XANADU & HYPERTEXT, 686. Is the medium still the message? Or are the fans finally ready to tackle listing ideas with their system and offering them for sale? LMP offers them free of charge the ideas in the PEACE PLANS collection for this purpose. If they or someone else were willing to digitize, i.e., scan all its texts, to the extent that they are not under copyrights restrictions, I would be willing to donate a set for this purpose. Compare: Ideas Archive (183), Super Computer (20/21) & Institute for Social Inventions. XANADU’s literature is copyrighted. Otherwise, I would have fiched it. They spent years in trying to develop perfect hypertext solutions. In the meantime, some developments, in some spheres, have bypassed them. Thou shalt recognize them by their fruits. Even alphabetical cross indexing, if extensive, can already be very helpful. Maybe, one day, computers will provide cross references automatically. But should we wait until then with providing ideas that are needed now? – J.Z. 13.6.98.




YAF & LIBERTARIANS, See: MINTZ, FRANK P., Libertarians and YAF, 2pp: 96, in PP 1457/62. – See: YOUNG AMERICANS FOR FREEDOM.

YAF, YOUNG AMERICANS FOR FREEDOM, Young People’s Platform, 1968, 50pp, in PP 897. (If I could get a later edition, I’d probably film that, too. – People don’t have to be purist libertarians to get their material into the PEACE PLANS of LMP. Just a strong and consisting leaning towards liberty is enough or the advocacy of some significant freedom idea. – J.Z., 12.6.98.

YAF: YOUNG AMERICANS FOR FREEDOM, 2 leaflets: Big Government or Individual Freedom? – Collectivism vs. Individualism (Some Quotes) and: Looking for a Job? – Who Would you rather Work for: Uncle Sam or Yourself? – by David Boaz, 4pp, 29x, in PP 423. – See also: PP 369,

YAFFE, MARTIN D., Civil Disobedience and the Opinion of the Many: Plato’s Crito, THE MODERN SCHOOLMAN 54, January 1977, 123-236, summary only, 1p, in LITERATURE OF LIBERTY, in PP 1199P281, headed: Civil Disobedience.

YALTA AGREEMENT: KEMP, ARTHUR, The Crime of Crimea, 3pp on Yalta Agreement, in PP 1411/12: 204. – When only a few people of dozens to hundreds of millions on one side with a few such people on the other side do, at least on paper and in often doubtful clauses, temporarily agree on something, then this is wrongfully called an international “agreement”. Much more genuine agreement lies e.g. in people peacefully and without let or hindrance trading with and visiting each other. – See: UNILATERAL PEACE DECLARATIONS, SEPARATE PEACE TREATIES, DISARMAMENT BY THE PEOPLE, REFERENDUM, MILITIA, DIPLOMACY. – J.Z.

YALTA, VICTIMS OF, PP 418/19p15.

YAMAGA, T., Breve Excursion Sobre El Pensamiento En La China Antigua, 25pp, including a chapter, 8pp, Sobre Lao Tse y el Taoisme, in Esperanto, in PP 1239.

YANKEE PERMACULTURE, Kansas, 2pp leaflet, in PP 822.

YANKEE PERMACULTURE, Order Form & Publications, 2pp, in PP 1323: 66.

YARBROUGH, JEAN, Republicanism Reconsidered: Some Thoughts on the Foundation and Preservation of the American Republic, THE REVIEW OF POLITICS 41, Jan. 79, 61-95, summary only, 1p, in LITERATURE OF LIBERTY, in PP 1201p817, headed: Republicanism vs. Liberal Individualism.

YARDLEY, E., ed., Addresses at the Funeral of Henry George, 55pp, in PP 625.

YARRANTOS, ANDREW, England’s Improvement by Sea and Land…, 1677-81. Here only a 3pp review of this book, made by J.M. Robertson in 1917. 29x, in PP 872. (Is this book worth filming and available for this?)

YARROS, VICTOR & BLISS, D.P., Individualist or Philosophical Anarchism, 1897, 12pp, 24x, in PP 15.

YARROS, VICTOR & HOLMES, SARAH E., Die Frauenfrage, eine Diskussion, 1914, 23 S., 29x, in PP 392.

YARROS, VICTOR & HORACE GREELEY & STEPHEN PEARL ANDREWS, Love, Marriage, and Divorce, and the Sovereignty of the Individual, a discussion, in LIBERTY, Nos. 119ff, 29x, in PP 247-273.

YARROS, VICTOR S., Benjamin R. Tucker – the Man, 4pp, in PP 1228.

YARROS, VICTOR S., Books that Have Educated Me, 1p, in PP 1218.

YARROS, VICTOR S., Confessions of a Journalist, articles on what’s wrong with the U.S. press, followed by editorials on subjects of public interest, 1949, Haldeman – Julius Publication No. B-802, 1949, 32pp, in PP 1227.

YARROS, VICTOR S., Creative Human Evolution, 1/2p, in PP 1218.

YARROS, VICTOR S., Decline and Dissolution of Philosophy, 4pp, in PP 1218.

YARROS, VICTOR S., Egoism Bedeveling Anarchism, 1p, on Stirner and Tucker, in PP 1228.

YARROS, VICTOR S., Free Political Institutions: Their Nature, Essence, and Maintenance. An Abridgment and Rearrangement of Lysander Spooner’s TRIAL BY JURY, in LIBERTY, Nos 146ff, 29x in PP 247-273. 1912 edition, 95pp, in PP 555.

YARROS, VICTOR S., Haldeman – Julius Book Shelf, 28 short book reviews, 16pp, in PP 1218.

YARROS, VICTOR S., Haldeman – Julius Book Shelf, containing 50 short reviews by Yarros, in PP 1228.

YARROS, VICTOR S., Haldeman – Julius Bookshelf, 22 reviews, in Haldeman – Julius Publication B 864, in PP 1226.

YARROS, VICTOR S., Has Science Failed Us? 1p, in PP 1218.

YARROS, VICTOR S., Individualistischer oder philosophischer Anarchismus, 8pp, 24x, in PP 281.

YARROS, VICTOR S., My 11 Years with Clarence Darrow, 1950, 9pp, in PP 1228.

YARROS, VICTOR S., My Association with Tucker, 1p, in PP 1218.

YARROS, VICTOR S., Nonsense from Dulles and Russell, 1p, in PP 1218.

YARROS, VICTOR S., Pessimism and Optimism. Fresh Treatment of an Old Subject, 1916, 1949, Haldeman-Julius Publications, B-815, 11pp, with 33 short articles and book reviews, total 32pp, in PP 1218.

YARROS, VICTOR S., Philosophical Anarchism: Its Rise, Decline, and Eclipse, 1936, 14pp, AJS XLI/4, Jan. 1936, in PP 959.

YARROS, VICTOR S., Real Americanism, 1/2p, in PP 1218.

YARROS, VICTOR S., Shall Communists Teach – What? 1p, in PP 1218.

YARROS, VICTOR S., The Inconsistencies and Contradictions of Jesus and other studies and reviews, 1949, 32pp, Haldeman – Julius Publications, B-841, in PP 1218.

YARROS, VICTOR S., The Land Question in the United States, 1912, 7pp, 29x, in PP 403.

YARWOOD, EDWARD, Super-Centenarians Are Made not Born, 8pp: 255, 266, 288, in PP 1293/95.

YBARRA, I.R., Rent – An Injustice, 1984, 23pp, 29x, in PP 562.

YEAGER, LELAND B., Deregulation and Monetary Reform, 1985, 3pp, in PP 791.

YEAGER, LELAND B., FREE TRADE, America’s Opportunity, 1954, 95pp, 29x, in PP 410.

YEAGER, LELAND B., See: GREENFIELD, ROBERT L. YEAGER, LELAND B., Utility, Rights, and Contracts in Policy Espousal, paper, 17 Feb. 1984, for MWEA, 5 April 1984, 26pp, defends one version of utilitarianism, in PP 1,011.

YEAGER, WAYNE B., letter of 26 Dec. 90 & leaflet on the book: ABOVE THE LAW, The Complete Guide to Obtaining Diplomatic Immunity, 2pp, in PP 1,051. (I doubt that sufficient recognition of it, is involved, by other States and groups than those who sell such “immunity” at a profit. Who would not, e.g., want to buy himself immunity from at least direct taxes in this way? And I for one do not consider immunity from the rightful claims of creditors and from prosecution for crimes with victims, as desirable. To the extent that such exaggerated immunity now exists as a privilege for diplomats, it would better remain confined to the few who have it now. Only all creative energies ought to be released, as L.E. Read said. – J.Z., 11.2.93.)

YELENSKY, BORIS, 25 Years of ‘Free Society’ Activity in Chicago, 1951, 5pp, 29x, in PP 542.

YERBY, FRANK, a graphical description of some basic rights, from his “The Old Gods Laugh”, 7 points, 48x, in PP 589/590.

YIH-TAN LIN, What They Say, a collection of current Chinese underground publications, photostatically reproduced and accurately translated, published by Institute of Current China Studies, Taipei, R.O.C., 1980, 259pp, in PP 524. Compiled by Yih-Tan Lin.

YOB, PARRY C., MICROFICHE RECORDING FOR EVERYONE, A Microfilm – Microfiche Reader You Can Build with Simple Tools, PHOTOGRAPHIC, U.S.A., Nov. 1975, pp 113ff, 6pp, in PP 907-910. More such plans are wanted by LMP for microfilming. Personally, if I needed another machine, I would rather save myself the trouble of assembling one and buy a used one for between $ 50 and $ 100. – J.Z.

YOUMANS, EDWARD L., Herbert Spencer on the Americans and the Americans on Herbert Spencer, 1883, 96pp, from the Arno Press, 1973 reprint, 36x, in PP 370. (Contains the speeches, unspoken speeches and letters. Among the participants: Sumner & Schurz.

YOUNG AMERICANS FOR FREEDOM, Give me a planned economy, or give me death? 1p leaflet, 1976, in PP 1311: 113. Another, Stop 1985 in 1975: 122.

YOUNG AMERICANS FOR FREEDOM: ERNSBERGER, DONALD, YAF and the New Right, 1p, in PP 1409/10: 42.

YOUNG AMERICA’S FOUNDATION, American Economic Texts: A Free Market Critique, 1p leaflet for the book, in PP 1432/1439: 1105. – See: YAF.

YOUNG LIBERTARIAN, Trenton, MI, 1986/87 School Year issue, 12pp & No. 3 (I/3?), Winter 1985, 12pp, in PP 496.

YOUNG RADICALS FOR CAPITALISM, A Declaration of Principles, 1p, 24x, in PP 12.

YOUNG, ANTHONY, Air Bag Requirement Inflates Cost of Automobiles, The Freeman, FEE, Sep. 1990, 1p, in PP 988.

YOUNG, ANTHONY, Air Bags – More Hot Air From Congress? NYCT, Oct. 1, 1990, 1p, in PP 1127/1128.

YOUNG, DAVID, Montesquieu’s Methodology: Holism, Individualism, and Morality, THE HISTORIAN 44, Nov. 81, 36-50, summary only, 1p, in LITERATURE OF LIBERTY, in PP1204p1679, headed: Montesquieu: Holism & Natural Law.

YOUNG, DOROTHY D., An Open Letter to the Prime Minister, 9.6.1972 (dealing mainly with the philosophy of Ayn Rand), 59pp, with her correspondence with Prof. Charles Birch & 2 articles by Nathaniel Branden, 29x, in PP 535.

YOUNG, GARRY de, America Is a Lie, 1p from FACTSHEET FIVE, No. 34, in PP 1089.

YOUNG, IAN, Anarchism and Gay Rights, 2pp: 82, in PP 501.

YOUNG, IAN, Coming Out for Round One, Review of: TOBIN, JAY & WICKER, RANDY, The Gay Crusaders, 2pp: 721, in PP 1457/62.

YOUNG, IAN, Gays in the History of Anarchism, 1976 talk, 1p extract: BAKUNIN & NECHAEV: 76, in PP 501.

YOUNG, PETER & MICKLETHWAIT, BRIAN & HOLLICK TONY, Tories, Toughies and Libertarians, an exchange, 5pp, in PP 1,052 – 1,061.

YOUNG, ROBERT, Autonomy and the “Inner Self”, AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL QUARTERLY 17, Jan. 80, 35-43, summary only, 1p, in LITERATURE OF LIBERTY, in PP 1202p1015, headed: Autonomy, Self, and Will Power.

YOUNG, ROBERT, Dispensing with Moral Rights, POLITICAL THEORY 6, Feb. 1977, 63-74, summary only, 1p, in LITERATURE OF LIBERTY, in PP 1199p207. Headed: Rights vs. Right Judgment.

YOUNG, S. DAVID, The Case of the Stock Market: Freedom vs. Regulation, 9pp: 529, in PP 1529-33.

YOUNG, WYLIE, The One Thing That Might Save Us All, 1979, 4pp, 36x, in PP 381. (Georgist )

YOUNGBLOOD, DICK, Full-service public policy bogeyman, 89, 1p, CATO CLIPPINGS, in PP 1139.

YOUNGHUSBAND, PETER, 1.) Balance of Power Riding on Angola Battle, 6 Oct. 87, 2pp, 29x, in PP 724, 2.) Black Africa: new converts to capitalism, 1986/7, 1p, 29x, in PP 723.

YOUR FREEDOM, Oklahoma City, OK, Nos. 1-12, all issues, 94/95, 98pp, in PP 1269.

YOUTH CONNECTION, Florissant & Auburn, 1986-89, incomplete, the Newsletter of the Libertarian Student Network, edited and published by Terry Inman, 52pp, in PP 478. (Fall 86; Spring 87; Oct. 87; Win. 87; Jan-Apr. 88; Sum.88; Sep/Oct. 88; July/Dec. 89.) II/1, Jan/Feb. 88, 4pp, in PP 496.

YOUTH CONNECTION, II/1, 4pp, ed. by Terry Inman, in PP 1,019, contains a 3pp article on Jury Nullification. Vol. 3, No. 1, Nov. 88 – June 89, 8pp sample in PP 894. Alas, he died, apparently very young and before I could get much of his output together for filming. Afterwards, indifferent relatives do often destroy it. – J.Z.

YOUTH CORPS, See: ROCHE, GEORGE CHARLES, III, A Youth Corps for America? 8pp: 52, in PP 1529-33.

YOUTH LIBERATION, Youth Liberation Program, 1977, 15 points, 48x, in PP 589/590. See also PP 696.

YOUTH LIBERATION: TAHA, MARK, Youth Liberation, 3pp, in PP 1430/31: 28.

YOUTH RIGHTS, PP 696. See Children’s Rights, Education, Schools.


YU-KANG MAO, Sun Yat-Sen and Henry George, 14pp, in PP 1216.




ZACCARIA, C., Federations de personnes, 20pp, on Godwin, in PP 1099.

ZACK, BERNHARD, VERLAGS- UND VERSANDBUCHHANDLUNG, 1913, Anarchistische, kommunistische, sozialistische und sozial-politische Literatur, 18pp, 29x, in PP 730. (When committed to print on paper, such life-long publishing efforts can usually be listed on a few pages and, a few years later, their products are again out of print and out of reach of most. J.Z. 5/89.)

ZACK, HAL to ZUBE, JOHN, 6 Dec. 88, 1p, in PP 812.

ZACK, HAL, Productivity Tool or High-Tech Scapegoat? Nov. 88, 1p, in PP 812.

ZACK, HAL, Why I Will Be Voting Libertarian, 1/2p, opposed to monopoly money, in PP 493, sheet 61.

ZANDER, B., Das Vaterland, 2 S., in PP 1322: 29.

ZANDER, B., Voelkerfruehling, 3 S., in PP 1322: 2.

ZANDER, WALTER, Dr., A Suggestion for Liberating Foreign Credits by the Introduction of Clearing Certificates, 3pp, 1934, 36x, in PP 769.

ZANDER, WALTER, Dr., A Way Out of the Monetary Chaos, 1935, 14pp, 24x, in PP 9, as appendix to a book by Milhaud, 21pp, 1936, 29x, in PP 770.

ZANDER, WALTER, Dr., Eisenbahngeld und Arbeitslosigkeit, 1934, 18 S., 24x, in PP 347-348. – 18pp: 34, in PP 1455. – Free banking discussion.

ZANDER, WALTER, Dr., Eisenbahngeld, Arbeitssitzung zum Text, 2 S, in PP 906.

ZANDER, WALTER, Dr., Four Law Drafts, as co-author, also author of Justification of the Four Law Drafts, with German original, 97pp, 24x, in PP 40.

ZANDER, WALTER, Dr., Further Remarks concerning Railway Money, 3pp, 24x, in PP 9, 5pp, 36x, in PP 769.

ZANDER, WALTER, Dr., Pour Sortir Du Chaos Monetaire, 13pp, 24x, in PP 350-354, 23pp, 36x, in PP 745.

ZANDER, WALTER, Dr., Railway Money and Unemployment, 1934, 11pp, 24x, in PP 9, 14pp, 36., in PP 769.

ZANDER, WALTER, Dr., Scrip, Tax Remission Certificates and Requirements Certificates in Germany, 16pp, 1934, 36x, in PP 769.

ZANDER, WALTER, Dr., Scrips, Steuergutscheine und Bedarfsdeckungsscheine in Deutschland, 1934, 17 S., 24x, in PP 347-348.

ZANDER, WALTER, Dr., Was koennen die Glaeubiger angesichts des Rumaenischen Transfer-moratoriums fordern? 1934, 3 S., 24x, in PP 347-348.

ZANDER, WALTER, Dr., Weitere Bemerkungen zur Frage des Eisenbahn (Gutschein)-Geldes, 1934, 5 S., 24x, in PP 347-348. Ca. 1935, in a Shanghai paper, he wrote a piece on the freedom of choice involved in the old Chinese currency tradition. I would like to get a copy of that article. – J.Z.

ZANDER, WALTER, Dr., Weitere Bemerkungen zur Frage des Eisenbahn- (Gutschein) – Geldes, 5pp: 43, in PP 1455. – Free banking discussion.

ZARET, DAVID, From Political Philosophy to Social Theory, JOURNAL OF THE HISTORY OF THE BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES 17, April 81, 153-173, summary only, 1p, in LITERATURE OF LIBERTY, in PP1204p1680, headed: From Political Philosophy to Sociology.

ZEIT, ADAM, High Ho, Silver!, 3pp, in OPTION, in PP 1,028/29.

ZEIT, DIE, Keiner hat hoeren wollen, 1937: Die Sterilisierung der Rheinland-Bastarde, 10.10.80, 1 S., in PP 1326: 33.

ZEITGEIST, Oak Park, I/1, Sep. 72 – I/4, Dec. 72, II/1, Jan. 73 – II/12, Dec. 73, all issues on hand of this objectivist publication, 68pp: 1, in PP 1498.

ZEITSCHRIFT FUER BASIS SELBSTVERWALTUNG, Nr. 1 & 2, Jan-April 1980, 108 S.: 1-108, in PP 1472.

ZELKO, BILL, to CONSTITUTIONAL REVIVAL, 1 June 79, 1p. on Jury Trial, 29x, in PP 870.

ZELL, LUKE, Libertarian Party, The, TANSTAAFL, 2pp, in PP 1382/85: 4.

ZENKER, E.V., Anarchism, 1898, 279pp, name-indexed, 24x, PP 230.

ZENKER, E.V., Anarchism: A Criticism and History of the Anarchist Theory, N.Y., 1897. Here only a 2pp review. Author? Date? In PP 987.

ZENKER, E.V., Der Anarchismus. Kritische Geschichte der anarchistischen Theorie, 1895, 1979, mit Namensverzeichnis, 267 S.: 1, in PP 1478.

ZENO, Declaration of Independence, 1p, in PP 1398: 121.

ZEPPELINS, AIRSHIPS etc., several associations and newsletters in samples and bibliographies, 43pp, in PP 1,000.


ZERO, Anarchism, 2pp, 36x, in PP 412, p277.

ZERZAN, J., Organized Labour versus ‘The Revolt against Work”, in PP 1239.

ZIERAK, STEVE, New Right Coalition, 1972, 3pp, in PP 1089.

ZIESING, MICHAEL & MIKE GUNDERLOY, editors, Anarchy and the End of History, various authors, 1991, 144pp, in PP 1251.

ZIESING, MICHAEL, No Statist Solutions, Anarchism and “The Troubles” in Northern Ireland, 46pp, Selections from OUTTA CONTROL, featuring an interview with HIT PARADE, 1984, in PP 1,006.

ZIESING, MICHAEL, Personal Anarchy, 6pp, 1991, in PP 1251.

ZIMBARDO REPORT, THE, A Study in Coercion, 3pp review in Summer 79 DANDELION, 29x, in PP 243.

ZIMMER, DOUGLAS J., Gun Laws & San Ysidro, 1p, in PP 1432/1439: 1617.

ZIMMERMAN, ANTHONY, The Best of Zimmermann: “How to get 6,000 Abortions a Day”; “The Catholic Church and Population Control”and: “Bucharest Notebook”. (Right to Life advocate.) 24pp, 29x, in PP 532.

ZIMMERMANN, EDUARDO A., Argentina: Colonial Heritage or Liberal Decline? 4pp: 171, in PP 1463/64.

ZIMMERMANN, WERNER, Benzin aus Wasser? 4 S. ueber eine Erfindung eines Portugiesen, John Andrews, IDEEN ARCHIV, in PP 1330-1332: 222. Siehe hierzu auch die Anmerkung von U.v. Beckerath, 1 S.: 220.

ZIMMERMANN, WERNER, Die Schweiz voran! 1973, 1 S., 11, in PP 1451. Fuer freie Wechselkurse, aber die Ursachen der Inflation, Zwangskurs und Monopolgeldausgabe, erkennt er wenigstens hier nicht. – J.Z.

ZIMMERMANN, WERNER, Die Wissenschaft und die gefaehrdete Welt, 1973, 2 S., 9, in PP 1451.

ZIMMERMANN, WERNER, Erfuelltes Alter, 1972, 2 S.: 2, in PP 1451.

ZIMMERMANN, WERNER, Freiheit und Verantwortung, 1973, 2 S., 4, in PP 1451.

ZIMMERMANN, WERNER, Im Paradies, ca. 72, 2 S., ueber biologische Bodenkultur & Pestkontrolle, in PP 1400: 119.

ZIMMERMANN, WERNER, Lichtwaerts, Ein Buch erlaeuternder Erziehung, 1930, 235 S., mit Literaturliste, in PP 1399: 97. As a very young man I found him somewhat interesting but already by 1951 I classed him as a “Schwaetzer”, a man who talks and writes more than he thinks. Anyhow, that is my opinion of him. Kurt Zube & W.Z. were correspondents and collaborated in establishing WIR and split up on this project. Both were land and money reformers and also “Lebensreformer”, favouring e.g. vegetarianism, sex reform & education reforms. But W.Z. was and remained mainly a Gesellian. – J.Z.

ZIMMERMANN, WERNER, Rundbrief von Ende Juni 1973, 1 S., 1, in PP 1451.

ZIMMERMANN, WERNER, Sachliches Atomgespraech, 1973, 2 S., 6, in PP 1451.

ZIMMERMANN, WERNER, Saubere Energie aus Groenland, 2 S., 8, in PP 1451.

ZINSBERG, NORMAN E. & WEIL, ANDREW T., The Myth of the danger of Marihuana, 1969, 3pp, in PP 1362/63: 225.

ZIONISM: LILIENTHAL, ALFRED M., A New Look at the Zionist State of Israel, 2pp review of 4 books on the subject by NOAM CHOMSKY, FRANK H. EPP, WALTER LAQUEUR & DALE R. TAHINEN, in PP 1367/68: 45. – Jewish territorial nationalism is hardly any better than the territorial nationalism of any other national, racial, ethnical, religious or ideological group. – J.Z.

ZITATE, LEBENSWEISHEIT: EIN KAPITEL LEBENSWEISHEIT IN SPRUECHEN, 2 S., Aphorismen, IDEEN ARCHIV, in PP 1330-1332: 179. Allgemeine Lebensweisheit wird uebergenug angeboten, in vielen Zitatensammlungen. Vergleiche dagegen: SLOGANS FOR LIBERTY. – J.Z.

