROGER, The Assault on Free Choice, THE FREEMAN, 3/81, 3pp, in PP 1766-68: 430.

REASON EXPRESS, Feb. 5, 02, REASON’s e-mail newsletter, 6pp in PP 1737/38: 405. – Email address:

REASON EXPRESS, Weekly e-newsletter, sample of May 1, 2001, IV/18, 6pp, in PP 1718 – 1721: 746.

RECHT VOOR ALLEN, Orgaan voor Socialisme zonder staat, 115 pp of samples on hand: 1-115, in PP 1597. – The print is very small and my Dutch shines by its absence, so I did not try many manual corrections of flawed printing or photocopying. – Furthermore, since I have no Dutch customers, I did not bother to list the articles, either. – If you want to supply an index to these samples, please do, I would fiche it. Better still, if you have access to it, get the whole set microfiched, indexed and worthwhile articles translated into a major language. – J.Z., 12.11.99. Issues: XX/566, Sep. 64; XX/568, Oct. 64; XX/574, Jan. 65; XX/582, Mei 65; XX/556, Juni 65; XXI/587, Juli 65; XXI/588, 7 Aug. 65; XXI/589, 21 Aug. 65; XXI/593, Oct. 65; XXI/608, Mei 66; XXI/610, Juni 66; XXII/623, Dec. 66; XXII/624, Jan. 67; XXII/628, 4 Maart 67; XXII/629, 18 Maart 67; XXII/633, Mei 67; XXII/635, Juni 67.

RECHT VOOR ALLEN, RA, No. 2, 1976, 46pp: 142, in PP 1576. – Articles in Dutch and thus not listed. – J.Z.

RECIPROCIA PAGES, Home Page, books by Richard G. Rieben, with links, 6pp, in PP 1679: 70.

RED & BLACK BOOK PROJECT, 19pp, in PP 1717: 136. – On a project to produce and give away cheap photocopied anarchist texts. – It would be more sensible to reproduce them very cheaply and sell them very cheaply on microfiche, floppy disks and CD-ROMs. – J.Z. – ZUBE, JOHN to RED & BLACK BOOK PROJECT, 26.7.01, 3pp: 136. Could not be delivered to the given e-mail address, which is disabled or discontinued. – The URL list on sheet 140 indicates where at least some of their texts can be found online. I tried to interest them in the CD-ROM option, as being much cheaper and easier than photocopying. – Well, at least they put some texts online, not only on photocopies. Sooner or later they may appear on CD-ROMs as well. Whoever is interested in more than a few anarchist pages or books will find this to be his presently most economical publishing and reading option. – I have photocopied many hundreds of books – and do not recommend it, as a chore or expense, to anyone, unless, like me, he will use the photocopies to reproduce the books in one cheap alternative medium or the other. J.Z. – 30.5.02.

RED & BLACK REVOLUTION, Freedom & Revolution, from issue 1 Oct. 1994, 12pp, in PP 1701: 181.

RED CHINA, See: See: NOCK, ALBERT J., The Criminal State, from H.L. Mencken’s AMERICAN MERCURY, March 1939, 4pp, in PP 1607/8: 3. Also my note in the entry after NOCK… – J.Z.

RED INDIANS, See: BANDOW, DOUG, Native American Success Stories, THE FREEMAN, 4/98, 3pp, in PP 1757/58: 95, on Red Indians. – ADAMSON, MICHAEL, Native Americans: Victims of Bureaucracy, THE FREEMAN, 12/87, 6pp, in PP 1757/58: 98.

RED INDIANS, See: YEAGLEY, DAVID A., Indian Sovereignty in America, Jan. 14, 2002, 2pp, in PP 16 & 17, 2nd edition: 285, – He, too, has not yet considered exterritorial sovereignty & personal law. – J.Z.

RED LION PRESS, Publications List – Fall 1996, 3pp: 191, in PP 1600.

REDBEARD, RAGNAR, See: QUESTION MARK COLLECTIVE, Arthur Redmond – Ragnar Redbeard and “Might Is Right”, 2pp, in PP 16 & 17, 2nd edition: 336. – A Takver’s initiative

REDEMPTION, BY RARE METALS, FOR CURRENCIES? See: LABADIE, LAURANCE, On a Redemption Provision for Credit (Paper) Money, Nov. 6, 1948, 1p, in PP 1723/24: 142. – LABADIE, LAURANCE, Should Paper Money be Redeemable? Oct. 8, 1949, 1p, with comments by J.Z. , in PP 1723/24: 143.

REDEMPTIONISM INTO RARE METALS, See: CONVERTIBILITY, See: WOLFRAM, GARY, A Note on Converting the Ruble, THE FREEMAN, 1/91, 3pp, in PP 1745-1748: 452. – Ready convertibility by the issuer into the goods and services that he or his association has to offer, is of much greater importance than is convertibility into rare metals. The latter option limits exchange media to the amounts of gold available for this purpose. The former option puts no limits upon the number of exchanges of goods and services – while people are free to choose the value standards they prefer, for all their exchanges, be they accomplished with physical exchange media issued by them, book credits cleared or electronic clearing. If one keeps one’s concepts of exchange media clearly separated from those of value standards and envisions full freedom in both spheres, then one will get away from primitive notions that identify and combine the two, as if they were inseparable. Such primitive notions are shared by gold bugs as well as by the advocates of “fiat money” or forced and exclusive paper currencies, with forced acceptance and forced value. One should also distinguish between exchange media and value standards that one may offer and and those which one must offer, as well as between exchange media and value standards that one may contractually demand and those which one may legally demand, exchange media that one must as a debtor legally supply, even when one does not have them and clearing media or own notes, that one may supply, instead of legal tender, or gold coins, limited only by one’s readiness to redeem them in the own goods and services, and their optionality and free-market rating against sound value standards. Unless debtors have made a contract to convert to or redeem in rare metal (and even then a withdrawal premium for such a contract in futures should be agreed upon), creditors should not be entitled to legally and juridically demand a specific exchange medium, which the debtor may be unable to supply, but merely a clearing or note settlement, which supplies, under free market rating, the full values that the creditors are entitled too, but payable or clearable in alternative monies or clearing certificates issued by the debtors or their associations. – The millions of goods and services that are exchanged, between thousands of millions of people, uncounted times every day, should not have to go through the bottleneck of the availability of a single product or two, like gold and silver. Whoever possesses enough of them, should be free to offer them in payment but no one should be automatically obliged to deliver them in all payments upon demand. Just consider: How many of your present and near future debts would you be able to pay in gold coin or gold bullion? – However, gold bugs should be free to confine their own exchanges to such exchanges only, to the extent that they can manage to do so. – J.Z., 31.5.02.

REDMOND, ARTHUR, See: QUESTION MARK COLLECTIVE, Arthur Redmond – Ragnar Redbeard and “Might Is Right”, 2pp, in PP 16 & 17, 2nd edition: 336. – A Takver’s initiative

REED, LAWRENCE W., A Camera Reaches 100, THE FREEMAN, 2/00, 2pp, in PP 1766-68: 175.

REED, LAWRENCE W., A Critique of Mathematical Economics, THE FREEMAN, 4/77, 6pp, in PP 1766-68: 495.

REED, LAWRENCE W., A Visit to Nicaragua, THE FREEMAN, 5/88, 3pp, in PP 1766-68: 167.

REED, LAWRENCE W., Asset Forfeiture Run Amok, THE FREEMAN, 11/98, 3pp, in PP 1757/58: 324.

REED, LAWRENCE W., Billions for a Misconception, THE FREEMAN, 7/98, 3pp, in PP 1766-68: 65, on “overpopulation”. – The errors, myths & prejudices regarding “overpopulation” are so numerous and popular that perhaps only an encyclopaedic treatment could effectively deal with them all. Too few will have easy access to or be willing to look up the all too dispersed articles or acquire and study the relevant textbooks. There is certainly no obvious “overpopulation” of references effectively and systematically refuting Malthusian notions. – J.Z.

REED, LAWRENCE W., Child Labor & The British Industrial Revolution, THE FREEMAN, 8/91, 6pp, in PP 1766-68: 161.

REED, LAWRENCE W., Government & Disaster Relief, THE FREEMAN, 9/97, 3pp, in PP 1766-68: 187.

REED, LAWRENCE W., Guns, Gun Laws, & Liberty, THE FREEMAN, 8/00, 3pp, in PP 1766-68: 170.

REED, LAWRENCE W., Hayek Was Right: The Worst Do Get to the Top, THE FREEMAN, 2/98, 3pp, in PP 1766-68: 114. – I fear that would apply to limited governments as well, unless they are confined to voluntary members only and exterritorial autonomy, i.e., have to freely compete with all other kinds of limited and unlimited governments and with non-governmental societies. – Then only a few crackpot regimes might survive, as they do in the sphere of religion. – But they could not wrong or harm non-believers. – J.Z., 21.5.02. – The obviously flawed States, societies & religious communities have never been confronted by competition from quite free, enlightened, just and peaceful societies and communities. – The effect on average human thinking and behavior could be very great. – J.Z., 3.6.02.

REED, LAWRENCE W., Hyperinflation Threatens Brazil, THE FREEMAN, 1/88, 4pp, in PP 1745-1748: 254. – He fails to point out legal tender & the issue monopoly as the main factors. – J.Z.

REED, LAWRENCE W., Is there an Unfavorable Balance of Trade? , THE FREEMAN, 7/77, 5pp, in PP 1761-63: 122. – Ulrich von Beckerath used to say that this supposed imbalance exists only in imaginations and in flaws of the trade statistics. – Already Bastiat pointed out the fallacies involved. – J.Z.

REED, LAWRENCE W., James U. Blanchard III: Champion of Liberty and Sound Money, THE FREEMAN, 8/99, 2pp, in PP 1745-1748: 258.

REED, LAWRENCE W., Just Say No to Farm Subsidies, THE FREEMAN, 9/95, 3pp, in PP 1761-63: 500. – Farmers should only be paid (indirectly) by free consumers and (directly) by free traders, not by bureaucrats and taxpayers. All the latter attempts are perversions of market relationships. – J.Z.

REED, LAWRENCE W., States, Economic Freedom & Wealth Creation, THE FREEMAN, 11/99, 3pp, in PP 1766-68: 178.

REED, LAWRENCE W., The Case against Protectionism, THE FREEMAN, 10/80, 7pp, in PP 1761-63: 214.

REED, LAWRENCE W., The Freedom Not to Pay for Other People’s Politics, THE FREEMAN, 5/98, 2pp, in PP 1764: 138.

REED, LAWRENCE W., The Futility of Class Warfare, THE FREEMAN, 6/97, 2pp, in PP 1766-68: 173.

REED, LAWRENCE W., The New Zealand “Revolution”, THE FREEMAN, 5/97, 3pp, in PP 1766-68: 184. – Top-down revolutions are rarely very radical and extensive. Allow individuals to make their own “one-man” revolutions for themselves, in whatever direction they want to proceed, at their own expense and risk. – J.Z.

REED, LAWRENCE W., The Silver Panic, THE FREEMAN, 6/78, 11pp, in PP 1745-1748: 243.

REED, LAWRENCE W., The Trade Deficit: Much Ado About Nothing, THE FREEMAN, 12/98, 2pp, in PP 1761-63: 181.

REED, LAWRENCE W., Trust Not in What Your Government Can Do for You, THE FREEMAN, 6/98, 3pp, in PP 1766-68: 181. – Rather recognize, despise and fear what it does to you! – J.Z., 21.5.02.

REED, LAWRENCE W., Would Legalization Increase Drug Use? 1p, in PP 1745-1748: 820.

REED, MICHAEL, A Chat with a Mass-Man, THE FREEMAN, 3/91, 3pp, in PP 1759/60: 3.

REESE, CHARLEY, The Constitution Is A Contract, 1p, in PP 1637-1640: 20 & 28.

REFERENDUM, See: LONG, RODERICK T., The Athenian Constitution: Government by Jury and Referendum, 21pp: 201, in PP 1601-04.


REFERENDUM, See: ZUBE, JOHN, Note on today’s Constitutional Referendum in Australia, 1/2 page, 6.11.199: 58, in PP 1571.

REFORMS, See: PASOUR, E.C., Jr., Victims of Reform Laws, THE FREEMAN, 4/77, 5pp, in PP 1749/50: 60 . – We are all victimized by millions of wrongful laws, those of “our” and, less, those of all other countries. – J.Z.

REFUTATIONS ENCYCLOPAEDIA, See: SKOUSEN, MARK, Correction, Please! …. There are 5 contributions by him, starting like this, in PP 1751/52, 171ff.

REFUTATION FILES, See: LONG, LAZARUS, Rebutting the Absurdities, 1996/98, 11 points, 3pp, in PP 1612: 33. – Nothing but an encyclopaedic approach could stock our “intellectual ammunition” department sufficiently. – J.Z.

REFUTATIONS FILES, See: FREE MARKETEERS, THE, Nine Major Myths that People “Know for a Fact”, 1997, 2pp, in PP 1614: 201. –

REFUTATIONS, See: MCGINNIS, JOHN D., Ph.D., Refutations, 1998, 1/2p, 7 links only, URL & e-mail not listed there, in PP 1615: 207. Compare my project on anREGISTER, BRYAN, Introducing Ayn Rand, 3pp, LIBERTY, July 2000, 50-52. Abstract, 1/2p of this review of writings by T. Machan, A. Gotthelf & C. Sciabarra, on Ayn Rand, in PP 1682: 102.

REGULATION.ORG, Key Regulatory Facts & Figures, 17 pages with URL list, in PP 1679: 89.

REGULATIONS, See: ANDERSON, C. W., Price, the Peaceful Regulator, THE FREEMAN, 5/74, 2pp, in PP 1754: 193.

REGULATIONS, See: BANDOW, DOUG, Congressional Lost Opportunities, THE FREEMAN, 5/99, 2pp, in PP 1751/52: 353, on regulations.

REGULATIONS, See: BANDOW, DOUG, Regulatory Overkill, THE FREEMAN, 10/96, 3pp, in PP 1751/52: 369.

REGULATIONS, See: BENNETT, JAMES T. & DILORENZO, THOMAS J., Regulatory Poison, THE FREEMAN, 2/98, 3pp, in PP 1751/52: 372. – What if, for instance, irradiation of food causes even more damage than e.g., E.coli did? Compare the compulsory X-Ray campaign against Tuberculosis. Not to indicate on foods that it has been irradiated etc. – does amount to fraud or deception of consumers, who should enjoy full consumer sovereignty. Class actions against those who deceive consumers! – Consumers, too, are entitled to make their own mistakes, at their own expense and risk. They should not be subjected to paternalistic choices of professionals, whom they have not freely chosen for themselves and who would like to keep their “professional” secrets towards them. – J.Z., 14.5.02, 1.6.02. – Only today I read that many children were partly incapacitated by repeated immunisation shots, often compulsory or advertised as necessary or highly advisable, with the immunizing substance preserved by all the possible things, some mercury compound! Health services have and still are spreading some poisons, see e.g. under fluoridation. Not even most of the tooth fillings are harmless, although they are widely advanced as such. – J.Z., 11.6.02.

REGULATIONS, See: BROUGH, WAYNE T., If it Ain’t Broke – Don’t Regulate it, THE FREEMAN, 6/95, 5pp, in PP 1751/52: 343.

REGULATIONS, See: EVANS, TIM, Death by Regulation: Brussel’s Betrayal of the European Ideal, 3pp, in PP 1708-1710: 87.

REGULATIONS, See: FLANAGAN, GREGORY, Imposed Regulation Undermines Responsibility, 3pp, in PP 1689-1693: 990.

REGULATIONS, See: FOLEY, RIDGWAY K., Jr., The Myth of Self-Regulation, THE FREEMAN, 10/83, 7pp, in PP 1751/52: 293.

REGULATIONS, See: GREAVES, BETTINA BIEN, Government Regulation of Mass Media Communication, THE FREEMAN, 3/80, 4pp, in PP 1751/52: 388.

REGULATIONS, See: HOSPERS, JOHN, Regulation and Productivity, THE FREEMAN, 7/94, 4pp, in PP 1751/52: 362.

REGULATIONS, See: KLEMMER, ZAK & JO ANNE, Denial of Rights through Regulation, THE FREEMAN, 6/93, 4pp, in PP 1751/52: 375.

REGULATIONS, See: PASOUR, E.C., Jr., Why Regulators Can’t Regulate Effectively, THE FREEMAN, 6/86, 5pp, in PP 1751/52: 348.

REGULATIONS, See: PIRIE, MADSEN, Dr., Regulation Man and the Invisible Victims, IMPRIMIS, 4/78, 7pp, in PP 1751/52: 355. – Also: 5pp: 43, in PP 1581-82.

REGULATIONS, See: REILAND, RALPH R., Regulators: The New Socialists, THE FREEMAN, 2/98, 3pp, in PP 1751/52: 366.

REGULATIONS, See: RYAN, RUSSEL G., Are there no Limits to Federal Regulatory Power? , THE FREEMAN, 12/92, 3pp, in PP 1751/52: 340.

REGULATIONS, See: SEMMENS, JOHN, Government Regulation and Business Management, THE FREEMAN, 5/78, 5pp, in PP 1751/52: 379.

REGULATIONS, See: SEMMENS, JOHN, Government Regulation of Air Safety May Be Hazardous to your Health, THE FREEMAN, 3pp, in PP 1751/52: 385.

REGULATIONS, See: SEMMENS, JOHN, Semantic Confusion in Economic Regulation, THE FREEMAN, 5/82, 4pp, in PP 1754: 92.

REGULATIONS, See: WILLIAMS, WALTER, Regulation’s invisible victim, 1p, 1989, in PP 1730: 34.

REHMKE, GREG, Restructuring corporate America, 2pp, in PP 1630: 181.

REHMKE, GREG, The right to own a whale, to save the whale, 2pp, in PP 1630: 169.

REHMKE, GREG, Two views on judicial activism, 3pp, in PP 1630: 186.

REHMKE, GREG, Why so many books? 1p, in PP 1630: 176. – I would rather ask: Why so few books? And why are so few of them in print? And why isn’t a LIBERTARIAN ENCYCLOPAEDIA out as yet, a comprehensive BIBLIOGRAPHY and INDEX & DIRECTORY? – Because most freedom lovers are still addicted to paper and print, although most cannot afford them to build up large private reference libraries. – J.Z., 17.8.00.

REHMKE, GREGORY F., Immigration and Somalia, FFF, August 1993, edited version of article first in THE MARKET LIBERAL of The Knowledge Network Foundation, 2pp, in PP 1682: 54.

REHMKE, GREGORY F., March 1987, introductory 1 p letter to a new FEE publication: Econ ’87! In PP 1631-1633: 527.

REICH, CHARLES A., The Greening of America, Review, 3pp, by GEORGE KYSOR: 116, in PP 1565-67.

REICH, WILHELM, See: BLANKERTZ, STEFAN, Wilhelm Reich – fast ein libertaerer Maertyrer, 2 S., in PP 1625: 64. See: LASKA, BERND: Wilhelm Reich: Ein Libertaerer? Ein Maertyrer? Fast? Betr. Blankertz Artikel, 1 S., in PP 1625: 102. See: LSR VERLAG & LASKA, BERND A.

REICHERT, JOSEPH WILLIAM, Who Shall Judge the Judges? 2pp, in PP 1616: 42. –

REID, HARRY, Beyond Government, 1994. Downloaded in 1999. When, if at all, was it last updated? List of libertarian and free market organizations, 10pp: 407, in PP 1574-75. – Provided by the ATLAS FOUNDATION. Mailing address, telephone and fax addresses are given, not e-mail and website. So this list may be dated 1994. It is also copyrighted! Should pro-freedom directories be copyrighted or should their copying in any medium be INVITED? In some ways most advocates are their own worst enemies. – J.Z., 18.9.1999. – Compare also the VIRTUAL PHONEBOOK compiled by the ATLAS FOUNDATION & offered on the Internet. It just gives the names as immediate links to those listed. – J.Z.

REID, HARRY, Libertarian Duality Symbol, 1995,1p, in PP 1701: 74. Article by: ANARCHO CYBER SLUDGE.

REID, HARRY, Libertarian Paradox, 1995, 3pp, in PP 1701: 76.

REID, HARRY, Welfare Source, 1995, 1/2p, in PP 1701: 66, from series: “Beyond Government”.

REILAND, RALPH R., Crime and Race, THE FREEMAN, 8/95, 2pp, in PP 1755/56: 122.

REILAND, RALPH R., Regulators: The New Socialists, THE FREEMAN, 2/98, 3pp, in PP 1751/52: 366.

REINDUSTRIALIZATION, See: HENDERSON, DAVID R., In Memoriam: Yale Brozen, THE FREEMAN, 6/98, 3pp, in PP 1755/56: 68.

REISMAN, GEORGE, Environmentalism’s Malaria Holocaust, 1997, 2pp, in PP 1697: 85. “Malaria is by far the world’s most significant tropical disease, affecting some 2,400 million people. It kills more people than any other communicable disease except tuberculosis. Malaria kills one child every 30 seconds – 3,000 children aged under 5 each day.” – Facts & Figures compiled by Lisa Romyn, GOOD WEEKEND, May 12, 2001, page 14. – Insect repellents & screens & nets might do better than DDT could. Is there still no biological control? I remember seeing a report in THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR, on U.S. farms, made almost insect-free by providing artificial nesting opportunities for e.g. swallows, around the farm buildings. A prize competition offering e.g. $10 – 100 million dollars for a solution that is less harmful than DDT might cost less than a renewed and extensive DDT campaign. – J.Z., 15.5.01.

REISMAN, GEORGE, Toward the Establishment of a Capitalist Society – Outline Summary, 2pp: 147, in PP 1598. – From The Jefferson School of Philosophy, Economics, and Psychology, Fall 1986 Seminar.

REITH, GERRY, See: GRIFFITH, RODNEY ERIC, Miniture 2.0, On Gerry Reith writings, in a new anthology, 1p, in PP 18, 2nd ed.: 186.

RENOULET, MARCEL, The Individual and Society, 1p: 97, in PP 1564.

RENT CONTROL, See: BATEMARCO, ROBERT, Three Fallacies of Rent Control, THE FREEMAN, 6/97, 3pp, in PP 1749/50: 339.

RENT CONTROL, See: GARDNER, SCOTT, Rent Control and the Penultimate Solution, THE FREEMAN, 6/93, 5pp, in PP 1754: 137.

RENT CONTROL, See: JOUVENAL, BERTRAND DE, No Vacancies, 10pp: 46, in PP 1549..

RENT, See: LABADIE, LAURANCE, Is Economic Rent a Delusion? n.d., number-stamped: 11, 2pp, in PP 1723/24: 162.

REPORT ON FREEDOM, A Bi-Monthly Newsletter from FREEDOM MAGAZINE for THE LIBERTY AMENDMENT COMMITTEE of the U.S.A., VII/1, April 1971; VIII/2, February 1973; & X/3, October 1975, all on hand, 12pp, in PP 1713-1715: 321.

RESCH, INGO, Drei Saeulen fuer Christentum und Markt, 2 S. , in PP 1617: 89.

RESISTANCE, RIGHT, See: BOVARD, JAMES, The Right of Resistance, THE FREEMAN, 8/00, 3pp, in PP 1749/50: 397.

RESPONSIBILITY, See: LONG, LAZARUS, The Responsible Society, 1994/96, 9pp, in PP 1612: 19.

RESPONSIBILITY TOWARDS FUTURE GENERATIONS? See: DOERING, DETMAR: Gibt es eine Verantwortung gegenueber kuenftigen Generationen? 5 S., in PP 1625: 7.

-RESTRAINTS OF TRADE, See: POIROT, PAUL L., Combinations in Restraint of Trade, THE FREEMAN, 6/69, 3pp, in PP 1766-68: 138. – The worst of such combinations are all territorial government. None permit any competition with it in “its turf”, just like any other crime syndicate. – And “limited government” advocates uphold this inherently totalitarian monopoly! – J.Z.

RETROACTIVE LEGISLATION, See: HUFF, STEPHEN, You Should not Be Prosecuted for Doing something which Wasn’t Illegal when you Did it, LEGAL NOTES No. 34, 2pp, in PP1742: 51. – Most “positive” laws are wrongful anyhow and their retroactive application makes them only more so. – J.Z., 31.5.02.


REVISIONISM, See: KOONTZ, ALAN & ZUBE, JOHN, Correspondence, in PP 1607/08.

REVISIONISM, See: MARTIN, JAMES J., Introducing Revisionism, an interview with James J. Martin by REASON, Jan. 1976, 12pp, in PP 1607/8: 22.

REVOLT COLLECTION, Lycos compilation, 2pp, what’s new on Revolt, on anarchist communism sites, 2000, in PP 1694: 151.

REVOLUTION, See: FREEDOM MAGAZINE, Revolution, History tells us that revolutions, deadly to life and property, rarely produce human liberty, monograph # 1, unsigned, 4pp, in PP 1713-1715: 37.

REVOLUTION, See: FREEDOM MAGAZINE, Consequences of Revolution, monograph # 3, 4pp, in PP 1713-1715: 47.

REVOLUTION, See: NEW WORLD NEWS, Rules for Revolution, Feb. 1946, on a 1919 programme: Rules for Bringing about a Revolution, 1p, in PP 1713-1715: 87. – From: FREEDOM MAGAZINE.

REVOLUTION, See: SICKLER, CRAIG, A Libertarian View of Revolution, 2pp: 69, in PP 1572-73.

REVOLUTIONSBRAEUHOF, RBH, Anarchistische Buchhandlung, 1p, in PP 1675: 156. See also the note on sheet 199. Communist Anarchists in Austria:

REYNOLDS, ALAN, The Federal Energy Agencies: The Solution or the Problem? 6pp: 13, in PP 1581-82.

REYNOLDS, GLENN HARLAN, It Takes a Militia, Review, 5pp, of: HART, GARY, The Minuteman: Restoring an Army of the People, New York, The Free Press, 188pp, $ 23, in REASON ONLINE, from REASON, May 99, in PP 1685/86: 94. – See: MILITIA, GUN CONTROL.

REYNOLDS, MORGAN O., How to Reduce Crime, THE FREEMAN, 3/84, 6pp, in PP 1755/56: 99. – Let different crime prevention and crime fighting methods and institutions freely compete! Including different ethics and the teaching of them. – J.Z. – Orthodox Jewish and Chinese people are among those with the lowest crime rates. – They form volunteer communities, too. – J.Z., 1.6.02.

REYNOLDS, MORGAN O., The Cambodian Experiment in Retrospect, THE FREEMAN, 5/89, 4pp, in PP 1766-68: 422. – The barbarism practised there and then went even further than is described here: Anyone with a primary education, able to read (proof: wearing glasses!) was seen as an intellectual opponent, in the case of children as a future opponent – and was thus murdered if he could not manage to escape. – However, one should not leave out of consideration how badly illiterate tribesmen had previously been treated by the “educated” people in the city – always under the pretence that it would be in their own “best interests”. The tribal people were not permitted to opt out of this despotic paternalism and, finally, communists armed, trained and ideologically motivated them to strike back, quite ruthlessly and indiscriminately. Mass murder upon the principle of “collective responsibility” is also committed by “civilized” people and governments, with low or high technology. – J.Z., 21.5.02.

REYNOLDS, MORGAN O., Unions & Violence, THE FREEMAN, THE FREEMAN, 2/83, 7pp, in PP 1764: 106.

RHODES, RICHARD, Intimations of Immortality, 6pp, Australian Playboy, June 1979: 739, in PP 1589-94.

RHODESIA, See: SHENFIELD, ARTHUR, An Open Letter to Mr. Ian Smith, Prime Minister of Rhodesia, IMPRIMIS, 6/73, 8 pp, in PP 1755/56: 142. – It contains a paragraph on free banking. This secessionist leader, like so many others, did not permit secessions from his secessionist attempt, either. If he had, most complaints would not have arisen. To each his own secession! – J.Z.

RICH, See: SKOUSEN, MARK, In Defence of the Rich, THE FREEMAN, 6/00, 3pp, in PP 1751/52: 219.

RICH, See: SKOUSEN, MARK, The Rich Get Richer, and the Poor Get … , THE FREEMAN, 3/97, 3pp, in PP 1749/50: 407.

RICHES, See: BOHANON, CECIL E. & COTT, T. NORMAN VAN, Roberto and Fidel: Two Versions of “Share the Wealth”, THE FREEMAN, 4/98, 2pp, in PP 1754: 197.

RICHES, See: SHENFIELD, ARTHUR, Against the Creation of Wealth: The Threatening Tide, THE FREEMAN, 1/89, 6pp, in PP 1755/56: 185.

RICHMAN, SHELDON, Bastiat, Liberty, and the Law, THE FREEMAN, 5/96, 5pp, in PP 1766-68: 6.

RICHMAN, SHELDON, Breeding Terrorism, 1p, in PP 1729: 54.

RICHMAN, SHELDON, Elian’s Fate: It’s Not America’s Decision, April 2000, (c) 2000 FFF, 1p , in PP 1682: 68. – Rather, the implied last will and testament of his mother, who died in the attempt to liberate herself and her son. A father who decides to stay in Cuba has thereby lost his claim to the rights of a rational being and to make decision about the fate of his son! – Anyhow, an abstract notion like “America” cannot make any decisions. – J.Z., 25.5.01.

RICHMAN, SHELDON, Euro Is a No-Go, 1p: 283, in PP 1561-63. – 1/99, FFF Op-Eds, 1p, in PP 1745-1748: 625.

RICHMAN, SHELDON, Freedom 101, THE FREEMAN, 2/98, 2pp, in PP 1753: 12.

RICHMAN, SHELDON, Immigration Controls Causes Exploitation, July 1997 & an article with the same title, Feb. 1998, (c) 1999 FFF, 4pp, in PP 1682: 56.

RICHMAN, SHELDON, It’s an Economy, not a Machine, , THE FREEMAN, 9/98, 3pp, in PP 1745-1748: 261.

RICHMAN, SHELDON, Libertarian Solutions: Ending the “Phony” Debate over Equal Education vs. Local Control, LP NEWS, Aug. 98, 2pp, in PP 1674: 139.

RICHMAN, SHELDON, Mr. Spencer vs. the State, THE FREEMAN, 5/98, 2pp, in PP 1766-68: 1.

RICHMAN, SHELDON, No Credit Due, THE FREEMAN, 2/98, 3pp, in PP 1766-68: 3, on President Clinton & government.

RICHMAN, SHELDON, Our Ultimate Resource Gone, , THE FREEMAN, 4/98, 2pp, in PP 1757/58: 37, on Julian Simon.

RICHMAN, SHELDON, The Case for Radicalism, 2pp: 24, in PP 1589-94.

RICHMAN, SHELDON, The Global New Deal, 2pp, LFCT, Feb. 22, 99, in PP 1663: 165.

RICHMAN, SHELDON, The Old Right Was Right, 3pp, in PP 1745-1748: 809.

RICHMAN, SHELDON, Trade and Immigration Controls Assault the Right to Life, Sep. 1994, 2pp, (c) 1999 FFF, in PP 1682: 65.

RICHMOND NEWS LEADER, October 9, 1964, A Powerful Idea, 1p on FEE: 39, in PP 1581-82.

RICKENBACKER REPORT, THE, Advertisement, 1p, in PP 1713-1715, on this conservative publication. (Between 60 & 67.) – From: FREEDOM MAGAZINE.

RICKS, THOMAS, The nukes are safe – all 22,000 of them, SMH, 31.8.98, 1p: 125, in PP 1597. – Are such assurances good enough to make us safe from the irresponsible holders of such mad “weapons”? – Power corrupts and ultimate power corrupts ultimately. Only today, I read in a letter to ANALOG, 11/99, that most of Fermi’s assistants died from radiation overdoses. The mass media kept silent about this, as far as I know. – J.Z., 12 November 1999.

RIDDLE, WESLEY ALLEN, Individual Selective-Constructive Perception and the Redemption of Society, 2pp, in PP 1630: 78.

RIDDLE, WESLEY ALLEN, War and Liberty in American History, THE FREEMAN, 2/96, 9pp, in PP 1761-63: 459.

RIDER, RICHARD, See: MINGARDI, ALBERTO, An Interview with RICHARD RIDER, 2pp, TLFCT, in PP 1682: 154.

RIEBEN, RICHARD G., See: RECIPROCIA PAGES, Home Page, books by Richard G. Rieben, with links, 6pp, in PP 1679: 70.

RIEBEN, RICHARD, Introduction to the published works of Richard G. Rieben, 10pp, in PP 1682: 194. – Titles: Reciprocia; The Libido of Liberty; Ethics for Earthlings; Blundering Social Bodies.

RIEGEL, E.C., Private Enterprise Money, 1944. Here only contents list, 1p, in PP 1745-1748: 618. – Full text: Also in PEACE PLANS 80-82.

RIEGEL, E.C., See: LABADIE, LAURANCE, Untitled, Notes, on Riegel, 1950, 1p, in PP 1723/24: 154.

RIEGEL, E.C., Will Valuns be Hoardable? 2pp, dated 10.6.42, in PP 1745-1748: 654.

RIEHM-GUENTHER, EVA, Die Pervertierung des Solidaritaetsprinzips, 2 S, in PP 1625: 93.

RIEVMAN, ELLEN, The Proper Death, 2pp: 14, in PP 1595-96.

RIGGENBACH, JEFF, LeFevre – A Teacher and A “Disillusionist”, 3pp: 143, in PP 1557.

RIGGENBACH, JEFF, Of Values, Truth and Beauty, 6pp: 340, in PP 1565-67.

RIGGENBACH, JEFF, Review of: JACOBS, JANE, Cities & the Wealth of Nations, 1p, in PP 1630: 165.

RIGGENBACH, JEFF, The New Aestheticism, 7pp, from THE CASTALIAN, 1973, in PP 1565-67.

RIGHT NOW, A Conservative Slant to Today’s Events, home page, 1p, 1999, – 143, in PP 1568.

RIGHT NOW, A magazine of politics, ideas and culture, home page, recent features, URLs and letter to it by John Zube, 25 April 01, on CD-ROM project 5pp, in PP 1676: 26.

RIGHT OF ASSOCIATION & DISASSOCIATION, See: HOOD, DAVID, The Forgotten Right of Association, THE FREEMAN, 10/89, 3pp, in PP 1766-68: 348. – On clubs excluding women. – Even most libertarian advocates ignore that it must be extended e.g. to competing governments and societies (panarchies, polyarchies, voluntary communities, personal law bodies), to full minority autonomy under exterritoriality, to free banks and militias as well as to productive coops. – J.Z.

RIGHT ON THE WEB, A Conservative Libertarian Forum, (c), Home Page, incomplete, with URL list, and links to some articles, 5pp, (c), David C. Sphar , in PP 1676: 53.

RIGHT ON THE WEB, Recommended Reading List, 1p, in PP 1716: 115,

RIGHT TO KEEP & BEAR ARMS, Home Page, 3pp with links, in PP 1662: in PP 1662: 195. A very comprehensive and informative site, here only introduced. Webmaster: Jeff Chan – I wish they would bring out all their material on a CD-ROM, perhaps combined with that of other sites against gun-control. This kind of unity could really mean more strength. On the Web all this information is still too dispersed and too expensive, laborious and time-consuming to download. – J.Z., 3.2.01.

RIGHTONTHEWEB.COM, Recommended Reading, 1p , in PP 1675: 205. – Books by Conservatives.

RIGHTS, OBLIGATIONS & DUTIES, See: LADOW, CHARLES R., The Right to Be Wrong & the Obligation to be Right, THE FREEMAN, 11/73, 4pp, in PP 1749/50: 393.

RIGHTS, See: BOVARD, JAMES, Bogus Freedom, THE FREEMAN, 5/99, 6pp, in PP 1757/58: 253, on “freedom from want”.

RIGHTS, See: CHAMBERLAIN, PARK, Our Inalienable Rights. Should Government Be Limited in their Defence? THE FREEMAN, 12/69, 2pp: 46. – It has managed to alienate all too many people towards their rights and liberties. It should have nothing to do with their defence or with defence and policing in general. It is quite incompetent on these 3 points as well! – J.Z., 18.5.02.

RIGHTS, See: COOLEY, OSCAR W., Rights are Freedoms, Not Powers, THE FREEMAN, 8/76, 3pp, in PP 1754: 132.

RIGHTS, See: CUMMING, BOB, Rights – What Are They? 2pp: 10, in PP 1548. – BENN, ERNEST, SIR, Rights for Robots, 8pp: 39, in PP 1549.

RIGHTS, See: HAMMER, RICHARD O., Might Makes Right: An Observation and a Tool, 5pp: 30, in PP 1601-04.

RIGHTS, See: IRVINE, WILLIAM B., Basic Rights and Meta-Rights, THE FREEMAN, 12/89, 2pp, in PP 1757/58: 279.

RIGHTS, See: KEELER, DAVIS E., Our Forgotten Rights, THE FREEMAN, 2/77, 3pp, in PP 1757/58: 42. – Those who have forgotten them have the power to ignore them. Those who remember them have not yet thepower and organizations required to restore them. – J.Z., 18.5.02.

RIGHTS, See: MACHAN, TIBOR R., Rights versus “Rights”, THE FREEMAN, 5/95, 2pp, in PP 1754: 128.

RIGHTS, See: MEINERS, ROGER E., The Role of Rights, THE FREEMAN, 3/95, 4pp, in PP 1749/50: 404.

RIGHTS, See: RAND, AYN, What Are Man’s Rights, 3 paragraphs from her “Man’s Rights”, 1963, put online by 1996, seeking comments. 1/2p, in PP 1679: 179.

RIGHTS, See: RASMUSSEN, DOUGLAS B., Rights, Law, and Morality, THE FREEMAN, 9/90, 4pp, in PP 1754: 124.

RIGHTS, See: READ, LEONARD E., Doing What Is Right, 4pp: 175, in PP 1560. – READ, LEONARD E., When Wishes Become Rights, 3pp: 195, in PP 1560.

RIGHTS, See: ROTHBARD, MURRAY N., Know your Rights, 5pp: 64, in PP 1583. – LIGGIO, LEONARD, Your Right to Be against War, 5pp: 70, in PP 1583.

RIGHTS, See: ROUSSEAU, J.J., De l’esclavage, 5pp & Slavery, 5pp: chapter IV of Du Contrat Social: The Social Contract: 311, in PP 1601-04. – LONG, RODERICK T. & MONTGOMERY, MARIBEL, Inalienable Rights and Moral Foundations, 8pp: 314, in PP 1601-04.

RIGHTS, See: SMITH, L. NEIL, What If? When anybody’s rights are threatened, everybody’s rights are, 1p: 17, in PP 1569-70. – From LP News5/93.

RIGHTS, See: YATES, STEVEN, Rights versus Entitlements, THE FREEMAN, 9/94, 2pp, in PP 1754: 130.

RIGHT TO WORK, See: BRAKEMAN, ROBERT, Right to Work and Liberty, 1p: 40; 1p: 46; 1p: 90; 1p: 94, in PP 1572-73.

RILEY, DON, Britain’s Soviet Planning System, ECONOMIC NOTES No. 89, 4pp, in PP1742: 17.

RILEY, THOMAS A., New England Anarchism in Germany, NEQ, XVIII, March 1945, 7pp, in PP 1607/8. – on John Henry Mackay.

RINESS, DENNIS, Everyone at Risk, 1p: 659, in PP 1601-04.

RIPPIN, BRYAN, Rev., Morality Is more than Me, 2pp: 753, in PP 1601-04. – No doubt! He is just another Christian sky pilot. – J.Z.

RISKS, SECURITY, SAFETY, CHANGE, PROTECTION, PREVENTION, See: GROSECLOSE, ELGIN, The Illusion of a Riskless Society, THE FREEMAN, 8/82, 4pp, in PP 1749/50: 211.

RISKS, See: BIGGS, ANDREW G., Private Investment Is More Risky than Social Security? It Just Ain’t So! THE FREEMAN8/00, 2pp, in PP 1753: 70.

RITALIN ABUSE OF CHILDREN, See: VALVERDE, MARK, Is Government Drugging to Blame for Wave of School Violence? 1p, in PP 1729: 9.

RITALIN, See: MILLER, VINCENT H., The Ritalin Epidemic. The Wholesale Drugging of America’s Children, 2pp: 120.

RIVAZ, JOHN DE, Comments from Cornwall, Archetyping the Cryonicist, 6pp: 207, in PP 1554/55.

RIVAZ, JOHN DE, E-Mail of 8 May 01 on the uploading of LONGEVITY REPORT 83, with contents list. 1p, in PP 1676: 25.


RIVAZ, JOHN DE, Note re LONGEVITY REPORT 83 1p, in PP 1705: 207. – – What about giving immortality first of all to ALL longevity and freedom texts, e.g., on quality CD-ROMs, renewed every 100 years? With all that information then readily and cheaply accessible to all interested people – progress in this direction could become much faster, easier and more certain. – J.Z., 2.6.01.

RIVAZ, JOHN DE, Notice on LONGEVITY REPORT 87, 1p, in PP 1732: 192.

RIVAZ, JOHN DE, Terra Libra News, 1p: 67, in PP 1554/55.

RIVAZ, JOHN DE, to ZUBE, JOHN, 16.10.1996, 2pp: 131, in PP 1554/55.

RIVAZ, JOHN DE, to ZUBE, JOHN, 19.3.01, on LONGEVITY REPORT 82, 1p, in PP 1671: 158.

ROADS, See: LIBERTOCRACY, Free Market Roads, 7pp, in PP 1689-1693: 412.

ROADS, See: WATNER, CARL, The Road to Hell Is Paved with Good Intentions: Voluntaryism and the Roads, 6pp: 211, in PP 1569-70.

ROBBER BARONS, See: WELLS, SAM, “Robber Barons” and Exploitative Monopolies – which System Fosters them and which System Most Discourages them? 3pp, in PP 1684: 33.

ROBBER BARONS? See: FOLSOM, BURTON W., Jr., The Myth of the Robber Barons, Chapter 2: James J. Hill and the Transcontinental Railroads, 13pp, in PP 1684: 102. – The book, 169pp, list price $ 9.95, if available from for $ 8.46. – It, obviously, one of the few histories written with economic insight! – J.Z., 26.5.01.

ROBERT SCHALKENBACH FOUNDATION, 1999 Catalog, 16pp: 43, in PP 1571.

ROBERT SCHALKENBACH FOUNDATION, Circular on Publishing and Book Sales, December 68, 6pp: 37, in PP 1571.

ROBERT SCHALKENBACH FOUNDATION, Introduction & Literature List, 7pp, in PP 1610: 101.

ROBERTS, RUSSELL, A World without the FDA, THE FREEMAN, 9/99, 3pp, in PP 1755/56: 246.

ROBERTS, RUSSELL, The Invisible Heart: An Economic Romance, 271pp, $ 17.25, review only, 2pp, in PP 1726/27: 214.

ROBERTS, RUSSELL, They Can Afford It, Can’t They? THE FREEMAN, 3/00, 3pp, in PP 1749/50: 343.

ROBERTSON HONEY, SAMUEL, The Referendum Among the English, 1922, MacMillan, 148pp, in PP 1660: 1. With an introduction by LOE STRACHE, J.S., 19pp: 4. – A referendum does not HAVE to be run, as it usually is, by territorial statists – i.e. with its result binding upon dissenting minorities. It could come to a tolerant decision which would free and bind only the majority, to realize its decision, but only at its own expense and risk, while leaving all dissenting minorities free to opt out from this decision and to apply their own and voluntaristic personal laws among themselves, at their own risk and expense. Moreover, and quite fundamentally, any referendum could be confined to upholding individual rights and liberties, rather than authorizing their infringement. Unless, again, that infringement is done quite voluntarily, i.e., within a volunteer community. Thus, e.g. Catholics might decide to institute or continue their kind of censorship among themselves. A referendum would then resemble the publication & subscription to lists for various projects, by different societies and communities on “public affairs”. – Another referendum variety, advocated years ago by CENTRE 2000, in Sydney, was to confine a referendum to a veto decision against any new or old government legislation, hoping thereby to enable at least the majority of the people to prevent the enforcement of any new restrictive laws and to permit it to repeal old unjust laws, especially taxation laws. – Another proposal, I believe by Robert Heinlein, in his The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress, insisted that all parliamentary and direct democracy bills ought to be supported at least by an 80% majority and that, if afterwards 20 % of the voters still remained dissatisfied with it, these 20% should then be free to repeal it. – Naturally, all such proposals presume the existence of a single territorial system. Under full exterritorial autonomy all kinds of voting and non-voting systems could be practised at the same time by all those who do support them – – at their own costs & risk. – J.Z., 22.8.00 & 2.2.01.

ROBERTSON, JOHN, The Cult of Irresponsibility, 3pp, 2001, in PP 1718 – 1721: 811. – OPC International,

ROBERTSON, ROBIN, Ayn Rand on Altruism and Monopoly, 1p: 45, in PP 1564.

ROBERTSON, ROBIN, Georgism, the Term, 1p: 64, in PP 1564.

ROBINSON, JOHN BEVERLEY, Egoism, 3pp, in PP 1618: 2.

ROBINSON, SIMON, Birth of a Nation, TIME, Jan. 8, 01, 2pp, in PP 1718 – 1721: 350. – To somewhat counter the notion, popular among some libertarians, that Somalia represents something like an ideal because stateless society. – J.Z. 30.7.01.

ROBOTS, AUTOMATION, MACHINES & UNEMPLOYMENT, See: SHANNON, RUSSELL, Robots! , THE FREEMAN, 5/83, 4pp, in PP 1754: 115. – ROSS, ERNEST G., Robot Protectionism, THE FREEMAN, 4/83, 5pp, in PP 1754: 119, reg. unemployment & machines. – Compare also immigration restrictions. The fear, prevailing under monetary despotism, of involuntary unemployment, is behind many evil and irrational actions. – J.Z., 1.6.02.

ROCHE, GEORGE C., III, Bulletin on COUNTERPOINT Broadcasts, 2pp: 274, in PP 1581-82.

ROCHE, GEORGE C., III, Faith and Freedom, IMPRIMIS, 8/79, 6pp, in PP 1753: 149. – All but faiths in freedom have undermined liberty – and still do, almost everywhere. That e.g. a few Christians, Muslims, Taoists, etc., inspite of their religious handicaps or because of their interpretations of their holy writs, are also libertarians does not excuse the rest. – J.Z., 1.6.02.

ROCHE, GEORGE C. III, President’s Special Report, Hillsdale College 1982-83, 3pp: 281, in PP 1581-82.

ROCHE, GEORGE C., III, The American Collectivist Myth: Its Roots, its Results, its Downfall, 6pp: 167, in PP 1581-82.

ROCHE, GEORGE, GEORGE C., III, The Thin Red Line of Heroes, IMPRIMIS, 1/98, 5pp, in PP 1749/50: 380.

ROCHE, GEORGE C., III, Truly Private Education, 6pp: 59, in PP 1581-82.

ROCHE, GEORGE, C. III.,What Is Equality? IMPRIMIS, 3/90, 1p, in PP 1749/50: 15.

ROCHE, TIMOTHY, A Refuge for Throwaways, TIME, Feb, 21, 2000, 2pp, in PP 1716: 91. – On a movement to provide safe space for unwanted newborns, some of them now found abandoned, e.g. in dumpsters. – Naturally, all “value-free” “judgements” and economic motives that lead to such crimes ought to be countered as well. – J.Z., 30.5.02.

ROCKER, RUDOLF, Bibliography, 1978, compiled by? 26pp, in PP 1701: 9.

ROCKER, RUDOLF, Rudolf Rocker Bibligraphy & URL guide to texts already online, 3pp, in PP 1694: 99. – Most are provided by

ROCKER, RUDOLF, See: WALTERN NICOLAS, Life & Work of RUDOLF ROCKER, 1873-1958, with bibliography and links to many of his writings, 3pp, in PP 1701: 35, from the 1988 Freedom Press edition of “Anarchism and Anarcho-Syndicalism”

ROCKER, RUDOLF, Untitled biographical note on MAXIMOFF, GREGORY PETROVICH, 1p, in PP 1701: 34.

ROCKER, RUDOLF, Webpage,1/2p, in PP 1718 – 1721: 745, with URLs. Collected works on website:

ROCKWELL, LLEWELLYN H., Jr., A Winning Choice, WORLDNETDAILY, 14 Oct. 99, 2pp, in PP 1745-1748: 486. – On gold standard & Robert Mundell

ROCKWELL, LLEWELLYN H., Jr., Animal Crackers, 1p, on animal rights, in PP 1745-1748: 810.

ROCKWELL, LLEWELLYN H. Jr., Archives, List, 1/2 pages, on his archived articles in PP 1661: 91. – From, WorldNetDaily, The Free Market. Archived articles by Murray Rothbard and by listed other writers of I became only recently aware how radical & prolific he is as a libertarian writer. – J.Z.

ROCKWELL, LLEWELLYN H., Jr., Banks on the Dole, 11/95, 11/95, 2pp, in PP 1745-1748: 484.

ROCKWELL, LLEWELLYN H., Jr., China Is Right, 4pp on the spy plane affair, with some comments by Carol Moore, 1/2 p (404) & Burton S. Blumert, 2pp: 408, and John Zube, 10.4.01, 2pp: 409. Some notes by J.Z. are interspersed. In PP 1685/86: 404. – “This guy just killed us.”- Shane Osborn, US Navy lieutenant, as the tail of the Chinese S-8 jet fighter sliced into the far left engine of his navy spy plane two weeks ago.” – THE SYDNEY MORNING HERALD, 21-22 April 2001, page 28. – This does not sound like: “We got him!” or does it? – Even the own government is not always quite wrong on every point! – J.Z., 6.5.01.

ROCKWELL, LLEWELLYN H., Jr., Civil Rights Socialism, THE FREEMAN, 5/96, 6pp, in PP 1755/56: 5.

ROCKWELL, LLEWELLYN H., Jr., Gold and Government, 12/98, , 2pp, in PP 1745-1748: 598.

ROCKWELL, LLEWELLYN H., Jr., Government Garbage, 2pp, in PP 1745-1748: 818.

ROCKWELL, LLEWELLYN H., Jr., Henry Hazlitt: Journalist of the Century, THE FREEMAN, 5/95, 7pp, in PP 1751/52: 92.

ROCKWELL, LLEWELLYN H., Jr., How Government Makes Natural Disasters Worse, THE FREEMAN, 6/94, 4pp, in PP 1755/56: 1. – I am very pleased to find that he has become one of the most radical pro-freedom writers. He “rocks” the “boat” very “well” and might succeed in spilling some of the parasites. – J.Z.

ROCKWELL, LLEWELLYN H., Jr., Mises Vindicated, 2pp, in PP 1745-1748: 826.

ROCKWELL, LLEWLLYN H., Jr., Nationalism and the Immigration Question, Feb. 1992, 2pp, in PP 1682: 25.

ROCKWELL, LLEWELLYN H., Jr., Private Life? 1998, 2pp, in PP 1616: 97.

ROCKWELL, LLEWELLYN H., Jr., The Future of Liberty: A Speech to the Ludwig von Mises Institute, 6pp, from CHALCEDON REPORT, July 1998: 111, in PP 1559.

ROCKWELL, LLEWELLYN H., Jr., The Wrong Path to Reform, 1p, in PP 1729: 7.

RODRIGUEZ, REGGIE, Jr., Where’s the ( A ) in the Anarchism? 1997, 2pp, in PP 1695: 134. – There is usually too much “E” in “A”, rendering it coercive & authoritarian, rather than free, voluntary & just. – J.Z., 21.4.01.

ROEPKE, WILHELM, See: EBELING, RICHARD M, Wilhelm Roepke: A Centenary Appreciation, THE FREEMAN, 10/99, 9pp, in PP 1751/52: 307.

ROGERS, REX, Bermuda in the Sky with Diamonds. Is Cyberspace a Tax-haven? 4pp, in PP 1661: 62, from LFCT, n.d. A review of DAVIDSON, JAMES DALE & REES-MOGG, LORD WILLIAM, The Sovereign Individual, 1997. – I spent A$ 50 on it & it was a great disappointment in its main thesis. Otherwise it is interesting. The authors haven’t grasped that full individual sovereignty requires full exterritorial autonomy, for them and their voluntary associations and not MERELY virtual links between them, although these could GREATLY HELP! – Goods will still have to be produced & transported! And the modern highwaymen are armed, trained, organized, ready and waiting! Nor are these writers aware of the long exterritorial autonomy & personal law tradition, many centuries before computers. Essentially, they remain territorial decentralists. For some the Internet is what for others “is” “God” or “Big Brother”. Neither paper, nor printing, nor the telegraph, nor the telephone, nor radio, nor TV, far less the P.O., railways, cars, buses, roads, planes or rockets have led to “the largest economy”. “Prophets” do usually get it wrong. You can neither escape reality into “virtual reality” nor into SF novels. At best they can provide better guides. – J.Z., 2.2.00.

ROGGE, BENJAMIN A., No New Urban Jerusalem, IMPRIMIS, 9/74, 14pp, in PP 1757/58: 81, on urban renewal etc.

ROLLINS, LOUIS A. to Members of Selective Service System Local Board No. 94, March 21, 1970, 2pp: 47, in PP 1565-67. – On morality, government, war and the draft. Continued correspondence, 1p: 61, in PP 1565-67. – On conscientious objection.

ROLLINS, LOUIS A., A Reply to Charles Barr, 3pp: 178 & 208/209, in PP 1565-67.

ROLLINS, LOUIS A., Brief Comments on Kant’s Ideas, 3pp: 201, in PP 1565-67. – Kant was a free marketeer, propertarian and advocate of individual rights and limited governments, just like Ayn Rand. On finer points of philosophical terms they did differ but I hold that on these Kant, who taught traditional philosophy for most of his life, gradually recognizing its flaws, then pointing them out in his classical philosophical works, showing the limits and extent of pure and practical reasoning, went much deeper. – J.Z., 5.11.1999.

ROLLINS, LOUIS A., Contempt of Court, 2pp: 45, in PP 1565-67.

ROLLINS, LOUIS A., F.C.C.: Fascist Censorship Commission, 3pp: 4, in PP 1565-67.

ROLLINS, LOUIS A., Government and Organized Crime, 1p: 38, in PP 1565-67.

ROLLINS, LOUIS A., Government and the Protection Racket, 1p: 100, in PP 1565-67.

ROLLINS, LOUIS A., Mutual Exploitation Is Mutual Aid, 1p: 61, in PP 1565-67.

ROLLINS, LOUIS A., On “The Nature of Government”: An Open Letter to Ayn Rand, 1p, in PP 1565-67. – Against her notions on government. – Like Child’s and my article, they remained unanswered by A.R.! – J.Z.

ROLLINS, LOUIS A., On Objectivism and Conservatism, 2pp: 57, in PP 1565-67.

ROLLINS, LOUIS A., Reply To C. J. Wheeler – an excerpt concerning Government & Property Rights, 1p: 217, in PP 1565-67.

ROLLINS, LOUIS A., Review, 3pp, of: SZASZ, THOMAS S., Ideology and Insanity: Essays on the Psychiatric Dehumanization of Man: 155, in PP 1565-67.

ROLLINS, LOUIS A., Review, 5pp, of: ELLIS, ALBERT & HARPER, ROBERT A., A Guide to Rational Living: 183, in PP 1565-67.

ROLLINS, LOUIS A., Some Brief Comments and Questions about Machan’s Governmentalism, 1p: 160, in PP 1565-67.

ROLLINS, LOUIS A., Some Comments and Questions for BARR on crime and justice, 2pp: 249, in PP 1565-67.

ROLLINS, LOUIS A., Some further Observations concerning “Every Man for Himself”, 3pp: 245, in PP 1565-67.

ROLLINS, LOUIS A., The Concept of “God” in St. Anselm’s Ontological Argument, 1p : 18, in PP 1565-67.

ROLLINS, LOUIS A., Vietnam: Save Lives, Not Face, 2pp: 12, in PP 1565-67.

ROLLINS, LOUIS A., War and the State, 2pp: 31, in PP 1565-67.

ROLLINS, LOUIS, A Short Defence of Anarchocapitalism, 2pp: 65, in PP 1565-67.

ROLLINS, LOUIS, An Open Letter to Ayn Rand, Regarding Vietnam, Foreign Policy, War and Morality, 2pp: 79, in PP 1565-67.

ROMANA MACHADO WORLD HEADQUARTERS, Home Page 1p, in PP 1616: 142. – “transhumanist, individualist and libertarian”. Its given links didn’t work for me. – J.Z. 142.

ROMANIA, See: GOODMAN, SANDRA L., Lessons from a Year in Romania, THE FREEMAN, 6/95, 4pp, in PP 1759/60: 203. – Black markets do somewhat function as substitutes for free markets – even when the property rights and exchanges in them are not officially recognized but, rather, ignored. De Soto, in “The Other Path”, pointed out some of their powers – but also some of their draw-backs, limiting them and disadvantaging their participants. – J.Z.

RONIN PUBLISHING, Fountains of Youth. How to Live Longer & Healthier, 1996, 2224pp, $ 4.95, flyer only, in PP 1664/65: 371.

ROPER-DEYO, Mankind at the Brink, Fuller says….; Interview with BUCKMINSTER FULLER, RICHARD, 1p: 29, in PP 1556. – “nations… have to go. They are blocking the world’s circulatory system.” – Mind you, this applies only to TERRITORIAL nations. – J.Z.

ROSE, TOM, Rebuilding the Crumbling Foundations: The Biblical and Constitutional Response to Growing Tyranny, A Speech, 1998, from: CHALCEDON REPORT, July 1998, 8pp: 117, in PP 1559.

ROSE, TOM, Review, 1p, of: KERSHNER, HOWARD E., Dividing the Wealth, 1p, in PP 1713-1715: 92. – From: FREEDOM MAGAZINE.

ROSENBERG, PAUL A., New Utopia, 1p on Carribean attempt, in PP 1687/88: 344. FREE NATION FOUNDATION, FNF,

ROSENBLATT, MICHAEL M., Atheists Discuss Death, 1p: 125, in PP 1554/55.

ROSS, DAVID S., Review, 2pp, of: SCIABARRA, CHRIS MATHEW, Ayn Rand: The Russian Radical, in PP 1682: 108.

ROSS, ERNEST G., Let’s Liberate Money, THE FREEMAN, 1/85, 5pp, in PP 1745-1748: 263.

ROSS, ERNEST G., Letter from the Paper Planet, THE FREEMAN, 10/83, 7pp, in PP 1745-1748: 268. – Paper money does not have to be monopolized & be legal tender. Nor does it need gold-redemption by the issuer to enable it to reckon in gold weight units. – J.Z.

ROSS, ERNEST G., Live Long and Prosper, THE FREEMAN, 2/84, 6pp, in PP 1759/60: 97.

ROSS, ERNEST G., Robot Protectionism, THE FREEMAN, 4/83, 5pp, in PP 1754: 119, reg. unemployment & machines. – Compare also immigration restrictions. The fear, prevailing under monetary despotism, of involuntary unemployment, is behind many evil and irrational actions. – J.Z., 1.6.02.

ROSS, ERNEST G., The “Unproductive Investment” Prejudice, THE FREEMAN, 5/84, 3pp, in PP 1749/50: 372.

ROSS, ERNEST G., The Brigands & the Bargainers, THE FREEMAN, 9/82, 4pp, in PP 1766-68: 426.

ROSS, ERNEST G., The Siren of Partnership, THE FREEMAN, 7/83, 4pp, in PP 1749/50: 386. – There is nothing wrong with businesslike partnership or cooperation – except when they are with territorial governments or other criminals. – J.Z.

ROSS, ERNIE, The Impossible Task of the FED, THE FREEMAN, 2/81, 5pp, in PP 1745-1748: 275.

ROSS, H. R., How to Stop it … A Taxpayers’ Revolt? 1p from a speech against a $ 6.8 billion foreign aid bill, in PP 1713-1715: 151. – From: FREEDOM MAGAZINE.

ROSS, JOHN, Unintended Consequences, Review of this novel in FNN, 2pp: 39, in PP 1561-63.

ROSS, TOM & MARILYN, The Complete Guide to Self-Publishing, 406pp, $ 18.99, flyer only, in PP 1664/65: 362. – I doubt that e.g. the microfiche, floppy disk, VD-ROM, audio & video-tape, or even the duplicating & photocopying options are discussed there. Most readily adopt a narrow view rather than consider the whole spectrum of their options. – J.Z.

ROTHBARD ON THE INTERNET, Periodicals, Radio Programs, Economists, Articles, 2 pp, in PP 1629: 92.

ROTHBARD, MURRAY N., A Gold Standard for Russia? 1p, in PP 1745-1748: 811.

ROTHBARD, MURRAY N., A Radical Prescription for the Socialist Bloc, 2pp, in PP 1745-1748: 825. (Against Gradualism.) – Too many of the great libertarians have already died during my lifetime! And too many of their writings are still not cheaply, easily and permanently accessible! – J.Z., 31.5.02.

ROTHBARD, MURRAY N., Alan Greenspan: A Minority Report, THE FREE MARKET, V/8, August 87, 1p, in PP 1629: 32.

ROTHBARD, MURRAY N., Albert Jay Nock, Radical, 1p: 8, in PP 1564.

ROTHBARD, MURRAY N., Conceived in Liberty, Advertisement, 1p, in PP 1656-1659: 104.

ROTHBARD, MURRAY N., Fractional Reserve Banking, THE FREEMAN, 10/95, 5pp, in PP 1745-1748: 280.

ROTHBARD, MURRAY N., Gold Socialism or Dollar Socialism? 2pp: 150, in PP 1572-73. – At least, judging by the title, he realized that in his form of classical or even 100% redemptionist gold standard also a kind of state socialism is involved. – J.Z.

ROTHBARD, MURRAY N., Good Guys and Bad Guys, 1p, from NATIONAL REVIEW, Dec. 21, 1957: 36, in PP 1565-67.

ROTHBARD, MURRAY N., Government vs. Natural Resources, 2pp: 174, in PP 1572-73.

ROTHBARD, MURRAY N., Know your Rights, 5pp: 64, in PP 1583.

ROTHBARD, MURRAY N., Liberals and Conservatives vs. Deregulation. The Case of the FCC, 2pp: 144, in PP 1572-73.

ROTHBARD, MURRAY N., Libertarian Thought in Colonial America, ch. 33 from his 4 – volume “Conceived in Liberty”, in print now. 10pp, in PP 1661: 79. – I do highly recommend this work. Rothbard did not idealize the past. While stressing its freedom aspects, he also reports on the wrongs & atrocities committed then. – J.Z., 30.1.01.

ROTHBARD, MURRAY N., Myth and Truth About Libertarianism, 4pp: 235, in PP 1569-70.

ROTHBARD, MURRAY N., On Coalitions and Alignments, 2pp, a policy resolution, as adapted in ATW: 10; 2pp: 28, in PP 1572-73.

ROTHBARD, MURRAY N., Power and Market: Review, 1p, by DRAKE, HARRISON, 127, in PP 1565-67.

ROTHBARD, MURRAY N., Rothbard on War, interview extract, edited, from Feb.73 issue of REASON, first in June 99 of THE ROTHBARD-ROCKWELL REPORT, then by The Center for Libertarian Studies, 99, 10pp, in PP 1661: 99. – Much more important is his “War, Peace & the State”! But those still believing in nuclear “weapons”, nuclear “strength”, nuclear “deterrence” & in “collective responsibility” – will not like this more radical title. They do have a long way to go with their “libertarian” thinking. – J.Z., 1.2.01.

ROTHBARD, MURRAY N., See: HORWITZ, STEVEN, Misreading the “Myth”: Rothbard on the Theory and History of Free Banking, 5pp: 299, in PP 1574-75.

ROTHBARD, MURRAY N., See: STROMBERG, JOSEPH R., Stromberg Defends Rothbard, 3pp, LFCT, July 31,00, in PP 1661: 56.

ROTHBARD, MURRAY N., See: TAME, CHRIS, Creating a Science of Liberty: The Life and Heritage of Murray N. Rothbard, 1926-1995, 3pp, in PP 1708-1710: 239. – That would require, at least, that the works of all libertarian writers become cheaply, permanently and fast enough accessible, even if only on alternative media. – J.Z.

ROTHBARD, MURRAY N., Taking Money Back, THE FREEMAN, Sep. 95, 3pp in PP 1629: 35.

ROTHBARD, MURRAY N., The Mysterious Fed, THE FREE MARKET, IX/10, Oct. 91, 2pp in PP 1629: 33.

ROTHBARD, MURRAY N., The New Libertarian Creed, NY TIMES, 2.2.71, 2pp, in PP 1661: 96.

ROTHBARD, MURRAY N., The New Libertarian Creed, THE NEW YORK TIMES, Feb. 2, 1971, 2pp, in PP 1674: 129. – This article is copyrighted by the CLS, in a tragi-comical attempt to monopolize the writings of one of the greatest anti-monopolists. – J.Z., 4.5.01.

ROTHBARD, MURRAY N., The Politics of Famine, 2pp: 96, in PP 1572-73.

ROTHBARD, MURRAY N., The Solution, 5pp, offering his limited monetary freedom notions, THE FREEMAN, 11/95, in PP 1629: 27. – A forced and exclusive gold bug currency would in some respects be an improvement and in others a disaster. Free choice of value standards and freedom of note issue and clearing must not be limited by prohibitions imposed the fans of the classical gold standard. But they should be free to practise it, and nothing else among themselves. For them it might actually suffice but it would, obviously, not cheap to do so. From the point of view of full monetary freedom, competitively minted gold coins and 100% covered and redeemable gold certificates are only two of numerous other options, including gold-accounting and gold-clearing. – J.Z., 17. 8. 00.

ROTHBARD, MURRAY N., The World’s First Libertarians: Taoism in Ancient China, 2pp: 195, in PP 1569-70.

ROTHBARD, MURRAY N., Welcoming the Vietnamese, 1p, in PP 1745-1748: 819. (On legal handicaps imposed upon efficient fishermen in the U.S., which were once refugees from communism.)

ROTHBARD, MURRAY N., Will Rothbard’s Free-Market Justice Suffice? 1p excerpt from REASON, 5/1973: 122, in PP 1569-70.

ROUNDTABLE, THE, Review of : SCIABARRA, CHRIS MATHEW, Ayn Rand: The Russian Radical, & of reviews, 1p, IOS JOURNAL, April 96, in PP 1682: 114.

ROUSSEAU, J.J., De l’esclavage, 5pp & Slavery, 5pp: chapter IV of Du Contrat Social: The Social Contract: 311, in PP 1601-04.

ROUSSEAU, J.J., Du droit du plus fort, 1p: 311 & The Right of the Strongest, 1p, chapter III of Du Contrat Social: The Social Contract: 311, in PP 1601-04.

ROUSSEAU, J.J., See: TAYLOR, BOBBY, Rousseau’s “Social Contract”: A Critical Response, THE FREEMAN, 1/87, 2pp, in PP 1754: 110. – A rightful social contract requires volunteers, exterritorial autonomy and individual secessionism! – J.Z.

ROUSSELOT, JOHN H., The Liberty Amendment vs. Revenue Sharing, 4pp, in PP 1713-1715: 101. – From: FREEDOM MAGAZINE.

ROWE, CLIVE R. Random Thoughts Links, 1999, 2pp, in PP 1677: 202. “Thoughts on Life, Liberty & Happiness”, listing some other worthwhile sites.

ROWLANDSON, PAUL, Stirner, Youth and Tradition, 2pp, in PP 1618: 72.

ROWLING, J.K., Creator of “Harry Potter”, Government, Providing Service or Promoting Servitude? Bureaucracy, the Government Mandated Monopoly, 1p from chat session, in PP 1671: 107.

RUBINSTEIN, ED, The Economics of Crime, IMPRIMIS, 8/95, 4pp, in PP 1766-68: 370. – Rather anti-economics is involved. – J.Z.

RUMMEL, RUDOLF & FREEMAN, THE, Interview: Rudolph Rummel Talks about the Miracle of Liberty & Peace, THE FREEMAN, 7/97, 10 pp, in PP 1761-63: 487. – Prof. Rummel realized how unwieldy and numerous his website pages are and would like to see them combined on a single CD. Who will help to produce it for him and all his potential readers? – I downloaded & printed out thousands of his web pages – but have not yet sorted them out and read them. Some of his tables I could not open at all, from their downloads. Neither online nor paper reading, nor even offline-reading of downloads have so far been made easy and cheap in these formats. A single CD-ROM could integrate all his valuable contributions much better and could be provided rather cheaply. – Is there a libertarian programmer who wants thus to make a name for himself, while providing a great service to all able and willing to read his work? – Further on my wish-list would be Prof. Rummel’s advance from the model of classical liberal but still territorial democracies to quite voluntaristic and exterritorially autonomous panarchies or polyarchies etc. – But already as it is, his work constitutes the greatest condemnation of every kind of territorial despotism that has ever been produced and as such it needs the widest possible distribution, which 50 cent CD-ROMs could provide. Obviously, the digitizing work has already been done. Just good editorial work with a burner is needed. PIOT, J.Z., 19.5.02.

RUMMEL, RUDY, See: MINGARDI, ALBERTO, Democide: RUDY RUMMEL Interviewed, 3pp, TLFCT, in PP 1682: 99.

RUMMEL, R.H., War Isn’t This Century’s Biggest Killer, 1988, 2pp, in PP 1609: 30. – From FORT FREEDOM files on the Internet.

RUPPENTHAL, T.E., Letter from Liberal City, Frisco Libs & Mod Libs, 4pp, in PP 1663: 200. – LFCT, Nov. 13, 00.

RUSHDOONY, ROUSAS JOHN, Gold, The Devil, And Legal Tender, CHALCEDON REPORT, Sep. 81, P.O. Box 156, Vallecito, Calif. 95 251, in PP 1629: 44.

RUSSELL, BERTRAND, Introduction, 2pp: 98, in PP 1583. – To the MERSHON REPORT on accidental war.

RUSSELL, P. DEAN, Consumers, not Special Interests, THE FREEMAN, 2/86, 3pp, in PP 1757/58: 393.

RUSSELL, P. DEAN, Exploitation and Freedom, THE FREEMAN, 6/80, 5pp, in PP 1753: 121.

RUSSELL, P. DEAN, How to Produce Human Beings, THE FREEMAN, 3/80, 3pp, in PP 1755/56: 135. – On population, the communist regime’s population policy, abortion, sterilization.

RUSSELL, P. DEAN, Lincoln Didn’t Say It, THE FREEMAN, 2/70, 2pp, in PP 1759/60: 109.

RUSSELL, P. DEAN, Living in Two Chinas, THE FREEMAN, 11/85, 5pp, in PP 1759/60: 88.

RUSSELL, P. DEAN, Ownership in Common, 15pp: 34, in PP 1549.

RUSSELL, P. DEAN, Pay More & Get Less, THE FREEMAN, 7/82, 4pp, in PP 1761-63: 3 .

RUSSELL, P. DEAN, Peace and Justice, THE FREEMAN, 5/74, 2pp, in PP 1757/58: 39.

RUSSELL, P. DEAN, The Bill of Rights, 9pp: 16, in PP 1549.

RUSSELL, P. DEAN, The Enduring Appeal of Bastiat, 3pp, in PP 1655, unsigned article: 37.

RUSSELL, P. DEAN, The First Leftist, 9pp: 19, in PP 1549.

RUSSELL, P. DEAN, The Secret of Swiss Prosperity, THE FREEMAN, 2/84, 8pp, in PP 1749/50: 142.

RUSSELL, P. DEAN, Wards of the Government, 1p from FEE, A Page on Freedom, No. 2: 124, in PP 1558.

RUSSIA, after “liberation”, See: SERGEEV, ILLARION, Surviving the Russian Apocalypse? 4pp, in PP 1661: 27. LFCY, from TRANSITIONS: n.d. – It’s rather a matter of surviving the laws, regulations & bureaucracy that remain! Declaring slaves to be free, while leaving them in chains, isn’t the solution! – Writing history without knowing monetary despotism & its alternative, one is misled and misleading. It is not enough to describe the symptoms of a disease! – The response option to LFCT articles is great but I haven’t had the time and energy yet to take it up. – J.Z., 2.2.01.

RUSSIA, See: BRIERLEY, MARINA, Good News from Russia, Personal Perspectives No. 14, 2pp, in PP1742: 67.

RUSSIA, See: HARRISON, FRED, Land, Culture and the Biology of Man, Part II, 3pp, LAND & LIBERTY, May & June 1976: 121, in PP 1550. – A Georgist point of view, still territorial and intolerant.

RUSSIAN REVOLUTION, See: LABADIE, LAURANCE, Thoughts Evoked by Reading: Nineteen Seventeen. The Russian Revolution Betrayed, by Voline, n.d., 2pp, stamped: 83, in PP 1723/24: 229.

RUWART, MARY J., Aggression Is a Luxury, not a Necessity, 2pp: 444, in PP 1601-04. – Unjust and unnecessary, yes, but a luxury? Certainly not for its victims. – J.Z.

RUWART, Dr. MARY J., Ask Dr. Ruwart, If you open the borders, … 1998, 1/2p, in PP 1682: 28. (c) 1998, Advocates for Self-Government.

RUWART, Dr. MARY j., Ask Dr. Ruwart, In a previous answer … 1p, in PP 1682: 29. – Many other of her interesting columns are available onlin in THE LIBERATOR ONLINE.

RUWART, Dr. MARY J., Ask Dr. Ruwart, On Bankers and Fed, 1p, 1999, in PP 1745-1748: 482.

RUWART, Dr., MARY J., Ask Dr. Ruwart, On Gold Standard, 1999, 2pp, in PP 1745-1748: 479.

RUWART, Dr. MARY J., Families Become Clans in a Free Society, 2pp, 605, in PP 1601-04.

RUWART, DR. MARY J., Healing Our World: The Other Piece of the Puzzle, here reduced to 81 pp, in PP 1733: 1-81 – Her notes were either not included in the website or not downloaded by me. If you like a better text arrangement or a more comfortable edition for reading, buy the book, as I intend to do when I come across it and can afford it. – J.Z.

RUWART, DR. MARY, Healing Our World, 307pp pb, $ 12.95 plus shipping from THE LIBERATOR, see: PP 1726/27: 98. One page review: 136. Also online, free download: See her regular column in THE LIBERATOR.

RUWART, Dr. MARY J., Imagining a Free Society, Part I: Wealth and Immigration, 1p: 34, in PP 1568. – 1p: 450, in PP 1601-04. – 2pp, from FORMULATIONS, Winter 1993-94, FNF, in PP 1682: 27. – There are always people in a country who would welcome migrants and contract with them. They should be free to do so. We are all migrants or their descendants. Territorialism is wrong – even suicidal. Private property is not the same as territorial statism. – J.Z.

RUWART, MARY J., Keeping Our Freedom in an Unfree World, 4pp: 446, in PP 1601-04. – Keep what one does not possess? J.Z.

RUWART, DR. MARY J., Secrets of Transforming Liberals, Greens, Christians and New Agers into Libertarians (by showing them how only liberty can give them what they want!), 4 audio cassettes or 4 CDs, $ 30, reviewonly, 1p, in PP 1726/27: 75.

RYAN, RUSSEL G., Are there no Limits to Federal Regulatory Power? , THE FREEMAN, 12/92, 3pp, in PP 1751/52: 340.

RYAN, TIM, Land Trusts: A Dynamic Enclave Movement, 6pp, in PP 1634-1636: 782.

RYDENFELT, SVEN, The Rise and Decline of a Welfare State, THE FREEMAN, 11/78, 7pp, in PP 1759/60: 42. on Sweden.

RYERSON, ANDRE, The Trouble with Ayn Rand, 1p: 46, in PP 1564.

SABATINI, PETER, An Historical Note on the Correct Thoughts of Chairman Bookchin, “Life-style” vs. “Social Anarchism”, 6pp, in PP 1645-1653, from FIFTH ESTATE, No. 348, Fall 1996.

SACC0-VANZETTI, Hassle the Court: Beat that Ticket, 2pp: 179, in PP 1565-67. – Going to court, to uphold your rights, is, in a statist juridical system, usually a negative sum game. The odds are stacked against you, regardless of the ethics of your case. – Mostly you could use your time, money and energy better in other ways. – J.Z.

SACRED COW, More Links, 1p, in PP 1703: 207.

SADE, MARQUIS DE, Philosophy in the Bedroom. With Justine, Eugenie de Fravnel & other writings, 1795, 1965 translation, 775pp, $ 17.95, flyer only, in PP 1664/65: 381. – “The extreme egoism and resistance to authority he advocated (and practised) are enough to stir up controversy and opposition even today, nearly 200 years after his death.” – Perhaps his life an treatment of others exemplified the old saying: “A stiff prick has no conscience.” ? – Quite voluntary sado-masochism among adults is one thing. Using any unasked-for coercion in this sphere is also quite wrong. – J.Z.

SADOWSKY, JAMES A., Constitutionalism and “Objective” Criteria, 1p: 222, in PP 1565-67.

SAFETY, See: MATTHEW, SCOTT C., The First Civil Right IS Safety, THE FREEMAN, 1p, in PP 1766-68: 586. – If it is, territorial governments, rather obviously, cannot provide it. – J.Z., 21.5.02.

SAFLAIA, ITI, Review, 1p, of: SPIERS, JOHN, The Realities of Rationing; “Priority Setting” in the NHS, IEA, 1999, 156pp, in PP 1708-1710: 480.

SAGEHORN, ROBERT & BRAKEMAN, ROBERT, A short exchange, 1993, on cryonics, 2pp: 732, in PP 1589-94.

SAGER, RYAN H., 19, Negative Rights, Positive Rights, and the State, 2pp, in PP 1678: 20.

SALE, KIRKPATRICK, A Luddite Looks at the Next Millennium, 1990, 3pp, in PP 1668/69: 266.

SALERNO, JOSEPH T., Postscript: Why a Socialist Economy is “Impossible”, to Mises’: Economic Calculation in the Socialist Commonwealth, 6pp, in PP 1733: 100.

SALESMANSHIP FOR FREEDOM IDEAS A PRIMARY REQUIREMENT? See: PETERSON, DENNIS L., The Selling of Freedom, THE FREEMAN, 9/86, 4pp, in PP 1749/50: 138. – We also need the complete product, to the extent that it can be described in guides & textbooks, not just some fragments of it. It could be provided cheaply, easily, widely and permanently e.g. on microfiche, floppies, websites, but, presently and most economically, on CD-ROMs. So what are you waiting for? Make your product complete – and more than half of your selling job will be done already. Freedom does offer the best answers or avenues towards the solution of the remaining problems. – J.Z.

SALIN, PHIL, The Ecology of Decisions, or “An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Kitchens”, 23pp: 44, in PP 1576.

SALSMAN, RICHARD A., Banking without the “Too-Big-to-Fail” Doctrine, THE FREEMAN, 11/92, 8pp, in PP 1745-1748: 285.

SALTZMAN, JAMES D., Don’t Believe the Hysterical Preservationists, THE FREEMAN, 7/95, 7pp, in PP 1754: 31.

SALTZMAN, JAMES D., For Appearance’s Sake, THE FREEMAN, 11/96, 6pp, in PP 1753: 55.

SALTZMAN, JAMES D., Houston Says No to Zoning, THE FREEMAN, 8/94, 7pp, in PP 1765: 16.

SALZER, E. MICHAEL, Worin besteht menschliche Freiheit? DIE NEUE ZEITUNG, 9.1.1955, 1 S. , in PP 1699: 56.

SAMMONS, JOHN, Government Cost/Benefit Analyses: The Impetus & the Impotence, THE FREEMAN, 5/80, 9pp, in PP 1765: 94.

SAMPSON, ANNETTE, Big super funds under pressure to make ethics part of their bottom line, 1p, in PP 1654: 124. – There are different kinds of ethical principles, faiths and ideologies. The sovereign investor should be sufficiently informed on all his alternatives. – J.Z.

SAM’S POLITICALLY INCORRECT PAGES, 15pp, in PP 1661: 183. Mainly offering links, with some descriptions.

SAM’S POLITICALLY INCORRECT PAGES, 67 pp, in PP 1684: 1 See: WELLS, SAM. There may be some doubling up with previously microfiched pages. But, under present conditions, can one be too repetitive about liberty? I do get around to index my microfiched pages only at large intervals. Now I attached a long list of URLs. One of its flaws is that several times the text concerned is not named. He introduces his pages with the remark: “Throughout history the two main enemies of human freedom have been criminals and the government. Government was instituted to protect our freedoms in person and property from being violated by criminals.” – Was it? Most governments were established by conquests and maintained by oppression & tribute levies, i.e., by super-criminals, who managed to legalize their crimes. He copyrighted his articles, 1987 & 1999. Would he have wanted to copyright his many typos as well? I make no charge for my proof-reading. If he thinks that he could profit from microfiche publishing his essays, then why does he not try to do so? – J.Z., 17.5. & 26.5.01.