ZITTY, 21/85: Mit zehn Mark sind sie dabei. Die Offener – Kanal – Vereinstore sind geoeffnet. 1 S., in PP 1323: 9.

ZOCCOLI, HECTOR, Die Erste Internationale, 26 S., aus Zoccoli: Die Anarchie, Neudruck von 1976, in PP 1155.

ZONING LAWS, See: FACEY, EDWARD C., Zoning Laws, 7pp: 278, in PP 1529- 33.

ZONING, 679, PP 1086.

ZONING, see SPARKS, JOHN C., Zoned or Owned, 6pp, from THE FREEMAN, June 64, FEE, in PP 1086.

ZONING, See: BLOCK, WALTER, Dr., Zoning, its Costs and Relevance, 11pp: 199, in PP 1506/07.

ZUBE, D., J., K. & T.: SLOGANS AND THOUGHTS FOR LIBERTY, alphabetical, 66pp, 24x, in PP 29.

ZUBE, DAVID, 1.) An open letter, 1977, questioning a petition of teachers, 1p. 29x, in PP 755, 2.) Educational Alternatives, Some Educational Alternatives of a Free Society to the 12 Year Sentence, 1977, 8pp, 29x, in PP 713, 3.) Letter exchange with John Zube, on monetary freedom, unedited, 1984/85, 16pp, 29x, in PP 544. Compare also Reserve Bank of Australia, letter to D.Z.

ZUBE, DAVID, 2 sketches on the micrographic options, in PP 918. ZUBE, DAVID, Two illustrations for LMP, from 1989, 1p: 142, in PP 1446.

ZUBE, E.M, & J.M., Draft of a New Declaration of Human Rights and Natural Rights of Rational Beings, based upon drafts, letters & suggestions by Ulrich von Beckerath, 53 points, 25pp, 1965, 24x, in PP 4, 20pp, 36x, in PP 61-63.

ZUBE, E.M. & J.M., Briefwechsel ueber Menschenrechte, mit Beckerath, Rittershausen, Meulen et al, 48x, in PP 589/590.

ZUBE, E.M. & J.M., Entwurf zu einer neuen Zusammenstellung der bisher gefundenen Menschenrechte und der natuerlichen Rechte der vernuenftigen Wesen, ca. 1962, 65 Punkte, Anhang zum Buchmanuskript in PP 399-401, English translation, reduced to 53 points, 24x in PP 4, 36x, in PP 61-63, 48x, in PP 589/590.

ZUBE, E.M., Neue Zusammenstellung der bisher bekannt gewordenen Menschenrechte bzw. der Natuerlichen Rechte der Vernuenftigen Wesen. 40 Punkte. (First draft to the Human Rights Code later in PP 4, 61-63 & 399-401.)

ZUBE, JOHN & ARMAND, E., Cooperative Production versus Class Warfare, 2pp, 1966, 24x, in PP 6.

ZUBE, JOHN & BARTMANN, BERNARD, NEUE BILDUNGSWEGE – Freedom in Education, 1987, 250pp, 29x, PP 712/713.

ZUBE, JOHN & BECKERATH, ULRICH von, TOLERANCE: The Case for Economic and Political TOLERANCE as the only sound policy, 32pp, 24x, in PP 42-44, 2nd. edition, 15pp, 29x, in PP 415.

ZUBE, JOHN & CARLETON, A.V., Some correspondence on the quantity of libertarian material that is already microfimed and listed, 2pp, 29x, in PP 423.

ZUBE, JOHN & EMS, Notes of and on a discussion between EMS & JZ, 1988, in privately financing anti-aging research, 4pp, 29x, in PP 902.

ZUBE, JOHN & KOEHNLINE, JAMES, correspondence on K.’s MULTILOG project, 39pp, 1983-84, which did not come off, in PP 907-910. Correspondence, 1990/92, 13pp, in PP 1237.

ZUBE, JOHN & MEULEN, HENRY, some correspondence, 15pp, in PP 796, 6pp in PP 797, 4pp in PP 798.

ZUBE, JOHN & Mrs. J.F., Think Peace? 1p, 1965, 24x, in PP 5.

ZUBE, JOHN & PEARCE, Dr. H.G., Summary of a Discussion on the Development of India through Monetary Freedom, written by Dr. Pearce, 2pp, 48x, in PP 740.

ZUBE, JOHN & SAMSON, HOWARD & CRAIG, SPENCER, Comments to plan 227, on capitalist prison reform, in PP 13, discussing especially “collective responsibility” for convicts, 5pp, 1971, 24x, in PP 15.

ZUBE, JOHN & SIKORA, STEVE, a letter exchange on the LETTER EXCHANGE, 1984, 13pp, in PP 1,034.

ZUBE, JOHN & STEELE, GEORGE R., May 1982 – July 1986, on monetary freedom, nuclear war prevention, panarchism, computers, micrographics, individual liberty, revisionism, 158pp, 42x, in PP 644.

ZUBE, JOHN & TAYLOR, DAVID, letter exchange on abortion, 1985, 9pp, in PP 1121.

ZUBE, JOHN & TAYLOR, DAVID, On money, in Feb/Mar/89 letters, 2pp, 29x, in PP 867.

ZUBE, JOHN & TEMESVARY, A., Dr., Correspondence, 107pp, 29x, in PP 422, titled: Direct Democracy and Panarchy vs. Dictatorship.

ZUBE, JOHN & ZUBE, DAVID, The Need for and Financing of AN IDEAL MARKET FOR FREEDOM IDEAS and for other ideals as well, 1977, 164pp, 24x, in PP 20 -21.

ZUBE, JOHN & ZUBE, KURT, SCHULTE, HEINRICH & THAYER, PHILIP W., Freedom of the High Seas to Be Extended to Continents, 2pp, 24x, 1966, in PP 7.

ZUBE, JOHN & ZUBE, KURT, Zweite Tonbandsitzung, Okt. 86, 19 S., in PP 811. Dritte Tonbandsitzung, Ende Okt. 86, 10pp, in PP 811. – Erste Sitzung – wo?

ZUBE, JOHN an DEGEN, HANS-JUERGEN, 18.1.90, 4 S., in PP 1326.

ZUBE, JOHN an FLIEGER, BURGHARD, 1993, 3 S., in PP 1322: 65-66.

ZUBE, JOHN an MOCILNIK, KRISTIAN, 22.10.93, 5 S., in PP 1329:119.

ZUBE, JOHN an MOCILNIK, KRISTIAN, 29.4.94, 1 S., in PP 1329: 161.

ZUBE, JOHN an ZUBE, KURT, 15.1.84, 1 S., ueber WIR Plan, in PP 1351: 158.

ZUBE, JOHN to P.D., August 8, 86, 1p, 29x, in PP 873.

ZUBE, JOHN to ALBERY, NICHOLAS, 19 Dec. 89, 1p, 8 March 92, 3pp, 30 July 92, 2pp, 7 May 94, 1p, 14-22 May 95, 14pp, in PP 1260/62. (The latter defending the case for microfiching literature to SUPPLEMENT all other media.)

ZUBE, JOHN to ALLER, PAT, Asst. Dir., ROBERT SCHALKENBACH FOUNDATION, 4 May 89, 2pp, in PP 907-910.

ZUBE, JOHN to AMERICAN LIBERTARIAN, 26.12.95, 2pp, in PP 1778/81: 1.

ZUBE, JOHN to ANALOG, on microfiching options, 1983, 2pp, 29x, in PP 425.

ZUBE, JOHN to ANDREW, Treason Collective, 23 Nov. 81, 2pp, 29x, in PP 724.

ZUBE, JOHN to ANTONIO, of JURA BOOKS, 14 Aug. 89, 2pp, in PP 907-910.

ZUBE, JOHN to ARENDT, HANNA, letter, 17.8.65, 4pp, on her book ON REVOLUTION, in PP 1,051 & in PP 401.

ZUBE, JOHN to AUSTRALIAN FINANCIAL REVIEW, 22 Aug. 97, 1p: Each Australian should demand his $ 2,000 share in TELSTRA, in PP 1420/22: 520.

ZUBE, JOHN to AUSTRALIAN, THE, n.d., 3pp in PP 1540: 142 – 144. – On panarchy.

ZUBE, JOHN to AUTHOR’S LEAGUE OF AMERICA, 17 Aug. 88, 2pp, in PP 907-910. (I sent a letter to both, the Eastern & Western branch and both came back undelivered due to address changes. J.Z.)

ZUBE, JOHN to AVRAM, Duke of AVRAM, 14 May 87, 1p, 29x, in PP 689, 30 May 87, 1p, 48x, in PP 740, 29x, in PP 689, 30 June 87, 3pp, 29x, in PP 689.


ZUBE, JOHN to BAST, JOE, 19.6. 84, 2pp in PP 1086.

ZUBE, JOHN to BECKER, JILLIAN, 24 April 79, 1p, in PP 803.

ZUBE, JOHN to BECKERATH, ULRICH von, 6.12.60, ueber 10 vermeintliche Menschenrechte die im eigenen Entwurf ausgelassen sind, 48x, in PP 589/590.

ZUBE, JOHN to BERT, LLL, 7 July 87, 3pp, in PP 907-910.

ZUBE, JOHN to BILL ELLIS, TRANET, 12 Jan. 90, 1p, 24x, in PP 922.

ZUBE, JOHN to BILL, ed. of AGAINST THE WALL, July 2, 89, 1p, in PP 907-910. ATW is now defunct. I would like his current address, since I would like to see or get this magazine onto microfiche. No other libertarian magazine NEEDS to go the the wall for financial reasons and ALL OLD ONES COULD BE REVIVED, by individuals or very small groups, on fiche! – J.Z.

ZUBE, JOHN to BOARDMAN, GEORGE, in PP 1417: 8.7.66, 3pp: 56; 13.12.66, 2pp: 60; 1.3.67, 2pp: 63; 19.9.67, 2pp, 65.

ZUBE, JOHN to BOYSON, RHODES, 26 Oct. 1997, 3pp, 113, in PP 1450.

ZUBE, JOHN to BUCHANAN, MARTIN L., on his Strategies for Liberty, 3pp, 29x, in PP 879.

ZUBE, JOHN to BUDD, CHRISTOPHER J., publisher of NEW ECONOMY, 25 Mar. 88, 2pp, in PP 907-910.


ZUBE, JOHN to CARBINES, MICHAEL, 4 Nov. 1997, 7pp: 411-417, in PP1466/67.

ZUBE, JOHN to CAVELLERO, KIM, of MII, 25 June 89, 3pp, on fiching, in PP 907-910.

ZUBE, JOHN to CHADWYCK-HEALEY LTD., 24 Mar 88, 1p, in PP 907-910, on fiching.

ZUBE, JOHN to CHAITLIN, MARC ERIC ELY -, 3 May 89, 3pp, 29x, in PP 879.

ZUBE, JOHN to CHAITLIN, MARC ERIC ELY-, 15 June 89, 17pp, 25 Aug. 89, 6pp, 29x, in PP 879.

ZUBE, JOHN to CHEVALIER, REMY, regarding the WETLANDS Club project, 19 Nov. 88, 2pp, in PP 907-910.

ZUBE, JOHN to CHRISTIAN IDENTITY, 2 Oct. 84, 2pp, on panarchism, 29x, in PP 869

ZUBE, JOHN to CHUBB, C.S., 4 Dec. 87, 2pp, on fiching, in PP 907-910.

ZUBE, JOHN to CHURCHILL PRESS, 2 Sep. 1997, 1p, 111, in PP 1450.

ZUBE, JOHN to CLEMITSON, JOHN, 16 Aug. 83, 2pp, on factors in the failure of a freedom bookshop in Sydney, in PP 811.


ZUBE, JOHN to COMMUNITY AID ABROAD, 30 June 95, 1p, in PP 1276.

ZUBE, JOHN to COMPUTER LIVING, letter, 17.11.94, on a gadget that is still missing, 1p, in PP 1249.

ZUBE, JOHN to CONSERVATORY OF AMERICAN LETTERS, 25 Oct. 89, 1p, with reply by BENNER, DEBORAH J., 31 Oct. 89, 1p and CAL price list, 1p, and response by JOHN ZUBE to D.B. of CAL, 14 Nov. 89, 1p, LMP comparison with CAL, in pricing, in PP 915.

ZUBE, JOHN to DAY, LEGRAND E., ed. of PANARCHIST DIALECTIC, 20 Sep.88, 4pp, 31 March 89, 10pp, in ON PANARCHY No. XII, in PP 833.

ZUBE, JOHN to DEGEN, JUERGEN, 18 Jan. 90, 4pp, in German, in PP 932.

ZUBE, JOHN to DEJAN, JOSEPH 8.3.92 & 13.8.92, 4pp, in PP 1086.

ZUBE, JOHN to DEVIN-ADAIR PUBLISHERS, 4.5.94 & 8.10.94, in PP 1253.

ZUBE, JOHN to Directors, NRMA, 28 June 95, 2pp, on their proposed share issue scheme, in PP 1266.

ZUBE, JOHN to DOERR, PAUL, 5 July 88, 7pp, in PP 811.

ZUBE, JOHN to DONAGHEY, FRANCIS, 24.5.85, on grain as value standard etc., 4pp, 29x, in PP 741.

ZUBE, JOHN to DOWD, KEVIN, 4 May 88, 4pp, in PP 791, 6 July 88, 4pp, on his upcoming book, THE STATE AND THE MONETARY SYSTEM, an early version of the manuscript, & on 19 Aug. 88, 12 more pages on the same, in PP 791, 19 Aug. 88, 3pp on his article: “Automatic Stabilizing Mechanisms under Free Banking”, in PP 791, 16 Nov. 88, 10pp, in PP 810, 20 Dec. 88, 9pp, in PP 815, 2 Jan. 89, 3pp, mainly discussing his paper on Meulen, in PP 818, 3 Feb. 89, 5pp & 23 Feb. 89, 2pp, in PP 827, 30 March 89, 2pp, 29x, in PP 867.

ZUBE, JOHN to DOWD, KEVIN, 6 June 89, 1p, in PP 904.

ZUBE, JOHN to EWBANK, JOHN R., 26 Aug. 87, 2pp, 29x, in PP 755.

ZUBE, JOHN to FALKE, KLAUS, August 1992, 4pp, 88, in PP 1465. – On his attempt to set up an independent clearing system. – Free banking discussion.- Free banking discussion.

ZUBE, JOHN to FERRUA, PIETRO, 15 Aug. 88, 3pp, 24 June 89, 8pp, in PP 907-910, 24 June 89, 8pp, on panarchism, 29x, in PP 879.

ZUBE, JOHN to FIRTH, WILL, 12 Dec. 88, 4pp, in PP 811.

ZUBE, JOHN TO FOLDVARY, FRED, 5 Nov. 97, 9pp: 183, in PP 1486. – On libertarian A-Z’s, panarchism, short autobiography, and, you guessed it, microfiche publishing. – J.Z.

ZUBE, JOHN to FRANKEL, NORMAN, Prof., 7 Feb. 82, 2pp, in PP 907-910.

ZUBE, JOHN to FRASER, BYRON, 29.3.95, 2pp, in PP 1256.

ZUBE, JOHN to Frederick Mann, Free America Institute & Terra Libra, 2 Nov. 92, 4pp, in PP 1192.

ZUBE, JOHN to FREE NATION FOUNDATION, 18 March 1996, 1p in PP 1540: 203. – On panarchism.

ZUBE, JOHN to FREEDOM FIGHTER INDEX, 10 Aug. 81, 1p, in 907-910.

ZUBE, JOHN to FREMERY, ROBERT DE & O’DONNELL, ROBERT, 29.4.92, 1p, in PP 1428/29: 199.

ZUBE, JOHN to FREMERY, ROBERT DE, 18 May 96, 25pp, comments on RIGHTS & PRIVILEGES by Robert de Fremery, in PP 1428/39: 168. – FREMERY’s, 10 June 96, 1p reply to above letter: 192. – ZUBE, JOHN to FREMERY, ROBERT DE, 28.6.96, 2pp: 193.

ZUBE, JOHN to GAMBONE, LARRY, 1 Sep. 1997, 4pp, in response to him mentioning panarchism in the above newsletter, 303, in PP 1454.

ZUBE, JOHN to GAMBONE, LARRY, 19.5.97, 3pp; 1.9.97, 4pp; 9.12.97, 16pp: 83, in PP 1528.

ZUBE, JOHN to GAMBONE, LARRY, 9.12.1997, 16pp in PP 1540: 124 – 139. – On panarchism.

ZUBE, JOHN to GASKA, RICHARD, 15 Aug. 89, 1p, in PP 907-910.

ZUBE, JOHN to GIBBINS, JOHN, 27 Oct. 89, 6pp, with extracts from Australian currency laws., in PP 913.

ZUBE, JOHN to GOLLANCZ, VICTOR, in German, 1963, 10 S., 29x, in PP 401. (There always appears to be so much that keeps us apart from those with whom we have so much in common. How can one mobilize common sense, politeness, diplomacy, scholarship and self-interest and the other aspects you can think of, to bridge such gaps? – J.Z. 5/89.)

ZUBE, JOHN to GORDON, DORIS, 18 June 84, 1p, in PP 1121.

ZUBE, JOHN to GORHAM, MELVIN, Valorian Society, Letter of 12 April 1992, 3pp, in PP 1539: 173. – On panarchism.

ZUBE, JOHN to GRECO, THOMAS H. Jr., 6 June 89, 1p, in PP 906.

ZUBE, JOHN to GRECO, THOMAS H., Jr., 12 April 88, 1p, on panarchism, in PP 832, 12 April 88, 4pp, in PP 791.

ZUBE, JOHN to GRECO, THOMAS H., Jr., 5 Aug. 89, 11pp, 10 of them alphabetized entries on monetary freedom, in PP 906.

ZUBE, JOHN to GRECO, THOMAS H., Jr., 9 March 89, 13pp, on his: Money and Debt: A Solution to the Global Crisis, 1989, 38p, in PP 823.

ZUBE, JOHN to GRIFFITHS, BARRIE, Green Alliance Network, 11 Oct. 85, 3pp, in PP 803.

ZUBE, JOHN to GRINDER, WALTER, IHS, 30 Mar. 89, 2pp, in PP 907-910.

ZUBE, JOHN to GUNDERLOY, MIKE, FACTSHEET FIVE, 31 Aug. 88, 2pp, in PP 907-910.

ZUBE, JOHN to HALL, ROBERT F., 12 April 79, 1/2 page, in monetary freedom issue PP 913.

ZUBE, JOHN to HAMMER, RICHARD O., 9 May 96, 6pp on panarchism, in PP 1365 : 115.

ZUBE, JOHN to HARDY, GEORGE, 25 Dec. 85, 5pp, on panarchism, 29x, in PP 870

ZUBE, JOHN to HARDY, GEORGE, Letters, 1966 – 1984, 11pp, in PP 1513.

ZUBE, JOHN to HAWKINS, ROBERT, M.D., 4 July 84, 2pp, 29x, in PP 869

ZUBE, JOHN to HAWLEY, JANET, SMH, 2 May 89, 1p, in PP 907-910.

ZUBE, JOHN to HAY, GEORGE, 4 Sep. 87, 2pp, 28 July 88, 5pp, in PP 907-910.

ZUBE, JOHN to HAYNES, JOHN, 1 2/2pp, in PP 1269.

ZUBE, JOHN to HOLST, INGAR, Republic of 1984, Letter of 15 August 1988, 1p, in PP 1539: 172 & 185. – On panarchism.

ZUBE, JOHN to HOPMAN, C.S, 17 July 86, 3pp, 29x, in PP 741, 48x, in PP 645.

ZUBE, JOHN to HOPMAN, C.S., 12 Dec. 88, on monetary freedom and panarchism, 6pp, in PP 810.

ZUBE, JOHN to HOPMAN, C.S., 26.12.86, 15.5.87, 29.12.87, 4.7.88, 29pp, in PP 802.

ZUBE, JOHN to HOPMAN, C.S., Some Comments to Contributions regarding Monetary Freedom and Freedom in General and the Specific Proposals of C.S. Hopman, 17pp, 48x, in PP 645.

ZUBE, JOHN to HOPMAN, CONRAD, 4.3.94, 1p, in PP 1255.

ZUBE, JOHN to HOWARD, JOHN, Treasurer, 22 March 79, 1p on monetary freedom, in PP 913.

ZUBE, JOHN to HUTCHINSON, M., of PROGRESS, 22 Feb. 84, 3pp, in PP 907-910.

ZUBE, JOHN to INFORMATION PROFESSIONALS, 17 Jan. 81, with a 89 notes: Are they really so professional? 1p, in PP 907-910.

ZUBE, JOHN to INMAN, TERRY, LIBERTARIAN STUDENT NETWORK, YOUTH CONNECTION, 5 May 89, 3pp, 7 July 89, 6pp, 13 July 89, 1p, in PP 907-910.

ZUBE, JOHN to INSTITUT FUER BANKWIRTSCHAFT, 9.4.85 re “Berlin im Jahre 2,000”, 4pp, in PP 793.

ZUBE, JOHN to INTERNATIONAL MICROPATROLOGICAL SOCIETY, 16.3.1996, 2pp in PP 1540: 181. – On panarchism.

ZUBE, JOHN to JACOBSON, PHILIP E., 20 May 84, my first page on a computer, in PP 907-910.

ZUBE, JOHN to JEANES, IKE, regarding his peace book: Forecast & Solution – grappling with the nuclear, 7pp letter, 21 May 96. No reply received, in PP 1440/42: 558.

ZUBE, JOHN to JOHNSON, KEITH, Oct. 97? 2pp: 83, in PP 1465.

ZUBE, JOHN to KAPLAN, JERRY, AA PROJECT (Anarchist Archives), 4 May 89, 1p, in PP 870, 7 June 89, 3pp, with a complaint by Jerry, 30 May, 89, about my condescending and offensive writing, a complaint all too justified, in many cases. Rationally, one is aware of the negative feedback effect of such behaviour and yet, sometimes, one is lets one’s feelings overpower reason and, unnecessarily and without clear justification, one offends the feelings of others. My apologies also to all those who didn’t protest! – J. Zube. In PP 907-910.

ZUBE, JOHN to KEDYS, J.P., of NEWS DIGEST INTERNATIONAL, 13 Mar. 80, 1p, in PP 907-910.

ZUBE, JOHN to KELLY, KEVIN, ed. of SIGNAL, 2 May 89, 1p, in PP 907-910.

ZUBE, JOHN to KING, J. CHARLES, Prof., 15 Aug. 81, 1p. For his reply see under LIBERTY FUND.

ZUBE, JOHN to KINNEY, MARK, 11 Sep. 86, 1p, 29 Dec. 86, 2pp, 29x, in PP 741.

ZUBE, JOHN to KNESE, FRITZ, 2. 1. 1984, 1p in PP 1540: 20 & 56.

ZUBE, JOHN to Koehnline, James, 26 Dec. 89, 1p, 13 Jan. 90, 5pp, in PP 932.

ZUBE, JOHN to KOONTZ, ALAN P., 17 Oxt. 85, 2pp on panarchism, 29x, in PP 870. 17 Jan. 88, 4pp, in PP 907-910.

ZUBE, JOHN to KOONTZ, ALAN, 17 Oct. 88, 2pp extract, pages 528,529 in PP 907-910.

ZUBE, JOHN to LAW & LIBERTY PROJECT, 29 Mar. 79, 1p, in PP 907-910.

ZUBE, JOHN to LEFFERT, RICHARD, 11 Dec. 84, 2pp, on panarchism, 29x, in PP 870.

ZUBE, JOHN to LOOMIS, MILDRED, 15,8.78, 1p: 1076; 22.2.79, 1p: 1078; 7.9.79, 1p: 1079. – Further correspondence does not fit in here. J.Z. –

ZUBE, JOHN to LOVKOVIC, CHRISTINA, 16 September 1991, 1p, in PP 1539: 139& 148. – On panarchism.

ZUBE, JOHN to LUNCHEON VOUCHERS LTD., London, 14 Aug. 77, 1p, in PP 803.

ZUBE, JOHN to MANN, FREDERICK, Free America Institute, 2 Nov. 92, 4pp, in PP 1,041.

ZUBE, JOHN to MANNERS, RON, 10 Nov. 94, 6pp, in PP 1214.

ZUBE, JOHN to MANNERS, RON, 3 May 94, 1p; 21 Sep. 94, 4pp, in PP 1214.

ZUBE, JOHN to MANUEL, Bruce, book ed. of THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR, 16 Aug. 82, 1p, in PP 907-910.

ZUBE, JOHN to MARGARET GEE MEDIA GROUP, 17 Oct. 83, 1p, with notes of 19 & 28 Oct. 83 & 2 leaflets on their Australian directories and handbooks, in PP 907-910.

ZUBE, JOHN to MARTIN DICK, 2.11.92, 2pp, 25.3.98, 3pp: 78, in PP 1528.

ZUBE, JOHN to MARTIN, BRIAN 27 March 92, on a draft of an essay of B.M. on Social Defence, 17pp, in PP 1,077.

ZUBE, JOHN to MARTIN, BRIAN, 19 Sep. 89, 5pp, on panarchism, 29x, in PP 901.

ZUBE, JOHN to MARTIN, BRIAN, 23 Oct. 1997, 8pp, 26, in PP 1452.

ZUBE, JOHN to MARTIN, BRIAN, 3 September 1993, 4pp in PP 1540: 204. – On panarchism.

ZUBE, JOHN to MAXWELL, STEVE, 28 Jan. 87, 1p, 28 Oct. 89, 1/2p, in PP 907-910.

ZUBE, JOHN to MCGREGOR, PETER, 29.2.96, 3pp, 8.4.96, 3pp, in PP 1396: 120.


ZUBE, JOHN to MEEK, NIGEL, 30.8.1993, 1p in PP 1540: 202. – On panarchism.

ZUBE, JOHN to MEGALLI THEO, 30 Jan. 89, 1p, 29x, in PP 867.

ZUBE, JOHN to MEGALLI, THEO & Jon MATONIS, 85/86, with: Some samples of store currency, standardized credit union cheques, gift vouchers, money-like advertising leaflets and “cash-credits”; to FRANCIS A. KINGEN, 23 Jan. 86; to LVA Rheinprovinz, 9.6.86, 14pp, 48x, in PP 645.

ZUBE, JOHN to MEGALLI, THEO, Dec. 86, 7pp, 48x, in PP 740.


ZUBE, JOHN to MOCILNIK, KRISTIAN, 1.12.93, 2pp, in PP 1329: 152.

ZUBE, JOHN to MONSEN, ANDERS, 22 Jan. 87, 2pp, in PP 907-910.

ZUBE, JOHN to MORRISSETT, ELIZABETH, 31 May 80, with her letter, 3pp, in PP 907-910.

ZUBE, JOHN to Mr. FICHTER, 8 March 1968, on PEACE PLANS, in English and German, 1p. (His “EQUALITY” published all contributions – but the ones with the lowest number of lines contributed so far, were given priority in reproduction. Neither he nor I were then fully aware of the microfiche publishing options.)

ZUBE, JOHN to Mrs. A.V. Carleton, of Meckler Publishing, 18 Nov. 88, 2pp, in PP 907-910.

ZUBE, JOHN to Ms. VANYA WALKER-LEIGH, Gibraltar, July 25, 87, on monetary freedom, 2pp, in PP 25.

ZUBE, JOHN to MUELLER, KARL von, 6 Dec. 87, 2pp. He has put his first 10 microfiche out – still someone imperfect – but mine were, too. Are these his last, too? In PP 907-910. See listing under MUELLER, KARL von.

ZUBE, JOHN to MULLANY, MICHAEL, 5 Agu. 82, 1p, in PP 907-910.

ZUBE, JOHN to NELLESSEN, Dr. WALTER, 13 July 1985, 1p, 48x, in PP 645.

ZUBE, JOHN to NEVILLE, J.W., Prof., re CIS Choice In Currency Seminar, 1p, in PP 913.

ZUBE, JOHN to NEW LIBERTARIAN, 7 Sep. 1983, 1p, in PP 1356: 121.

ZUBE, JOHN to NEW OPTIONS, 2 May 89, 2pp, in PP 907-910.

ZUBE, JOHN to NEW PAGES, 2 May 89, 1p, in PP 907-910.

ZUBE, JOHN to NEWS DIGEST INTERNATIONAL, 25 February 1981, 4pp, in PP 1539: 194. – On renunciation of citizenship. – On panarchism.


ZUBE, JOHN to O’CONNELL, BOB, 4 letters, 29.4.92, 18.5.92, 12.6.92, 6.8.92, 12pp, in PP 25.

ZUBE, JOHN to O’DONNELL, BOB, 29.4.92, 1/2 p & 18.5.92, 3pp, 6.8.92, 4pp, in PP 25.

ZUBE, JOHN to O’DONNELL, ROBERT, 18 May 92, 3pp, in PP 1428/29: 200. – 12 June 92, 4pp, in PP 1428/29: 207. – 6 Aug. 92, 4pp, in PP 1428/29: 211. – 25 July 95, 1p, in PP 1428/29: 215. – 10 March 96, 4pp, in PP 1428/29: 218.

ZUBE, JOHN to O’DONNELL, ROBERT, 25 July 95, 1p: 115, in PP 1477.

ZUBE, JOHN to OWENS, TOM, 17 May 1992, 5pp, in PP 1539: 105. – On panarchism.

ZUBE, JOHN to OWENS, TOM, 3 September 1992, 6pp, in PP 1539: 114. – On panarchism.

ZUBE, JOHN to PEARCE, H.G., Dr., 11.9.67, 2pp: 115, in PP 1489.

ZUBE, JOHN to PEARCE, H.G., Dr., 22.8.67, 2pp: 109, in PP 1489.

ZUBE, JOHN to PEARCE, JOHN, 13 Oct. 88, on eliminating bad drivers and financing roads, 2pp, in PP 793.

ZUBE, JOHN to PEARSON, DURK, 19 April 88, 2pp, in PP 907-910.

ZUBE, JOHN to PITT, TONY, NATIONAL INTEREST NEWSPAPER, 4 Oct. 96, 12pp, in PP 1367/68: 222.

ZUBE, JOHN to POIROT, PAUL, FEE, 9.7.66, 5pp, in PP 1417: 97.

ZUBE, JOHN to POLZ, STEVE & LUCY, of ASPECTS & reply: 6.1.90, 19.1.90, 5.2.90, 3pp, in PP 493.

ZUBE, JOHN to POOR, PEGGY, ed. of UPRIGHT OSTRICH, 17 Jan. 89, 2pp, in PP 817.

ZUBE, JOHN to QUIDDINGTON, PETER, 24 June 89, 3pp, in PP 907-910.

ZUBE, JOHN to RADIO LIBERTAIRE, Paris, 29 Oct. 82, 3pp, in PP 915.

ZUBE, JOHN to RATIONALIST ASSOCIATION, 24.10.85, 1p: 83, in PP 1496.

ZUBE, JOHN to REED, STEPHEN, 21.1.90, in PP 1086.

ZUBE, JOHN to REITER, DAVID P., ed. REDOUBT, CCAE, 3 Apr. 88, 4pp, in PP 907-910.

ZUBE, JOHN to RESOURCES FOR INDEPENDENT THINKING, 19 March 1998, 2pp on alternative media and libertarian collaboration, in PP 1535: 119.

ZUBE, JOHN to REX, KEITH, 11.6.86, 1p: 82, in PP 1496.

ZUBE, JOHN to RICH, ANDREA MILLEN, of LFB, 8 Aug. 89, 8pp, on fiching, in PP 907-910.

ZUBE, JOHN to RICH, PAUL, 21.7.92, 8pp, on Bowlby/Durbin: Personal Aggressiveness and War and W. Trotter, Instincts of the Herd in Peace and War, in PP 1,024.

ZUBE, JOHN to RIEGEL, E.C., 2 Feb. 67, 1/2 p, R.T.S., in PP 913.

ZUBE, JOHN to ROELOFS, Dr. W.P., 1986/87, 10pp, 29x, in PP 735.

ZUBE, JOHN to ROSEMAN, HERBERT C., 8 April 67, 3pp, 5 May 67, 3pp, in PP 913.

ZUBE, JOHN to RUDERT, FRITZ-JOACHIM, 24.12. 1998, 5pp letter, with a 3 pp draft on alternative media options towards a comprehensive common market for all pro-freedom information, ideas and talents, in PP 1537: 197.

ZUBE, JOHN to RUNAR, SHELDON L., 15 July 87, 5pp, 29x, in PP 755.

ZUBE, JOHN to RYAN, KODY, 17.10.1993, 14pp in PP 1540: 183 – 196. – On panarchism.

ZUBE, JOHN to SAGEHORN, ROBERT, 3 Oct. 85, 2pp segment on panarchism, 29x, in PP 870.

ZUBE, JOHN to SCHAUB, LAIRD, Directory of Intentional Communities, 6 June 89, 1p, on panarchism, 29x, in PP 870.

ZUBE, JOHN to SCHMIDT, STANLEY, Editor of Analog, 13.11.97, 12pp, on how to give some truths their best chance, ie, on some points of a genuinely cultural revolution, 116, in PP 1451.

ZUBE, JOHN to SCHULER, KURT, 23 Oct. 89, 3pp, 29x, in PP 911.

ZUBE, JOHN to SCHULER, KURT, 9 Jan. 89, 1p, in PP 827. 22 June 89, 1p, in PP 904. 30 March 89, 3pp, 7 June 89, 1p, 23 Oct. 89, 3pp, in PP 907-910.

ZUBE, JOHN to SCHWARTZMAN, JACK, 29. August 1998, 6pp, in PP 1535: 137. – On quotations, ideas, Ideas Archive, panarchism.

ZUBE, JOHN to SCHWENKE, SIEGFRIED, 6 June 89, 1p, 29x, in PP 905.

ZUBE, JOHN to SEATON, PETA, MP, 11 Feb. 1997, 7pp, in PP 1510/11: 402-408. – A vain attempt to induce the research section of the Liberal Party to prove to itself the main cause for inflation and unemployment as well as the main cures. It was no more successful than are attempts to enlighten any political party directly but was worth a try.

ZUBE, JOHN to SEILING, NEIL, 16 Aug. 88, on his “Cultural Democracy” attempt to realize minority autonomy, 1p, no reply received, in ON PANARCHY, No. XI, in PP 832.

ZUBE, JOHN to SOMMERFELT PETTERSEN, IAN, 24 Nov. 88, 2pp, in PP 907-910.

ZUBE, JOHN TO ST. GEORGE BUILDING SOCIETY, Letter, 15.3.93, opposing its conversion to a bank, 2pp, in PP 25.

ZUBE, JOHN to STAMM, ED, 11 April 95, 1p: 11, in PP 1475.

ZUBE, JOHN to STAMM, ED, 16 May 92, 1p: 1, in PP 1475.

ZUBE, JOHN to STAMM, ED, 19 June 92, 4pp: 3, in PP 1475.

ZUBE, JOHN to STAMM, ED, 25 May 94, 1p: 7, in PP 1475.

ZUBE, JOHN to STAMM, ED, 29 Sep. 92, 2pp: 6, in PP 1475.

ZUBE, JOHN to STAMM, ED, 29 Sep. 94, 8pp: 7, in PP 1475.

ZUBE, JOHN to STAMM, ED., Letter of 2 July 98, 9pp: 391-399, in response to Ed Stamm’s letter of 30 May, 1998, in which he made 8 assertions, fully quoted, which he believes to be “impossible to deny”, in PP 1510/11. – Once one concedes to each other the right to practise the own beliefs at the own expense and risk, there still remains an enormous scope for internal discussion in the anarchist and libertarian movement. Advocates are usually not as pure, consistent and well enough informed as they like to believe. Ordinary meetings, leaflets, newsletters, seminars, magazines and even some collections of books are not yet enough to settle many questions that remain controversial, largely due to prolonged communist and socialist propaganda efforts that have infected the freedom movement right from its beginnings. – JZ.

ZUBE, JOHN to STAMM, ED., Letter of 5 May 98, in response to his mini-leaflet: Anarchism, 4pp: 385-390, in PP 1510/11.


ZUBE, JOHN to STEINER, ROBERT A. & TAYLOR-RADFORD, R.S., 14 April 1992, 3pp, in PP 1539: 191. – On panarchism.

ZUBE, JOHN to STRAUSS, ERWIN S., 18 March 96, 3pp, in PP 1400: 116.

ZUBE, JOHN to STRAUSS, ERWIN S., ed. of THE CONNECTION, 4 May 89, 1p, 29x, in PP 929.

ZUBE, JOHN to STRAUSS, ERWIN, 8 Aug. 80, 1p, 29x, in PP 869.

ZUBE, JOHN to STUMM, JIM: A Continuation of the Militia Discussion between Jim Stumm and John Zube, Comments by John Zube to Jim Stumm, and his remarks in RANDOM WRITINGS, No. 16, Dec. 87, 24pp, in ON PANARCHY No. XII, in PP 833, 4 April 89, Some Remarks to Jim Stumm’s “Financing a Panarchist Militia”, 6pp, in PP 833.

ZUBE, JOHN to SWAIN, G.W., 5 Feb. 1981, 14pp, 24x, in PP 291, 24 April 79, 2pp, in PP 803.

ZUBE, JOHN to SYDNEY EDUCATIONAL BROADCASTING, 17 Aug. 83, 2pp, in PP 907-910. (People involved with one medium seem often semi-blind towards others. J.Z.)

ZUBE, JOHN to SYDNEY MORNING HERALD, Letters Editor, 2 Mar. 84, 1p, in PP 907-910.

ZUBE, JOHN to SZASZ AWARD, 1p, Letter of 4 May 94, in PP 1249. (What one does to gain at least SOME publicity! – J.Z.)

ZUBE, JOHN to TAME, CHRIS, 23 March 89, 3pp, 18 Aug. 88, 2pp, 29x, in PP 864.

ZUBE, JOHN to TAYLOR, DAVID, 16 October 1989, 9pp, in PP 1539: 157. – On panarchism.

ZUBE, JOHN to TAYLOR, DAVID, 22 Aug. 86, 9pp, on panarchism, 29x, in PP 879.

ZUBE, JOHN to TAYLOR, DAVID, 22 June 1989, 7pp, in PP 1539: 131. – On panarchism.

ZUBE, JOHN to TAYLOR, DAVID, 22 June 89, 8pp, 29x, in PP 873.

ZUBE, JOHN to TAYLOR, DAVID, 24 August 1989, 9pp, in PP 1539: 140. – On panarchism.

ZUBE, JOHN to TAYLOR, DAVID, 3 Jan.88, 3pp, in PP 812.

ZUBE, JOHN to TEMESVARY, A., Dr., 29.4.92 – 3.5.92, 5pp, in PP 1539: 186. – On panarchism.

ZUBE, JOHN to TEMESVARY, Dr. A., 4 Jan. 87, 5pp, on panarchism, 29x, in PP 870.

ZUBE, JOHN to TEMESVARY, Dr. A., 4 Jan. 87, on monetary freedom, 4pp, 48x, in PP 740.

ZUBE, JOHN to THE AUSTRALIAN, 22 August 1997, 1p: What’s Wrong with the Telstra Sale? – in PP 1420/22: 498.

ZUBE, JOHN to THE AUSTRALIAN, 25 Feb. 97, 1p, on monopoly pricing for ENCYCLOPAEDIA BRITANNICA & OXFORD ENGL. DICTIONARY, in PP 1424: 125.

ZUBE, JOHN to THE AUSTRALIAN, 25. 2. 1997, in PP 1420/22: 1p, on the rip-off prices for Oxford English Dictionary & Encyclopaedia Britannica on CD-ROMs. – In the meantime the price has been reduced to ca. $ 300, ie, “only” ca. 150 times the cost of duplicating 2 such disks. – In an “information age” and one of many alternative and affordable media, it makes no sense to me to keep any encyclopaedia to only ca. 24- 32 volumes. – J.Z., 3.10.97.

ZUBE, JOHN to THE CONSTITUTIONAL COMMISSION, 11 Jan. 87 & 15 Feb. 87, 6pp, on panarchism, 29x, in PP 870.

ZUBE, JOHN to The Editor, SUNDAY TELEGRAPH, Sydney, 28 Nov. 82, 3pp, on “Buy Australian” campaign, 24x, in PP 914.

ZUBE, JOHN to THEISEN, EUGENE J., 14 May 68, 2pp: 42, in PP 1493.

ZUBE, JOHN to THEISEN, EUGENE J., 2 Oct. 70, 1p: 54, in PP 1493.

ZUBE, JOHN to THEISEN, EUGENE J., 8 Aug. 68, 1p: 53, in PP 1493.

ZUBE, JOHN to THEISEN, EUGENE J., 9 August 70, 2pp: 52, in PP 1493.

ZUBE, JOHN to TICE, STEPHEN D., letter, 2pp, 20 May 82, on the Super Computer Club project and Libertarian Microfiche Publishing, 29x, in PP 333.

ZUBE, JOHN to TOBIAS, DANIEL , Libertarian E-Mail Directory, 10 May 87, 3pp, 29x, in PP 725, with a preliminary list of libertarians who use computers, 14pp, 42x, in PP 637.

ZUBE, JOHN to Tom Keneally, 20 April 1989, on the independence war in Eritrea, 4pp, in PP 930.

ZUBE, JOHN to TOSCANA, JOE, 22.2.1996, 7pp in PP 1540: 154. – On panarchism.

ZUBE, JOHN to TOSCANA, JOE, 26.3.1996, 8pp in PP 1540: 173. – On exterritorially & micrographically opting out of the print on paper restrictions upon our freedom of expression and information.

ZUBE, JOHN to TRANET, 26 June 86, 1p, 24x, in PP 922.


ZUBE, JOHN to TRUSSARDI, Italy, 29 May 89, 3pp, in PP 907-910.

ZUBE, JOHN to TUNDRA WIND, 1 Aug. 86, 2pp, on panarchism, 29x, in PP 870.

ZUBE, JOHN to TUPPER SAUSSY, 4 Oct. 84, 2pp, in PP 810.

ZUBE, JOHN to TURNER, PAULA, 22 April 79, 2pp, in PP 803.

ZUBE, JOHN to VANTAGE PRESS & MINERVA PRESS, 8 July 1998, 4pp, in PP 1543/45: 787. Asking 2 vanity presses to extend their offers to cheaper alternative media.

ZUBE, JOHN to VANTAGE PRESS, 17 Aug. 88, 2pp, in PP 907-910.

ZUBE, JOHN to VOLITION, 9 June 1969, 1p, 29x, in PP 926.

ZUBE, JOHN to WALKER-LEIGH, VANYA, MS., July 25, 87, on monetary freedom, 2pp, in PP 25.

ZUBE, JOHN to WALLACH AWARDS COMMITTEE, The Inst. for World Order, 21 May 79, 1p, in PP 907-910.

ZUBE, JOHN to WATNER, CARL, 16 Dec. 1989, 7pp, in PP 1539: 166. – On panarchism.

ZUBE, JOHN to WESTWOOD, MATHEW, 9 Nov. 787, 4pp, in PP 907-910.

ZUBE, JOHN to WILBER, DAVE, 13.1.85, 1p: 21, in PP 1495.

ZUBE, JOHN to WILBER, DAVE, 29.9.84, 3pp: 14, in PP 1495.

ZUBE, JOHN to WILLIS, JESSICA, 6 March 95, in PP 1323: 85.

ZUBE, JOHN to WILSON, ROBERT ANTON, 11 April 67, 2pp, 29x, in PP 742 & 913. 13 Oct. 67, mainly on Robert Ardrey’s “The Territorial Imperative”, 1p, in ON PANARCHY No. XII, in PP 833.

ZUBE, JOHN to WISDORE, AAMI, 27 June 89, 1p, on panarchism, 29x, in PP 870. (R.T.S. Wisdore’s new address is wanted.)

ZUBE, JOHN to WORLD DEMOCRACY NEWS, 4 Jan. 90, 10pp, 29x, in PP 928.

ZUBE, JOHN to WORLD DEMOCRACY NEWS, 4 January 1990, 10pp, in PP 1539: 176. – On panarchism.

ZUBE, JOHN to WORLD ELITE SECURITY TRUST, 17 Feb. 96, 2pp, in PP 1366: 109.

ZUBE, JOHN to WORONI, on its 11 May 65 article, by Bruce McFarlane: Monetary “Cranks” Have A Point”, 1p, in PP 913.

ZUBE, JOHN to YEAGER, WAYNE B., 19.3.91, on diplomatic immunity, 2pp, in PP 1,051.

ZUBE, JOHN to YOUNG, ROGER, 9 Aug. 88, 2pp, in PP 791.

ZUBE, JOHN to ZACK, HAL, 20 Dec. 88, 4pp, in PP 812.

ZUBE, JOHN to ZUBE, DAVID, 3 May 88, 3pp extract of notes re LETS system, in PP 793.

ZUBE, JOHN to ZUBE, KURT, 13 Okt. 84, 3 S., in PP 811.

ZUBE, JOHN to ZUBE, KURT, correspondence, in German, extracts on panarchism, from letters between 22 Aug. 85 and 1 Feb. 89, 5pp, 29x, in PP 901.

ZUBE, JOHN to ZUBE, KURT, Einige Fragen, Oktober 86, mit Antworten von K.Z., 3 S., in PP 811. Einige Notizen von J.Z. zu K.Z.’s Antworten auf J.Z.’s Fragen, Okt. 86, 6 S., in PP 811.

ZUBE, JOHN, Combined Bibliography on Panarchism, Jan./Feb. 1999, 56pp in PP 1540: 69 – 123. Anybody who peruses this list can easily conclude that more than a mere utopia or mind game is involved: A still largely neglected voluntaristic and exterritorialist tradition of human communities that has very much to teach us for our times, e.g. on the practicability of this model, to a limited extent even under severely antagonistic conditions. Most historians, moral philosophers, reformers, revolutionaries and political scientists have either ignored this model or considered it as outdated or irrelevant, unaware that their territorial model has many more and much worse flaws. Naturally, not even panarchism could not transform devils into angels or ignorance into wisdom but it can render them much more harmless than they are now. Moreover, it can give a few angels their best chance in a world of devils. – PIOT, J.Z., 9.2.1999.


ZUBE, JOHN, A Challenge to Libertarian Magazines, 5pp, in PP 907-910.

ZUBE, JOHN, A Circular on Libertarian Micrographics to the Libertarian Press, 7pp, in PP 907-910.

ZUBE, JOHN, A handwritten note 2 proposals related to Bacons notions towards an Ideas Archive: Ted Nelson’s LITERARY MACHINES, 1981 and THE TALMUD, 1p, in PP 1349: 1. – I would love to get the O.K. to reproduce Nelson’s Literary Machines, although his “XANADU” project was too much fixated upon his particular version of “hypertext” options. – J.Z., 9/97.

ZUBE, JOHN, A Libertarian Information Paradise – Is Within Our Reach!, 11 July 89, 8pp, 29x, in PP 873, also in PP 875.

ZUBE, JOHN, A note on Purchases of Enterprises by Cooperatively Organized Staff, 1983, 1/2 p, in PP 920.

ZUBE, JOHN, A Short A – Z of Micrographics Options for Students, July 89, 17pp, in PP 907-910. (This remains to be integrated with another alphabetized and already integrated two papers and, perhaps, to be expanded into a book. I have a box full of further short notes on this subject and uncounted files. – J.Z., 2 Nov. 89.)

ZUBE, JOHN, Abortion, Moral Case Against Abortion, The, or: Thoughts in Defence of the Right to Life of Conceived but not yet Born Children (Foetuses, “Tissues or Parasites”), compiled by an atheist, 1971, 24pp, 24x, in PP 15.