SAM’S POLITICALLY INCORRECT WEB PAGE AGAINST THE NEO-FASCIST “LIBERAL ESTABLISHMENT”, Books, etc., 24pp, in PP 1661: 114. Lists & abstracts of titles with direct purchase option from Amazon.comm, LF Books etc. Only through this list did I learn that RICHARD W. GRANT’s “The Incredible Bread Machine” is finally back in print, at last, since 1999. (Fox & Wilkes) I do highly recommend it as a classic, that, in desperation, I had fiched, when it was all too long o.o.p. All my attempts to contact the author had failed. Now he has a website: (Just downloaded the first level. Its joke, under “warning”, might give some people a heart attack! – But I feared nothing evil from this writer. – I am more short of time to read than short of money – for those titles listed that I do not yet possess. – J.Z., 2.2.00.

SAMS, GREGORY, Uncommon Sense, Review only, 1p, in PP 1731: 60. The book is online:

SAMSON, RAIMUND, Konformistischer Anarchismus, 4pp, in PP 1702: 201, from Uwe Timm, as attachment.

SAMUELS, LAWRENCE K., Equal Sex. Equal Rights, 1p: 12, in PP 1556.

SAMUELS, LAWRENCE K., Geo-Politics: The Role Geography Plays in the Development of Liberty, 12pp: 145, in PP 1557.

SAMUELS, LAWRENCE K., What About the Poor? 7pp: 135, in PP 1557.

SAMUELS, LAWRENCE K., Who’s Afraid of No Government? 8pp: 91, in PP 1557.

SAN FRANCISCO BAY AREA ANARCHIST CONFERENCE, in PP 1732: 4. – It was planned for 31 March 02 & emphasizes, as usual, anarchist theory. – I wonder whether the participants think that placing all such conference contributions onto a CD-ROM would be too practical, cheap and easy a method for these anarchist theorists. – J.Z.

SAN FRANCISCO EXAMINER, Lifeline for unwanted babies, 1p, in PP 1610: 117. – SMH 22.1.00, on legal abandonment.

SANCTION OF THE VICTIMS, See: BLANKERTZ, STEFAN, The Strength of the State. The Sociology of Submission, 1997. 6pp, in PP 1705: 107.

SANCTIONS, See: PRAGMATIST, THE, Do Sanctions Work? 2pp from: IV/2: 120, in PP 1572-73.

SANDBURG, CARL, Government, 1910(?), 1p, in PP 1717: 16.

SANDEFUR, TIMOTHY, Sir Edward Coke and the Common Law, 3pp, with notes, in PP 1663: 204. LFCT Sep. 25, 00.

SANDERS, CHARLENE, Homeschooling at the Ranch, 4pp, in PP 1737/38: 264.

SANDERS, RICHARD B., Justice: Libertarian Style, 3pp Review of: Randy E. Barnett, The Structure of Liberty: Justice and the Rule of Law, Clarendon Press, 1998, 347pp, in PP 1675: 191. From LIBERTY, (c)!

SANDERS, TOM, Making an Abilities Inventory, 4pp, in PP 1656-1659: 138.

SANDFORD, SANDY, Churchify Your Uniqueness, A Guide to Incorporating Your Own Church, 4pp, in PP 1656-1659: 312.

SANDFORT, SANDY, Do It Yourself Law Finding, 4pp, in PP 1656-1659: 266.

SANDFORT, SANDY, Free as a Bird, personal flight options, 3pp, in PP 1656-1659: 450.

SANDFORT, SANDY, Group Living, 3pp, in PP 1656-1659: 478.

SANDFORT, SANDY, How America’s Truckers Stay Free, 2pp, in PP 1656-1659: 436. – Are they? – J.Z.

SANDFORT, SANDY, Write Your Own Declaration of Independence, 2pp, in PP 1656-1659: 424.

SANDLIN, P. ANDREW, Rev., Christianity: Mother of Political Liberty, 2pp, in PP 1660: 112. From CHALCEDON REPORT, 10/2000. (I would deny the truth of this – but it is a point of view. – J.Z.)

SANDMAN, THE, Home Page, 2pp, in PP 1681: 13.

SANDMAN, THE, Instant Background Check Proposal, 1999, 4pp, (c) 1998-1999 Sundance Computing, in PP 1685/86: 196.

SANDMAN, THE, My Personal Firearms Philosophy, 2000, 5pp, (c) 1997-2000 Sundance Computing, in PP 1685/86: 191.

SANDMAN, THE, Second Amendment Freedom, Education & Responsibility, linked, 9pp, in PP 1685/86: 261.

SANERA, MICHAEL & SHAW, JANE, Facts, Not Fear: A Parent’s Guide to Teaching Children about the Environment, Regnery, 1996, 300pp, ISBN 0-89526-488-X, $ 14.95. Review only, 1p, by JAMES P. HOGAN, in PP 1616: 117.

SANTILLAN, DIEGO DE, Fuer eine konstruktive Arbeiterbewegung, 4pp: 80, in PP 1576.

SANTILLAN, DIEGO DE, Schiffbruch der Arbeiterbewegung, 6pp: 77, in PP 1576.

SANTILLAN, SANTORIELLO, ANDREA & BLOCK, WALTER, Externalities & the Environment, THE FREEMAN, 11/96, 3pp, in PP 1753: 86.

SATURATION REVOLUTION, See: THORNLEY, KERRY, Saturation Revolution, 2pp, from PEACE PLANS, March 1969: 173, in PP 1565-67.

SAUDI-ARABIA, See: WADE, KEITH, Full Employment – A Lesson from the Deserts of Saudi-Arabia, THE FREEMAN, 2/95, 3pp, in PP 1765: 135.

SAUR VERLAG, K.G., Guides to Microforms in Print, 1998, 1p website: 274, in PP 1599. –

SAUR, K.G., Verlag, Subject Guide to Microforms in Print, 1998. Website, 1p, on this expensive directory: 322 in PP 1577-78. – “Microforms remain the most important means for the permanent, space-saving and economical conservation of rare and valuable books, historical journals, newspapers, almanacs, periodicals, as well as collections and estates.” – Not only “conservation”! Potentially, it is also a very affordable and efficient method for publishing on demand and for acquiring reference works very cheaply. – J.Z., 8.11.1999.

SAVAGE, MARSHALL T., The Millennial Project: Colonizing the Galaxy in 8 Easy Steps, here the book’s introduction only, 4pp, in PP 1707: 170. – LIVING UNIVERSE FOUNDATION.

SAVAGE, TERRY, A Realist’s Plan for Building a Free Country in Space, I, 2pp: 412. II, 3pp: 432, in PP 1589-94.

SAVINGS, See: SUMMERS, BRIAN, The Role of Savings, THE FREEMAN, 5/74, 3pp, in PP 1749/50: 400.

SAWYER, IAN W. to ZUBE, JOHN, 26 April 01, with reply, 27 April 01, 4pp, in PP 1675: 194.

SAWYER, IAN, LONG, RODERICK & HAMMER, RICHARD, Another New-Country Project Emerges, 1999, 3pp, on a mini-Hong Kong in the Carribean, in PP 1687/88: 341. FREE NATION FOUNDATION, FNF.

SAYRE-SMITH, WILLIAM T., An Alternative to Complete Financial Breakdown, 2pp: 267, in PP 1565-67.

SCARCITY, See: LABADIE, LAURANCE, Scarcity, 1p, manuscript, of article printed in MAN! May 1936, in PP 1725: 18.

SCHECK, SAMUEL, Whose Land Is It? 1p: 90, in PP 1564.

SCEPTICISM, FREE THOUGHT, Links & abstracts, 5pp, FREE-MARKET.NET, in PP 1697: 12.

SCHEER, ROBERT, Bush’s Faustian Deal with the Taliban, LA TIMES, 22 May 02, 2pp, in PP 1728: 190, sent in anonymously by – Even the Taliban fanatics are entitled to self-government, but only for their own volunteers and only on the basis of exterritorial autonomy. If that had been conceded to them, as well as to all other dissenting minorities, most of the private and governmental terrorist acts would not have taken place, particularly since that would have undermined all notions of collective responsibility as well, whenever they are wrongfully applied to people who are not voluntary followers. And when one can have, quite freely, the government or non-governmental society of one’s dreams, among like-minded people, as a matter of individual choice, hatreds will tend to disappear and one will begin to blame oneself rather than non-members, for the own mistakes. But where are these 2 significant alternatives sufficiently discussed outside my PEACE PLANS series? – Experimental freedom, freedom of action and full minority autonomy for all, but quite without any territorial monopoly! – J.Z., 27.2.02.

SCHEER, ROBERT, Surprise! Immigration Hasn’t Ruined Us, Feb. 23rd, 1999, 2p, in PP 1682: 24.

SCHEUER, JEFFREY, The Sound Bite Society, TV & the American Mind, 1999, 240pp, $ 23.95, flyer only, in PP 1664/65: 392.

SCHIERECK, LARRY ALLEN, Max Stirner’s Egoism and Nihilism, A Thesis, Sand Diego State University, Summer 1981, revised for W 3 1996, based on literature available in 1981, 37 pp, in PP 1660: 36. – Bibliography, 2pp: 71. Unfortunately, the URL I got it from is not mentioned & I failed to note it down. Note that L.A. Schiereck copyrighted it in 1996 – and then offered it free of charge on the Internet. Author’s e-mail: – I wrote to him weeks ago & did not receive a reply. – J. Z.

SCHIFF, IRWIN A., The Great U.S. Money Swindle, 7pp, in PP 1656-1659: 338.

SCHIMENZ, ROBERT J., State Funding Threatens Community Groups, THE FREEMAN, 4/89, 1p, in PP 1764: 39.

SCHIRRY, MICHAEL, See: WOLFMAN’S SITE, Home Page, 3pp, in PP 1701: 146, with URL list, Left-anarchist site with one interesting article: SEELE, MELCHIOR, Michael Schirry: Executed for Planning to Assassinate Mussolini, 1p: 147.

SCHLEUNING, NEALA, The Abolition of Work and other Myths, KICK IT OVER # 35, Summer 1995, 5pp, ANARCHIST LIBRARY, in PP 1696: 70.

SCHLOSS, BENJAMIN, Dr., CARYLE, CARL & STODALSKY, DAVID, Project ’89, 3pp: 69, in PP 1595-96.

SCHMID, ALBAN, Interview mit A.S., 3 S.: 243, in PP 1588. – Gruender von PRO LIBERTATE: Schweizer Zweig von ISIL –

SCHMID, ALBAN, Umwelt und Ressourcen, 3 S., in PP 1625: 12.

SCHMIDT, EMERSON P., Who’s Pressing for More Spending and Taxing? 30pp, Constitutional Alliance, The National Issue Series of POLITICS, IV, No. 18, May 14, 1969: 97, in PP 1585.

SCHMIDT, KENT J., Blackstone’s View of Natural Law and Its Influence on the Formation of the American Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, 5pp (c), in PP 1675: 95.

SCHMIDT, STAN, Blueprint for Takeover, 2pp, in PP 1713-1715: 235. – From: FREEDOM MAGAZINE.

SCHMITZ, JOHN G., Socialized Medicine Needs Socialized Doctors, 1p, in PP 1713-1715: 118. – & socialized patients! – J.Z. – From: FREEDOM MAGAZINE.

SCHMUECK, H.-J., Anarchie – Zur Geschichte eines Reiz- und Schlagwortes, 1998, 16 S. , in PP 1701:50,

SCHNAUBELT, FRED, Billboards, Freedom of Speech and Property Rights, THE FREEMAN, 4/80, 4pp, in PP 1757/58: 260.

SCHOCHET, MIKE, And then my teacher said that mankind was evil, 1p, in PP 1551.

SCHOLARLY & IN-DEPTH STUDIES, 1p, short guide, in PP 1704: 143. – – FREE-MARKET.NET.

SCHOOL OF COOPERATIVE INDIVIDUALISM, THE, Essays incomplete 410pp, in PP 1668/69. Welcome to the Home Pages, introduction to the School, Contents & URLs, 6pp: 1. Edward J. Dodson Note: I am not a Georgist myself. But except for his proposal of a “single tax” and his stand on immigration, most of his ideas are acceptable to most propertarian libertarians. As for his main thesis: Every productive member of “the community” contributes, by his activities to the value of the local ground rent. To say that only the community produces ground rent but he, as a member of that community, does not, is absurd. To tax him, in spite of his contribution to the value of ground rent, is quite wrong. Charging him competitive prices for competitively supplied public services is quite another matter. Moreover, everybody receives “unearned values” as part of his income, which is due to the knowledge, skills and inventions of others, many to most of them long dead, rather than to his own knowledge, skills and inventions. If it were right to tax land values then it would be right to tax these values as well. – No Georgists has ever replied convincingly to my following objection: If ALL of the site value of a site were taxed away then the advantage of location would disappear and e.g. services that should be available at centres would then be offered rather at the periphery, to avoid the high tax at the centres. That is obviously uneconomic in its all-over effects. To leave SOME of the site value to its owner, to ensure the continuance of proper locations for enterprises, would, according to Georgist “principles” amount to the continuance of an unjust privilege. If it should be a company town or a single land owner owns most of the local land, then the model of a proprietary community is preferred by me – if there were no other land tenure options. But there are. My favourite one is the “open cooperative” first proposed by Buchez and then developed by Hertzka & Ulrich von Beckerath. Moreover, I see a way for a diversity of land reform systems to be practised voluntarily and at their expense and risk by their believers, in the same locality. This, too, is not a “problem” that has to be solved with territorial uniformity under a single law or set of laws. But existing property rights, even in land, should be respected. One cannot make up for thousands of years of conquest and privilege by coercive interventions. Attempts to do so could end up in civil wars. Purchases of enterprises, under monetary and financial freedom, offer an easy and peaceful solution for the acquisition of land titles by individuals and their groups. Here, too, combined purchasing power and various long term credit options could make a significant difference. So could the easier sale of e.g. produce, if it could be converted in a natural way into local purchasing power, e.g. by “shop currency”. A Georgist set of about 22 volumes exists on voluntary land reform experiments undertaken by Georgists. I have not yet got around to acquire all of them or to microfiche the few that I have. Dan Sullivan of the SCHALKENBACH FOUNDATION recently wrote to me that the LINCOLN INSTITUTE is preparing a collected works edition of Henry George on a CD. That CD would have room for these 22 volumes, too – and many more, up to ca. 2,000, if only Georgists want all of their writings better known and cheaply and easily accessible. For here these hints must suffice. – Luckily, this School of Thought, as its name does already indicate, does not present a narrow and dogmatic line of thought, as becomes obvious from the range of its topics and authors. – J.Z., 8.5.01 & 19.5.01.

SCHOOL OF COOPERATIVE INDIVIDUALISM, THE, LIBRARY A – Z, AUTHOR LIST of online essays in the library of THE SCHOOL OF COOPERATIVE INDIVIDUALISM, 25 pp, sometimes with short comments. In PP 1668/69, p 11. This A – Z collection of essays, too, would constitute a great input into a libertarian encyclopaedia. – J.Z.

SCHOOL OF LIVING, Home Page, 2000, 2pp, with links , in PP 1672: 206.

SCHOOL OF LIVING, See: LOOMIS, MILDRED, Moving Into the Front Ranks of Social Change, Complete proceedings of the Labor Day ’73 Conference, Henry George Schools & The School of Living, 1974, rights reserved. by R. Bruce Allison, SOL Press, MILDRED LOOMIS was Chairman. 88pp, in PP 1634-1636: 755.

SCHOOLLAND, KEN, Balkan Blunders & Libertarian Alternatives, 2pp, in PP 1729: 9. – As far as I know, Ken Schoolland has not yet discussed the panarchistic alternative for the Balkans and everywhere else. – J.Z., 30.5.02.

SCHOOLAND, KEN, Epilogue to “The Adventures of Jonathan Gullible”, 1p, sent by Lux Lucre with a high recommendation for the whole book, in PP 1614: 205.

SCHOOLLAND, KEN, Free Market Solutions to World Crises, 1999, 14pp, in PP 1705: 181.

SCHOOLAND, KEN, Once in Power. Roger Douglas on the New Zealand “Miracle”, 1p: 32, in PP 1561-63.

SCHOOLLAND, KEN, Saddened by Hoppe, Rockwell Anti-Immigration Views, 1p: 301, in PP 1561-63. –

SCHOOLLAND, KEN, See: MINGARDI, ALBERTO, The Adventures of Jonathan Gullible: an Interview with KEN SCHOOLLAND, 2pp, TLFCT, Dec. 14, 98, in PP 1682: 130.

SCHOOLLAND, KEN, The Adventures of Jonathan Gullible: A Free Market Odyssey, continues to go global, 6pp ISIL circular of March 1998: 347, in PP 1561-63.

SCHULER, KURT, The Demise of Canadian Free Banking, 3pp: 383, in PP 1574-75. – The Canadian DEGREE of Free Banking! – J.Z.

SCHOOLLAND, KEN, The Disaster of International Foreign Aid Programs, 988, Revised May 1998, 3pp, in PP 1660: 73. From

SCHULER, KURT, The Promise of Sound Money, Review, 1p, of: DORN, JAMES A. & SCHWARTZ, ANNA J., editors, The Search for Stable Money, Chicago, UCP, 1987: 257, in PP 1574-75.


SCHOOLS & DIRECT DEMOCRACY, See: BOEHM, R. W., School Budgets and Town Meetings, THE FREEMAN, 9/90, 3pp, in PP 1754: 112. – School budgets should be no more subject to town meetings than are the budgets of butchers and bakers. – J.Z.

SCHOOLS, See: CAHILL, JOHN P., Government Control of Private Schools? , THE FREEMAN, 7/72, 3pp, in PP 1765: 132.

SCHOOLS, See: WATTS, ORVAL V., Are Schools Necessary? THE FREEMAN, 7/71, 3pp, in PP 1757/58: 376 – Let parents and pupils decide about that and let them pay for their choices! – J.Z.

SCHULER, KURT, Deposit Insurance Déjà Vu, THE FREEMAN, 7/89, 6pp, in PP 1745-1748: 293.

SCHULER, KURT, Should Developing Countries Have Central Banks? Currency Quality and Monetary Systems in 155 Countries, IEA, 1996, 126pp, MOORE, RODERICK, Review, 2pp, in PP 1708-1710: 491. – Privatization of money is mentioned only in passing: “However, this is too radical an idea to be politically possible today, and it will remain politically impossible for a few years yet.” – As if we had to rely on its political realization rather than realizing it in a voluntaristic, private and cooperative monetary revolution at an opportune moment, before political forces could be rallied against it. – J.Z., 15.7.01. – There are possibly few other kinds of revolutions that could provide so fast, far-reaching and obvious benefits than monetary revolutions that introduced full monetary freedom, doing this rightfully and rationally. – J.Z., 29.5.02.

SCHULER, KURT, The Failure of Central Banking in Development Countries, THE FREEMAN, 4/95, 5pp, in PP 1745-1748: 299.

SCHULMAN, J. NEIL, J. Neil Schulman’s Nasty, Brutish, and Short Stories, (c) 1997, PULPLESS.COM 2pp, in PP 1677: 81. – 4pp, in PP 1616: 58. – The whole book is available from – but seems to have little to do with libertarianism. Just storytelling. – J.Z.

SCHULMAN, J. NEIL, See: MINGARDI, ALBERTO, Guns, Scifi, and Electronic Publishing: an Interview with J. NEIL SCHULMAN, 3pp, TLFCT, in PP 1682: 117.

SCHULMAN, J. NEIL, Stopping Power: Why 70 Million Americans Own guns. Free read of sampler online. Free download of sampler. Or download the whole books for $ 3.95. Reviews, links, 6pp, in PP 1616: 73.

SCHULMAN, J. NEIL, The Rainbow Cadenza, 1983, 42pp: 404: in PP 1565-67.

SCHULMAN, J. NEIL, The Robert Heinlein Interview and Other Heinleiniana, full text available at moderate prices from & online from Pulpless.Com. 2pp, in PP 1677: 74. – 3pp, in PP 1616: 62. – Download the free sampler or read or download the whole book, for only $ 2.50. With Other Sch. Essays.

SCHULMAN, J. NEIL, The World According to J. Neil Schulman. Books by J. Neil Schulman, 2pp, with a statement on his information policy, in PP 1616: 71.

SCHULTZ, DAN, Review, 1p, of: ROSS, JOHN, Unintended Consequences, in PP 1685/86: 359. On Gun control.

SCHULTZ, ROBERT, We the People Foundation, e-mail, 3 March 2001, on the first 5 employers who stopped withholding taxes. , in PP 1677: 86. By now all 5 may already have ended up in gaol or dead or are, at least, involved in overly expensive and prolonged law suits. I do not expect to achieve much freedom through loopholes. Judges will either ignore them or legislators will abolish them. – But it would be nice if sufficient liberty in enough spheres would already exist or could easily be taken. – And in spheres where it does, like e.g. for libertarian microfiche and CD-ROM publishing, the opportunity is usually not taken by libertarians. – J.Z., 22.5.01.

SCHULZ, BOB, Dear Government, why won’t you answer, Chairman of We The People Foundation for Constitutional Education, Inc. Article: One man hungers. A nation prays. As America watches, 3pp, in PP 18, 2nd ed.: 193, – He seems to believe that through fasting and government court actions he can overthrow the U.S taxing system as “illegal”. If he could, guess what would be legalized within a day? Fasting rather than pondering, preparing and organizing a tax strike, voluntary taxation, monetary freedom and panarchistic alternative? I am also reminded of remarks by Ulrich von Beckerath, 1882-1969, that in effect the unarmed voter is just a comical figure in the eyes of those in power. He should have added, perhaps, as the militia advocate that he was: “and unorganized and untrained”. – J.Z., 12.6. & 27.7.01. – I received numerous other messages from him, all based upon the notion that the constitution, law, expensive lawyers and court cases can re-establish sufficient liberty. – I strongly disagree & thus immediately wipe out most of the later messages. – J.Z., 3.6.02.

SCHUMACHER SOCIETY, Publications Index, Links with URLs, 13pp, in PP 1697: 113.


SCHUSTER, EUNICE MINETTE, Native American Anarchism, 1932 $ 12, as a reprint. $ 1 LMP edition, in PP 1664/65: 347. Review only, 1p, by WILGUS, NEAL: 386, in PP 1589-94.

SCHWARTZ, DAVID J., Breaking the Bonds of Psychological Slavery, 6pp, in PP 1656-1659: 322.

SCHWARTZ, PETER, Dear Readers, Aug. 20, 1986, 2pp on: BRANDEN, BARBARA, The Passion of Ayn Rand: 56, in PP 1598.

SCHWARTZ, STEVEN, Higher Education: last of the great socialist enterprises, 1p, in PP 1610: 124. – Five major unchecked premises already in the headline! Some degrees of libertarian tinkering with universities are not enough. Now freedom lovers could set up affordable alternative education and certification schemes, at every level, using efficient and affordable alternative media. – PIOT, J.Z., 21.2.2000. – SMH, 14.2.200, on a CIS speech.

SCHWARTZMAN, JACK, A Quotation Whose Time Has Come, 1p: 89, in PP 1564. (On the strength of ideas. I believe that Napoleon I said it much before Victor Hugo but cannot prove it. – J.Z.)

SCHWARTZMAN, JACK, circular of Dec. 10, 2,000 (NO “e”!!!), in PP 1731: 1.

SCHWARTZMAN, JACK, Circulars of Sep. 8, 01, Sep. 12, 01 & May 18, 01, 2pp, in PP 1731: 29.

SCHWARTZMAN, JACK, Dear Patient readers, May 1, 1997, 1p: 123, Dear Subscriber, Nov. 17, 1997, 1p: 124, in PP 1564.

SCHWARTZMAN, JACK, Dear Reader, March 6, 1995, 1p: 254, in PP 1599.

SCHWARTZMAN, JACK, Dear Readers, 22 December 1999, 1p: 256, in PP 1599.

SCHWARTZMAN, JACK, Dear Readers, Dec. 31, 1986, 1p: 252, in PP 1599.

SCHWARTZMAN, JACK, Dear Readers, May 10, 1999, 1p: 272, in PP 1599.

SCHWARTZMAN, JACK, Dear Readers, May 21, 1996, 1p: 121; October 1, 1996, 1p: 122, in PP 1564.

SCHWARTZMAN, JACK, Editor in Chief of FRAGMENTS, circular, April 15, 1998, 1p: 486, in PP 1565-67.

SCHWARTZMAN, JACK, FRAGMENTS letter, 22. Feb. 2,000, 1p, in PP 1630: 70. – Would it come out more often, more regularly and more voluminous if it were produced on microfiche or floppies? – J.Z.

SCHWARTZMAN, JACK, George Raymond Geiger (1903-1998): His Life and Thought, 2pp: 102, in PP 1564.

SCHWARTZMAN, JACK, Henry George & Emma Lazarus, Comparative Views, On Progress and Poverty, On Population and Immigration, On Sectarianism versus the Universal, On Liberty, 1998, 28pp: 104, in PP 1583.

SCHWARTZMAN, JACK, Henry George’s Theory of Value, 2pp: 66, in PP 1564.

SCHWARTZMAN, JACK, Heroes and Valets, 2pp: 74, in PP 1564.

SCHWARTZMAN, JACK, Lilacs, 1p, from FRAGMENTS, Jan. – March 1966: 258, in PP 1599. – Same article, Russian translation, 1995, 2pp: 259. – Romanian Translation, 2pp,1995: 262. – Spanish Translation, 1990, 2pp: 264. – German Translation, my own 1999 amateur and rough one, 2pp: 266, with a letter to J.S., n.d., 4pp: 267, in PP 1599.

SCHWARTZMAN, JACK, Rand and the Russians, 1p: 38, in PP 1564.

SCHWARTZMAN, JACK, The Leaders and the Mob, 2pp, in PP 1731: 22. – Both would be transformed by voluntary State membership and the resulting free competition in this sphere as well. Arbitrarily and coercively thrown together masses will, inevitably, be misled, because they can be held together only by the lowest common denominators: popular errors, myths and prejudices. – See: ON PANARCHY. – J.Z., 31.5.02.

SCHWARTZMAN, JACK, The State and Social Security, 1p: 57, in PP 1564.

SCHWARTZMAN, JACK, Thoreau, George, and Tolstoy: A Triple Comparison, 2pp: 18, in PP 1564.

SCHWARTZMAN, JACK, Thought vs. Action; Will vs. Fate, 2pp, in PP 1630: 76. Notes and quotes.

SCHWARTZMAN, JACK, to ZUBE, JOHN, January 19, 1999, 1p, on the German translation of “LILACS”: 257, in PP 1599.

SCHWARTZMAN, JACK, Walt Whitman: Individualist or Statist? 2pp: 114, in PP 1564.

SCHWEIKART, LARRY, Downsizing, 1860s-Style: Lessons from the Pony Express, THE FREEMAN, 8/00, 8pp, in PP 1754: 38.

SCHWEITZER, ALBERT, The Natural Way, 2pp, from : The Decay and the Restoration of Civilization: 446, in PP 1565-67. – With a 1p comment by LEONARD E. READ.

SCIABARRA, CHRIS MATHEW, Ayn Rand: The Russian Radical, SCIABARRA Responds to the Critics, Response to MERRILL, RONALD E., 3pp, in PP 1682: 97.

SCIABARRA, CHRIS MATHEW, Ayn Rand: The Russian Radical, Endorsements from Left, Right, and Center, 4pp, in PP 1682: 15.

SCIABARRA, CHRIS MATHEW, Ayn Rand – The Russian Radical, 6pp, in PP 1618: 90.

SCIABARRA, CHRIS MATHEW, Ayn Rand: The Russian Radical, Index of Online and Published Reviews – and the Author’s Responses, 2pp, in PP 1682: 11.

SCIABARRA, CHRIS MATHEW, Ayn Rand: The Russian Radical, Online Reviews: BROWN, DAVID M., To the editor, 1p, from FULL CONTEXT, in PP 1682: 38.

SCIABARRA, CHRIS MATHEW, Ayn Rand: The Russian Radical, Published Reviews, REASON LETTERS, MAY 1996, Links & URL list only, 2pp, in PP 1682: 10 & 14.

SCIABARRA, CHRIS MATHEW, Ayn Rand: The Russian Radical, Published Reviews, R.W. Bradford, LIBERTY (May 1996), abstract & link only plus URL list, one page, in PP 1682: 35. – LIBERTY:

SCIABARRA, CHRIS MATHEW, Ayn Rand: The Russian Radical, Published Reviews, BROWN, DAVID M., FREEMAN, March 1996, abstract only and incomplete at that, 1p, in PP 1682: 37. – Sorry, my download or print-out ends here & I did not try to get the lot in plain text. – J.Z.

SCIABARRA, CHRIS MATHEW, Ayn Rand: The Russian Radical, Published Reviews: DYKES, NICHOLAS, FREE LIFE, No. 26, Fall 1996. Here only a 1/2 p abstract of the, in PP 1682: 49. – Criticism, with a link to the author’s reply.

SCIABARRA, CHRIS MATHEW, Ayn Rand: The Russian Radical, Response to Bryan Caplan, made to an internet group, in response to Bryan Caplan’s review, which was later published in LIBERTARIAN ALLIANCE, 1p, in PP 1682: 42. – Note that these and other responses do contain links, which I have not spelled out by seeking out and typing in links. I mainly want to give an indication of what an industrious author can do on the Internet to promote his writings. – J.Z., 25.5.01.

SCIABARRA, CHRIS MATHEW, Ayn Rand: The Russian Radical, Response to HUNT, LESTER, full text of a Letter to the Editor, edited for publication in the May 1996 issue of LIBERTY, in PP 1682: 43.

SCIABARRA, CHRIS MATHEW, Ayn Rand: The Russian Radical, Response to LENNOX, JAMES G., in IOS JOURNAL, April 96, & to LENNOX’S review in REASON, May 96, 2pp, in PP 1682: 64.

SCIABARRA, CHRIS MATHEW, Ayn Rand: The Russian Radical, Response to the Critics: Response to DYKES, NICHOLAS, in FREE LIFE, 1/2 page, in PP 1682: 92.

SCIABARRA, CHRIS MATHEW, Ayn Rand: The Russian Radical, Response to the Critics, Response to David S. Ross, 4pp, in PP 1682: 110.

SCIABARRA, CHRIS MATHEW, Ayn Rand: The Russian Radical, Sciabarra Responds to the Critics. Response to David M. Brown, 2pp, in PP 1682: 40.

SCIABARRA, CHRIS MATHEW, Ayn Rand: The Russian Radical, Sciabarra Responds to the Critics: Response to LENNOX, JAMES G. in REASON, 1p, in PP 1682: 67.

SCIABARRA, CHRIS MATHEW, Ayn Rand: The Russian Radical, Sciabarra Responds to the Critics. Here: Response to MACGREGOR, DAVID & FRIEDMAN, JEFFREY: Are We All Dialecticians Now? CRITICAL REVIEW XII, No. 3, Summer 98, 283-99, 13pp, in PP 1682: 80. CRITICAL REVIEW:

SCIABARRA, CHRIS MATHEW, Ayn Rand: The Russian Radical, SCIABARRA responds to the Critics, A post to the Alt.Philosophy.Objectivism Newsgroup in answer to John Ridpath’s “Review”, 2pp, see also the previous 2 sheets, in PP 1682: 105.

SCIABARRA, CHRIS MATHEW, Ayn Rand: The Russian Radical, Sciabarra Responds to the Critics, Response to the IOS Roundtable Critics, an extended response that was not published in either the IOS Journal or REASON Magazine, 3pp, in PP 1682: 115. – NOTE, A few minor entries have not been listed here. The above is already enough to show the promotions options for an author on the Internet. – J.Z., 25.5.01.

SCIABARRA, CHRIS MATHEW, Ayn Rand: The Russian Radical, Table of Contents, 1p, in PP 1682: 13.

SCIABARRA, CHRIS MATHEW, Marx, Hayek, and Utopia, Sciabarra Responds to the Critics: John Davenport, David Gordon, Tibor R. Machan, and Michael Principe, 1p, in PP 1682: 48.

SCIABARRA, CHRIS MATHEW, Reply to Critics: Ayn Rand: The Russian Radical – A Work In Progress, 10pp, first published in the Fall 1997 issue of REASON PAPERS No. 22, in PP 1682: 24.

SCIABARRA, CHRIS MATTHEW, Ayn Rand: The Russian Radical, 1995, 477pp, ISBN 0 271 01440 7, DYKES, NICOLAS, Review, 4pp, in PP 1708-1710: 374.

SCIABARRA, CHRIS MATTHEW, Marx, Hayek, and Utopia, $ 19.95, 1/2 p sales announcement, in PP 1682: 10. Order: 607-227-2211

SCIABARRA, CHRIS MATTHEW, Marx, Hayek, and Utopia, 1959, Abstract & Ordering Information & Table of Contents, 2pp, in PP 1677: 102.

SCIABARRA, CHRIS, MATTHEW, Ayn Rand: Her Life and Thought, essay, 1996, expanded and revised, 1997?, how many pages? Short introduction & a contents list, 1p, in PP 1682: 8. – Provided by THE ATLAS SOCIETY, 1-800-374-1776.

SCIABARRA, CHRIS, See: FULL CONTEXT & other articles in PP 1681.

SCIABARRA,CHRIS MATHEW, Ayn Rand: The Russian Radical, Published Reviews, BISSELL, ROGER E., REASON PAPERS, No. 21, Fall 1966, 82-87, here a 1/2 p abstract only, linking to Roger Bissell’s site, with URL list , in PP 1682: 34.


SCIENCE FICTION, LIBERTARIAN, See: 2THINK.ORG, Science Fiction, links to 9 titles, n.d., in PP 1677: 64.

SCIENCE FICTION, LIBERTARIAN, See: BOSTON BADEN, CHAZ, Science Fiction Resource Guide, 1p of links, 2000, in PP 1677: 59.

SCIENCE FICTION, LIBERTARIAN, See: FICTION, SCIENCE FICTION, ENTERTAINMENT, 8pp, in PP 1704: 174. (I would not have thrown these together, either! – J.Z.) – FREE-MARKET.NET. – This throwing together different topics under one heading is one of the things that would be omitted by an alphabetical listing. One could go straight to those terms which of the greatest interest to oneself. – J.Z.

SCIENCE FICTION, LIBERTARIAN, See: FREE-MARKET.NET, Spotlight: Free Societies in Fiction: Libertarians in Space, 8 pp guide to printed books and websites, edited by J.D. Tuccille, n.d. , in PP 1677: 29. A contribution towards a complete list of libertarian SF! –

SCIENCE FICTION, LIBERTARIAN, See: INTERNET INFEDILS, Video Store – Science Fiction, 2pp, 2000, in PP 1677: 60., (c) or is it ? YOU check it out! Alas, here are only 3 SF films listed. – J.Z.

SCIENCE FICTION, LIBERTARIAN, See: KOMAN, VICTOR, SF Fandom Strikes Back, in response to the above review, 3pp, in PP 1677: 56. LIBERTY, May 98, (c) –


SCIENCE FICTION, LIBERTARIAN, See: O’KEEFFE, MATTHEW, Review, 2pp, of 3 SF books: Brian Aldiss: Enemies of the System; Ira Levin, This Perfect Day & Gene Wolfe, Operation ARES, in PP 1708-1710: 119.

SCIENCE FICTION, LIBERTARIAN, See: PLANET FOUNTAINHEAD, Cyber Fanzine discussing the homo sapiens invictus and his moral philosophy in the new sci-fi series, gene roddenberry’s andromeda. 1p in plain text, in PP 1676: 179. – I found the html website to overlaid with “decorations” that it was partly illegible for me! – J.Z.

SCIENCE FICTION, LIBERTARIAN, See: SCHULMAN, J. NEIL, The Robert Heinlein Interview and Other Heinleiniana, available at moderate prices from & online from Pulpless.Com. 2pp, in PP 1677: 74. –

SCIENCE FICTION, LIBERTARIAN, See: SF-LOVERS, List of activities: Digest, Conventions List, Reference, Resource Guide: Home page, 1p, 1995-2000, in PP 1662: 126. – Saul Jaffe:

SCIENCE FICTION, LIBERTARIAN, See: SFREVU, Interview & Review, dealing with Vernor Vinge, (c) 1999 by ERNEST LILLEY, 5 pp. Of the interview with VV only the first page printed out for me, in PP 1677: 65. –

SCIENCE FICTION, LIBERTARIAN, See: SMITH, L. NEIL, The Great Explosion, n.d., 2pp, title borrowed from the novel by Eric Frank Russell. Lever Action Essays Page, in PP 1677: 62.

SCIENCE FICTION, LIBERTARIAN, See: WALKER, JESSE, Anarchies, States, and Utopias. The science fiction of Ken McLeod, 4p, in PP 1677: 70. From REASON, No. 2000, and ReasonOnline.

SCIENCE FICTION, LIBERTARIAN, See: WOLFE, CLAIRE, Review, 3pp, of: LINAWEAVER, BRAD & KRAMER, EDWARD E., editors, Free Space, TOR, July 1997, $ 24.95 (hardbound): “… the first explicitly libertarian SF anthology…”!, in PP 16 & 17, 2nd edition: 300.

SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, INTERNET, Links and abstracts, 14pp, FREE-MARKET.NET, in PP 1697: 24.

SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH, FUNDING & DIRECTION, See: STEELMAN, AARON, The Free Market and Scientific Research, THE FREEMAN, 5/98, 4pp, in PP 1749/50: 233. – Neither the protection of individual rights nor education, nor trade and production nor the development of science should be entrusted to territorial governments, i.e., to coercive & monopolistic institutions with involuntary subjects. – J.Z., 1.6.02.

SCOTT, CAROLE E., Home page on Adam Smith, 1997-99, 1/2p, copyrighted, in PP 1663: 105. – Some libertarian publishers seem more concerned with copyrights than with the publishing of libertarian ideas and information. – J.Z.

SCOTT, of the Insurgency Culture Collective, U.S., The Anarchist Response to Crime, 5pp, in PP 1701: 195. – No anarchist can rightly speak for all other anarchists! – J.Z.

SCOTT, of the Insurgency Culture Collective, USA, Anarchism and Immigration, 2pp, in PP 1682: 30.

SCOTT, OTTO, Revolution & The Press, 6pp: 53, in PP 1581-82.

SCRUTON, ROGER, The Plague of Sociology, 3pp, in PP 1609: 36. – From TIMES, London, 8 Oct. 1985, with comments, from FORT FREEDOM. Also in: Untimely Tracts, N.Y., St. Martin’s Press, 1987, pp 237-9.

SEARCH ENGINES, 1p list, in PP 1607/8: 45.

SEATBELT LAWS, See: LIBERTARIAN PARTY, Criminal Outrage: Millions Harassed at Seatbelt Roadblocks over Holiday Weekend, 2pp: 772. – It is easier, less risky and more profitable to do this than to harass terrorists. – J.Z., 30.5.02.

SEATTLE RIOT, See: ELMORE, BRUCE, The Lessons of Seattle, 3pp, LFCT, Dec. 13, 1999, in PP 1662: 10. (B. Elmore)

SEATTLE RIOTS, See: STAMM, ED, Battle in Seattle, Dec. 99, 1p, “A publicity bonanza for the anarchist movement, or a public relations disaster?” In PP 1629: 204.

SECESSION, INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY, VOLUNTARISM, PANARCHISM, See: FLANAGAN, GREGORY, SOVEREIGNTY, 4pp, in PP 1689-1693: 745. – On individual secessionism, individual sovereignty and voluntary associationism. This aspect is not always clearly stated in all of his pages or executed in all of his proposals (I believe) but, in case of doubt, should always be assumed as implied or intended, since it is one of his guiding ideas. – J.Z.


SECESSION, See: TOMASI, JOHN, Secession, Group Rights and the Grounds of Political Obligation, 6pp, in PP 1689-1693, from HUMANE STUDIES REVIEW, 8/1, Fall 92. – Individual & territorial Secessionism. – J.Z. 319. In: ON PANARCHY, 20-24.

SECESSIONS, See: SHENFIELD, ARTHUR, An Open Letter to Mr. Ian Smith, Prime Minister of Rhodesia, IMPRIMIS, 6/73, 8 pp, in PP 1755/56: 142. – It contains a paragraph on free banking. This secessionist leader did not permit secessions from his secessionist attempt, either. If he had, most complaints would not have arisen. To each his own secession! – Most secessionists merely aim at smaller scale territorial despotism, with them at the top. – J.Z.