ZUBE, JOHN, Abschreckung? Einige Bemerkungen ueber die Theorie, die Sicherheit der freien Welt koenne durch die abschreckende Wirkung der Atomwaffen gewaehrleisted werden, 1962, 4 S., 29x, in PP 399-401.

ZUBE, JOHN, Addresses, Australian & N.Z. Freedom Addresses, August 1981, 16pp, 29x, in PP 388.

ZUBE, JOHN, Addresses, List of Organizations and Periodicals Favouring a Free Market Economy without, however, Taking a Clear Stand for Monetary Freedom, 3pp, 24x, in PP 10. See INDEX ON LIBERTY.

ZUBE, JOHN, Africa: No easy solution? reply to a letter by R.A. Cliffe, 2pp, 1983, 29x, in PP 425 & 869.

ZUBE, JOHN, Aggression, Who Is the Aggressor? 6pp, 1965, 24x, in PP 3.

ZUBE, JOHN, Air Raids, Are Air Raids the Proper Means to End a War Quickly, without much Bloodshed? 1p, 1964, 29x, in PP 1&2.

ZUBE, JOHN, Air Raids, Discriminating, Rightful, Limited and Reasonable Use of Air Power in Vietnam – to Further Peace rather than War and to Shorten the War, while Reducing Bloodshed to a Minimum, 15pp, 1966, 24x, in PP 8.

ZUBE, JOHN, Alphabetized Aspects of Libertarian Microfiche Publishing and Reading, 33pp (2 of my drafts of appeals to the libertarian press, alphabetized and combined. In my exchange with Terry Inman, another such Fiche Alphabet appears, not yet integrated with this one. I may combine these, with x notes, into a book.), in PP 907-910.

ZUBE, JOHN, An ABC Against Nuclear War, 2pp flyer on this book, still, unfortunately, available in some printed copies. In PP 907-910. The full book is available in PP 16-18, on microfiche.

ZUBE, JOHN, An Appeal to the Libertarian Press, 5pp, in PP 907-910.

ZUBE, JOHN, An Excuse or Rationalization rather than an Apology, 3 April 95, 8pp, to correspondents and contributors of material for microfilming, in PP 1270.

ZUBE, JOHN, An Open Letter Re 1995 Conference VISIONS OF FREEDOM, 1p, Feb. 1997, in PP 1425: 43. 1p: 69, in PP 1481.

ZUBE, JOHN, An Open Letter to “LETS”, 16 March 93, 8pp, in PP 1195.

ZUBE, JOHN, An Open Letter to Libertarian Periodicals, 7pp, in PP 907-910.

ZUBE, JOHN, An Open Letter to the Libertarian Press, How to Press on More Effectively, 6pp, in PP 907-910.

ZUBE, JOHN, An Open Letter to the Libertarian Press, on the New & Large Economics of Microfiche Publishing, 8pp, in PP 907-908.

ZUBE, JOHN, An Open Letter to the Libertarian Press, Some Questions…, 5pp, in PP 907-910.

ZUBE, JOHN, An Open Letter to the Libertarian Press, with an Appeal for Help – towards Unlimited Libertarian Publishing, 7pp, in PP 907-910.

ZUBE, JOHN, Anarchism and Crime, Draft of an Open Letter to OPEN ROAD, in response to their appeal for money, that accompanied their Spring 1982 issue. 3pp, 29x, in PP 407. (Until my microfiche become almost “as good as gold” and as easily convertible into other currencies, I am unfinancial. Send me samples of series, originals or excellent photocopies for microfilming, but NOT appeals for funds or subscriptions. Il faut cultiver notre jardin, as Voiltaire said. J.Z., 2/88.)

ZUBE, JOHN, Anmerkungen zu Rittershausen, Der Neubau des deutschen Kreditsystems, 8 S., 24x, in PP 315.

ZUBE, JOHN, Another Don Quichote Attempt to Fight the Windmill of Prejudices against Panarchism, with comments, to STUMM, JASPER, DIOGENES, JACOBSON, FP, SAL PARADISE, and GUNDERLOY, on 29 July 89 to TC, No. 119, of 29 April 84, 15pp, 29x, in PP 870.

ZUBE, JOHN, Anti-Fluoridation Campaign and Peace, 2pp, 1965, 24x, in PP 3.

ZUBE, JOHN, ANZUS, Breathing Life into the ANZUS Treaty? 1p, 29x, in PP 22.

ZUBE, JOHN, Apartheid, How to Transform Apartheid into something acceptable, 1p, 29x, in PP 743.

ZUBE, JOHN, Apartheid, Wie koennte Apartheid, die heute fuer die meisten ganz unakzeptabel ist, so umgewandelt werden, dass sie fuer die meisten attraktiv sein koennte? 1p, 1986, 36x, in PP 736.

ZUBE, JOHN, Arbitration Courts, 1962, 4pp, 36x, in PP 61-63.

ZUBE, JOHN, Archive for Peace Plans and all Related Social Reform Proposals, 1964, 1/2 page, 29x, in PP 1&2.

ZUBE, JOHN, Archive for Social Reform Ideas and the Addresses of Social Reformers, 1962, 8pp, 36x, in PP 61-63.

ZUBE, JOHN, At least Some Replies to Some Connectors, in TC 106, written 2 Nov. 82, reproduced in TC 108, 7pp, with replies to Jim Downard, Philip Jacobson, Jim Stumm, Reith, Pyrrho, Fred Foldvary, in PP 870.

ZUBE, JOHN, Australian Freedom Addresses, with some N.Z. ones, a 7th compilation by John Zube, Sep. 95, 56pp, in PP 1278: 153. September 1997 ed. in new edition of PP 20.

ZUBE, JOHN, Barter, Some Notes on Barter, 1982, 2pp, 29x, in PP 423.

ZUBE, JOHN, Bibliography, Combined, of Anarchist and Libertarian Writings, A Short Compilation, alphabetically and by authors only, 17pp, 1979, 24x, in PP 66-69. (Provided as an example how libertarians might use their PCs between them in order to achieve, gradually and between them a complete bibliography. – J.Z.)

ZUBE, JOHN, Big Power Alliances, 2pp, 1965, 24x, in PP 3.

ZUBE, JOHN, Books Wanted, Some Books Wanted By John Zube, 1979, 5pp, 24x, in PP 50-54 & 64-65. (Some of them I have got in the meantime. Thus ask before you send any. Or wait for my upcoming bibliography, which will also list books in my library. – J.Z.)

ZUBE, JOHN, Borsodi, Ralph, Some Papers on and by Dr. Ralph BORSODI, 1886-1977, Decentralist, Money- and Land Reformer, Free Trader, Peace Lover, Founder of the School of Living, a compilation, 98pp, 24x, in PP 56.

ZUBE, JOHN, Broadcasting, Freedom in Broadcasting or: Laissez Faire in the Air, 1971, 7pp, 24x, in PP 15.

ZUBE, JOHN, Bulletin Boards, 1/2 p, 1965, 24x, in PP 3.

ZUBE, JOHN, Buy Australian!? Letter to Sunday Telegraph, 3pp, 29x, in PP 423.

ZUBE, JOHN, Campbell Enquiry, Submission to the Campbell Enquiry into the Australian Financial System, 1979, 4pp, 24x, in PP 145-146.

ZUBE, JOHN, Capitalism as a Means towards Peace, 2pp, 1965, 24x, in PP 3.

ZUBE, JOHN, Capitalist versus State Socialist Prisons: Private, Self-Supporting and Profit-Making Capitalist and Self-Managing Gaols, which Indemnify Victims and Rehabilitate and Punish Convicted Criminals by Subjecting them to the Discipline of a Free Market and Holding them Responsible, Individually and Collectively, for all Crime Damage Done, 1970, 27pp, 24x, in PP 13.

ZUBE, JOHN, Capitulations – for All Dissatisfied Minorities, 4pp, 1966, 24x, in PP 7.

ZUBE, JOHN, Car thefts, Letter to the Commissioner of Police on Car Thefts, May 86 (on computerized recovery method), 2pp, 29x, in PP 679. – Typically for bureaucrats – he didn’t even bother to reply. – J.Z.

ZUBE, JOHN, Census, The, Just another Job? 1986, 5pp, 29x, in PP 642

ZUBE, JOHN, Challenge to Libertarians, A, 1977, 3pp, 24x, in PP 20/21.

ZUBE, JOHN, Children, Draft of a Declaration of Children’s Individual Rights, 1971, 7pp, 14 points, 24x, in PP 15, 48x, in PP 589/590.

ZUBE, JOHN, Children, One Man’s View of Children’s Individual Rights, a revised edition, 14 points, 48x,in PP 589/590, 24x in PP 15.

ZUBE, JOHN, Children, Some Notes on the Rights of Children, 1st. draft, 16 points, 48x, in PP 589/590.

ZUBE, JOHN, Circulation Charts, Some Circulation Charts for Private Enterprise Money, 11pp, 24x, in PP 41.

ZUBE, JOHN, Classification Schemes for Ordering and Retrieving Information, 1977, 2pp, 24x, in PP 20/21.

ZUBE, JOHN, Clippings and Notes on Electronic Libraries, Internet, CD-ROM publishing etc., 1992-94, ca. 60pp, in PP 1197.

ZUBE, JOHN, Code of Basic Rights, Short, 1971, 21 points, 48x, in PP 589/590.

ZUBE, JOHN, Coexistence, Peaceful, On the Rightful Alternative to “Peaceful Coexistence”, 4pp, 1964, 29x, in PP 1&2.

ZUBE, JOHN, Collective Responsibility, Against, a compilation of notes, quotes, clippings and letters, in English and German, by various authors, mainly Ulrich von Beckerath and John Zube, 1983, 36pp, 29x in PP 425.

ZUBE, JOHN, Collectivist Claims, A Short and Rough Listing of Various Collectivist Claims Wrongly Stated as Rights, 1971, 36 points, 48x, in PP 589/590.

ZUBE, JOHN, Comment on von Beckerath’s Suggestion of a Limited Compulsion in Public Insurance, 8pp, 24x, in PP 11.

ZUBE, JOHN, Comment to the three free banking issues, Peace Plans 9-11, 2pp, 24x, in PP 11.

ZUBE, JOHN, Comments to Alan Thornton, Biarchy, 5pp, in PP 1,051.

ZUBE, JOHN, Comments to J.G. Fichte’s description of the right of individuals to secede from the State, 7pp, with the quotations from Fichte, 24x, in PP 12.

ZUBE, JOHN, Comments to John Gray, Lectures on the Nature & Use of Money, 1848,1972, written 1986, 16pp, 29x, in PP 642.

ZUBE, JOHN, Comments to John Leard’s article: Superannuation or a Financial Power Play? The Unions Are Taking Over Australia, 8 pp, 29x, in PP 599.

ZUBE, JOHN, Comments to The New Approach to Freedom, by E.C. Riegel, first edition, 3pp, 24x, in PP 77-78.

ZUBE, JOHN, Comments, 4 pp, to Joseph Rita M., Peacemaking – No Child’s Play, in PP 789.

ZUBE, JOHN, Communism, Should We Permit the Election of a Communist Dictator to Achieve Peace in South Vietnam? 2pp, 1966, 24x, in PP 6.

ZUBE, JOHN, Competing Governments, 7pp, discussing Ayn Rand’s view, 1966, 24x, in PP 7.

ZUBE, JOHN, Compulsory Unionism, No Unionism or Voluntary Unionism versus Compulsory Unionism, 4pp, 29x, in PP 420.

ZUBE, JOHN, Compulsory Voting, 94 Points against or: “Abstain from Beans!”, with four clippings on the same subject, 11pp, 29x, in PP 384.

ZUBE, JOHN, Compulsory Voting, Letter of Nov. 30, 1987, regarding threatened fine for failing to vote in local elections, 4pp, in PP 789.

ZUBE, JOHN, Compulsory Voting, Penalty Notice, Failure to Vote, Nov. 87, & my response, 33pp, 29x, in PP 755.

ZUBE, JOHN, Computer Users. Preliminary List of Libertarians who Use Computers, at least for word processing, 6pp, 1986, 48x, in PP 647. (Computers, properly used, should have long brought them together! Responses was almost zero, indicating that computers are still not used as they should be used, i.e., to promote communication among like-minded people, not only about computer problems but also about solutions that can be achieved easier through computer use. Daniel Tobias wants to list only those on line. There are many more who could not afford that option but who could exchange print-outs by mail, especially if there are microfiched, for all but short runs. J.Z., 5/89.) Also at 29x, in PP 686.

ZUBE, JOHN, Connection, The, Some Replies to Some Connectors, starting with TC 106, 7pp, 29x, in PP 423.

ZUBE, JOHN, Constitutional Reform, List of some Desirable Constitutional Changes which the Current Constitutional Convention almost certainly Will not Seriously Consider, 34 points, 48x, in PP 589/590.

ZUBE, JOHN, Coops, Some Bibliographical Notes on PRODUCTIVE COOPERATIVES, GROUP CONCTRACTING, AUTONOMOUS WORK GROUPS, GANG WORK, LEASE COOPERATIVES etc., 1979, 7pp, 24x, in PP 64-65, 7pp, 24x, in PP 145-146.

ZUBE, JOHN, Copyrights, What About Copyrights? 2pp, 29x, in PP 22.

ZUBE, JOHN, Crime, Some Thoughts on: How A Libertarian Society Would Tend To Reduce Crime, 1971, 5pp, making 31 points, 24x in PP 15.

ZUBE, JOHN, Cultural Revolution, Programme for a Genuinely Cultural Revolution, 11pp, 36x, in PP 61-63.

ZUBE, JOHN, Dear Enquirer…, Form letter, drafted 28 June 89, to those enquiring about the micrographic options from LMP, 4pp, in PP 875.

ZUBE, JOHN, Defence, Financing, Some notes on FINANCING THE DEFENCE of a Free Society without Coercive Taxation or Inflation, 15pp, 24x, in PP 41.

ZUBE, JOHN, Defence, Individualistic and Voluntaristic Self-Defence versus Coercive and Collectivistic Defence Efforts, 4pp, 29x, in PP 420, 42x, in PP 650.

ZUBE, JOHN, Defence, Murderous, Cruel and Self-Defeating Acts in Malaysia and in South Vietnam, 3pp, 1964, 29x, in PP 1&2.

ZUBE, JOHN, DENON & the text-only CD-ROM self-publishing option for anarchists & libertarians. Notes, 6/96, 3pp, in PP 1347: 1.

ZUBE, JOHN, Deterrence, Some Remarks on the Theory that the Security of the “Free World” could be guaranteed by the deterrent effect of Nuclear Weapons, 1962, 4pp, 36x, in PP 61-63.

ZUBE, JOHN, Devaluation, The Aggressive Act of Currency Devaluation – and how to Counter it, 19pp, 1966, 24x, in PP 8.

ZUBE, JOHN, Devaluations, On resisting devaluations and on monetary revolutions, 24x, in PP 8, 29x, in PP 586/587.

ZUBE, JOHN, Development of India, Notes and Clippings, 62pp, 29x, in PP 415.

ZUBE, JOHN, Directories for microfilmed literature, free listings. If you want free advertisements for your manuscripts and the scarce old tracts that you put on microfiche, notify the following: 1p list of addresses of directories etc., 29x, in PP 725

ZUBE, JOHN, Directories, Some Freedom Directories and Articles, 532pp, a compilation, 29x, in PP 387-390,

ZUBE, JOHN, Discussion Centres to Promote the Free Exchange of Opinions, 1962, 4pp, 36x, in PP 61-63.

ZUBE, JOHN, Dowd, Kevin, Some Remarks to Kevin Dowd’s Paper: Monetary Freedom and Monetary Stability, Feb. 89, 30pp, intended for CATO Conference, March 89, 18pp, in PP 827.

ZUBE, JOHN, Draft of an introductory letter to LMP, 3pp, 26 June 87, in PP 907-910.

ZUBE, JOHN, Education and Fight against Prejudices, 1p, 1964, 29x, in PP 1&2.

ZUBE, JOHN, Education, Further hints to books dealing with freedom in education, 29x, 31pp, 29x, in PP 743. (More such hints can be found in PP 713/714.)

ZUBE, JOHN, Education, Some Articles and Book Hints on Freedom in Education, A Compilation only, 143pp, 36x, PP 714.

ZUBE, JOHN, Einige Notizen ueber die Finanzierung des Ankaufs von Betrieben durch die Belegschaften oder von neuen und alten Grundstuecken und Gebaeuden durch produktive kooperative Gruppen, 1884? 1986? 6 S., in PP 1408: 49.

ZUBE, JOHN, Employee Shareholding, 2pp, 166, 24x, in PP 8.

ZUBE, JOHN, Encyclopaedia of Refutations of Common Prejudices, 2pp, 1964, 29x, in PP 1 & 2. Encyclopaedia of Wide-Spread Prejudices, Errors and Fallacies – which Obstruct Social Progress – together with the Best Refutations so far Found: for Use in all Discussions on Economic, Social & Political Problems, a 1962 proposal, 14pp, 36x, in PP 61-63. Several already asked me for it, ready made, supplied on a silver platter, but no one has offered to help and my own collection, though extensive, is incomplete and not ready for filming. Hundreds to thousands of pages to be typed, after sorting many thousands of hand-written notes and photocopies! One person could work his whole life on such a project and might never finish it. It is like trying to build a jumbo jet or ocean liner by oneself. If there were regular input, from dozens of contributors, much could be achieved, via frequently updated fiche. Market-like collaboration, free enterprise and division of labour ought to be utilised to free the market, by tackling such jobs. The same applies to a general libertarian encyclopaedia and to an archive of libertarian ideas and libertarian address lists, bibliographies, abstracts and review compilations, comprehensive indexing and libertarian publishing, and, probably, to thousands of worthy libertarian projects. Compare my list of 1000 of them in PP 20/21. Between us we could constitute and act like a large and almost omnipresent and omnipotent “army” for liberty – with each “soldier” doing his own preferred job, following his own commands, and yet building or freeing, between us, a free society, brick by brick, step by step, without too much waste, duplication and discouragement, with rapid progress becoming visible almost day by day. If we bothered to establish a real and special free market for freedom ideas, talents, resources, efforts, contacts, references etc., if we did not simply and wrongly assume that such a market does already exist, then such free markets could rapidly realize the general free market, in all other spheres, too. But mostly we tackle the job in a primitive way, isolated, with subsistence “economics” and no division of labour and advanced machinery, processes and information and all too few, limited trade routes and transactions between us and very little collaboration, compared with that which would be desirable and possible, even when only using paper and mail. No wonder when, all too often, we do not get anywhere and get disappointed, disillusioned, resigned and inactive. Releasing all our creative energies requires some organizational efforts, a new kind of libertarian information and talent network – that will loosely embrace almost all of us without catching anyone of us in its net – because it simply would offer us the greatest possible range of libertarian enterprises and services. Why is it so hard to convey such a vision of a special freedom market to free marketeers? Is it not obvious that most of the other markets do not yet offer the special freedom services and goods that they want and need? That e.g. freedom bookshops and libraries are out of sight and reach of most? Between us we could and should organize a world-wide freedom university, an open one, for every student and scholar of liberty and every freedom activist. It would not need special buildings anywhere and an expensive staff but just a comprehensive and effective network. Public oceans are now netted and almost cleaned of fish, using nets a hundred km long. Why can’t we effectively cast nets for “freedom-fish”, world-wide? That resource is inexhaustible – and as yet barely touched and utilized. If we mobilized all our ideas, resources and talents, we could, between us, become more influential than any government on earth – and we could do this without establishing a new and monopolistic power centre. – J.Z. 4 Feb. 94.

ZUBE, JOHN, ESAG, Ueber den WIR Plan, Schoenstein Plan, das SAG und das ESAG Verfahren, wie von Kurt Zube vorgeschlagen, 12 Oct. 84, 14 S., in PP 810.

ZUBE, JOHN, Espionage Laws, 1p, 1964, 29x, in PP 1&2.

ZUBE, JOHN, Exchange with St. George Building Society, 92, on its conversion to a bank, 4pp, in PP 25. Capital growth, beyond rhyme or reason, seems to be their aim, not monetary and financial freedom. Credit Unions and Building Societies, too, can become over-sized, on the road to losing hundreds of millions to billions. – J.Z.

ZUBE, JOHN, Experimental Freedom for all Tolerant Land Reformers, 4pp, 1965, 24x, in PP 5.

ZUBE, JOHN, Experimental Freedom, On the Rightful Alternative to: “Governments Should Be Free to Experiment!” 4pp, 1964, 29x, in PP 1&2.

ZUBE, JOHN, Exploitation Becomes almost Impossible under Freedom, 2pp, 29x, in PP 420.

ZUBE, JOHN, Export Promotion for Primary Producers, Some Thoughts on how to Make Sales for Australian Primary Producers Relatively Easy and Assured, at Competitive Prices, by a Method that would Free and Utilize rather than Restrict Market Forces, 5pp, 1986, 29x, in PP 605, 48x, in PP 645.

ZUBE, JOHN, Exterritorial and Autonomous Communities of Volunteers as Peace Promoters or: How would the Exterritorial and Autonomous Communities of Volunteers, Resulting from the Right of Individuals to Secede, Be more Able than the Present Territorial States to Establish and Preserve Peace? Would already the mere Exercise of the Right to Secede Be Peace Promoting? 30pp, 1962, in PP 61-63.

ZUBE, JOHN, Fiji and Panarchism, undated notes, 1p in PP 1540: 144, 145.

ZUBE, JOHN, Financing a Libertarian Revolution, 1962, 7pp, 36x, in PP 61-63.

ZUBE, JOHN, Financing Libertarian Parties and Successful Campaigns, The Greatest Business Opportunity Ever: Capitalistic Financing of the Workers Party! Discussion Paper No. 2, 1976, 8pp, 24x, in PP 19 C.

ZUBE, JOHN, Financing Libertarian Parties, A Typical Dialogue on Financing the Workers Party – the Capitalistic Way, Discussion Paper No. 4, 1976, 24pp, 24x, in PP 19 C.

ZUBE, JOHN, Financing the Harbour Tunnel, Letter, 1987, on financing the Sydney Harbour Tunnel via tokens, 1p, 29x, in PP 732.

ZUBE, JOHN, Financing the Workers Party, 1976, Discussion Paper No. 1, 1976, 9pp, (Contents No.1: A Brainstorm of Sure-Fire Quick Ways to the Victory of the Workers Party, 11 points, 3pp, To Freedom Now – Using Capitalistic Financing, 2pp, How to Finance the Workers Party – Properly, 2pp, Formula for Financing the Workers Party by Means of Indemnifying the Taxpayers through the Individualization of the National Assets, 2pp, Summary of the Capitalistic Way to Finance the Workers Party to Victory – Aim, Method, Justification, 1p; Discussion Paper No. 2: The Greatest Business Opportunity ever: Capitalistic Financing of the Workers Party! 8pp, contents: Financing the Workers Party – A Great Problem or a Great Opportunity? 3pp, Raise a Loan and Let Everybody Profit! 3pp, Think Big! 2pp, Compensation and Autonomy for All! 3pp; Discussion Paper No. 3: Financing the Workers Party, 8pp, Contents: We Are Rich, not Poor! 4pp, The Four Most Important States, 2pp, The Premises of this Finance Plan, 3pp; Discussion Paper No. 4: A Typical Dialogue on Financing the Workers Party – The Capitalistic Way, 24pp, 24x, in PP 19 C. – (These 4 Discussion Papers do all only supplement the essay: Let Freedom Pay its Way, in PP 19 C.)

ZUBE, JOHN, Flow-Chart Discussions, 1962, 3pp, 36x, in PP 61-63.

ZUBE, JOHN, Fluoridation, Compulsory, Resist the Internal Aggression via the Watertap, Promoted by Totalitarian Health Apostles, 16pp, 1966, 24x, in PP 8.

ZUBE, JOHN, Folk Crimes of interest to libertarians, as encouraging signs of the times, a list compiled 1977, 4pp, 29x, in PP 385.

ZUBE, JOHN, Foreign Policy, Individualistic versus Collectivistic Foreign Policy, 3pp, 29x, in PP 420, 42x, in PP 650.

ZUBE, JOHN, Foreign Rights in China, Some Notes to: Foreign Rights and Interests in China, by Westel W. Willoughby, 1927, 3pp, 1987, 29x, in PP 689. (History might have taken a different turn if Chinese Rights among the “Barbarians” had also been recognized. Our one-sided imposition of the “unequal treaties” was more a barbaric than a civilized act. Only equal treaty rights could be rightly imposed upon dissenting rulers. – J.Z. 5/89.)

ZUBE, JOHN, Four Open Letters, Appeals and Challenges to the Libertarian Press, in Favour of the Micrographic Options for Libertarians, August 1988. Not in the 48pp booklet version that I sent, largely in vain, to over 200 libertarian addresses, but in the prior and unshortened drafts, 20 large pages, in PP 907-910.

ZUBE, JOHN, Free Banking vs. Monetary Despotism or Let Good Money Drive out the Bad, ca. 1968, 29x, in PP 545.

ZUBE, JOHN, Free Banking, Private Banks of Issue which Issue Goods Warrants instead of the Banknotes of the Old Kind, 1962, 14pp, 36x, in PP 61-63.

ZUBE, JOHN, Free Banking: Bibliography and Addresses, Microfiche and Computer Addresses, LMP & MIC Catalogues, 48x, in PP 647. – A much longer free banking bibliography is in PP 1022.

ZUBE, JOHN, Free Enterprise Money – to stop and Prevent Inflation, 7pp, 29x, in PP 420.

ZUBE, JOHN, Free Enterprise to Defeat the Warfare State, Step by Step, 18pp, 36points, 1966, 24x, in PP 7.

ZUBE, JOHN, Free Society, When Is A Society Free? An Appeal to Readers in the Sydney Area, 2pp, 1970, 24x, in PP 13. (That led to the Ayn Rand Discussion Group, later to AIR, The Alliance for Individual Rights, that to the Workers Party and that, to almost nothing, a largely wasted effort. A better organization of meetings and extensive microfiche publishing could, I believe, have achieved much more. – J.Z. 5/89.)

ZUBE, JOHN, Free Trade System, introduced by Free Ports and Free Trade Zones, 1962, 8pp, 36x, in PP 61-63.

ZUBE, JOHN, Free Trade, Gradual, Zonal Introduction of Free Trade, 1966, 1p, 24x, in PP 7.

ZUBE, JOHN, Freedom for Economic Experiments – in Form of Operational Gaming, 1p, 24x, in PP 12.

ZUBE, JOHN, Freedom of Action and Maximum Tolerance or Endless Wars, Civil Wars, Terrorism, Party Struggles, Compromises, Dissatisfactions and, in Desperation, Error, by Misjudgment or Accident, Finally the Nuclear, Chemical or Biological Holocaust? 4pp, here reproduced from PP 603, in PP 1539: 205. – On panarchism.

ZUBE, JOHN, Freedom of Expression through New and Old Libertarian Publications, 3pp, 24x, in PP 12.

ZUBE, JOHN, Freedom would, inevitably, establish a lasting peace, 1p, 29x, in PP 420.

ZUBE, JOHN, Freedom, not Licences! 1973, 15pp, 29x, in PP 385.

ZUBE, JOHN, Freenetwork information, microfiched, vol. VI, 29x, 126pp, PP 690. (See under Freenetwork and Andre Spies for other such fiche.)

ZUBE, JOHN, Friedensbewegung, Notizen zum Besuch einer Friedensversammlung in Freiburg/Br., in 1984. (Ueber die deutsche Friedensbewegung nach 25 Jahren.) 3pp, 42x, in PP 650.

ZUBE, JOHN, Friedensprogramm, Kurze Darstellung meines Friedensprogrammes, unter verschiedenen Gesichtspunkten, 2. S., 29x, in PP 401.

ZUBE, JOHN, Friedensprogramm, Was muss an den Staatsverfassungen geaendert werden, damit ein andauernder Friede moeglich wird, und wie koennen diese Reformen durchgesetzt werden? 1962, 403 S., alphabetisch indexiert, in 34 Seiten, 29x, in PP 399-401 (English edition in PP 61-63, 36x.). Die Inhaltsangabe, 18 S., ist in der nach Peace Plans Nummern geordneten Liste wiedergegeben. Einige der Beitraege im Anhang sind separate verzeichnet. Ich halte es immer noch fuer das beste Friedensprogramm aber es ist gleichzeitig das am wenigsten bekannte und anerkannte. Diese 1982 Verfilmung einer Kopie des Manuskriptes enthaelt auch Briefe an potentielle Verleger, einige Antworten und Anmerkungen, insges. 39 S. – J.Z.

ZUBE, JOHN, Friendship and Understanding with the Russian and Chinese People through Rightful War Aims, 2pp, 1964, 24x, in PP 3.

ZUBE, JOHN, Full Employment for South Vietnam, 7pp, 1964, 29x, in PP 1&2.

ZUBE, JOHN, Further Panarchist Notes from and to TC, No. 105, of 24 July 82, in July 889, 11 pp, commenting to Jim Stumm and Jim Downard, 29x, in PP 870.

ZUBE, JOHN, Geldfreiheit, Handbuch, Verkehrszeichen auf der Strasse zur Geldfreiheit, von A-Z, erste u. noch sehr unvollstaendige Zusammenstellung auf dem Wege zu einem Handbuch, 94 S., in PP 812.

ZUBE, JOHN, Geldfreiheit, Notizen ueber eine Meinungsverschiedenheit zwischen K. Zube und J. Zube ueber Geldfreiheit, 5.10.86, 2 S., 29x, in PP 742.

ZUBE, JOHN, God, A New, Real and Benevolent God. (Let’s Build It!) 1977, 7pp, 24x, in PP 20.

ZUBE, JOHN, Gold Standard, Some Notes on the Two Types of Gold Standard which Are Possible and Honest: The 100% Gold Covered Currency and the Gold-Clearing or Gold-For-Account Standard, 15pp, 24x, in PP 11.

ZUBE, JOHN, Gone Fiching – For Liberty, September 1978, 55pp, 48x, in PP 589/590. (A few copies are still available as a printed brochure, $ 2 by ordinary mail, $ 4 by air mail.)

ZUBE, JOHN, Governments in Exile, 4pp, 1964, 29x, in PP 1&2.

ZUBE, JOHN, Hands Off! Some quotes from Ayn Rand with comments by J.Z., 2pp, 1966, 24x, in PP 6.

ZUBE, JOHN, Hertzka, Theodor Hertzka’s Concept of Land Reform, 4pp, 1965, 24x, in PP 5.

ZUBE, JOHN, Hertzka, Theodor, Introduction to Hertzka, 1979, 5pp, 24x, in PP 70-74.

ZUBE, JOHN, Housing, Cheap, Instant Stone Housing: I.) Cheap Building, by Robert Morse, in March 1970 Whole Earth Catalog, pp. 76-78, II.) Instant & Cheap Building Method (Bini-Shells), pp 78-80, 24x, in PP 15.

ZUBE, JOHN, Housing, Free and Private Building and Housing Market, 1962, 5pp, 36x, in PP 61-63.

ZUBE, JOHN, How the Unemployed Could End Unemployment Themselves: The unemployed themselves to find causes and cures for their unemployment and to reward themselves for doing this, in a self-help attempt to realize their right to supply themselves with work. – A demand-pull vs. a supply-push approach to the problem, 10pp, 1997, 137 – 141, in PP 1446.

ZUBE, JOHN, Hutt River Province, An Australian Farmer’s Secession and Self- Preservation Government: The 7th but Independent State in Australia: Hutt River Province, 6pp, 1971, 24x, in PP 15.

ZUBE, JOHN, Ideas into Action, How to Turn Positive Ideas into Positive Force, 1977, 3pp, 24x, in PP 20/21.

ZUBE, JOHN, Index, alphabetical, to Peace Plans Nos. 9-11, 25pp, 24x, in PP 11. (It may take me years to index all PPs so far. What I and other libertarians do need is an automatic scanning and indexing centre. Between us, we could afford it. Anyone willing to put all PP on video disks, is welcome to them, to the extent that I posses the copyrights. – J.Z.)

ZUBE, JOHN, Indexation, Abolition of, Will there really be a “free for all” when indexation goes? (Wage indexation), 1981, 29x, in PP 390.

ZUBE, JOHN, Individual Rights, A Short Platform of the Most Basic Individual Rights, 28 points, 48x, in PP. 589/590.

ZUBE, JOHN, Individual Rights, Circular letter regarding the compilation of private drafts of individual rights codes reproduced in PP 589/590, 1986, 2pp, 29x, in PP 685, 29x, in PP 725. (Judging by the response, individual rights have not got much of a chance at present. J.Z.)

ZUBE, JOHN, Individual Rights, Draft of a New Declaration of those Human Rights and Natural Rights of Rational Beings – which were so far discovered, 1962, 20pp, 36x, in PP 61-63.

ZUBE, JOHN, Individual Rights, Minimal Contents of a Bill of Rights for Australia, ca. 1973, 7 points, 48x, in PP 589/590.

ZUBE, JOHN, Individual Rights, On Human Rights, 44 points, 48x, in PP 589/590.

ZUBE, JOHN, Individual Rights, Over 100 Private Human Rights Drafts, a compilation, 497pp, 1986,48x, in PP 589/590.

ZUBE, JOHN, Individual Rights, Some Suggestions for a Short Draft of Basic Individual Rights, 1970, 18 points, one of several such drafts by J.Z. in this compilation, 48x, in PP 589/590.

ZUBE, JOHN, Individual Rights, What ECONOMIC new human rights are to be included in all constitutions? 1962, 8pp, 36x, in PP 61-63.

ZUBE, JOHN, Individual Rights, What General new human rights must be included in all constitutions? 39pp, 1962, 36x, in PP 61-63.

ZUBE, JOHN, Individuals versus Monopolies, a 7pp review of George Hardy’s “Monopoly and the Individual, 1966, 24x, in PP 7.

ZUBE, JOHN, Industrial Democracy, Workers Participation, Workers Control, Co-Ownership, Extensive Profit-Sharing, Cooperative Production, Voluntary Socialism or Extented Capitalism, a first compilation, 497pp, 29x, PP 294-297.

ZUBE, JOHN, Inflation, How Freedom Would Stop Inflation and Establish Honest Currencies, 2pp, 29x, in PP 420.

ZUBE, JOHN, Institutions or People? What or who needs to be changed first? Must it bei either or? Or both? May one neglect one side? 4pp of notes, 20 Sep. 88, in PP 808.

ZUBE, JOHN, International Land Reform or: Abolition of National Land Tenure, 6pp, 1965, 24x, in PP 5.

ZUBE, JOHN, Internationale fuer Minderheiten, Einige Notizen ueber eine internationale Vereinigung fuer volle exterritoriale Autonomie fuer alle Minderheiten und Mehrheiten aus Freiwilligen, fuer volle Experimentierfreiheit auf eigene Kosten und eigenes Risiko, fuer volle Handlungsfreiheit in eigenen Angelegenheiten, FUER PANARCHISMUS, 1986, 6pp, 36x, in PP 736.

ZUBE, JOHN, Introduction to LMP and PEACE PLANS, 9pp and concluding notes to the 1995 LMP list, 5pp, in PP 1278: 1 & 152.

ZUBE, JOHN, Kant and Rand, Is Ayn Rand a Kantian and Does not even Know it? 28pp, 24x, in PP 27-28.

ZUBE, JOHN, Kant and Rand, Who Said this? Ayn Rand? Or the Kant of her Imagination? Or the Real Kant? A compilation. 3pp, 1971, 24x, in PP 14.

ZUBE, JOHN, Laissez Faire Capitalism & Free Immigration, 1971, 14pp, 24x, in PP 14.

ZUBE, JOHN, Land Reform in Vietnam, 3pp, 24x, in PP 12.

ZUBE, JOHN, Land Reform, Need for and Aim of Land Reform, 2pp, 1965, 24x, in PP 5.

ZUBE, JOHN, Land Reform, Notes on the Land Monopoly, 1981, 6pp, 24x, in PP 336.

ZUBE, JOHN, Land Rights? Aboriginal Land Rights? 1982, 4pp, 29x, in PP 402.

ZUBE, JOHN, Laptop Computers, A Survey of Laptop Computers with LCD, Plasma Screen, Electroluminescent Panel etc., incomplete and not up-to-date, 37 brands,108pp, 29x, in PP 689. (To help avoid the radiation hazard discussed in PP 655.)

ZUBE, JOHN, Law-Breaking, Some Cases of Frequent Law-Breaking, of interest to libertarians, cases whose morality is doubtful to say the least, but which are, nevertheless, interesting as showing an independent spirit towards the law. Compiled 1977, 1p, 29x, in PP 385.

ZUBE, JOHN, Leadership, Should Leaders Fight it out among themselves? 1p, 1964, 29x, in PP 1&2.

ZUBE, JOHN, Leadership? To Peace and Freedom through Political Leaders? 21pp, 29x, in PP 423.

ZUBE, JOHN, Lebenslauf, bis 1962, 2 S., 29x in PP 401.

ZUBE, JOHN, Legal Tender, Stop the X00 million dollar LEGAL TENDER crime. Private competing notes, as good as gold and subject to free market rates, versus legal tender state paper money: the exclusive and forced currency with compulsory acceptance and fiat value – in order to Stop the Legal Tender Crime, 48pp, 1976, 24x, in PP 19A.

ZUBE, JOHN, Let Freedom Pay its Way, properly, without corruption. A study paper on financing a libertarian party, 1976, 1979, 98pp, 24x, in PP 19 C. (On freedom in our time through the expropriation of the bureaucracy in favour of its subjects & victims. All articles assembled here do attempt to prove that by an act of will, if they acted together and merely at the expense of the bureaucrats, most Australians could become instant millionaires. They show how citizens could drive their governments into liquidation – to recover the remaining assets and how this could lead to full minority autonomy for all. Perhaps no other government has so many unused or misused assets per head of the population. The recommended method could also be used to mobilize the nationalized capital of totalitarian regimes towards their overthrow. Expropriate the real expropriators! This second edition contains also 4 discussion papers & other supplementary material. – J.Z.)

ZUBE, JOHN, Letter of July 80, on protection in city parks, from LIVING FREE, Feb. 81, 1p, 29x, in PP 869.

ZUBE, JOHN, Letter to THE AUSTRALIAN, 21 July 92, 8pp, in response to a letter by Bill a’Beckett & Gerry Jackson, titled: “When Money Talks, It’s Austrian”, in The Australian, 21.7.92, 1p, in PP 1,042.

ZUBE, JOHN, Letters to and from JANIC, C.L., 1978-84, 13pp, 29x, in PP 870, largely on panarchism.

ZUBE, JOHN, Liberation at the Place of Work, through subcontracting by small autonomous groups within larger enterprises, comments on Hyacinthe Dubreuil’s proposals, 1970, 46pp, 24x, in PP 13.

ZUBE, JOHN, Libertarian Book Lists and Book Sources, A Preliminary Listing, 490pp, 24x, in PP 50-54.

ZUBE, JOHN, Libertarian Encyclopaedia, A, 1977, 2pp, 24x, in PP 20/21.

ZUBE, JOHN, Libertarian Failures, Some of the Failures of Libertarians for which they can blame no one but themselves, 17 points, 2pp, 3 June 88, in PP 811.

ZUBE, JOHN, Libertarian International, Letter to Libertarian International, 17 March 81, 4pp, 29x, in PP 388.

ZUBE, JOHN, Libertarian International, Need for and Functions of an International Association of Libertarians, 3pp, 1977, 24x, in PP 20/21.

ZUBE, JOHN, Libertarian International, Some Notes, Questions and Suggestions Regarding the New LIBERTARIAN INTERNATIONAL, 17pp, 29 June 1981, 29x, in PP 388.

ZUBE, JOHN, Libertarian Magazines and microfiching. 1/2 p note on their non-ingenious omission of this option, in PP 1066.

ZUBE, JOHN, Libertarian Microfiche Publishing, LMP, Programme for Future Publishing, preliminary listing, 4pp, 24x, in PP 46.

ZUBE, JOHN, Libertarian Microfiche Publishing, Never So Few… or: Am I just raving on about my hobby-horse: Libertarian Microfiche Publishing? 2pp, 48x, in PP 668. (See also under LMP.)

ZUBE, JOHN, Libertarian Prophetress Alice Lenchina – or: Maximum Extension of the Principle of Religious Freedom and Tolerance, 2pp, 1965, 24x, in PP 3.

ZUBE, JOHN, Libertarian Utopia, 1p, 1972, 42x, in PP 650.

ZUBE, JOHN, Libertarian Utopia, from a letter to P.B., 1972, 7pp, 29x, in PP 420.

ZUBE, JOHN, Libertarian Workers for a Self-Managing Society, Melbourne, extracts from correspondence, mainly on mutual tolerance, 9pp, 29x, in PP 423.

ZUBE, JOHN, Liberty Books for Sale, Liberty-, Alternative- and Laissez Faire Bookshops, a compilation of catalogues, 1979, 577pp, 29x, in PP 316-318.

ZUBE, JOHN, Life Extention Research, Financing, Speculate upon the Extension of your Life – and you May Succeed. Some Thoughts on Financing Life Extension Research, Privately, 5pp, 24x, in PP 376. (I seek thousands of pages on this subject for filming! – J.Z.)

ZUBE, JOHN, Limited Warfare as a Step towards Peace, 3pp, 1964, 29x, in PP 1&2.

ZUBE, JOHN, List of 1,000 libertarian projects which require collaboration to succeed, 65pp, 24x, in PP 20/21.

ZUBE, JOHN, Listing of Signs of the Times which Are Hopeful for Libertarians, 1976, 3pp, 29x, in PP 385.

ZUBE, JOHN, LMP & Fiche Reading, Some Articles, Pamphlets, Leaflets, Letters & Notes, 1987, 443pp, partly 48x in PP 707 and partly 29x in PP 708, depending on the size of the print.

ZUBE, JOHN, LMP and CIS Publishing Compared, 1p, 29x, in PP 685.

ZUBE, JOHN, LMP Money pamphlet, a 24pp introduction to micrographics, 1986, 36x, in PP 736.

ZUBE, JOHN, LMP, On Harper & Row, publishers, compared with LMP, 1p, 29x, in PP 685.

ZUBE, JOHN, LMP, Some introductory notes to micrographics, written before “GONE FICHING” was published (in 1978), 22pp, 24x, in PP 27-28.

ZUBE, JOHN, LMP, Various letters and notes on the microfiche option, 48x, in PP 647.

ZUBE, JOHN, LMP, Was koennte es bedeuten wenn alle Manuskripte leicht und billig – auf Kosten der Authoren oder ihrer Anhaenger veroeffentlicht werden koennten? Mikrofiche Publikation macht das moeglich! 1982, 1p, 29x in PP 401.

ZUBE, JOHN, Longevity clippings, extracts, letters and leaflets, appended to Klaus Reinhard’s German longevity book, ca. 33 contributions, ca. 64pp, in PP 1,035.

ZUBE, JOHN, Love? Should We “Make Love, not War”? 1p, 24x, in PP 12.

ZUBE, JOHN, Mackay Gesellschaft, Entwurf ueber eine mikrographische Archivierung, Fortsetzung und unbegrenzte Ausdehnung der Arbeit der Mackay Gesellschaft, 3 Okt. 1986, 3 S., in PP 811.

ZUBE, JOHN, Magazines for the Free Exchange of Opinions, 1962, 9pp, 36x, in PP 61-63. (That was written for print on paper. Micrographics offers almost unlimited options in this sphere. – J.Z.)

ZUBE, JOHN, Magazines for the Timely and Sufficient Announcement of All Lecture and Discussion Events at which Guests are Welcome, 1962, 1p, 36x, in PP 61-63. (One day I may get around to film my attempt to introduce such a magazine in Sydney. Libertarians should consider this as a free market educational institution and use it as a platform for their own propaganda, one that would not have to be subsidized but could even be profitable – while supplying an excellent educational service, one that mobilizes much of the unused or underutilized educational potential in any city. If microfiche took off among the public of intelligent listeners and talkers, such a magazine could be offered very cheaply on fiche. Typically, the mass media mention only a tiny fraction of the events that do take place and even less of those that would take place if only this common market for them would be available. J.Z. 19.5.89.)

ZUBE, JOHN, Mass Fraternization of Soldiers at the Front, 2pp, 1966, 24x, in PP 8. (With quotes from Sven Hassel’s “The Legion of the Damned”, which seems to demonstrate that sometimes there is more truth in novels than in most history books. – J.Z.)

ZUBE, JOHN, Media? A 1 page leaflet, 1987, 48x, in PP 633.

ZUBE, JOHN, Meulen, Henry Meulen: Land to the User, 1p, 1965, 24x, in PP 5.

ZUBE, JOHN, Microfiche Columns and Rows that are possible at various reduction rates, with some notes on self-publishing on microfiche, 2pp, 29x, in PP 685.

ZUBE, JOHN, Microfiche for you, 1p leaflet, 42x, in PP 637.

ZUBE, JOHN, MICROFICHE PUBLISHING AND READING, AS FREEDOM OPTIONS, another compilation of articles, leaflets, letters & notes, on 4 microfiche, PP 907-910, 561pp, Nov. 1989, to supplement the previous ones in PP 647, 649, 707 & 708.

ZUBE, JOHN, Microfiche Reading Machines, small and portable, I found interesting, useful or excellent, 1986, 147pp, 36x, in PP 649.

ZUBE, JOHN, Microfiching, an introduction: L.M.P. Money Leaflet: An Introduction to Microfiching, 24pp, 29x, in PP 22.

ZUBE, JOHN, Micrographics, Do ESP and Micrographics Have Anything in Common? 5pp, 29x, in PP 333.

ZUBE, JOHN, Military Obedience and Nuclear Armament, 1p, 1964, 29x, in PP 1&2.

ZUBE, JOHN, Militia for the Protection of Human Rights as Defence Force, 1/2p, 1964, 29x, in PP 1&2.

ZUBE, JOHN, Militia, Financing, Some Remarks on the Financing of the Warfare of an Ideal Militia, 1962, 5pp, 36x, in PP 61-63.

ZUBE, JOHN, Militia, Historial Model of the Organization of an International Militia or Police Force, quoting Macaulay on Cromwell’s “Ironsides”, 1/2p, 29x, in PP 1&2.

ZUBE, JOHN, Militias, The organization of MILITIAS for the protection of human rights and the establishment of world peace – and their conduct and programme in war and peace, 1962, 73pp, 36x, in PP 61-63.

ZUBE, JOHN, Monetary Despotism as Cause of Inflation and Monetary Freedom as its Cure, 3pp, 29x, in PP 385.

ZUBE, JOHN, Monetary Despotism, The Injustice and Defects of the Present Monetary System: One of the Monetary Despotism instead of Monetary Freedom, 3pp, 29x, in PP 423.

ZUBE, JOHN, Monetary Freedom and Prices, Would Monetary Freedom Lead to a Rise or a Fall in Prices, 1p, 24x, in PP 11.

ZUBE, JOHN, Monetary Freedom Contributions, var. authors, 17 contributions, 126pp, 29x, PP 732.

ZUBE, JOHN, Monetary Freedom Letters, Articles, Drafts and Slogans, by Kinney, Beckerath, Zube, Swann, Turnbull, Hopman et al, a compilation, 29x, in PP 586/587.

ZUBE, JOHN, Monetary Freedom Notes, alphabetized, first print-out of initial compilation towards a handbook on monetary freedom, 9 pp only, so far, in PP 815. (The German version has reached a more respectable 94 pp so far. I have still computer troubles for long compilations and their sorting. This is an open invitation to all who have something to contribute to this subject. J.Z.)