SECOND HAND BOOKS, 1p, e-mail address is defunct! and the URL does not appear to be functional, at least in WORD 97, either. In PP 1677: 89.

SECOND HAND BOOKS, Book Links & More, 1p, in PP 1702: 206. Note that all my e-mails to this and other addresses of “mary” were returned as undeliverable! – Probably another freedom bookshop attempt that failed. – J.Z.

SECHREST, LARRY, Guns, Glorious Guns! 2pp, in PP 1607/8 – from THE FREE RADICAL.

SECOND AMENDMENT FOUNDATION, Home Page, 1999, 3pp, with numerous links, e-m.: 146, in PP 1568.

SECRECY, See: MACCALLUM, SPENCER H., New Countries and the Case for Keeping One’s Cards Close to One’s Chest, 2pp: 530, in PP 1601-04.

SECULAR WEB LIBRARY, Home Page with links and URL list, 3pp, in PP 1677: 91.

SECURITY, See: HAMMER, RICHARD O., Comments upon Security, National and Domestic, 5pp: 75, in PP 1601-04.

SECURITY, See: HUELSMANN, JOERG GUIDO, Mehr Sicherheit durch den Staat? 5 S., in PP 1625: 47.

SECURITY, See: MATTHEW, SCOTT C., The First Civil Right IS Safety, THE FREEMAN, 1p, in PP 1766-68: 586. – If it is, territorial governments, rather obviously, cannot provide it. – J.Z., 21.5.02.

SECURITY, See: READ, LEONARD E., The Security of Freedom, 3pp: 123, in PP 1560.

SEE SHARP PRESS, 12-Step Deprogramming Stories Sought & other lit info, 7pp, in PP 1676: 96.

SEE SHARP PRESS, Literature List, 6pp, P.O. Box 1731, Tucson, AZ 85702-1731, in PP 1676: 74.

SEELE, MELCHIOR, See: WOLFMAN’S SITE, Home Page, 3pp, in PP 1701: 146, with URL list, Left-anarchist site with one interesting article: SEELE, MELCHIOR, Michael Schirry: Executed for Planning to Assassinate Mussolini, 1p: 147.

SEGAL, BOB, Independence Day – 1974, 1p, in PP 1713-1715: 319. – From: FREEDOM MAGAZINE. – Contains a kind of human rights declaration. – J. Z.

SEGALL, PAUL E., Talking Technology, 2pp: 221, in PP 1554/55. – On cryonics.

SEIDLIN, OSKAR, Liberty and Self-Control: Goethe’s Vision of a New World, 6pp: 181, in PP 1581-82.

SEIJAS, NANCY & VORHIES, FRANK, Private Preservation of Wildlife: A Visit to the South African Lowveld, THE FREEMAN, 8/89, 8pp, in PP 1754: 178.

SEK 3 (Konkin), Boundary Resistance, 1p, which was inserted in INVICTUS No. 16, enlarged: 123, in PP 1558.

SEK 3, The Big Lies of Justin Raimondo, 3pp, in PP 1671: 175. – There are so many big lies. Why bother of about his? – J.Z., 20.3.01.


SELF-DEFENCE, GUN CONTROL & MILITIAS, 403pp of downloads, in PP 1684 & 1686.

SELF-DEFENCE, See: GABB, SEAN, From A. V. Dicey, The Law of the Constitution, 1885, 1915, Note IV, The right of Self-Defence, pages 489-97, 7pp, in PP 1670: 132.

SELF-DEFENCE, See: LOOMPANICS: Self-Defence, 1p, links to 11 titles, in PP 1664/65: 397. – The total literature on this subject goes probably into the thousands of volumes. – J.Z.

SELF-GOVERNMENT, See: BOUDREAUX, DONALD J., Self-Government, THE FREEMAN, 9/00, 3pp, in PP 1754: 90. – He, too, failed to realize that genuine self-government requires individual sovereignty & individual secessions, voluntary membership in societies and States, competition between such associations and full exterritorial autonomy for them. The limited government concept is all too limited – for all those who do not subscribe to it and all too unlimited and limiting for those not subscribing to territorial rule and the ideals of such rulers. – J.Z.)

SELF-IMPROVEMENT, See: SMILES, SAMUEL, Self-Improvement, from his book “Thrift”, THE FREEMAN, 10/80, 1p, in PP 1754: 88.

SELF-LIBERATION, See: BAXTER, RENE, Self-Liberation, 4pp, in PP 1656-1659: 14.

SELF-MANAGEMENT, See: PRYCHITKO, DAVID L., The Political Economy of Workers’ Self-Management, 3pp, diss. Abstract: 332, in PP 1574-75. – Which type of hundreds of different ones does he discuss? – All too many were run under all too many anti-economic notions. But this does not devalue the others. – Alas, he seems to be mainly interested only in Yugoslavian models, run under a communist regime! – J.Z., 8.11.1999.

SELF-MANAGEMENT RING, Home Page of another “webring”, 3pp, in PP 1707: 201. – I would find an alphabetized address list, with URL, e-mail contact and abstract much more helpful than these “licenced” and clickable links. Why make things simple when you can complicate them? – J.Z. –


SELF-REGULATION, See: FOLEY, RIDGWAY K., Jr., The Myth of Self-Regulation, THE FREEMAN, 10/83, 7pp, in PP 1751/52: 293.

SELF-RELIANCE, SELF-HELP, PSYCHOLOGY, Links & abstracts, 7pp, FREE-MARKET.NET, in PP 1697: 17.

SELF-SUFFICIENCY: LOOMPANICS: Self-Sufficiency, 1p, links to 11 titles, in PP 1664/65: 396. One of my contacts has over 5,000 books on self-sufficiency and duplicated them himself, for his children, on jacket fiche! – J.Z.

SELGIN, GEORGE A., The Yield on Money Held Revisited: Lessons for Today, 7pp: 210, in PP 1574-75.

SELGIN, GEORGE, The Theory of Free Banking: Money Supply under Competitive Note Issue, Totowa, Rowman and Littlefield, 1988, co-published with the Cato-Institute, Review only, 6pp, by CHRIST, CARL F.: 357, in PP 1574-75. – In my view no more than A theory of free banking and an incomplete one at that. – J.Z.

SELICK, KAREN, Home Page, with links, 3pp, in PP 1616: 187.

SELICK, KAREN, There’s Some Good in Gouging, THE FREEMAN, 4/98, 3pp, in PP 1749/50: 109.

SELMAN, NEIL, The New Federalism: Blueprint for Control, 2pp, in PP 1713-1715: 15. – From: FREEDOM MAGAZINE.

SEMMENS, JOHN, Government Regulation and Business Management, THE FREEMAN, 5/78, 5pp, in PP 1751/52: 379.

SEMMENS, JOHN, Government Regulation of Air Safety May Be Hazardous to your Health, THE FREEMAN, 3pp, in PP 1751/52: 385.

SEMMENS, JOHN, Law of the Jungle vs. the Jungle of Law, THE FREEMAN, 9/78, 3pp, in PP 1759/60: 210. – To each his own laws: Personal laws, individually chosen – via voluntary membership in exterritorially autonomous communities. All territorial ones remain, essentially, totalitarian impositions, at least upon all dissenters. – PIOT, J.Z., 2.5.02.

SEMMENS, JOHN, Semantic Confusion in Economic Regulation, THE FREEMAN, 5/82, 4pp, in PP 1754: 92.

SEMMENS, JOHN, The Crash of 1987: An Excuse for Government Intervention? , THE FREEMAN, 6/88, 6pp, in PP 1766-68: 389.

SEMMENS, JOHN, The Crisis in Public Finance: No Ways or Means, THE FREEMAN, 3/79, 7pp, in PP 1766-68: 388. – Quite typically, sound tax foundation or contribution-foundation money is not discussed, nor are voluntary taxation options. – J.Z., 21.5.02.

SENESE, DONALD J., Privatizing Japan’s Railroads, THE FREEMAN, 6/87, 5pp, in PP 1766-68: 39.

SENNHOLZ, HANS F. & GRESHAM, PERRY E., A Leonard E. Read Memorial Fund, 3pp, in PP 1655: 1. – If only FEE used affordable alternative media for permanently publishing his works then it would not need considerable funds! -J.Z.

SENNHOLZ, HANS F., A $ 5 Trillion National Debt, THE FREEMAN, 9/95, 2pp, in PP 1766-68: 486. – That is still only ca. $ 20,000 per head! – J.Z., 21.5.02. – As an imposed burden it is too much and totally unjustified for all those who have not given their individual consent to territorial statism. Otherwise, it is bearable for productive and free workers. – J.Z., 3.6.02.

SENNHOLZ, HANS F., Affirmative Action, THE FREEMAN, 6/95, 2pp, in PP 1761-63: 562.

SENNHOLZ, HANS F., Argentina on the Brink, THE FREEMAN, 12/82, 9pp, in PP 1757/58: 343. – It is, again, for the same reasons: Legal tender and monopoly paper money, over-issued and mismanaged as usual. – J.Z., 18.5.02

SENNHOLZ, HANS F., Co-Determination in West Germany, THE FREEMAN, 1/82, 6pp, in PP 1759/60: 248.

SENNHOLZ, HANS F., Conflict in Canada, THE FREEMAN, 11/81, 7pp, in PP 1755/56: 42.

SENNHOLZ, HANS F., Debts and Deficits, 102pp, book announcement from FEE, 1p, in PP 1631-1633: 530.

SENNHOLZ, HANS F., Faith in the Fed, THE FREEMAN, 4/97, 2pp, in PP 1745-1748: 304.

SENNHOLZ, HANS F., Forecasting, THE FREEMAN, 1/70, 4pp, in PP 1759/60: 244. – However, many long-term predictions can be correctly made on the inevitable effects of monetary despotism and those of monetary freedom, on price controls vs. free pricing, on Free Trade vs. Protectionism. That is the job of the true economists. But conditions under economic interventionism are largely unpredictable, apart from the fact that, under present conditions and ideas, the continuance of many forms of interventionism can be predicted. – J.Z.

SENNHOLZ, HANS F., Free Money – Is Sound Money, THE FREEMAN, 6/75, 5pp, in PP 1745-1748: 306.

SENNHOLZ, HANS F., Hyperinflation in Germany, THE FREEMAN, 10/70, 8pp, in PP 1745-1748: 332.

SENNHOLZ, HANS F., In Search of a New Money Order, THE FREEMAN, 1/72, 7pp, in PP 1745-1748: 311.

SENNHOLZ, HANS F., Jobs and Trade, THE FREEMAN, 7/96, 2pp, , in PP 1759/60: 330. – Although S. is a monetary freedom advocate – at least here he does not see and describe the connection between free banking and full employment. Naturally, wage, profit, rent and interest rates ought to be free as well. But everything cannot be blamed on meddling with them only. – J.Z.

SENNHOLZ, HANS F., Law and Justice, THE FREEMAN, 1/83, 3pp, in PP 1759/60: 237.

SENNHOLZ, HANS F., Levels of Discussion, THE FREEMAN, 4/78, 4pp, in PP 1759/60: 241.

SENNHOLZ, HANS F., Liberalism and Capitalism, 2pp, in PP 1751/52: 53.

SENNHOLZ, HANS F., Planning for Peace, THE FREEMAN, 2/70, 2pp, in PP 1761-63: 450.

SENNHOLZ, HANS F., Protectionism, Old & New, THE FREEMAN, 8/95, 2pp, in PP 1761-63: 112.

SENNHOLZ, HANS F., Some Evils of Inflation, THE FREEMAN, 5/85, 8pp, in PP 1745-1748: 350.

SENNHOLZ, HANS F., Sweatshops for the New World Order, THE FREEMAN, 11/96, 2pp, in PP 1766-68: 450.

SENNHOLZ, HANS F., The Causes of Inflation, THE FREEMAN, 5/72, 7pp, in PP 1745-1748: 343.

SENNHOLZ, HANS F., The Crisis in International Economic Relations, IMPRIMIS, 3/73, 8pp, in PP 1761-63: 206. – It requires government interventions to create such crises as well. – J.Z.

SENNHOLZ, HANS F., The Federal Reserve System, THE FREEMAN, 4/72, 7pp, in PP 1745-1748: 325.

SENNHOLZ, HANS F., The Value of Money, THE FREEMAN, 11/69, 7pp, in PP 1745-1748: 318.

SENNHOLZ, HANS F., Unemployment in Puerto Rico, THE FREEMAN, 6/83, 9pp, in PP 1759/60: 217. – Here, too, he seems to ignore the effects of monetary despotism. There is no freedom, there, either, for competing local currencies to compete for local labor. Later Dr. S. wrote an excellent book on free banking. Self-defeating restrictions like minimum wages tend to arise and to be maintained only under conditions of monetary despotism. They are not, by themselves, sufficient to explain the phenomenon of involuntary mass unemployment. – J.Z., 19.5.02.

SENNHOLZ, HANS F., Woeful Bankers, THE FREEMAN, 5/95, 2pp, in PP 1745-1748: 341.

SENNHOLZ, HANS F., Workers and Robots, THE FREEMAN, 4/83, 10pp, in PP 1759/60: 227.

SENNHOLZ, MARY, Leonard Read, the Founder & Builder, THE FREEMAN, 5/96, 8pp, in PP 1761-63: 300.

SENTIENT, Site of the Sentient, 2pp, , in PP 1674: 203. Just listing its main issues.

SERBIAN WAR, See: DYKES, NICHOLAS, Further Thoughts on the Serbian War, 1p, in PP 1708-1710: 469.

SERBIAN WAR, See: FURLONG, ANTHONY, Still More Thoughts on the Serbian War, 1p, in PP 1708-1710: 448.

SERBIAN WAR, See: GABB, SEAN, Clare Short: La Pasionaria of the Serbian War, , in PP 1708-1710: 499.

SERBIAN WAR, See: GABB, SEAN, Happy Anniversary, Mr. Blair, 1p, on Serbian War, in PP 1708-1710: 461.

SERBIAN WAR, See: GABB, SEAN, Thoughts on the Serbian War, 2pp, in PP 1708-1710: 444.

SERBIAN WAR, See: HENDERSON, ROBERT, A Victory for Mr. Milosevic? 4pp, in PP 1708-1710: 512.

SERBIAN WAR, See: MOORE, RODERICK, Kossovo: The Case for Intervention, 2pp, in PP 1708-1710: 467.

SERBIAN WAR, See: SUPRYNOWICZ, VIN, Why the US Is at War with Serbia, 1p, in PP 1729: 7. – Because almost no one in the US or in the Balkans considers the panarchistic options! – J.Z.

SERBIAN WAR, See: SZAMUELY, HELEN, More Thoughts on the Serbian War, 2pp, in PP 1708-1710: 446.

SERENDIPIDY BOOKESHOPPE, 1p, in PP 1684: 63. Member of

SERGEEV, ILLARION, Surviving the Russian Apocalypse? 4pp, in PP 1661: 27. LFCY, from TRANSITIONS: n.d. – It’s rather a matter of surviving the laws, regulations & bureaucracy that remain! Declaring slaves to be free, while leaving them in chains, isn’t the solution! – Writing history without knowing monetary despotism & its alternative, one is misled and misleading. It is not enough to describe the symptoms of a disease! – The response option to LFCT articles is great but I haven’t had the time and energy yet to take it up. – J.Z., 2.2.01.

SEXUAL FREEDOM, 12pp, in PP 1704: 86. – FREE-MARKET.NET.

SEXUAL LIBERTY, FOR CHILDREN? See: CHILDREN, MOLESTATION, See: GABB, SEAN, Reference to a GUARDIAN article by HARI, JOHANN, on incest, quoting Gabb, 1p, in PP 1739: 91. – The whole article, on ‘consensual’ incest, is online. Can 5 or 10-year olds give sufficiently informed consent & are they safe from being terrorized by adults? –,4273,4331603,00.html If it is among children then this is one thing. If it is between infants and children on the one side and adults on the other, then this is quite another thing. – Although even among children there are bullies and the weaker ones have a right to protection through their adult guardians, against such bullies as well. – J.Z., 31.5.02.

SF-LOVERS, List of activities: Digest, Conventions List, Reference, Resource Guide: Home page, 1p, 1995-2000, in PP 1662: 126. – Saul Jaffe:

SFREVU, Interview & Review, dealing with Vernor Vinge, (c) 1999 by ERNEST LILLEY, 5 pp. Of the interview with VV only the first page printed out for me, in PP 1677: 65.

SHAFFER, BUTLER D., Doesn’t Anyone Think It Through Before Speaking? 1p: 105, in PP 1556. – Already Socrates complained that on human affairs almost everyone imagines himself an expert and tends to spout the first senseless thing that comes to his mind. That applies especially to popular prejudices, biblical and other quotes, poetry or song lines. – Even for people who have mastered the “dumb” question method of Socrates, it does not frequently work. For most will not hold still for it. Instead, before one of their errors has been sufficiently refuted, they usually manage to utter another whole batch of them. Only some kind of independent arbitrator or intellectual machine gun fire could cope with that kind of “Hydra”. That is one of the reasons why I do advocate a comprehensive and growing encyclopaedia of the best refutations found so far of all significant popular errors, myths and prejudices, one put together in cheap and portable form, in alternative media. With such a light-tower on hand almost everyone could become proficient in refuting these obstacles to free and rightful thoughts and actions. The FAQ’s are a step in that direction but do not yet offer the optimal Format for refutations, especially when they are insufficiently indexed and alphabetized. Imagine all the best refutations in all libertarian writings alphabetized, in xyz volumes, on fiche, floppies, CD-ROM and online. – J.Z.

SHAFFER, BUTLER D., Every Government Is Opposed to Human Freedom, 3pp: 125, in PP 1557. – Every territorial government! Not every government that is only exterritorially autonomous over its own voluntary members and while it does not try to ruler over peaceful non-members. – J.Z., 12.10.99.

SHAFFER, BUTLER D., Formula for Failure: Judge Yourself by Another’s Values, 1p: 88, in PP 1556.

SHAFFER, BUTLER D., Human Life: Who Has Control? 2pp: 12, in PP 1557.

SHAFFER, BUTLER D., I Do not Seek to Lead Men but to Free them, 1p: 98, in PP 1556.

SHAFFER, BUTLER D., Individual Acts of Principle Are Worth their Costs, 1p: 41, in PP 1556.

SHAFFER, BUTLER D., Is Philosophy Impractical? 1p: 64, in PP 1556.

SHAFFER, BUTLER D., It Is the Idealists who Have Pitted “us vs. them”, 1p: 56, in PP 1556.

SHAFFER, BUTLER D., It’s Washington Wizards who Are out of Touch with Reality, 1p: 11, in PP 1556.

SHAFFER, BUTLER D., Lawyers Without the State? 1p: 111, in PP 1556.

SHAFFER, BUTLER D., Memorial Service for Robert LeFevre, May 23, 1986, 5pp: 141, in PP 1557.

SHAFFER, BUTLER D., Modern Science & Ancient Understandings, 1p: 47, in PP 1556.

SHAFFER, BUTLER D., New Terms for the Same Old Rhetoric, 1p: 71, in PP 1556. – On “new” xyz.

SHAFFER, BUTLER D., Old Order Arms Itself in Vain, 1p: 114, in PP 1556.

SHAFFER, BUTLER D., Responsibility: It’s Conditioned, Not Taught, Like Math, 2pp: 111, in PP 1557.

SHAFFER, BUTLER D., The Snakes in the Garden of Burbank, 1p: 18, in PP 1556.

SHAFFER, BUTLER D., Tracking Down the Independent Poor, 2pp: 80, in PP 1556.

SHAFFER, BUTLER D., Who Authorizes the Authorizers? 1p: 7, in PP 1556.

SHAFFER, BUTLER D., Why the Bureaucrats Hate Love and Life, 1p: 27, in PP 1556.SHAH, PARTH J., The Persistence of Poverty in India: Culture or System? THE FREEMAN, 3/98, 5pp, in PP 1749/50: 185.

SHAND, ALEXANDER H., The Capitalist Alternative: An Introduction to Neo-Austrian Economics, NYUP, 1984, 242pp, Review only, 2pp, by BOETTKE, PETER: 144, in PP 1574-75. – So many titles are out of sight in most Australian and other bookshops. And if I should see them, then they are usually priced out of my reach, too. – J.Z.

SHANKEY, GEORGE W., Jr., Real Estate Tax Relief for Senior Citizens, 2pp, in PP 1713-1715: 9. – From: FREEDOM MAGAZINE. – Only relief from all compulsory taxes would be good enough for me! – J.Z.

SHANKEY, GEORGE W., Jr., Your Right to Petition, 2pp, in PP 1713-1715: 272. – From: FREEDOM MAGAZINE.

SHANNON, RUSSELL, And Now for Some Good Economic News! THE FREEMAN, 1/82, 3pp, in PP 1755/56: 35.

SHANNON, RUSSELL, Constitutional Restraints, The Market Economy, and Individual Freedom, THE FREEMAN, 1/83, 10pp, in PP 1755/56: 17. – How effective are constitutional restraints, anywhere, when administered by the State itself, which is supposed to be restrained by them and when the militia as well is also run by the State, rather than self-managed and committed to uphold the rights and liberties of citizens? – J.Z.

SHANNON, RUSSELL, Robots! , THE FREEMAN, 5/83, 4pp, in PP 1754: 115.

SHANNON, RUSSELL, The Economic Wisdom of a Connecticut Yankee, THE FREEMAN, 6/90, 2pp, in PP 1766-68: 587. – On Mark Twain.

SHANNON, RUSSELL, Trade Barriers, THE FREEMAN, 2/85, 3pp, in PP 1761-63: 148.

SHAPIRO, DANNY, Review, 3pp, of: GRAY, JOHN, Hayek on Liberty, N.Y., Blackwell Press, 1984, 202pp: 109, in PP 1574-75.

SHARE MARKET, See: SEMMENS, JOHN, The Crash of 1987: An Excuse for Government Intervention? THE FREEMAN, 6/88, 6pp, in PP 1766-68: 389.

SHARING THE WEALTH? See: BOHANON, CECIL E. & COTT, T. NORMAN VAN, Roberto and Fidel: Two Versions of “Share the Wealth”, THE FREEMAN, 4/98, 2pp, in PP 1754: 197.

SHARPE, MARK R., CO-2 and Spaceship Earth, 2ppL 96, in PP 1595-96.

SHARPE, MARK R., Particulate Pollution: Problems and Solutions for the Future, 3pp: 118, in PP 1595-96.

SHAW, CARL, Appraising, Assessing & Taxing, 8pp, in PP 1634-1636: 763. (Typically: Always the property of OTHERS! – J.Z.)

SHAW, GERRY, A Rand/George Reconciliation, 1p: 40, in PP 1564.

SHAW, JANE S. & HOSPERS, JOHN, Private Property & the Environment: Two Views, THE FREEMAN, 1/89, 4pp, in PP 1766-68: 227.

SHAW, JANE S., Lessons from Computers and Helium, THE FREEMAN, 9/87, 3pp, in PP 1759/60: 208.

SHAW, PATRICK, John Trenchard and Thomas Gordon, 2pp, in PP 1675: 82.

SHAW, SANDY & PEARSON, DURK, The Smart Pills Revolution, 5pp: 120, in PP 1589-94.

SHAW, SANDY, Obedience to Authority, 2pp: 441, in PP 1589-94. (Column: Boundary Resistance.)

SHEAR, EMMETT, What of the Market? 1p, in PP 1703: 173, ; 173. – The one-eyed misleading the blind! – Note what your opposition is thinking – or fails to note and think about. – J.Z.

SHELDON, DAVID ALLEN, Report from IOWA State Penitentiary, 3pp, in PP 1610: 8. – Hardly different from the complaints of most criminals with victims who were convicted. Typically, shows no interest in crime prevention or in the fate of his victims. Just wants a still better deal for himself and others, no matter what he or they have done to innocents and regardless of how much more expensive still this would turn out to be for the taxpayers. – See my article on prison reform. – J.Z.

SHELLEY, THOMAS J., A Lesson in Socialism, 2pp: 38, in PP 1549.

SHELTON, ROBERT, Review of Chris Sciabarra’s book & the 50th anniversary edition of Anthem, abstract only, 1p, of the essay in UTOPIAN STUDIES 8, no. 1, 1997, in PP 1681: 42.

SHENFIELD, ARTHUR, A Durable Free Society: Utopian Dream or Realistic Goal?

SHENFIELD, ARTHUR, A Durable Free Society: Utopian Dream or Realistic Goal? IMPRIMIS, 3/82, 8pp, in PP 1759/60: 6. – 6pp: 210, in PP 1581-82. – It is realizable only panarchistically! – It becomes a realistic goal once one aims not at a single free society for all but for those only who do favor it, while at the same time one advocates other kinds of free, less free and even unfree societies for those who do favor them, i.e., are prepared to live in them at their own expense and risk. Libertarians do have to become tolerant enough for that – if they want a completely free society for themselves as soon as possible, with the least realisation effort. No single form of society is likely to become ever attractive enough for all the diverse people. But full experimental freedom for all can be attractive for all, even those who merely want to prolong the status quo for themselves, as long as they can. Full consumer sovereignty towards governments and non-governmental societies! – PIOT, J.Z., 19.5.02

SHENFIELD, ARTHUR, Against the Creation of Wealth: The Threatening Tide, THE FREEMAN, 1/89, 6pp, in PP 1755/56: 185.

SHENFIELD, ARTHUR, An Open Letter to Mr. Ian Smith, Prime Minister of Rhodesia, IMPRIMIS, 6/73, 8 pp, in PP 1755/56: 142. – It contains a paragraph on free banking. This secessionist did not permit secessions from his secessionist attempt, either. If he had, most complaints would not have arisen. To each his own secession! – J.Z.

SHENFIELD, ARTHUR, Capitalism under the Tests of Ethics, 6pp: 155, in PP 1581-82.

SHENFIELD, ARTHUR, Consumerism, IMPRIMIS, 9/72, 5pp, in PP 1757/58: 399.

SHENFIELD, ARTHUR, Lessons from the British Experience, 6pp: 31, in PP 1581-82. – IMPRIMIS, 4/77, 8pp, in PP 1759/60: 185.

SHENOY, SUDHA R., Hong Kong: A Case Study in Market Development, THE FREEMAN, 7/69, 4pp, in PP 1765: 38. – Even Hong Kong did not have a fully developed free market. For instance: It largely blocked the free movement and settlement of persons and sent many victims of totalitarianism back into its grasp. – J.Z.., 11.6.02.

SHERMER, MICHAEL, The Beautiful People Myths. Why the Grass is Always Greener in the Other Century, 12pp, from SKEPTIC, V/1, 1997, page 72, in PP 1701: 84.

SHERMER, MICHAEL, The Unlikeliest Cult in History, from SKEPTIC, II/2, 1993, pp 74-81, (c) by the Skeptics Society, 1993, 9pp, in PP 1681: 72.

SHESNAKE, On Abortion, 31.1.2000 & 6.2.2000, 1p, in PP 1607/8: 396. ——- e-mail: – Twice bitten, twice shy, I can’t recommend that contact. But judge for yourself. – J.Z.

SHISHATSKY, GRIGORY, A Letter from Russia, THE FREEMAN, 8/98, 4pp, in PP 1755/56: 363.

SHOP FOUNDATION MONEY, See: WAL-MART DOLLAR COIN, Press clipping, A. 22.2.2000, 1p, in PP 1699: 54.

SHOSTAK, FRANK, Dr., Why the Present Monetary System Cannot Be Reformed, THE NEW AUSTRALIAN, No. 155, 6-18 June 2000, 4pp, in PP 1745-1748: 686, – His thinking on money is still as flawed and limited as was the proof reading of this article. – J.Z., 4.1.01. – I can only hope that my own thinking on money is not as flawed as is my own proofreading. – J.Z., 11.6.02.

SHULMAN, MORTON, Seeks People for Drug Study (with Deprenyl), report by Leonard Zehr & Douglas Skrecky, 2pp, in PP 1605/6: 257.

SHWARTZ, PETER, Libertarianism: The Perversion of Liberty, Review only, by LOADS, PHILIP A., 2pp: 752, in PP 1601-04.

SICKLER, CRAIG, A Libertarian View of Revolution, 2pp: 69, in PP 1572-73.

SIDNEY, ALGERNON, Discourses Concerning Government, 1648, is online. Here only the contents list, the foreword by Jon Roland and the introduction to section 5, 8pp, in PP 1678: 133.

SIDNEY, ALGERNON, See: BAKER, CHRIS, Algernon Sidney: Forgotten Founding Father, THE FREEMAN, 10/97, 5pp, in PP 1755/56: 173. – For how long were his writings kept out of print? – J.Z.

SIERPINSKI, JACEK, Against State Privatization, 3pp, in PP 1708-1710: 93.

SIERPINSKI, JACEK, The Polish Draft: A Reminder of the Past, 2pp, in PP 1708-1710: 66.

SIERRA TIMES, IRS Prosecutes Outspoken Dissident, Jim D. Bell Convicted on Two Counts, 7pp, in PP 1718 – 1721: 708. He is the author of “Assassination Politics”:

SIKORSKI, RADEK, Polish Town Goes Private, 1p: 14, in PP 1561-63.

SILBER, JOHN R., The True Champions of Peace, extract from a speech, 1983, 1p, in PP 1609: 46.

SILENT REVOLT, Leaflets, 5pp: 163, in PP 1600.

SILVER CURRENCY, See: GRIFFIN, G. EDWARD, NORFED, Norfed Silver Certificates (Real Money), 5pp, 1998, in PP 1745-1748: 610.

SILVER CURRENCY, See: NORFED, National Organization for the Repeal of the Federal Reserve Act and the Internal Revenue Code: The Liberty Dollar, 100% Backed, 100% Redeemable in Gold & Silver, 3pp, Tel.: 1-888-421-6181, in PP 1745-1748: 615.

SILVER PANIC, See: REED, LAWRENCE W., The Silver Panic, THE FREEMAN, 6/78, 11pp, in PP 1745-1748: 243.

SILVER, STEVEN A., Review, 1/2 p, of: CHANG, IRIS, The Rape of Nanking: The Forgotten Holocaust of World War II, in PP 1685/86: 358.

SIMCOCK, JONATHAN, Anarchist Economics: Lets and Josiah Warren, from TOTAL LIBERTY, 2pp, in PP 1630: 11. (sm.print!)

SIMCOCK, JONATHAN, Book Review: The Origins of Virtue, on Matt Ridley’s The Origins of Virtue, 2pp, in PP 1630: 37.

SIMCOCK, JONATHAN, Lets and Josiah Warren, 2pp, in PP 1630: 42.

SIMMONS, DAVID, Economic Freedom, 1p: 109, in PP 1564.

SIMON, JULIAN L., 1932-1998, edited by MUNSEY, MATTHEW,, updated 1998, & Lists of Writings, 30pp bibliography, in PP 1680: 160. – An Appreciation, 1p: 159. Unpublished Research Articles, 2pp: 160. (In the age of floppies, microfiche & CD-ROMs! J.Z.) List of Simon’s Publications by Topic, in 23 categories, 27pp: 162.

SIMON, JULIAN L., On Keynes as a Practical Economist, THE FREEMAN, 8/96, 2pp, in PP 1757/58: 51.

SIMON, JULIAN L., The Economic Consequences of Immigration into the U.S., 797 K online, here only the contents list of this book, 1997, 1998, 1p, in PP 1682: 32.

SIMON, JULIAN J., What About Immigration? 2000, (c) LibertyHaven Foundation, 6pp, in PP 1682: 36. – THE FREEMAN, 1/86, 8pp, in PP 1764: 41.

SIMON, JULIAN L. , See: BOUDREAUX, DONALD J., Julian Simon, Lifesaver, THE FREEMAN, 4/98, 2pp, in PP 1759/60: 297.

SIMON, JULIAN L., See: DIEM, CLAUS, Julian L. Simon, 1932-1998, 4S., in PP 1625: 30.

SIMON, JULIAN L, See: MUNSEY, MATTHEW, Articles by Julian L. Simon, 4pp , in PP 1671: 131. Links to his online articles.

SIMON, JULIAN L., See: MUNSEY, MATTHEW, Writings by Julian L. Simon Available on WWW, Julian L. Simon, 1932-1998, with URLs, list of his books available in this format Mmunsey@MITedu , in PP 1672: 204.

SIMON, JULIAN L., See: RICHMAN, SHELDON, Our Ultimate Resource Gone, , THE FREEMAN, 4/98, 2pp, in PP 1757/58: 37, on Julian Simon.

SIMON, JULIAN L., See: SOWELL, THOMAS: Julian Simon, combatant in a 200-year war, 2pp, in PP 1614: 102. – On overpopulation “hysteria”.

SIMON, WILLIAM E., Inflation: Made and Manufactured in Washington, D.C., 6pp: 95, in PP 1581-82.

SIMONS, PAUL Z., A True Account of the New Model Army, 5pp, in PP 1645-1653: 739, from ANARCHY A JOURNAL OF DESIRE ARMED, Fall 95. – See: MILITIA.

SINGER, S. FRED, Die Klima-Katastophe finded nicht statt! Interview von E.F., 2 S., in PP 1625: 15.


SIRICO, ROBERT A., C.S.P., The Last Bastion of Marxism, 1p: 831. – On “liberation theology”, a Marxian version of Christianity.

SISCO, PETER N., Andrew J. Galambos and the Science of Volition, 2p, in PP 1700: 93. – The more I read about him & by him the less I am impressed. A lot of pretentiousness and dogmatism seem involved, combined with salesmanship for a few not very original statements, writings and courses offered, all rather expensively. Compare the “Secessionists United” in L.A. and their secrecy and closed-mindedness and their, probably, only rather limited freedom insights. I was recently corresponding with someone claiming to have “THE” answer to the nuclear war problem. He would reveal it only to the buyers of his book! From an as irresponsible person I would not expect a sound solution. – J.Z., 1.6.01.

SIX, FRANKLIN, Up, Up, and Away … with “Value Added”, 1p, in PP 1713-1715: 144. – From: FREEDOM MAGAZINE.

SISYPHUS, Freedom, 2pp, in PP 1610: 41.


SIXIER, SCOTT W., The Right to Discriminate, THE FREEMAN, 6/80, 9pp, in PP 1761-63: 597.

SKANARCHY, THE PINNACLE OF PUNK ANARCHY, These Corporate Bastards at Lycos Tried to Censor my Page! 2p, in PP 1696: 128,

SKELTON, J.W., Tom Paine: The Founding Father America Disowned, from S’s book on Paine, 1992, 4pp, in PP 1668/69: 154.

SKEPTIC, THE, Just the Place to Check the X-Files, 1p, in PP 1699: 54.


SKLEW, MALFEW, See: PARKER, SIDNEY E., Malfew Seklew – The Jester Philosopher of Egoism, 2pp, in PP 1610: 57.

SKINNER’S “Utopia”, See: HEYMAN, KEN, Skinner’s Utopia: Panacea, or Path to Hell, TIME, Sept. 20, 1971, 7pp, in PP 1716: 95.

SKOUSEN, MARK, $ 4,000 a Month from Social Security? THE FREEMAN, 6/95, 2pp, in PP 1766-68: 34.

SKOUSEN, MARK, A Golden Comeback, Part I, THE FREEMAN, 9/98, 3pp, in PP 1755/56: 395. – I either did not print out the other parts or they may have appeared under another title or appear in another PP compilation. – J.Z.

SKOUSEN, MARK, A Golden Comeback, Parts II & III, THE FREEMAN, 10 & 11/98, 4pp, in PP 1745-1748: 367. – I probably did not find part I worth printing out. The praises of “the” gold standard are sung often enough. – J.Z.

SKOUSEN, MARK, A Much-Deserved Triumph in Supply-Side Economics, THE FREEMAN, 2/00, 3pp, in PP 1751/52: 168.

SKOUSEN, MARK, A Private-Sector Solution to Poverty, THE FREEMAN, 11/99, 3pp, in PP 1766-68: 620. – On the “micro-lending” provided e.g. by the Grameen Bank. – Naturally, such credits can help only those who would not use them e.g. for a drink or gambling. – But how many millions of enterprises do not come into existence and do not succeed because of our despotic and wrotten money, credit and clearing system, which is often better at wasting billions of dollars than helping billions of people? – J.Z., 2.6.02.

SKOUSEN, MARK, Articles, List of those published online by 2pp, in PP 1751/52: 235.

SKOUSEN, MARK, Austrians vs. Monetarists: Who’s Right about Hayek? THE FREEMAN, 2/95, 3pp, in PP 1745-1748: 374.

SKOUSEN, MARK, Austrians vs. The Chicago School, Part III, THE FREEMAN, 12/96, 3pp, in PP 1745-1748: 380.

SKOUSEN, MARK, Best Textbooks for a Free-Market University, THE FREEMAN, 12/97, 2pp, in PP 1751/52: 190.

SKOUSEN, MARK, Chicago Gun Show, THE FREEMAN, 10/99, 3pp, in PP 1751/52: 163.

SKOUSEN, MARK, Classical Economists, Good or Bad? THE FREEMAN, 10/96, 3pp, in PP 1751/52: 226.

SKOUSEN, MARK, Correction, Please! An Ignoble Prize in Economics, THE FREEMAN, 7/94, 3pp, in PP 1751/52: 187.

SKOUSEN, MARK, Correction, Please! I’m All for Free Trade, But …, THE FREEMAN, 10/94, 3pp, in PP 1761-63: 15.

SKOUSEN, MARK, Correction, Please! The Free Market Works Fine, Except … , THE FREEMAN, 9/94, 3pp, in PP 1751/52: 184.

SKOUSEN, MARK, Correction, Please! THE FREEMAN, 3/94, 3pp, in PP 1751/52: 171.

SKOUSEN, MARK, Correction, Please! The Mother of all Myths, THE FREEMAN, 5/94, 4pp, in PP 1751/52: 180. – Against consumer spending as indicator. The withholding of spending or rush spending, e.g. to escape further inflationary price rises, are now a kind of indicators, in the absence of sound value standards and a competitive supply of sound exchange media. This situation would change very much under full monetary freedom, leading to stable value reckoning and a just sufficient supply of exchange media. The produced and wanted goods and services would then almost sell themselves, quite automatically, by being expressed, in shop foundation money, issued for them by their providers and their associations. These goods and services would then be the main “redemption fund” for competitive exchange media, claimed by consumers, who had earned this currency, often given in short term loans to their employers. Such currency would have only a short circulation period before being redeemed and replaced by new issues. It would require no other “cover” and yet could reckon, like the prices of goods and services serving as redemption fund, in gold weight units, without more than a few gold coins or gold bars actually being traded. All such competitive private currencies would, naturally, be rated on a free gold market and only those standing at par or close enough to par would be widely accepted. The others would be refused or discounted and as such they could not inflate the price level reckoned in gold weight units. Gold bugs usually overlook this kind of gold standard option, although it is the least expensive and troublesome one of all. – The issued “tickets” to goods and services would automatically achieve the sale of these goods and services. – Tickets are not valueless or unstable because they are not covered by or redeemable in gold. Consumers want goods and service redemption much more so than gold redemption. They ask for gold redemption only once “shop foundation” is in doubt. Under sound issue & reflux techniques it never is. – J.Z., 17.5.02.

SKOUSEN, MARK, Correction, Please! What’s Missing from this Picture? (Market Indicators.) THE FREEMAN, 8/94, 3pp, in PP 1751/52: 177. Skousen believes: “The” gold standard, for he does not advocate free choice of value standards.

SKOUSEN, MARK, Correction, Please! Will Keynes ever Die? THE FREEMAN, 4/94, 3pp, in PP 1751/52: 174. – He need not – if we ever achieve the tolerant solution: Keynes only for the Keynesians & any other monetary reform system for its own supporters only! – J.Z.

SKOUSEN, MARK, Did the Gold Standard Cause the Great Depression? THE FREEMAN, 5/95, 3pp, in PP 1745 – 1748: 364. – The gold-clearing standard COULD not cause runs or depressions. – J.Z.

SKOUSEN, MARK, Econ 101: Do we Really Need another Samuelson? THE FREEMAN, 10/95, 3pp, in PP 1751/52: 213.

SKOUSEN, MARK, Economics on Trial. Another Shocking Reversal in Macroeconomics, THE FREEMAN, 2/96, 3pp, in PP 1751/52: 207. (Dr. H.G. Pearce called it “anti-economics” or “neo-comics”. – J.Z.)

SKOUSEN, MARK, Economics on Trial. One Graph Says it all, THE FREEMAN, 5/96, 3pp, in PP 1751/52: 210.

SKOUSEN, MARK, Everything is Cheap and Getting Cheaper, THE FREEMAN, 12/98, 3pp, in PP 1751/52: 204. – Public services? Defence efforts? Politicians? Bureaucracies? – J. Z.

SKOUSEN, MARK, Freedom for Everyone … Except the Immigrant, (c) 2000, The LibertyHaven Foundation, in PP 1682: 5.

SKOUSEN, MARK, Freedom for Everyone … Except the Immigrant, THE FREEMAN, 9/95, 3pp, in PP 1764: 51.

SKOUSEN, MARK, Friedman Challenges Hayek, THE FREEMAN, 3/95, 3pp, in PP 1745-1748: 371.

SKOUSEN, MARK, Friedman vs. The Austrians, Part II: Was there an Inflationary Boom in the 1920’s? THE FREEMAN, 4/95, 4pp, in PP 1745-1748: 377.

SKOUSEN, MARK, Getting Published, an “Austrian” Triumph, THE FREEMAN, 9/97, 3pp, in PP 1751/52: 201. – Is it really an achievement to get published among the idiocies and irrelevancies in conventional economics journals that are “respectable” among the statist and socialist “professionals”? As micro-economists the Austrians should and could have published all their writings themselves, very affordably, e.g. on microfilm, floppy disks and CD-ROMs, rather than seeking prestige & expensive publishing in established paper journals or conventional book editions. In spite of being free marketeers, they have so far failed to establish a special market for freedom ideas and talents, fully using alternative, powerful and affordable media, all in their particular strengths – and thus have not yet been able to market themselves sufficiently. That some of their writings as well can, sometimes, temporarily and expensively, appear in paper editions is nothing to brag about. – J.Z.

SKOUSEN, MARK, Great Turnabouts in Economics, I & II, THE FREEMAN, 11/97 & 6/98, 5pp, in PP 1751/52: 195.

SKOUSEN, MARK, Has Capitalism Failed or Succeeded? The Tale of Two Graphs, THE FREEMAN, 8/97, 2pp, in PP 1751/52: 332.

SKOUSEN, MARK, If you Build it – Privately – they Will Come, THE FREEMAN, 8/00, 3pp, in PP 1751/52: 193.

SKOUSEN, MARK, In Defence of the Rich, THE FREEMAN, 6/00, 3pp, in PP 1751/52: 219.

SKOUSEN, MARK, New Possibilities for our Grandchildren, THE FREEMAN, 6/99, 2pp, in PP 1751/52: 224.

SKOUSEN, MARK, Preaching to the Choir, THE FREEMAN, 10/97, 2pp, in PP 1751/52: 216.

SKOUSEN, MARK, Sorry, Charley, but that’s not Capitalism! THE FREEMAN, 7/95, 2pp, in PP 1751/52: 165.

SKOUSEN, MARK, The Mysteries of the Great Depression Finally Solved, THE FREEMAN, 7/97, 3pp, in PP 1745-1748: 360. – It should rather be headed: SOME Mysteries … In such a short essay he could not even list the over 150 different depression theories. – J.Z.

SKOUSEN, MARK, The Rich Get Richer, and the Poor Get … , THE FREEMAN, 3/97, 3pp, in PP 1749/50: 407.

SKOUSEN, MARK, The Stagnation Thesis Is Back! THE FREEMAN, 12/95, 3pp, in PP 1751/52: 156.

SKOUSEN, MARK, Today’s Most Influential Economist? THE FREEMAN, 5/98, 3pp, in PP 1751/52: 229, on Hayek.

SKOUSEN, MARK, Vienna and Chicago: A Tale of Two Schools, THE FREEMAN, 2/98, 4pp, in PP 1751/52: 159.

SKOUSEN, MARK, What’s the Best Measure of Inflation? THE FREEMAN, 5/97, 3pp, in PP 1745-1748: 383.

SKOUSEN, MARK, Which Is the Best Inflation Indicator: Gold, Oil, or the Commodity Spot Index? THE FREEMAN, 2/97, 3pp, in PP 1745-1748: 361. – (Free choice of value standards! – J.Z.)

SKOUSEN, MARK, Why Wages Rise, THE FREEMAN, 8/96, 5pp, in PP 1751/52: 152.

SKRABANECK, PETER, The Death of Humane Medicine and the Rise of Coercive Healthism, Social Affairs Unit, London, 1994, L 12.95, ISBN 0 907631 59 2: FLEW, ANTONY, Review, 3pp: 217 & FREDERICK, DANNY, Review, 1p, of the same book, in PP 1708-1710: 219.

SKRECKY, DOUG, A Thought Experiment, 3pp, in PP 1605/6 108. E-mail:

SKRECKY, DOUG, Bodily Preservation, 3pp, in PP 1605/6: 52.

SKRECKY, DOUG, Cryonet Gulch II, 3pp, in PP 1605/6: 18.

SKRECKY, DOUG, Cryonics Brainstorming, 2pp, in PP 1605/6: 217.

SKRECKY, DOUG, Cryopreservation of Sperm, 1p, in PP 1605/6: 239.

SKRECKY, DOUG, Depression and Cryonics, 1p, in PP 1605/6: 158.

SKRECKY, DOUG, Exercise, Calories and Genes, 2pp: 94, in PP 1554/55. – From: LONGEVITY REPORT.

SKRECKY, DOUG, Failure Modes of Titanium Time Capsules, 1p, in PP 1605/6: 180.

SKRECKY, DOUG, Fruits and Vegetables Versus Cancer, 2pp, in PP 1605/6: 147.

SKRECKY, DOUG, Is Adonitol a Superior Alternative to Glycerol? 2pp, in PP 1605/6: 100.

SKRECKY, DOUG, Is Permafrost Burial a Viable Option? 4pp, with comments, in PP 1605/6: 71.

SKRECKY, DOUG, My Visit to Yellowknife, 2pp, in PP 1605/6: 14. – Apparently not a good permafrost burial option.

SKRECKY, DOUG, Selenium Prevents Cancer, 1p, in PP 1605/6: 146.

SKRECKY, DOUG, Zinc to the Rescue, 1p, in PP 1605/6: 58.

SKRECKY, DOUG; ROWLEY, BRIAN & WOWK, BRIAN, Adonitol Dicussions, 3pp, in PP 1605/6: 151

SKRECKY, DOUGH, Is Adonitol a Superior Alternative to Clycerol? 1p, in PP 1605/6: 185.

SKRECKY, DOUGLAS, Deprenyl and Life Extension, 2pp: 107, in PP 1554/55.

SKRECKY, DOUGLAS, Life Extension Notes, 2pp: 105, in PP 1554/55.

SKRECKY, DOUGLAS, Miscellaneous Round-up, 10pp: 154, in PP 1554/55. – From: LONGEVITY REPORT.

SKRECKY, DOUGLAS, Tomatoes & Strawberries Prevent Cancer, 2pp: 59, in PP 1554/55.

SLAVERY & INDEMNIFICATION FOR IT, See: LIBERTARIAN PARTY, Will the U.N. Try to Force Americans to Fund Slavery Reparations to Africa? 2pp, in PP 1718 – 1721: 776. “If there are reparations to be paid, perhaps it (they? J.Z.) should come from the dictators, tyrants, and presidents-for-life who rule those 35 unfree and repressed African nations”. – Is any former slaveholder in the U.S. still alive? – Are any of the African chiefs still alive who captured and sold slaves to U.S. slave traders and buyers? Are only the buyers and their heirs to be held responsible? – I would rather like to see serious attempts to end the remaining slavery of over 20 million women and children, i.e., probably many more innocents than were ever, at any time, enslaved in the U.S. – Also an end to the remaining piracy and genocide attempts and preparations for it with ABC mass murder devices. Too many “libertarians” believe in “isolationism”, “non-intervention” and “neutrality” regarding these crimes, like too many people did towards the actions of Nazis against minority groups. – Also an end to tax slavery, military slavery and “educational” slavery and to the statist territorial feudalism or serfdom. – J.Z., 30.5.02.

SLAVERY CONTRACTS, See: LONG, RODERICK T., Slavery Contracts and Inalienable Rights: A Formulation, 3pp: 308, in PP 1601-04. – ROUSSEAU, J.J., De l’esclavage, 5pp & Slavery, 5pp: chapter IV of Du Contrat Social: The Social Contract: 311, in PP 1601-04.

SLAVERY, CHILD SLAVERY & SEX TRADE SLAVERY OF TODAY, See: JACOBY, JEFF, Slavery in our Time, THE BOSTON GLOBE, April 2, 1996, 2pp, in PP 1676: 151. American Anti-Slavery Group: P.O. Box 441612, Somerville, MA 02144. TIME, April 10, 2000: “1 million: Women and children bought and sold annually in the sex trade. Nearly 250,000 are sold in South East Asia for up to $ 10,000 each. “$ 56: Price paid by Christian Solidarity International to buy back each woman sold as a slave in northern Sudan. 11,000 have been freed since 1995.”: 152. Even at that low price: Some will be enslaved to be so redeemed! – There were probably less additional victims, annually, at the “height” of the historically recorded slave trade. In some areas a slave was expected to last only 7 years, to extract the maximum profit from his labours. Child sex slaves might be lucky or unlucky to live that long, after capture and abuse. – J.Z., 22.5.01.

SLAVERY, See: ANTI-SLAVERY, Website, clipping hint only, A. 22.8.00: – in PP 1654: 103. – Oldest anti-slavery society in the world. According to another recent article I read, somewhere, ca. 4 million people a year are still “sold” either into marriage, compulsory labour, prostitution or, as children, for sexual abuse. If that is true, then the number of these victims is larger than the largest number of black slaves sold annually to North and South America before slavery was officially “abolished”. – J.Z.

SLAVERY, See: HART, DAVID, The Abolition of Serfdom and Slavery, 1999, 5pp, in PP 1607/8. – Mainly a reading guide.

SLAVERY, See: SPARKS, BERTEL M., Why Not Slavery? THE FREEMAN, 11/96, 6pp, in PP 1759/60: 399. – A multiplication of the present 27 million slaves? Not counting military slaves, education slaves and tax slaves? – J.Z., 1.6.02.

SLAVESPEAK, See: MANN, FREDERICK, The Anatomy of Slavespeak, 1997, 44pp, copyrighted, in PP 1615: 67.

SLOAN, J. NATHANIEL, On the Defence of Laissez-Faire Economics against the Case Presented by Collectivist Anarchism, 1997, 5pp, with URLs, in PP 1695: 186. – Dana Ward – “Greed and the motive for profit would do away with any semblance of the anarchist order.” – Rather, greed and the profit motive can form the soundest foundation for anarchism – after basic freedom principles, including the panarchistic ones. – J.Z., 11.6.01, 8.7.01.

SLOAN, JOHN E., Jr., American Small Business: The Quiet Giant, 6pp: 228, in PP 1581-82.


SLOGANS FOR LIBERTY, On Panarchism, 23pp, file Panslogscompilation 230601, in PP 1689-1693: 716.

SLOGANS FOR LIBERTY, See: FREEDOM’S NEST (“Anti-conservative, Anti-liberal, Pro-Freedom”).

SLUM CLEARING, See: ROGGE, BENJAMIN A., No New Urban Jerusalem, IMPRIMIS, 9/74, 14pp, in PP 1757/58: 81, on urban renewal etc.

SLUMS, See: NORTH, GARY, Two Kinds of Slums, THE FREEMAN, 10/92, 2pp, in PP 1749/50: 322.

SMALL BUSINESS, See: SLOAN, JOHN E., Jr., American Small Business: The Quiet Giant, 6pp: 228, in PP 1581-82.

SMALLNESS VS. BIGNESS, DECENTRALIZATION, See: MORE, MAX, Small is Awesome, THE FREEMAN, 2/99, 5pp, in PP 1754: 72.

SMALLNESS, See: READ, LEONARD E., Fear Smallness, Not Bigness, THE FREEMAN, 7/69, 2pp, in PP 1761-63: 387. – Neither are absolute values. Both are suitable in some cases and unsuitable in others. The world market constitutes the biggest business system – and yet it serves individuals well, the more so the more free it is, also for all kinds of decentralist demands and offers. – J.Z., 1.5.02.

SMILES, SAMUEL, Self-Improvement, from his book “Thrift”, THE FREEMAN, 10/80, 1p, in PP 1754: 88.

SMILEY, DAVID, Is Trade Dangerous? 2pp, from: GOOD GOVERNMENT, Dec. 82, Georgist: 110, in PP 1583. – Compare Bastiat’s remark: “Society Is Exchange!

SMILEY, GENE, Specialization and Exchange, THE FREEMAN, 10/89, 2pp, in PP 1761-63: 246, on Free Trade.

SMILEY, GENE, The Social Role of Private Property Rights, THE FREEMAN, 5/90, 3pp, in PP 1749/50: 390.

SMITH HANSON, BETTY LOU, Who Ordered Operation Keelhaul? 1p in PP 1637-1640: 120.

SMITH, ADAM J., Americans, the Drug War, and the Concept of Rights, 1p, in PP 1663: 167. From LFCT, date? – Against the Drug War. DRUG REFORM COORDINATION NETWORK,

SMITH, ADAM, See: CARSON, CLARENCE B., Another Bicentennial: The Publication of The Wealth of Nations, THE FREEMAN, 4/76, 9pp, in PP 1757/58: 384.

SMITH, ADAM, See: COLE, JULIO H., The Writings of Adam Smith, THE FREEMAN, 2/90, 4pp, in PP 1749/50: 112.

SMITH, ADAM, See: HALCOMBE, MARIAN, Review, 2pp, of: COPLEY, STEPHEN & SUTHERLAND, KATHRYN, editors, Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nations: New Interdisciplinary Essays, 1995: 253pp, in PP 1708-1710. – “Whoever commissioned this book has a thoroughly wicked sense of humour. Find eight left-wing academics; make each of them read The Wealth of Nations; then publish their reflections on it. The result is very like a chimpanzees’ tea party. All the forms of scholarship are present. But of scholarship itself there is an utter and hilarious lack.”

SMITH, ADAM, See: IRVING, WILLIAM B., The Other Side of Adam Smith, THE FREEMAN, 2/90, 4pp, in PP 1749/50: 190.

SMITH, ADAM, See: POWELL, JIM, Adam Smith …, THE FREEMAN, 3/95, 6pp, in PP 1755/56: 225. – MONTGOMERY, JOHN, Adam Smith’s Economics of Freedom, THE FREEMAN, 1/82, 7pp, in PP 1755/56: 231.

SMITH, ADAM, See: SMITH, DONALD G., A Most Sensible Man, THE FREEMAN, 5/92, 3pp, in PP 1755/56: 357.

SMITH, DONALD G., A Most Sensible Man, THE FREEMAN, 5/92, 3pp, in PP 1755/56: 357, on Adam Smith.

SMITH, DONALD G., Mr. McAllister’s List (“The Four Hundred”), THE FREEMAN, 2/92, 2pp, in PP 1757/58: 128.

SMITH, DONALD G., The Terrible D-Word, THE FREEMAN, 3/91, 3pp, in PP 1761-63: 612, on discrimination.

SMITH, DOUG, The Little Red Hen (Revisited), 1p, in PP 1713-1715: 80. – From: FREEDOM MAGAZINE.

SMITH, GEORGE H., Conquest or Consent? The Origin of the State – An Introduction to Franz Oppenheimer’s The State, 6pp: 203, in PP 1569-70.

SMITH, GEORGE H., Egoism Defended: A Reply to Robert LeFevre, 8pp: 376, in PP 1565-67.

SMITH, GEORGE H., Objectivism as a Religion: The Uses and Abuses of the Objectivist Ethics, part I, 16pp: 279. Part II, 9pp: 313, in PP 1565-67.

SMITH, GEORGE H., Pragmatists vs. Ideologues, Achieving a free Society: Good News and Bad, 6pp: 138, in PP 1561-63. (It is still ideologues in my books. J.Z.)

SMITH, GEORGE H., Review, 2pp, of SPENCER, HERBERT, The Proper Sphere of Government: 44, in PP 1557.

SMITH, GEORGE H., The Case Against Electoral Politics, 1983, 20pp: 99, in PP 1557.

SMITH, GEORGE, Early Libertarian Criticism of State Schooling, 2pp: 15, in PP 1584. – GEORGE H. SMITH?

SMITH, HELEN, Dr., It’s Not the Guns, 2pp, May 11, 1999, NANDO TIMES, , in PP 1685/86: 103. – And, again, on pages 142 & 143! (This was a rush job and my memory is all too fallible! – J.Z.)

SMITH, JOHN C., Last and First Words, 2pp, in PP 1618: 69. – On Stirner.

SMITH, L. NEIL, A New Covenant, 1p, in PP 1696: 205. I believe it to be excellent but that it could be improved even further, if the attempt is made. No such draft is ever perfect. Many improvements could have been added since 1986. On a special website it should be treated as a work in progress. Then it might come to attain the degree of perfection human beings are capable of. I for one would accept L. Neil Smith as ultimate arbitrator on all improvement suggestions – as long as he would publicly state his reasons and the whole discussion would be published, online or on CD-ROM. – J.Z., 15.5.01.

SMITH, L. NEIL, A Pain in the Colin, 2pp, in PP 1616: 38. – On General Colin Powell.

SMITH, L. NEIL, Feeding the Ducks, 2pp, in PP 1616: 49.

SMITH, L. NEIL, FOR PRESIDENT? See: KNAPP, THOMAS L., News from the Ad Hoc Conspiracy to Draft L. Neil Smith, 20.8.01, 2pp, in PP 16 & 17, 2nd edition: 406. I prefer: Nobody for President for territorial U.S.A. Anybody for President or chief magician, or whatever – over anybody who wants him as such. The office of TERRITORIAL & imposed presidents etc. should be abolished – as by now even more wrongful and dangerous than absolute monarchism was. – PIOT, J.Z., 16.2.02.

SMITH, L. NEIL, Home Pages, a few stray ones, I missed out on before, 9pp, in PP 1629: 100. The Libertarian Enterprise, Section Philosophy, referring to many texts online, also to Ken L. Holder’s Rejuvenation & Life Extension Page.

SMITH, L. NEIL, I’m Tired of Living in a Police State, a speech, 3pp, TLFCT, Nov. 9, 98, in PP 1682: 133. L. Neil Smith’s site, THE LIBERTARIAN ENTERPRISE:

SMITH, L. NEIL, L. Neil Smith – – Libertarian, 3pp, in PP 1616: 15. – With abstracts of his books.

SMITH, L. NEIL, L. Neil Smith’s Lever Action Essays, 5pp list of links to them, in PP 1616: 51.

SMITH, L. NEIL, L. Neil Smith’s Links Page, 4pp, in PP 1616: 18.

SMITH, L. NEIL, L. Neil Smith’s Webley Page, 3pp, , in PP 1616: 9. – With links, e.g. to Bill or Rights Enforcement & L. Neil Smith Talks! – on real audio. In my print-out of the second page, parts on the right side were cut off. – J.Z.

SMITH, L. NEIL, L. Neil Smith’s Speeches Page, 1p, in PP 1616:14. – List of speeches and links to them –

SMITH, L. NEIL, NRA Treachery in Pennsylvania, 2pp, in PP 1616: 32.

SMITH, L. NEIL, Of Ants and Men, 1p, in PP 1697: 144.

SMITH, L. NEIL, Online Bookstore, 2pp, in PP 1616: 12. – With a link to VirtualCon 1: 21 Speakers, Live Audio. – We should have more libertarian conferences – of this kind & on microfiche, floppies and CD-ROM. The convenor would simply assure that all submissions to a theme will appear on at least one alternative medium and sold in on-demand production and distribution, in cheap duplicates. Text contributors might get one or several copies “free”, especially if they had paid a moderate administration fee to the convenor. Per page fee will differ probably for different media. Those insisting on print-outs or photocopies or audio tapes would have to pay correspondingly more. I’d prefer it if all submissions were not copyrighted. – J.Z., 27.1.2000.

SMITH, L. NEIL, Pizzacracy. Majoritarianism vs. Unanimous Consent, 3pp: 229, in PP 1561-63.

SMITH, L. NEIL, Prometheus Bound — and Gagged, 2pp, in PP 1697: 143. – Nuclear power, for war and “for peace”, hardly represents Prometheus but, rather, the irresponsibility of governments – and of some private people. Against whom would e.g. L.N.S. want to arm himself with nuclear “weapons”? How would he prevent accidents or misuse of nuclear reactors for “weapons” production, by governments or other terrorists? – J.Z., 2.6.01.

SMITH, L. NEIL, See: KNAPP, THOMAS L., Circular, 26.7.01 on Smith 2004 Campaign, 2pp, in PP 1739: 199. – Website to “draft” L. Neil Smith:

SMITH, L. NEIL, See: MINGARDI, ALBERTO & INCERTI, MATTEO, An Interview with Science Fiction Writer L. NEIL SMITH, TLFCT, 2pp, in PP 1682: 152.

SMITH, L. NEIL, See: MINGARDI, ALBERTO, The Bill-of-Rights for President. An Interview with L. NEIL SMITH, 3pp, TLFCT, July 26, 99, in PP 1682: 127.

SMITH, L. NEIL, The Great Explosion, n.d., 2pp, title borrowed from the novel by Eric Frank Russell. Lever Action Essays Page, in PP 1677: 62.

SMITH, L. NEIL, Turn Off the Government, 1996, 2pp, in PP 1697: 142. – For one reason or the other, part of this essay did not print out for me. I added it in hand-writing. – J.Z.

SMITH, L. NEIL, Welcome to the first Bill of Rights Enforcement site on the World Wide Web, 3pp, , in PP 1675: 125. – Compare the 100 PRIVATE Drafts of Human Rights Codes – that I assembled in PEACE PLANS Nos. 589 & 590, hoping that they might lead to sufficient discussions and still better drafts. Alas … Some are as addicted to ancient government documents as others are to supposedly holy texts. And the addiction of some authors to their own drafts, not considered as works in progress, is not very admirable, either. Smith’s “New Covenant” is excellent, but I feel sure that it could still be further improved – if only a public effort is made in this direction. Here, alas, he glorifies the governmental Bill of Rights. Indeed, enforcing respect for it would be better than ignoring and breaking it – but would this go far enough? – J.Z., 11.5. & 21.5.01.

SMITH, L. NEIL, Welcome to THE LIBERTARIAN ENTERPRISE, 1p, in PP 1616: 27.

SMITH, L. NEIL, Welcome to The Western Libertarian Alliance, 1p, links only, in PP 1616: 11. –

SMITH, L. NEIL, What If? When anybody’s rights are threatened, everybody’s rights are, 1p: 17, in PP 1569-70. – From LP News5/93.

SMITH, L. NEIL, Why Did it Have to Be Guns? 3pp, in PP 1697: 126, from THE WEBLEY PAGE.

SMITH, L. NEIL, Why I Want to Run for President in 2000, 2pp, in PP 1708-1710: 529.

SMITH, MENLO F., Foreign Aid the Voluntary Way, THE FREEMAN, 10/94, 2pp, in PP 1761-63: 249.

SMITH, RANDY, The Scientific Debate over Cryonics, 1p: 165, in PP 1554/55.

SMITH, ROBERT J., Earth’s Resources: Private Ownership vs. Public Waste, 3pp: 138, in PP 1572-73.

SMITH, RYLLA CATHRYN, 9, I Want to Know about Waco, 1/4 page only, in PP 1678, under section, but she poses some heavy and unanswered questions about this slaughter of innocents, organized and carried out by the government. – J.Z.

SMITH, STUART, CRAIG, Should Democracy Survive? 1p: 185, in PP 1572-73. – Yes, for volunteer communities that are only exterritorially autonomous and live under their own personal constitutions, laws, and jurisdiction. – J.Z.

SMITH, WINSTON, 9 Sep. 00, pointed out that RUSHDOONEY, R., “God, The Devil and Legal Tender” is available free from: Mostly I do no longer bother to read Smith’s messages because of his leanings towards Social Credit notions. – J.Z. The Rushdooney article is only 1p: 181 and is microfiched already in PP 731 & 1247.

SMITHSONIAN MAGAZINE, George Mason: Forgotten Founder. He Conceived the Bill of Rights, 1p, May 2000 issue, (c) , in PP 1675: 114.

SMOKING & PROPERTY RIGHTS, See: COHEN, ANDREW I., Let Property Settle Smoking Disputes, THE FREEMAN, 2/98, 4pp, in PP 1759/60: 164.

SMOKING, See: CHUNN, JEREMY, Watch it, sucker, 1p, in PP 1610: 118. – SMH 20 Jan. 2000. – On a little known “deal” the tobacco industry made with the government. Caught, once again, with a “smoking gun”! – J.Z.

SMOKING, See: GABB, SEAN, The Right to Smoke: A Christian View, 1989, updated 2000, 23pp, in PP 1670: 2.

SMUGGLING, See: LIBERTARIAN AVENGER, Review, 1p, of: GREEN, TIMOTHY, The Smugglers: 148, in PP 1565-67.

SMUGGLING, See: NOBEL, DIANE, The Art of Smuggling, 4pp, in PP 1656-1659: 158.

SNYDER, JEFFREY, Consumers of Safety, 2pp, LIBERTY, July 99, (c) 1999 Liberty Foundation, , in PP 1685/86: 188. , on “The Meaning of the Massacre”.

SNYDER, KENT, Ron Paul has Put forward the Liberty Amendment, 2pp, in PP 1718 – 1721: 754. Website:

SNYDER, LESLIE, The Corruption of Language, THE FREEMAN, 9/80, 4pp, in PP 1766-68: 396.

SOBRAN, JOSEPH, Teach Your Child About Politics, 1p, in PP 1671: 157.

SOCIAL ANARCHISM ONLINE, Home Page, Contents List & Links, in PP 1695: 125, mailto:spud@no Updated 1997. – Some anarchists will study and write about anything – but genuine economics. – J.Z.

SOCIAL CONTRACT, See: FLANAGAN, GREGORY, FSUTO-SCT: Social Contract Treaty, 4pp, in PP 1689-1693: 683. – FLANAGAN, GREGORY, FSUTO-SCOLAR: Social Contract of Liberty and Responsibility, OFCG: Organization of Free Community Governments, 5pp, in PP 1689-1693: 931.

SOCIAL CONTRACT, See: FLANAGAN, GREGORY, The Social Contract? 4pp, in PP 1689-1693: 808.

SOCIAL CONTRACT, See: TAYLOR, BOBBY, Rousseau’s “Social Contract”: A Critical Response, THE FREEMAN, 1/87, 2pp, in PP 1754: 110. – A rightful social contract requires volunteers, exterritorial autonomy and individual secessionism! – J.Z.

SOCIAL CREDIT, See: LABADIE, LAURANCE, Critical Comment on Social Credit, 1p, in PP 1723/24: 8, appeared in MOTHER EARTH, April 1934.

SOCIAL JUSTICE, See: FLEW, ANTONY, Private Property & Social Justice, THE FREEMAN, 5/97, 4pp, in PP 1766-68: 231.

SOCIAL PROBLEMS, See: GEORGE, HENRY, The Poor Ye Have Always With You, 1p extracts from “Progress & Poverty” & from “Social Problems”, in PP 1731: 5. – Yes, but only under the constitutions, laws, regulations, jurisdictions, customs, institutions and habits that make for poverty. As for his panacea, the single tax: We cannot all of us become wealthy through becoming farmers, gardeners or miners. An ever smaller part of the population suffices for this kind of wealth production. Even housing could become cheaply mass produced, as cars can be or could be. – J.Z., 31.5.02.

SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY, See: LONG, LAZARUS, What Is Social Responsibility? 1996/98, 3pp, in PP 1612: 63.

SOCIAL SECURITY, See: BIGGS, ANDREW G., Private Investment Is More Risky than Social Security? It Just Ain’t So! THE FREEMAN8/00, 2pp, in PP 1753: 70.

SOCIAL SECURITY, See: BRACEWELL-MILNES, BARRY, Review of: LITTLEWOOD, MICHAEL, How to Create a Competitive Market in Pensions: The International Lessons, IEA, 1998, 264pp, 1p: 809, in PP 1601-04.

SOCIAL SECURITY, See: FOWLER, DAVE, Social Security? Don’t Hold Your Breath … 4pp, in PP 1656-1659: 396.

SOCIAL SECURITY, See: FREEDOM MAGAZINE, Statistics, on Social Security, demonstrating that savings put away at 5% could do two to three times better, 1p, in PP 1713-1715: 123. – From: FREEDOM MAGAZINE.

SOCIAL SECURITY, See: HOSPERS, JOHN & OLMSTED, SCOTT M., Social Security, 1p: 188, in PP 1589-94.

SOCIAL SECURITY, See: JOSÉ PIÑERA, How We Privatized Social Security in Chile, THE FREEMAN, 7/97, 5pp, in PP 1766-68: 29. – SKOUSEN, MARK, $ 4,000 a Month from Social Security? THE FREEMAN, 6/95, 2pp, in PP 1766-68: 34.

SOCIAL SECURITY, See: MAKIN, JOHN H., Social Security: Nothing But A Ponzi Scheme, 2pp, in PP 1609: 55. – NY TIMES, Oct. 8, 1988 & FORT FREEDOM files.

SOCIAL SECURITY, See: SCHWARTZMAN, JACK, The State and Social Security, 1p: 57, in PP 1564.

SOCIAL SECURITY, See: WHITE, L. RICHARD, Dis-Mything Social Security, 5pp, TLFCT, date? In PP 1684: 92. – Should it rather be “de-mything”? – J.Z.


SOCIALISM & ANTISEMITISM, See: COWEN, TYLER, The Socialist Roots of Modern Anti-Semitism, THE FREEMAN, 1/97, 4pp, in PP 1749/50: 376.

SOCIALISM (STATE SOCIALISM OR STATE CAPITALISM), See: KIRSCH CARR, DAVID, Why Is the Creative World so Socialist and what, if anything, Can we Do about it? – CULTURAL NOTES No. 45, 4pp, in PP1742: 5. – It is part of the “barbarism of the specialists”. They may be very enlightened on a narrow subject and very primitive in their ideas and opinions in other spheres. Just like the man in the street they are intellectual victims to popular errors, myths and prejudices. Even many libertarians and anarchists are – and that is what is still wrong with them. – J.Z., 31.5.02.

SOCIALISM, See: ANDERSON, ROBERT G. The Assault on Capital, THE FREEMAN, 11/79, 8pp, in PP 1749/50: 297.

SOCIALISM, See: CAPITALIST CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICAN HOMEPAGE, THE, 12pp, in PP 1678: 143. The Political Spectrum, 2pp, see Classification Systems. (c) 1998/99. – About Capitalism, 1p: 145. – About Liberalism, 1p: 146. – About Conservatism, 1p: 147. – The Socialist Myth, 7pp, (c) 1999,2000: 148.

SOCIALISM, See: KNOWLES HUNT, BETTY, Show Me Any Other Country… , 11pp: 12, in PP 1549. – On socialism practised in America. – SHELLEY, THOMAS J., A Lesson in Socialism, 2pp: 38, in PP 1549.

SOCIALISM, See: LONG, LAZARUS, Why Socialism is an Anti-liberty ideology, 2pp, 1996, in PP 1612: 41. – A few of the hundreds of different forms of “socialism” aren’t, e.g. some forms of voluntary and cooperative socialism, which are propertarian and capitalistic and business-like, based upon individual rights, with the potential to turn the majority of productive people into freely cooperating and exchanging capitalists, ending as far as possible the hierarchical system of enterprises and the employer-employee relationships and replacing them with self-management and partnership ones, without any ideological bias, especially not a coercive and egalitarian one. – If we do not automatically treat all socialists as our enemies then we can turn many of them into friends, allies or at least into neutrals – people doing their own things – but only to themselves. – Instead of provoking them unnecessarily, let us rather offer them a more rightful and sensible form of socialism! – Many of them have already become enemies themselves of totalitarian or welfare state socialism. – PIOT, J.Z., 26.2.2000.

SOCIALISM, See: MAYBURY, RICHARD J., The Great Thanksgiving Hoax, 2pp: 120; 2pp: 162; 2pp: 216, in PP 1572-73. – William Bradford’s story. – See: OSTERFELD, DAVID, African Famine: The Harvest of Socialist Agriculture, 2pp from THE PRAGMATIST: 126, in PP 1572-73.

SOCIALISM, See: SOCIETY FOR LIBERTARIAN LIFE, Socialism. Who’s Fooling Whom? Leaflet, 1p: 125, in PP 1556.

SOCIALISM, STATE SOCIALISM OR STATE CAPITALISM, See: MISES, LUDWIG VON, Economic Calculation in the Socialist Commonwealth, 1920, in the 1990 edition by the LUDWIG VON MISES INSTITUTE, online, translated by S. Adler, with foreword by Yuri N. Maltsev and postscript by Joseph T. Salerno. This Mises e-book was prepared by Richard Perry, 16pp, in PP 1733: 82. – I do not understand why such offers are not made as single files, which would facilitate downloading. – J.Z.

SOCIALIST DREAMS, See: BILLINGSLEY, K. L., The Socialist Dream Lives, THE FREEMAN, 11/97, 2pp, in PP 1749/50: 132. – Many different socialist and communist & other egalitarian dreams live on – & should be granted experimental freedom as well. – There are thousands of different socialist dreams. Let volunteers suffer or benefit from all of them! – J.Z.

SOCIALIZATION, See: BOHANON, CECIL E. & COTT, T. NORMAN VAN, Roberto and Fidel: Two Versions of “Share the Wealth”, THE FREEMAN, 4/98, 2pp, in PP 1754: 197.

SOCIALIZED MEDICINE, See: LEMIEUX, PIERRE, Socialized Medicine: The Canadian Experience, THE FREEMAN, 3/99, 7pp, in PP 1754: 77.

SOCIETY FOR INDIVIDUAL LIBERTY, Home Page, 2pp: 717. Statement of Beliefs, 1p: 720, in PP 1601-04. – Is there some fundamental difference between most U.S.A. and most U.K. libertarian writings? Are the latter more conditioned by compromises or acceptance of present realities and gradualism and also more nationalistic and conservative? I believe the predominant libertarian mindsets in Germany and France are also different. One of the explanations is that so many of such writings have not been translated at all or only all too belatedly. Perhaps such differences could be the subject of a dissertation? Some differences go even into details like different predominant schools of free banking, in Germany, England and the U.S.A. – They would become clearer once a comprehensive libertarian encyclopaedia were compiled with contributions from all scholars and students of liberty in the world. It would lead to more attempts to clarify and settle them. Provided, naturally, that there would be “open entry” as well as multiple entries on subjects from different points of view. That would require the almost unlimited page and affordable price options of alternative media like microfiche, floppies, CD-ROMs and websites. Maybe the anarchist and libertarians entries on the Internet will, one day, be integrated into such an encyclopaedia. So far, it seems, no one has been able to survey all such material on the Internet or had the time and energy to follow up all the presently listed links. Such an encyclopaedia could be relatively short, if it just gave all the relevant sites under each topic. – The samples of libertarian periodicals may help to demonstrate how much – and how little can be achieved via conventional libertarian publishing on paper, no matter how well written and edited the material is. In this form it can hardly ever be more than drops onto a hot stone. We have still to organize the water and kinetic power of giant libertarian waterfalls of information. Will microfilm or the Internet or all media combined finally provide this strength? – PIOT, John Zube, 3.12.1999.

SOCIETY FOR LIBERTARIAN LIFE, Socialism. Who’s Fooling Whom? Leaflet, 1p: 125, in PP 1556.

SOCIETY FOR LIBERTARIAN LIFE, SIL, Uncle Bloodsucker Wants You! Poster, 1p, in PP 1716: 35.

SOCIETY FOR UTOPIAN STUDIES, Home Page, 1/2 p, in PP 1677: 152.

SOCIETY FOR UTOPIAN STUDIES, THE, 1/2p, in PP 1707: 114. – Will they dig up and appreciate all the libertarian utopias? – J.Z.

SOCIETY VS. STATE, See: JOHANNSEN, OSCAR B., Society vs. The State, 1p, in PP 1731: 6.

SOCIETY, See: BASTIAT, FREDERIC, The Motive Force of Society, THE FREEMAN, 4/74, 8pp, in PP 1766-68: 560.

SOCIETY, See: BENSON, BRUCE L., Can a Stateless Society Survive? 8pp: 687, in PP 1601-04. – In the long run ONLY stateless societies will be able to survive. Territorial States are ultimately self-destructive. We have to get rid of them before they do us in. – Learn from the wars and mass-murderous civil wars of our times and study the exterritorial alternatives! – J.Z.

SOCIETY, See: THATCHER, LADY, The Moral Foundations of Society, IMPRIMIS, 3/95, 6pp, in PP 1766-68: 269.

SOCIOBIOLOGY, See: OLSON, HOWARD, International Socio-biology Institute, home page, 2pp, with links, in PP 1615: 177. – Contact the Co-ordinator:

SOCIOLOGY, See: SCRUTON, ROGER, The Plague of Sociology, 3pp, I PP 1609: 36. – From TIMES, London, 8 Oct. 1985, with comments, from FORT FREEDOM. Also in: Untimely Tracts, N.Y., St. Martin’s Press, 1987, pp 237-9.

SOFTSERV, File Format. – Material left out of PP 1022, 47pp: 399, in PP 1565-67. – Perhaps a coop of authors, self-publishing on floppies, microfiche, CD-ROMs etc., will pick up some of Softserv’s ideas? But perhaps there should have been less prescriptions and less insistence upon copyrights and more stress on other earnings options for authors? To me the main requirement for such a coop seems to be a common literature list, one frequently updated and one pointing out, perhaps not only with abstracts but also reviews, all the titles available from the associates or their agents, in one or the other alternative medium. – This segment contains a long sample reading from: SCHULMAN, J. NEIL, The Rainbow Cadenza, 1983, 42pp: 404. – To offer significant extracts from books as a review and an advertising method is an approach which my father, Kurt Zube, tried to realize at least twice, once in DER RADIKALE GEIST and once in: ERLESENES. Nowadays even longer segments can be cheaply offered in alternative media, selected by the authors, editors or publishers. Magazines that published segments of books, each segment closing with: “To be continued”, do know how much of a drawing card or bait such part-publishing can be. Compare also the shareware system for software and the demos for computer games. According to “eigentuemlich frei” J. Neil Schulman offers now novels free of charge on line for downloading. – J.Z.

SOHN, GUNNAR: Der Gruene Punkt und die Stamokap-Theorie, 2 S., in PP 1625: 112.

SOLBERG, MONTE, Welcome to Canada, THE FREEMAN, 12/99, 2pp, in PP 1749/50: 30.

SOLIDARITY, See: RIEHM-GUENTHER, EVA, Die Pervertierung des Solidaritaetsprinzips, 2 S, in PP 1625: 93.

SOLIDARITY, The Bolsheviks and Workers Control, 1917-1921, 9pp, in PP 1695: 96. etc.

SOLOMON, MARTIN M., A Paen to Property, 6pp, in PP 1700: 87. From: LIBERTY, Port Townsend.

SOLZHENITSYN, ALEXANDER, Participation and the Lie, 2pp: 242, in PP 1569-70. – From: FROM UNDER THE RUBBLE, 1975.

SOMALIA, See: GREEN, GRAHAM, Laissez Faire in Africa (Somalia), 2pp, LFCT, n.d., in PP 1661: 57.

SOMALIA, See: MACCALLUM, SPENCER HEATH, A Peaceful Ferment in Somalia, THE FREEMAN, 6/98, 7pp, in PP 1755/56: 297.

SOMALIA, See: NOTTEN, MICHAEL VAN, From Nation-State to Stateless Nation: The Somali Experience, 9pp towards a book: 324, in PP 1687/88. (What about the war lords, murders and looting there, during the civil war, which lead to international intervention? They provided a rather unattractive example of its “kritarchy”! Not territorialism but only territorial centralization is attacked here, as a basic cause. Local and customary territorial law embraces it too and has led to numerous clashes, there and elsewhere. – J.Z., 3.6.01.) FREE NATION FOUNDATION, FNF. – I haven’t forgotten yet the reports of warlords plundering aid sent for civilian refugees. Whatever regime the U.N. had tried to support was not rightful – but was that of the war lords? – It is so easy to idealize people in other countries. Rousseau started that fashion and it is still with us. Are there as yet no objective reports from sociologists, anthropologists etc. on these people? – Decentralized and limited territorialism is still an evil. – J.Z., 13.7.01.