ZUBE, JOHN, Monetary Freedom, Addresses and Magazines for Monetary Freedom, 2pp, an early compilation, 24x, in PP 9. (Please help me to get a current one out! J.Z. – 5/89.)

ZUBE, JOHN, Monetary Freedom, Contributions towards Monetary & Financial Freedom, 41 altogether, by Hargis, Wise, Kinney, Greco, Seneuil, Scheu, Martin et al, 120pp, 29x, PP 738.

ZUBE, JOHN, Monetary Freedom, For, articles, letters, notes, 64 contributions, var. authors, some separately listed, a compilation, 317pp, 48x, in PP 645.

ZUBE, JOHN, Monetary Freedom, Four Monetary Freedom Rights, 24x, in PP 4, 29x, in PP 586/587.

ZUBE, JOHN, Monetary Freedom, Literature which Favours at least Occasionally and Partly Monetary Freedom, a 5 pp compilation, 24x, in PP 9. A much larger listing of monetary freedom writings was compiled in PP 647. Matonis, Dowd and others work on such bibliographies. Their and other such efforts ought to be combined, at least on fiche. My longest compilation of this kind so far, 124pp, is in PP 1022. You could get it on disk, too. Any help is welcome to make such a list complete, microfilm all these titles, abstract, review and index them and to produce the first handbook and finally an encyclopedia on monetary freedom. And to report on any official and unofficial monetary freedom experiment of the past and present or planned. To really free exchange we have to freely exchange information on all exchange options and combine them and offer this information affordably to anyone interested. So far more libertarians have shown interest in writings on how to make money (forced and exclusive government money) in a rigged and despotic market, than how to make private, free and competitive money in a really free market and how to advance monetarily, through a monetary revolution, from the rigged and restricted to a truly free market. They largely ignored and left unused their most powerful lever and leverage point! And most even refuse to study the science of this leverage. – J.Z.

ZUBE, JOHN, Monetary Freedom, On, A Nov. 1987 Compilation, 64 contributions or examples, 29x, 126pp, PP 731.

ZUBE, JOHN, Monetary Freedom, Preliminary Bibliography on Free Banking and Monetary Freedom, 1986, 56pp, 48x, in PP 647. Longer on, 124pp, in PP 1022.

ZUBE, JOHN, Monetary Freedom, Some Observations regarding Monetary Freedom vs. Monetary Despotism, 29x, in PP 545.

ZUBE, JOHN, Monetary Freedom, Some Speculations on: Why was the rightfulness and usefulness of monetary freedom not recognized before? 3 Aug. 85, 2pp, in PP 798.

ZUBE, JOHN, Monetary Freedom, Towards Monetary and Financial Freedom, a May 89 compilation, including some outdated examples of financial newsletters, 29x, PP 866 & 867. (I have not yet counted up how many such free banking compilations I have so far made in this series. I depend, as ever, on others sending me more such material. Thanks here, especially, to Theo Megalli, Kevin Dowd, Kurt Schuler, Carl Watner, Jim Stumm and D.Y. – J.Z.)

ZUBE, JOHN, Monetary Freedom, Towards Monetary Freedom and other Liberties, a compilation, 26 contributions by Lexis, Gruenberg, Schanz, Fetter et al., 1987, 76pp, 29x, PP 737.

ZUBE, JOHN, Monetary Freedom, Towards Monetary Freedom, a compilation, over 80 contributions, by Schwenke, Megalli, Matonis, Linton, Hopman, Greco, Kinney, Blankertz, Creutz, Garnier & others, 250pp, 29x, in PP 741/742.

ZUBE, JOHN, Monetary Freedom, Towards Monetary Freedom, a compilation, over 68 contributions, by Matonis, Cobb, Taylor, Beckerath, Labadie, Steel, Solyom et al, 317pp, 48x, PP 740.

ZUBE, JOHN, Monetary Freedom, Towards Monetary, Financial and Economic Freedom, a compilation, over 42 contributions, newsletters, lists, leaflets, var. authors, 430pp, 48x, PP 739.

ZUBE, JOHN, Monetary Freedom, Why Was the Rightfulness and Usefulness of Monetary Freedom not Recognized before? 1985, 2pp, 29x, in PP 586/587.

ZUBE, JOHN, Monetary Freedom. On the Road to Monetary Freedom, Addresses, old & news ones, 1986, 16pp, 48x, in PP 647. (Will a new list only be compiled and published when most of the current advocates are dead? If we do favour freedom of exchange and freedom for the production and exchange of exchange media and value standards, then at least we ought to promote the exchange of all relevant address compilations and literature. – J.Z. 5/89.)

ZUBE, JOHN, Monetary Reform and Monetary Freedom, a compilation, 17 contributions, 1987, 117pp, 29x, in PP 735.

ZUBE, JOHN, Monetary Revolution, 1962, 3pp, 36x, in PP 61-63.

ZUBE, JOHN, Muendelsicherheitsbestimmungen, Einige Notizen zu Prof. H. Rittershausen’s Werk: Die Reform der Muendelsicherheitsbestimmungen…, 6pp, 29x, in PP 532.

ZUBE, JOHN, New Bill of Individual Rights, A, 21 points, from PP 16-18, 48x, PP 589/590.

ZUBE, JOHN, Non-Interference in Internal Affairs? A 4pp compilation of remarks by S. de Madriaga, J.G. Fichte & J.S. Mill, 29x, in PP 1&2.

ZUBE, JOHN, Note on how to make the Soviets pay, 1p, 29x, in PP 755.

ZUBE, JOHN, Note on monetary tolerance, 1p, in PP 913.

ZUBE, JOHN, Note on Panarchism, 23. 3. 1995, 3pp in PP 1540: 197.


ZUBE, JOHN, Note on the Soviet Threat, 19 Oct. 87, 1p, 29x, in PP 742.

ZUBE, JOHN, Note to Lewis Apjohn: Richard Cobden and the Free Traders, speculating upon the phenomenal success of Cobden and its causes, 4pp, 29x, in PP 333. (To further such studies, I bought yesterday & intend to film, too, Cobden’s speeches, in 2 volumes. The time was right for him and others did help him but he did make a unique contribution, too, which deserves analysis, if his performance can be repeated. He went into antagonistic large meetings, stacked by his opponents – and turned them around! The only difference was that sometimes it took a bit more time, but this was counted only in hours, not decades! – J.Z. 19 May 89.) – Only MPs were so settled in their prejudices and vested interests that it took years to convince many of them. “The worst get to the top.”

ZUBE, JOHN, Notes on Lawrence H. White and the Real Bills Doctrine, 12pp, in PP 827.

ZUBE, JOHN, Notes on the MONETARY FREEDOM NEWSLETTER & MICROFICHE project, before it was begun, pages 67, 139, 141, 144, in PP 913.

ZUBE, JOHN, Notes to an extract from James Taylor, A View of the Money System of England, 1828, 194pp, in 2pp, in PP 827.

ZUBE, JOHN, Notes to Barnes, H.L.: Blasting the Historial Blackout in Britain, 6pp, 29x, in PP 410.

ZUBE, JOHN, Notes to Bullock: Monetary History of the U.S., 9pp, 29x, in PP 373-375.

ZUBE, JOHN, Notes to Dowd’s paper: Adam Smith and the “Real Bills” Doctrine, 10pp, 1989, in PP 827.

ZUBE, JOHN, Notes to Ed Stamm et all, Consent or Coercion? 3pp, 95, in PP 1254.

ZUBE, JOHN, Notes to Greaves: Mises Made Easier, 4pp, in PP 1,041.

ZUBE, JOHN, Notes to Hans F. Sennholz: MONEY AND FREEDOM, 19pp, 48x, in PP 740

ZUBE, JOHN, Notes to Henry Meulen, The Individualist, first fiche issue, 6pp, 36x, in PP 561.

ZUBE, JOHN, Notes to Matonis, Digital Cash, 1998, 11pp, in PP 1534: 11.

ZUBE, JOHN, Notes to Peel’s speeches on banking and currency, 9pp, 29x, in PP 565.

ZUBE, JOHN, Notes to Preyer, W.D., Die Arbeits- und Pachtgenossenschaften Italiens, 1913, pp, in PP 846.

ZUBE, JOHN, Notes to PYRRHO, in TC 105, pp 41 & 44, on Panarchism, 2pp, 29x, in PP 869

ZUBE, JOHN, Notes to Ulrich von Beckerath’s Suggestion that Stateless Persons and Freedom Lovers Should try to Obtain Protegee Status, at least as an Intermediate Step, from a Country like Haiti, 1981, 5pp, 29x, in PP 388.

ZUBE, JOHN, Notes, 5pp, to STOLPER, GUSTAV, This Age of Fable, 29x, in PP 911.

ZUBE, JOHN, Nuclear Bombs for Australia? 1p, 1964, 29x, in PP 1&2.

ZUBE, JOHN, Nuclear Disarmament, Democratic Nuclear Disarmament & Some Details on Nuclear Disarmament by the People, 11pp, 1975, 24x, in PP 16-18.

ZUBE, JOHN, Nuclear Strength Policy, Errors and Mistakes of the Nuclear Strength Policy, The, 9 points, 1p, 1964, 29x, in PP 1&2.

ZUBE, JOHN, Nuclear Tests, French and Chinese Tests – Suicide or Tyrannicide? 3pp, 1965, 24x, in PP 3.

ZUBE, JOHN, Nuclear War Prevention, From Particular Single Steps all else Could Follow, 1975, 1p, 24x, in PP 16-18.

ZUBE, JOHN, Nuclear War Prevention, The most Important Single Point for the Prevention of Nuclear War, 1975, 1p, 24x in PP 16-18.

ZUBE, JOHN, Nuclear War Prevention, Three Steps towards Nuclear War Prevention, 1p, 1975, 24x, in PP 16-18.

ZUBE, JOHN, Nuclear War Prevention, Why Would the Basic, Libertarian and Constitutional Reform, Advocated by this Publication, Prevent Atomic War, Stop the Nuclear Arms Race and Make almost Everyone Interested in One-Sided Nuclear Disarmament? 8pp, 24x, in PP 12. (A number of alphabetical entries, anticipating the handbook later reproduced in PP 16-18.) – One should imagine that the prevention of nuclear war would be of sufficient important to systematically collect and evaluate all ideas that have so far been advanced on this topic. Alas, a similar collection has so far not even been undertaken for all proposed or even proven cancer cures. Add to this the wide-spread disinterest in life extension and the millions of parents who abort their children and you could make out a case for an all too strong “death wish”. – J.Z., 21.6.99.

ZUBE, JOHN, Nuclear War Prevention, Wrong Ideas, Ideas Supposed to Prevent Nuclear War, 1975, 2pp, 24x, in PP 16-18.

ZUBE, JOHN, Nuclear War, 2pp leaflet for my record non-seller: An ABC Against Nuclear War, a 260pp handbook, 1975. (Still the best program against nuclear war – which, apparently, no one wants to read. – At least don’t forget to kiss your kids: “Goodbye!” – J.Z.) 29x, in PP 735.

ZUBE, JOHN, Nuclear War, AN ABC AGAINST NUCLEAR WAR, A Handbook of Ideas on the Prevention of Nuclear War, proposing the Dissolution of the Warfare State through Extension of Individual Liberties and Responsibilities, Freedom versus the Ultimate of Statism – Nuclear Holocaust. Contains 500 suggestions, alphabetical, on unrestricted individual rights and liberties, including e.g. monetary freedom, free migration, free trade, volunteer militias, right to resist, right and duty to desert from a dictatorship, tyrannicide, military insurrections, rightful governments in exile, exterritorial autonomy for ALL volunteer groups – based on individual secession, decision on war and peace by the people. Also on: Unilateral nuclear disarmament, unilateral peace declarations, separate peace treaties, destruction of all nuclear reactors and on rightful war aims. They are here described as guaranties against nuclear war. 1975, 270pp (3 microfiche), 24x, PP 16-18. (A few hundred hard copies remain: $10 by sea, including postage. Warning: Home printed and bound – but this is a small risk compared with the risk your are taking now. – J.Z.)

ZUBE, JOHN, Nuclear War, An ABC Against Nuclear War, cover sheet and new sales offer only, 2pp, 29x, in PP 700.

ZUBE, JOHN, Nuclear War, Program for the Prevention of Nuclear War, from Appendix I of PP 16-18, 1975, with a human rights draft of 27 points, 48x, in PP 589/590.

ZUBE, JOHN, Nuclear War, Steps to Prevent Nuclear War, 1975, 4pp, 24x, in PP 16-18.

ZUBE, JOHN, Nuclear War, What Does Really Make for Nuclear War? 3pp, 1975, 24x, in PP 16-18.

ZUBE, JOHN, Nuclear Weapons, Disarmament, Revolutionary Destruction of a Dictator’s Atomic Weapons, 1p, 1964, 29x, in PP 1&2.

ZUBE, JOHN, Nuclear Weapons, How to Destroy Mao Tse Tung’s Atomic Bombs, 3pp, 1965, 24x, in PP 3.

ZUBE, JOHN, Ocean Freedom, a compilation of some leaflets, clippings and articles, 30 contributions, 57pp, 29x, in PP 679.

ZUBE, JOHN, On Harper & Row, publishers, and the micrographic options, 19.2.86, 1p, 29x, in PP 872.

ZUBE, JOHN, On Panarchism and related subjects, by John Zube and uncounted others, a SLOGANS FOR LIBERTY compilation, 148pp, in PP 1,051.

ZUBE, JOHN, On Panarchy, A materials collection towards an encyclopaedia, Nos. I – XVII, in PP 505/7, 510, 554, 585, 671/72, 689, 755, 832/33, 869/70, 879, 901, 1051. At least 126pp each, 29x: On Panarchy I-III: PP 505-507; IV: PP 510 ; V: PP 554; VI: PP 585, VII – VIII: PP 671 – 672, IX: PP 689, X: PP 755, XI: PP 832, XII: PP833, XIII: PP 869, XIV: PP 870, XV: PP 879, XVI: PP 901, XVII: PP 1051. This series will be continued, until the topic is exhausted, from my resources and those made available to me during the next few years. It deals with the most radical freedom and peace promoting political ever, one that would allow to each the government or no-government of his dreams. It is an idea with self-realizing powers, once it is understood. It is based on individual sovereignty, individual secessionism and full exterritorial autonomy under personal laws for all volunteer groups. Still to be indexed – once the materials collection is more complete. – J.Z.

ZUBE, John, On Panarchy, No. XVII, February 1993, 210pp, in PP 1,051. – A few more issues seem overdue by now! J.Z., 9/95. They are, still more so now. PIOT, J.Z., 13.6.98.

ZUBE, JOHN, On-line in Oz, competition, to SMH, 25.10.95, 8pp on how best to use computers to promote individual rights and liberties and progress. Part of my programme, in PP 1411/12: 397.

ZUBE, JOHN, Open Air Speaking, Meeting Centres, Street corners, Speakers’ Corners in Parks, 1p, 1964, 29x, in PP 1&2. 1962, 4pp, 36x, in PP 61-63. Almost all democratic revolutions started in such places. Why leave them to crackpots only, instead of turning them into republican forums, as in Athens or Rome, or into modern open air free universities? – J.Z.

ZUBE, JOHN, Open Cooperatives according to Theodor Hertzka, to Abolish the Monopoly Position of those Natural Monopolies which Do not Deserve Recognition, 1962, 6pp, 36x, in PP 61-63.

ZUBE, JOHN, Open Letter on LETS, 16 March 93, 8pp, in PP 1182.

ZUBE, JOHN, Oppenheimer’s Land Reform, Franz Oppenheimer’s Settlement Plan, 2pp, 1965, 24x, in PP 5.

ZUBE, JOHN, Orbituary.NL5: An “Obituary” for MONETARY FREEDOM NEWSLETTER – and MICROFICHE, Nos. 1-4, Nov. 86 – Feb. 89 or a “free” supplement, MFNLaMF, No. 5, 12pp, in PP 1195.

ZUBE, JOHN, Panarchie, Einige Notizen ueber die Panarchie, 1986, 9pp, 36x, in PP 736.


ZUBE, JOHN, Panarchism, Some Panarchist Articles, 1986, 29x, in PP 607.

ZUBE, JOHN, Panarchism, Some Panarchist Notes to The Connection, Nos. 144 – 147, 18pp, 29x, in PP 755.

ZUBE, JOHN, Panarchist comment to: David Nicholls, Three Varieties of Pluralism, 1974, 1p, 29x, in PP 755.

ZUBE, JOHN, Panarchist Notes from TC 106, of 12 Sep. 82, with some panarchist comments by John Zube, 25 July 89, 5pp, to Taylor-Radford, Stumm, Pyrrho, 5pp, 29x, in PP 870.

ZUBE, JOHN, Panarchist or related comments from and to TC, No. 122, of 7 Sept. 1984, 10pp, 29x, in PP 879. Contributors: FILTHY PIERRE, WOODY WELLING, DIOGENES OF PANARCHIA, JIM STUMM, STORMY MON, JANICOT, JOE FULKS, FRITZ KNESE, STEVE WITHAM, MIKE GUNDERLOY.

ZUBE, JOHN, Panarchist point of view of the German Poet and Folksinger Konstantin Wecker, Dec. 87, 2pp, 29x, in PP 755.

ZUBE, JOHN, Panarchist Thoughts from and on THE CONNECTION, No. 120, of 10 June 84, with comments by John Zube, on 31 July 89, to Gunderloy, Jacobson, Diogenes, FP, Janicot, Pyrrho, Knese, Kysor, Welling, Fulks, Stumm, Foldvary, 16pp, 29x, in PP 870.

ZUBE, JOHN, Panarchistic and related comments from and to THE CONNECTION, No. 121, of 29 July 84, 18pp, commenting on STORMY MON, JIM STUMM, Grenada and Intervention, MARTIN L. BUCHANAN, Strategies for Liberty, FILTHY PIERRE, LIPPARD, PHILIP E. JACOBSON, DU BOIS, MIKE GUNDERLOY, JOE FULKS, 29x, in PP 879.

ZUBE, JOHN, Panarchistic Extracts and Comments by John Zube to THE CONNECTION, issue numbers 123-125, 127, 130, 141, 148-155, of 15 Oct. 85 to 27 Jan. 89, 104 pages, published with some other contributions as ON PANARCHY, No. XVI, 126pp, 29x, in PP 901.

ZUBE, JOHN, Panarchy and Human Rights, 1965, editorial, 6pp, 24x, in PP 4.

ZUBE, JOHN, Panslog1.O89: Notes on Panarchism and the Consequences of Individual Sovereignty, 2pp, 10.10.1989, in PP 1539: 203

ZUBE, JOHN, Paper Money without Legal Tender but with Tax Foundation, 1962, 6pp, 36x, in PP 61-63.

ZUBE, JOHN, Parallel Parliaments and World Federation(s) of Women, 4pp, 1965, 24x in PP 5.

ZUBE, JOHN, Participatory Democracy as of Old or: The Example of the Brocmen, 1971, 1/2 p, 24x, in PP 15.

ZUBE, JOHN, Party Politics, Survey of Possible and all to Some Extent Justified Libertarian Positions towards Party Politics, 1975, 1p, 29x, in PP 385.

ZUBE, JOHN, Passive Resistance, Has Passive Resistance a Chance for Success? 1962, 4pp, 36x, in PP 61-63.

ZUBE, JOHN, Passiver Widerstand, Hat passiver Widerstand Aussicht auf Erfolg? 1962, 5 S., 29x, in PP 399-401.

ZUBE, JOHN, Pax Romana, What Is Wrong and what Is Right with “Pax Romana, Pax Britannica” and “Pax Americana”?, 6pp, 24x, in PP 12.

ZUBE, JOHN, Peace by Centralization, a reply to Grant Hannan on minimizing war by decentralization, 1p, 1965, 24x, in PP 3.

ZUBE, JOHN, Peace Declarations, One-sided PEACE-DECLARATIONS (instead of declarations of war!), 10pp, 1966, 24x, in PP 7.

ZUBE, JOHN, Peace in the Middle East through Rejuvenation of Old Jewish and Arabian Traditions, 7pp, 24x, in PP 12.

ZUBE, JOHN, Peace Negotiations Directly with the Suppressed People, 1p, 1964, 29x, in PP 1&2.

ZUBE, JOHN, Peace Plans Conspirator: Who Is Standing behind this Magazine? 2pp, 1964, 24x, in PP 1&2.

ZUBE, JOHN, Peace Plans No. 1, 18pp, 1964, a number of very short entries on the connection between human rights and peace, e.g. on freedom of press, national minorities, free migration, conscription, right and duty to resist, right and durty to revolt, tyrannicide, right to participate in the destruction of all atomic weapons, right to own and carry arms, local militias and international police force of volunteers for the protection of human rights, mining & export of uranium, nuclear reactors, voluntary taxation, exterritorial & autonomous communities of volunteers, tolerant economic, social and political experiments, unilateral destruction of atomic weapons (David Beaty), declaration of rightful war aims, the right to have a direct vote on war and peace, freedom of action for the people, peace by revolutions, realization of all human rights in the West, individual responsibility, how to deprive the enemy soldiers of their motives for fighting against us, military jiu jitsu, free trade, free banking, inflation, right to receive the full value of one’s work, how peace lovers would employ naval forces against North Vietnam?, etc., with a number of very short extracts of ideas and proposals from other authors, 1964, 29x, in PP 1. (Contains altogether 47 “plans”. Filmed on one fiche together with PP No. 2.) For a contents listing of PP 1-759 see PP 760 – 765.

ZUBE, JOHN, Peace Plans No. 2, 1964, 22pp, contains, like No.1, mainly some very short proposals, mostly by J.Z., with some by other authors, in “plans” 49-83. Most of them are separately listed. 29x, PP 1&2. (For a contents list of PP 1-759 see PP 760 – 765.)

ZUBE, JOHN, Peace Plans, Contents List of Peace Plans Nos. 1-45, 98pp, 24x, in PP 46, Contents List for Peace Plans Nos. 1-759 in PP 760 – 765.

ZUBE, JOHN, Peace Plans, Titles of all Peace Plans Published in the First Volume in PP 1-11, 4pp, 24x, in PP 12. For the contents list of PP 1-759 see PP 760 – 765.

ZUBE, JOHN, Peace Program, A Short Summary of my Peace Program, 3pp, 1966, 24x, in PP 8.

ZUBE, JOHN, Peace Program, In what Points does the Program of this Peace Publication Differ from Most Others? 17points, 1 page, 24x, in PP 16-18.

ZUBE, JOHN, Peace Program, Summary of the Peace Program in PP 61-63, containing a mini-draft of 12 human rights, 48x, in PP 589/590.

ZUBE, JOHN, Peace Program, What Has to Be Changed in the Constitutions of all States to Make a Lasting Peace Possible and how Can these Reforms Be Realized? 447pp, alphabetically indexed, 1962, first complete English translation in 1979. 36x, in PP 61 – 63. (The German Original has been filmed in PP 399-401.) See also my alphabetical compilation, concentrating on the nuclear war risk: An ABC Against Nuclear War, in PP 16-18, listing ca. 500 all too neglected aspects. – J.Z.

ZUBE, JOHN, Peace Promotion among the Berbers – through Exterritorial Institutions and Voluntary Associations, with extracts from Peter Kropotkin’s “Mutual Aid” and from “Lybian Notes” by D. Randall-Maciver & Anthony Wilken, 2pp, 24x, in PP 12.

ZUBE, JOHN, Peace Questionaire, Answers to a Short Peace Questionaire, replies from the small number of contributors, with some peace programs, 175pp, 42x, in PP 650.

ZUBE, JOHN, Peace Research Abstracts, 1/2p, 24x, in PP 3.

ZUBE, JOHN, Peace Seekers, Appeal to Sydney’s Peace Seekers, for a discussion, meeting, study centre, 1964, 1p, 29x, in PP 1. (I no longer seek peace together with the average peace seekers because in spite of good will, they seem lost, do not know where they came from and where they are going and how to achieve any worthwhile aim. – J.Z. 5/89.)