SOMALIA, See: ROBINSON, SIMON, Birth of a Nation, TIME, Jan. 8, 01, 2pp, in PP 1718 – 1721: 350. – To somewhat counter the notion, popular among some libertarians, that Somalia represents something like an ideal because stateless society. – J.Z. 30.7.01.

SOMETHING FOR NOTHING? See: READ, LEONARD E., The Something-For-Nothing Syndrome,

SOMETHING FOR NOTHING, See: READ, LEONARD E., The Something-For-Nothing Syndrome, 6pp: 25, in PP 1581-82. – IMPRIMIS, 12/76, 7pp, in PP 1761-63: 415. – But consider the enormous cheapness of some alternative media, which almost offer something for nothing and are, nevertheless, not correspondingly popular! – A cheap CD-ROM blank costs justs A $ 50 cents. A better one $ 1. That is close enough to a zero price for the raw material for 200 to 2,000 libertarian books. Labours of love, of supposed freedom lovers, could get its 650 – 800 Mbs filled. – The product could still be very cheaply sold. Then everybody interested could obtain a complete freedom library in this format! – J.Z., 16.6.02.

SOMMER, BERNARD I., Ending the Drug Law Madness, 2pp, from NOMOS: 114; 2pp: 186; 2pp: 222, in PP 1572-73.

SOMMERFELT PETTERSEN, JAN, MD, The Decline of the Scandinavian Welfare State, 1989, 2pp: 176, in PP 1568.

SOMMERFELT-PETTERSEN, JAN to ZUBE, JOHN, 27 August 1984, 1p: 111; 1.4.1994, 1p: 113, in PP1553.

SOMMERS, CHRISTINA HOFF, Are We Living in a Moral Stone Age, IMPRIMIS, 3/98, 6pp, in PP 1757/58: 364. – The stone age wasn’t moral, either! – J.Z.

SOUND CURRENCY, 1895, Literature list, 5pp, in PP 1745-1748: 764.

SOON, JASON, Jason’s Freethinking Polymath Pages, Home Page, with links, 3pp, in PP 1615: 192.

SOON, JASON, Writings, web-based writings, list only and links, 5pp, in PP 1615: 195.

SOPHISTICA, Panta rei – everything is changing! 1p: 236 in PP 1577-78.

SOTO, HERNANDO DE, The Other Path, Review only: LOAN, ALBERT, Revolution and Evolution in Peru: The Basis for Peace and Economic Development in the Informal Sector, 10pp: 19, in PP 1576.

SOUTH AFRICA, See: HOSPERS, JOHN, A Visit to South Africa, THE FREEMAN, 2/87, 12pp, in PP 1755/56: 254.

SOUTH AFRICA, See: LOUW, LEON, Review Essay of Walter William’s South Africa’s War against Capitalism, 5pp: 25, in PP 1576.

SOUTHAN, RHYS J., 19, The Prison of Childhood, 2pp, in PP 1678: 16. “The qualification for adulthood should be the ability to function in society without handouts from mom, dad, and the government, all of which does not rely solely on age.”

SOUTHEASTERN INDIANA PATRIOTS, A Citizen Militia, Links, 1p, in PP 1685/86: 92. – See: MILITIA.

SOUTHERN CALIFORNA OBJECTIVIEW, Ayn Rand’s Philosophy In Action, Fall 1989 & Winter 1990, 11pp: 149, in PP 1598.

SOUTHERN STATES OF THE U.S., See: MINGARDI, ALBERTO, The South Will Rise Again in Freedom, an Interview with RON HOLLAND, 2pp, TLFCT, March 20, 2000, in PP 1682: 132.

SOUTHWICK, KEVIN, Lake Woebegone: Where Taxes are Fiction, 1p: 233, in PP 1572-73. – Against subsidies for arts.

SOVEREIGN ORDER OF VANESIA, Home Page, 1p, in PP 1722: 188. – I would rather find more details about the real, ancient, exterritorial and sovereign order of the Maltese. – J.Z., 29.6.01.

SOVEREIGN SOCIETY, THE, 2000, 3pp with URL list, in PP 1676: 148.

SOVEREIGN SOCIETY, THE, Featured Products, List, 1p, of Oct. 24, 00, in PP 1716: 117.

SOVEREIGN SOCIETY, THE, Find Freedom, Privacy, Prosperity in the Offshore World, October 24, 2000, 1p Home Page, newsletter, linked to articles, in PP 1716: 90.

SOVEREIGNTY, Home Page, 5pp, in PP 1618: 192. – I see no URL or e-mail address. Associated with WORLD TRANSFORMATION PAGE.

SOVIET EXPERIENCE, TEACHING IT, See: HENDRICKSON, MARK, Teachings of Soviet Experience, THE FREEMAN, 4/82, 8pp, in PP 1749/50: 305.

SOVIET REGIME, See: GREAVES, BETTINA BIEN, Why Communism Failed, THE FREEMAN, 3/91, 2pp, in PP 1766-68: 572. – – It is still succeeding, all too much, in the West and in other underdeveloped countries. – J.Z., 3.6.02.

SOWELL, THOMAS, A Citizen’s Guide to the Economy, 366pp, 2001, $ 24 plus shipping, review only, 1p, in PP 1726/27: 29.

SOWELL, THOMAS, A Political Glossary, 1988, 1p, in PP 1609: 49. – From: Compassion Vs. Guilt and Other Essays, N.Y., Morrow, 1987. – FORT FREEDOM files.

SOWELL, THOMAS, Bibliography, 4pp, in PP 1716: 76.

SOWELL, THOMAS, Favorite Quotations, 10pp, in PP 1716: 65.

SOWELL, THOMAS, Gory “Details”, JWR, Oct. 20, 2000, 2pp, in PP 1716: 61.

SOWELL, THOMAS: Julian Simon, combatant in a 200-year war, 2pp, in PP 1614: 102. – On overpopulation “hysteria”.

SOWELL, THOMAS, List of Articles that Are Online, 2pp, in PP 1716: 60.

SOWELL, THOMAS, Migrations and Cultures, A World View, Basic Books, 1996, short abstract only, by Linda Chavez, in PP 1682: 23.

SOWELL, THOMAS, Some Webpages, 23pp, in PP 1716: 57.

SOWELL, THOMAS, Speeches that are online, with URL list, 1p, in PP 1716: 64.

SOWELL, THOMAS, The Green Bigots, synd. Column, 86, 1p, in PP 1609: 47. – FORT FREEDOM.

SOWELL, THOMAS, The Vision of the Anointed: Self-Congratulations as a Basis for Social Policy, Basic Books, N.Y., 1995, 310pp, ISBN 0 465 08994 1, FLEW, ANTONY, Review, 2pp, in PP 1708-1710: 305.

SOWELL, THOMAS, Undermining the Military, 2pp, 15.Mar. 99, in PP 1716: 58.

SOWERBY, J.K., Lateral Inversion: The Politics of “The Opposite”, 1p, in PP 1610: 64.

SOY BEANS & BRAIN ATROPHY, See: ACADEMIC PRESS, Soybeans Linked to Brain Atrophy & Cell Death, 2pp, 1999, in PP 1664/65: 221. X references are given.

SPACE EXPLORATION & RESEARCH, PRIVATE, See: LIVING UNIVERSE FOUNDATION, 24 October 2,000, 4 web pages with URLs , in PP 16 & 17, 2nd edition: 290. – Concerned mainly with private space exploration & utilization.

SPACE RESEARCH, PRIVATE, See: DARIAN DEFROST CALENDAR, On Terraforming Mars, 1999, 5pp, in PP 1678: 199.



SPACE TRAVEL, See: TIGGRE, DON LOBO, Save Space Travel: Kill NASA, 2pp, in PP 1663: 28. – LFCT 13 Sep. 99.


SPACE, See: MAYER, CHRISTOPHER, A Modern Pyramid, THE FREEMAN, 5/99, 3pp, in PP 1759/60: 14, on government subsidised space research.

SPACE, See: NOLTE, ERIC, Frontiers: Last, Lost, & Found, THE FREEMAN, 3/99, 5pp, in PP 1765: 139, on NASA, Space, Research, Research.

SPACE, See: PHILLIPS, J. BRIAN, A New Space Policy: Free Enterprise, THE FREEMAN, Oct. 87, 2pp, in PP 1755/56: 312.

SPACE, See: POLHILL, DENNIS, Space: The Ultimate Prize, 2,000, Independence Institute, 2pp, in PP 1739: – 205. – – Copyrighted 2,000, but placed on the Internet for, say, 500 million people to read free of charge! Even libertarians are not always consistent. What they should have said: Copyrights claimed for the commercial exploitation of this article. – 16 teams registered in 1996 to compete for the launch of a reusable vehicle, launched into space two times within 14 days. Prize offered was ten million US dollars. I hold that a proper Ideas Archive and Talent Registry would be the greatest “prize” that all innovators could win. It could, finally, bring all demand and supply in this sphere together, avoiding the individual and isolated struggles of innovators. The free-marketeers have still to declare themselves for this kind of free market. – J.Z., 2.3.02.

SPANISH CIVIL WAR ARCHIVES, Home page, 1p, in PP 1663: 95.

SPANISH REVOLUTION, See: INTERNATIONAL ANARCHISM WEB PAGES, The Spanish Revolution (1936), 15pp, in PP 1696: 29. – BERNERI, CAMILLO, What Spanish Anarchism Must Do to Win, originally, 1936: What Can We Do? 1p, in PP 1696: 50, from: REVOLT

SPARKS, BERTEL M., Trial by Jury vs. Trial by Judge, THE FREEMAN, 10/95, 5pp, in PP 1749/50: 73.

SPARKS, BERTEL M., Why Not Slavery? THE FREEMAN, 11/96, 6pp, in PP 1759/60: 399. – A multiplication of the present 27 million slaves? Not counting military slaves, education slaves and tax slaves? – J.Z., 1.6.02.

SPARKS, JOHN C., A Future that Should Have Been Ours, THE FREEMAN, 8/92, 2pp, in PP 1755/56: 393.

SPARKS, JOHN C., Beyond Majority Rule, 3pp, in PP 1655: 29.

SPARKS, JOHN C., Deceptive Federal Aid, 3pp, in PP 1655: 25.

SPARKS, JOHN C., For the young in heart, mind and spirit, THE FREEMAN, 5/71, 6pp, in PP 1753: 40.

SPARKS, JOHN C., The Excitement of Freedom, 1p, in PP 1655: 33. – Obviously, it has to be made much more “exciting”. One attempt in this direction is to provide libertarian ideas in SF form. Some did and some still do this. The most important excitement lies, in my opinion, in active participation in one or several of the on-going libertarian projects, most of which seem to be still unknown to most libertarians, because they are not sufficiently publicized. E.g., the potential of affordable, efficient, easy and permanent libertarian self-publishing on microfiche has kept me excited and active for 23 years by now. I wish more libertarians would share that excitement and activity. A relatively small number would be enough. Can these few, a mere 100 – 300, not be found in the whole world? – J.Z., 5.10.00.

SPARKS, JOHN C., Untitled, from FEE: Short statement of his beliefs and background, 1p: 125, in PP 1558.

SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS, See: LONG, LAZARUS, Special Interest Groups and their plundering of the Public Purse, 1994/98, 2pp, in PP 1612: 61. – No public purse, no such plundering! As long as it exists, it is an open invitation to share the loot or to get at least some of one’s own property back. – J.Z.

SPECIALIZATION, See: SMILEY, GENE, Specialization and Exchange, THE FREEMAN, 10/89, 2pp, in PP 1761-63: 246, on Free Trade.

SPECULATION, See: CULP, CHRISTOPHER L & SMITH, FRED L., Jr., Speculators: Adam Smith Revisited, THE FREEMAN, 10/80, 4pp, in PP 1766-68: 462.

SPECULATION, See: LEE, DWIGHT R., Speculation & Risk, THE FREEMAN, 9/99, 2pp, in PP 1766-68: 111.

SPENCER, HERBERT, Home Page with links to Published Works, Man Vs. the State & First Principles, 1/2 p, in PP 1716: 110. – Who will put all his works, and e.g. those of Sumner and Auberon Herbert & of xyz others, onto a CD-ROM, seeing that blanks are down to 50 cents? – J.Z.

SPENCER, HERBERT, See: LAMBERT, IAN T.G., Spencer Reconsidered, 1p: 56, in PP 1564. – On H. Spencer’s Social Statics.

SPENCER, HERBERT, See: MILLETT, JERRY, Herbert Spencer: Freedom’s Philosopher, THE FREEMAN, 11/84, 5pp, in PP 1765: 71. – Much as I do appreciated Herbert Spencer, he was not the only one nor the first but freedom played a larger role in his philosophy than in that of many to most other pro-freedom philosophers. – J.Z. – COONEY, RONALD F., Herbert Spencer: Apostle of Freedom, THE FREEMAN, 1/73, 5pp, in PP 1765: 76.

SPENCER, HERBERT, See: POWELL, JIM, Herbert Spencer: Liberty & Unlimited Progress, THE FREEMAN, 4/95, 5pp, in PP 1765: 66. – Unlimited progress can only happen when territorial governments don’t get into our way! – J.Z., 20.5.02.

SPENCER, HERBERT, See: RICHMAN, SHELDON, Mr. Spencer vs. the State, THE FREEMAN, 5/98, 2pp, in PP 1766-68: 1.

SPENCER, HERBERT, The Proper Sphere of Government, 38pp: 45, in PP 1557.

SPINTECH MAGAZINE, Contents list of its online articles of V/11, Oct. 12, 2000, 1p, in PP 1668/69: 411. – This issue contains e.g. an article by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr., against standing armies.

SPONTANEOUS ORDER, See: ASHFORD, NIGEL, Spontaneous Order, THE FREEMAN, 7/99, 4pp, in PP 1749/50: 316. – Most advocates of natural harmony and spontaneous order have still to consider the harmony and order that would result from voluntary State membership and exterritoriality for volunteers. Even regarding free banking they have confined their considerations largely to one form of gold standard notes. – J.Z.

SPONTANEOUS ORDER, See: LOAN, ALBERT, Institutional Bases of the Spontaneous Order: Surety and Assurance, 9pp, in PP 1689-1693: 310, from HUMANE STUDIES REVIEW, 7/1, Winter 1991/92. – Tradition of voluntary mutual guaranty and self-help & mutual aid associations. – J.Z. In: ON PANARCHY, 20-24.

SPOONER, LYSANDER, Against Woman Suffrage, 1877, 1882, 3pp: 42, in PP 1557.

SPOONER, LYSANDER, Natural Law Contrasted with Legislation, 2pp from his: Natural Law, or the Science of Justice: 27, in PP 1565-67.

SPOONER, LYSANDER, On Taxation and the Constitution, 3pp, in PP 1671: 20.

SPOONER, LYSANDER, See: DOERING, DETMAR, Ein liberaler Anarchist: Lysander Spooner, 3 S.: 22. Teil 2, 2 S. , in PP 1617: 51.

SPOONER, LYSANDER, See: LITTLER, GRAEME BROOKE, The Economics and political Economy of Lysander Spooner, A Dissertation submitted to the Faculty of the Graduate School of George Mason University, 1986, 188pp: 1, in PP 1587. With bibliography. I tried in vain to find his current address. – J.Z.

SPORT, See: OPTIONALITY, The Evil Side of Sport, 3pp 252 in PP 1577-78.

SPORTING SHOOTERS ASSOCIATION, AUSTRALIA, Interviewed by Ginny Simone & Keith Tidwell, here only a 3pp synopsis: Australia: The Results Are In, in PP 1685/86: 124. – The entire RealAudio interview is available as “Australia Gun Ban Results” in the “Archive News” of NRA’s new & fully Multi-Media-based website: “The latest crime statistics reveal a dramatic INCREASE in criminal activities… the ban has made the Australian criminal safer now.” – But as usual, governments go on with their wrongful and failed policies, spending even more money on them or ignoring their failures, i.e., fail to apologize for them and to undo their wrongful and counter-productive interventionism. And all too many give them “the sanction of the victims”. – Neither any territorial government nor any monopoly police force can protect anyone sufficiently or can manage to disarm all criminals. They should finally admit this, get out of this field altogether, and allow people to protect themselves or establish or join voluntary associations for their protection. – J.Z., 26.5.02.

SPORTS & GOVERNMENTS, See: KEATING, RAYMOND J., Fore: Watch Out for Government Golf! THE FREEMAN, 8/97, 4pp, in PP 1753: 36.

SPORTS SUBSIDIES, See: KEATING, RAYMOND J., Pro Sports on the Dole, THE FREEMAN, 2/95, 5pp, in PP 1764: 5.

SPORTS SUBSIDIES, See: BAADE, ROBERT A. & BAST, DIANE CAROL, Socialized Stadiums, THE FREEMAN, 9/87, 2pp, in PP 1764: 15.

SPORTS SUBSIDIES, See: BANDOW, DOUG, Potomac Principles & Sports Welfare, THE FREEMAN, 6/96, 3pp, in PP 1764: 17. – Sports subsidies mean that all taxpayers are forced to subsidize the hobbies of the masses. Arts subsidies mean that all taxpayers are forced to subsidize the hobbies of minorities. Voluntary taxation, individual secessionism and panarchies! – J.Z., 3.5.02.

SPORTS, See: GABB, SEAN, On Watching the Olympic Games on Television, 3pp, in PP 1662: 91.

SPOTLIGHT EMAIL NEWSLETTER # 68 of April 21, 2001, 2pp, in PP 1716: 81. with a ? at the end, for Liberty Library Bookstore Online! My software does not print out the ? at the end as part of the URL. – J.Z.

SPRUYT, CHRIS, Review of: MAYBURY, RICHARD J., Whatever Happened to Justice? Bluestocking Press, 1993, 1p: 669, in PP 1601-04.

SPUNK LIBRARY, Manifesto, Resource Guide, Book Index, Articles etc., 87pp, in PP 1695: 1. – Manifesto, 1p: 1. – Introduction, with URL list, 3pp: 2. Book Index, links only, 2pp: 5. – About Spunk Press, Table of Contents, Links, URLs, 6pp: 7. – About the Anarchist Cookbook, 1p, a warning: 11. – Subject and Author index, 1/2 p, links only to A-Z.: 12. – Anarchist Contact List Resource Guide, Sept. 99, with URLs, 2pp: 13. – General Anarchist Text Collections, list & links, 6pp: 15.

SPURRELL, NICK, Libertarian Future Website: 2p, in PP 1660: 117. On a new website.

STABILITY, MARKET & PANARCHISM, See: BECHARA, DENNIS, Stability and the Free Market, THE FREEMAN, 11/84, 3pp, in PP 1749/50: 313. – The stability that would arise from a free market for competing governments or societies (exterritorially autonomous volunteer communities) has not yet been explored in FEE writings. See my two books on the subject and the sub-series ON PANARCHY. Also a new website: – J.Z.

STAGNARO, CARLO, Are Gun Control Laws Immoral? An Interview with David B. Kopel, 2pp, , in PP 1685/86: 392. Kopel is research dir. for the Independence Institute

STAGNARO, CARLO, Articles online with ZOLATIMES (LFCT), 1p, in PP 1663: 63.

STAGNARO, CARLO, Michael New: a Refusal to Obey Orders, an interview with DANIEL D. NEW, 3pp, in PP 1663: 60, LFCT, July 10, 00.

STAGNARO, CARLO, Pat Buchanan on the American Future, an interview, 5pp, in PP 1663: 55. – From LAISSEZ FAIRECITY TIMES, July 24, 00.

STAGNARO, CARLO, The UN, World Domination, and Free States, an interview with Gene Karl of FINE, 3pp, in PP 1663: 51, LFCT, Oct. 30, 00.

STAGNATION THESIS, See: SKOUSEN, MARK, The Stagnation Thesis Is Back! THE FREEMAN, 12/95, 3pp, in PP 1751/52: 156.

STALEY, SAM, Disequilibrium and Time in the Urban Economy: Reassessing the Contributions of Jane Jacobs to Development Theory, 5pp: 368, in PP 1574-75.

STAMM, ED, Battle in Seattle, Dec. 99, 1p, “A publicity bonanza for the anarchist movement, or a public relations disaster?” In PP 1629: 204.

STAMM, ED, Different Types of Violence, 1p, in PP 1630: 15.

STANFIELD, JASON, Jason’s Stuff, updated 10 04 00, 3pp, in PP 1676: 193.

STANTON EVANS, M., The Gospel according to Ayn Rand, NATIONAL REVIEW, Oct. 3, 1967, 5pp: 98, in PP 1551.

STANWAY, ALEX, Privatizing Foreign Policy, FOREIGN POLICY PERSPECTIVES No. 35, 2pp, in PP1742: 33.

STARCHILD, ADAM & FINCHLEY, Alan, Tax Haven Guide, 5 pp, introducing their booklet, in PP 1656-1659: 108.

STARCHILD, ADAM, Books by Adam Starchild, 2pp list, with links to their websites, in PP 1677: 143.

STARCHILD, ADAM, Confessions – The American Way of Justice? 1p in PP 1637-1640: 181.

STARCHILD, ADAM, Settling Disputes without the State, 3pp, in PP 1674: 148. Adam Starchild:

STARCHILD, ADAM, The Altering of Court Transcripts, 1p in PP 1637-1640: 147.

STARR, TIM, Review, 3pp, of: KRESSEL, NEIL J., Mass Hate: The Global Rise of Genocide and Terror, Plenum Press, 1996, ISBN 0 306 45271 5, in PP 1708-1710: 417. – “Unfortunately, it’s when he comes to how to prevent or stop genocide and terrorism that Dr. Kressel falls short.” – No wonder, this requires individual secessionism and exterritorial autonomy, aspects that are usually excluded in political “science”. – J.Z., 15.7.01.

STASSINOPOULOS, ARIANNA, The Inflation of Politics and the Disintegration of Culture, 6pp: 37, in PP 1581-82.

STATE ADVERSARY, THE, No. 30: Rage On! The Anti-Genetic Engineering Movement, 2pp, in PP 1731: 113. – Just get rid of patent laws and start class actions against adulteration & poisoning of foods without even a warning to the consumers. – J.Z., 5.2.02.

STATE AS GANG OF ROBBERS, See: DILGER, ALEXANDER, Der Staat als Raeuberbande, 4 S., in PP 1625: 52.

STATE SOCIALISM, See: GREAVES, BETTINA BIEN, Why Communism Failed, THE FREEMAN, 3/91, 2pp, in PP 1766-68: 572. – It is still succeeding, all too much, in the West and in other underdeveloped countries. – J.Z., 3.6.02.

STATE SOCIALISM, See: MISES, LUDWIG VON, Economic Calculation in the Socialist Commonwealth, 1920, in the 1990 edition by the LUDWIG VON MISES INSTITUTE, online, translated by S. Adler, with foreword by Yuri N. Maltsev and postscript by Joseph T. Salerno. This Mises e-book was prepared by Richard Perry, 16pp, in PP 1733: 82. – I do not understand why such offers are not made as single files, which would facilitate downloading. – J.Z.

STATE VS. SOCIETY, See: JOHANNSEN, OSCAR B., Society vs. The State, 1p, in PP 1731: 6.

STATES, See: BENSON, BRUCE L., Can a Stateless Society Survive? 8pp: 687, in PP 1601-04. – In the long run ONLY stateless societies will be able to survive. Territorial States are ultimately self-destructive. We have to get rid of them before they do us in. – Learn from the wars and mass-murderous civil wars of our times and study the exterritorial alternatives! – J.Z.

STATES, See FLANAGAN, GREGORY, The Case against the World System of Political States, 12pp, in PP 1689-1693: 766. – Only its compulsory or monopolistic or territorial feature is objectionable not its world-wide spread or that it is political and interventionist in the economic and social spheres as well. We could also have a polyarchic, libertocratic or panarchic world system of political States – but no one would HAVE to belong to anyone of them, while everyone would be under obligation not to interfere with their members, while their members would be under obligation not to invade the rights of non-members. – A State or government without territorial power, i.e., without exclusive sovereignty and compulsory membership or coercive territorial subjugation of non-members, which also means, without compulsory taxation, constitutional, legislative, juridical and administrative power over dissenters who have seceded from it, is like a beast of prey that has lost its teeth or beak, its claws, its strong muscles and its obvious victims. It would be harmless and tend to starve to death – unless it can find voluntary customers who want its “services” and are willing to pay for them. For me all the wrongful and harmful characteristics or such organizations are summed up by the world “territorialism”. – J.Z.

STATES, See: PAYNE, JAMES L., How Smart is Big Brother? THE FREEMAN, 3/89, 2pp, in PP 1755/56: 105. – Big brothers have small brains, ideas and memories – but big fists. – J.Z.

STATISM, See: ANTI-STATISM, MORE, Links, 2pp, in PP 1607/8: 73.

STATISM, See: BLANKERTZ, STEFAN, The Strength of the State. The Sociology of Submission, 1997. 6pp, in PP 1705: 107.

STATISM, See: EBELING, RICHARD M, The Triumph of Statism: The Political Economy of the French Revolution, 6pp: 262, in PP 1581-82. – IMPRIMIS, 11/89, 10pp, in PP 1751/52: 323. – It began, largely, as an anti-statist or anti-monarchical revolution, for some human rights. However, State bankruptcy, forced currency “financing” and foreign aggressors as well as ignorance and prejudices led it to statist terror, despotism and conquests – there and in almost all other territorial States. The most important legacy of the French Revolution was that it somewhat popularized human rights ideas. But confusions, errors and omissions, even antagonism to them, do still prevail. Compare the current antagonism to free migration. – And the essence of one of the slogans of the French Revolution: War to the palaces. Peace to the cottages! – is still not realized by “modern & scientific” warfare, that manages to kill an increasing number of noncombatants, exceeding the number of combatants that it kills. And these are mostly conscripts, who would rather rise or desert – if they were decently treated. J.Z.., 16.6.02.

STATISM, See: EBELING, RICHARD M., The Triumph of Statism: The Political Economy of the French Revolution, Just old statist errors, repeated over and over again.

STATISM, See: EBELING, RICHARD M., The Triumph of Statism: The Political Economy of the French Revolution, 1989, from IMPRIMIS, 1989, FORT FREEDOM files, 7pp, in PP 1609: 39.

STATISM, See: FLANAGAN, GREGORY, Statism, 5pp, in PP 1689-1693: 761.

STATISM, See: FORSTMANN, THEODORE J., Statism: The Opiate of the Elites, IMPRIMIS, 5/97, 6pp, in PP 1766-68: 453.

STATISM, See: GETZ. GEORGE, USA’s renewed faith in government is as puzzling as ‘renewed faith in Santa Claus’, 1p, in PP 1737/38: 245. – Failures of government institutions and actions seem to lead, almost always, to more and stronger calls for stronger government institutions and actions. Let this religious faith be applied only to those who hold it. Let the non-statists opt out and do their own things, to or for themselves, e.g. panarchistically or polyarchycally, under full exterritorial autonomy. That territorial governmentalism doesn’t work has been and is being demonstrated again and again. The exterritorial and voluntaristic and experimental alternatives have to be likewise demonstrated, everywyhere and all the time. (´Every new generation is an invasion by barbarians!”) Then more and more sovereign consumers of governmental and societal services will make their better informed choices for themselves, their one-man and quite peaceful “one-man revolutions”. A free market and free enterprise and free exchanges for all “public services”! – PIOT, J.Z., 31.5.02.

STATISM, See: KIRSCH CARR, DAVID, Why Is the Creative World so Socialist and what, if anything, Can we Do about it? – CULTURAL NOTES No. 45, 4pp, in PP1742: 5. – It is part of the “barbarism of the specialists”. They may be very enlightened on a narrow subject and very primitive in their ideas and opinions in other spheres. Just like the man in the street they are intellectual victims to popular errors, myths and prejudices. Even many libertarians and anarchists are – and that is what is still wrong with them. – J.Z., 31.5.02.

STATISM, See: LEESON, PETER, T., How Big Government Usurped Personal Responsibility, THE FREEMAN, 10/98, 2pp, in PP 1765: 17. – It can deny personal responsibility to others but cannot assume or usurp it itself and could not practice it, if such a transfer were possible. – Governments can only usurp power – and that does also make them powerless in many ways, not only in economic calculation. – J.Z., 20.5.02.

STATISM, See: READ, LEONARD E., Statism and Goodness, 4pp: 149, in PP 1560.

STATIZATION, See: BOHANON, CECIL E. & COTT, T. NORMAN VAN, Roberto and Fidel: Two Versions of “Share the Wealth”, THE FREEMAN, 4/98, 2pp, in PP 1754: 197.

STEART, RIGOBERTO, The Real Limon Project, 6pp: 699, in PP 1601-04. – Includes a Human Rights Declaration! – J.Z.

STEELE, DAVID RAMSAY, An Accident of Rebirth, 4pp, in PP 1674: 6.

STEELE, ED, The Way We Were, 2pp on the Patriot Act, on lost liberties, in PP 1737/38: 304.

STEELMAN, AARON, Frank Chodorov: Champion of Liberty, THE FREEMAN, 12/96, 6pp, in PP 1753: 27.

STEELMAN, AARON, The Free Market and Scientific Research, THE FREEMAN, 5/98, 4pp, in PP 1749/50: 233. – Neither the protection of individual rights nor education, nor trade and production nor the development of science should be entrusted to territorial governments, i.e., to coercive & monopolistic institutions with involuntary subjects. – J.Z., 1.6.02.

STEIN, KATHLEEN, Some of Us May Never Die, 1978, 5pp from OMNI: 180, in PP 1595-96.

STELLE, JOSÉ ÍTALO, The Failure of the “Middle Way”, THE FREEMAN, 8/86, 2pp, in PP 1766-68: 361. – It could have succeeded, somewhat, if applied only by “Middle of the Roaders” to themselves and their own affairs. As an imposition upon all it had to fail like all other impositions. – J.Z., 21.5.02.

STEPELEVICH, LAWRENCE, The First Hegelians: An Introduction, from THE PHILOSOPHICAL FORUM, V. 8, no. 2-3-4, pp 6-23, 1976, 12pp, in PP 1678: 167.

STERLING, BRUCE, Learning to Love Obsolescence. “Our most exciting new technologies are merely junk-in-the-making.” 2pp, in PP 1610: 31. – From NEWSWEEK, Jan. 1, 2000.

STERN, MADELAINE B., See: LABADIE, LAURANCE, Book (biography) about Stephen Pearl Andrews (by Madelaine B. Stern) , 2pp, in PP 1725: 107.

STEVEN MACLAUGHLIN’S “The Unofficial P. J. O’ROURKE HOMEPAGE”. : O’ROURKE, P.J., Some articles by and interviews of P. J. O’Rourke, all freely available on the Internet, although with copyrights reservations, 34pp, in PP 1707: 73.

STEVENS, JIMMY, See: ANONYMOUS, The West’s Nelson Mandela, 2pp: 162, in PP 1572-73. – On Jimmy Stevens & the Na Griamel Project.

STEVENS, PAUL, Popular Romanticism: Two Book Reviews, 2pp: 36, in PP 1559. – On L’AMOUR, LOUIS, Flint & HEINLEIN, ROBERT, The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress.

STEVENS, PAUL, The Gold Standard: A Standard for Freedom, THE FREEMAN, 1/75, 8pp, in PP 1745-1748: 386. – Which one? – J.Z.

STEVENS, RICHARD W., Dial 911 and Die, with an introduction by James Bovard, $ 11.95, 4 pages promotion by Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership, JPFO, (c) 1999 JPFO, in PP 1685/86: 181. Summary and endorsements.

STEVENS, RICHARD W., Just Dial 911? The Myth of Police Protection, THE FREEMAN, 4/00, 6pp, in PP 1759/60: 282.

STEVENS, RICHARD W., Racist Politicians Want Your Guns, 1p, in PP 1664/65: 77.

STEVENS, RICHARD W., The “Human Rights” Deception, THE FREEMAN, 12/98, 4pp, in PP 1766-68: 343. – On the “human rights” declaration of the UN.

STEVENS, WARREN K., The Story of OPERATION ATLANTIS, 1968, 30 pages: 36-46, in PP 1547.

STEVENSON, ROBERT LOUIS, The Day After To-Morrow, THE FREEMAN, 8/78, 7pp, in PP 1766-68: 381.

STEWART, ALLEN & BUTLER, EAMONN, Seize the Initiative, Adam Smith Institute, 1996, 32pp, PERKINS, HOWARD, Review, 2pp, in PP 1708-1710: 368.

STEWART, DAVID M., A Conflict of Visions, THE FREEMAN, 7/87, 2pp, in PP 1759/60: 39. – Visions conflict only for territorial models not for exterritorially autonomous communities of volunteers! The latter can peacefully coexist and do so already in all spheres where such coexistence is not outlawed. – J.Z.

STEYN, MARK, You Can’t Blame it all on the guns, 2pp, 1999, (c), in PP 1685/86: 141. – How many arson attacks against schools & how many murders in schools & outside of schools would occur still – IF there were no longer any compulsory schooling? There is no compulsory library attendance. Consequently, you find few arson and murder cases THERE. – J.Z., 6.5.01.

STICKDEATH, Home Page, 2pp on freedom in schools, in PP 1716: 120:

STILL, JOSEPH W., M.D., M.P.H., Personal Preventive Medicine: The Fourth Phase in the Evolution of Medicine, 6pp: 162, in PP 1595-96.

STIMME DER FREIHEIT, DIE, 4 S. von der Ausgabe im 3. Jahrgang, Nr. 4/5, 1931, in PP 1716: 36.

STIRNER, MAX, BIBLIOGRAPHY, See: STIRNER, MAX, Max Stirner Archiv, Leipzig, established by KURT W. FLEMING, 233 S., in PP 1619/20: 1. – It comes in several segments: A. Max Stirner: Der Einzige und sein Eigentum. Editionen, Exzerpte, Zitate etc., 5 S. , in PP 1619/20: 2. – B. Max Stirner: Kleinere Schriften und Uebersetzungen, 12 S. , in PP 1619/20: 6. – C. Max Stirner: Biographisches, 1 S. , in PP 1619/20: 18. – D. Max Stirner: Stirnerianische Zeitschriften in Deutschland, 3 S. , in PP 1619/20: 19. – E. Max Stirner: Literatur zu Max Stirner, Stirneriana, Allgemeines, Miszellaneen, 169 S. , in PP 1619/20: 22. – F. Max Stirner: Stirner und Stirnerianisches in der schoengeistigen Literatur; Stirner als Literat, 4 S. , in PP 1619/20: 190. – G. Max Stirner: Undatierte Texte zu Stirner, nur einer: 194. – H. Max Stirner: Zeitungen, Zeitschriften, Jahrbuecher, 7 S.: 194. – Alphabetisch geordnet. =- I. Max Stirner: Verlage, 9 S.: 201. – J. Max Stirner: Personenregister, 27 S.: 201. —FREMDSPRACHIGE TITEL, im Max Stirner Archiv, 10 S. , in PP 1619/20: 215. – Literatur zu Max Stirner. Stirneriana, Allgemeines, Miszellaneen. – Nach Erscheinungsjahren geordnet. — Nach der Anzahl der Texte, Verlage und Autoren zu urteilen – wurde Stirners Philosophie nicht vernachlaessigt. Dennoch ist in den meisten Buchlaeden, Bibliotheken und Massenmedien nur wenig von ihr zu finden. Auf dieser Ebene gibt es anscheinend auch noch eine Art von Selbst-Zensur oder Anpassung an Masseninteressen. Freunde Stirners sollten mehr Gebrauch machen von den erschwinglichen und effektiven alternativen Medien: Photokopien und Mikrofilm (beide andauerned) und Tonbandkassetten, Videotapes, CD-ROMs und Websites. Dann waere bald alle solche Literatur leicht, billig, bestaendig und schnell genug erhaeltlich, nicht nur in einem der wenigen grossen Spezialarchive, wie dem von Kurt W. Fleming. – Die obigen Listen stellen die laengste Bibliographie ueber Stirner dar, die ich bisher gesehen habe. Die grosse darin steckende Arbeit ist anerkennenswert. – Fuer Kurt Fleming ist diese lange Bibliographie keine Bibliographie sondern nur ein Katalog des in seinem Archiv gesammelten Stirner Materials. – Werden andere Sammler, Archivisten und Bibliographen ihre Listen bald hinzufuegen? – J.Z.

STIRNER, MAX, Max Stirner Archiv, Leipzig, established by KURT W. FLEMING, 233 S., in PP 1619/20: 1.

STIRNER, MAX, See: BOOM, DIRK VAN DEN, Ich hab’ mein Sach’ auf Nichts gestellt. Drei Buecher zu Max Stirners Individualismus, 2 S., in PP 1617: 98. – Besprechung von drei Buechern von Bernd A. Laska im LSR Verlag. – Auf Nichts? Ja, wenn man ein schlimmes Missverstaendnis des Rechtsbegriffs als ein “Nichts” erkennt! Kurt H. Zube tat Dasselbe und die meisten der Stirner Anhaenger ebenfalls! – J.Z.

STIRNER, MAX, See: ELLINGHAM, FRANCIS, Max Stirner, and ‘I’, 1974, 4pp, with Parker’s comment, in PP 1610: 59. – FLYGARE, WILLIAM, A Very Small First Step: Review of P.B. Dematteis, Individuality and the Social Organism: The Controversy between Max Stirner and Karl Marx, 183pp, Univ. Microfilms, 2pp, in PP 1610: 65.

STIRNER, MAX, See: FLEMING, KURT & TIMM, UWE, Macht Stirner angst … oder einsam oder frei? Ein Streitgespraech, 7 S., in PP 1625: 66.

STIRNER, MAX, See: GORDON, FREDERICK M., The Debate between Feuerbach and Stirner, 9pp, in PP 1678: 186, taken from THE PHILOSOPHICAL FORUM, 1976, 8/2-4.

STIRNER, MAX, See: LABADIE, LAURANCE, Parker & Stirner, n.d., 1p, (97) , in PP 1723/24: 332. – LABADIE, LAURANCE, Stirner – (Re Sid Parker) After receiving MINUS ONE, No. 21, March 20/21, 1968, 4pp, (128) , in PP 1723/24: 369. – See also under PARKET, SID (S.E.) & MINUS ONE.


STIRNER, MAX, See: MOTTE, ULRICH, Prokapitalistisches Christentum, 2 S.: 110, in PP 1588.

STIRNER, MAX, See: NON SERVIAM, # 1 – 18, no date, 98pp, in PP 1618: 1. – Published by SVEIN OLAF G. NYBERG,

STIRNER, MAX, See: See: SCHIERECK, LARRY ALLEN, Max Stirner’s Egoism and Nihilism, A Thesis, Sand Diego State University, Summer 1981, revised for W 3 1996, based on literature available in 1981, 37 pp, in PP 1660: 36. – Bibliography, 2pp: 71. Unfortunately, the URL I got it from is not mentioned & I failed to note it down. Note that L.A. Schiereck copyrighted it in 1996 – and then offered it free of charge on the Internet. Author’s e-mail: – I wrote to him weeks ago & did not receive a reply. – J. Z.

STIRNER, See: FEUERBACH, LUDWIG, The Essence of Christianity in Relation to “The Ego and Its Own”, 1845, PHILOSOPHICAL FORUM, 8/2-3-4, 1976, translated by Frederick M. Gordon, 6pp, in PP 1678: 179.

STIRNER, See: LABADIE, LAURANCE, Stirner, Feb. 18, 1968, 1p, Stirner not an “amoralist”, in PP 1723/24: 311.

STIRNER, MAX, IM INTERNET, 6 Links only, in PP 1619/20: 1.

STOCKHOLDER ADVOCATE ASSOCIATION, Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1976, 2pp, in PP 1610: 96. – 26 million, now even many more, should at least consider their voluntary taxation options. – This photocopy was the best I could do to preserve this oxydizing yellow draft printed on cheap paper. – J.Z.

STODDARD, BILL, Ethics: Some Ideas, 2pp: 243, in PP 1565-67.

STODDARD, WILLIAM H., Comments on MCALPINE’S ESSAYS, 1p: 261, in PP 1565-67.

STODDARD, WILLIAM H., The Inductive Origins of Philosophical Axioms, 9pp: 322, in PP 1565-67.

STODOLSKY, DAVID S., Attitude Change and Terror Management, 1p: 4, in PP 1554/55. – On Cryonics etc.