ZUBE, JOHN, Peace Seekers, Public Register of Peace Seekers, 1p, 1965, 24x, in PP 3. (By now I consider such address lists as invitations to waste postage. J.Z. 5/89.)

ZUBE, JOHN, Peace through Christian Love? 1964, 1p, 29x, in PP 1.

ZUBE, JOHN, Peace through Enlightenment on Individualism or: Henry Meulen speaking, 6pp, 24x, in PP 12.

ZUBE, JOHN, Peace through Prayer? Comments upon a “reasonable” Rosicrician prayer “Creed of Peace”, 1p, 24x, in PP 7.

ZUBE, JOHN, Peace through Realization of Old and New Human Rights, ca. 1964, 48x, in PP 589/590.

ZUBE, JOHN, Peace, More Peace Congresses? 6pp, 1964, 29x, in PP 1&2.

ZUBE, JOHN, Peace, Submission to the Prize Competition of the Christian Science Monitor, 1984/85: “Peace 2010”, 14pp 42x, in PP 650.

ZUBE, JOHN, Peaceful Coexistence and Personal Law, How Barbarians Solved the Problem of Peaceful Coexistence, 2pp, extract from Edward Gibbon, with comments by J.Z., 1966, 24x, in PP 6.

ZUBE, JOHN, Peaceful Co-existence through the Millet System versus Aggressive and Oppressive Nationalism, 1p, 24x, in PP 12.

ZUBE, JOHN, Pirate Radio Stations – to Partly Realize and Generally Promote Individual Freedom, 4pp, 24x, in PP 12.

ZUBE, JOHN, Plakat – Diskussion (Flow Chart Discussion), Wie sollte eine Plakat-Diskussion vor sich gehen? Mit: Vorteile der Plakat-Diskussion, 2 S, ca. 1958, 29x, in PP 896. (How to conduct a flow-chart discussion and advantages of the method. A cheap alternative to computer conferencing – but written only in German.)

ZUBE, JOHN, Pluralism, 2pp, 1966, 24x, in PP 6.

ZUBE, JOHN, Policy and War, 1p, on Clausewitz, 1964, 29x, in PP 1&2.

ZUBE, JOHN, Politician’s Peace Plan, A, 2pp, on Pres. Johnson, 1966, 24x in PP 6.

ZUBE, JOHN, Potentials of Microfiche Publishing for Libertarian Students, extract, 2pp, in PP 478. (I probably filmed my full letter somewhere else. J.Z.)

ZUBE, JOHN, Poverty, How Would Capitalism Fight Involuntary Poverty? 1972, 6pp, 29x, in PP 385.

ZUBE, JOHN, Preliminary Attempt to Jot down all the Terms, Principles, Facts, Names and References that Should Be Included in a Handbook on Monetary Freedom, 35pp, 48x, in PP 740.

ZUBE, JOHN, Preliminary Compilation towards a Comprehensive Bibliography of Individualist – Libertarian – Anarchist Writings, 392pp, 1979, 24x, in PP 66-69.

ZUBE, JOHN, Preliminary Listing of some Duties that Are in Accordance with Individual Human Rights, 1971, 14 points, 48x, in PP 589/590.

ZUBE, JOHN, Private Social Insurance Companies, 1962, 3pp, 36x, in PP 61-63.

ZUBE, JOHN, Productive Cooperatives, 1962, 11pp, 36x, in PP 61-63.

ZUBE, JOHN, Public Debate, On Improving the Level of Public Debate, 8 pp, 1986, 29x, in PP 613.

ZUBE, JOHN, Public Opinion and Truth, The Difficulties of Enlightenment Efforts: Why Is it so Hard to Replace Public Opinion by Truths? 1977, 10pp, 24x, in PP 20/21.

ZUBE, JOHN, Quotes and discussion of contributions by Diogenes of Panarchia and Fred Foldvary, on panarchism, in TC, No. 104, of 6 June 82, 4pp, 29x, in PP 869.

ZUBE, JOHN, Radiation Hazards, Some Articles on the Risks from CRTs, TVs and X-rays, with some hints towards protective measures & gadgets, 1987, a compilation, 96 contributions, 124pp, 29x, PP 655. (On the computer alternatives see the special compilation in PP 686.)

ZUBE, JOHN, Real Bills Doctrine, Some Notes on the “Real Bills Doctrine”, written in its defence, against the charge by Kevin Dowd, Haeyek and Thornton, that it would be entirely fallacious, Feb./March 89, 23pp, in PP 827.

ZUBE, JOHN, Real Bills Doctrine, Some Remarks on the Real Bills Doctrine, as treated by Charles W. Munn, 3pp, in PP 827.

ZUBE, JOHN, Real Bills Doctrine, Some Remarks to Criticism by Hart & Kenen of the REAL BILLS DOCTRINE, 2pp, 29x, in PP 865.

ZUBE, JOHN, Real Bills Doctrine, Some Theses on the Real Bills Doctrine, March 89, 14pp, in PP 827.

ZUBE, JOHN, Real Bills Doctrine, The, in Friedman/Jacobson: A Monetary History…, 2pp, in PP 827.

ZUBE, JOHN, Recognition of Communist China? 2pp, 1964, 29x, in PP 1&2.

ZUBE, JOHN, Recognition, Moral and Political, Some Notes on Moral Recognition. What does “recognition” mean and how and when, if at all, should a government, group or being be recognized – and by whom? 4pp, 1971, 24x, in PP 15.

ZUBE, JOHN, Referendums, 1962, 6pp, 24x, in PP 15, 36x, in PP 61-63.

ZUBE, JOHN, Referendums, 1965, 6pp, including Queensland MAGNA CARTA draft, 24x, in PP 5.

ZUBE, JOHN, Refugees, Full Employment for Any Number of Refugees and Deserters, 6pp, 1965, 24x, in PP 6. (I read only today, in QUADRANT, that the road to liberty for the Boat People, such as it was, has now been almost completely blocked, as it was once, by the supposed defenders of freedom and civilization, for Jewish people and other victims of Nazi prosecution. The bureaucratic “mind” in operation: Let them suffer somewhere else, out of sight, away from TV cameras. Never mind, that this will undermine their belief in the potentials of liberty and will turn them again into more cogs and robots for totalitarian regimes, producers of powerful military machines and large and disciplined armies of conscripts against us. Western regimes are guilty of erecting “invisible” but efficient WALLS, based largely on public ignorance and prejudice, produced by the governmental miseducation machine. WHEN PEOPLE MAY NOT CROSS FRONTIERS, SOLDIERS WILL! – A supplement to Bastiat’s famous Free Trade slogan. Unfortunately, TV cannot show them as well as the brick and concrete ones and, usually, does not even try. J.Z. 19/5/89.)

ZUBE, JOHN, Refutations, Towards an Encyclopaedia of Libertarian Refutations, 2pp, 1970, 24x in PP 75. (This is definitely not a one-man job. Who else sees the need for this and is willing to collaborate? J.Z.)

ZUBE, JOHN, Reprivatization, Letter to the Editor, 7 Sep. 87, on consistent reprivatization, 1p, 48x, in PP 740.

ZUBE, JOHN, Review of Alex Michalos, Militarism, 1p, in PP 930.

ZUBE, JOHN, Review of F. Paul Wilson’s book: AN ENEMY OF THE STATE, “A Novel of the LaNague Federation”, N.Y., 1980, 269pp, in 1988, 5pp, in PP 789 & 811.

ZUBE, JOHN, Review of John Hospers: Libertarianism, A Political Philosophy for Tomorrow, 1975, 1p, 24x, in PP 16-18.

ZUBE, JOHN, Review of Otto von Habsburg, The Social Order of Tomorrow, 1957, which contains some exterritorialist notions, 6pp, 29x, in PP 755.

ZUBE, JOHN, Review of R. & E. Perkins: Precondition for Peace and Prosperity : Rational Anarchy, 1975, 1p, 24x, in PP 16-18.

ZUBE, JOHN, Review of: The New Approach to Freedom, by E.C. Riegel, 1p, 24x, in PP 11.

ZUBE, JOHN, Review, ROTHBARD, MURRAY N., The Spooner-Tucker Doctrine, Some preliminary Notes by John Zube, to Murray N. Rothbard’s article “The Spooner-Tucker Doctrine”, 20 pp. (Only 20 years late!) 29x, in PP 564.

ZUBE, JOHN, Revolution, Programme for a Revolution as a Deterrent against War, 1964, 1p, 29x, in PP 1&2.

ZUBE, JOHN, Revolution, Various Economic and Social Reform Measures of Libertarian Revolutionaries, a-p, 1962, 7pp, 36x, in PP 61-63.

ZUBE, JOHN, Revolution, What Can Already Now Be Done in the Free Countries to Prepare a Revolution against a Dictatorship like that of the Soviets? 1962, 9pp, 36x, in PP 61-63.

ZUBE, JOHN, Revolution, What Means and Methods Should Be Used by Libertarian Revolutionaries? 1962, 11pp, 36x, in PP 61-63.

ZUBE, JOHN, Revolutions, Realization of human rights and of the natural rights of rational beings, and thereby of peace, by REVOLUTIONS to overthrow dictatorial regimes, 162, 48pp, 36x, in PP 61-63.

ZUBE, JOHN, School of Living, Some Papers on the Anarchism and Monetary Freedom Views of the School of Living, a 1979 compilation, 98pp, 24x, in PP 55.

ZUBE, JOHN, Secessionism, Rightful Secessions and Independence for All in Rhodesia, 5pp, 1966, 24x, in PP 8.

ZUBE, JOHN, See: Slogans for Liberty, Monetary Freedom Newsletter, Peace Plans, On Panarchy.

ZUBE, JOHN, Shop Currencies, On, 29x, in PP 586/587.

ZUBE, JOHN, Should We Opt Out of Print on Paper, Partly, And Into Microfiche Reading and Publishing Opportunities, Particularly As Students and Libertarian Students? 10 July 89, 9pp, in PP 907-910.

ZUBE, JOHN, Slogans for Liberty Collection, Preliminary Notes, 2pp, 24x, in PP 75, 18pp in PP 415.

ZUBE, JOHN, Slogans for Liberty, a compilation, on Panarchism, in PP 415, 407 entries on 41pp, 29x, in PP 689, 4pp, 29x, in PP 755. (See under Slogans for Liberty.) On: Decision-Making Power that Is Monopolized and more or less Imposed, regarding War and Peace, Armament and Disarmament, International Treaties etc. and all too may Important Internal Affairs, 5pp, 42x, in PP 650. Compilation of: 100 Theses for Peace, 4pp, 29x, in PP 22. April 89, 2pp, on panarchism, in PP 832. (Many more files are listed under Slogans for Liberty.)

ZUBE, JOHN, Slogans for Liberty, Vol. I, Abandon – Axioms. Includes Aphorisms, Proverbs, Quotes, Definitions, Explanations, Corrections and Comments, collected by John Zube, especially from 1973-93, 210pp, in PP 1,050. (The other volumes will be published by and by, when I get around to keyboard them in. J.Z.)

ZUBE, JOHN, Social Control, leaflet distributed during the conference on Social Control, Sydney, June 89, 7pp, 29x, in PP 873.

ZUBE, JOHN, Social Defence, On, to Brian MARTIN, 9pp, 29x, in PP 423.

ZUBE, JOHN, Social Defence, On, to Canberra Peacemakers, 4pp, 29x, in PP 423.

ZUBE, JOHN, Soft Option, The Soft Option: Monetary Freedom to Stop Inflation without Causing Unemployment, 1976, 16pp, 24x, in PP 19B.

ZUBE, JOHN, Soldiers as Peace Workers, The Involuntary Soldiers Could Be the most Important Peace Workers, 1966, 9pp, 24x, in PP 7, 5pp, 42x, in PP 650.

ZUBE, JOHN, Some further Panarchist Notes to TC 98 of 13 Sep. 81, 3pp, answering Reilly, 29x, in PP 869.

ZUBE, JOHN, Some more notes on BUTLER SHAFFER’s stand against all institutions as oppressive, 2.6.99, 12 pp, in PP 1543/45: 720.

ZUBE, JOHN, Some Notes by John Zube on Sumner’s Folkways: What I found interesting in Sumner’s classic FOLKWAYS, among other things, is indicated by the following page references to a 605pp MENTOR BOOK edition of 1960: Capital & capitalism: 23; Crime & freedom of press: 36; Dis: 34/5 (For Encyclopaedia of Refutations); Diversity: 21; Happiness, joined by right: 24; India: 39/40; Marriage age: 40; Nationalism: 28/29; Politics: 37; Right, his definition: 41; Roman guilds: 250; Slave revolts: 245; Slavery: 232/33 ff. — As is to be expected from him, there are also many references of monetary freedom interest, e.g.: 137 & 142 on goods warrants and token money, 134, 140 & 142 on tax based money, 135 on legal tender, 135 on acceptance money, 137 on silver accounting currency, 137 on street car money, gambling money and milk money. I did not take the time to look for the corresponding page numbers in this present edition. — One does not know man merely from living within one kind of mores while ignoring or outlawing all others. The sheer variety reported here and deeply and long ingrained, makes it obvious that any attempt to constitutionally, legally, juridically, and militarily, by regulations or otherwise, to despotically impose any mores other than those which traditionally developed or were chosen by the participants, must, ultimately end in failure and will, in the meantime, cause much trouble, wrong and bloodshed. It is no longer possible to sort ourselves out geographically, in whole territories, according to our traditional or preferred mores. The desired diversity can only be attained through voluntarism and exterritorial autonomy. Even Jerusalem has become an international city. Already at the times of Josephus it had 3 civil war factions, fighting each other, while the city was besieged by the Romans. One territorial government, for as diverse critters, will always tend to become despotic, either “only” towards minorities or over the local or temporary majority, even if it is “only” democratic or republican despotism. Diversity is the only reality. Unity is not even a beautiful dream, far less a rightful one. Only panarchistically can peace and justice be attained, lastingly, without major bloodshed and with with precisely those degrees of freedom and rights which the diverse groupings aspire to for themselves. Thus we should leave ALL to THEIR folkways, except for those individuals and minorities who want to opt out of them and or adopt others for themselves! A great lesson in tolerance which, alas, has not yet been learnt. – My ON PANARCHY sub series, and the special works on the history of extraterritorial autonomy, try to sufficiently elaborate that message and speed up enlightenment in that important sphere. Sumner, alas, did not arrive at such conclusions. He failed to see the forest because he concentrated on the trees. – PIOT, J.Z., 21.1.96.

ZUBE, JOHN, Some Notes for the BEYOND SOCIAL CONTROL: STRATEGIES FOR STRUGGLE conference, in Sydney, June 10-11, 1989, 6pp, in PP 875.

ZUBE, JOHN, Some Notes for THE CONNECTION, 3 April 1984, on SOME WIDELY NEGLECTED STRENGTHS OF PANARCHY, 3pp, in PP 1420/22: 556.

ZUBE, JOHN, Some Notes to J.D. Unwin’s Hopousia, 96, 12p, in PP 1364: 111.

ZUBE, JOHN, Some Notes to JERRY POURNELLE’s A Step Further Out, 1979-84, 384pp, 1p, 1989, in PP 907-910.

ZUBE, JOHN, Some Notes to the Coming-up Decentralist Conference, April 96, 2pp, in PP 1323: 114.

ZUBE, JOHN, Some Notes to WHITE, ANDREW DICKSON, Fiat Money Inflation in France, 3pp: I-IV, in PP 1470.

ZUBE, JOHN, Some Notes towards a Talk in The Domain, Sydney, Free Speech Day, 2 Nov. 97, & in the Wayside Chapel’s, lateron, 29pp, 86, in PP 1451. On some of my main interests, from open air speaking centres to panarchism. – J.Z.

ZUBE, JOHN, Some Notes, 1.1.98, to an extract from the International Harry Schultz Letter, a modified by ACFR, 6pp: 137, in PP 1505.

ZUBE, JOHN, Some Notes, 7pp, 1995, to: WATNER, CARL, Hard Money, Soft Money and Government Money! THE VOLUNTARYIST, June 1989, 2pp, in PP 1240.

ZUBE, JOHN, Some Panarchist Comments to THE CONNECTION, No. 87, of 2 June 80, in 7/89, 3pp, in PP 869.

ZUBE, JOHN, Some Panarchist Notes from and to TC 101, of 24 Jan. 82, by J. Zube, 13 July 89, 14pp, responding to Filthy Pierre, Diogenes of Panarchia, Jim Stumm, Pyrrho, Dunn, 29x, in PP 869.

ZUBE, JOHN, Some Panarchist Notes from and to The Connection, No. 105, on 22 July 89, 9 pp, 29x, replying to Pyrrho, Diogenes and McElroy, on The Voluntaryists, in PP 869.

ZUBE, JOHN, Some Panarchist Notes from TC 90, 13 Oct. 80, with some Panarchist Comments by J. Zube, on 24 July 89, to Tom Donaldson, Diogenes of Panarchia, Filthy Pierre, 4pp, 29x, in PP 869.

ZUBE, JOHN, Some Panarchist or Panarchist Interest Writings in the LMP Series – apart from those in the by now 16 volumes ON PANARCHY, April 89, 2pp, in PP 920.

ZUBE, JOHN, Some Panarchist Quotes from and Notes to TC 92, of 4 Jan. 81, on 4.7.89, 7pp, responding to Diogenes of Panarchia and Filthy Pierre, 29x, in PP 869.

ZUBE, JOHN, Some Panarchistic Notes from and to TC, No. 99, of 2 Nov. 81, in July 89, to Filthy Pierre, Foldvary, Taylor-Radford, Pyrrho, 4pp, 29x, in PP 869.

ZUBE, JOHN, Some Panarchistic Notes from TC 107, of 23 Oct. 82, by Foldvary, FP, Taylor-Radford, Diogenes, Downard, Johnson, Kysor, Pyrrho, with comments by JZ of 25 July 89, 9pp, 29x, in PP 870.

ZUBE, JOHN, Some Panarchistic Notions from John Zube, March 1996, 6pp in PP 1540: 161.

ZUBE, JOHN, Some Quotes from and Notes to: ANDERSON, CARLOTTA R., All-American Anarchist, Joseph A. Labadie and the Labor Movement, 1998, indexed, hard-bound, Wayne State U.P., Detroit, 324pp, $ 35., 25pp, in PP 1535: 94.

ZUBE, JOHN, Some Thoughts on How a Libertarian Society Would Tend to Reduce Crime, reproduced from PEACE PLANS No. 15, of December 1971, 9pp.

ZUBE, JOHN, Speculate upon the Extension of your Life – and you MAY Succeed! 5pp, 1981: 419, in PP 1292. – Financing cryonic suspension or other body and mind preservation techniques, however efficient or inefficient they still are, appears to me to be a major problem. Can one financially appeal to the survival instinct, benevolence towards descendants and to a new kind of VERY speculative capital market, still to be developed for this purpose? For almost everything else skilful salesmanship has been developed. Why not, as yet, for this greatest of all prizes: life extension or revival and reconstruction, after death and successful preservation methods have been supplied? – J.Z.

ZUBE, JOHN, Spencer’s Land Reform, Herbert Spencer’s Proposal: Tenancy of the Highest Bidder, 2pp, 1965, 2pp, 24x, in PP 5.

ZUBE, JOHN, Standard of Value, a 1p compilation of sayings on the standard of value, 48x, in PP 645.

ZUBE, JOHN, Stock Market Crash, On the Current Stock Market Crash, Some Notes, Nov. 87, 10pp, 48x, in PP 740.

ZUBE, JOHN, Super Computer, The Super Computer System and Super Computer Club, 1977, a number of articles, 164pp, 24x, in PP 20/21 (AN IDEAL MARKET FOR FREEDOM IDEAS). Written with DAVID ZUBE. Contains a list of over 1,000 libertarian projects, asking for collaboration on them. Does it surprise you that this collaboration did not eventuate? But at least LMP resulted from this failure. J.Z.)

ZUBE, JOHN, Supplementary LMP Listing, covering PEACE PLANS Nos. 1279 – 1319 & some numbers that were previously reserved. Initially 1395 items were sorted. 61pp, in PP 1333: 150. The main LMP list was reproduced in PP 1278 and was once listed on the Internet under USENET: ALT.SOC.ANARCHY Is it there still or was it only one of many temporary appearances on the Internet? – 1997 Supplementary LMP List, to PP 1445, 240pp, in PP 1446.

ZUBE, JOHN, Tax Strike, Some Notes on the Possibility of a Tax Strike, 1970, 11pp, 24x, in PP 13.

ZUBE, JOHN, Taxation and Bureaucracy, How to End all Taxes and all National Socialist Enterprises, Peacefully, Profitably, within a Year, 1972, 1p, 29x, in PP 724.

ZUBE, JOHN, They Had A Dream – And They Did Something About It, 3pp on microfiching, with a note by Filthy Pierre, in PP 907-910.

ZUBE, JOHN, to BARR JOHN F., 20.3.91, 2pp: 391, 14.5.91, 1p, in PP 1371/72: 403.

ZUBE, JOHN, to BLOUNT, P.C., 28.7.92 & 14.2.93, 3pp, in PP 479.

ZUBE, JOHN, to MEANDER QUARTERLY, c/o MUNSON, CHUCK, 29. Feb. 96, 5pp, containing some of my usual complaints on what has not been done and what should be done, in PP 1323: 116.

ZUBE, JOHN, to MILLENNIUM TWAIN, 28.3.96, 6pp, in PP 1355: 90.

ZUBE, JOHN, to SANDBERG, MARTA, 29 Oct. 93, 5pp: 427, in PP 1292.

ZUBE, JOHN, to SELTZER, RICHARD, B & R. Express, 4 April 96, 1p, in PP 1409/10: 242.

ZUBE, JOHN, to THE ANARCHIST, Brisbane, 9.11.94, 3pp, in PP 474. – These anarchists, too, showed no interest in their micrographic options but, instead, try to turn their newspaper into a mass medium. For this they do have a small chance, since they do share many of the prejudices of the masses. – J.Z.

ZUBE, JOHN, to THEISEN, EUGENE J., 1 Aug. 68, 2pp: 50, in PP 1493.

ZUBE, JOHN, to VETERANS FOR PEACE JOURNALS, 9.1.90, 1p, in PP 1371/72: 384.

ZUBE, JOHN, Tolerance, see: ZUBE, JOHN & BECKERATH, ULRICH VON, Tolerance: The Case for Economic and Political Tolerance as the only sound policy, 32pp, 24x, in PP 42-44 & in a 2nd. and much more legible edition, 15pp, 29x, in PP 415.

ZUBE, JOHN, Tolerance: The Case for Economic and Political Tolerance as the only sound policy, 32pp, 24x, in PP 42-44, 2nd. edition, 15pp, 29x, in PP 415 (a more legible edition). This booklet begins with some significant extracts and examples from the writings of ULRICH von BECKERATH, 1882-1969, the most radical, prolific and consistent defender of tolerance for actions – towards tolerant people – that I have come to meet and appreciate. – J.Z., 16.10.97. – Compare the private human rights drafts in PP 589/590.

ZUBE, JOHN, Trade with Communist Governments but Give them neither Credit nor Subsidies!, 7pp, 1966, 24x, in PP 8.

ZUBE, JOHN, Truck System, LET’S GET TRUCKING, Descriptions, Condemnations & Defences of the Truck System and what could have developed out of it, a compilation, with letters by Ulrich von Beckerath, in German, on the “fichas” – canteen goods warrants of South American mines, and some comments by John Zube, 93pp, 1986, 29x, in PP 641.

ZUBE, JOHN, Tucker’s LIBERTY, An Appeal regarding Tucker’s LIBERTY, 2pp, 1981, 29x, in PP 403.

ZUBE, JOHN, Tucker’s LIBERTY, Introduction, 2pp, 1980, to the microfiche issue of B.R. Tucker’s LIBERTY, 29x, in PP 247.

ZUBE, JOHN, Tyrannenmord, Einige Notizen und Zitate zum Thema Tyrannenmord, 24 S., 24x, in PP 330.