STONE, WILLIS E., A Catechism on Freedom and Slavery, American Style, 1p, in PP 1713-1715: 260. – From: FREEDOM MAGAZINE.

STONE, WILLIS E., America’s Four Horsemen, 1p, in PP 1713-1715: 68. – From: FREEDOM MAGAZINE.

STONE, WILLIS E., Ancient Danger Renewed, 1p, in PP 1713-1715: 4. – From: FREEDOM MAGAZINE.

STONE, WILLIS E., Best Possible Defence, 1p, in PP 1713-1715: 36. – From: FREEDOM MAGAZINE.

STONE, WILLIS E., Commemorate the Constitution, 1p, in PP 1713-1715: 228. – Think forward to something much better still, not only to the Liberty Amendment! – J.Z. – From: FREEDOM MAGAZINE.

STONE, WILLIS E., Fifty Billion Dollars, 1p, in PP 1713-1715: 132. – From: FREEDOM MAGAZINE.

STONE, WILLIS E., Good Old Days, 1p, in PP 1713-1715: 292. – From: FREEDOM MAGAZINE.

STONE, WILLIS E., Lest We Forget – Lest We Forget! 1p, in PP 1713-1715: 196. – From: FREEDOM MAGAZINE.

STONE, WILLIS E., May your Christmas Bring Freedom, 1p, in PP 1713-1715: 164. – From: FREEDOM MAGAZINE.

STONE, WILLIS E., Nothing Changes, 4pp, in PP 1713-1715: 325. – From: REPORT ON FREEDOM.

STONE, WILLIS E., Only 136 Words, 6pp, in PP 1713-1715: 133. – On the Liberty Amendment. – From: FREEDOM MAGAZINE.

STONE, WILLIS E., Price of Despotism, 2pp, in PP 1713-1715: 76. – From: FREEDOM MAGAZINE.

STONE, WILLIS E., Progress Report, 3pp, in PP 1713-1715: 321. – From: REPORT ON FREEDOM.

STONE, WILLIS E, See: GEORGE, ROWENA, Willis Emerson Stone, Author of the Liberty Amendment, 1p, in PP 1713-1715: 294. – From: FREEDOM MAGAZINE.

STONE, WILLIS E., Sugar Act Program, 2pp, in PP 1713-1715: 113. – From: FREEDOM MAGAZINE.

STONE, WILLIS E., The Bi-Centennial and the Fight for the Constitution, 4pp, in PP 1713-1715: 329. – From: REPORT ON FREEDOM.

STONE, WILLIS E., The Dwarf Who Was Ten Feet Tall! 3pp, in PP 1713-1715: 231. – From: FREEDOM MAGAZINE.

STONE, WILLIS E., There Stands Liberty, 1p, in PP 1713-1715: 100. – From: FREEDOM MAGAZINE.

STORIES FOR LIBERTY, Real cases, See: LIBERTY PROJECT, THE, Real Stories, 5pp, in PP 1678: 194. It makes the case for liberty by reporting concisely some typical cases of infringements of liberty by authorities. – J.Z.

STRAKON, NICHOLAS, STRAKON LIGHTS UP ARCHIVE, Links to articles. He is the editor-in-chief of THE LAST DITCH. 7 pp with URL list, in PP 1676: 128.

STRANGERS, See: SUMMERS, BRIAN, How to Deal with Strangers, THE FREEMAN, 7/82, 1p, in PP 1755/56: 124. – The Australian Government presently “thinks” that concentration camps are the “solution” for this “problem”. – J.Z., 13.5.02.

STRATEGY, See: GABB, SEAN, Sean Gabb, Brian Micklethwait and the Argument over Libertarian Strategy, 5pp, in PP 1708-1710: 566.

STRATEGY, See: LETTERS ON LIBERTARIAN STRATEGIES, 3pp, in PP 18, 2nd ed.: 197, a letter by George Phillies,

STRATEGY, See: : Strategy Debate II, Harry Browne & R.W. Bradford, Nov. 97, 5pp, in PP 1700: 82, from: LIBERTY, Port Townsend.

STRATH LABOR, PK7, Flugblatt ueber eine Strath Verfahren Medizin, 2 S.: 227, in PP 1595-96.

STRATHMEYER, W., Dr., Die Strath-Therapie, Neue Wege zur Gesundheit, 1963, 64 S.: 110, in PP 1576. – This naturopathic method also included a cancer therapy. All such alternative health approaches should be sufficiently publicized and examined. Our survival may depend upon them. – The breast cancer of a friend was reversing under Strath therapy. – J.Z.

STRAUSS, ERWIN S. to DONALDSON, THOMAS, Letters from the Earth, 2pp: 500. 1p: 528, in PP 1589-94. – (Refers to two unlisted short contributions and the one by HARRIS, STEVEN B.)

STRAUSS, ERWIN S., Migrating into Silicon: the Implications of Living in the Form of Pure Information, 2pp: 670, in PP 1589-94.

STREISAND, BARBARA, See: MACHAN, TIBOR R., Barbara Streisand, Libertarian Activist? 2000, 1p, in PP 1707: 18.

STRIDER, LORNE, Birds of a Feather, 1p: 97, in PP 1556. – On political language.

STRIDER, LORNE, Capitalist Olympics? You Bet! 1p: 34, in PP 1556.

STRIDER, LORNE, Eminent Domain: State Seizure, 8pp: 84, in PP 1557.

STRIDER, LORNE, Land Politics in El Salvador, 1p: 103, in PP 1556.

STRIDER, LORNE, Planet of Rooms, 2pp, in PP 1701: 174. Anarchist Library

STRIDER, LORNE, Planning Our Way To Serfdom, Zoning & Land Use Regulation: 20th Century Feudalism, 3pp: 31, in PP 1589-94.

STRIDER, LORNE, Revenge …. How Sweet It Is! 1p: 99, in PP 1556.

STRIDER, LORNE, The Land & how We Use it. – The Chicken Story, 1p: 74, in PP 1556.

STRIDER, LORNE, Trade Wars, 1pP 112, in PP 1556.

STRIKES, See: BAIRD, CHARLES W., A Tale of Infamy: The Air Associates Strikes of 1941, THE FREEMAN, 4/92, 11pp, in PP 1764: 73.

STRIKES, See: BAIRD, CHARLES W., On the Right to Strike, THE FREEMAN, 10/90, 6pp, in PP 1764: 91.

STRIKES, See: REYNOLDS, MORGAN O., Unions & Violence, THE FREEMAN, THE FREEMAN, 2/83, 7pp, in PP 1764: 106.

STRIKES, See: TROWBRIDGE, RONALD L., Experiences of a Professor who Dared to Cross Professorial Picket Lines, IMPRIMIS, 2/79, 7pp, in PP 1764: 66.

STRIKES, See: WOODLIEF, ANTHONY, The Case for Shopping at Kroger, THE FREEMAN, 3/93, 3pp, in PP 1764: 135. – (during strike)

STROMBERG, JOSEPH R., Frank Chodorov, A Libertarian’s Libertarian, 1999, 3pp, in PP 1668/69: 180.

STROMBERG, JOSEPH R., Noah Sinithwick: Pioneer Texan & Monetary Critic, THE FREEMAN, 4pp, in PP 1745-1748: 128. – On emergency money & Gresham’s Law.

STROMBERG, JOSEPH R., Non-Intervention: Foreign Policy for Americans, 2pp: 16; 3pp: 106; 2pp: 112, in PP 1572-73.

STROMBERG, JOSEPH R., Stromberg Defends Rothbard, 3pp, LFCT, July 31,00, in PP 1661: 56.

STROMBERG, JOSEPH R., The Political Economy of Liberal Corporatism, CLS, 1977, 12pp, in PP 1607/8: 10.

STROMBERG, JOSEPH R., The Second Amendment in the Light of American Republicanism, THE FREEMAN, 6/99, 6pp, in PP 1749/50: 150.

STUDENT NEWS, No. 1, a NATIONAL INTEREST ISSUE, No. 21, no date, rec. 1999, 16pp: 67, in PP 551. – It contains some freedom notion but also some writings that are not libertarian. You pick and choose!

STUDENT UNIONS & THEIR COMPULSORY TAXES, See: FULDA, JOSEPH S., Campus Activities: Who Pays the Bills? THE FREEMAN, 5/88, 2pp, in PP 1761-63: 525. – A typical instance of how a wrong & evil, once legally and juridically established, is very hard to end. – J.Z.

STUDENT UNIONS, See: LEEF, GEORGE C., Mandatory Student Fees & Freedom of Speech, THE FREEMAN, 8/00, 4pp, in PP 1761-63: 527.

STUDENT UNIONS, See: KLEIN, THOMAS C., Student Activity Fees, THE FREEMAN, 7/92, 2pp, in PP 1761-63: 532.


STUECHER, HELMUT, Der dreissigjaehrige Schulkrieg und die Schulverweigerer, 3 S., in PP 1625: 83.

STUMM, JIM, Free Trade: A Myth or a Reality? 2pp: 78, in PP 1572-73.

STUMM, JIM, The Children of Freedom, 3pp: 223, in PP 1565-67.

STUMM, JIM, to ZUBE, JOHN, 13.3.78, edited, 7pp, in PP 1745-1748: 519.

STURM, TIM, Liberty … Equality … Humility? 3pp from THE FREE RADICAL, in PP 1607/8: 376.

STURM, TIM, Libertarianism, Kiwi Style: What Can Britain Learn from New Zealand? POLITICAL NOTES No. 165, 4pp, in PP1742: 87.

SUAREZ, MELISSA, Crimes of the Mind, THE FREEMAN, 3/99, 3pp, in PP 1754: 68, on “hate crimes”.

SUBSIDIES, See: LONDON, HERBERT, Government Funding for Not Training Doctors: Another Odd Program, THE FREEMAN, 8/97, 2pp, in PP 1764: 13.

SUBSIDIES, See: LONG, LAZARUS, End the State Subsidization of Canadian Culture, 1996/98, 4pp, in PP 1612: 85.

SUBSIDIES, See: MCGATH, GARY, Government Funding Brings Government Control, THE FREEMAN, 11/91, 4pp, in PP 1764: 1.

SUBSIDIES, See: MONTHLY ECONOMIC LETTER, Northeast Farm Foundation, Ithaca, Oct. 1, 1949, The Other Side of the Subsidy, 2pp: 45, in PP 1549. – See: ARTS SUBSIDIES.

SUBVERSION, See: CHODOROV, FRANK, Subversives Needed, 1p, from: THE FREEMAN, July 1954: 54, in PP 1565-67.

SUDEN, DAVID J., Racism in America, The Tragic Turn, Part I, 3pp: 33. Part II, 3pp: 45, in PP 1559.

SUDEN, DAVID J., The Sad Story of Consumer Deception, 1p: 24, in PP 1559.

SUDEN, DAVID J., The State of a Nation. 1968 Civil Rights Act, 3pp: 3, in PP 1559.

SUICIDE, ASSISTED, See: IRVINE, WILLIAM B., The Right not to Live, THE FREEMAN, 5/91, 2pp, in PP 1751/52: 413, on euthanasia & suicide help.

SUITCASE BOMBS, NUCLEAR, See: BARNES, DON, Short Course in American History, 4pp, in PP 1737/38: 333. – In the annotations there is a hint that the Russian government cannot account for ca. 100 suitcase nuclear bombs!

SULIN, MARK, The Free Radical Theory and Restricted Calorie Regimens: A Unifying View, 2pp: 632, in PP 1589-94.

SULLIVAN, DAN, Are You a Real Libertarian or a ROYAL Libertarian? 1998, 5pp – in PP 1668/69: 362.

SULLIVAN, MARK A., Review of: GERSTEIN, FERNANDO SCORNIK, Poll Tax…, 1p: 98, in PP 1564.

SUMNER, WILLIAM GRAHAM, On Minding One’s Own Business, 8pp: 26, in PP 1549.

SUMNER, WILLIAM GRAHAM, Protection, 3pp: 191, in PP 1560.

SUMMERS, BRIAN J., A Plague upon the Land, 1p, in PP 1713-1715: 222. – From: FREEDOM MAGAZINE.

SUMMERS, BRIAN, Cartels: Conspiracies in Restraint of Trade, THE FREEMAN, 12/76, 5pp, in PP 1757/58: 143.

SUMMERS, BRIAN, Freedom or Power, THE FREEMAN, 1/81, 8pp, in PP 1765: 154.

SUMMERS, BRIAN, How to Deal with Strangers, THE FREEMAN, 7/82, 1p, in PP 1755/56: 124. – The Australian Government presently “thinks” that concentration camps are the “solution” for this “problem”. – J.Z., 13.5.02.

SUMMERS, BRIAN, The Primacy of Freedom, THE FREEMAN, 2/88, 4pp, in PP 1749/50: 170.

SUMMERS, BRIAN, The Role of Savings, THE FREEMAN, 5/74, 3pp, in PP 1749/50: 400.

SUMMERS, LAWRENCE H., Comments on: KING, ROBERT G., On the Economics of Private Money, 1983, 2pp, in PP 1745-1748: 719.

SUPPLY & DEMAND, See: AHIAKPOR, JAMES C. W., Israel Kirzner on Supply & Demand, THE FREEMAN, 7/00, 3pp, in PP 1759/60: 347.

SUPPLY & DEMAND, See: KIRZNER, ISRAEL A., The Law of Supply & Demand, THE FREEMAN, 1/00, 3pp, in PP 1766-68: 302.

SUPPLY SIDE ECONOMICS, See: KEATING, RAYMOND J., A Walk on the Supply Side, THE FREEMAN, 5/95, 8pp, in PP 1755/56: 238.

SUPPLY-SIDE ECONOMICS, See: SKOUSEN, MARK, A Much-Deserved Triumph in Supply-Side Economics, THE FREEMAN, 2/00, 3pp, in PP 1751/52: 168.

SUPRYNOWICZ, VIN, America’s five-foot giant: James Madison, 3pp, in PP 1696: 158.

SUPRYNOWICZ, VIN, Are You Shirking Your Duty to Help Keep America Free? 3pp, in PP 1696: 147. &

SUPRYNOWICZ, VIN, Close the Department of Education, 3pp, in PP 1696: 201.

SUPRYNOWICZ, VIN, Don’t Just Free John Thoburn, Vindicate him, 3pp, in PP 1696: 183. – On local government authoritarianism & favouritism. – Even most libertarian news can be trivial or boring! I list only those reports I find important. – J.Z.

SUPRYNOWICZ, VIN, Dump the Income Tax, 3pp, in PP 1718 – 1721: 715.

SUPRYNOWICZ, VIN, From Killings to Cover-ups, Rogue Agency Has no Place in Free Nation, 3p, in PP 1737/38: 3, on FBI.

SUPRYNOWICZ, VIN, How Would the Free Market ‘Set People to Work”? 2pp, in PP 1616:

SUPRYNOWICZ, VIN, Liberty, as Sen. Calhoun said, is easier to get than to keep, 2001, 3pp, in PP 1718 – 1721:: 764. – – If one aims at complete liberty it will become easier to attain and easier to maintain. Then it would become almost self-realizing and self-maintaining. But when any compromises are made with the enemies of liberty – then liberty becomes hard to achieve and perhaps even harder to maintain. – J.Z., 30.7.01.

SUPRYNOWICZ, VIN, List of Articles & Columns, 1995 – 1997 & 2000, 10pp, in PP 1663: 190. Maybe I downloaded the lists of articles for 1998 & 1999 on another disk, not yet perused. – J.Z.

SUPRYNOWICZ, VIN, Opportunist Pols Seek yet another Way to Prove their ‘Morality’, 2pp, in PP 1616: 28.

SUPRYNOWICZ, VIN, Restore released felons’ rights – all their rights, 3pp, in PP 1718 – 1721: 718. – Gun rights and access to small children and complete privacy on their past, if they had abused guns and children? – One should distinguish between the rights of every human body and the rights of rational beings. Obviously, not all human bodies and minds are rational. – See the Human Rights draft in PP 4. – J.Z., 30.7.01 & 30.5.02.

SUPRYNOWICZ, VIN, See: LIBERTARIAN, THE, Syndicated Essays by Vin Suprynowicz, 2pp, in PP 16 & 17, 2nd edition: 399. When clicking on “Archive”, I get: “Shortcut to vincarc.html at” instead of a complete URL! – Maybe it is enough? – J.Z. –

SUPRYNOWICZ, VIN, Stop complying now … Don’t give the government-regulated airlines your business, Sep. 28, 01, 3pp, in PP 1737/38: – Here he speaks sensibly about the existing militia situation. – I do also believe that air passengers and pilots & other air crew would be in their rights to boycott flying in or strike against government- “secured” planes as long as they are not allowed to wear firearms for self-defence against terrorists. – Governments have so far disarmed victims down to their scissors and nail files, but, as usual, in spite of much waste in manpower, time and materials, have not made flying secure, except, e.g., for presidents. Territorial governments can only achieve insecurity & the absence of individual liberties and rights. – J.Z., 31.5.02.

SUPRYNOWICZ, VIN, The Internet Is Still Free, 1p: 74, in PP 1561-63.

SUPRYNOWICZ, VIN, What an Inconvenient Holiday the Fourth of July Has Become, 1p, in PP 1718-1721: 795.

SUPRYNOWICZ, VIN, Why the US Is at War with Serbia, 1p, in PP 1729: 7. – Because almost no one in the US or in the Balkans considers the panarchistic options! – J.Z.

SUSTAINABILITY, References on Sustainability, n.d., since 95, 8pp, with links list, in PP 1679: 80.

SURVIVAL OF THE HUMAN SPECIES, PEACE, See: MOREEL, BEN, Survival of the Species, 15pp: 63, in PP 1549. – It depends upon liberty alone – is his and my conclusion. – J.Z.

SURVIVALISM, See: KYSOR, GEORGE, Making a Getaway after the Loss of the Dollar, 3pp on survivalism: 205, in PP 1565-67.

SUSTAINABILITY, See: MCCARTHY, JOHN, Physical Menaces to Long Term Sustainability, 4pp with links, in PP 1697: 179. – MCCARTHY, JOHN, Progress and its Sustainability, 8pp with URLs, in PP 1697: 180.

SUSTAINABILITY, See: MCCARTHY, JOHN, Progress and its Sustainability, 8pp with links, in PP 1616: 163.

SWAN, GEORGE STEVEN, The Quick, the Dead and the Libertarian, an essay on some libertarian inheritance theories, LEGAL NOTES No. 31, 4pp: 45.

SUTTNER, BERTHA VON, Lay Down Your Arms. The autobiography of Martha von Tilling, 1894, 435pp, 2nd. Edition, translation by T. Holmes, revised by the author: 1-108, in PP 1550. – If only she would have had a better and more complete peace program. But then very few people had and have! – J.Z.

SUTTNER, BERTHA VON, Martha’s Kinder, Roman, Eine neue Folge von: “Die Waffen nieder!” Berlin, n.d., 340 S.: 1 – 57, in PP 1583. – Bertha von Suttner, 1843 – 1914.

SWART, KOENRAD W., “Individualism” in the Mid-Nineteenth Century, in THE JOURNAL OF IDEAS, V. 23, NO. 1, 1962, pp 77-90, review only, by WESTLING, DAVID, 1p, in PP 1679: 205.

SWART, KOENRAD W., Individualism in the Mid-19th Century, JOURNAL OF THE HISTORY OF IDEAS, vol. 23, no. 1, 1962, pp. 77-90, Review only, by DAVID WESTLING, 1p, in PP 1671: 96.

SWEATSHOPS? See: SENNHOLZ, HANS F., Sweatshops for the New World Order, THE FREEMAN, 11/96, 2pp, in PP 1766-68: 450.

SWEDEN, See: ANONYMOUS, The Future that Didn’t Work, n.d., 1p, on Sweden, in PP 1671: 159.

SWEDEN, See: BRODIN, ERIC, Sweden: No Model for Eastern Europe, THE FREEMAN, 11/90, 4pp, in PP 1766-68: 436.

SWEDEN, See: BRODIN, ERIC, Sweden’s Empty Smoergásbord, THE FREEMAN, 3/87, 4pp, in PP 1766-68: 440.

SWEDEN, See: JOHNSTON, LACHLAN, Swedes Hold Title for Shares, 21.2.00, SMH, 1p, in PP 1699: 48. – On degrees of shareholder ownership. Shareholding in the company one works in would be even more significant, especially when at least ca. 20% of one’s income would be derived in this way. That tends to turn people from mere employees into partners. – J.Z.

SWEDEN, See: RYDENFELT, SVEN, The Rise and Decline of a Welfare State, THE FREEMAN, 11/78, 7pp, in PP 1759/60: 42. on Sweden.

SWEDENHAMMAR, THORD, Why Anarcho-Capitalism is Humanism, 1p, in PP 1689-1693: 264. In ON PANARCHY 20-24.

SWITZERLAND, See: RUSSELL, DEAN, The Secret of Swiss Prosperity, THE FREEMAN, 2/84, 8pp, in PP 1749/50: 142.

SZAMUELY, GEORGE, Intervention, Immigration, and Internment, NEW YORK PRESS, 1/5/00, 3pp, (c) 1999 Flycast Communications, in PP 1682: 34.

SZAMUELY, HELEN, More Thoughts on the Serbian War, 2pp, in PP 1708-1710: 446.

SZAMUELY, HELEN, No Harm in Asking, Is There? 1p, in PP 1707: 142. – FREE LIFE, No. 36.

SZAMUELY, HELEN, Right Wing Revolution? What Right Wing Revolution? 3pp, in PP 1708-1710: 603.

SZAMUELY, HELEN, What Is it about the Balkans? 2pp, in PP 1708-1710: 465. – The old (and still rather flawed) personal law tradition in the Balkans isn’t quite forgotten yet and none of the territorialistic later attempts were or could be more satisfactory. But at the same time, there is no moral & intellectual defence and development of this ancient tradition in or about the Balkans, at least none that has come to my attention, apart from material in my ON PANARCHY series and in recent websites like that on Polyarchy & Libertocracy. – J.Z.

SZASZ, THOMAS, Does Insanity “Cause” Crime? THE FREEMAN, 3/00, 3pp, in PP 1753: 196.

SZASZ, THOMAS S., Ideology and Insanity: Essays on the Psychiatric Dehumanization of Man: Review, 3pp, by ROLLINS, LOUIS A.: 155, in PP 1565-67.

SZASZ, THOMAS, The Hazards of Truth-Telling, THE FREEMAN, 9/99, 2pp: 351.

SZUTER, ERIC, Liberty vs. Freedom, 1p: 144, in PP 1554/55. – from: LONGEVITY REPORT.

T., J.E., Freedom Is Yours for the Seizing, 1p: 106, in PP 1565-67. – From: INNOVATOR/EFFICACY.

TABLOID NEWS SERVICES, INC., New Utopia to Rise from the Sea! 2pp: 719, in PP 1601-04. Website: www.TABLOID.NETNEWS – Ben Best pointed out this site to me, because the founder renamed himself LAZARUS LONG, after Heinlein’s Methusalem hero. In short browsing I noticed no further libertarian news in this copyrighted news service. But then they are rare in other news, too. You may be luckier. It’s copyrighted – but I consider this copy to be a free advertisement for this electronic news service. – The only libertarian news service that I would be tempted to subscribe to would be one that concentrated on libertarian new ideas and projects. Most news on events, campaigns and election results plus personal squabbles leave me cold. And for me the re-discovery of a great but old libertarian idea or practice would be great NEWS! – J.Z.

TAKEOVERS, See: BUBB, FRANK W., Hostile Acquisitions & the Restructuring of Corporate America, THE FREEMAN, 5/86, 12pp, in PP 1765: 26.

TAKEROVERS, See: BARRY, NORMAN, The Logic & Morality of Takeovers, THE FREEMAN, 7/00, 6pp, in PP 1766-68: 276.

TALIBANS, See: SCHEER, ROBERT, Bush’s Faustian Deal with the Taliban, LA TIMES, 22 May 02, 2pp, in PP 1728: 190, sent in anonymously by – Even the Taliban fanatics are entitled to self-government, but only for their own volunteers and only on the basis of exterritorial autonomy. If that had been conceded to them, as well as to all other dissenting minorities, most of the private and governmental terrorist acts would not have taken place, particularly since that would have undermined all notions of collective responsibility as well, whenever they are wrongfully applied to people who are not voluntary followers. And when one can have, quite freely, the government or non-governmental society of one’s dreams, among like-minded people, as a matter of individual choice, hatreds will tend to disappear and one will begin to blame oneself rather than non-members, for the own mistakes. But where are these 2 significant alternatives sufficiently discussed outside my PEACE PLANS series? – Experimental freedom, freedom of action and full minority autonomy for all, but quite without any territorial monopoly! – J.Z., 27.2.02.

TALOSSA, The Kingdom of Talossa Is a Micronation, 3,000, 4pp, in PP 1678: 63.

TALOSSA, The Kingdom of Talossa: An Independent, Sovereign Country “in the Heart of North America”, 1p welcome, in PP 1680: 199. Sovereign, in N.A.? I believe that it is just another unrecognized claim or virtual community. As the latter it would obviously, be exterritorial but not autonomous for its members. Like a panarchy, it is also made up of volunteers only, but they do not enjoy as yet full experimental freedom and freedom of action. Thus it is, probably, still only another club of idealists. If they do localize themselves and try out some of their ideas in practice, then they might get another Waco experience. – However, every genuine revolution is just a series of parallel alternative institutions struggling to come into existence and maintain themselves. Under the territorial model they tend to struggle more against each other than against the old regime and thus, all too often, defeat their liberation purpose. Panarchism turns collectivist revolutions into one-man and minority group revolutions. – PIOT, J.Z., 24.5.01.

TAME, CHRIS R. & GABB, SEAN, Al Baron and Freedom of Speech …, 6pp, in PP 1708-1710: 103.

TAME, CHRIS R., Creating a Science of Liberty: The Life and Heritage of Murray N. Rothbard, 1926-1995, 3pp, in PP 1708-1710: 239. – That would require, at least, that the works of all libertarian writers become cheaply, permanently and fast enough accessible, even if only on alternative media. – J.Z.

TAME, CHRIS R. New Book Announcement: SEAN GABB: Dispatches from A Dying Country, 2pp, in PP 1739: 143. –

TAME, CHRIS R., News Release, Hero Kills Burglar, 21.2.02, 2pp, in PP 1726/27: 325.

TAME, CHRIS R., Review, 2pp, of: MACLEOD, KEN, The Star Fraction, Legend Books, London, 1995, 341pp, ISBN 0 90 955871 8, in PP 1708-1710: 342.

TAMIMENT INSTITUTE LIBRARY, Home Page, Collections, URLs, 5pp, in PP 1701: 142. – It has one of the largest collections on anarchism but is VERY restrictive re copying of texts. I did not manage to get a photocopy of ANY anarchist text from them. Maybe spy cameras would help here? They fear to be sued re copyrights, as a cash cow by some lawyers, even though it would not be they who would break copyrights if someone published photocopies from their collection. That fear may be realistic. The excesses of the 1-2 million lawyers in the U.S., going after anyone with funds, have largely closed that source. – J.Z. 11.7.01. bernhrdt OR filardop

TAMM, SASCHA, Brauchen Minderheiten Rechte? 2 S.: 105, in PP 1588.

TANAKA, TOM, Big Doctor is “curing” you, 2pp: 210, in PP 1572-73.

TANAKA, TOM, Big Media Threatens Democracy, 2pp: 198, in PP 1572-73. – But he does not propose to maximize the influence of small media by referring them to their alternative media options! – J.Z.

TANAKA, TOM, Guns as Germs: Big Doctor Is Watching You, 2pp: 84, in PP 1572-73.

TANAKA, TOM, How to Deregulate Elections, 2pp: 202, in PP 1572-73. – Better still: Conduct them in panarchies. To each the voting system of his or her choice! – J.Z., 8.11.1999.

TANAKA, TOM, Internment Reparations: A Comment, 2pp: 96, in PP 1572-73.

TANNEHILL, MORRIS AND LINDA, The Market for Liberty, 1p, book announcement: 50. – Review by R.A. Childs, Jr., 1p: 55. – Promotional letter, 1p: 94. ROLLINS, LOUIS A., on the review by BARR, CHARLES, 1p: 120, in PP 1565-67.

TANNEHILL, MORRIS G., Government versus Women’s Right of Abortion, 2pp: 3, in PP 1565-67.

TANNER, ROBERT J., The Right to Vote – Is that Everything? 1p, in PP 1713-1715: 124. – From: FREEDOM MAGAZINE.

TANSTAAFL TIMES, London, since 1996, 1p leaflet only, in PP 1698: 135:

TAO SITE, Home Page, 2pp, in PP 1716: 83,

TAOISM, See: ROTHBARD, MURRAY N., The World’s First Libertarians: Taoism in Ancient China, 2pp: 195, in PP 1569-70.

TARG, DAVID, Peace Through World Government? 1p: 49, in PP 1564. – From: FAITH & FREEDOM, 1953.

TARIFF WAR, See: NORTH, GARY, Tariff War, Libertarian Style, THE FREEMAN, 7/69, 7pp, in PP 1761-63: 239.

TASSANO, FABIAN, The Power of Life or Death: A Critique of Medical Tyranny, Duckworth, London, 1996, 177pp, L 35, FLEW, ANTONY, Review, 2pp, in PP 1708-1710: 326.

TATCHELL, PETER, A Manifesto for London, 4pp, in PP 1707: 143. – One has to search for some libertarian notions among this usual politician’s garbage. – These few would not make me vote for him, if I were a voter there. – The reviews in this issue (FREE LIFE, No. 36) did not interest me either. – J.Z.

TAX FOUNDATION, See: LABADIE, LAURANCE, Notes on the Value of Paper Money, June 21, 1950, 4pp – on tax foundation, in PP 1723/24: 135.

TAX HAVENS, See: FIELD, MICHAEL, If your money’s dirty, the Pacific’s paradise, 1p, on Nauru as a tax haven. In PP 1627: 125. – It is for honest and productive people, too! How often is a bias already expressed in a book title or headline? – J.Z. – See: STARCHILD, ADAM & FINCHLEY, Alan, Tax Haven Guide, 5 pp, introducing their booklet, in PP 1656-1659: 108.

TAX RESISTANCE, See: SCHULTZ, ROBERT, We the People Foundation.

TAX STRIKE, See: FREEDOM TODAY, Tax Revolt, 10pp, in PP 1656-1659: 82.

TAX STRIKE, See: See: NOBEL, DIANE, Tax Strike: Questions & Answers, 2pp, in PP 1656-1659: 105.

TAX STRIKE, See: ROSS, H. R., How to Stop it … A Taxpayers’ Revolt? 1p from a speech against a $ 6.8 billion foreign aid bill, in PP 1713-1715: 151. – From: FREEDOM MAGAZINE.

TAX STRIKE, See: UNIVERSAL LIFE CHURCH, The Minister Method, 1p, on tax strike, in PP 1656-1659: 107.

TAX STRIKE, See: WAR TAX RESISTANCE, Methods of War Tax Resistance, 1p: 121, in PP 1565-67.

TAXATION, See: ADAMS, CHARLES, Liberty and Taxes: How Compatible Are They? 2pp: 19, in PP 15TAXATION, See: ANONYMOUS, Taxation, the Legitimization of Extortion, 2pp, in PP 1671: 148.

TAXATION, See: COSTALES, RAUL, Income Taxes: The Sanction of the Victim? 3pp: 52, in PP 1572-73.

TAXATION, See: CURTISS, W.M., Are You Getting Your Money’s Worth? THE FREEMAN, 12/72, 6pp, in PP 1757/58: 358. – Henry Meulen, in a survey of tax burdens and government spending, in England, in his THE INDIVIDUALIST, in a copy I have microfiched, found that all but the lowest income earners paid much more in taxes than they received in services. Moreover, most of the increased earnings in England, since 1900, had been swallowed up by governments and spent by it, on its programs, with a huge brokerage fee charged. – J.Z., 1.6.02.

TAXATION, See: FLANAGAN, GREGORY, Good, Law-Abiding, Taxpaying Slaves, 2pp, in PP 1689-1693: 954. – Actually, slaves are tax free because all their labours and labour products are owned by their masters. Naturally, one can also define slavery as 100% taxation. – J.Z., 7.7.01.

TAXATION, See: FLANAGAN, GREGORY, Taxation is Theft, 3pp, in PP 1689-1693: 951.

TAXATION, See: FRANK, REX C., Taxes, Direct and Indirect, 2pp, in PP 1713-1715: 74. – From: FREEDOM MAGAZINE.

TAXATION, See: FREE-MARKET.NET, 1/2p, in PP 1704: 45.

TAXATION, See: GST we leave you, The, Some self-condemnatory texts from the new GST law, 1p: 81, in PP 1551.

TAXATION, See: HARGIS, ANTHONY, One Man’s Answer to the IRS, 2pp, in PP 1656-1659: 252.

TAXATION, See: HENDERSON, ROBERT, A Plea for the Abolition of Income Tax, 1p, in PP 1707: 141. – FREE LIFE, No. 36.

TAXATION, See: JAGGARD, R. S., Repeal the Income Tax, 1p, in PP 1713-1715: 82. – From: FREEDOM

TAXATION, See: KETCHER, MIKE, The Taxpayer as Slave, 2pp, in PP 1656-1659: 458.

TAXATION, See: LOWDERMILK, DALE, How Deep the Pockets? How High the Sky? Tax Time! 2pp: 167, in PP 1572-73.

TAXATION, See: LOWELL HARRIS, C., Taxation, Capital Formation, and Progress, 6pp: 7, in PP 1581-82.

TAXATION, See: MACHAN, TIBOR R., Abolish Taxation, 2000, 1p, in PP 1707: 33.

TAXATION, See: MACHAN, TIBOR R., Do Producers Shrug Off Taxes? 2000, 1p, in PP 1707: 48.

TAXATION, See: MALEK, JAN MICHAL, Thou Shalt Not Steal, THE FREEMAN, 9/94, 6pp, in PP 1749/50: 86.

TAXATION, See: MARAVILLOSA, SUNNI, The Immorality of Taxation, 2pp, TLFCT, May 20, 99, in PP 1684: 122.

TAXATION, See: MYDDELTON, D.R., The Power to Destroy. A study of the British tax system. Extracts from the book, provided online by the SOCIETY FOR INDIVIDUAL LIBERTY, 10pp: 722, in PP 1601-04.

TAXATION, See: PAUL, RON, On the Withholding Tax, 1p, 2001 news, in PP 1685/86: 412.

TAXATION, See: SHENFIELD, ARTHUR, Against the Creation of Wealth: The Threatening Tide, THE FREEMAN, 1/89, 6pp, in PP 1755/56: 185.

TAXATION, See: SUPRYNOWICZ, VIN, Dump the Income Tax, 3pp, in PP 1718 – 1721: 715.

TAXATION, See: TIGGRE, DON LOBO, The “Soak the Rich” Tax Scam, 2pp, in PP 1663: 33. – LFCT, April 5, 99.

TAXATION, See: UNITED TAXPAYERS OF EARTH, UTOE, Declaration of Sovereignty, 1p & Q & A (Dagny & X)7pp, in PP 1664/65: 253, comments & questions to:


TAXATION, See: WATNER, CARL, Is “Taxation Is Theft” A Seditious Statement? A Short History of Governmental Criticism in the Early U.S., 6pp: 163, in PP 1569-70. – Private criticism of governmental actions. Governments are not sufficiently self-critical! – J.Z. – WATNER, CARL, On Keeping Your Own: Taxation Is Theft! 1p: 164, in PP 1569-70.

TAXATION, See: WORDEN, CARL, No Duty to Pay Federal Income Tax? 2pp, in PP 1664/65: 261. With note by J.Z.

TAXIS, See: ANONYMOUS, Black Market Taxi Service, 2pp: 176, in PP 1565-67.

TAYLOR, BOBBY, Rousseau’s “Social Contract”: A Critical Response, THE FREEMAN, 1/87, 2pp, in PP 1754: 110. – A rightful social contract requires volunteers, exterritorial autonomy and individual secessionism! – J.Z.

TAYLOR, JOAN KENNEDY, Editor, Free Trade, The Necessary Foundation for World Peace, 1p announcement of the book: 60, in PP 1655.

TAYLOR, JOHN C., How Do We Reduce Gun Violence in Maryland? 1995, 5pp: 44, in PP 1616:

TAYLOR, JOHN, There, but for the Grace of …., 2pp, in PP 1616: 30.

TECHNOLOGY, MACHINES, AUTOMATION, ROBOTS, EMPLOYMENT, WORK, See: JONAS, DONALD K., Technology and the Work Force: Work Will not End, THE FREEMAN, 11/97, 5p, in PP 1755/56: 131.

TECHNOLOGY, See: BOORMAN, LIONEL, Does Technology Create Unemployment? 1p: 113, in PP 1583.

TECHNOPHOBIA, See: BANDOCH, WILLIAM V., Jr. 7 BLOCK, WALTER, The End of the World as We Know It? THE FREEMAN, 3/97, 3pp, in PP 1749/50: 253. on technophobia. – Technophilia can be just as wrong. Some people expect the solution of all of our problems e.g. from the Internet, electronic money, “cheap and safe atomic energy” or from space research. In the meantime cheap & powerful options for all, like microfiche and CD-ROMs, are largely ignored, especially for freedom texts. – J.Z.

TEETH, See: KENNEDY, DAVID, D.D.S., How to Save Your Teeth. Toxic-Free Preventive Dentistry, 1993, 192pp, $ 12, flyer only, in PP 1664/65: 370.

TELEGRAPH, LONDON, Doctor Ready to Clone Human, TSMH, 29.1.01, 1p, in PP 1699: 52. – Everywhere there are government attempts to restrict cloning, instead of leaving it to the individuals concerned, as “single parents”, responsible for the children or doubles they produce in this way. Naturally, if one imagines that the government has to feed and educate all offspring, and that it can do so rightfully and effectively, as if it were earning its support and that of its dependents, then one becomes opposed to any “excess” population. – J.Z., 28.5.02.

TELLER, EDWARD, International Cooperation, 6pp, 5pp: 71, in PP 1581-82. – Based on “nuclear strength” for mutual mass murder threats? – J.Z.

TEMAL, ALEXANDER, Aretia, “a kind of Mutualist Micro nation concept, 2pp, in PP 1630: 21. – Since panarchistic and exterritorialist notions are involved, I engaged in some correspondence with the author, which has been fiched elsewhere. – J.Z. – e-mail:

TEMPLETON, BRAD, Investment after Nanotechnology, 1p: 128, in PP 1554/55.

TERMS OF OFFICE, TO BE MORE LIMITED? See: GALLES, GARY M., Term-of-Office Limits Won’t Reduce Government Abuse, THE FREEMAN, 3/91, 2pp, in PP 1766-68: 434. – When I came to Australia in 1959, pubs were closed very early in the evening with the result, that many of those visiting them, after work, made themselves drunk as fast as possible, before the pubs closed! Then they became “drivers” and “family men”! When politicians have only a short period to rip us off, their actions will be even worse, by being concentrated in a shorter period. – J.Z.

TERRA LIBRA, See: FREEDOM WORLD, Terra Libra, 4pp, in PP 1664/65: 239.

TERRA LIBRA PROJECT, Leaflet, 2pp, insert to LONGEVITY REPORT: 183, in PP 1554/55.

TERRORISM & DRUG WAR, See: GETZ, GEORGE, Why did police arrest 734,498 pot-smokers (last year) instead of tracking murderous terrorists? 1p, in PP 1737/38: 319. – Because that keeps up the price of drugs & the profits for the Mafia, terrorists & corrupt policemen & politicians! – J.Z., 22.2.02. – The Mafia was largely built up and supported by prohibition and anti-“vice” laws, and terrorists are today largely financed and secured by the war against drugs, and by keeping policemen busy in fighting pot smokers and seat belt law offenders etc. – J.Z., 31.5.02.

TERRORISM & ISLAM? See: DAWKINS, RICHARD, Design for Faith-Based Missiles, INQUIRY, 22/1, Winter 2001/2, 2pp, in PP 1732: 189. – Not only the faith of an intolerant section of a major religion is involved but the much more wide-spread belief in collective responsibility and in territorialism. Without the latter articles of faith most wars, civil wars and violent revolutions and private terrorist acts would not happen and enlightenment would spread fast and thoroughly. – PIOT, J.Z., 28.2.02. – Sent in by John de Rivaz,

TERRORISM, See: BARKER, BEN, International Terrorism: The Deadliest Plague, THE FREEMAN, 8/80, 6pp, in PP 1759/60: 363. – The USA & the Russian governments finally agreed to reduce their ca. 7,000 – 8,000 ABC mass murder devices each to 2,000 each, but only over the next 10 years. (Is gradualism right – here?) They still do each want 2,000 modern and scientific mass extermination packages each. Against whom? (One cannot pinpoint-target tyrants with them.) Among others: You and me. So who is the worst terrorist? See Rummel’s statistics on how many innocents they managed to kill, even apart from their wars. The Democrats and Republicans still managed the atomic bomb mass murders of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and the Hamburg, Tokyo and Dresden firestorms. Soviets, Nazis and Chinese communists organized their mass murders otherwise. Major contributing factors to terrorism, like territorialism vs. exterritorialism and collective responsibility vs. individual responsibility notions are not even mentioned in this article. Governments, as large-scale territorialists, still kill even more innocent people than do all the private and some government-sponsored terrorists combined. The innocent victims in Afghanistan do probably exceed in number the innocents killed on 11.9.01 in the U.S. And all terrorists do also aim at territorial rule, with them at the top. Neither murders are justifiable, like tyrannicide, as opposed to assassination, is. – J.Z., 19.5.02.

TERRORISM, See: GABB, SEAN, How not to Stop the London Bombings: In Defence of Liberal Democracy, 3pp, in PP 1708-1710: 470.

TERRORISM, See: LIBERTARIAN PARTY, What Now? Five Suggestions to Prevent the Next Timothy McVeigh, 2pp, in PP 1718 – 1721: 787. – Typically, collective responsibility notions are not attacked and exterritorial autonomy for volunteer communities is not offered as an alternative to territorialism. One can hardly prevent the birth of new criminals. “Each generation is a new invasion by barbarians.” – J.Z.

TERRORISM, See: LIBERTYHAVEN.COM, Crime, Terrorism & Violence, article list, 1p, in PP 1754: 60.

TERRORISM, See: MARSHALL, WILLY STAR: Anti-terrorist spray, a cookware coating, made up of pork and vodka, making them believe, if pious Muslims, they would be damned in hell for eternity. As a joke it is all right but as a practical measure? Fanatical believers would all the more make certain that the spray users would not survive. For what would a true believer have to lose then? Without having been so sprayed his terrorist act might have landed him, in his belief, in his kind of heaven. Sprayed he would have lost this chance and would be even more angry and violent, if that is possible. Rather get all territorialist and collective responsibility notions out of your own mind and that of others! – J.Z., 28.2.02, in PP 1732: 2. – And, let us face it, not all the terrorists are followers of Muhammed or motivated by other religions. – J.Z., 31.5.02.

TERRORISM, See: MCGEE, ROBERT W., Arab Terrorism: Causes and Cure, THE FREEMAN, 12/96, 3pp, in PP 1757/58: 379. – Terrorism is not a characteristic of any race, religion, culture or ideology. Some Jews have also committed terrorist acts. All kinds of people are capable of it – when they are suppressed or believe themselves suppressed. To each the government or non-governmental society of his or her dreams! Nobody is to be held responsible for the actions of any government that is imposed upon him, or for those of other people who may share some features with him. The worst kinds of terrorism are all practised upon the wrongful principle of “collective responsibility” which almost everybody takes for granted. And this “principle” is usually adopted not only by territorial governments, in their warfare against non-combatants, but also by people whose individual or minority group choices are wrongfully suppressed and who cannot easily and fast enough liberate themselves via majority voting and democratic administration of “justice”. Let these and all other volunteer communities have their own personal laws and full exterritorial autonomy – anywhere except on private properties, where they have to respect the house-rules of their hosts. Imposed territorial laws and institutions have always brought dissent, resistance, terrorism, civil wars, revolutions and wars. Arabs were and are no more, generally, terrorists, than Russians were or are Communists and Jews moneylenders and bankers. But certain conditions and institutions (especially those of territorialism) and certain ideas (especially that of collective responsibility), do drive SOME people, of any race, faith, ideology to terrorist acts because they see no clear, rightful, fast and easy way, under present conditions, to become masters of their own fate. Thus they get the courage, desperation and strength of cornered rats and lose all respect for the rights and liberties of others. Let them opt out and do their own things to and for themselves, under full exterritorial autonomy. At least begin to publicly discuss this alternative as a rightful and sensible pacifying measure. Mere repression will not prevent and end all terrorism, as long as all the factors that breed it do remain. This is not an excuse for any of their terrorist acts but an attempt to understand them better with the aim to end and prevent them. – PIOT, J.Z. , 18.5.02. & 1.6.02.

TERRORISM, See: MICKLETHWAITE, BRIAN, The Twin Towers, Other Towers, The Dome, The Wheel, and why the Acoustics of the Royal Festival Hall Are Terrible, Free Life Jottings No. 17, 9pp, in PP 1739: 108. – Obviously, it is possible to deal with two many topics in one article. – J.Z.

TERRORISM, See: RICHMAN, SHELDON, Breeding Terrorism, 1p, in PP 1729: 54.

TERRORISM, See: SCHEER, ROBERT, Bush’s Faustian Deal with the Taliban, LA TIMES, 22 May 02, 2pp, in PP 1728: 190, sent in anonymously by – Even the Taliban fanatics are entitled to self-government, but only for their own volunteers and only on the basis of exterritorial autonomy. If that had been conceded to them, as well as to all other dissenting minorities, most of the private and governmental terrorist acts would not have taken place, particularly since that would have undermined all notions of collective responsibility as well, whenever they are wrongfully applied to people who are not voluntary followers. And when one can have, quite freely, the government or non-governmental society of one’s dreams, among like-minded people, as a matter of individual choice, hatreds will tend to disappear and one will begin to blame oneself rather than non-members, for the own mistakes. But where are these 2 significant alternatives sufficiently discussed outside my PEACE PLANS series? – Experimental freedom, freedom of action and full minority autonomy for all, but quite without any territorial monopoly! – J.Z., 27.2.02.

TERRORISM, See: ZUBE, JOHN, Terrorism in Context of other Murders, handwritten note, 1/2 page, in PP 1737/38: 20. – SUPRYNOWICZ, VIN, Stop complying now … Don’t give the government-regulated airlines your business, Sep. 28, 01, 3pp, in PP 1737/38: – Here he speaks sensibly about the existing militia situation. – I do also believe that air passengers and pilots & other air crew would be in their rights to boycott flying in or strike against government- “secured” planes as long as they are not allowed to wear firearms for self-defence against terrorists. – Governments have so far disarmed victims down to their scissors and nail files, but, as usual, in spite of much waste in manpower, time and materials, have not made flying secure, except, e.g., for presidents. Territorial governments can only achieve insecurity & the absence of individual liberties and rights. – J.Z., 31.5.02. – DASBACH, STEVE, If the US hates terrorists, why do we keep arming them? 2pp, in PP 1737/38: 112. – GETZ, GEORGE, Repeal gun control laws that leave us defenseless against evil terrorists, 2pp, in PP 1737/38: 182.

TERRY, TINA, GUN FACTS, 23pp, in PP 1664/65: 82. c/o JPFO, POB 270143, Hartford, WI, 53027 USA.

TERRY, TINA, How Gun Control “Worked” in Jamaica, 1998, 4pp, in PP 1664/65: 78. – Also, from PERSONAL PERSPECTIVES No. 12, 2pp, in PP1742: 61.

TEXTBOOKS, ECONOMIC, See: SKOUSEN, MARK, Best Textbooks for a Free-Market University, THE FREEMAN, 12/97, 2pp, in PP 1751/52: 190.

THATCHER, LADY, The Moral Foundations of Society, IMPRIMIS, 3/95, 6pp, in PP 1766-68: 269.

THATCHER, MARGARET, See: BALL, MARTIN, Review, 3pp, of: THATCHER, MARGARET, The Path to Power, Harper Collins, 1995, 656pp, L 25, ISBN 0 00 255050 4, in PP 1708-1710: 302.

THATCHER, MARGARET, See: MACHAN, TIBOR R., Thatcher, a Voice to Be Heard, 2000, 1p, in PP 1707: 57.

THATCHER, MARGARET, See: MURRAY, JOHN T., The Thatcher Revolution, THE FREEMAN, 8/83, 7pp, in PP 1749/50: 120.


THIESSEN, ELMER J.& WILSON, L.J. ROY, Curriculum in the Church-State Controversy: Are the Mennonites Justified in Rejecting the Public School Curriculum? 6pp: 71, in PP 1584.

THINK TANKS ONLINE HOMEPAGE, Links to Public Affairs Sites, 3pp, in PP 1609: 206. –

THINK TANKS, See: ABOUT.COM, INC., Think Tanks, 2pp list, leaving out most of them! – J.Z. , in PP 1674: 61.


THINK TANKS, See: BURROUGHS, TOM, Review, 2pp, in PP 1708-1710: 222, of: COCKETT, RICHARD, Thinking the Unthinkable: Think-Tanks and the Economic Counter-Revolution, 1931-1983, Harper & Collins, London, 1994, L 25, ISBN 0 00 223672 9.

THINK TANKS, See: FREE WORLD ORDER WEBSITE & BUILDFREEDOM.COM, Freedom Technology Resource Directory, a list of think tanks with their URLs, 2pp , in PP 1674: 59.

THINK TANKS, See: GO.COM, Think Tanks, 5pp, with URL lists, in PP 1674: 63. – Has any of them, as yet, thought about its CD-ROM publishing options – or even used them for its publications??? Or have they ALL THOUGHLESSLY ignored this freedom of expression and information opportunity? – J.Z.

THINK TANKS, See: YAHOO.COM, Think Tanks, Social Science: Political Science, Public Policy, Institutes, 9pp, in PP 1674: 68. This may be the longest list that I have seen – but many more such institutes do exist. According to some hints that I have seen, hundreds. Has anyone compiled a complete listing? I do class some of my one-man projects as Think Tank efforts, too. If all such efforts were listed, then we could easily come to a list of ten-thousands! – J.Z., 21.5.01.

THIRD WORLD, See: BADHWAR, NEERA, What Does America Owe to the “Third World”? , THE FREEMAN, 10/74, 6pp, in PP 1761-63: 251.

THOMAS, WILLIAM, Abortion, 4pp, in PP 1678: 58. The Objectivist Center, formerly the Institute for ?????

THOMPSON, DAVID, Don’t even Think about it! New Labour’s War against States of Mind, POLITICAL NOTES No. 163, 2pp, in PP1742: 83.

THOMSEN, ESTEBAN F., Prices and Knowledge: A Market-Process Perspective, 1p diss. Abstract: 335, in PP 1574-75.

THOMPSON, MIKE, 17, The War on Drugs Violates Rights, 2pp, in PP 1678: 30.

THOMPSON, SARAH, M.D., Raging Against Self Defense: A Psychiatrist Examines the Anti-Gun Mentality, 13pp, in PP 1685/86: 207. (c) 2000 JPFO, . Dr. Thompson is Executive Director of Utah Gun Owners Alliance, & also writes THE RIGHER, a monthly column on individual rights.

THOMPSON, SARAH, M.D., Social Violence, Self-Defense, and the Police State, 4pp, in PP 1685/86: 388. THE LAISSEZ FAIRE CITY TIMES, May 17, 1999.

THOMPSON, SARAH, Review, 3pp, of: STEVENS, RICHARD W., Dial 911 and Die, in THE LAISSEZ FAIRE CITY TIMES, Oct. 25, 1999, in PP 1685/86: 185. – Thompson: JPFO:

THOR, EDWIN Beyond Criticism, 2pp: 58 in PP 1577-78. – One should distinguish between constructive and destructive, tolerant and intolerant criticism. – J.Z. – See: OPTIONALITY.

THOR, EDWIN, Beyond Rhetoric, 3pp: 60 in PP 1577-78. – Why not mobilize rhetoric for liberty, at least to the extent that it is truthful, e.g., through “Slogans for Liberty”? – I am still under the impression that much of the OPTIONALITY discussion is mere rhetoric, over-expanding the importance of this concept while denying that of others. – J.Z.

THOR, EDWIN, Laissez Faire – Let the Dictator Be? 2pp: 153 in PP 1577-78.

THOR, EDWIN, Optionality by Comparison, 3pp: 44 in PP 1577-78.

THOR, EDWIN, Teachings behind School, 4pp, on Don Paragon’s ideas: 165 in PP 1577-78.

THOR, EDWIN, That’s Optionality, July 1997 version, 1p: 25 in PP 1577-78.

THOR, EDWIN, The Age of Facelessness, 2pp: 172 in PP 1577-78.

THOR, EDWIN, The Christmas Spirit, 1p: 247 in PP 1577-78.

THOR, EDWIN, What Is Optionality? 2pp: 20 in PP 1577-78.

THOREAU, HENRY DAVID, Life Without Principle, offered online, see: FREEMAN, DAVID T., Miscellaneous Collection of More Books/Treatises, in PP 1615.

THOREAU, HENRY DAVID, On the Duty of Civil Disobedience, with an introduction by Gene Sharp, 4pp, 1963-80, Housmans, London, with FoR, New York, 26pp in PP 1637-1640: 523.

THOREAU, HENRY DAVID, See: LANDRY, PETER, Essays of Blupete, Thoughts on Thoreau and Walden, 15pp, in PP 1680: 14.

THOREAU, HENRY DAVID, Thoreau, Philosopher of Freedom. Writings on Liberty. Selected and introduced by Prof. James Mackaye, The Vanguard Press, 1930, 288pp: 1, in PP 1558. – MACKAYE, JAMES, Introduction to Thoreau, 10pp: 2. – With extracts from: Commencement Part, Civil Disobedience, Slavery in Massachusetts, A Plea for Captain John Brown, Life without Principle, Walden, A Week on the Concord and Merrimac Rivers, Excursions, Journals, Familiar Letters.

THORNLEY, KERRY, Saturation Revolution, 2pp, from PEACE PLANS, March 1969: 173, in PP 1565-67.

THORNLEY, KERRY, Saturation Revolution, 2pp, from PEACE PLANS, March 1969: 173, in PP 1565-67.

THORNTON, MARK, Addicted to Government? 2pp, on prohibitions of smoking, incomplete: 180, in PP 1572-73.

THORNTON, ROBERT M., A Short Stroll with Albert Jay Nock, 1p: 13, in PP 1564.

THORNTON, ROBERT M., Education, Instruction and Training, 1p: 81, in PP 1564.

THORNTON, JIM, 3 Sep. 01 on “iGreens” 1p, in PP 16 & 17, 2nd edition: 349. – “Environmentalists often ignore the way the private sector protects, and the state often harms the environment. iGreens are redressing the balance.”

THORNTON, ROBERT M., H. L. Mencken: Man of Ideas, 1p, in PP 1630: 75.

THORNTON, ROBERT M., Independence Forever: An Appreciation of John Adams, 2pp, in PP 1731: 20. – Did he appreciate the independence of individual from territorial collectives? Not according to this article! See: ON PANARCHY. – J.Z.

THORNTON, ROBERT M., James Madison: Father of the Constitution, 2pp, in PP 1731: 10.

THORNTON, ROBERT, Joseph Wood Krutch, 1p: 52, in PP 1564.

THROCKMORTON, TOM D., M.D., The Giant Killers, 6pp, on health care: 1, in PP 1581-82.

THUENGEN, ANDREAS, Politisch korrekte IHK-Verweigerung, Interview von E.F., 2 S., in PP 1625: 17.

TIANAMEN SQUARE, APRIL – JUNE 4TH, 1989, Home Page, 2pp, , in PP 1674: 84. – A programme for a LIBERTARIAN revolution would be more helpful. It could ALSO liberate the xyz schools of communist and socialist “thoughts” that are likewise suppressed in Red-China. A “golden bridge” must be provided for the remaining communists etc., in China and world-wide, in form of panarchistic volunteer communities – that are exterritorially fully autonomous. Not only anarcho-capitalist ideals must be offered for their consenting adults but also full experimental freedom and freedom of action for all self-concerned other groupings, until their members have learned their lessons, one by one. Such a liberation effort could be almost or quite bloodless, the more so, the more consistent and well publicized it is. See my programme for it e.g. in PEACE PLANS 16-18 & 61-63. – PIOT, J.Z., 3.5.01 & 21.5.01.

TIDSWELL, KEITH, Victim Disarmament, Australia-Style, 1p, in PP 1664/65: 117. Entire interview is in:

TIEGER, PAUL D. & BARBARA BARRON-TIEGER, The Art of Speed Reading People, 1998, 220pp, $ 22.95, flyer only, in PP 1664/65: 382.

TIER, MARK TO SCOUSEN, MARK, 9 Nov. 2001, on converting Marxists, 1p, in PP 1732: 207. – Let them convert themselves – by conceding them full exterritorial autonomy – but at their own risk and expense only. Most of the communist utopian colonies faltered rather fast – i.e., lost their volunteers fast. – J.Z.

TIER, MARK, Rockwell’s Argument from Authority, 1p, letter for free migration, in PP 1729: 25.

TIGGRE, DON LOBO, Free Market Environmentalism Pays, an interview with Brent Haglund, 5pp , in PP 1663: 23. From: LFCT, 15.3.00.

TIGGRE, DON LOBO, History is Nonlinear, 2pp, in PP 1663: 12. from LFCT, March 1, 99. Contact him at LIBERTY ROUND TABLE:

TIGGRE, DON LOBO, Mosaic 2000: Weeding Out the Troublemakers, 2pp, in PP 1663: 14. LFCT, Nov. 22, 99.

TIGGRE, DON LOBO, Optimism on the Environment: an Interview with Ron Bailey, 5pp, in PP 1663: 16. From: LFCT April 10, 00.

TIGGRE, DON LOBO, Parenting and Freedom, 3pp, in PP 1663: 21, from LFCT, July 12, 99. One of the excellent features of the LAISSEZ FAIRE CITY TIMES is the option to add and view comments to each article, below each, online. – J.Z.

TIGGRE, DON LOBO, Save Space Travel: Kill NASA, 2pp, in PP 1663: 28. – LFCT 13 Sep. 99.

TIGGRE, DON LOBO, See: MINGARDI, ALBERTO, DON LOBO TIGGRE on the Coming Social Changes. An Interview by Alberto Mingardi, 3pp, TLFCT, in PP 1682: 169.

TIGGRE, DON LOBO, The “Soak the Rich” Tax Scam, 2pp, in PP 1663: 33. – LFCT, April 5, 99.

TIGGRE, DON LOBO, The Coming Collapse of Public Education, 2pp, in PP 1663: 31. – LFCT, March 8, 99. – As “education” it has collapsed long ago. But as a tax & union-supported racket & one based on compulsory attendance it does go on and on, like a patient in a coma, on artificial life support. – J.Z.

TIGGRE, DON LOBO, The Ecological Capitalist: an Interview with Lou Licht, 6pp, in PP 1663: 40, LFCT, 14 Feb. 00.

TIGGRE, DON LOBO, The Feral Answer to FIJA, 2pp, in PP 1663: 38, LFCT, May 1, 00.

TIGGRE, DON LOBO, Titles available online from LFCT, 3pp listing, in PP 1663: 48.

TIGGRE, DON LOBO, Violent Children of the State, 2pp on HERBERT, AUBERON, The Right and Wrong of Compulsion by the State and other Essays, 1978, Liberty Press, 3.50 pb., THE LAISSEZ FAIRE CITY TIMES, Oct. 4, 1999, in PP 1685/86: 399. – D. L. Tiggre, see: LIBERTY ROUND TABLE.

TIGGRE, DON LOBO, Violent Children of the State, a review of Auberon Herbert, The Right and Wrong of Compulsion by the State, 1978 Liberty Press, 425pp, 2pp, in PP 1663: 34. – LFCT, Oct. 4, 99.

TIGGRE, DON LOBO, Voyage from Yesteryear, a book review, of JIM HOGAN,s book of that title, 2pp, in PP 1663: 10. Hogan’s site: From LF CITY TIMES, April 19, 99.

TIGGRE, DON LOBO, War is Peace, 2pp, in PP 1663: 36, LFCT, April 12, 99.

TIGGRE, DON LOBO, What’s Wrong With the ACLU? 2pp, in PP 1663: 45, LFCT, 18 Oct. 99, referring to Institute for Justice, The ACLU shows little knowledge of & interest in very significant individual rights & liberties, especially economic and radical political ones, apart from its interest in SOME classical liberties. In that position it has stagnated for a long time. Legal training is not a study of individual rights and liberties. – J.Z., 4.1.01.

TIMBERLAKE, RICHARD H., Comment on Selgin’s “The Yield of Money Held Revisited: Lessons for Today”, 2pp: 254, in PP 1574-75.

TIMBERLAKE, RICHARD H., Gold Policy in the 1930’s, THE FREEMAN, 5/99, 7pp, in PP 1745-1748: 394.

TIMBERLAKE, RICHARD H., How Gold Was Money – How Gold Could Be Money Again, THE FREEMAN, 4/95, 7pp, in PP 1745-1748: 402.

TIMBERLAKE, RICHARD H., The Fed Sets Interest Rates? It Just Ain’t So! THE FREEMAN, 12/99, 3pp, in PP 1745-1748: 409.

TIME, May 22, 2000, Bear-baiting, an image of the results and a short note by TIME, on the new desert called Grosny. “They made a desert & called it peace”. In PP 1676. – Note that fighting for TERRITORIAL secession wasn’t rightful, either! The surrounding mountains indicate that this war might go on for decades, if not centuries, if the scorched earth “policy” is not also extended to them or panarchism isn’t finally applied there. The latter would also do justice to the local “Russians” and others who disagree with these “freedom-fighters”, who have also applied the “principle” of “collective responsibility”, e.g. by indiscriminate terrorist bombing in Russia. – going after fellow-victims rather than victimizers. – Who questions the monopolized decision-making power of governments on war and peace, armament and disarmament, diplomacy and treaty -making and their territorial monopolies? Hardly anyone, in spite of results like this, which are a natural consequence of such “policies” on all sides. – Indeed, as Prof. R. Rummel has proven, democracies are much more peaceful than are dictatorships, but their territorialism does also turn them into all too powerful and indiscriminate killing machines when they or their allies are attacked. Remember the fire-storms intentionally caused in Tokio, Dresden, and Hamburg and the first 2 nuclear attacks also against open cities, by “democracies”. Roosevelt, as much as the Japanese militarists, made the attack on Pearl Harbour possible, & kept his side of it secret for long enough to rouse a misled public for an open war against Japan, following the economic warfare against Japan via protectionist measures, making Japan’s survival dependent upon a conquest of resources and markets, rather than upon peaceful trade. As already Kant pointed out, all States in which the government, rather than the people, still decide about war and peace are, thereby, to be classed as despotic regimes. – Excuse me for having become more verbose than TIME was here. Fundamental wrongs and mistakes on all sides are involved and I was a victim of indiscriminate air raids, too. – PIOT, J.Z., 22.5.01: 127

TIME, Nor Any Drop to Drink, short note from April 3, 2000 issue, in PP 1676, making a not explicitly stated case against the monopolization of the supply of clean water. – I tried, in vain, to fight the local council’s “pricing policy”, which charges me about ten times as much for “the availability” of its water than for the water used, thereby not exactly encouraging the saving of water in a dry continent. Imagine your butcher, greengrocer and baker likewise charging you, separately, 10 times as much for their availability than for your actual purchases from them! Bureaucracy is just another term for irrationality, in a form that is, mostly, not curable by facts, ideas and reasoning. In other words, this is a monopoly which wastefully gives its assets away, at below cost – but then charges me highly for being available as a monopoly supplier, under the excuse that its wasteful and careless capital expenses and other costs are rather high. The old “costs plus x %” con-game. And it is complacently practised and accepted by the government-miseducated and misinformed majority, and, naturally, “covered”, by laws and regulations. – J.Z., 22.5.01. – On WATER SUPPLY MONOPOLIES: 22.

TIMM, UWE, Anarchismus in Zukunft, 3 S. , in PP 1617: 8.

TIMM, UWE, Besprechung, 2 S., von: John Henry Mackay, Die Anarchisten, Forum Verlag, Leipzig 1992, 320 S., in FRAGEN DER FREIHEIT, Heft 218, Dezember 1982, in PP 16 & 17, 2nd edition: 268.

TIMM, UWE, Besprechung, 2 S., von: Stépane Courtois, Nicotas Werth u.a., Schwarzbuch des Kommunismus – Unterdrueckung, Verbrechen und Terror, Uebersetzung aus dem Franzoesischen mit einem Nachwort von J. Gauck und E. Neubert, Muenchen, Piper Verlag, 1998, 998 S., ZEITSCHRIFT FUER SOZIALOEKONOMIE, 120. Folge, 36. Jahrgang, Maerz 1999, in PP 16 & 17, 2nd edition: 267.

TIMM, UWE, Der libertaere Fragebogen, 1 S., in PP 1617: 102.

TIMM, UWE, to ZUBE, JOHN, 23.4.2000 with reply:

TIMM, UWE, Zum 10. Todestag von Kurt Zube, 1 S. , in PP 16 & 17, 2nd edition: 279,

TOBACCO, See: GABB, SEAN, The Right to Smoke: A Christian View, 1989, updated 2000, 23pp, in PP 1670: 2.

TOCQUEVILLE, See: WINSTON, ALEXANDER, As Tocqueville Saw us, THE FREEMAN, 5/69, 5pp, in PP 1757/58: 330.

TODD, TRISH, Looking Back Objectively, a review of a book by Nathaniel Branden, 2pp, 1986: 96, in PP 1551.

TODD’S HOME PAGE, 2 pages, modern Georgist, with links, in PP 1662: 204.

TOLERANCE, See: BOCK, ALAN, On Adding Tolerance to Freedom, from VOLITION, April-June 1969, 2pp, in PP 1660: 123.

TOLERANCE, See: HART, DAVID, Tolerance and Moral Autonomy, 4pp, in PP 1607/8: 295.

TOLERANCE, See: ZUBE, JOHN, The defining characteristics of a tolerant society, 2pp, edited by Nicholas Albery from our correspondence and put onto the Internet: 319 in PP 1577-78.

TOLSTOY, LEO, A Letter to Henry George, 8 April, 1896, 1p, in PP 1668/69: 271.

TOLSTOY, LEO, A Letter to Russian Liberals, 31 August, 1896, 3pp, in PP 1668/69: 266.

TOLSTOY, LEO, How Much Land Does a Man Need? Condensed, 1p: 93, in PP 1564.

TOLSTOY, LYOFF N., How Can Governments Be Abolished? 1p: 74, in PP 1569-70.

TOLSTOY, LEO, The Kingdom of God is Within you. Last chapter only: Conclusion: Repent Ye, for the Kingdom of Heaven Is at Hand, 36pp, ANARCHIST LIBRARY, in PP 1696: 87.

TOLSTOY, NICOLAS, A Confession, 1882, 1p of links to chapters only, in PP 1694: 180. –

TOLSTOY, NIKOLAI, Forced Repatriation to the Soviet Union: The Secret Betrayal, IMPRIMIS, 12/88, 9pp, in PP 1753: 61.

TOMASI, JOHN, Secession, Group Rights and the Grounds of Political Obligation, 6pp, in PP 1689-1693, from HUMANE STUDIES REVIEW, 8/1, Fall 92. – Individual & territorial Secessionism. – J.Z. 319. In: ON PANARCHY, 20-24.

TOPOLEWSKI, PETER, Reclaiming the Frontier at Laissez Faire City, 2pp, in PP 1661: 48. – LFT Feb. 28, 00.

TOPOLEWSKI, PETER, The Great Tax Conspiracy, 2pp, LFCT, Nov. 15, 99, in PP 1661: 49.

TOPOLEWSKI, PETER, The Growing Irrelevance of Government, I-III, 5pp, in PP 1661: 51. – LFCT, Dec.20, 99; ?; & Jan. 3, 00.

TOSHIBA, There Is a Quicker Way to Get to Work, PC USER, Sep. 00, 1p adv., on working from home, in PP 1668/69: 414.

TOTAL LIBERTY, A Journal of Evolutionary Anarchism, 1 page flyer only with snail mail address, in PP 1731: 124.

TOTAL LIBERTY, Derby, A Journal of non-aligned anarchism, I/3 & 4, Autumn 98 & Spring 99, 24pp, in PP 1630: 29.

TOTALITARIANISM, See: ANONYMOUS, Das Ende Der Freiheit. Deutschland unter der schleichenden Diktatur, 2 S. , in PP 1716: 37. – Ueber die bereits in der Weimarer Republik bestehenden gesetzlichen Unterdrueckungen. Die Nazis haben diese spaeter nur “vollendet”. Die Totalitaeren, die braunen und die roten, wurden durch diese Gesetze nicht eingeschraenkt. Sie beherrschten die Strasse und die Versammlungen. Wohl aber die verbleibenden Demokraten und Republikaner usw., die den Gesetzen gehorchten und sich nicht bewaffnet hatten obwohl sie, zahlenmaessig, den Totalitaeren ueberlegen und sogar gut organisiert waren, z.B. im “Reichsbanner” mit etwa 2 1/2 Millionen Mitgliedern. Ohne die Fehler der Freiheitssucher haetten auch dann und dort die Totalitaeren nicht an die Macht kommen koennen. Aber auch sie unterschrieben z.B. den staatssozialistischen monetaeren Despotismus der zur Verarmung, Inflation, Weltkrise und Massenarbeitslosigkeit fuehrte. Unter solchen kuenstlich geschaffenen, wenn auch nicht beabsichtigten Zustaenden, wurden die Totalitaeren immer staerker und die Schuld wurde den Demokraten, Juden, Verschwoerern und Andersdenkenden zugeschoben, nicht den unrechtmaessigen u. irrationalen Gesetzen, die die Krisen verursachten. Durch die Grosse Inflation und die grosse Wirtschaftskrise hatten die Deutschen oekonomisch noch zweimal so viel wie im 1. Weltkrieg verloren.- Darueber herrscht immer noch keine Klarheit in den Koepfen. – J.Z., 28.7.01.

TOWNHALL: CONSERVATIVE NEWS AND INFORMATION, Home Page, 4pp: 179, in PP 1568. – Contains many links.

TOZZO, CHRISTOPHER M., Socialism and College Financial Aid, 6pp: 78, in PP 1598.

TRACINSKI, ROBERT, Notes “A Question of Sanction”, 15pp, Jan. 1990: 58, in PP 1598. –

TRADE BALANCE, See: REED, LAWRENCE W., Is there an Unfavorable Balance of Trade? THE FREEMAN, 7/77, 5pp, in PP 1761-63: 122. – Ulrich von Beckerath used to say that this supposed imbalance exists only in imaginations and in flaws of the trade statistics. – Already Bastiat pointed out the fallacies involved. – J.Z.


TRADE DEFICIT, See: REED, LAWRENCE W., The Trade Deficit: Much Ado About Nothing, THE FREEMAN, 12/98, 2pp, in PP 1761-63: 181.

TRADE DEFICIT, See: WELLS, SAM, The Myth of the Trade Deficit, 3pp: 148; 3pp: 226, in PP 1572-73.

TRADE, See: SMILEY, DAVID, Is Trade Dangerous? 2pp, from: GOOD GOVERNMENT, Dec. 82, Georgist: 110, in PP 1583. – Compare Bastiat’s remark: “Society Is Exchange!


TRADE, See: DOTI, JAMES, Ravioli and the Economics of Trade, THE FREEMAN, 12/86, 7pp, in PP 1754: 152.

TRADE, See: MACHAN, TIBOR R., A Friendly View of Dealing, THE FREEMAN, 5/97, 2pp, in PP 1766-68: 516.

TRAVEN, B., About B. Traven & his available books, 1996, 4pp, unsigned, without URL & e-mail contact. Prices from $ 20 – 1,500! , in PP 1717: 155.

TREASON, See: GITTINS, ROSS, Protection’s A Con, 2pp: 113, in PP 1583. – Loyalty to a territorial nation state is treason to mankind! – J.Z., 13.12.1999.

TRENCHARD, JOHN, See: SHAW, PATRICK, John Trenchard and Thomas Gordon, 2pp, in PP 1675: 82.

TRENCHARD, JOHN, Welfare – Who Benefits? 1p: 89, in PP 1572-73.

TREUREN, RICHARD VAN, Facts on Defence, 2pp: 95, in PP 1572-73.

TRIEB, PHIL, A Needful Blessing for the Tsar, THE FREEMAN, 3/94, 3pp, in PP 1755/56: 330. – From: Fiddler on the Roof: ‘May God bless and keep the tsar … far away from us!’

TRIP: The Resources of International Permaculture,, leaflet on its topics, 2pp, in PP 1731: 115.

TROTTER, ALEX, Review of: DIRLIK, ARIF, Anarchism in the Chinese Revolution, U. of Cal. Press, 1991, 326pp: 3pp, in PP 1645-1653: 1037.

TROTTER, MINDY, My Freedom … According to the Constitution & the Bill of Rights, 2pp, in PP 1713-1715: 181. – From: FREEDOM MAGAZINE.

TROWBRIDGE, RONALD L., Experiences of a Professor who Dared to Cross Professorial Picket Lines, , 6pp: 83, in PP 1581-82. & from IMPRIMIS, 2/79, 7pp, in PP 1764: 66.

TROWBRIDGE, RONALD L., HEW’s Conduit Theory: Toward the Abolition of Privacy, 5pp: 143, in PP 1581-82.

TRUE ENLIGHTENMENT, A WebRing for PC-free Transhumanists, 5pp, in PP 1678: 100. – Still very unenlightened about free migration, because they oppose it! – J.Z., 23.5.01.

TUCCILLE, JEROME D., Get Your Money’s Worth, April 7, 2,000, 12pp, in PP 1629: 17. – Spotlight on Free Banking, a weekly feature edited by J.D. Tuccille, offered by THE FREEDOM NETWORK. – I have not yet got around to checking out how many such weekly features were offered since. No hint to the numerous monetary freedom titles of LMP is included here. E-mail: Feedback@Free-Market.Net for questions & comments! – J.Z.

TUCKER, BENJAMIN R. & READ, F. W., Taxation: Voluntary or Compulsory? 1887, 3pp: 671, in PP 1601-04. – Why has no one as yet compiled a comprehensive anthology on the voluntary taxation tradition, and all discussions on its potential for the future? It could easily become a best-seller, since every tax victim is a potential buyer. In the appendix should be detailed proposals on effective tax strikes, combined with refusals of government paper money, refusals to subscribe to government insecurities as well as proposals for all-over privatizing all remaining State assets for the direct and immediate benefit of all tax victims. – PEACE PLANS offers already several articles towards such a book. Any further such contributions are welcomed by it. Another appendix should deal with all the false arguments that favour compulsory taxation. Rothbard has done pioneering work on this. – With such a book compiled and widely spread, taxes might become demolished as suddenly as was the Berlin Wall. Do you know of a title with greater pocket-book appeal? Even if this kind of handbook should come to 10,000 pages, in alternative media it could be easily and cheaply published and any copying should be welcomed. – J.Z., 3.12.99.

TUCKER, BENJAMIN R. to American friend, during WWI, 1/2p, in PP 1725: 49.

TUCKER, BENJAMIN R. to LABADIE, JOE, n.d., 1/2 p, in PP 1725: 48.

TUCKER, BENJAMIN R., See: ELKIN, GARY, Benjamin Tucker – Anarchist or Capitalist? 2pp, in PP 1695, with some links to articles by and on Tucker: 53. Not the most objective evaluation of Tucker. – J.Z.

TUCKER, BENJAMIN R., See: ELKIN, GARY, Benjamin Tucker – Anarchist or Capitalist? 1p from ANARCHIST LIBRARY: 154, in PP 1568. – See: LIBERTY, Library, List of books offered by Tucker, compiled by Wendy McElroy, 6pp: 155, in PP 1568.

TUCKER, BENJAMIN R., See: LABADIE, LAURANCE, Tucker’s Attitude during WW 1, 2pp, in PP 1725: 48.

TUCKER, BENJAMIN R., See: LEVITAS, IRVING, The Unterrified Jeffersonian: Benjamin R. Tucker. A Study of Native American Anarchism as Exemplified in His Life and Times, February 1974, 434pp, with bibliography & appendixes: 1, in PP 1600. Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy to the Graduate Facilities of New York University. NOTE: According to the author’s letter, on sheet 160, copies of his thesis are available from the Xerox Co., Ann Arbor.

TUCKER, BENJAMIN R., See: MCELROY, WENDY, Benjamin Tucker: Liberty und der Individualanarchismus, 7 S., in PP 1625: 104.

TUCKER, BENJAMIN R., Snapshot of the B. R. Tucker family, date? Source? Inserted to replace a doubled up page: 261, in PP 1599.

TUCKER, JEFFREY A., It’s Your Money (And the Feds Want It), 3pp, in PP 1664/65: 290. J. Tucker edits THE FREE MARKET, On Montana Freemen.

TUCKER, JEFFREY A., Mises in Moscow. An Interview with an Austrian Economist from the USSR, 3pp, in PP 1745-1748: 825.

TUCKER, MARK, Review paragraph on: JOYCE LEE MALCOMB, To Keep and Bear Arms: the Origins of an Anglo-American Right, in PP 1685/86: 34.

TUERKDOGAN, HALIL IBRAHIM, Der Satresche Existentialismus aus der Sicht des Stirnerschen Denkens, 4 S.: 112, in PP 1588.

TURIANO, MARK, The Virtues of Free Speech, THE FREEMAN, 9/96, 3pp, in PP 1749/50: 358. – Most overlook that it does also require Free Speech Corners, Discussion Centres, sufficient announcement of all public meetings & the optimal use of alternative media. – J.Z., 1.6.02.

TURKEY, See: ELLIOTT, NICK, Islamic Capitalism: The Turkish Boom, THE FREEMAN, 2/89, 2pp, in PP 1759/60: 369. – Has the economic and political refugee stream from Turkey to e.g. Germany stopped? – A lasting boom economy under monetary despotism? – J.Z. 1.6.02. – “Time is the possibility of different observations on the same object.”

TURNBULL, SHANN, Root Causes of the World’s Economic Breakdown. (An Adaption – by ? – of an unpublished paper by Shann Turnbull, 1983.) 7pp, in PP 1745-1748: 671.

TURNER, DEREK, Free Speech and Race Relations, 4pp: 793, in PP 1601-04.

TURNER, FREDERICK JACKSON, The Significance of the Frontier, 1893, 2pp, in PP 1668/69: 217. – CD-ROMs are also a “frontier” for libertarians – one not yet widely enough recognized as such! – J.Z., 19.5.01.

TURNER, VALENDAR F., Dr., What is the Evidence for the Existence of HIV? 9pp with references, LFCT, n.d. , in PP 1663: 181.

TWAIN, MARK, Archimedes, 1887, 2pp, in PP 1668/69: 251.

TWAIN, MARK, Mark Twain Answers His Correspondents, from Sketches, Old and New, 1893, published & copyrighted by TDO, Dec. 9, 99, 1p, in PP 1662: 129. – I find it impertinent to copyright Twain’s writings in our times, although, TDO may have the silly law on its side. Imagine someone “copyrighting” the Bible or some other and more important old work! – J.Z., 3.2.01.

TWAIN, MARK, See: SHANNON, RUSSELL, The Economic Wisdom of a Connecticut Yankee, THE FREEMAN, 6/90, 2pp, in PP 1766-68: 587. – On Mark Twain.

TYNAN, NICOLA, Abortion: A Moral Problem, 2pp, in PP 1708-1710: 315.

TYRANNICIDE, See: BELL, JIM, Assassination Politics & ZOLA, Jim Bell’s Theorem.

TYRANNICIDE, See: HOY, MICHAEL, No Drummer At All, 3pp: 236, in PP 1565-67. – A mini-play introducing the notion of tyrannicide. – J.Z.

TYRANNICIDE, See: SIERRA TIMES, IRS Prosecutes Outspoken Dissident, Jim D. Bell Convicted on Two Counts, 7pp, in PP 1718 – 1721: 708. He is the author of “Assassination Politics”:

TYRANNICIDE, See: WOLFMAN’S SITE, Home Page, 3pp, in PP 1701: 146, with URL list, Left-anarchist site with one interesting article: SEELE, MELCHIOR, Michael Schirry: Executed for Planning to Assassinate Mussolini, 1p: 147.

TYRANNY, See: KUEHNELT-LEDDIHN, ERIC VON, Democracy’s Road to Tyranny, THE FREEMAN, 5/88, 4pp, in PP 1753: 177.

TYRMAND, LEOPOLD, Notes on How to Life: The Behavioral Left Unmasked, 8pp: 173, in PP 1581-82.