ZUBE, JOHN, Tyrannicide, Set a Price on the Heads of Enemy Dictators!, 3pp, 1964, 29x, in PP 1 & 2.

ZUBE, JOHN, Tyrannicide, The Threat of Tyrannicide Should Replace the Threat of Massive Nuclear Retaliation, 1p, 1964, 29x, in PP 1 & 2.

ZUBE, JOHN, Unemployment Is Mainly the Result of Currency Manipulation! (1st. draft), 1p, 29x, in PP 420.

ZUBE, JOHN, Unemployment, Brainstorming on Unemployment, 1986, 3pp, 29x, in PP 630.

ZUBE, JOHN, Unemployment, How to Replace Unemployment and Under-employment by Full Employment and Over-Employment, to the Extent that they Are Wanted? 1974, 7pp, 29x, in PP 420 & 545.

ZUBE, JOHN, Unemployment, How Would Monetary Freedom Rid Us of Unemployment? (2nd. draft), 1p, 29x, in PP 420.

ZUBE, JOHN, Unemployment: 1.) Brainstorming on Unemployment, 3pp, 1986, 2.) Some Notes on Cause and Cure of Unemployment, 30pp, 1985/86, 48x, in PP 645.

ZUBE, JOHN, Unilateral Destruction of our Atomic Weapons because they Cannot Be Justified, 1p, quoting letter by “Ex-Marine”, 29x, in PP 1 & 2.

ZUBE, JOHN, Unilateral Destruction of our Nuclear Arsenal because Atomic Bombs and Rockets with Nuclear Warheads Are no Weapons, 2pp, 1965, 24x, in PP 3.

ZUBE, JOHN, Vietnam and Anti-Communism, Some Reasons for an Anti-Communist for Refusing to Volunteer for the USA and Australian Side in the Conflict in Vietnam, 2pp, 24x, in PP 12.

ZUBE, JOHN, Vietnam, How Could South Vietnam Be Politically Organized to the Satisfaction of all but the Totalitarians? 3pp, 1965, 24x, in PP 3. (Applies to all countries where there is open or covert civil war. Are there any others? J.Z. 5/89.)

ZUBE, JOHN, Vietnam, Send 350,000 Young American Girls and Women to Vietnam – to Reduce the War-Prolonging Anti-American Sentiment! 2pp, 1966, 24x, in PP 8.

ZUBE, JOHN, Vietnam: Peace through Radical and Proper Intervention, 4pp, 1964, 29x, in PP 1 & 2.

ZUBE, JOHN, Voluntary Education, Voluntarily Financed, 1971, 12pp, 24x, in PP 14.

ZUBE, JOHN, Voluntary Taxation – in a voluntarist society or: Free Market Prices and Subscriptions for ALL Desired Services – as Steps towards Peace and Individual Liberty, 1971, 45pp, 24x, in PP 14.

ZUBE, JOHN, Voluntary Taxation or Fees for Services instead of Compulsory Taxation, 1974, 3pp, 29x, in PP 420, 42x, in PP 650.

ZUBE, JOHN, Voluntary Taxation, Notes on Voluntary Taxation, 28pp, 1981, 24x, in PP 336.

ZUBE, JOHN, Vorteile der Plakat-Diskussion & Wie sollte eine Plakat-Diskussion for sich gehen? 2 S., 1958? In PP 1512: 207.

ZUBE, JOHN, War Aims, Declaration of Rightful War Aims, public and timely, as a means to prevent or shorten wars, 1p, 1964, 29x, in PP 1&2.

ZUBE, JOHN, War Over the Falkland Islands? 4 April 1982, 4pp, when the clash seemed imminent, on alternatives, 29x, in PP 403.

ZUBE, JOHN, War, Let us Turn Wars into Election Campaigns, 1975, 3pp, 24x, in PP 16-18, 2pp, 42x, in PP 650.

ZUBE, JOHN, Warfare as Conducted by an Ideal Militia: A Kind of Military Jiu Jitsu, 1962, 28pp, 36x, in PP 61-63.

ZUBE, JOHN, Was Robert Heinlein Right in Stating that Mark Twain Knew HOW TO DEVELOP PSI OR ESP POWERS and did Twain put this method on record? When and where, 2pp, Dec. 89, in PP 1113. I got a book – length bibliography of his writings – but it is still incomplete and its references on this point are uncertain. – J.Z.

ZUBE, JOHN, Wayside Chapel of the Cross (Sydney), The, 2pp, 1964, 29x, in PP 1 & 2.

ZUBE, JOHN, What About Copyrights? 3pp, 1986, in PP 907-910.

ZUBE, JOHN, Workers Party and Progress Party of Australia, 1975-1979, a compilation of some platforms, statements, leaflets and newsletters, 196pp, 24x, in PP 48-49.

ZUBE, JOHN, Workers Party, platform extracts, with some comments, 4pp, 1975, 24x, in PP 16-18.

ZUBE, JOHN, Would It Suffice If We Saved Our Constitution From Further Deterioration? 1983, 2pp, in PP 1539: 198. – On panarchism.

ZUBE, KURT & ZUBE, JOHN, Einige Fragen und Antworten, Okt. 86, 9 S., in PP 811. (Erste Tonbandsitzung?) – Zweite Tonbandsitzung, Okt. 86, etwas redigiert aber Kurt’s Beitraege moeglichst wortgetreu wiedergegeben, 19 S., in PP 811. – Dritte Tonbandsitzung, Ende Okt. 86, 16 S., in PP 811. – Alas, there were all too few such discussions in our lives, all amounting to no more than a few hours. There was considerable correspondence between us but neither sufficed to bridge major differences in our libertarian premises outlooks and proposals. With ten to a hundred times as many hours of oral or written exchanges we might have reached a higher degree of agreements – but even this is doubtful judging by other examples of continuing misunderstandings that I have seen between otherwise intelligent and honest people. The one against one discussion only rarely becomes a one with one discussion. The egos get in the way and the multitude of not yet clarified popular prejudices, of which each tends to have adopted a different set. Thus I am very much interested in promoting impersonal exchanges and exchange processes, between many people with similar interests, with sufficient record keeping an retrieval as well as updating options. See Ideas Archives, Flow Chart Discussions, Encyclopaedias of Refutations, Definitions and Best Ways of Putting a Case. Maybe the Internet connections will develop these and other desirable tools, like directories to people with special interests, talents and commitments, by the way, as one way to manage its traffic. – J.Z., 13.6.98.

ZUBE, KURT an ARONHEIM, WALTER, 29.12.33, 1 S.: 116, in PP 1477. – Ueber seine “Vertriebsmethode” fuer den RADIKALER GEIST und spaetere Publikationen, unverlangt zugesandt, mit Zahlungsverlangen! Nach deutschem Gesetz musste der Empfaenger unverlangte Gueter aufbewahren bis zur Abholung durch den Sender. Diese Aufdringlichkeit beim Vertrieb hatte Kurt by Vielen unbeliebt gemacht. Probeexemplare ohne Rechnung zu schicken ist etwas ganz anderes. Die kann der Empfaenger einfach wegwerfen. – J.Z.

ZUBE, KURT an BLANKERTZ, STEFAN, 20.4.83, 3 S., in PP 1333: 66.

ZUBE, KURT an BLANKERTZ, STEFAN, 26.4.83, 1 S., in PP 1333: 71.

ZUBE, KURT an FREY, SEPP, 4.12.56, 1 S., in PP 1330-1332: 369.

ZUBE, KURT an FUERSTLICH LIECHTENSTEINISCHE REGIERUNG, 23. 12. 34, 1 S., ueber den “Schoenstein Plan” und “WIR” Wirtschaftsring u. seine Einwanderungsabsicht: 117, in PP 1477.

ZUBE, KURT an MAX STIRNER INSTITUT, Hamburg, 4.11.83,1S., in PP 1329: 162.

ZUBE, KURT an SCHWENKE, SIEGFRIED, 23.1.83, 2S., in PP 1333: 58.

ZUBE, KURT to ZUBE, JOHN, 7 Fragen zum ESAG Plan, mit einigen kurzen Antworten von J.Z., 13. Oct. 84., 2 S., in PP 810.

ZUBE, KURT to ZUBE, JOHN, Correspondence, in German, extracts on panarchism, from letters between 22 Aug. 85 and 1 Feb. 89, 5pp, 29x, in PP 901.

ZUBE, KURT vs. ZUBE, JOHN, J.Z. vs. K.Z., Comments to K.Z.’s book: The Manifesto for Peace and Freedom, 11 S., in German, ca. 1984, in PP 811.

ZUBE, KURT, 14.7.1905 – 7.5.1991, Lebenslauf, in 4 S., 22.7.51 geschrieben, von ihm selbst. 1 S., kein Datum, nach 1955 in Frankfurt/M. geschrieben. 1 S., n.d., bis 1953, “Persoenliches Grundbuch”, 2 S., bis 1954, in PP1291p237ff.

ZUBE, KURT, 2 S. Flugblatt ueber das ESaG Zahlungsverfahren, undatiert, 29x, in PP 867.

ZUBE, KURT, Anarchie als Vollendung der Demokratie, undatiert, ueber Panarchismus, 8 S., 29x, in PP 901.

ZUBE, KURT, Argumente eines Friedliebenden, Manuskript, undatiert, 2 S., aus dem Nachlass, in PP 1329: 206.

ZUBE, KURT, Bank von Danzig, 1975, 3 S., 29x, in PP 742.

ZUBE, KURT, Bank von Danzig, The Bank of Danzig, a revival project, several short papers, partly in German, partly in English, 18pp, in PP 810.

ZUBE, KURT, Besprechung von: Hans G. Helms: Die Ideologie der anonymen Gesellschaft, 3 S., 1967/68, 29x, in PP 300.

ZUBE, KURT, Borgius, Dr. Walther, Nachwort, 27 S., zu Dr. Walther Borgius: Die Schule, 29x, in PP 331.

ZUBE, KURT, Das ESAG – (Existenzsicherung auf Gegenseitigkeit) Zahlungs- und Kreditsystem, 6 S., undatiert, in PP 810.

ZUBE, KURT, Das Manifest…. See under: SOLNEMAN, K.H.Z.

ZUBE, KURT, Das neue ESAG (Existenzsicherung auf Gegenseitigkeit) Zahlungs- und Kreditsystem, 1981, 8 S., in PP 810.

ZUBE, KURT, Das Silber und die Wirtschaftskrise, 1 S., in PP 1328: Besprechung von AGAHD, ERNST, Kain und Abel in der Weltwirtschaft, Berlin, 48 S. Fuer Einfuehrung des Silbergeldes und kritisch gegenueber offiziellen und zwangsweisen Auf- und Abwertungen. Irgendwo hat Ulrich von Beckerath dazu eine kritische Anmerkung gemacht. – J.Z.

ZUBE, KURT, Der Bonaventura-Trust – das sicherste und ertragreichste Unternehmen der Welt, 2 S., in PP 1328. – Er war es nicht – fuer ihn. – J.Z.

ZUBE, KURT, Der Grund fuer die Unwirksamkeit aller bisherigen Friedensbestrebungen, 10 S. Manuskript, undatiert. Bereits veroeffentlicht? In PP 1333: 42.

ZUBE, KURT, Der Kern des Uebels, Entwurf, ueber Zins, dreissiger Jahre, 6 S., in PP 1351: 159-164. – Mit U. von Beckerath sehe ich eher die Zahlungsunfaehigkeit, verursacht durch monetaeren Despotismus, als die Wurzel des Uebels an. – J.Z., 31.10.96.

ZUBE, KURT, Der multilaterale Ringtausch in bargeldloser Verrechnung, 2 S., undatiert, in PP 810.

ZUBE, KURT, Der Schwindel mit der Arbeitslosigkeit, 19 S., in PP 809. (Ueber Zugang zum Boden, Geldmonopol und “offene” Betriebe.) In ZUR SACHE, No. 2, 1981, 20 S., in PP 810.

ZUBE, KURT, Die Auswirkungen des SAG-Giroverkehrs, 5 S., in PP 1328,

ZUBE, KURT, Die naturgemaesse Schlafzeit von 19 Uhr bis 23.20 Uhr. Eine verrueckte Idee oder geniale Entdeckung? 1 S., in PP 1328. Besprechung von: STOECKMANNN, THEODOR, Die Naturzeit. Der Schlaf for Mitternacht als Kraft- und Heilquelle, Hippokrates Verlag, Stuttgart, 2. Aufl., 1935, 53 S. – Als ob nicht jeder seine persoenliche Schlafzeit haette. Und was haben dann, fuer ca. 40 Millionen Jahre, die meisten im Dunkeln nach Mitternacht gemacht? Karezza Praxis bis zum Sonnenaufgang? Die Schlafforschung fuellt jetzt schon viele Baende. Soviel ich weiss, ist diese Beobachtung oder Erfahrung nicht bestaetigt worden. Man hat aber gefunden, dass es tiefen und leichten Schlaf gibt. Als Schichtarbeiter musste ich mir fuer viele Jahre meinen Tiefschlaf zu anderen Stunden einholen. – J.Z.

ZUBE, KURT, Die SAG-Konten fuehrenden Banken haben folgende Vorteile, 9 Punkte auf 1 S., in PP 1328.

ZUBE, KURT, Die Schwindel-Demokratie. Der grosse Betrug und Selbstbetrug durch Fehlvorstellungen und verwirrtes Denken, 24 S. (with some panarchist thoughts), in PP 809.

ZUBE, KURT, Die Technik des dynamischen Zinses und die Voraussetzungen seines Inkassos, 3 S., in PP 1328.

ZUBE, KURT, Die Verwertung von Erfindungen, 1 S., ueber: RAUTER, GUSTAV, Die Verwertung von Erfindungen, 5. Auflage, 1935, 119 S., in PP 1328.

ZUBE, KURT, Die Wurzeln des Pangermanismus, Ueber Wiedervereinigung und Imperialismus, ca. 1945-51, 4 S., in PP 1535: 121.

ZUBE, KURT, Drei Moeglichkeiten fuer Sie, 2 S. Flugblatt seiner “Weltweite Versandbuchhandlung”, zugunsten von ERLESENES, in PP 1322: 120. Blieb wirkungslos.

ZUBE, KURT, Ein Mensch der abhaengt…, naehere Erlaeuterung des 1. Flugblattes der Mackay Gesellschaft, undatiert, 4 S., in PP 811.

ZUBE, KURT, Ein neues Inseratsystem, undatiert, 2 S., in PP 1333: 54.

ZUBE, KURT, Ein Verleger erlaeutert sein Programm, 2 S., in PP 1290/91p142.

ZUBE, KURT, Ein Verleger erlaeutert sein Programm, ca. 1946, 4 S., u.a. ueber Ideen Archiv, in PP 1327 : 120 & PP 1330/1332: 277.

ZUBE, KURT, Ein Vorschlag an alle, die es angeht! 1958 appeal to anarchists, 3pp, presumably by K.Z., from whom I got it. – J.Z. In PP ???

ZUBE, KURT, Erfolgsbericht, Wie ich ein unloesbar scheinendes Problem bewaeltigte. Ein Beitrag zur Naturgeschichte a l l e r grossen Ideen, n.d., 1933? – Sein Beitrag zur Schaffung des WIR Wirtschaftsringes, in seiner Einschaetzung und seinen Worten: 7 S., in PP 1333: 35.

ZUBE, KURT, Gesichte der Nacht, undatiert, 10 S.: 140, in PP 1478. – Kurzgeschichte.

ZUBE, KURT, Guter Rat, 7 S., in PP 1328, ueber das SAG Verfahren.

ZUBE, KURT, Heil Hitler! (im Sinne von “heile ihn!”); Greuelpropaganda des Berliner Lokalanzeigers (ueber Anarchie); Statt eines Programmes; Besprechung von John Henry Mackay’s “Abrechnung”, Ist der Anarchismus staatsfeindlich? 42x, in PP 567. (Diese Ausgaben fuehrten zur Ausbuergerung durch die Nazis und damit zum Arbeitsverbot fuer Kurt u. seine Familie.)

ZUBE, KURT, Herr Helms & Herr Stirner, A Critique of Hans G. Helms: The Ideology of the Anonymous Society, 4pp, in PP 1420/22: 99.

ZUBE, KURT, IDEEN ARCHIV, Ideen . Talente . Genies, Nr. 1, Einfuehrungsband, 1949, hier nur der Anhang, der im Hauptteil und seiner Englischen Uebersetzung, in PP 183, ausgelassen wurde, 44 S., in PP 1330-1332: 1.

ZUBE, KURT, In eigener Sache, 4 S, in PP 1290/91p129. See: SOLNEMAN.

ZUBE, KURT, In eigener Sache, 4 S., undatiert, Beilage zum EUROPAEISCHEN BEOBACHTER, wahrscheinlich 1946, in PP 1327: 116.

ZUBE, KURT, Ist der Anarchismus staatsfeindlich? Ein kleines Kolleg fuer Geheime Staatspolizeiaemter, Staatsanwaelte und Staatsgerichtshoefe, aber auch fuer WIRKLICHE Anarchisten, 1933, 8 S., in PP 1328: 128. Er vergass einen der Wahlsprueche der Nazis: “Wir diskutieren nicht! Wir haben Gummiknueppel!” Dass sie auch K.Z.s hatten, fuer ihre Gegner, wagten sie meist nicht so offen zu sagen. Zuvor verfilmt, von einer schon fast unlesbaren Kopie, in PP 466ff, S. 4724ff.

ZUBE, KURT, Ist der Anarchismus staatsfeindlich? Mai 1933, 8 S., in PP 466 (Page 4724).

ZUBE, KURT, Lebenslauf, undatiert, 1 S., bis 1954, in PP 1330-1332: 370.

ZUBE, KURT, Moechten Sie mehr und sicherer verdienen als ein Spielkasino? 2 S., IDEEN ARCHIV, in PP 1330-1332: 213. – Moechten u. Koennen sind sehr verschieden. Die meisten moechten z.B. in einer grossen Lotterie etc. gewinnen. Aber koennen das Alle? In der TV Werbung wird oft Allen Glueck gewuenscht – und unkritisch angenommen. – J.Z., 28.9.97.

ZUBE, KURT, Offener Brief an Rudolf Augstein, der Herrschaft und Knechtschaft fuer notwendig haelt, Mackay Gesellschaft, 1975, 16 S., in PP 815.

ZUBE, KURT, Offener Brief, 1.7.68, an den Herrn Bundesminister der Finanzen, Dr.h.c. Strauss, den Herrn Bundesminister fuer Wirtschaft, Prof Dr. Schiller und die Wirtschaftsredaktion der Frankfurter Allgemeinen Zeitung, 7 S., in PP 1328, ueber das SAG Verfahren.

ZUBE, KURT, Photo von “Solneman” (1905 – 1991), 1933, in PP 825. – He struggled over half a century for his kind of individualist anarchism and various projects to promote it. In spite of numerous disagreements and often abominable treatment by him (all, naturally, with the best of good intentions!), I still liked him somewhat. He thought that we could have achieved much more if I had joined his enterprises. I thought the same, if he had joined mine, especially my microfiching efforts. Insofar, we were equals. We shared several major ideals – e.g. the Ideas Archive, monetary freedom, panarchism, open cooperatives, free trade, individualist anarchism – and yet there are sharp divisions on details of these and on other major points – rights, abortion, interest, land reform, his ESAG plan, libertarian education and propaganda methods, interest – just like in the libertarian movement in general. Most of his correspondence ended up in a planned archive of individualist anarchism in Berlin. He remained a paper addict to his end. The Mackay Gesellschaft, which he established and led and also almost killed, single-handedly, through behaviour characteristic for him, is now being revived by Uwe Timm and others. See here e.g. LERNZIEL ANARCHIE & RADIKALER GEIST. – J.Z.

ZUBE, KURT, Planskizze einer sehr ausbaufaehigen Zeitschrift, undatiert, 1 S., in PP 1333: 52.

ZUBE, KURT, Planskizze fuer eine Buchserie zeitgenoessischer Kurz-Biographien, n.d., 2 S., in PP 1333: 56.

ZUBE, KURT, Propagandaverkauf einiger Sondernummern unter dem Schlagwort “Wert: 20 Schilling! – Preis: 20 Groschen!” n.d., 1S., in PP 1333: 53.

ZUBE, KURT, Proudhon, Nachwort, 5 S., zu Muelberger: Proudhon, 24x, in PP 293.

ZUBE, KURT, Richtigstellung….27.4.1984, 6 S., in PP 811. (Ueber seine Verfolgung durch die Nazis.)

ZUBE, KURT, Schlichte Dummheit, 2 S., undated old draft: 203, in PP 1465. – In German.

ZUBE, KURT, See also: SOLNEMAN, K.H.Z., his pseudonym. See: MACKAY GESELLSCHAFT.

ZUBE, KURT, See: SOLNEMAN, K.H.Z., his pseudonym for most of his writings.

ZUBE, KURT, See: TIMM, UWE, Zum Gedaechtnis an KURT ZUBE, 5 S.: 6, in PP 1456.

ZUBE, KURT, Selbsthilfe gegen Arbeitslosigkeit, Geldmangel und Krise! 15 S. ueber SAG System, in IDEEN ARCHIV, in PP 1330-32.

ZUBE, KURT, Statischer und dynamischer Zins – ein neuer Gesichtspunkt, 6 S., in PP 1328.

ZUBE, KURT, Stellungnahme zur Berufungsklage des Landesamtes fuer die Wiedergutmachung, 4 S., undatiert, in PP 811.

ZUBE, KURT, The Manifesto for Peace & Freedom, see under: SOLNEMAN, K.H.Z.

ZUBE, KURT, The New MS (Mutual Security-, Payment- & Credit System), 1981, 8pp, in PP 810.

ZUBE, KURT, to Lewis & Clark College, 1980, 3pp, on the Mackay Society, 24x, in PP 156.

ZUBE, KURT, Ueber die Abschaffung des Bodenmonopols, 16 S., in PP 809.

ZUBE, KURT, Unsere Antwort, 1 S., in PP 1290/91p121, auf: “Ein voelkisch-europaeischer Beobachter”.

ZUBE, KURT, Was ist individualistischer Anarchismus? 4 S., n.d., in PP 811.

ZUBE, KURT, Zubisms, Slogans for liberty in PP 29.

ZUBE, KURT, Zur Einfuehrung, 2 S., in PP 1328, zum EUROPAEISCHEN BEOBACHTER.

ZUCKERMAN, WILLIAM, True vs. Untrue Statements, 2pp, on A.J. Nock’s view on Jews vs. Rocker’s views & practice, in PP 1401.

ZUCKERT, MICHAEL P., An Introduction to Locke’s First Treatise, INTERPRETATION 8, Jan. 79, 58-74, summary only, 1p, in LITERATURE OF LIBERTY, in PP 1201p886, headed: Locke’s First Treatise and Modernity.

ZUNIN, LEONARD, Aggression – in the shadow of 16,000 lifetimes, 3pp: 544, in PP 1457/62. – Zunin is a psychiatrist and director of the Institute for Reality Therapy. – Thus he may be as far away from reality as possible! – J.Z.

ZUPAN, MARTY, Kuhn’s World, THE OCCASIONAL REVIEW 6, Summer 1977, 119-148, summary only, 1p, in LITERATURE OF LIBERTY, in PP 1199p268, headed: Kuhn’s Paradigm.

ZUR SACHE, No.1, eine Schriftenreihe der Mackay Gesellschaft, 16pp, 24x, in PP 332. (Panarchistic!)

ZUR SACHE, Nr. 1-3, 1981-82, eine Schriftenreihe der Mackay Gesellschaft. Von Nr. 4 an in einem anderen Format u. deshalb separat verfilmt, 62 S., in PP 809. – Nr. 4-10, 1983-1986, ueber 300 S., in PP 826.

ZYCHER, BENJAMIN, Insurance Fraud, California Style, 89, 1p, on official frauds, CATO CLIPPINGS, in PP 1139.

ZYLERBERG, MEIR, El Concepto der Mercado “A La Sovietica”, 1990 clipping, 2pp, in PP 1156.